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Let's be careful out there, Billie

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Pink Freud©®

no leída,
26 dic 2007, 5:19:5626/12/07

Person of the Year Mayor Jerry Sanders by Joseph Peña

Published Thursday, 13-Dec-2007 in issue 1042

“I have a few choice words for the criminals who committed this vicious
attack and for any others who are contemplating perpetrating such a crime:
You are cowards. Make no mistake about it; if you commit such a crime, we
will do everything within our power to catch you.”

Mayor Jerry Sanders in a press conference addressing the city following
the hate crimes that took place Gay Pride weekend in Balboa Park, 2006

“I have close family members and friends who are members of the gay and
lesbian community. These folks include my daughter Lisa and her partner,
as well as members of my personal staff. I want for them the same thing
that we want for all our loved ones – for each of them to find a mate whom
they love deeply and who loves them back; someone with whom they can grow
old together and share life’s wondrous adventures. And I want their
relationships to be protected equally under the law. In the end, I could
not look any of them in the face and tell them that their relationships –
their very lives – were any less meaningful than the marriage I share with
my wife Rana.”

Mayor Jerry Sanders in a press conference addressing his support of the
friend-of-the-court brief in an appeal of a same-sex marriage ban to the
California Supreme Court, 2007 Jerry Sanders is no fair-weather friend. He
is a man of conviction. From CNN to YouTube, the video of Mayor Sanders’
emotional announcement that he would sign an amicus brief in favor of
same-sex marriage circulated to millions. The mayor’s emotional press
conference came on the heels of a previous announcement that he would veto
the amicus brief, a friend-of-the-court brief in an appeal of a same-sex
marriage license ban to the California Supreme Court.

The about-face stunned his conservative Republican base, as well as
members of San Diego’s GLBT community. It is the mayor’s stand for
marriage equality, for his daughter, and for all families that has earned
Jerry Sanders the Gay & Lesbian Times’ recognition as Person of the Year.
Sanders, the only person to be awarded Person of the Year consecutively,
was recognized in 2006 for his work uniting the community after the
attacks on six gay men at the Pride festival. For the second year in a
row, Sanders has stood with the GLBT community – though, this year, his
stand was unexpected. “During my campaign two years ago, I announced that
I did not support gay marriage,” the mayor said, in the afternoon press

“Instead I supported civil unions and domestic partnerships. I have
personally wrestled with that position ever since.” The mayor took a long
pause and a sip of water before he continued. “My opinions on this issue
have evolved significantly. “The arrival of the resolution to sign or veto
in my office late last night forced me to reflect and search my soul for
the right thing to do.” He paused again.

“I have decided to lead with my heart … to do what I think is right, to
take a stand on the side of equality and social justice … the right thing
to do is sign this resolution.” The tearful mayor continued, explaining he
could no longer support “separate but equal” rights, and, for the first
time in a public forum, he acknowledged his daughter Lisa’s sexuality.
Months later, the video and Sanders’ change of heart, still has widespread
impact. The Republican mayor faced significant backlash from constituents,
but garnered the praise of the local GLBT community and media outlets,
including the Los Angeles Times.

An error does not become truth by reason of multiplied propagation, nor
does the truth become error because nobody will see it.

-Mohandas K. Gandhi (1869-1948)

L.W.(ßill)Hughes III

no leída,
27 dic 2007, 1:40:5227/12/07
This from the biggest spammer of them all! The jealous, really weak
jealous retard using Linux, I can't believe how jealous this little draft
dodging coward schizophrenic psychopath liar was hiding in Vancouver via until I
killed it. Now he's using another IP of whose only way to get attention is to
make a fool of its self using foul language, like it did back in elementary
school yard. But, too afraid to use it's name and address, and take on
responsibility like a grown up. With an obsession with perverts and goats,
where it writes via remailers,, and cross posts to other
perverts to no one's surprise. With extreme jealous ranting over my
documents, possessions, successes, manliness and fine, Southern California
surfing body, beard, and loving Christian family. Committing forgery over
many of my posts, proving I'm a responsible American man. You remind me of a
little rat dog, like a Mexican Chiwawa with its senseless barking, me too,
me too. You're even more senile than I first thought. And the poor thing,
you're too girlie to take responsibility for yourself again, by signing your
statement like a man.
That really thinks the group's members are so stupid not to know it's
the same coward, posting over and over again using a schizophrenic
psychopath forged up names?
You're not worth any more time when a cut and paste this same
paragraphs it fits so well!
But, now worth a forwarding to:,,,,, for forgery.
Who said it also likes baby monkeys sucking their penis, like his buddy
posted on an auto picture group at:
I thought this traitor's attacks were just over personal disagreements,
but in reality these attacks stemming from my love of God and America on
Independents Week, I realized you are actually attacking my country, and
that's what you've been doing all along is declaring your hatred for the
United States of America, with each declaration of my signature, but just
too cowardly and stupid to be a terrorist. It's America, love it, or leave
it, so keep the f*ck out!
Or let me know when you cross my American border, so I may arrest you!
YOU ARE A TRAITOR and lost all rights to my American border, and
someday I'll have you in jail where you belong! Any time, I'll fly and meant
with other patriots guarding our borders against vermin like you.
Why don't you call the San Diego Sheriffs Department at 858-974-2020
The moral majority say you are not only faggots, but cowards
You wouldn't know about business as you have never succeeded and
Tell me when you are about to cross my American border and I'll fly up
and arrange at meeting with the U.S. Border patrol and Minutemen for your
arrest, after you give me your name, address, date, and meeting place.
I would appreciate the name and address of these trolls, Square Wheel: and 24bit: AT&T WorldNet Services ATT
Mediacom Communications Corp. I will keep your name in confidence, kindly
email or
Llewellyn W. (Bill) Hughes III
Fortunately it is against the law for you to own a firearm.
You are the one that ran to Canada from your obligation to the U.S.
Military! YOU ARE A TRAITOR and a COWARD!!!!!!
You pathetic little schizophrenic psychopath, you make me laugh the way
a girlie, faggot writes, lacking common sense, it gives me a feeling of
extreme superiority! <ROTFLMAO>
And you think the news members won't catch on and be able to see your
pursuing fag names, as fake as you.
Just making sure the faggots at:, groups know what an a**hole you, aka SW
really are!!!!!
God, where do they find these REALLY STUPID queer traitors keep
following me around? With even more jealous girlie maricón acosador
You pathetic little schizophrenic psychopath, you make me laugh the way
a girlie, faggot writes, it gives me a feeling of extreme superiority!
Shaw promised me YOU would never do it again, of course that was you
old IP, wanta try for <ROTFLMAO>
Hehehe, keep'em coming coward, :-) Maybe, use little more of your
language, and pornography in an original post.
I should snip your incoherent, uncontrolled jealous senile babbling, so
as not to embarrass you again! NOT! :-)
SWimp, I'm still waiting for your real name and address like any man
would list. But then you're a But then you're a lying traitor of a coward
the loser.
God, I love making a fool out of you, in front of your groups!!!!! I
wonder what the next award I get from Giganews will look like for making a
fool out of you over, and over again:
God Bless America, Bill O|||||||O

"Pink Freud©®" <drive-in-...@trepanation.calm> wrote in message
<snip uncontrolled jealous senile whining/babbling so as not to embarrass
you again!>

Pink Freud©®

no leída,
27 dic 2007, 2:33:1927/12/07

No need to, Billieboi, I don't mind at all.

If I did, I wouldn't have written or quoted it in the first place.

Oh, BTW:

You lose.

