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Fall TV network report cards

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2008年10月22日 晚上10:59:312008/10/22
from the hollywood reporter

The Live Feed's Fall TV Network Report Cards
by James Hibberd

One month into the fall season and the dust from premiere week is
starting to settle. Though networks are suffering year-to-year
declines, there are some new hopes, stealth hits and burning questions
as networks continue to fight hour-by-hour in primetime.

The Feed presents six report cards grading some of highs and lows so

First up, CBS.

Season-to-date rank: #1 -- 3.1 rating / 11.2 million viewers / median
age: 53

How does that compare to last year? Pretty darn good. Down only 6%,
which is less than the current industry standard in year-to-year
down-ness. Though ABC ruled the first week of this season, CBS has
dominated ever since.

Killer show: The network's Monday comedy lineup proves a traditional
sitcom block can thrive, and Thursday night's top-ranked procedural
“CSI” continues to challenge "Grey's Anatomy."

Soft spot: CBS has managed to remain competitive in nearly every time
period. But new show “The Ex-List” is under-performing its CBS
neighbors on Friday night and Sunday's "The Unit" continues to limp.
And TV reporters circle like vultures over “Worst Week” every Tuesday
morning when the ratings come in.

Stealth strength: “NCIS.” Like “Bones” on Fox, this is an
oft-overlooked procedural that's performing very well. It also
deserves credit for helping launch “The Mentalist,” the network's
solid new show.

Analysis: CBS executives talk about the writers strike like Barack
Obama supporters talk about the economic collapse, never missing a
chance to point out how they responded effectively to a crisis
compared to erratic competitors. CBS deserves credit for coming back
quickly post strike, but even the network's executives are a bit
surprised how well they're doing this fall. Nobody called CBS for the
ratings election, but they’ll take it.

Burning questions: America may be ready for an African-American
president, but it's traditionally been tough for dramas with black
leads to draw large audiences. Jury’s out on whether “CSI” landing
Laurence Fishburne to replace William Petersen will bring about change
that networks can believe in. (Yes, the election metaphors have
already been exhausted and its only the first of six report cards).

To paraphrase Simon Baker on the “The Mentalist,” if this network were
an animal, what would it be? An elephant. Strong and steady, but with
a lot of wrinkles.

ABC Fall Report Card 2008

Rank: #2 -- 3.1 rating / 10.1 million / median age: 51

How does that compare to last year? Hey look over there, something
shiny! OK, fine, down 16% in the demo due to the erosion of several
returning scripted dramas.

Killer show: “Grey's Anatomy” has dropped like a drunk med student
this season, yet the soap was still last week's highest-rated show.

Soft spot: Wednesdays have turned into a surreal writers strike
flashback nightmare as sophomores “Pushing Daisies,” “Private
Practice” and “Dirty Sexy Money” sink in the Nielsens. Plus, Tuesdays
at 8 p.m. need a new occupant with “Opportunity Knocks” off the

Stealth strength: Airing Sundays at 10 p.m., “Brothers & Sisters”
quietly defends its time period against broadcast competitors, as well
as a trio of trendy cable series (“Mad Men,” “Californication” and

Smartest move: “Supernanny” and “Wife Swap” are starting to draw an
audience on Friday nights, fighting CBS' usual domination of the
night. Yet the shows might get drafted into service to plug some
schedule holes midweek.

Analysis: ABC brought back several of its marginally rated
strike-struck shows. Therefore it had only two holes to fill. So you
would think the network could have found something better than
weak-at-inception “Opportunity Knocks” for one of them. The problem
now is that just about everything on ABC's schedule has dropped in the
ratings, and some shows are still dropping. Luckily, the network has
drafted myriad of midseason series that are waiting to hit the beach.

Burning questions: What will ABC do with Wednesdays? And will any of
the new series catch fire and put ABC back on top?

If this network were an animal, what would it be? A giraffe. Still
standing tall, but on shaky legs.

NBC Fall Report Card 2008

Rank: #3 -- 2.9 rating / 7.6 million viewers / median age: 46

How does that compare to last year? Down 15%, which is dire for NBC
since it seems to happen every year.

