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[MiSTied] Power Rangers FAQ 5/7

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Claye Hodge

Nov 1, 1994, 8:13:08 PM11/1/94

Part V
>From: (Elissa O'Bryan)
>Subject: Power Rangers FAQ 5/7
>Date: 7 Oct 1994 22:03:24 GMT
>Organization: INS Info Services

[Mike and the bots return to their seats.]

TOM: Or shall we say INS *USELESS* Info Services.
CROW:[in pain.] Mike, don't ever do that again.. Okay?
MIKE: I'm sorry.

>Lines: 148
>Message-ID: <374gjc$>
>>>> Continued from previous message
> Jason-Red-Red Dragon ThunderZord

CROW: Oh, he ALWAYS gets the good looking Zords.

> Zack-Black-Lion TZ
> Kimberly-Pink-Firebird TZ

MIKE: A Pink Firebird, huh? I prefer a Little Red Corvette.

> Billy-Blue-Unicorn TZ

TOM: A Unicorn??? Who thought of THAT one???? Ursula K. LaGuin?

> Trini-Yellow-Griffin TZ

CROW: Andy Griffin?
TOM: Merv Griffin?
MIKE: NO, it's Andy GRIFFITH, and Merv GriffITH.

>And, of course, there's the White Ranger. Hmmmmm...what to say about the
>White Ranger.

TOM: Well, he's WHITE.
MIKE: You said that already.
TOM: Oh.

> Yes, Tommy will be the White Ranger, in control of the

MIKE: Or will the Tigerzord be in control of Tommy, the White Ranger?
TOM: I was kind of hoping it'd be Clayton Moore.

> It won't happen for a while, though, because, well, Tommy
>has to die first (no comments from the Peanut Gallery :>).

CROW: HEY! I thought you said no comments!

> Basically, what
>will happen is that Tommy will disappear and a stranger in a funky white
>(Dairanger) suit will show up. After the nifty stock footage battle scenes,
>off comes the helmet and...oh, my gosh!...It's Tommy!

MIKE: Uh, I think we have already gone over that topic.

> Hmm, can we say
>"Green With Evil", folks? :>

TOM: And can I say, BITE ME??

>Of course, this means costume changes and a new line of toys for parents
>to groan over. Speaking of toys....

MIKE: Who was speaking of toys?
CROW: I wasn't.
TOM: Page... ...TWO.


TOM: Oh, I GET it.. It's supposed to be Godzilla's tail. It just got longer.

>---Happy Holidays, Everybody!!!---

CROW: Huh??? I thought this was posted in August??
MIKE: It was.. it just takes this long to read all of it.
TOM: Hehehehe.

>FACT: The new line is out, according to Pam Green.
>FROM: Pamela Green <>
> I'm not sure if anyone else is interested in the MMPR toys [as opposed to

MIKE: Nope. Not interested.
CROW: Besides, the room with all his X-Men figures is full.
TOM: Then, where is that first edition Rogue figure going to go?

> cute actors who play the rangers ;-)], but the other day while I was
> wandering through Toys R Us, they wheeled out a cart of Rangers toys, and
> I managed to grab one of the new Zords.

TOM: Bad touch.
CROW: And run off shouting, "Anarchy! Anarchy!"
MIKE: Yes, it's Pam Green in a role sure to remind you of the L.A. Riots!

> The toy I have is the Red Dragon Thunderzord. It's a very cool Chinese
> dragon (they're the ones shaped like serpents) that converts to a guy who

CROW: Well how ELSE are they shaped like???
TOM: Well how about a strapless evening gown?
MIKE: Is this the part where I say, "But you think everything should be a
strapless evening gown?"
TOM: Actually, yes.
MIKE: Okay, just checking.

> looks like a skinnier Megazord. A way neat toy, except that it has 4
> itty-bitty little parts (2 mini-red rangers and 2 power crystals) that
> would be extremely easy to lose, or for a kid to put up his nose.

TOM: Put up his NOSE???? Well, could be worse.. He could have put it up
his bu..
MIKE:[quickly interrupting Tom.] I don't think so.