L.W.(ßill)Hughes III

no leída,
27 dic 2007, 14:34:5527/12/07


Se ha eliminado el mensaje

L.W.(ßill)Hughes III

no leída,
27 dic 2007, 22:10:0927/12/07
There you go again, the little Psychopath, jealous, REALLY JEALOUS,
over the fact that I once own a '37 Lasalle, ranting over my documents,
possessions, successes, manliness, Super Southern California surfer body,
Christian family, and name. What a jealous little draft dodging senile
coward from AT&T WorldNet Services ATT, Mediacom
Communications Corp MEDIACOMCC-12-205-156-0-GULF-BREEZE-Florida, which of
course, I killed, now it's New Albany,
Indiana asylum. Now's it's back in Navarre,
Florida: IP: It doesn't
have a DD214, it had to have served our country for that. Whose only way to
get attention is to make a fool of its self, with its goat obsession/fetish,
where it writes via remailers, to no one's surprise? Like when the other
kids laughed at its attempt to use foul language in elementary school play
grounds, but its just gibberish. Too senile to remember what he last wrote,
like the rest of Florida. You remind me of a little rat dog, like a Mexican
Chihuahua with its senseless barking it's rabid head off, me too, me too.
And is too afraid to use your name, address, or even sign your statement as
any man would, totally worthless!
Posted pornography at:
as a member of the moral majority I know what porn is when I see it!
But now worth the time to forward this low life to:,, fr...@4AX.COM,,, for forgery.
I thought your attacks were just personal disagreements, but with
passing of my country's Independents Day, I realize these attacks are
stemming from my love of God and America, and that's what you've been doing

all along is declaring your hatred for the United States of America, with
each declaration of my signature, but just too cowardly to be a terrorist.
It's America, love it, or leave it, so get the f*ck out!
Considering the source, which you're a habitual lair, so these plus your
other accusations would be thrown out of court.
When are you going to take responsibility for yourself, and become a
People that follow astrology; know the traits you have listed are a
hundred eighty out from any Capricorn.
Forwarded to:,
groups so they may to see what an a**hole you really are!!!!!
Is this what your Psychologist wrote about you? They don't fit any
Capricorn, sounds like a spoil Leo.
You're a LIAR and never been in the Service much less Vietnam, as you
Why don't you call my friends at the San Diego Sheriffs Department at
858-974-2020, maybe under the pretense of my CCW permit, they're waiting for
I'm just really curious as to who you think will believe you over any
man responsible enough to list his name and address here and in every place
I know of????? All you can do is lie, as most everything you have said
contradicts it's self.
You know what they say, once a faggot coward, always and a faggot
I won't give up until traitors like you are gone from these groups I
participate and see you've pretty well killed this group I will devote my
life to reminding your groups who you are!!!!!!!

I would appreciate the name and address of these trolls, Square Wheel: and

24bit: AT&T WorldNet Services ATT Mediacom Communications Corp. I
will keep your name in confidence, kindly email or
Llewellyn W. (Bill) Hughes III
You're not fooling anyone, faggot! You need to get back in the hospital
before you hurt yourself or someone else.
Oh, and thanks for keeping my fight against troll/faggots like you at
the top of your groups! :-)
The only reason you write me is to try to put down my friends and my
Lord Jesus Christ. Well try as you may you're not strong enough for that,
BTW I put up a couple more of my friends cars for you to be jealous of.
I happen to know you've been locked in a rubber room, laced in a
straight jacket. Time for lights out at your insane asylum again.

Fortunately it is against the law for you to own a firearm.
There you go with that psychopathic goat obsession/fetish, that only
faggots like would think of.
That's what I've said, it's common knowledge you're a schizophrenic
Hehehe I've got your user name blocked over at: Motzarella, COX, and
soon the world of servers.
What are you babbling about?????
And you think the news members won't recognize your girlie writing, and
see your user names, as fake as you.
I used to pity retarded people like you, now you just make me

You pathetic little schizophrenic psychopath, you make me laugh the way
a girlie, faggot writes, it gives me a feeling of extreme superiority!
More jealous foul mouth girlie maricón acosador gibberish/babbling.
My service is well documented at: it
is you that has the dishonorable discharge, you're a coward. Thanks 24wimp
for the reply, so as I may forward it to your faggot groups.
I repeat: You have never been in the service, much less Vietnam!!!!!!!
What a lying coward!!!!!!!
24wimp, do you really think the news members won't catch on and
recognize you're babbling on mchsi, Road Runner,, Newsguy
remailers, as you, the coward fag using fake names, as queer as you?
I'm just really curious as to who you think will believe your lies over
any responsible man, man enough as me, to list my name and address here, and
in every place I can think of?????
Come on out here little faggot and I'll treat you like a King:
Hehehe, keep'em coming. :-) Maybe, a little more language, and your
pornography in an original post, coward

I should snip your incoherent, uncontrolled jealous senile babbling, so
as not to embarrass you again! NOT! :-)
24wimp, I'm still waiting for your real name and address like any man
would list. But then you're a coward. We notice you like signing a name
similar to mine, do you feel more like a man, do you get your jollies off???

God, I love making a fool out of you, in front of your groups!!!!! I
wonder what the next award I get from Giganews will look like for making a
fool out of you over, and over again:
God Bless America, Bill O|||||||O

"Dr.Neuraxis®" <> wrote in message
> You make a fool of yourself with every post!!
> Which god is it this week??

Se ha eliminado el mensaje

Pink Freud©®

no leída,
28 dic 2007, 1:07:4628/12/07
On Fri, 28 Dec 2007 05:02:45 +0000, Dr.Neuraxis® wrote:

> On Thu, 27 Dec 2007 19:10:09 -0800, "L.W.\(ßill\)Hughes III"
> <> wrote:
>> God, I love making a fool out of you, in front of your groups!!!!! I
>>wonder what the next award I get from Giganews will look like for making a
>>fool out of you over, and over again:

>> Bless America, Bill O|||||||O

> Don't think you're making a fool of me, but you do more damage to
> yourself then anyone I've ever known!
> Your award, they must have lined up a bunch of idiots like you and
> passed out a few hundred, it does say "Customers", that tells me your
> not the only Cooyon with giganews! No doubt you requested it just like
> you requested your Govt. Bullshit!

Not even that -- ALL their customers got one; it's just an advert for a
section of the Giganews site on news, views and other meaningless crap.
Including some Revisionist History of the internet.

It's what /we/ call 'junk mail'; to Billie, it's something he can claim as
an 'award' for people who didn't catch what you did -- the adressees:
CUSTOMERS. If it were an award, it would imply that ol' Gig was
/promoting/ Billieboi's type of crap, and even promoting anti-Tos/AUP
behaviour. Yeah, Gig wants to commit internet suicide, riiiiiiiight!

Nah, Billie has learned the effectiveness of the old Fascist dictum about
the repeated lie.

There's not much Cornholio won't attempt. The only stuff he won't try
(outside of honesty, decency and the like) is stuff he hasn't heard about

Pathetic old bugger.

Death, where art thou? The time has come for you take Your child to his
appointed reward....

>>"Dr.Neuraxis®" <> wrote in message
>>> You make a fool of yourself with every post!! Which god is it this
>>> week??


Se ha eliminado el mensaje

L.W.(ßill)Hughes III

no leída,
28 dic 2007, 3:37:3928/12/07
a Keep'em coming little twat! I
want more awards.

"Dr.Neuraxis®" <> wrote in message

L.W.(ßill)Hughes III

no leída,
28 dic 2007, 3:37:4828/12/07
would list. But then you're a coward. God, I love making a fool out of

you, in front of your groups!!!!! I
wonder what the next award I get from Giganews will look like for making a
fool out of you over, and over again:
We notice you like signing a name similar to mine, do you feel more like
a man, do you get your jollies off???
God Bless America, Bill O|||||||O

"Dr.Neuraxis®" <> wrote in message
> For all we know Lumpy made his own award, and he wouldn't be beyond
> that type of hornswoggle, look at the safety pin stripes, and some of his
> fake documents! There in NO truth in him!
> Doc
> I have failed again in my feeble attempt to make myself admirable unto the
> L.W. "Cooyon Billy" Goatman-Hughes III

