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NBC edits dem-bashing comedy skit for legal concerns...

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2008年10月7日 18:58:572008/10/7
On the past weekend's Saturday Night Live, a brutal but hilarious
Democrat-bashing skit aired about the $700 billion federal bailout and
the insanity of those subprime mortgages, and it featured lookalikes for
George W. Bush, Nancy Pelosi, Barney Frank, hedge fund billionaire and
big Democratic donor George Soros, and a parade of sob-story “victims”
who turn out to be deadbeats, greedy house-flippers, and schemers. (The
unedited YouTube version is below...) The sketch was embraced by
Republicans for appearing to blame Democrats for the Wall Street
meltdown. At one point in the sketch, President Bush (played by SNL
regular Jason Sudeikis) even said, "Wasn't it my administration that
warned about the problem six years ago and it was Democrats who refused
to listen?" (Immediately Barney Frank starts to complain... only to be
hushed by Pelosi.)

NBC put the video online Sunday morning. But then it disappeared off the
network's SNL website soon after. Needless to say, a lot of conspiracy
theories were spun, especially by Republicans who wondered if the
Democratic Congress, or perhaps Soros himself, were pulling NBC's puppet
strings. "If you suspect a few high-placed phone calls to NBC led to the
bailout skit slipping down the memory hole, you’re not alone," wrote
right-wing commentator Michelle Malkin.

But anyone who actually saw that video could see this was a lawsuit
waiting to happen. Because SNL labeled Herb Sandler and his wife Marion,
the real-life former owners of Oakland's Golden West Financial (aka
World Savings), as "people who should be shot" and accused them of
predatory lending that brought down Wachovia Bank even though no charges
have been filed. NBC told me just now they never received any legal
threat from the Sandlers. [Though the couple did give an angry interview
to The Associated Press about the SNL sketch.]

Instead, the network claimed: "Upon review, we caught certain elements
in the sketch that didn't meet our standards. We took it down and made
some minor changes and it will be back online soon." Specifically, NBC
said it has edited out the chyron on-screen text, "People who should be
shot" that appeared beneath the Sandler' lookalikes, as well as the
"allegations of corruption" made against the couple.

NBC surely could have handled this better. (Supposedly, has been
deleting questions about the skit from message boards.) Because the
network didn't, today's action may or may not silence critics like
conservative commentator Michelle Malkin who praised the skit as
"hilarious, dead-on, and surprisingly honest" only to express outrage
when it was taken down online:

"Where did it go and why? I have a theory," she wrote. "One of the
rapacious couples featured in the skit was Herbert and Marion Sandler
(portrayed by Darrell Hammond and Casey Wilson). Unlike the other
composite figures, the Sandlers are a real-life couple. Also lampooned:
Left-wing billionaire George Soros. As Todd Thurman at Heritage notes,
the Sandlers are left-wing moguls who built 'a mortgage company whose
major product was subprime mortgages and they sold it to Wachovia for
$24.2 billion in 2006. And what do the Sandlers do when they are not
peddling subprime garbage? They are busy writing checks to leftist
groups like the Center for American Progress, the American Civil
Liberties Union, and Association of Community Organizations for Reform
Now (ACORN). Yes that ACORN.' The Sandlers are seething over the skit.
And George Soros must be livid as well. Anyone else smell a legal threat
behind the disappearance of the vid?"

Malkin went on, "The Sandlers have started to invest their billions of
dollars politically, in the manner of George Soros, sugar daddy of many
far-left wing groups and an early and prominent supporter of
Presidential candidate Barack Obama. Soros has developed an empire of
so-called 527 groups, putatively independent political activists groups
that have influence within the Democratic Party. These 527 groups
include the Center for American Progress, MoveOn.Org, Human Rights
Watch, Media Matters and a slew of other like-minded groups… Soros,
Lewis, and the Sandlers form a core group of billionaire activists and
Democrat partisans who have formed a group called The Democracy
Alliance. They realized that they could magnify their power by working
in unison and tapping other wealthy donors to further their agenda...

