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[MiSTied] Power Rangers FAQ 4/7

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Claye Hodge

Nov 3, 1994, 7:26:54 PM11/3/94
Sorry for the mistake.. I just found out when I was reading my messages and
checking to see if my MSTing got posted.. Sorry. :(

Part IV
>Path:!!!!caen!zip.eecs.umi!!!elissa >From: (Elissa O'Bryan) >Newsgroups:

>Subject: Power Rangers FAQ 4/7
>Date: 7 Oct 1994 22:03:22 GMT
>Organization: INS Info Services
>Lines: 148
>Message-ID: <374gja$>
>>>> Continued from previous message


>4) With Tommy and Bob Manahan:
> Enter...the Lizzinator

TOM: Hassssssssssta la vissssssssssssta, Baby.
MIKE: Missssssssssed Call.

> Football Season
> Foul Play
> Grumble Bee
> Mighty Morphin' Mutants
> On Fins and Needles
> An Oyster Stew

TOM: Must have been fishing season.

> Return of an Old Friend, parts 1 and 2
> Second Chances
> A Star is Born

TOM: (singing) Love, soft as an easy chair.
CROW: He's doing Streisand again. SOMEBODY STOP HIM!!!!!!

> Trick or Treat
> Two Heads are Better than One.
>The Power Rangers are equipped with different kinds of weapons, and
>remembering what each weapon is used for can be quite a task.

CROW: We don't really NEED to remember this.

> Hopefully,
>this nifty little guide will be helpful.
>Light/Blade Blaster -- This is a dagger (Blade Blaster) that can be
> transformed into a gun (Light Blaster) with a flick of the wrist. Their
> power can be combined to form the...

TOM: Drum Roll, please.
CROW Ratatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatata..........

>Blade Blaster Pyramid -- Kim and Trini stand on the other Rangers'

TOM: This FAQ. Bad movies. The MADS. Beverly Hills 90210.
TOM: [game show host] That is correct Mr. Nelson, and for the bonus

> shoulders, and the Light/Blade Blasters are brought together to shoot a
> powerful beam. Then there are the...

CROW: Ratatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatata........

>Power Weapons -- Each Ranger was given a weapon to use when the Blasters
> failed. These are the Power Sword (Jason, although the Megazord has a
> Power Sword as well), Power Bow (Kim), Power Lance (Billy), Power Daggers
> (Trini), and Power Axe (Zack). Tommy's Dragon Dagger is also used as a
> weapon, though very rarely. In one episode ("Mighty Morphin' Mutants"),
> the Rangers were given "new and improved" Power Weapons, which looked
> amazingly like the old ones. The Power Weapons combine to form the...

TOM: New and improved, but looking like the old one...
CROW: Ratatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatata.........

>Power Blaster -- This has also been referred to as the Mega-Blaster.
MIKE: ...Now with patented HINDER-90!

>"Special Weapons" -- These were special guns used in only one episode
> and never seen again. That's probably why they were never given a name.
> I guess you could call them "ZyuRanger Guns" or something, since
> they had the word "Zyuranger" printed on the side.

MIKE: Well then,I guess THAT was their names.

>There are also different Zord combinations and weapons for the Zords.
>--The original five Zords first come together to form the Battle Tank.
>The Pterodactyl does not seem to be attached when in Tank mode, however,
>the Pink Ranger is seen riding in the bridge (perhaps she's there to
>prepare the Tank and Pterodactyl for Megazord mode, no one's sure).
>--From that they can switch to Megazord mode. This involves a change
>from tank to robot form.

CROW: Which they do secretly behind a curtain.

> The Megazord has the ability to call on
>the Power Sword. It also uses the Pterodactyl as a chest plate, and
>sometimes (actually, only once), the Mastodon's head is used as a shield.
>--After that, it gets a little trickier. If one uses the show itself

TOM: Well, that's okay.. You don't have to explain it to us.

>as the only guide, then Megazord and Dragonzord come together to form
>the MegaDragonzord (also known as Dragonzord in Battle Mode). This
>combination sometimes calls on the Power staff during its battles.
>Finally, another Zord, Titanus, can be called in to form the Ultrazord.
>--But, according to Pam Green ( --
> There are two combinations of Dragonzord and the various Dinozords.
> According to the instructions in the Bandai Dragonzord toy, Dragonzord +
> Megazord (including T-Rex) --> Megadragonzord! The Dragonzord loses its
> tail and chestplate and unfolds over Megazord, as you can see on the
> opening sequence of some shows. On the other hand, Dragonzord + Mastodon
> + Triceratops + Sabertooth Tiger -->

CROW: Equals one big, messed-up Zord.

> The Ultimate Battle System Fighting
> Mode! This guy can carry the Power Drill (made out of Dragonzord's tail
> and chest plate). And note that since T-Rex isn't included in this
> configuration, they can fight alongside each other.
>Of course, this will all change once the second season begins. Yay.

MIKE: Aztec Mummy.


CROW: Mike, what's a peckster?
MIKE: I don't know.

> Rumors have been flying about what the second season is going to
>be like. Will the same people be around? What's this about a White

CROW: A Whi..
MIKE: Don't even try.
TOM: Well, how about the obvious? He's white.

> Does David get more air time?

TOM: Do we care?

> These are serious questions that
>have been on the minds of many Power Rangers fans out there. Okay, maybe
>no one really cares _that_ much about the Power Rangers (except me), but
>here's a list a MMPR rumors that have been written and posted, plus
>some of the facts behind them.
>WARNING -- MEGA SPOILERS!!! take up the next few pages of this document.

TOM:[Robby t/Robot voice.] Danger! Danger, Will Robinson! Danger!

