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Fox News Beats ABC/CBS & NBC

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03.09.2004, 16:09:2303.09.04
As on-topic to this group as who is on the Billboard Charts, it is
worthy of note that in a historical first Fox News Channel (my place of
employment) beat all 3 Broadcast News divisions in the ratings this week during
the Republican National Convention. More people watched FNC than on ABC, NBC
or CBS, and Wednesday night Fox News Channel beat CBS's and ABC's viewerships
*combined*. 8 years ago ABC News was laughing at Fox's new upstart cable News
outfit. They are not laughing anymore. And even by combining their ratings
for MSNBC and the Parent NBC network, NBC was beaten by Foxc News Channel.

As a side note, MSNBC did beat CNN.


"Fox News beats all rivals at GOP ratings"

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
Published on: 09/03/04

Fox News was the winner in the TV ratings battle during the Republican National

On Wednesday, for the second straight night, Fox beat out not only its cable
rivals but also broadcast networks.

In the 10 p.m. hour Wednesday, when all the networks were airing convention
coverage, Fox averaged a whopping 5.9 million viewers. NBC had 4.5 million, ABC
claimed 3.3 million and CBS got 2.6 million.

In another upset, MSNBC, usually the third-rated cable news network, was
beating CNN. CNN averaged 1.202 million viewers on Wednesday between 10 p.m.
and 11 p.m., compared to MSNBC's 1.214 million. It was the second straight
night that MSNBC beat CNN.

Final convention ratings numbers come out later today.


The New York Times
"Faced With Poor Ratings, Networks Soul Search"

Published: September 3, 2004


" Like Mr. Brokaw, a number of television executives yesterday blamed the
Republicans and Democrats for the networks' dwindling convention viewership.
But as the Fox News cable channel widened its lead in the convention ratings
race, other observers suggested that the networks needed to look within.

While Fox broadcast the convention for much of the day, the three networks
covered it only from 10 to 11 p.m.

Dorrance Smith, the longtime former ABC News executive who is now a television
consultant to the Republican National Convention, called Fox's dominance in the
ratings this week "truly a seminal event," and said that that development could
be interpreted as a serious threat to the identities of the broadcast news

"It never ceases to amaze me how the networks can continue to rationalize their
ongoing decline in both numbers and relevancy," Mr. Smith said. "The way that
we and the Democrats have programmed the 10 p.m. hour has reduced their impact
dramatically. By limiting their coverage, they are forced to show what the
conventions have programmed, and it has reduced to a bare minimum their ability
to react and opine."

Dan Rather, the CBS anchor, said that precisely that kind of stage managing had
helped reduce the networks' interest in the conventions. His team, he said, was
left to act less like journalists than like sports producers who show up at a
prepackaged event and turn on their cameras.

"Actually, in sports you can do more," Mr. Rather said. "You can say the
fullback missed a block. Here we don't even get to do that."

After beating the broadcast networks for the first time on Tuesday, Fox News
dominated viewership from 10 to 11 p.m. on Wednesday, when Vice President Dick
Cheney gave his acceptance speech. Fox not only pulled in more viewers than any
individual broadcast network, with 5.918 million, but also attracted more
viewers than CBS (2.6 million) and ABC (3.3 million) combined. NBC had 4.5
million viewers, according to Nielsen Media Research.

While many network news executives dismissed Fox's success as a function of its
warmth toward the Republicans, many admitted that the size of the audience
differential on Wednesday was startling.

"Any time you see a number of that magnitude you have to think about it," Neal
Shapiro, the president of NBC News, said."

Will Miho
NY Music & TV Audio Guy
Off the Morning Show! & sleepin' In... / Fox News
"The large print giveth and the small print taketh away..." Tom Waits


03.09.2004, 16:15:5503.09.04
In article <>,
wil...@aol.comnospam (WillStG) wrote:

> As on-topic to this group as who is on the Billboard Charts, it is
> worthy of note that in a historical first Fox News Channel (my place of
> employment) beat all 3 Broadcast News divisions in the ratings this week
> during
> the Republican National Convention. More people watched FNC than on ABC, NBC
> or CBS, and Wednesday night Fox News Channel beat CBS's and ABC's viewerships
> *combined*. 8 years ago ABC News was laughing at Fox's new upstart cable
> News
> outfit.

and I bet more people who wanted to find out about bunt cake were
watching the "food network" than abc,fox,nbc,and cbs combined
you have a narrow focused niche audience and you were broadcasting the
pablum they live breath eat and shit
do you really find it amazing?
most of america didn't give a rats ass about the DNC or RNC conventions


Fed Up

03.09.2004, 16:16:3903.09.04
WillStG wrote:
> As on-topic to this group as who is on the Billboard Charts, it is
> worthy of note that in a historical first Fox News Channel (my place of
> employment) beat all 3 Broadcast News divisions in the ratings this week during
> the Republican National Convention. More people watched FNC than on ABC, NBC
> or CBS, and Wednesday night Fox News Channel beat CBS's and ABC's viewerships
> *combined*.

So even more people are misinformed than ever before. Congratulations,
Joe Goebbels would be proud.

Fox News: Wholly without merit.


03.09.2004, 16:23:3003.09.04
The bad news is this means the convention was watched more by the faithful then
the curious.

"I know enough to know I don't know enough"


03.09.2004, 16:37:4303.09.04

>and I bet more people who wanted to find out about bunt cake were
>watching the "food network" than abc,fox,nbc,and cbs combined

I'll take that bet, how about $10,000 cash? You might like to check your
facts first before you start talking trash George. Last week even the MTV
VMA's only got 6.2 million viewers, double the next rated cable show, and no
Food Network program was even in the top 15 Cable programs for the week.

THIS JUST IN! Fox News Channel pulled 7.3 MILLION VIEWERS last night,
handily beating all 3 Broadcast Network News divisions again!


FNC Beats Nets Again: 7.3 Mil At 10pm

"Fox News Channel averaged 7.3 million viewers between 10 and 11pm Thursday,
early ratings data demonstrates. CNN averaged 2.65 million and MSNBC averaged
1.7 million during the hour.
The fast national numbers for the networks show that Fox beat the networks
again last night. This data is not final, but CBS averaged 6.2 million, NBC had
5.6 million, and ABC had 4.7 million. Final #'s will be available later

# 9/3/2004 04:19:08 PM "


03.09.2004, 16:47:4703.09.04
<< and I bet more people who wanted to find out about bunt cake were
>watching the "food network" than abc,fox,nbc,and cbs combined

I'll take that bet, how about $10,000 cash? You might like to check your
facts first before you start talking trash George. >>

You must not have read his post carefully.


03.09.2004, 17:05:1503.09.04
> (EggHd)

>The bad news is this means the convention was watched more by the faithful
then the curious.>

Can you support the notion that fewer people watched the RNC this year
than 4 years ago. Can you point to a different Demographic and what it means?
Although I admit a whole section of the convention was taunting the CNN people,
chanting "Watch Fox, Watch Fox" during their interviews on the floor. But
people voting with their feet is traditional in a Democracy, is it not?

My main point, I think the Network programming execs screwed up Big Time.
When members of both political parties have been calling this election "the
most important election in our lifetime", the decision by Network programmers
that the public was not interested, and that the events were not "news" and so
were unworthy of extended coverage was a big failure IMHO. They failed to
understand the public's interest, they failed to perform their traditional
over-the-air Broadcast public interest responsibilities, they failed to provide
programming free enough from snide remarks and condescention that a large
demographic of viewers would not seek alternatives.

During the President's speech last night I was at home watching and the 60
cycle hum we had on the line was driving me crazy. And yet we had a record
number of viewers. Sometimes it really *is* the song, and not how slick the
recording is.

David Morgan (MAMS)

03.09.2004, 17:09:2003.09.04

"WillStG" <wil...@aol.comnospam> wrote in message ...

Political posts have been virtually non-existant in your absence.

How could one expect anything other than the official "mouth"
of the Republican party (the network which managed to achieve
the legal right to lie to the public) would have the most viewers
for this national Republican event?

Thanks for the few quiet days of reading...



03.09.2004, 17:27:3103.09.04

"WillStG" <wil...@aol.comnospam> wrote in message

Strangely enough, they beat all other networks in the amount of pure BS they
were spreading as well. That is why the lion's share of folks in this
country who were given false information and held pure BS to be verified
fact (after all, why would a news station lie?) got their false information
from Fox News.