Killer show: Practically the oldest entertainment program on its
schedule -- “Saturday Night Live.” With a historic election
fascinating viewers, the sketch series is blowing up its late-night
ratings. The Thursday night primetime edition is doing great, too --
its premiere ranked as NBC's highest-rated show for the week.

Soft spot: Mondays used to be the network's strongest night, led by
“Heroes.” Now NBC is in third place that night and trying to figure
out how to keep its top-rated show from sinking.

Stealth strength: “Biggest Loser” is a reliable hole-plugging
workhorse. Also, the final season of “ER” has been winning its time
period thanks to weak-performing freshman competitors.

Analysis: With “My Own Worst Enemy,” “Knight Rider” and “Crusoe,” NBC
rolled out a very specific brand of escapist action-dramas this fall.
Some critics have complained they’re, well, kinda cheesy --
tough-to-buy plots, sexy girls, lots of green screen and product
placement cars (though no Cameros in “Crusoe,” thankfully). Cheesy
isn't remotely antithetical to hit TV, but the shows are aiming for
young and cool. NBC needs to go camping for a week, clear its head,
figure out what’s next. The idea of drilling down on action-adventure
and escapist entertainment could work, but execution has to improve.
ABC's "Lost" pilot re-set the bar for this genre four years ago and if
you're not playing in the same ballpark, it's tough to get viewers

Lingering questions: Will the new titles survive the long cold winter,
and can “Heroes” return to its former blockbuster glory? And if not,
will somebody new be presenting NBC's shows to advertisers next May?

If this network were an animal, what would it be? Hmm, flashy
high-concept shows with pretty girls and fancy cars? The peacock still

Fox Fall Report Card 2008

Rank: #4 - 7.2 million / 2.7 rating / 45 median age

How does that compare to last year? Last year Fox touted
fourth-quarter gains, climbing out of its usual fall hole. But this
year the network is down 13%.

Killer show: “House” continues to rank as Fox's biggest hit, despite
weakening this year.

Soft spot: After “Do Not Disturb” died in the Wednesdays at 9:30 p.m.
slot, Fox doubled down on similarly low-rated “'Til Death.” This
formerly intimidating time period is weak this fall, and there's room
here for a new drama to rule the mob.

Stealth strength: “Bones.” For years while covering the cable
networks, I honestly thought this was a medical drama. Fox advertises
the heck out of “Terminator,” “Fringe” and “Prison Break,” yet its
CBS-esque crime show is doing better than all of them.

Secret weakness: Fox is famed for strong reality shows, but “Are You
Smarter Than a 5th Grader,” “Don't Forget the Lyrics” and “Kitchen
Nightmares” are limping along. Fox needs something unscripted that's
exciting. “Hole in the Wall” wasn't it.

Smartest move: The most controversial scheduling move of the fall
(yes, there is such a thing) has been the shift by Fox of its
top-rated series “House” to lesser-watched 8 p.m. to make room for
“Fringe.” But by giving the new show the strongest possible lead-in,
Fox now wins two hours on Tuesday nights instead of one.

Analysis: The network seemingly put all its eggs into one basket with
“Fringe.” Thankfully, that basket didn't bust and "Fringe" is
averaging higher ratings than any other freshman show. Fox's annual
baseball bet is striking out, though, with the World Series expected
to rank among the lowest-rated ever.

Burning questions: Can “Fringe” maintain its hit status and will the
network's full season pickup of “Terminator” pay off? Plus, will the
return of “24” with a two-hour movie break the writers strike curse?
(Personal suspicion: It will).

If this network were an animal, what would it be? A fox! Wait, no, too
obvious. A grizzly bear — hibernates during winter, then awakes to
maul competitors.

The CW Fall Report Card 2008

Rank: #5 season to date - 1.1 rating / 2.4 million / median age: 33

How does that compare to last year? Down 8% in the adult demo
(likewise among its 18-34 target) which isn't bad compared to some,
but the CW is in a more precarious position and needs to grow.

Killer show: “Gossip Girl.” Sure, “America's Next Top Model” is higher
rated. But Tyra's audience is getting less fierce with every cycle
while the “Gossip” army has grown.