L.W.(ßill)Hughes III

no leída,
28 dic 2007, 3:39:4628/12/07
Independents Week, I realized you are actually attacking my country, and

that's what you've been doing all along is declaring your hatred for the
United States of America, with each declaration of my signature, but just
too cowardly and stupid to be a terrorist. It's America, love it, or leave
it, so keep the f*ck out!
Or let me know when you cross my American border, so I may arrest you!
YOU ARE A TRAITOR and lost all rights to my American border, and
someday I'll have you in jail where you belong! Any time, I'll fly and meant
with other patriots guarding our borders against vermin like you.
Why don't you call the San Diego Sheriffs Department at 858-974-2020
The moral majority say you are not only faggots, but cowards
You wouldn't know about business as you have never succeeded and
Tell me when you are about to cross my American border and I'll fly up
and arrange at meeting with the U.S. Border patrol and Minutemen for your
arrest, after you give me your name, address, date, and meeting place.
I would appreciate the name and address of these trolls, Square Wheel: and 24bit: AT&T WorldNet Services ATT
Mediacom Communications Corp. I will keep your name in confidence, kindly
email or
Llewellyn W. (Bill) Hughes III
Fortunately it is against the law for you to own a firearm.
You are the one that ran to Canada from your obligation to the U.S.
Military! YOU ARE A TRAITOR and a COWARD!!!!!!
You pathetic little schizophrenic psychopath, you make me laugh the way
a girlie, faggot writes, lacking common sense, it gives me a feeling of
extreme superiority! <ROTFLMAO>

And you think the news members won't catch on and be able to see your
pursuing fag names, as fake as you.
Just making sure the faggots at:, groups know what an a**hole you, aka SW
really are!!!!!
God, where do they find these REALLY STUPID queer traitors keep
following me around? With even more jealous girlie maricón acosador
You pathetic little schizophrenic psychopath, you make me laugh the way
a girlie, faggot writes, it gives me a feeling of extreme superiority!
Shaw promised me YOU would never do it again, of course that was you
old IP, wanta try for <ROTFLMAO>
Hehehe, keep'em coming coward, :-) Maybe, use little more of your
language, and pornography in an original post.
I should snip your incoherent, uncontrolled jealous senile babbling, so
as not to embarrass you again! NOT! :-)
SWimp, I'm still waiting for your real name and address like any man
would list. But then you're a But then you're a lying traitor of a coward
the loser.
God, I love making a fool out of you, in front of your groups!!!!! I
wonder what the next award I get from Giganews will look like for making a
fool out of you over, and over again:
God Bless America, Bill O|||||||O

"Pink Freud©®" <drive-in-...@trepanation.calm> wrote in message


Se ha eliminado el mensaje
Se ha eliminado el mensaje

Pink Freud©®

no leída,
28 dic 2007, 4:57:1128/12/07


You lose.

> "Dr.Neuraxis®" <> wrote in message
>> Don't think you're making a fool of me, but you do more damage to
>> yourself then anyone I've ever known!
>> Your award, they must have lined up a bunch of idiots like you and
>> passed out a few hundred, it does say "Customers", that tells me your
>> not the only Cooyon with giganews! No doubt you requested it just like
>> you requested your Govt. Bullshit!


Pink Freud©®

no leída,
28 dic 2007, 4:58:2328/12/07


You lose.

> "Pink Freud©®" <drive-in-...@trepanation.calm> wrote in message
> news:pan.2007.12.28....@trepanation.calm...
>> Not even that -- ALL their customers got one; it's just an advert for a
>> section of the Giganews site on news, views and other meaningless crap.
>> Including some Revisionist History of the internet.
>> It's what /we/ call 'junk mail'; to Billie, it's something he can claim as
>> an 'award' for people who didn't catch what you did -- the adressees:
>> CUSTOMERS. If it were an award, it would imply that ol' Gig was
>> /promoting/ Billieboi's type of crap, and even promoting anti-Tos/AUP
>> behaviour. Yeah, Gig wants to commit internet suicide, riiiiiiiight!
>> Nah, Billie has learned the effectiveness of the old Fascist dictum about
>> the repeated lie.
>> There's not much Cornholio won't attempt. The only stuff he won't try
>> (outside of honesty, decency and the like) is stuff he hasn't heard about
>> yet.
>> Pathetic old bugger.
>> Death, where art thou? The time has come for you take Your child to his
>> appointed reward....


Pink Freud©®

no leída,
28 dic 2007, 4:59:1428/12/07


You lose.

> "Dr.Neuraxis®" <> wrote in message
>> For all we know Lumpy made his own award, and he wouldn't be beyond
>> that type of hornswoggle, look at the safety pin stripes, and some of his
>> fake documents! There in NO truth in him!
>> Doc
>> I have failed again in my feeble attempt to make myself admirable unto the
> World!
>> L.W. "Cooyon Billy" Goatman-Hughes III


L.W.(ßill)Hughes III

no leída,
28 dic 2007, 20:45:5528/12/07
a Except I made a fool of you
again. Yes it is redundant! but the stupid fits!

"Dr.Neuraxis®" <> wrote in message
> You have the best award you will ever get, you're still breathing.

L.W.(ßill)Hughes III

no leída,
28 dic 2007, 20:45:5928/12/07
would list. But then you're a coward. We notice you like signing a name

similar to mine, do you feel more like a man, do you get your jollies off???
God, I love making a fool out of you, in front of your groups!!!!! I
wonder what the next award I get from Giganews will look like for making a
fool out of you over, and over again: Except I made a fool of you
again. Yes it is redundant! but the stupid fits!

"Dr.Neuraxis®" <> wrote in message
> It reminds me of a real faggots name, don't ya think?

L.W.(ßill)Hughes III

no leída,
28 dic 2007, 20:47:3828/12/07
Independents Week, I realized you are actually attacking my country, and

that's what you've been doing all along is declaring your hatred for the
United States of America, with each declaration of my signature, but just
too cowardly and stupid to be a terrorist. It's America, love it, or leave
it, so keep the f*ck out!
Or let me know when you cross my American border, so I may arrest you!
YOU ARE A TRAITOR and lost all rights to my American border, and
someday I'll have you in jail where you belong! Any time, I'll fly and meant
with other patriots guarding our borders against vermin like you.
Why don't you call the San Diego Sheriffs Department at 858-974-2020
The moral majority say you are not only faggots, but cowards
You wouldn't know about business as you have never succeeded and
Tell me when you are about to cross my American border and I'll fly up
and arrange at meeting with the U.S. Border patrol and Minutemen for your
arrest, after you give me your name, address, date, and meeting place.
I would appreciate the name and address of these trolls, Square Wheel: and 24bit: AT&T WorldNet Services ATT
Mediacom Communications Corp. I will keep your name in confidence, kindly
email or
Llewellyn W. (Bill) Hughes III
Fortunately it is against the law for you to own a firearm.
You are the one that ran to Canada from your obligation to the U.S.
Military! YOU ARE A TRAITOR and a COWARD!!!!!!
You pathetic little schizophrenic psychopath, you make me laugh the way
a girlie, faggot writes, lacking common sense, it gives me a feeling of
extreme superiority! <ROTFLMAO>

And you think the news members won't catch on and be able to see your
pursuing fag names, as fake as you.
Just making sure the faggots at:, groups know what an a**hole you, aka SW
really are!!!!!
God, where do they find these REALLY STUPID queer traitors keep
following me around? With even more jealous girlie maricón acosador
You pathetic little schizophrenic psychopath, you make me laugh the way
a girlie, faggot writes, it gives me a feeling of extreme superiority!
Shaw promised me YOU would never do it again, of course that was you
old IP, wanta try for <ROTFLMAO>
Hehehe, keep'em coming coward, :-) Maybe, use little more of your
language, and pornography in an original post.
I should snip your incoherent, uncontrolled jealous senile babbling, so
as not to embarrass you again! NOT! :-)
SWimp, I'm still waiting for your real name and address like any man
would list. But then you're a But then you're a lying traitor of a coward
the loser.
God, I love making a fool out of you, in front of your groups!!!!! I
wonder what the next award I get from Giganews will look like for making a
fool out of you over, and over again:
Replies your jealous posts even a copy and paste of your indivualized
weaknesses to the rebuttal, DO NOT constitute spam, loser.

"Pink Freud©®" <drive-in-...@trepanation.calm> wrote in message

> You lose.

