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Did the WTC attack ruin a perfectly good Simpsons episode?

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Alex Cain

Sep 15, 2001, 1:57:41 AM9/15/01
I suppose this means that the episode where The Simpsons
go to New York City and Homer's car is parked between
the two towers will no longer be aired, forever until
the end of time now? Because I've seen that episode
several times and I just can't see how they could edit
it to make it work. Homer gets yelled at by residents
of both towers, then he drinks too much and has to go
try to take a piss in Tower 1, but the bathroom is closed
so he goes to Tower 2, when he looks down he sees his car
getting yet _another_ ticket and the officer who he needed
to see doing it. Cut to commercial.

I can't see how in the heck they will make this episode work now.
Bye-bye episode, I guess.

ピ Jason_Hoehn 豫

Sep 15, 2001, 2:03:57 AM9/15/01

> I can't see how in the heck they will make this episode work now.
> Bye-bye episode, I guess.

It can't,.. the whole punchline was the twin towers,...

Black Ops

Sep 15, 2001, 2:35:08 AM9/15/01

"Alex Cain" <> wrote in message

It will probably be out of the rotation for the near future, but I'm sure it
will be back within a couple of months (or maybe a year...)

Alex Cain

Sep 15, 2001, 2:55:34 AM9/15/01

Yes, but edited or not? That's my question. If they are going
to edit it because of this, I simply can't see any way for them
to do so and keep the episode intact. They'd have to cut out at
LEAST a good five minutes.

Katie Prodoehl

Sep 15, 2001, 3:09:04 AM9/15/01

Oops... sorry.
Katie Prodoehl -- #1 Benoit Mark
"I'm only gonna say this once, but since I'm
in Alabama, I'll say it really slow." -- Mankind

Alex Cain <> wrote in message

jere7my tho?rpe

Sep 15, 2001, 3:10:53 AM9/15/01
In article <>, wrote:

*I suppose this means that the episode where The Simpsons
*go to New York City and Homer's car is parked between
*the two towers will no longer be aired, forever until
*the end of time now? Because I've seen that episode
*several times and I just can't see how they could edit
*it to make it work.

Why would it be edited? I've seen reports saying that current and
future TV and movie releases will be edited to eliminate footage of the
WTC, but I haven't heard anything about people going back to erase all
mentions of the WTC from existing shows. The specific examples I've
heard about have been the "Spider-Man" trailer and the opening credits
for a New York-based cop show; have you heard something about older
shows being affected?


*********************************** <*> ***********************************
jere7my tho?rpe / 734-769-0913 "Oh, yeah. Old guys becoming pandas --
c/o _that's_ the future." Mike Nelson, MST3K


Sep 15, 2001, 11:11:58 AM9/15/01
to said:

>have you heard something about older
>shows being affected?

nothing at all has come out about old shows being reedited. i imagine that that
episode of "the simpsons" will show back up in the rotation at some point. it's
not as if every book, poster, card, movie, tv show, etc. with an image or
mention of the WTC is going to be recalled and reedited.


"that's what the internet is for...slandering others anonymously."--banky


Sep 15, 2001, 11:57:11 AM9/15/01

I agree -- remember everyone thought the JFK Jr. episode of Seinfield
would be permanently shelved? It was back in about six months after his


Sep 15, 2001, 2:21:48 PM9/15/01
"Katie Prodoehl" <> wrote in message

> Oops... sorry.

Think you're thinking 'bout South Park, Katie!!

> Alex Cain <> wrote in message
> >

> > I can't see how in the heck they will make this episode work now.
> > Bye-bye episode, I guess.

Posted from []
via Mailgate.ORG Server - http://www.Mailgate.ORG

Danger X

Sep 15, 2001, 4:04:51 PM9/15/01

"Alex Cain" <> wrote in message

That's ridiculous... The show is the way it is.... Do they go back and cut
out all fictional references to the Soviet Union from all the old James Bond
movies because the Soviet Union fell? No, of course not... The episode will
now have the added interest of being from a time when the towers still

It may not air for a while... on that I agree... but it's downright silly
and if not somewhat dangerous to even plan on going back and editing all
cultural references to the towers...