Soft spot: Friday-Sunday. It's always worrisome when the answer to
“soft spot” includes a hyphen. Saturday has never been in play. The
network gave Sunday nights to MRC (and, like a teen given the keys to
dad's car, MRC promptly crashed the night), and the CW surrendered its
competitive “Friday Night Smackdown” to MyNetwork. So that’s three
nights in a row when viewers are essentially not watching the CW. It's
one thing to have a pothole in the road of your schedule, another to
have a collapsed bridge.

Stealth strength: "One Tree Hill." Jumping a few years into the future
last season and taking its cast of small town kids with big dreams and
giving them successful and glamorous lives is paying ratings
dividends, especially now that the show is paired with "Gossip."

Analysis: The network has maxed out on teen soaps (clone “Gossip
Girl”!) and, coming soon, fashion-y reality shows (clone “Top
Model”!). Now it's trying to clone “Smallville's” success with the
Robin-from-Batman spinoff “The Graysons.” It's not a bad idea to tap
the superhero genre again, but it would be nifty to see the CW find
something fresh that still targets its demo.

Burning questions: There's only one. With “Gossip," the network proved
it can grow a show. But can it grow a network?

If this network were an animal, what would it be? A gazelle. The CW is
packed with waif-model starlets, lithe and graceful. But in any given
time period, the network is eaten by bigger predators.

MyNetworkTV Fall Report Card 2008

Rank: #6 season to date - 0.5 rating / 1.6 million viewers / median
age: 43

How does that compare to last year? Up 67%. Hamlet said he could be
bound in a nutshell and count himself a king of infinite space.
MyNetwork is at the bottom of a deep well and is counting itself a
king of infinite growth.

Killer show: “Friday Night Smackdown.” Cable networks have bought
ratings with wrestling for decades even though advertisers tend to
shrug off the content and it's tough to grow other shows around
steroids-in-spandex. But hey, MyNet is beating the CW on Friday nights
and WWE brings new viewers to the channel.

Soft spot: Please, like you've heard of MyNet's other shows.

Analysis: MyNet's “anything for ratings” strategy is fine. The network
doesn't know what it is yet. But as long as it's managing to grow in
this tough environment, that's OK. A network is usually defined by its
first big breakout original -- “The Simpsons” and “Married With
Children” defined Fox as a rebel network, “Buffy the Vampire Slayer”
branded the WB as a teen soap net. If MyNet finds that breakout show,
then they'll know who they are.

Burning questions: Will MyNet find a show that gives it a seat at the
grownups' table?

If this network were an animal, what would it be? A hyena. MyNet
thrives by scavenging content other networks leave behind, from WWE to
reality shows to "Access Hollywood"-produced celebrity specials.

*all network ranking stats are season-to-date averages including total
viewers and adults 18-49 rating from start of season through Oct. 19
compared to comparable dates last year.


2008年10月22日 晚上11:17:432008/10/22
On Oct 22, 10:59 pm, David <> wrote:
> from the hollywood reporter
> The Live Feed's Fall TV Network Report Cards
> by James Hibberd
> One month into the fall season and the dust from premiere week is
> starting to settle. Though  networks are suffering year-to-year
> declines, there are some new hopes, stealth hits and burning questions
> as networks continue to fight hour-by-hour in primetime.
> The Feed presents six report cards grading some of highs and lows so
> far...
> First up, CBS.


TV continues to suck more and more with every single year that passes.
Enjoy your night, folks. :-)

Remember the days when 'Seinfeld' was getting 29 million viewers on a
BAD night?

David Johnston

2008年10月22日 晚上11:38:282008/10/22

I remember I hated it.