03.09.2004, 17:28:4703.09.04
For those who didn't catch it last time:


"WillStG" <wil...@aol.comnospam> wrote in message


03.09.2004, 17:29:1203.09.04
> (EggHd)

>You must not have read his post carefully.

No Egghead, I'm waiting for George to take my wager. Because as you
should know full well, on their worst night any of the Big 3 Broadcast Nets
beats the crap out of the "Food Network" in the ratings, let alone all 3
combined. "The Food Network" averaged 500,000 viewers in the last quarter -
last night the lowest rated Net covering the RNC, which was CBS, had 6.2
million. George's trash talk notwithstanding, the 3 Nets combined kicked the
ass for "Bund Cake recipes" at least 15 to 1. And Fox News Channel beat them

Ok we're not *so* great honestly, it's our viewers are extrelmely loyal
(though only 52% consider themselves "Conservative"), and maybe we will all end
with a "Napolean complex" like some of our collegues are suggesting. But there
is some poetic justice when an economy car leaves a luxury car like a Beamer or
Mercedes in the dust. At least, to the liberal in me there is... <g>


03.09.2004, 17:46:1503.09.04
> "David Morgan \(MAMS\)"

>Political posts have been virtually non-existant in your absence.
>How could one expect anything other than the official "mouth"
>of the Republican party (the network which managed to achieve
>the legal right to lie to the public) would have the most viewers
>for this national Republican event?
>Thanks for the few quiet days of reading...

This thread is intended as news for the members of this group who are
*avoiding* the political threads David. But it is your friends on the left -
and you - who are making this into a political thread. Broadcast ratings are as
on topic in this newsgroup as the BIllboard charts are. Broadcast audio
engineers are as much part of the target group for this newsgroup as recordists
and manufacturer reps are.

The paradigm is shifting in the media, in the news business. This is
something worthy of note, and I would be remiss to let it go by unmentioned.
There are many dimensions IMO as to the meaning of Cable television superceding
Broadcast television worthy of consideration. To only see the meaning as being
political in nature is extremely narrow minded in my view.

I think the changes taking place affecting my segment of the audio
business has much in common with the Democratization of the recording business
that has affected all the studio owners and idependents recordists here.

For good or ill, it is "reality TV" David.

Pete Dimsman

03.09.2004, 17:53:1003.09.04

WillStG wrote:

>> (EggHd)
>>You must not have read his post carefully.
> No Egghead, I'm waiting for George to take my wager. Because as you
> should know full well, on their worst night any of the Big 3 Broadcast Nets
> beats the crap out of the "Food Network" in the ratings, let alone all 3

I guess you missed "and I bet more people who wanted to find out about

bunt cake were watching the "food network" than abc,fox,nbc,and cbs



Bob Cain

03.09.2004, 17:57:4603.09.04

WillStG wrote:

> As on-topic to this group as who is on the Billboard Charts, it is
> worthy of note that in a historical first Fox News Channel (my place of
> employment) beat all 3 Broadcast News divisions in the ratings this week during
> the Republican National Convention.

What on earth do you think that means other than that a lot
of republicans are entertained by their propeganda arm?
Goebles was quite successful too.

The signifigance you attach to things calls into serious
question any capability you might have at all for critical

Why did you fail to flag this topic as [OT] to assist those
who want to automatically filter out such content?


"Things should be described as simply as possible, but no

A. Einstein

Arny Krueger

03.09.2004, 18:13:3803.09.04
"WillStG" <wil...@aol.comnospam> wrote in message

> As on-topic to this group as who is on the Billboard Charts, it

> is worthy of note that in a historical first Fox News Channel (my
> place of employment) beat all 3 Broadcast News divisions in the
> ratings this week during the Republican National Convention. More
> people watched FNC than on ABC, NBC or CBS, and Wednesday night Fox
> News Channel beat CBS's and ABC's viewerships *combined*. 8 years
> ago ABC News was laughing at Fox's new upstart cable News outfit.
> They are not laughing anymore. And even by combining their ratings
> for MSNBC and the Parent NBC network, NBC was beaten by Foxc News
> Channel.

Serves 'em right!

U.S. Network news has IMO long been a parody of reality. If you've ever been
on the inside of a real news story, you know that the network news reporting
of it is a travesty.

All that Fox did is add one layer of indirection, and produce a travesty
form of network news based on the travesty of of real news that network news
had long become.

Don Cooper

03.09.2004, 18:45:2603.09.04

Pete Dimsman wrote:

> I guess you missed "and I bet more people who wanted to find out about
> bunt cake were watching the "food network" than abc,fox,nbc,and cbs
> combined"
> ??
> Dumbass!!!

Like I've said before, this man might be interesting after he's not
employed here any more. And after the deprogramming, which would
probably take a couple of years.

His job is all he's got. Like they care.

Don Cooper

03.09.2004, 18:47:1903.09.04

reddred wrote:

> Strangely enough, they beat all other networks in the amount of pure BS they
> were spreading as well.

Maybe a few of those people wanted to see Bono.

They probably thought Sonny came back to life.

Don Cooper

03.09.2004, 18:50:1103.09.04

Bob Cain wrote:

> Why did you fail to flag this topic as [OT] to assist those
> who want to automatically filter out such content?

I still don't get the connection to the Billboard charts. Many of us
work on music.


03.09.2004, 18:59:5003.09.04
Willstg wrote:

> As on-topic to this group as who is on the Billboard Charts, it is
>worthy of note that in a historical first Fox News Channel (my place of

>employment) beat all 3 Broadcast News divisions in the ratings this week.

More people watched FNC than on ABC, NBC
>or CBS, and Wednesday night Fox News Channel beat CBS's and ABC's viewerships

What was on...Simpsons' reruns?


03.09.2004, 21:53:0403.09.04
<< No Egghead, I'm waiting for George to take my wager. Because as you
should know full well, on their worst night any of the Big 3 Broadcast Nets
beats the crap out of the "Food Network" in the ratings, let alone all 3
combined. >>

You still missed it. The post was pretty funny.


03.09.2004, 23:01:5203.09.04
<< Don Cooper >>

<< I still don't get the connection to the Billboard charts. Many of us
work on music.

This newsgroup will be called


This newsgroup will be of interest to the following groups:

- Broadcast and studio engineers
- Those with interests in production and engineering
- Musicians and recording hobbyists


This newsgroup will be unmoderated.


This newsgroup will provide a forum for the discussion of professional
audio products, recording and studio engineering as it relates to any
of following:

- Radio/TV audio for on-air and production
- Sound reinforcement
- Recording


04.09.2004, 00:27:4004.09.04
In article <>, (EggHd) wrote:

> << No Egghead, I'm waiting for George to take my wager. Because as you
> should know full well, on their worst night any of the Big 3 Broadcast Nets
> beats the crap out of the "Food Network" in the ratings, let alone all 3
> combined. >>

not during Bunt Cake week!!!(amoung those who specificaly are watching
tv to find out about bunt cakes)

Geoff Wood

04.09.2004, 00:32:0104.09.04
WillStG wrote:
> As on-topic to this group as who is on the Billboard Charts,
> it is worthy of note that in a historical first Fox News Channel (my
> place of employment) beat all 3 Broadcast News divisions in the
> ratings this week during the Republican National Convention.

That's really sad.


Don Cooper

04.09.2004, 00:36:2004.09.04

George wrote:

> not during Bunt Cake week!!!(amoung those who specificaly are watching
> tv to find out about bunt cakes)

Just wait till that "Iron Chef" comes on.


04.09.2004, 01:35:3104.09.04
WillStG wrote:

> As on-topic to this group as who is on the Billboard Charts, it is
> worthy of note that in a historical first Fox News Channel (my place of
> employment) beat all 3 Broadcast News divisions in the ratings this week
> during
> the Republican National Convention. More people watched FNC than on ABC,
> NBC or CBS, and Wednesday night Fox News Channel beat CBS's and ABC's
> viewerships
> *combined*. 8 years ago ABC News was laughing at Fox's new upstart cable
> News
> outfit. They are not laughing anymore. And even by combining their
> ratings
> for MSNBC and the Parent NBC network, NBC was beaten by Foxc News
> Channel.

Considering that Faux is the favorite network of the type of people who
would be expected to be most interested in watching a right wing
cheerleading rally, this should surprise no one.

Richard Crowley

04.09.2004, 01:08:3804.09.04
> The Atlanta Journal-Constitution wrote...