"The Democracy Alliance is a major avenue to help them achieve their
goals. The roster of its growing membership consists of a list of
billionaires and mere multi-millionaires who collectively hope to give
upwards of 500 million dollars each year to further promote a left-wing
agenda. A partial roster of the Democracy Alliance membership can be
found here. Half a billion dollars a year can purchase a great deal of
influence. The Sandlers certainly know quite a bit about leverage from
their savings and loan days. Among the beneficiaries of their largesse:
Air America, ACORN (a group that has very close and long lasting ties to
Barack Obama and has a long history of engaging in voter fraud. Citizens
for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (basically a private
detective group focused on the private faults and foibles of
Republicans), Media Matters, a media watchdog group that engages in
harsh partisan attacks against media figures and articles it considers
supportive of Republicans). The list goes on and on. They are not merely
out to elect Democrats, but to also permanently realign U.S. politics
and shift our society and culture in a far-left wing direction…"

All I can say is: sometimes sketch comedy is just sketch comedy. And
defamation is just defamation. Chill, people.

Here's the full YouTube version and the edited NBC version of the SNL
skit (which should be live very soon):

It is simply breathtaking to watch the glee and abandon with which
the liberal media and the Angry Left have been attempting to turn
our military victory in Iraq into a second Vietnam quagmire. Too bad
for them, it's failing.


2008年10月7日 20:52:102008/10/7
On Oct 7, 6:58 pm, (Ubiquitous) wrote:
> On the past weekend's Saturday Night Live, a brutal but hilarious
> Democrat-bashing skit aired about the $700 billion federal bailout and
> the insanity of those subprime mortgages, and it featured lookalikes for
> George W. Bush, Nancy Pelosi, Barney Frank, hedge fund billionaire and
> big Democratic donor George Soros, and a parade of sob-story “victims”
> who turn out to be deadbeats, greedy house-flippers, and schemers. (The
> unedited YouTube version is below...) The sketch was embraced by
> Republicans for appearing to blame Democrats for the Wall Street
> meltdown. At one point in the sketch, President Bush (played by SNL
> regular Jason Sudeikis) even said, "Wasn't it my administration that
> warned about the problem six years ago and it was Democrats who refused
> to listen?" (Immediately Barney Frank starts to complain... only to be
> hushed by Pelosi.)
> NBC put the video online Sunday morning. But then it disappeared off the
> network's SNL website soon after.

Big surprise. Did the Hollywood cabal become incensed?


2008年10月7日 22:52:342008/10/7
On Tue, 07 Oct 2008 17:58:57 -0500, (Ubiquitous)


>All I can say is: sometimes sketch comedy is just sketch comedy. And
>defamation is just defamation. Chill, people.
>Here's the full YouTube version and the edited NBC version of the SNL
>skit (which should be live very soon):

"taken down for NBC copyright violation" Does anyone have other links
to this sketch?


2008年10月8日 01:48:382008/10/8

"Mallard" <> wrote in message

Mason Barge

2008年10月8日 11:24:372008/10/8

"Ubiquitous" <> wrote in message

> NBC told me just now they never received any legal
> threat from the Sandlers. [Though the couple did give an angry interview
> to The Associated Press about the SNL sketch.]
> Instead, the network claimed: "Upon review, we caught certain elements
> in the sketch that didn't meet our standards.

Yeah. Their standard of blandness and avoiding strong biting satire.

What a crap show it became.


2008年10月8日 16:16:102008/10/8
Ubiquitous wrote:
> Because SNL labeled Herb Sandler and his wife
> Marion, the real-life former owners of Oakland's Golden West
> Financial (aka World Savings), as "people who should be shot" and
> accused them of predatory lending

I'm sick of this "predatory lending" pandering. The use of the term
"predatory lending" is a way of shifting the blame from the idiots who
took out the mortgages they couldn't afford to the lending institutions.
It's like maxing out all of your credit cards and then blaming the
credit card companies for extending credit to you. Politicans need to
stop telling people that it's not their fault they are losing their
homes, because in fact it is their fault.