More or less,


Sep 15, 2001, 6:45:13 PM9/15/01
>nothing at all has come out about old shows being reedited. i imagine that
>episode of "the simpsons" will show back up in the rotation at some point.
>not as if every book, poster, card, movie, tv show, etc. with an image or
>mention of the WTC is going to be recalled and reedited.

I don't get it, why would they want to edit this stuff out? Do we want to
forget that the world trade center ever stood? Sure right now the image of the
WTC may bring on too many emotions...honestly I don't think I'll be able to go
into Manhattan for a while without being depressed...heck, I crossed the
Verazzano bridge into Brooklyn before and just got totally depressed when I
looked across and saw nothing...

Editing the WTC out of everything and making believe it was never there would
be just plain stupid...I can see why you wouldn't show movies like Independence
Day and Air Force One for some time, and I can even see the pilot for the Lone
Gunmen (which I never watched but I understand had a plot with a plane going
into the WTC) ending up on the cutting room floor for good...but let's not be
silly, let's not edit out every little scene of the WTC in all it's greatness
from every show/movie...

Georgiana Gates

Sep 15, 2001, 7:04:59 PM9/15/01
Aren't there just tons of movies and TV shows that showed the WTC?
The US won't come to an end if they are rerun.


Sep 15, 2001, 7:23:24 PM9/15/01

I don't know how I'll feel a few months from now but right now when I
see the towers I'm sure the expression on my face matches my dog's the
first week after he was neutered. Which means, I'd rather not see
these shows in the immediate future.

Sep 15, 2001, 8:27:25 PM9/15/01

Alex Cain wrote:
> I suppose this means that the episode where The Simpsons
> go to New York City and Homer's car is parked between
> the two towers will no longer be aired, forever until
> the end of time now?

Where's the hemlock? I can't go on.

David Johnson

Sep 16, 2001, 12:13:21 AM9/16/01
I also think the 1976 King Kong remake will be spending a few years in
the vault as well. But it could be interesting to see what happens to
the value of that year's Ideal board game inspired by the film--which
had been considered worthless to collectors as opposed to their rare
1963 game of the same name.

--David Johnson

Alex Cain

Sep 16, 2001, 12:04:24 PM9/16/01
larry grenier wrote:
> Wouldn't the episode New Kids on The Bleech be more offensive?Missles
> blowing up Mad Magazine.I think that would offend people more.

Dude, it's _only_ Mad Magazine.

Phil from Chicago

Sep 16, 2001, 7:53:02 PM9/16/01
while the Mad Magazine Building destruction episode is errie now that 4
buildings in NYC were also destroyed, this episode was done for laughs and
nothing else plus the episode's final scene could be edited out of syndication
(God knows they've edited out some hilarious stuff already) so I don't see that
episode being blacklisted because it's main purpose was making fun of the boy
band craze. There is also the episode in Which The Simpsons travel to NYC and
Homer needs to take a leak so he goes into tower one and the bathroom's closed
so he goes into tower 2 to go. This episode's been replayed a few times but as
with a lot of Simpsons syndie episodes some get replayed to death while others
don't get that much air time so I believe this one will sit on the shelf for a
while. Here in Chicago WFLD has preempted the Simpsons for Fox News Channel

Phil is RAT's Pro Wrestling Ambassador

WWF line of the week: "I don't want you to be afraid and there are far more
good people in the world than bad"
-WCW Superstar Ivory talking directly to children on the recent terrorist


Sep 16, 2001, 10:57:27 PM9/16/01
Wanna cause a liberal vampire to stop dead in his tracks? Show him a picture
of the World Trade Center!

It's funny how MAD MAGAZINE had a joke "In case of nuclear attack, the
amendment banning school prayer shall be suspended." Well, we have had a
similar kind of attack, and there are a lot of people who endorse church/state
separation to anal-retentive death leaping to the Lord as if they went to
church every Sunday.


Sep 17, 2001, 4:05:27 PM9/17/01
On Sat, 15 Sep 2001 05:57:41 GMT, Alex Cain <>

> I suppose this means that the episode where The Simpsons
> go to New York City and Homer's car is parked between
> the two towers will no longer be aired, forever until
> the end of time now?

Probably for a couple of months. But, after that, it should
be no problem. It's not as if the episode dealt with terrorists
or death or anything. It just used the towers as a humorous
bathroom gag. Nothing offensive or painful there.