L.W.(ßill)Hughes III

no leída,
28 dic 2007, 20:47:4228/12/07
Independents Week, I realized you are actually attacking my country, and

that's what you've been doing all along is declaring your hatred for the
United States of America, with each declaration of my signature, but just
too cowardly and stupid to be a terrorist. It's America, love it, or leave
it, so keep the f*ck out!
Or let me know when you cross my American border, so I may arrest you!
YOU ARE A TRAITOR and lost all rights to my American border, and
someday I'll have you in jail where you belong! Any time, I'll fly and meant
with other patriots guarding our borders against vermin like you.
Why don't you call the San Diego Sheriffs Department at 858-974-2020
The moral majority say you are not only faggots, but cowards
You wouldn't know about business as you have never succeeded and
Tell me when you are about to cross my American border and I'll fly up
and arrange at meeting with the U.S. Border patrol and Minutemen for your
arrest, after you give me your name, address, date, and meeting place.
I would appreciate the name and address of these trolls, Square Wheel: and 24bit: AT&T WorldNet Services ATT
Mediacom Communications Corp. I will keep your name in confidence, kindly
email or
Llewellyn W. (Bill) Hughes III
Fortunately it is against the law for you to own a firearm.
You are the one that ran to Canada from your obligation to the U.S.
Military! YOU ARE A TRAITOR and a COWARD!!!!!!
You pathetic little schizophrenic psychopath, you make me laugh the way
a girlie, faggot writes, lacking common sense, it gives me a feeling of
extreme superiority! <ROTFLMAO>

And you think the news members won't catch on and be able to see your
pursuing fag names, as fake as you.
Just making sure the faggots at:, groups know what an a**hole you, aka SW
really are!!!!!
God, where do they find these REALLY STUPID queer traitors keep
following me around? With even more jealous girlie maricón acosador
You pathetic little schizophrenic psychopath, you make me laugh the way
a girlie, faggot writes, it gives me a feeling of extreme superiority!
Shaw promised me YOU would never do it again, of course that was you
old IP, wanta try for <ROTFLMAO>
Hehehe, keep'em coming coward, :-) Maybe, use little more of your
language, and pornography in an original post.
I should snip your incoherent, uncontrolled jealous senile babbling, so
as not to embarrass you again! NOT! :-)
SWimp, I'm still waiting for your real name and address like any man
would list. But then you're a But then you're a lying traitor of a coward
the loser.
God, I love making a fool out of you, in front of your groups!!!!! I
wonder what the next award I get from Giganews will look like for making a
fool out of you over, and over again:
Replies your jealous posts even a copy and paste of your indivualized
weaknesses to the rebuttal, DO NOT constitute spam, loser.

"Pink Freud©®" <drive-in-...@trepanation.calm> wrote in message

> You lose.

L.W.(ßill)Hughes III

no leída,
28 dic 2007, 20:47:4628/12/07
Replies your jealous posts even a copy and paste of your indivualized
weaknesses to the rebuttal, DO NOT constitute spam, loser.

"Pink Freud©®" <drive-in-...@trepanation.calm> wrote in message

> You lose.

Se ha eliminado el mensaje
Se ha eliminado el mensaje
Se ha eliminado el mensaje
Se ha eliminado el mensaje
Se ha eliminado el mensaje

L.W.(ßill)Hughes Fighter for Good

no leída,
29 dic 2007, 17:10:5929/12/07
Replies to your jealous 24wimp posts even copy and paste of your
indivualized weaknesses to the rebuttal, DO NOT constitute spam.

"Dr.Neuraxis®" <> wrote in message
> Same old Spam, loser.

L.W.(ßill)Hughes Fighter for Good

no leída,
29 dic 2007, 17:11:0129/12/07
stemming from my love of God and America, and that's what you've been doing

all along is declaring your hatred for the United States of America, with
I would appreciate the name and address of these trolls, Square Wheel: and

24bit: AT&T WorldNet Services ATT Mediacom Communications Corp. I
will keep your name in confidence, kindly email or
Llewellyn W. (Bill) Hughes III
You're not fooling anyone, faggot! You need to get back in the hospital
before you hurt yourself or someone else.
Oh, and thanks for keeping my fight against troll/faggots like you at
the top of your groups! :-)
The only reason you write me is to try to put down my friends and my
Lord Jesus Christ. Well try as you may you're not strong enough for that,
BTW I put up a couple more of my friends cars for you to be jealous of.
I happen to know you've been locked in a rubber room, laced in a
straight jacket. Time for lights out at your insane asylum again.
Fortunately it is against the law for you to own a firearm.
There you go with that psychopathic goat obsession/fetish, that only
faggots like would think of.
That's what I've said, it's common knowledge you're a schizophrenic
Hehehe I've got your user name blocked over at: Motzarella, COX, and
soon the world of servers.
What are you babbling about?????
And you think the news members won't recognize your girlie writing, and
see your user names, as fake as you.
I used to pity retarded people like you, now you just make me
You pathetic little schizophrenic psychopath, you make me laugh the way
a girlie, faggot writes, it gives me a feeling of extreme superiority!
More jealous foul mouth girlie maricón acosador gibberish/babbling.
My service is well documented at: it
is you that has the dishonorable discharge, you're a coward. Thanks 24wimp
for the reply, so as I may forward it to your faggot groups.
I repeat: You have never been in the service, much less Vietnam!!!!!!!
What a lying coward!!!!!!!
24wimp, do you really think the news members won't catch on and
recognize you're babbling on mchsi, Road Runner,, Newsguy
remailers, as you, the coward fag using fake names, as queer as you?
I'm just really curious as to who you think will believe your lies over
any responsible man, man enough as me, to list my name and address here, and
in every place I can think of?????
Come on out here little faggot and I'll treat you like a King:
Hehehe, keep'em coming. :-) Maybe, a little more language, and your
pornography in an original post, coward
I should snip your incoherent, uncontrolled jealous senile babbling, so
as not to embarrass you again! NOT! :-)
24wimp, I'm still waiting for your real name and address like any man
would list. But then you're a coward. We notice you like signing a name
similar to mine, do you feel more like a man, do you get your jollies off???
God, I love making a fool out of you, in front of your groups!!!!! I
wonder what the next award I get from Giganews will look like for making a
fool out of you over, and over again: Except I made a fool of you
again. Yes it is redundant! but the stupid fits!
Replies to your jealous 24wimp posts even copy and paste of your
indivualized weaknesses to the rebuttal, DO NOT constitute spam.

"Dr.Neuraxis®" <> wrote in message
> You can't even correct your girlie errors.
> Same old Spam, loser.

L.W.(ßill)Hughes Fire Fighter

no leída,
29 dic 2007, 17:10:1729/12/07
stemming from my love of God and America, and that's what you've been doing

all along is declaring your hatred for the United States of America, with
I would appreciate the name and address of these trolls, Square Wheel: and

24bit: AT&T WorldNet Services ATT Mediacom Communications Corp. I
will keep your name in confidence, kindly email or
Llewellyn W. (Bill) Hughes III
You're not fooling anyone, faggot! You need to get back in the hospital
before you hurt yourself or someone else.
Oh, and thanks for keeping my fight against troll/faggots like you at
the top of your groups! :-)
The only reason you write me is to try to put down my friends and my
Lord Jesus Christ. Well try as you may you're not strong enough for that,
BTW I put up a couple more of my friends cars for you to be jealous of.
I happen to know you've been locked in a rubber room, laced in a
straight jacket. Time for lights out at your insane asylum again.
Fortunately it is against the law for you to own a firearm.
There you go with that psychopathic goat obsession/fetish, that only
faggots like would think of.
That's what I've said, it's common knowledge you're a schizophrenic
Hehehe I've got your user name blocked over at: Motzarella, COX, and
soon the world of servers.
What are you babbling about?????
And you think the news members won't recognize your girlie writing, and
see your user names, as fake as you.
I used to pity retarded people like you, now you just make me
You pathetic little schizophrenic psychopath, you make me laugh the way
a girlie, faggot writes, it gives me a feeling of extreme superiority!
More jealous foul mouth girlie maricón acosador gibberish/babbling.
My service is well documented at: it
is you that has the dishonorable discharge, you're a coward. Thanks 24wimp
for the reply, so as I may forward it to your faggot groups.
I repeat: You have never been in the service, much less Vietnam!!!!!!!
What a lying coward!!!!!!!
24wimp, do you really think the news members won't catch on and
recognize you're babbling on mchsi, Road Runner,, Newsguy
remailers, as you, the coward fag using fake names, as queer as you?
I'm just really curious as to who you think will believe your lies over
any responsible man, man enough as me, to list my name and address here, and
in every place I can think of?????
Come on out here little faggot and I'll treat you like a King:
Hehehe, keep'em coming. :-) Maybe, a little more language, and your
pornography in an original post, coward
I should snip your incoherent, uncontrolled jealous senile babbling, so
as not to embarrass you again! NOT! :-)
24wimp, I'm still waiting for your real name and address like any man
would list. But then you're a coward. We notice you like signing a name
similar to mine, do you feel more like a man, do you get your jollies off???
God, I love making a fool out of you, in front of your groups!!!!! I
wonder what the next award I get from Giganews will look like for making a
fool out of you over, and over again: Except I made a fool of you
again. Yes it is redundant! but the stupid fits!
Replies to your jealous 24wimp posts even copy and paste of your
indivualized weaknesses to the rebuttal, DO NOT constitute spam.