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2008年10月8日 16:37:492008/10/8
On Oct 8, 3:16 pm, "Unique" <> wrote:

> Politicans need to
> stop telling people that it's not their fault they are losing their
> homes, because in fact it is their fault.

They can't, because then they'll lose their voting base.


2008年10月8日 16:39:292008/10/8
On Oct 8, 3:16 pm, "Unique" <> wrote:
> Politicans need to
> stop telling people that it's not their fault they are losing their
> homes, because in fact it is their fault.

They can't, because then they'll lose their voting base.

Antonio E. Gonzalez

2008年10月8日 21:02:012008/10/8
On Wed, 8 Oct 2008 13:16:10 -0700, "Unique" <>

>Ubiquitous wrote:
>> Because SNL labeled Herb Sandler and his wife
>> Marion, the real-life former owners of Oakland's Golden West
>> Financial (aka World Savings), as "people who should be shot" and
>> accused them of predatory lending
>I'm sick of this "predatory lending" pandering. The use of the term
>"predatory lending" is a way of shifting the blame from the idiots who
>took out the mortgages they couldn't afford to the lending institutions.
>It's like maxing out all of your credit cards and then blaming the
>credit card companies for extending credit to you. Politicans need to
>stop telling people that it's not their fault they are losing their
>homes, because in fact it is their fault.

Considering the lending insitutions were the ones making all the
outrageous promises to people desperate for a better life, it seems
the deserve the blame they get; not to say there are more than a few
people who knew they were taking out risky loans to take blame as well
. . .

That credit card statement's a bit ironic, considering the constant
bombardment I usually get from said companies offering me a new card,
never metioning I'll be going into debt the moment I start using it.
At least I have the intelligence to immediately put those offers in
the recycle bin by way of shredder, where they belong . . .

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Mason Barge

2008年10月9日 10:51:342008/10/9

"Unique" <> wrote in message

> Ubiquitous wrote:
>> Because SNL labeled Herb Sandler and his wife
>> Marion, the real-life former owners of Oakland's Golden West
>> Financial (aka World Savings), as "people who should be shot" and
>> accused them of predatory lending
> I'm sick of this "predatory lending" pandering. The use of the term
> "predatory lending" is a way of shifting the blame from the idiots who
> took out the mortgages they couldn't afford to the lending institutions.
> It's like maxing out all of your credit cards and then blaming the credit
> card companies for extending credit to you. Politicans need to > stop
> telling people that it's not their fault they are losing their homes,
> because in fact it is their fault.

Prevention of predatory lending is one of the foundations of civilized
society. Like the attitude of valuing human life, it's one of the ways that
the Hebrews introduced morality to the Romans.

There are all kinds of laws that prevent the rich from enslaving the
desperate and less fortunate. They had to pass laws requiring employers to
pay employees cash, to stop the "company store" scams. Especially coal
miners, who after several years of employment would owe the company enough
money to ensure that they could never leave. Hell, in Britain not two
centuries ago, debtors would be put in prison until they could pay.

Yeah, you can hold the borrowers responsible. It still doesn't excuse the
lenders. And who do you think the government is more likely to bail out of
trouble? It's a rhetorical question, since we've just seen it.

Libertarians have no grasp of the realities of successful economics.

just bob

2008年10月9日 14:15:072008/10/9
Good for them. Saying "people who should be shot" is not something which
should be taken lightly. Too many idoits in the world who would do it.

William December Starr

2008年10月10日 23:20:252008/10/10
In article <>,
"Mason Barge" <> said:

> Libertarians have no grasp of the realities of successful
> economics.

I think it more likely that their definition of "successful
economics" differs quite greatly from yours. And, probably,
from mine too.

-- wds

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