>Skip ahead to the next section (X. BIOS) if you want to be surprised, or
>close your eyes and hit the Page Down button a ton of times (it's a
>pretty big section). Just thought I'd warn ya'.

MIKE: Isn't it a *little* bit late, for a warning?


CROW: Uhhh.. A Cat's tail!
MIKE: Hmmm... A Fault line!

>---New Faces, New Places---
> FACT: Haim Saban,
in "TV Guide" (July 9, 1994, in the article "Go, Go Power >Rangers" by James
Kaplan -- see "BIOS" section for the whole documentation) >says, "Eventually,
those kids will go to college. When? Your guess >is as good as mine."

CROW: Opinion.

> The article doesn't say whether he was talking
>about the actors or the characters. If he was talking about the actors,
>then the only ones who might be leaving are Austin St. John and Jason
>Frank (Thuy, David, and Walter are in/have graduated from college already.
>I'm not so sure about Amy Jo). Then again, if he was talking about the
>characters...well, your guess is as good as mine.
> As far as next season is concerned, chances are pretty good that
>the same cast will return for at least the first few episodes.
>"Behind-The-Scenes" shots were included in the Fan Club Video, and
>all of these were taken from an episode that looks to be from the second
>season. No major changes in the cast, except that Walter now has dreadlocks,
>and David has new frames for his eyeglasses.

MIKE: Now, THAT should have been put in the unwanted facts section.

> However, according to an article in _USA Today_ (Bash, Alan.
>"Some 'Mighty Morphin' Cast Changes". _USA Today_, April 6, 1994.
>D 3:1), there will be a few new faces. Margaret Loesch, President of
>Fox Children's Network, said that one Ranger will be losing his/her
>powers, but will stay on in the US portion of the show. She also
>mentioned that two other Rangers will later be replaced. No specifics
>as to which Rangers are coming/going were given.
> And, to add more fuel to the fire, around the end of July/
>beginning of August, Saban Entertainment held open auditions in
>various cities for new Power Rangers. These auditions were also
>mentioned on an episode of "Live with Regis and Kathi Lee" (August

CROW: I never watch that show, and never WILL.

>3, 1993). In the interview, three of the actors (Jason F., Amy Jo,
>and David) were asked about a rumor that they (meaning the entire
>cast) were filing a class action suit against Saban in order to
>get bigger and better contracts. This was denied by all three
>actors. Still, it's fun to mention.

MIKE: No it isn't.

>What about new enemies?

TOM: Yeah! And what about Scarecrow's Brain???

>FACT: The previously mentioned "TV Guide" article says that Rita will be
>replaced by her boss, Lord Zedd.

CROW: Opinion.

> Nasty looking guy, actually -- I'm
>surprised they'll be going with the character-straight-out-of-a-Clive-
>Barker-book-cover look. The putties will also get a face lift --
>this time, they'll have a "Z Spot" (yes, you read that right) that,

TOM: On their faces? If not.. Then that really ISN'T a face lift.

>when punched, sends them off to ClayLand. Goldar, Baboo, and Squatt
>will be returning (no sign of Finster or Scorpina). New monsters
>include -- Primator, Pirhantishead, Octophantom, The Invenusable
>Fly Trap (say that three times fast),

CROW: That that that.

> Saliguana, and Robogoat.

MIKE:[amused.] Robogoat??? Oh, come on! Robogoat.. Pshawwww...

>And where will all these new creatures be coming from?

TOM: They will be coming from the Special Effects lab of the show Power
CROW: ...a very special place in Hell.

>A few people on the Net (too numerous to mention -- actually, I lost the
>original posts, so I don't know who to credit these to) have mentioned
>that the new footage will come from a series called "Dairanger".
>Since the second season has already started, here's a list of the
>new Zord/Human Pairings:
>>>> Continued to next message
> ~ SLMR 2.1a ~

TOM: Mike, we gotta go.
MIKE: Okay. [Mike and the bots are getting up to leave the theater.] Hey
Crow, what was that Fact/Opinion thing.
CROW: Oh nothing, just a Havey reference.

[Commercials: Mentos. Beck's. 1-800-COLLECT. 1-800-94-JENNY.]


[Tom is dressed in a red spandex outfit, sort of like the Fugitive Alien
skit, and he has a red helment on. Mike, who is helping Crow zip up his
yellow spandex outfit, has on a green helment.]

CROW: OW! Ow ow ow ow ow ow. That hurts, Mike!
MIKE: Sorry. [puts a yellow helment on Crow.]
TOM: Mike, what actually are we doing in these HOT, TIGHT, MULTI-COLORED
MIKE: Well, while we were reading about the weapons, and costumes, and such.
I thought we'd have a little fun.
TOM: *THIS* is what you call fun??
CROW: And why aren't you wearing one??
MIKE: Well, because my jumpsuit is green.. Well, more blue than green, and
besides.. *I* wouldn't want to be caught dead in that outfit!
BOTS: Oh.. HEY!!!
[Gypsy comes on-screen. She has on a hat like Rita's.]
GYPSY: [Bad Rita Repulsa voice.] I will get you, Power Rangers!
[Gypsy then spits out assorted objects.. Mr. Mashed Potato Man, cotton,
another Tom Servo. The Commercial sign light flashes. Everyone is slipping
on the stuff Gypsy spitted out. Mike, Tom, Crow fall behind the desk.]
MAGIC VOICE: Commercial sign in five, four, three, two, one. Commercial
Sign now.
[Gypsy taps Commercial sign light.]

Continued in Part V

Claye Hodge

-------------MST3K Tagline---------------
-----C.CODY:What about the ray guns?-----
------CROW: You mean Ron and Nancy?------

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