> Fox News was the winner in the TV ratings battle during the
> Republican National Convention.
> On Wednesday, for the second straight night, Fox beat out not
> only its cable rivals but also broadcast networks.
> In the 10 p.m. hour Wednesday, when all the networks were
> airing convention coverage, Fox averaged a whopping 5.9
> million viewers. NBC had 4.5 million, ABC claimed 3.3
> million and CBS got 2.6 million.
> In another upset, MSNBC, usually the third-rated cable news
> network, was beating CNN. CNN averaged 1.202 million
> viewers on Wednesday between 10 p.m. and 11 p.m., compared
> to MSNBC's 1.214 million. It was the second straight night
> that MSNBC beat CNN.

Apparently only the people in this newsgroup believe that CNN is
anything other than a self-proclamed, full-blown leftist propaganda
outlet. The numbers clearly indicate where people go who are
interested in media that are not openly hostile to Republicans.


04.09.2004, 07:56:3004.09.04
In article <>,
"Richard Crowley" <> wrote:


you mean where wannabe facists go to get thier fix



04.09.2004, 07:58:3204.09.04
>Fox News Channel (my place of
>employment) beat all 3 Broadcast News divisions in the ratings this week
>the Republican National Convention.

So the official network of the Republican Party attracted more Republicans than
other networks during the Republican Convention. Wear that one with pride,

Did you know that alcoholics drink more Budweiser than all flavors of Nestle
Quick combined?

Joe Egan
Colchester, VT


04.09.2004, 08:12:5404.09.04
In article <W4c_c.92919$>,
agent86 <> wrote:

> WillStG wrote:
> > As on-topic to this group as who is on the Billboard Charts, it is
> > worthy of note that in a historical first Fox News Channel (my place of
> > employment)

God what a low-life. Why are so many people so devoid of conscience
these days?



04.09.2004, 08:15:0104.09.04
In article <W4c_c.92919$>,
agent86 <> wrote:

I agree it's very weird someone would think that was meaningful as a
plus for Faux News.



04.09.2004, 08:25:2804.09.04
In article <>,
"Richard Crowley" <> wrote:

> > The Atlanta Journal-Constitution wrote...
> >
> > Fox News was the winner in the TV ratings battle during the
> > Republican National Convention.
> >
> > On Wednesday, for the second straight night, Fox beat out not
> > only its cable rivals but also broadcast networks.
> >
> > In the 10 p.m. hour Wednesday, when all the networks were
> > airing convention coverage, Fox averaged a whopping 5.9
> > million viewers. NBC had 4.5 million, ABC claimed 3.3
> > million and CBS got 2.6 million.
> >
> > In another upset, MSNBC, usually the third-rated cable news
> > network, was beating CNN. CNN averaged 1.202 million
> > viewers on Wednesday between 10 p.m. and 11 p.m., compared
> > to MSNBC's 1.214 million. It was the second straight night
> > that MSNBC beat CNN.
> Apparently only the people in this newsgroup believe that CNN is
> anything other than a self-proclamed, full-blown leftist propaganda
> outlet.

If CNN is a "self-proclamed, full-blown leftist propaganda
outlet," then how would you characterize Air America Radio?

>The numbers clearly indicate where people go who are
>interested in media that are not openly hostile to Republicans.

Too bad they can't go to a another planet to wage their sicko wars and
wreak havoc on that environment and economy. Planet Republican--has a
nice ring to it.



04.09.2004, 08:44:4604.09.04
In article <>,
wil...@aol.comnospam (WillStG) wrote:

Sheez, you definitely belong with Fox News.



04.09.2004, 08:48:2704.09.04
In article <>, (EggHd) wrote:

> << and I bet more people who wanted to find out about bunt cake were

> >watching the "food network" than abc,fox,nbc,and cbs combined

> I'll take that bet, how about $10,000 cash? You might like to check your
> facts first before you start talking trash George. >>

> You must not have read his post carefully.

You must not be familiar with the Fox News M.O. I.e., reading the post
wouldn't have made any difference.



04.09.2004, 10:14:5704.09.04

How do they do when the Superbowl's on?

Pete Dimsman

04.09.2004, 11:15:4804.09.04

Mondoslug1 wrote:

> How do they do when the Superbowl's on?

Or when it was the Democratic convention?


04.09.2004, 12:34:1504.09.04
<< (EganMedia) >>

<< So the official network of the Republican Party attracted more Republicans
other networks during the Republican Convention. Wear that one with pride,
Will. >>

Ok Joe, you're going off topic now. Because I would congratulate you if
you had number one record, regardless of whether I liked the artist or their
crap hillbilly Rap songs that you had recorded, or what the record company
marketing division did to get the record airplay, even if you were just the
fucking tape op on the session.

Yes conservatives like Fox News, but why wouldn't they like a news outfit
where they are not insulted and dissed constantly like they are at the Major 3
networks and at CNN? It not like liberal views do not get a respectful listen
here, we have many many commentators and guests that represent a
non-traditional non-conservative perspective and all well mannered people are
treated with respect, and the same makeup people and bad green room coffee.

<< Did you know that alcoholics drink more Budweiser than all flavors of Nestle
Quick combined? >>

Sounds to me like you take repudiation of the mainstream media personally.
Perhaps if you were more respectful yourself to those with whom you disagree
poltically, you would be able to understand what the mistake of the Broadcast
nets was and learn from their mistake. Depends on what your aspirations in
life are, I guess.


04.09.2004, 12:45:3904.09.04

Fox was up 137% in ratings for the RNC over the DNC.

Speaks volumes.

Roger W. Norman

04.09.2004, 12:59:4004.09.04
Gee, do you get a bonus for posting this here? WITHOUT an OT subject that
you just yelled at Pete about not more than two days ago?

Who couldn't beat the broadcast networks? They didn't cover the whole
evening on any evenings of either the Democratic nor Republican Conventions.
Do they have figures for C-Span?

Nevermind, don't answer. Please. Or maybe do, because it just goes to show
that more of America is dumber than you wish to accept. You think they are
smart for watching your network, and yet you somehow work for a network that
has no problems with giving all the Bush/Swift Boat Vets free airing of
their ads, over and over again without charge.

Your workplace is part of the problem, Will, not part of the solution.
Whether Kerry would be part of the solution remains to be seen if he gets
the chance, but devisive politics on the part of Fox isn't new. I realize
it pays your bills, and you have a job to do and a family to feed, but it
would be far better if you didn't appear here with the hook still stuck in
your cheek.


Roger W. Norman
SirMusic Studio

"WillStG" <wil...@aol.comnospam> wrote in message

> As on-topic to this group as who is on the Billboard Charts, it is
> worthy of note that in a historical first Fox News Channel (my place of
> employment) beat all 3 Broadcast News divisions in the ratings this week
> the Republican National Convention. More people watched FNC than on ABC,
> or CBS, and Wednesday night Fox News Channel beat CBS's and ABC's
> *combined*. 8 years ago ABC News was laughing at Fox's new upstart cable
> outfit. They are not laughing anymore. And even by combining their
> for MSNBC and the Parent NBC network, NBC was beaten by Foxc News

> As a side note, MSNBC did beat CNN.
> ..........................................
> "Fox News beats all rivals at GOP ratings"
> The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
> Published on: 09/03/04
> Fox News was the winner in the TV ratings battle during the Republican
> Convention.

> On Wednesday, for the second straight night, Fox beat out not only its
> rivals but also broadcast networks.
> In the 10 p.m. hour Wednesday, when all the networks were airing
> coverage, Fox averaged a whopping 5.9 million viewers. NBC had 4.5

million, ABC
> claimed 3.3 million and CBS got 2.6 million.

> In another upset, MSNBC, usually the third-rated cable news network, was
> beating CNN. CNN averaged 1.202 million viewers on Wednesday between 10
> and 11 p.m., compared to MSNBC's 1.214 million. It was the second straight
> night that MSNBC beat CNN.