-- Bing Monopoly Expansion Set
Visit us at


Sep 17, 2001, 3:34:08 AM9/17/01

No, it's Madmoiselle, we're buying our sign on the installment plan.

David Z
Houston TX

Scott P

Sep 17, 2001, 11:09:36 AM9/17/01

I agree. It will be shelved for a while and then will appear again.
Heck Seinfeld still shows JFK Jr. deflowering a virgin. I thought for
sure that would have been cut.


Brian Thorn

Sep 18, 2001, 7:45:17 PM9/18/01
On Sat, 15 Sep 2001 05:57:41 GMT, Alex Cain <>

>I suppose this means that the episode where The Simpsons

>go to New York City and Homer's car is parked between
>the two towers will no longer be aired, forever until
>the end of time now?

>I can't see how in the heck they will make this episode work now.
>Bye-bye episode, I guess.

It will be back when we rebuild the towers.



Sep 18, 2001, 8:27:33 PM9/18/01
>> > Wouldn't the episode New Kids on The Bleech be more offensive?Missles
>> > blowing up Mad Magazine.I think that would offend people more.
>> Dude, it's _only_ Mad Magazine.

I don't see why; the episode was about subliminal recruiting for the armed
services. YVAN EHT NIOJ!

Neil Thomas

Sep 20, 2001, 9:22:48 AM9/20/01
Bing wrote:
> On Sat, 15 Sep 2001 05:57:41 GMT, Alex Cain <>
> wrote:
> > I suppose this means that the episode where The Simpsons
> > go to New York City and Homer's car is parked between
> > the two towers will no longer be aired, forever until
> > the end of time now?
> Probably for a couple of months. But, after that, it should
> be no problem. It's not as if the episode dealt with terrorists
> or death or anything. It just used the towers as a humorous
> bathroom gag. Nothing offensive or painful there.

I think the "Man has always loved his buildings...but what happens when
the buildings say 'NO MORE!'?" scene is the most "offensive" scene in
light of recent events...



Sep 20, 2001, 2:38:00 PM9/20/01
Georgiana Gates <> wrote in article

> Aren't there just tons of movies and TV shows that showed the WTC?
> The US won't come to an end if they are rerun.

During the opening credits of the 1986 movie "The Money Pit", there was a shot
of the NYC skyline including the WTC twin towers. That movie was recently
shown on FX after they resumed their regular programming this past week. I
assume at least that movie will remain as is.


Jason Saslow

Sep 24, 2001, 12:47:39 PM9/24/01
Danger X wrote:

> That's ridiculous... The show is the way it is.... Do they go back and cut
> out all fictional references to the Soviet Union from all the old James Bond
> movies because the Soviet Union fell? No, of course not... The episode will
> now have the added interest of being from a time when the towers still
> stood...
> It may not air for a while... on that I agree... but it's downright silly
> and if not somewhat dangerous to even plan on going back and editing all
> cultural references to the towers...

Very good point, but they will probably edit the "When Buildings
Collapse" moment in the episode where Lisa finds out about the Simpson


Oct 3, 2001, 4:48:48 PM10/3/01
>> Aren't there just tons of movies and TV shows that showed the WTC?
>> The US won't come to an end if they are rerun.

How many radio stations still play Blind Melon's bee girl song, despite the
singer's drug death? All of them that play alternative, at least.

David Johnson

Oct 3, 2001, 11:27:11 PM10/3/01
The episode may be shelved for maybe a year or two..but it'll be back
with the WTC segment left in. Roger Ebert answered a viewer question
about the fate of WTC scenes in past movies by saying that if the WTC
were to be removed from all past film footage, it would be bowing to the
terrorists, and it should stand proudly in what films it made it into
before it was brought down. Makes sense, doesn't it?

--David Johnson


Oct 4, 2001, 1:09:32 AM10/4/01
In article <>,
tsnt...@aol.comnospam (TSntana97) wrote:

> During the opening credits of the 1986 movie "The Money Pit", there was a
> shot
> of the NYC skyline including the WTC twin towers. That movie was
> recently
> shown on FX after they resumed their regular programming this past week.
> I
> assume at least that movie will remain as is.

Then again, maybe "The Money Pit" should be edited so the only scene
left is the opening with WTC in the skyline. That would make it a better

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