2008年10月23日 凌晨2:06:372008/10/23
> I remember I hated it.  - Hide quoted text -

Alright. Fine. I'm sure there were other shows in 1997-1998 that you
did like (maybe "The Parent 'Hood" on The WB, jk). What I mean is, it
sure was a different world back then and it's like the idea of network
primetime Jumped The Shark. That was around the same time "unscripted"
programming (aka "reality") became a cancer on the network. Maybe that
had something to do w/ it. It was also the same time DVRs (aka PVRs to
Canadians). Maybe it was that. Also, people took notice of the
Internet and wanted to watch shows online (streaming or downloads).
That *def* had something to do w/ that. Maybe it's all the above.
There's a major fragmenting of the audience these days ('Gossip Girl'
getting such a large portion of viewers DVRs). The networks try as
they may to get you to sit down and watch from 8 to 11 (ET/PT). Even
if you switch networks between primetime. Those days seem to be nearly
over. Yet, for shows to succeed, networks still *need* to place lead-
in/lead-out shows that will make a viewers' habits flow.

> - Show quoted text -

David Johnston

2008年10月23日 凌晨2:53:232008/10/23
On Wed, 22 Oct 2008 23:06:37 -0700 (PDT), Taylor
<> wrote:

>On Oct 22, 11:38 pm, David Johnston <> wrote:
>> On Wed, 22 Oct 2008 20:17:43 -0700 (PDT), Taylor
>> <> wrote:
>> >On Oct 22, 10:59 pm, David <> wrote:
>> >> from the hollywood reporter
>> >> The Live Feed's Fall TV Network Report Cards
>> >> by James Hibberd
>> >> One month into the fall season and the dust from premiere week is
>> >> starting to settle. Though  networks are suffering year-to-year
>> >> declines, there are some new hopes, stealth hits and burning questions
>> >> as networks continue to fight hour-by-hour in primetime.
>> >> The Feed presents six report cards grading some of highs and lows so
>> >> far...
>> >> First up, CBS.
>> >{{snip}}
>> >TV continues to suck more and more with every single year that passes.
>> >Enjoy your night, folks. :-)
>> >Remember the days when 'Seinfeld' was getting 29 million viewers on a
>> >BAD night?
>> I remember I hated it.  - Hide quoted text -
>Alright. Fine. I'm sure there were other shows in 1997-1998 that you
>did like (maybe "The Parent 'Hood" on The WB, jk).

I went and looked it up.
Man that was one grim year for network TV.


2008年10月23日 清晨5:52:462008/10/23

September 1994 - May 1998

program (network): rating

1.) Seinfeld (NBC): 21.7
2.) ER (NBC): 20.4
3.) Veronica's Closet (NBC): 16.6
4.) Friends (NBC): 16.1
5.) Monday Night Football (ABC): 15.0
6.) Touched By An Angel (CBS): 14.2
7.) 60 Minutes (CBS): 13.8
25.) Cosby (CBS) - Dharma & Greg (ABC): 9.5
27.) NBC Saturday Night Movie (NBC): 9.4
28.) Hiller And Dillar (ABC) - Walker, Texas Ranger (CBS): 9.3
30.) Everybody Loves Raymond (CBS) - The Simpsons (Fox): 9.2


"The Complete Directory To Prime Time Network And Cable TV Shows 1946-
Present" by Tim Brooks and Earle Marsh (page: 1471)


September 2002 - May 2003

program (network): rating

1.) CSI: Crime Scene Investigations (CBS): 16.3
2.) Friends (NBC): 13.9
3.) Joe Millionaire (Fox): 13.3
4.) ER (NBC): 13.1
5.) American Idol -- Tuesday (Fox): 12.6
6.) American Idol -- Wednesday (Fox): 12.5
7.) Survivor (Thailand & Amazon) (NBC): 11.9
25.) King Of Queens (CBS): 8.5
26.) Frasier (NBC): 8.4
27.) The Guardian (CBS): 8.3
28.) My Big Fat Greek Life (CBS): 8.0
29.) N.Y.P.D. Blue (ABC): 7.8
30.) Fear Factor (NBC): 7.7

"The Complete Directory To Prime Time Network And Cable TV Shows 1946-
Present" by Tim Brooks and Earle Marsh (page: 1472)

note: My book only goes up to this year. I haven't gotten around to
getting the most updated version yet (*hint, hint, David*).

David Johnston

2008年10月23日 下午1:12:162008/10/23

Fortunately since I'm not a network owner I don't have to worry about
their share of the market.

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