> Final convention ratings numbers come out later today.
> --------------------------------
> The New York Times
> "Faced With Poor Ratings, Networks Soul Search"
> Published: September 3, 2004
> ***Excerpt***
> " Like Mr. Brokaw, a number of television executives yesterday blamed the
> Republicans and Democrats for the networks' dwindling convention
> But as the Fox News cable channel widened its lead in the convention
> race, other observers suggested that the networks needed to look within.
> While Fox broadcast the convention for much of the day, the three networks
> covered it only from 10 to 11 p.m.
> Dorrance Smith, the longtime former ABC News executive who is now a
> consultant to the Republican National Convention, called Fox's dominance
in the
> ratings this week "truly a seminal event," and said that that development
> be interpreted as a serious threat to the identities of the broadcast news
> operations.
> "It never ceases to amaze me how the networks can continue to rationalize
> ongoing decline in both numbers and relevancy," Mr. Smith said. "The way
> we and the Democrats have programmed the 10 p.m. hour has reduced their
> dramatically. By limiting their coverage, they are forced to show what the
> conventions have programmed, and it has reduced to a bare minimum their
> to react and opine."
> Dan Rather, the CBS anchor, said that precisely that kind of stage
managing had
> helped reduce the networks' interest in the conventions. His team, he
said, was
> left to act less like journalists than like sports producers who show up
at a
> prepackaged event and turn on their cameras.
> "Actually, in sports you can do more," Mr. Rather said. "You can say the
> fullback missed a block. Here we don't even get to do that."
> After beating the broadcast networks for the first time on Tuesday, Fox
> dominated viewership from 10 to 11 p.m. on Wednesday, when Vice President
> Cheney gave his acceptance speech. Fox not only pulled in more viewers
than any
> individual broadcast network, with 5.918 million, but also attracted more
> viewers than CBS (2.6 million) and ABC (3.3 million) combined. NBC had 4.5
> million viewers, according to Nielsen Media Research.
> While many network news executives dismissed Fox's success as a function
of its
> warmth toward the Republicans, many admitted that the size of the audience
> differential on Wednesday was startling.
> "Any time you see a number of that magnitude you have to think about it,"
> Shapiro, the president of NBC News, said."
> 5200&en=d6de29b3bdc22942&ei=5006&partner=ALTAVISTA1


04.09.2004, 12:56:4304.09.04
50% of the American people still believe there was WMDs in Iraq. Which speaks
volumes about the intelligence of most Fox viewers.
BTW, OReilly said he would quit if WMDs weren't found within 6 months. Thats
long past, and he never brought it up again, despite the non publicized fact he
got over 20,000 emails reminding him of what he said.

Bob Olhsson

04.09.2004, 13:05:5404.09.04
"EggHd" <> wrote in message

> Fox was up 137% in ratings for the RNC over the DNC.
> Speaks volumes.

Those folks DON'T watch the other 7 news channels that share the rest of the

Bob Olhsson Audio Mastery, Nashville TN
Mastering, Audio for Picture, Mix Evaluation and Quality Control
Over 40 years making people sound better than they ever imagined!


04.09.2004, 13:07:4804.09.04
In article <>,
wil...@aol.comnospam (WillStG) wrote:

> << (EganMedia) >>
> << So the official network of the Republican Party attracted more Republicans
> than
> other networks during the Republican Convention. Wear that one with pride,
> Will. >>
> Ok Joe, you're going off topic now. Because I would congratulate you
> if
> you had number one record, regardless of whether I liked the artist or their
> crap hillbilly Rap songs that you had recorded, or what the record company
> marketing division did to get the record airplay, even if you were just the
> fucking tape op on the session.
> Yes conservatives like Fox News, but why wouldn't they like a news outfit
> where they are not insulted and dissed constantly like they are at the Major
> 3
> networks and at CNN?

it is not a insult or dissing when it is true
republicans are evil bastards out to ruin america for thier own gain

Liberals are wacked out nut jobs that can't focus on the forest beacuse
of the trees

neither lib/dems ot con/pubs are really all that smart or able to take
in the big picture
Fox news is like cocaine to the neocons starved for more hate mongering
at least the networks just simply report what happened and leave the
conclusions up to the viewer
Faux news tells you what you should think

Bob Cain

04.09.2004, 14:45:4304.09.04

Geoff Wood wrote:

Which, the ratings or the false and transparent "reasoning"
W.M. employed to make it on topic? This guy really does
deserve the job in the propaganda arm of the administration
that he so enjoys. On second thought, as we've all seen he
is not really very good at it.


"Things should be described as simply as possible, but no

A. Einstein

Pete Dimsman

04.09.2004, 18:04:0304.09.04

Richard Crowley wrote:

> Apparently only the people in this newsgroup believe that CNN is
> anything other than a self-proclamed, full-blown leftist propaganda
> outlet. The numbers clearly indicate where people go who are
> interested in media that are not openly hostile to Republicans.

No, CNN just likes to report the facts that Repubs would just as soon
ignore. Thats why they like Fox. Fox DOES ignore these facts also. Like
how wonderful we made it for the Iraqis'. yeah, i'm sure they must just
love what we did for them. (..)

The Iraqi daily news:

At least 50 die in violence across Iraq

BAGHDAD, Iraq (CNN) -- Fighting and a suicide bombing killed at least 50
people across Iraq on Saturday.

Stephen Boyke

04.09.2004, 19:58:1904.09.04
On 9/4/04 9:45 AM, in article,
"EggHd" <> wrote:

Many have more important things to do than watch Fox News (or other news
shows for that matter) on a regular basis.

Just imagine the following:

1. Walk in the woods
2. Critical thinking
3. Reading a book
4. Practicing a musical instrument
5. Spending time with family
6. Etc.


04.09.2004, 21:42:1104.09.04
<< (BLCKOUT420) >>

<< 50% of the American people still believe there was WMDs in Iraq. Which
volumes about the intelligence of most Fox viewers. >>

So 50% of the American people watch Fox News you would say? Wow.

But given that Iraq used poison gas in it's War against Iran, and given
that there are thousands of people buried in mass graves that Saddam killed
with poison gas, and as it is documented that Iraq bought Uranium before the
first Gulf War, and as more than 10 of Saddam's top scientists have have been
murdered, and given that there were convoys of trucks carrying cargo into Syria
immediately preceding the Liberation of Iraq, this might suggest the 50% of the
American People have a better memory of History and a more nuanced grasp of the
facts of the WMD matter than you claim to possess.


04.09.2004, 22:02:3604.09.04
<< "Roger W. Norman"
<< Gee, do you get a bonus for posting this here? WITHOUT an OT subject that
you just yelled at Pete about not more than two days ago? >>

If you ever mixed a hit record Roger, I do not think anyone would expect an
OT if you mentioned it here. You know full well I have been here on RAP for as
long as I have been at Fox News, and until we starting kicking the ass of the
established media no one here had a bad word to say to me about it. Now that
FNC has become a threat to the established media, now that you read all this
crap Democrat / lefistist talking points about my place of empolyment you can't
even be civil to me about my part in what is a remarkable success story, by any
measure. Surely you are not also so in denial you cannot recognize a
sea-change may be taking place in the media world?

Whatever. I may have adopted a child and be on my second house since I
discovered RAP, but essentially and morally I am not much different today than
8 years ago, when I quit my NABET job at World News Tonight for FNC. However
I have to say you are unable to even show basic professional courtesy anymore
due to your partisan political bias. The numbnuts I can understand being like
that, those with a lack of perspective I can understand it, but I expected
better of you really. Silly me.

Ces't la Vie.


05.09.2004, 00:05:0205.09.04
<< "Bob Olhsson" >>

<< "EggHd" <> wrote

> Fox was up 137% in ratings for the RNC over the DNC.
> Speaks volumes.

Those folks DON'T watch the other 7 news channels that share the rest of the
audience. >>

CNN's ratings during the GOP Convention was up 43% over their Democratic
Convention ratings as well. The fact is there was more general public
interest in the Republican Convention than in the Democrat's, plain and simple,
your theorectical "Partisan Split" notwithstanding.

And look, we whomped CNN and even the Weather Channel the Day after
Hurricane Charley hit. I suppose they make Hurricanes in Democratic and
Republican varieties now in your view? No, I beleive it far more likely the
reality is that viewers think we have a better more interesting product,
better more interesting people, and that that trumps every other factor. The
Partisan Split theory is more of a theory to save face than a very good excuse
i think, and all the experienced Executives at the Nets have been admitting
that they have some soul searching to do.


05.09.2004, 00:55:1105.09.04
On 05 Sep 2004 02:02:36 GMT, wil...@aol.comnospam (WillStG) wrote:

>I have to say you are unable to even show basic professional courtesy anymore
>due to your partisan political bias.

WTF are you, neutral??? Give the hypocrisy a rest.



05.09.2004, 01:15:0605.09.04
<< playon >>

<< WTF are you, neutral??? Give the hypocrisy a rest.