"Dr.Neuraxis®" <> wrote in message
> This from the biggest spammer of all time!
> Your major weakness is between your ears!
> Wrong again, Quizzee the loser!

L.W.(ßill)Hughes Fighter for Good

no leída,
29 dic 2007, 17:11:0429/12/07
stemming from my love of God and America, and that's what you've been doing

all along is declaring your hatred for the United States of America, with
I would appreciate the name and address of these trolls, Square Wheel: and

24bit: AT&T WorldNet Services ATT Mediacom Communications Corp. I
will keep your name in confidence, kindly email or
Llewellyn W. (Bill) Hughes III
You're not fooling anyone, faggot! You need to get back in the hospital
before you hurt yourself or someone else.
Oh, and thanks for keeping my fight against troll/faggots like you at
the top of your groups! :-)
The only reason you write me is to try to put down my friends and my
Lord Jesus Christ. Well try as you may you're not strong enough for that,
BTW I put up a couple more of my friends cars for you to be jealous of.
I happen to know you've been locked in a rubber room, laced in a
straight jacket. Time for lights out at your insane asylum again.
Fortunately it is against the law for you to own a firearm.
There you go with that psychopathic goat obsession/fetish, that only
faggots like would think of.
That's what I've said, it's common knowledge you're a schizophrenic
Hehehe I've got your user name blocked over at: Motzarella, COX, and
soon the world of servers.
What are you babbling about?????
And you think the news members won't recognize your girlie writing, and
see your user names, as fake as you.
I used to pity retarded people like you, now you just make me
You pathetic little schizophrenic psychopath, you make me laugh the way
a girlie, faggot writes, it gives me a feeling of extreme superiority!
More jealous foul mouth girlie maricón acosador gibberish/babbling.
My service is well documented at: it
is you that has the dishonorable discharge, you're a coward. Thanks 24wimp
for the reply, so as I may forward it to your faggot groups.
I repeat: You have never been in the service, much less Vietnam!!!!!!!
What a lying coward!!!!!!!
24wimp, do you really think the news members won't catch on and
recognize you're babbling on mchsi, Road Runner,, Newsguy
remailers, as you, the coward fag using fake names, as queer as you?
I'm just really curious as to who you think will believe your lies over
any responsible man, man enough as me, to list my name and address here, and
in every place I can think of?????
Come on out here little faggot and I'll treat you like a King:
Hehehe, keep'em coming. :-) Maybe, a little more language, and your
pornography in an original post, coward
I should snip your incoherent, uncontrolled jealous senile babbling, so
as not to embarrass you again! NOT! :-)
24wimp, I'm still waiting for your real name and address like any man
would list. But then you're a coward. We notice you like signing a name

similar to mine, do you feel more like a man, do you get your jollies off???
God, I love making a fool out of you, in front of your groups!!!!! I
wonder what the next award I get from Giganews will look like for making a
fool out of you over, and over again: Except I made a fool of you
again. Yes it is redundant! but the stupid fits!

"Dr.Neuraxis®" <> wrote in message
> Your statement makes no sense as usual.

L.W.(ßill)Hughes Fighter for Good

no leída,
29 dic 2007, 17:11:0529/12/07
Replies to your jealous 24wimp posts even copy and paste of your
indivualized weaknesses to the rebuttal, DO NOT constitute spam.

"Dr.Neuraxis®" <> wrote in message
> Same old Spam, loser.

Se ha eliminado el mensaje
Se ha eliminado el mensaje
Se ha eliminado el mensaje
Se ha eliminado el mensaje
Se ha eliminado el mensaje

L.W.(ßill)Hughes Fighter for Good

no leída,
30 dic 2007, 20:18:2230/12/07
God, I love making a fool out of you, in front of your groups!!!!! I
wonder what the next award I get from Giganews will look like for making a
fool out of you over, and over again: Except I made a fool of you
again. Yes it is redundant! but the stupid fits!
Replies to your jealous 24wimp posts even copy and paste of your
indivualized weaknesses to the rebuttal, DO NOT constitute spam.
Well point them out to me, I'd like to be able to write like you
girlies, incognito
I should snip 24wimp's incoherent, uncontrolled jealous senile run on
babbling, so as not to embarrass it again! NOT! :-)

"Dr.Neuraxis®" <> wrote in message
> When a patient has a personality disorder and an eating disorder, the
> should concentrate on the eating disorder. Personality disorders are
> and intractable. They are rarely curable (though certain aspects, like
OCD, or
> depression can be ameliorated with medication). Their treatment calls for
> enormous, persistent and continuous investment of resources of every kind
> everyone involved. From the patient's point of view, the treatment of her
> personality disorder is not an efficient allocation of scarce mental
> Also personality disorders are not the real threat. If a patient with a
> personality disorder is cured of it but her eating disorders are
aggravated, she
> might die (though mentally healthy).

L.W.(ßill)Hughes Fighter for Good

no leída,
30 dic 2007, 20:18:1430/12/07
Well point them out to me, I'd like to be able to write like you
girlies, incognito
I should snip 24wimp's incoherent, uncontrolled jealous senile run on
babbling, so as not to embarrass it again! NOT! :-)

"Dr.Neuraxis®" <> wrote in message
> Another characteristic of the narcissistic personality is the use that it
> of "emotional delegation". The narcissist - despite appearances - is human
> is possessed of emotions and of emotional content. But, in an effort to
> himself against a repetition of past hurts, he "delegates" his emotions to
> fictitious self, the False Self. It is the False Self that interacts with
> world. It is the False Self that suffers and enjoys, gets attached and
> joins and separates, develops likes and dislikes, preferences and
> loves and hates. Whatever happens to the narcissist, his experiences, the
> setbacks that he (inevitably) suffers, the humiliations, the adoration,
> fears and the hopes - all these happen to one self removed, to the False
> The narcissist is shielded by this construction. He lives in a padded cell
> his own creation, an eternal observer, unharmed, embryo-like in the womb
of his
> True Self.

L.W.(ßill)Hughes Fighter for Good

no leída,
30 dic 2007, 20:18:1830/12/07
Well point them out to me, I'd like to be able to write like you
girlies, incognito
I should snip 24wimp's incoherent, uncontrolled jealous senile run on
babbling, so as not to embarrass it again! NOT! :-)

"Dr.Neuraxis®" <> wrote in message
> Patients suffering from eating disorders binge on food and sometimes are
> anorectic and bulimic. This is an impulsive behaviour as defined by the
> (particularly in the case of BPD and to a lesser extent of Cluster B
> in general). Some patients develop these disorders as a way to
self-mutilate. It
> is a convergence of two pathological behaviours: self-mutilation and an
> impulsive (rather, compulsive or ritualistic) behaviour.
> The key to improving the mental state of patients with dual diagnosis (a
> personality disorder plus an eating disorder) lies in concentrating upon
> eating and sleeping disorders.

L.W.(ßill)Hughes Fighter for Good

no leída,
30 dic 2007, 20:18:1630/12/07
Well point them out to me, I'd like to be able to write like you
girlies, incognito
I should snip 24wimp's incoherent, uncontrolled jealous senile run on
babbling, so as not to embarrass it again! NOT! :-)

"Dr.Neuraxis®" <> wrote in message
> No wonder that this duality, so entrenched, so fundamental to the
> personality - is also so evident, so discernible. This delegation of
emotions is
> what disturbs those who interact with a narcissist. The feeling that his
> Self is absent, that it is a false emanation, which does all the emoting.
> The narcissist himself experiences this dichotomy, this break between a
> Self which is his interface with the true world - and a True Self which is
> forever dormant in a no-man's land. The narcissist lives in a warped
> divorced from his own emotions, constantly feeling that he is an actor in
a film
> featuring his life.

L.W.(ßill)Hughes Fighter for Good

no leída,
30 dic 2007, 20:18:2030/12/07
Replies to your jealous 24wimp posts even copy and paste of your
indivualized weaknesses to the rebuttal, DO NOT constitute spam.
Well point them out to me, I'd like to be able to write like you
girlies, incognito
I should snip 24wimp's incoherent, uncontrolled jealous senile run on
babbling, so as not to embarrass it again! NOT! :-)

"Dr.Neuraxis®" <> wrote in message
> By controlling their eating disorders, patients assert control over their
> This is bound to reduce their depression (even eliminate it altogether as
> constant feature of their mental life). This is likely to ameliorate other
> facets of their personality disorders. Here is the chain: controlling
> eating disorders à controlling one's life à enhanced sense of self-worth,
> self-confidence, self-esteem à a challenge, an interest, an enemy to
subjugate à
> a feeling of strength à socialising à feeling better.

L.W.(ßill)Hughes Fighter for Good

no leída,
30 dic 2007, 20:23:5730/12/07
stemming from my love of God and America, and that's what you've been doing

all along is declaring your hatred for the United States of America, with
I would appreciate the name and address of these trolls, Square Wheel: and

24bit: AT&T WorldNet Services ATT Mediacom Communications Corp. I
will keep your name in confidence, kindly email or
Llewellyn W. (Bill) Hughes III
You're not fooling anyone, faggot! You need to get back in the hospital
before you hurt yourself or someone else.
Oh, and thanks for keeping my fight against troll/faggots like you at
the top of your groups! :-)
The only reason you write me is to try to put down my friends and my
Lord Jesus Christ. Well try as you may you're not strong enough for that,
BTW I put up a couple more of my friends cars for you to be jealous of.
I happen to know you've been locked in a rubber room, laced in a
straight jacket. Time for lights out at your insane asylum again.
Fortunately it is against the law for you to own a firearm.
There you go with that psychopathic goat obsession/fetish, that only
faggots like would think of.
That's what I've said, it's common knowledge you're a schizophrenic
Hehehe I've got your user name blocked over at: Motzarella, COX, and
soon the world of servers.
What are you babbling about?????
And you think the news members won't recognize your girlie writing, and
see your user names, as fake as you.
I used to pity retarded people like you, now you just make me
You pathetic little schizophrenic psychopath, you make me laugh the way
a girlie, faggot writes, it gives me a feeling of extreme superiority!
More jealous foul mouth girlie maricón acosador gibberish/babbling.
My service is well documented at: it
is you that has the dishonorable discharge, you're a coward. Thanks 24wimp
for the reply, so as I may forward it to your faggot groups.
I repeat: You have never been in the service, much less Vietnam!!!!!!!
What a lying coward!!!!!!!
24wimp, do you really think the news members won't catch on and
recognize you're babbling on mchsi, Road Runner,, Newsguy
remailers, as you, the coward fag using fake names, as queer as you?
I'm just really curious as to who you think will believe your lies over
any responsible man, man enough as me, to list my name and address here, and
in every place I can think of?????
Come on out here little faggot and I'll treat you like a King:
Hehehe, keep'em coming. :-) Maybe, a little more language, and your
pornography in an original post, coward
I should snip your incoherent, uncontrolled jealous senile babbling, so
as not to embarrass you again! NOT! :-)
24wimp, I'm still waiting for your real name and address like any man
would list. But then you're a coward. We notice you like signing a name
similar to mine, do you feel more like a man, do you get your jollies off???
God, I love making a fool out of you, in front of your groups!!!!! I
wonder what the next award I get from Giganews will look like for making a
fool out of you over, and over again: Except I made a fool of you
again. Yes it is redundant! but the stupid fits!
Replies to your jealous 24wimp posts even copy and paste of your
indivualized weaknesses to the rebuttal, DO NOT constitute spam.

"Dr.Neuraxis®" <> wrote in message

L.W.(ßill)Hughes Fighter for Good

no leída,
30 dic 2007, 20:23:5930/12/07

L.W.(ßill)Hughes Fighter for Good

no leída,
30 dic 2007, 20:24:0330/12/07
stemming from my love of God and America, and that's what you've been doing

all along is declaring your hatred for the United States of America, with
I would appreciate the name and address of these trolls, Square Wheel: and

24bit: AT&T WorldNet Services ATT Mediacom Communications Corp. I
will keep your name in confidence, kindly email or
Llewellyn W. (Bill) Hughes III
You're not fooling anyone, faggot! You need to get back in the hospital
before you hurt yourself or someone else.
Oh, and thanks for keeping my fight against troll/faggots like you at
the top of your groups! :-)
The only reason you write me is to try to put down my friends and my
Lord Jesus Christ. Well try as you may you're not strong enough for that,
BTW I put up a couple more of my friends cars for you to be jealous of.
I happen to know you've been locked in a rubber room, laced in a
straight jacket. Time for lights out at your insane asylum again.
Fortunately it is against the law for you to own a firearm.
There you go with that psychopathic goat obsession/fetish, that only
faggots like would think of.
That's what I've said, it's common knowledge you're a schizophrenic
Hehehe I've got your user name blocked over at: Motzarella, COX, and
soon the world of servers.
What are you babbling about?????
And you think the news members won't recognize your girlie writing, and
see your user names, as fake as you.
I used to pity retarded people like you, now you just make me
You pathetic little schizophrenic psychopath, you make me laugh the way
a girlie, faggot writes, it gives me a feeling of extreme superiority!
More jealous foul mouth girlie maricón acosador gibberish/babbling.
My service is well documented at: it
is you that has the dishonorable discharge, you're a coward. Thanks 24wimp
for the reply, so as I may forward it to your faggot groups.
I repeat: You have never been in the service, much less Vietnam!!!!!!!
What a lying coward!!!!!!!
24wimp, do you really think the news members won't catch on and
recognize you're babbling on mchsi, Road Runner,, Newsguy
remailers, as you, the coward fag using fake names, as queer as you?
I'm just really curious as to who you think will believe your lies over
any responsible man, man enough as me, to list my name and address here, and
in every place I can think of?????
Come on out here little faggot and I'll treat you like a King:
Hehehe, keep'em coming. :-) Maybe, a little more language, and your
pornography in an original post, coward
I should snip your incoherent, uncontrolled jealous senile babbling, so
as not to embarrass you again! NOT! :-)
24wimp, I'm still waiting for your real name and address like any man
would list. But then you're a coward. We notice you like signing a name
similar to mine, do you feel more like a man, do you get your jollies off???
God, I love making a fool out of you, in front of your groups!!!!! I
wonder what the next award I get from Giganews will look like for making a
fool out of you over, and over again: Except I made a fool of you
again. Yes it is redundant! but the stupid fits!