I was talking to Roger, who actually signs his name to his posts. I have
known him a lot longer than you, he's a big boy, and he certainly doesn't need
your posturing to protect him.

R Krizman

05.09.2004, 01:19:3605.09.04
<< If you ever mixed a hit record Roger, I do not think anyone would expect an
OT if you mentioned it here. >><BR><BR>

You mean you mentioned it because you had something to do with it? It wasn't
just another political lob? In all fairness, how can we tell.?

Did you mix the broadcast? How about some details from the trenches. Anything
in there that might remotely be of audio interest? (like there would be if you
had mixed a hit record)

I don't think people here should pick on you for your political beliefs, unless
of course you ask for it.

How did they slobber-proof the mics?


R Krizman

05.09.2004, 01:21:1805.09.04
<< all the experienced Executives at the Nets have been admitting
that they have some soul searching to do >><BR><BR>

They do, but not for the reason you think.



05.09.2004, 02:12:1405.09.04
"WillStG" <wil...@aol.comnospam> wrote in message

> << "Bob Olhsson" >>
> << "EggHd" <> wrote
> > FYI
> >
> > Fox was up 137% in ratings for the RNC over the DNC.
> >
> > Speaks volumes.
> Those folks DON'T watch the other 7 news channels that share the rest of
> audience. >>
> CNN's ratings during the GOP Convention was up 43% over their
> Convention ratings as well. The fact is there was more general public
> interest in the Republican Convention than in the Democrat's, plain and
> your theorectical "Partisan Split" notwithstanding.

FWIW, I'll back Will up on the stats... some of you guys know I'm the TV
biz, too, and I noticed the other day in a ratings summary of the two
conventions that the GOP convention did indeed garner more total viewership
(across ALL nets, not just FNC) than the Dems did. I don't recall the exact
numbers, but it wasn't by a smidgen, it was a fairly large margin. I was
kinda surprised, actually... I thought they'd end up being pretty close in
viewership, based on quite a few polls we've all seen that show Bush &
Kerry running pretty close to each other & all that.

Neil Henderson
Saqqara Records


05.09.2004, 03:19:3105.09.04
In article <>, (R Krizman) wrote:

will does ask for it with his head in the sand robotic spewing of the
republican propaganda
\his downright hate for all that is good about America
and his bend twards not taking responsibility for the actions he has
direct control over(by voting)

Bob Cain

05.09.2004, 04:02:1805.09.04

neil.he...@sbcglobal.netNOSPAM wrote:

> FWIW, I'll back Will up on the stats... some of you guys know I'm the TV
> biz, too, and I noticed the other day in a ratings summary of the two
> conventions that the GOP convention did indeed garner more total viewership
> (across ALL nets, not just FNC) than the Dems did.

Yeah, I've noticed that republicans do watch a lot more
television than other people.


05.09.2004, 10:51:5305.09.04

><< (BLCKOUT420) >>
><< 50% of the American people still believe there was WMDs in Iraq. Which
>volumes about the intelligence of most Fox viewers. >>
> So 50% of the American people watch Fox News you would say? Wow.
> But given that Iraq used poison gas in it's War against Iran, and given
>that there are thousands of people buried in mass graves that Saddam killed
>with poison gas, and as it is documented that Iraq bought Uranium before the
>first Gulf War, and as more than 10 of Saddam's top scientists have have been
>murdered, and given that there were convoys of trucks carrying cargo into
>immediately preceding the Liberation of Iraq, this might suggest the 50% of
>American People have a better memory of History and a more nuanced grasp of
>facts of the WMD matter than you claim to possess.

Boy, you dance around what I said in true Fox fashion. You've learned from the


05.09.2004, 10:52:3005.09.04
"Bob Cain" <> wrote in message

> neil.he...@sbcglobal.netNOSPAM wrote:
> > FWIW, I'll back Will up on the stats... some of you guys know I'm the
> > biz, too, and I noticed the other day in a ratings summary of the two
> > conventions that the GOP convention did indeed garner more total
> > (across ALL nets, not just FNC) than the Dems did.
> Yeah, I've noticed that republicans do watch a lot more
> television than other people.

Never looked at it that way, but... GOOD! We need that upscale audience for
our advertisers :D


05.09.2004, 14:17:5605.09.04
<< CNN's ratings during the GOP Convention was up 43% over their Democratic
Convention ratings as well. >>

I saw that their numbers were down. But I am at a coffee shop right now
gloming on to their wi fi and have no info with me.


05.09.2004, 18:20:0905.09.04
<< (EggHd) >>

<<WillStG << CNN's ratings during the GOP Convention was up 43% over their

Convention ratings as well. >>

>> I saw that their numbers were down. But I am at a coffee shop right now
gloming on to their wi fi and have no info with me.

We were all up, but Cable was signifigantly up vs. the Nets, and FNC was
up more than anyone else. And a "Partisan Divide" wouldn't affect us as much
as it would CNN, as our audience is more evenly divided between Conservatives
and Liberals (CNN has 32% Conservative viewers, we have 52%.)

From "The San Franciso Chronicle"

> GOP tops Democrats in convention viewers"
Peter Hartlaub, Chronicle Pop Culture Critic
Saturday, September 4, 2004

"If ratings were votes, George W. Bush would be sitting pretty today,
because the Republican National Convention finished with a larger television
audience this week than its Democratic counterpart did in July. In addition,
President Bush's acceptance of the nomination drew more viewers than challenger
John Kerry's speech.

On ABC, CBS and NBC, plus three cable news channels, Nielsen Media
Research figures estimate that the Republican convention averaged a 15.3
rating, while Bush's Thursday night speech during the 7 o'clock hour peaked
with an 18.2 rating. The Democrats averaged a 14.3 rating over three nights,
and Kerry's speech drew a 16.9 rating.

Each ratings point equals 1.08 million households tuning in to the
program. Last year, top-rated network programs such as "American Idol" and
"CSI" averaged about a 16 rating. "

Stephen Boyke

05.09.2004, 20:29:3505.09.04
On 9/5/04 3:20 PM, in article,
"WillStG" <wil...@aol.comnospam> wrote:

This guy is really into this stuff. Guess it make him feel important or
useful. He's probably religious too. Yikes!!


05.09.2004, 21:11:3705.09.04
> THIS JUST IN! Fox News Channel pulled 7.3 MILLION VIEWERS last night,
>handily beating all 3 Broadcast Network News divisions again!

Danielle Steel has sold *way* more novels than William Faulkner, N'Sync has
sold more records than Dave Brubeck, and GW is currently ahead in the polls.
Maybe popularity isn't in direct proportion to quality.

Joe Egan
Colchester, VT

Don Cooper

05.09.2004, 21:17:3705.09.04

EggHd wrote:
> Fox was up 137% in ratings for the RNC over the DNC.
> Speaks volumes.

Sure. They're reporting on what they know.

Or think they know.

Don Cooper

05.09.2004, 21:19:4205.09.04

R Krizman wrote:

No NBA Championship this year?

Don Cooper

05.09.2004, 21:20:2505.09.04

BLCKOUT420 wrote:

> Boy, you dance around what I said in true Fox fashion. You've learned from the
> masters.

Watch what happens when they farm his job out to India.

Don Cooper

05.09.2004, 21:21:5205.09.04

Stephen Boyke wrote:

> This guy is really into this stuff. Guess it make him feel important or
> useful. He's probably religious too. Yikes!!

Hopefully he'll take all the blame when the "Pet Rock" network tanks.

Don Cooper

05.09.2004, 21:24:1905.09.04

Richard Crowley wrote:

> Apparently only the people in this newsgroup believe that CNN is
> anything other than a self-proclamed, full-blown leftist propaganda
> outlet. The numbers clearly indicate where people go who are
> interested in media that are not openly hostile to Republicans.

Only one person.

OK, maybe two.

Don Cooper

05.09.2004, 21:25:4305.09.04

Pete Dimsman wrote:

> BAGHDAD, Iraq (CNN) -- Fighting and a suicide bombing killed at least 50
> people across Iraq on Saturday.

Or "homicide bombing", as FOX calls it.



Don Cooper

05.09.2004, 21:27:0705.09.04

"Roger W. Norman" wrote:

> Your workplace is part of the problem, Will, not part of the solution.
> Whether Kerry would be part of the solution remains to be seen if he gets
> the chance, but devisive politics on the part of Fox isn't new. I realize
> it pays your bills, and you have a job to do and a family to feed, but it
> would be far better if you didn't appear here with the hook still stuck in
> your cheek.

God, I wish I wrote that.


05.09.2004, 21:52:3505.09.04
<< (EganMedia) >>

<<WIllStG > THIS JUST IN! Fox News Channel pulled 7.3 MILLION VIEWERS last

>handily beating all 3 Broadcast Network News divisions again!

>Danielle Steel has sold *way* more novels than William Faulkner, N'Sync has
sold more records than Dave Brubeck, and GW is currently ahead in the polls.
Maybe popularity isn't in direct proportion to quality.<

I do think if they are "turning out the lights" at Network News Divisions,
it would be a shame. But I think it is highly unlikely they will ever "get
it", and increasingly News Divisions are being looked at as expensive with
little return in prestige or investment.


05.09.2004, 22:47:3505.09.04
>wil...@aol.comnospam (WillStG)

>I do think if they are "turning out the lights" at Network News Divisions,
>it would be a shame. But I think it is highly unlikely they will ever "get


Yes, Fake News Channel is going to put real news broadcasts out of business.

I hear the Washington Post is folding because it's intimidated by the National

W -
He was for 527's before he was against them
He was against Homeland Security before he was for it
He was against a 9/11 Commission before he was for it
He said we would win the war on terror . . .
Before he said he didn't think it could be won.


05.09.2004, 23:47:3605.09.04
<< (R Krizman) >>

<< You mean you mentioned it because you had something to do with it? It
just another political lob? In all fairness, how can we tell.? >>

Did I call the competition at CNN or ABC "liberals" or "left wingers" Rick
- have I _ever_? Did I insult Democrats or use any kind of partisan language
in creating this thread? Not.

But when i was mixing "Fox & Friends" and our show beat CBS News during
the War, I told you guys at that time that something was happening in the media
business, why *can't* cable eventually eclipse broadcast? And if people here
are still too blind to grok it, due to politics, being in denial, whatever,
that suggests that bringing it to people's attention is clearly warranted.

That certain people here see the words "Fox News" and have a knee jerk
political reaction is not my fault. Everyone gets the same bad lighting at FNC
and I make Geraldine Ferraro sound as good as I do Laura Bush. And I work
with as many liberal Democrats as Conservatives, in fact probably *more*
liberals. There is a "Not Bush" sticker on our Control 1 audio console, not a
Bush/Chaney bumper sticker. And I have no problem with guys having opinions,
this *is* New York. What I put up is a picture of my son, and a quote from
George Lucas; "Audio is 50% of the motion picture experience".

<< Did you mix the broadcast? How about some details from the trenches.
in there that might remotely be of audio interest? (like there would be if you
had mixed a hit record) >>

Sure I mixed for both Convention's coverage, not the hour that beat the
Nets though. This one we tried those Countryman E6 headworn microphones on
occasion, they sounded good sometimes and sometimes they were popping like
crazy. I had no A2 onsite and if I had I dunno if they had pop filters. We
used Shure Beta 58 RF stick mics on the convention floor and Sennheiser
MKE102's hardlines in the Skybox Studio, I had to eq and filter below 140Hz on
all the lavs when live music was playing to make things intelligble, during
both conventions. But I am a "tweaker".

Everything was mixed centrally at our 6th Ave Studios, where our Neve 55's
use the "Mix-minus one" phase cancellation system to feed a mix minus to remote
IFB's. A console channel will feed the "mix minus bus" out of it's direct out,
with that channel's audio added back into the bus with it's polarity reversed
so it minuses out. We had a submixer for the skybox studio mics at MSG, all
the Convention floor cameras mics and ifbs had independent paths to 6th Ave.
and did not pass through the submixer.

My biggest headache for the week was Shepard Smith's folks decided to do
their program from the floor, not the skybox, using all the floor camera mics -
each coming down it's separate path to me. This created two big headaches;
time delay between the cameras mic's audio (coming down separate paths they
never arrive at the exact same time), and time delay in people's IFB's (they
have minuses of themselves from the assigned console channel feeding their ifb,
but not from the person mic that is standing next to them, the person talking
next to them echos back to them.)

To avoid these problems is why we had in place a rule that all audio from
a location where people are standing next to each other is always mixed on
site, or worst case split down left and right channels, and all ifb/interrupt
feeds to that location should get the same mix minus program feed. But in this
case, sometimes Shepard wanted to talk to someone on Camera 9 who was 300 feet
away and so they needed to be in each other's ifb to communicate, and then
you'd come back from a package and they'd be standing next to each other (and
get echo.)

So when correspondent's stood next to Shep I had to turn off the feeds to
their IFB's and take them off the mis minus bus ( or split their buss, there
are 2 MM busses), and when they moved away or were done renormal. This might
sound somewhat trivial, but already having to listen to the Director's calls,
the Tech manager, and my studio A2 as well as checking studio guests and guests
on remotes making sure they are hearing the right thing and sound ok while I
mix the show at the same time usually keeps me busy enough, without the added
problem. I got bit once when I was told Wendell Goler was standing next to
Shepard, but when I punched out his feed he said on air, "I just lost you
Shepard but..." Turns out there was the usual Shep "Directing from the floor"
going on, and I couldn't see Wendell had walked away on the camera feeds.

As for mics I found myself trying to crossfade as quickly as I could, and
when they were WAY out of sync with each other it was ugly, especially when
they spoke at the same time. Finally I discovered one camera mic was an omni,
so when Sherpard talked to guests on that camera I just tracked the omni with
an extra 6k bump and rode the levels, and that sounded much better than the
time delay between mics. An omni mic can be a beautiful thing, if the noise
level isn't killing you. 6k is the frequency at which audio rolls off due to
distance, so if you need 'reach' on a mic it's the magic frequency.

<< I don't think people here should pick on you for your political beliefs,
unless of course you ask for it.

How did they slobber-proof the mics? >>

How do you "drool proof" yours?

R Krizman

06.09.2004, 00:31:2506.09.04
<< How did they slobber-proof the mics? >>

How do you "drool proof" yours?

Will Miho >><BR><BR>

Well I haven't been micing any politicians so it hasn't been a problem.

(Although I did have the occasional problem when I used to use the U-67 on my 2
year old.)

Anyhow, I'm sure it was a great effort on your part, in spite of how people may
judge the content.



06.09.2004, 00:56:3506.09.04
<< altas...@aol.comnojunk (Altasrecrd) >>

<< Yes, Fake News Channel is going to put real news broadcasts out of

I hear the Washington Post is folding because it's intimidated by the National
Enquirer.. >>

It's not that at all Dude, but quite a few people turned out lights in
Nashville when they left for Branson. Look, once upon a time Network News
Divisions catered meals with lobster and such for everyone, techs included.
Can you imagine? And the Techs basically had stock options, they could buy
company stock at below market rates.

But Network News Divisions lose money, they don't generate it, and in the
last 20 years have been cut back more and more. They cut back in Tech Ops,
bought out all the old timers so they could hire younger and cheaper, they
never do routine maintanance anymore, and the adversarial relationship between
the Unions and Management really hasn't done much for workers lately either.

If Network News - which loses money - loses in the ratings to a cable
outlet operating at 1/10th the cost, what do you think the executives at the
Nets will think, what do you think the Accountants who are ever looking for a
way to increase the corporate bottom line are going to be thinking and
suggesting? If their prestige is actually _hurt_ by the News Division the long
knives will be out again, that leaves little other than their public interest
responsibilities as over the air licensees to maintain the news divisions. And
how much every year do you think the Networks want to throw away to make the
FCC happy?

In all likelyhood, as little as possible.

Bob Cain

06.09.2004, 01:58:3706.09.04

WillStG wrote:

> If Network News - which loses money - loses in the ratings to a cable
> outlet operating at 1/10th the cost,

So your boss saw a way to savage some loss leaders that were
performing an acknowledged public service by luring away its
audience with entertainment and propeganda renamed news at a
bargain basement production cost using bargain basement help
throughout. The Behringer of the media (except that
Behringer seems to have stepped up to the plate with some of
their products.)

Congratulations, you deserve the America you seem so eager
to create. I and my children and their children don't. I
just wish the hell you would take it somewhere else. Where
is there a piece of real estate, a forum as it were, for
such OT people as you revere and the people they've
manipulated to their side? Why are they cluttering up my
country with foolish and dangerous nonsense and lies and
theft and mass murder that can not possibly come to any good.