"Dr.Neuraxis®" <> wrote in message

L.W.(ßill)Hughes Fighter for Good

no leída,
30 dic 2007, 20:24:0230/12/07
stemming from my love of God and America, and that's what you've been doing

all along is declaring your hatred for the United States of America, with
I would appreciate the name and address of these trolls, Square Wheel: and

24bit: AT&T WorldNet Services ATT Mediacom Communications Corp. I
will keep your name in confidence, kindly email or
Llewellyn W. (Bill) Hughes III
You're not fooling anyone, faggot! You need to get back in the hospital
before you hurt yourself or someone else.
Oh, and thanks for keeping my fight against troll/faggots like you at
the top of your groups! :-)
The only reason you write me is to try to put down my friends and my
Lord Jesus Christ. Well try as you may you're not strong enough for that,
BTW I put up a couple more of my friends cars for you to be jealous of.
I happen to know you've been locked in a rubber room, laced in a
straight jacket. Time for lights out at your insane asylum again.
Fortunately it is against the law for you to own a firearm.
There you go with that psychopathic goat obsession/fetish, that only
faggots like would think of.
That's what I've said, it's common knowledge you're a schizophrenic
Hehehe I've got your user name blocked over at: Motzarella, COX, and
soon the world of servers.
What are you babbling about?????
And you think the news members won't recognize your girlie writing, and
see your user names, as fake as you.
I used to pity retarded people like you, now you just make me
You pathetic little schizophrenic psychopath, you make me laugh the way
a girlie, faggot writes, it gives me a feeling of extreme superiority!
More jealous foul mouth girlie maricón acosador gibberish/babbling.
My service is well documented at: it
is you that has the dishonorable discharge, you're a coward. Thanks 24wimp
for the reply, so as I may forward it to your faggot groups.
I repeat: You have never been in the service, much less Vietnam!!!!!!!
What a lying coward!!!!!!!
24wimp, do you really think the news members won't catch on and
recognize you're babbling on mchsi, Road Runner,, Newsguy
remailers, as you, the coward fag using fake names, as queer as you?
I'm just really curious as to who you think will believe your lies over
any responsible man, man enough as me, to list my name and address here, and
in every place I can think of?????
Come on out here little faggot and I'll treat you like a King:
Hehehe, keep'em coming. :-) Maybe, a little more language, and your
pornography in an original post, coward
I should snip your incoherent, uncontrolled jealous senile babbling, so
as not to embarrass you again! NOT! :-)
24wimp, I'm still waiting for your real name and address like any man
would list. But then you're a coward. We notice you like signing a name
similar to mine, do you feel more like a man, do you get your jollies off???
God, I love making a fool out of you, in front of your groups!!!!! I
wonder what the next award I get from Giganews will look like for making a
fool out of you over, and over again: Except I made a fool of you
again. Yes it is redundant! but the stupid fits!
Replies to your jealous 24wimp posts even copy and paste of your
indivualized weaknesses to the rebuttal, DO NOT constitute spam.

"Dr.Neuraxis®" <> wrote in message

> You can't even correct your girlie errors.

> Same old Spam, loser.

L.W.(ßill)Hughes Fighter for Good

no leída,
30 dic 2007, 20:24:0530/12/07
Replies to your jealous 24wimp posts even copy and paste of your
indivualized weaknesses to the rebuttal, DO NOT constitute spam.
God Bless America, Bill O|||||||O

"Dr.Neuraxis®" <> wrote in message

Se ha eliminado el mensaje
Se ha eliminado el mensaje
Se ha eliminado el mensaje
Se ha eliminado el mensaje
Se ha eliminado el mensaje
Se ha eliminado el mensaje
Se ha eliminado el mensaje
Se ha eliminado el mensaje
Se ha eliminado el mensaje
Se ha eliminado el mensaje

L.W.(ßill)Hughes Fighter Against Evil

no leída,
31 dic 2007, 2:08:0331/12/07
individualized weaknesses to the rebuttal, DO NOT constitute spam.

Well point them out to me, I'd like to be able to write like you
girlies, incognito
Writes it's spew just under my address, as though it was trying to hide
the fact it's, 24wimp's incoherent, uncontrolled jealous senile run on
babbling, I should snip so as not to embarrass it again! NOT! :-)

"Dr.Neuraxis®" <> wrote in message
> The child may react to the narcissism of the Primary Object with a
peculiar type
> of rejection. He develops his own narcissistic personality, replete with
> grandiosity and lack of empathy - BUT his personality is antithetical to
> personality of the narcissistic parent. If the parent were a somatic
> - he is likely to be a cerebral one, if his father prided himself being
> - he is sinful, if his mother bragged about her frugality, he is bound to
> his wealth.
> An Attempted DSM Style List of Criteria
> We came up with a DSM-IV-TR "style" inventory for an inverted narcissist,
> the narcissists' characteristics as a template, because they are, in many
> two sides of the same coin, or "the mould and the moulded" hence "mirror
> narcissist" or "inverted narcissist".

L.W.(ßill)Hughes Fighter Against Evil

no leída,
31 dic 2007, 2:08:0831/12/07
individualized weaknesses to the rebuttal, DO NOT constitute spam.
Well point them out to me, I'd like to be able to write like you
girlies, incognito
Writes it's spew just under my address, as though it was trying to hide
the fact it's, 24wimp's incoherent, uncontrolled jealous senile run on
babbling, I should snip so as not to embarrass it again! NOT! :-)

"Dr.Neuraxis®" <> wrote in message
> The narcissist tries to merge with an idealised but badly internalised
> He does so by "digesting" the meaningful others in his life and
> them into extensions of his self. He employs various techniques to achieve
> To the "digested" this is the crux of the harrowing experience called
> with a narcissist".
> The "inverted narcissist" (IN), on the other hand, does not attempt,
except in
> fantasy or in dangerous, masochistic sexual practice, to merge with an
> external object. This is because he so successfully internalised the
> narcissistic Primary Object to the exclusion of all else. The IN feels ill
> ease in a relationship with a non-narcissist because it is unconsciously
> perceived by him to be "betrayal", "cheating", an abrogation of the
> clause he had with the narcissistic Primary Object.

L.W.(ßill)Hughes Fighter Against Evil

no leída,
31 dic 2007, 2:08:0531/12/07
individualized weaknesses to the rebuttal, DO NOT constitute spam.

Well point them out to me, I'd like to be able to write like you
girlies, incognito
Writes it's spew just under my address, as though it was trying to hide
the fact it's, 24wimp's incoherent, uncontrolled jealous senile run on
babbling, I should snip so as not to embarrass it again! NOT! :-)

"Dr.Neuraxis®" <> wrote in message
> The child, in a way, becomes the "trash bin" of the parents' inhibitions,
> self-loathing, self-contempt, perceived lack of self-worth, sense of
> rejected traits, repressed emotions, failures and emotional reticence.
> with the parent's treatment of the child as the parent's extension, it
serves to
> totally inhibit the psychological growth and emotional maturation of the
> The child becomes a reflection of the parent - a vessel through which the
> experiences and realises himself for better (hopes, aspirations, ambition,
> goals) and for worse (weaknesses, "undesirable" emotions, "negative"
traits). A
> host of other, simpler, defence mechanisms employed by the parent are
likely to
> obscure the predominant use of projective identification: projection,
> displacement, intellectualisation, depersonalisation. Relationships
between such
> parents and their progeny easily deteriorate to sexual or other modes of
> because there are no functioning boundaries between them.
> It seems that the child's reaction to a narcissistic parent can be either
> accommodation and assimilation or rejection.

L.W.(ßill)Hughes Fighter Against Evil

no leída,
31 dic 2007, 2:08:1531/12/07
individualized weaknesses to the rebuttal, DO NOT constitute spam.

Well point them out to me, I'd like to be able to write like you
girlies, incognito
Writes it's spew just under my address, as though it was trying to hide
the fact it's, 24wimp's incoherent, uncontrolled jealous senile run on
babbling, I should snip so as not to embarrass it again! NOT! :-)

"Dr.Neuraxis®" <> wrote in message
> We must not neglect the abusive aspect of such a relationship. The
> parent always alternates between idealisation of his progeny and its
> devaluation. The child is likely to internalise the devaluing, abusive,
> demeaning, berating, diminishing, minimising, upbraiding, chastising
voices. The
> parent (or caregiver) goes on to survive inside the adult (as part of a
> and ideal Superego and an unrealistic Ego Ideal, to resort to
> parlance). These are the voices that inhibit the development of reactive
> narcissism, the child's defence mechanism.