I really don't want my country left as Germany was in '45
especially without generous victors to assist the recovery.
We've gotta understand just how big we stand to lose the
"war" we've started and how little interest there will be
from any quarter to help us recover from that, much less to
interfere in the final process leading up to it. Expect
little more than a surrounding containment wall and a
poisoned earth. That's the America you are creating in the
end and there is _no_ coming back from that bottom.

There are 84 nuclear suitcase bombs missing from the
inventory of the former USSR. Out of 132 total. That's
just tip of the iceberg.

Why do we think that, should they start popping like a
string of firecrackers, our enormous remaining missle
"defense" won't be let go in a death spasm.

Does anybody really understand the stakes in this game?

Chris Hornbeck

06.09.2004, 02:18:1106.09.04
On Sun, 05 Sep 2004 22:58:37 -0700, Bob Cain
<> wrote:

>Does anybody really understand the stakes in this game?

No, but does it matter, as long as we have plausible deniability?
There's always someone left to blame.

Chris Hornbeck

Tommy B

06.09.2004, 08:10:5106.09.04
>not during Bunt Cake week!!!

Is this for the folks who like to play baseball while they bake?


"George" <> wrote in message
> In article <>,
> (EggHd) wrote:
> > << No Egghead, I'm waiting for George to take my wager. Because as you
> > should know full well, on their worst night any of the Big 3 Broadcast
> > beats the crap out of the "Food Network" in the ratings, let alone all 3
> > combined. >>
> >
> not during Bunt Cake week!!!(amoung those who specificaly are watching
> tv to find out about bunt cakes)
> george

Tommy B

06.09.2004, 08:28:3306.09.04
I think of Fox News in the same way I think of the New York Post, ( both
owned by Rupert) , I look as I go by.
Still, "Headless Body In Topless Bar" is still one of the best headlines
My dog seems to like the Post and the Daily News. We play a game, I call
"Literary Critic". Whichever newspaper machine he pees on, wins.
Once he pooped in front of the News and
Saddam's daughter's were on the front page.
Too bad he can't vote!


"WillStG" <wil...@aol.comnospam> wrote in message
> > (EggHd)
> >The bad news is this means the convention was watched more by the
> then the curious.>
> Can you support the notion that fewer people watched the RNC this
> than 4 years ago. Can you point to a different Demographic and what it
> Although I admit a whole section of the convention was taunting the CNN
> chanting "Watch Fox, Watch Fox" during their interviews on the floor.
> people voting with their feet is traditional in a Democracy, is it not?
> My main point, I think the Network programming execs screwed up Big
> When members of both political parties have been calling this election
> most important election in our lifetime", the decision by Network
> that the public was not interested, and that the events were not "news"
and so
> were unworthy of extended coverage was a big failure IMHO. They failed to
> understand the public's interest, they failed to perform their traditional
> over-the-air Broadcast public interest responsibilities, they failed to
> programming free enough from snide remarks and condescention that a large
> demographic of viewers would not seek alternatives.
> During the President's speech last night I was at home watching and
the 60
> cycle hum we had on the line was driving me crazy. And yet we had a
> number of viewers. Sometimes it really *is* the song, and not how slick
> recording is.


06.09.2004, 12:56:2506.09.04
>"Tommy B"

> My dog seems to like the Post and the Daily News. We play a game, I call
>"Literary Critic". Whichever newspaper machine he pees on, wins.

Reminds me of what I learned from having a kid. When he pees on you, it
means he loves you. <g>


06.09.2004, 13:39:1906.09.04
> Bob Cain

>So your boss saw a way to savage some loss leaders that were
>performing an acknowledged public service by luring away its
>audience with entertainment and propeganda renamed news at a
>bargain basement production cost using bargain basement help

Democracy will not survive without an objective, unbiased press. That is
a core belief that our President Roger Ailes has been constantly communicating
to our staff, that motivates people and gives them a sense of purpose, and that
is a sense of mission that other organizations do not have.

In my considered insider's view it is this idealism that sets FNC apart.
That idealism translates into working harder and longer, as a team, taking
responsibility, being willing to take chances because you are allowed sincere
mistakes, upholding the truth, being fair, and considering all points of view.
And as our Jim Angle, who worked at ABC News and NPR has said, "The only time I
was ever told what to report was at another company." I think overall we are
far less jaded and much more idealistic an organization than many of our
competitors are.

And *that* is what I do not think the Nets will be able to "get."

You certainly don't.

Pete Dimsman

06.09.2004, 13:46:5206.09.04

WillStG wrote:

> In my considered insider's view it is this idealism that sets FNC apart.

I was watching your "news" station minutes ago,a story about Clinton's
surgery. Someone should really teach your reporters that saying "umm"
every other word makes them sound like uneducated hics'.


06.09.2004, 13:49:1706.09.04
In article <>,
wil...@aol.comnospam (WillStG) wrote:

> >"Tommy B"
> > My dog seems to like the Post and the Daily News. We play a game, I call
> >"Literary Critic". Whichever newspaper machine he pees on, wins.
> Reminds me of what I learned from having a kid. When he pees on you, it
> means he loves you. <g>

maybe that is why your a republican.


06.09.2004, 14:05:1906.09.04
In article <>,
wil...@aol.comnospam (WillStG) wrote:

I live a few miles from a Car dealership that has a ten foot high
granite stone in its front "yard'
on it is chiseled
Rule 1, the customer is always right
Rule 2, refer to rule one

thins rings as true for them as your diatribe rings true for Fox

Fox does one thing well
Sunday night
other than that it is pure wasteland


06.09.2004, 16:28:4306.09.04

WillStG wrote:

> And as our Jim Angle, who worked at ABC News and NPR has said, "The only time I
> was ever told what to report was at another company."

The facts?

I'm sorry, but you left the door wide open....


06.09.2004, 16:40:5506.09.04
"George" <> wrote in message

> > Reminds me of what I learned from having a kid. When he pees on
you, it
> > means he loves you. <g>
> >
> maybe that is why your a republican.

What's that mean? If you're used to getting peed on you're a Republican,
but if you're used to getting shit on you become a Democrat?

Neil Henderson
Saqqara Records

Pete Dimsman

06.09.2004, 16:58:3106.09.04

neil.he...@sbcglobal.netNOSPAM wrote:

> "George" <> wrote in message
>>> Reminds me of what I learned from having a kid. When he pees on
> you, it
>>>means he loves you. <g>
>>maybe that is why your a republican.
> What's that mean? If you're used to getting peed on you're a Republican,
> but if you're used to getting shit on you become a Democrat?

Right. The difference is that if your a Republican, you like it.



06.09.2004, 17:42:4106.09.04
In article <rX3%c.16782$>,
<neil.he...@sbcglobal.netNOSPAM> wrote:

> "George" <> wrote in message
> > > Reminds me of what I learned from having a kid. When he pees on
> you, it
> > > means he loves you. <g>
> > >
> > maybe that is why your a republican.
> What's that mean? If you're used to getting peed on you're a Republican,
> but if you're used to getting shit on you become a Democrat?
> --

It means currently the republicans are pissing on america and the
constitution , while telling us it is for our own good, and beacuse they
just love america so fucking much

the democrats arn't doing anything at this time as they have no power


06.09.2004, 19:19:0606.09.04
<< We were all up, but Cable was signifigantly up vs. the Nets, and FNC was
up more than anyone else. >>

The LA times reports that CNN was down 31% during the GOP cpnvention.

"I know enough to know I don't know enough"


06.09.2004, 19:42:2706.09.04
<< steve >>

<< WillStG wrote:

The facts?

If management already knows what the facts are, they have no need for the
reporter. Just set up a cardboard cutout and move it's lips.

R Krizman

06.09.2004, 22:00:1606.09.04
Will wrote:

<< In my considered insider's view it is this idealism that sets FNC apart.
That idealism translates into working harder and longer, as a team, taking
responsibility, being willing to take chances because you are allowed sincere
mistakes, upholding the truth, being fair, and considering all points of view.


It's great that you believe that, but that's the same line they feed you at
McDonald's when they make you a manager.

If they're getting you to work harder and longer because of some idealistic
justification then you really do have the hook in your lip.

<< I think overall we are
far less jaded and much more idealistic an organization than many of our

competitors are. >><BR><BR>

From my own "considered insider's view" I'd say that if you peek a step or two
up the food chain from where you are you will see greed and self interest, just
like in any other profit seeking corporation. It's News Corp, not News
Service. News Corp is actually taking some interesting international steps to
create a more objective news environment, but its domestic product isn't part
of that. FNC is the cash cow driving higher ambitions.