L.W.(ßill)Hughes Fighter Against Evil

no leída,
31 dic 2007, 2:08:1731/12/07
Replies to your jealous 24wimp posts even copy and paste of your
individualized weaknesses to the rebuttal, DO NOT constitute spam.
Well point them out to me, I'd like to be able to write like you
girlies, incognito
Writes it's spew just under my address, as though it was trying to hide
the fact it's, 24wimp's incoherent, uncontrolled jealous senile run on
babbling, I should snip so as not to embarrass it again! NOT! :-)

"Dr.Neuraxis®" <> wrote in message
> Criterion ONE
> The IN possesses a rigid sense of lack of self-worth.
> The narcissist has a badly regulated sense of self-worth. However this is
> conscious. He goes through cycles of self-devaluation (and experiences
them as
> dysphorias). The IN's sense of self-worth does NOT fluctuate. It is rather
> stable - but it is very low. Whereas the narcissist devalues others - the
> devalues himself as an offering, a sacrifice to the narcissist. The IN
> the narcissist by devaluing himself, by actively devaluing his own
> or talents. The IN is exceedingly distressed when singled out because of
> achievements or demonstration of superior skills.
> The inverted narcissist is compelled to filter all of his narcissistic
> through the primary narcissist in their lives. No independence is
permitted. The
> IN feels amplified by the narcissist's commentary (because nothing can be
> accomplished by the invert without the approval of a primary narcissist in
> lives).

L.W.(ßill)Hughes Fighter Against Evil

no leída,
31 dic 2007, 2:08:1931/12/07
individualized weaknesses to the rebuttal, DO NOT constitute spam.

Well point them out to me, I'd like to be able to write like you
girlies, incognito
Writes it's spew just under my address, as though it was trying to hide
the fact it's, 24wimp's incoherent, uncontrolled jealous senile run on
babbling, I should snip so as not to embarrass it again! NOT! :-)

"Dr.Neuraxis®" <> wrote in message
> The child turned adult maintains these traits. He keeps looking for
> in order to feel whole, alive and wanted. He wishes to be treated by a
> narcissist narcissistically (what others would call abuse is, to him or
> familiar and constitutes Narcissistic Supply). To him, the narcissist is a
> Source of Supply (primary or secondary) and the narcissistic behaviours
> constitute Narcissistic Supply. He feels dissatisfied, empty and unloved
if not
> loved by a narcissist.

L.W.(ßill)Hughes Fighter Against Evil

no leída,
31 dic 2007, 2:08:2131/12/07
God, I love making a fool out of you, in front of your groups!!!!! I
wonder what the next award I get from Giganews will look like for making a
fool out of you over, and over again: Except I made a fool of you
again. Yes it is redundant! but the stupid fits!
Replies to your jealous 24wimp posts even copy and paste of your
individualized weaknesses to the rebuttal, DO NOT constitute spam.
Well point them out to me, I'd like to be able to write like you
girlies, incognito
Writes it's spew just under my address, as though it was trying to hide
the fact it's, 24wimp's incoherent, uncontrolled jealous senile run on
babbling, I should snip so as not to embarrass it again! NOT! :-)

"Dr.Neuraxis®" <> wrote in message
> Criterion TWO
> Pre-occupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance and
> or of an ideal of love.
> This is the same as the DSM-IV-TR criterion for Narcissistic Personality
> Disorder but, with the IN, it manifests absolutely differently, i.e. the
> cognitive dissonance is sharper here because the IN is so absolutely and
> completely convinced of their worthlessness that these fantasies of
grandeur are
> extremely painful "dissonances".
> With the narcissist, the dissonance exists on two levels:
> Between the UNCONSCIOUS feeling of lack of stable self-worth and the
> fantasies AND between the grandiose fantasies and reality (the Grandiosity
> In comparison, the inverted narcissist can only vacillate between lack of
> self-worth and reality. No grandiosity is permitted, except in dangerous,
> forbidden fantasy. This shows that the invert is psychologically incapable
> fully realising their inherent potentials without a primary narcissist to
> the praise, adulation or accomplishments through. They MUST have someone
to whom
> praise can be redirected. The dissonance between the IN's certainty of
> self-worthlessness and genuine praise that cannot be deflected is likely
> emotionally derail the inverted narcissist every time.

L.W.(ßill)Hughes Fighter Against Evil

no leída,
31 dic 2007, 2:08:2331/12/07
> The roles of Primary Source of Narcissistic Supply (PSNS) and Secondary
> of Narcissistic Supply (SSNS) are reversed. To the inverted narcissist, a
> is a Source of PRIMARY Supply.
> The other reaction to the narcissistic parent is:

L.W.(ßill)Hughes Fighter Against Evil

no leída,
31 dic 2007, 2:08:1331/12/07
individualized weaknesses to the rebuttal, DO NOT constitute spam.
Well point them out to me, I'd like to be able to write like you
girlies, incognito
Writes it's spew just under my address, as though it was trying to hide
the fact it's, 24wimp's incoherent, uncontrolled jealous senile run on
babbling, I should snip so as not to embarrass it again! NOT! :-)

"Dr.Neuraxis®" <> wrote in message
> This is the big difference between narcissists and their inverted version.
> former REJECTED the Primary Object in particular (and object relations in
> general) in favour of a handy substitute: themselves.
> The IN accepted the (narcissist) Primary Object and internalised it - to
> exclusion of all others (unless they are perceived by him to be faithful
> renditions, replicas of the narcissistic Primary Object).

L.W.(ßill)Hughes Fighter Against Evil

no leída,
31 dic 2007, 2:08:1031/12/07
> The child accommodates, idealises and internalises the Primary Object
> successfully. This means that the child's "internal voice" is narcissistic
> that the child tries to comply with its directives and with its explicit
> perceived wishes. The child becomes a masterful provider of Narcissistic
> a perfect match to the parent's personality, an ideal source, an
> understanding and caring caterer to all the needs, whims, mood swings and
> of the narcissist, an endurer of devaluation and idealisation with
equanimity, a
> superb adapter to the narcissist's world view, in short: the ultimate
> This is what we call an "inverted narcissist".

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L.W.(ßill)Hughes Fighter of Evil trolls

no leída,
1 ene 2008, 0:38:191/1/08

L.W.(ßill)Hughes Fighter of Evil trolls

no leída,
1 ene 2008, 0:38:171/1/08

L.W.(ßill)Hughes Fighter of Evil trolls

no leída,
1 ene 2008, 0:38:241/1/08

L.W.(ßill)Hughes Fighter of Evil trolls

no leída,
1 ene 2008, 0:38:361/1/08

L.W.(ßill)Hughes Fighter of Evil trolls

no leída,
1 ene 2008, 0:38:321/1/08

L.W.(ßill)Hughes Fighter of Evil trolls

no leída,
1 ene 2008, 0:38:271/1/08

L.W.(ßill)Hughes Fighter of Evil trolls

no leída,
1 ene 2008, 0:38:301/1/08

L.W.(ßill)Hughes Fighter of Evil trolls

no leída,
1 ene 2008, 0:38:211/1/08

L.W.(ßill)Hughes Fighter of Evil trolls

no leída,
1 ene 2008, 0:38:341/1/08

L.W.(ßill)Hughes Fighter of Evil trolls

no leída,
1 ene 2008, 0:38:381/1/08

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L.W.(ßill)Hughes Fighter of Evil trolls

no leída,
1 ene 2008, 3:35:451/1/08
Replies to your jealous posts even a copy and paste of your
individualized weaknesses to the rebuttal, DO NOT constitute spam, loser.

"Dr.Neuraxis®" <> wrote in message
> Same old Spam, Same old loser.

L.W.(ßill)Hughes Fighter of Evil trolls

no leída,
1 ene 2008, 3:39:491/1/08
Replies to your jealous posts even a copy and paste of your
individualized weaknesses to the rebuttal, DO NOT constitute spam, loser.

"Dr.Neuraxis®" <> wrote in message

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