That said, it's great to have a job, yes?


R Krizman

06.09.2004, 22:01:5306.09.04
<< If management already knows what the facts are, they have no need for the
reporter. Just set up a cardboard cutout and move it's lips.

Will Miho >><BR><BR>

And your point is?



06.09.2004, 23:11:2406.09.04
<< (R Krizman) >>

<< It's great that you believe that, but that's the same line they feed you at
McDonald's when they make you a manager.

If they're getting you to work harder and longer because of some idealistic
justification then you really do have the hook in your lip. >>

When we started up they hired all the techs at top union scale, that's what
motivates the working man. True, many in Tech Ops do not attend Roger Ailes
speeches to the troops and do not care about ephemerals like corporate mission
statements and State of the Business addresses. But everyone else does who
isn't busy with air, and it is my observation this is a much more idealistic
organization overall than our competition.

And when Roger gives away his Yankee tickets it's to whomever respond first
- no matter what their job is. A Cleaning lady became a Makeup person, a Stage
Manager became an AP and is now a Producer, there are mentoring programs for
employees and minority students. A very good attempt at being egalitiarian I

<< From my own "considered insider's view" I'd say that if you peek a step or
up the food chain from where you are you will see greed and self interest, just
like in any other profit seeking corporation. It's News Corp, not News
Service. News Corp is actually taking some interesting international steps to
create a more objective news environment, but its domestic product isn't part
of that. FNC is the cash cow driving higher ambitions.>

We have made our financial numbers, which is a ten year break even plan
every year so far. And sure not everyone here is idealistic, and living up to
ideals takes effort. But vision and leadership matter and set the tone for an
organization. Were Roger Ailes not our boss I highly doubt we would have the
success we have. His philosophy is pick the best people you can, then let them
do their job. People who have worked with him will tell you, he is a great
boss and extremely loyal.

>>That said, it's great to have a job, yes? >>

Yeah. And some here have observed it's actually pretty hard to get
fired, you really have to pull a dumb ass stunt like say, try to smuggle Uday
Hussein's suit out of Iraq (wearing it!) with Palace artwork in your bags and
say it was for the sake of your job. And Roger would have likely helped the
numbnut who did that out if he hadn't lied about it being a work related


06.09.2004, 23:22:2006.09.04
<< (EggHd) >>

<< The LA times reports that CNN was down 31% during the GOP cpnvention. >>

Maybe on a particular night? But on Thursday Night President Bush's speech
drew 2.7 million on CNN, that's up from their 2.3 Million for John Kerry's
speech so their ratings were better in that regard. Fox News had by comparison
2.1 Million viewers for Kerry's speech (fairly close to CNN's), but a whopping
7.3 Million during President Bush's speech.

The loser was the Networks, and all of cable was up 20% over the year 2000
Convention, the Nets were down over 18%, so CNN's ratins were up in that regard
as well.

Some links ---

"Fox seeks to top cable rivals at GOP convention"

"CNN had the best ratings among the 24-hour news networks during the Democratic
National Convention last month in Boston. Over the four days of the convention,
in prime time, Time Warner's (TWX) CNN averaged 2.3 million viewers, compared
with 2.1 million for Fox (FOX) and 1.3 million for MSNBC (GE), according to
Nielsen Media Research."

"GOP Convention Bests Democrats ratings"

"Meanwhile, Fox News continued its unprecedented ratings dominance over this
year's Republican convention, edging out not only its cable rivals but each of
the major broadcast networks by drawing 7.3 million viewers to its telecast of
Bush's address. "

" NBC ranked second on Thursday with 5.9 million viewers, followed by ABC with
5.1 million and CBS with 5 million. CNN finished fifth with 2.6 million viewers
while NBC's sister cable channel, MSNBC, brought up the rear with 1.7 million.

" CNN, Fox News and MSNBC, the three largest U.S. cable news networks, more
than doubled their ratings for the Democratic convention in July compared with
2000, according to Nielsen Media Research. Broadcast networks ABC, CBS and NBC
lost a total of 18.5 percent of viewers, the research company said."


06.09.2004, 23:27:4806.09.04
>It's great that you believe that, but that's the same line they feed you
>atMcDonald's when they make you a manager.I

Jeez I walked into this brand new Starbucks today that just opened near my
place and the chick behind the counter was spewing this stuff to a customer
about how Mr. Starbucks or whoever it is helps the needy or something. Must be
a serious indoctrination DVD they show.


06.09.2004, 23:41:2706.09.04
<< mondo...@aol.comwaht (Mondoslug1) >>

<< Jeez I walked into this brand new Starbucks today that just opened near my
place and the chick behind the counter was spewing this stuff to a customer
about how Mr. Starbucks or whoever it is helps the needy or something. Must be
a serious indoctrination DVD they show. >>

Some of those CD's they sell give a portion to charity. Hey, you got
people making $12 an hour working at some Starbucks, and that's not bad for a
student. And I think bands should take a serious look at Starbuck's
merchandising, 'cause if they expect to make any kind of a living as a band
they had better learn to establish a "Brand", a "Brand culture", and learn how
to promote and sell it.


06.09.2004, 23:46:2006.09.04
><< mondo...@aol.comwaht (Mondoslug1) >>
><< Jeez I walked into this brand new Starbucks today that just opened near my
>place and the chick behind the counter was spewing this stuff to a customer
>about how Mr. Starbucks or whoever it is helps the needy or something. Must
>a serious indoctrination DVD they show. >>
> Some of those CD's they sell give a portion to charity. Hey, you got
>people making $12 an hour working at some Starbucks,

1.89 for a cup of regular coffee - they can afford it, plus a tip. I go to
Kroger to buy a lb of Starbucks.

and that's not bad for a
>student. And I think bands should take a serious look at Starbuck's
>merchandising, 'cause if they expect to make any kind of a living as a band
>they had better learn to establish a "Brand", a "Brand culture", and learn
>to promote and sell it.
>Will Miho
>NY Music & TV Audio Guy
>Off the Morning Show! & sleepin' In... / Fox News
>"The large print giveth and the small print taketh away..." Tom Waits

Me at:

Don Cooper

07.09.2004, 00:13:4207.09.04

R Krizman wrote:

> From my own "considered insider's view" I'd say that if you peek a step or two
> up the food chain from where you are you will see greed and self interest, just
> like in any other profit seeking corporation. It's News Corp, not News
> Service.

When I worked in TV, I was told that there is news on commercial TV to
sell commercials, not to report the news. I believe that.

R Krizman

07.09.2004, 03:10:4807.09.04
<< But on Thursday Night President Bush's speech
drew 2.7 million on CNN, that's up from their 2.3 Million for John Kerry's
speech so their ratings were better in that regard. Fox News had by comparison
2.1 Million viewers for Kerry's speech (fairly close to CNN's), but a whopping
7.3 Million during President Bush's speech >><BR><BR>

Well as someone pointed out, that tells you more about the Fox viewership than
it does about the quality of the broadcast.


R Krizman

07.09.2004, 03:16:4007.09.04
<< When we started up they hired all the techs at top union scale, that's what
motivates the working man. >><BR><BR>

Now there's some idealism we can all appreciate!

Quite a change from the early days of Chao and Diller, when they were even too
tightfisted to pay for my Emmy.



07.09.2004, 04:25:2107.09.04
> (EggHd)
>The LA times reports that CNN was down 31% during the GOP convention.

Yep, as good an example of the intelligence of CNN viewers as could possibly
be made.

I mean, it's not exactly a secret, is it folks?

The 2004 election is basically a Smart vs. Stupid referendum.

But, on second thought, I might be leaving out a few constituencies; the GOP
is also the big tent of not just the stupid, but also the bigoted, and the

OK. I'm very confident I covered all the GOP bases there.

Carry on.


07.09.2004, 10:47:0807.09.04
Starbucks- kinda like the Fox News of the coffee world.
You are told over and over its good coffee, but in reality, its pretty


07.09.2004, 11:25:3507.09.04
<< Starbucks- kinda like the Fox News of the coffee world.
You are told over and over its good coffee, but in reality, its pretty
mediocre. >>

At least at Starbucks the product really is coffee & they haven't lied about it
coming from actual coffee beans. Nor have other coffee providers dumbed down
their coffee quality to Starbucks' level in a misguided attempt to compete on a
trash level.

Scott Fraser

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