> Coming soon, at least according to this big green box:
> Thunderzord Assault Team!!!! Looks like a combination of Black, Yellow
> Blue and Red (or Pink?) Zords. Black resembles a lion, Yellow, maybe a
> dragon, Blue a horse, Red a bird. Red Dragon + Assault Team --> Thunder
> Megazord!!! (Which just seems to be the Red Dragonzord riding the
> Assault Team.)

TOM: Green clovers, yellow moons, red hearts, orange stars, blue diamonds,
purple horseshoes.
MIKE: (Irish accent) Always after my Lucky Charms...
CROW: Yeah, but who is this Assault team??
TOM: Maybe there was a unification with G.I. Joe.

> White Tigerzord!!! This guy definitely looks spiffy. The picture is in
> the warrior mode, with the Tiger head stuck on his chest like a shield.

CROW: No, like a chest plate.
TOM: Is that a Tiger head on your chest or are you just glad to see me?

> He's got a big gold sword, too. On the box, they have a picture of what
> appears to be White Tigerzord combined with the Thunderzord Assault Team
> to make something that resembles the Megazord. But the picture is
> obviously mislabeled, so I'll have to wait on that one.

TOM: Some more waiting??? OH NOOOO...

> Tor, the Shuttlezord!!! Hmmmm.

MIKE: Tor Johnson's in this????
TOM: Yeah, he's playing badminton.

> This guy looks like a black turtle
> standing up on his hind legs. Yes, because Red Dragon Thunderzord +

TOM: Oh, let me guess.. This Zord goes into his shell. Flames come out of his
shell, and he starts spinning in the air and flies away. RIGHT?

> Thunderzord Assault Team + White Tigerzord + Tor the Shuttlezord --->
> THUNDER ULTRAZORD!!!!!!! Which is basically everybody else riding the
> turtle.

CROW:[in japanese kid's voice.] The turtle Gamera, is approaching.
TOM: [also] Gamera is friend to all children.

>FYI, Pam also maintains an extremely informative file that list
>practically all of the Power Rangers related toys worth having. It's

MIKE: What about the toys not worth having?
CROW: And I thought the episode guide was awful.. Boy was I wrong.

>a must-have for any fan/toy collector/frustrated parent out there
>desperate to find all things Ranger-related (but just aren't satisfied
>with owning a set of Power Ranger soap bars).

TOM: Soap bars???

> E-mail either her or
>me for details. It is also available at the Tardis ftp site
>( in the directory "pub/media/tv/collections/tardis/

MIKE: There's Godzilla's tail again.

>---See You in the Movies!!!---

CROW: The MOVIES??? Oh GREAT, they get a video game named after themselves,

> FACT: "Headline News"
> and "E! News Daily/Week in Review" have both
> backed up this claim. Also...
>FROM: (E. Kontei)
> The following is from Trish Ledoux, editor for Viz Comics:
> ----------

CROW: What, just a line of dashes?? REALLY interesting.
TOM: It's Morse code for the apathetic!

> Just heard from Steve Wang in Los Angeles. He called to invite me down
> to a premiere of the new GUYVER movie, GUYVER: DARK HERO.

CROW: Let's see: a metallic suit with a pointed head, incredible gymnastic
abilities, and a choclate bar. What would the GUYVER do?

> He also mentioned some exciting news -- he's been announced as
> director on the upcoming MIGHTY MORPHIN' POWER RANGERS movie!!

MIKE: Maybe we oughta talk to that guy. What do you think Crow?
CROW: Ask Tom. I'm bitter.
TOM: I don't know, that could be a blessing for us.

> He says the budget is "very high", and that they'll be using the
> actors from the television series plus other SAG actors for the "support"
> roles. Production is scheduled to being in September (pre-production has
> already begun), with scheduled release for the end of March/April next
> year. Principal filming will take place in Canada and the U.S.

CROW:[sulking.] Wish WE had a movie.
MIKE: We do have a movie. We have a movie every week. Granted, a bad movie.
TOM: ...If we're not pre-empted for something.

> I thought I'd like to spread the word, and you seemed the most likely
> choice. So if you feel like posting this lil' bit of news on r.a.a., do
> so with my blessing

CROW: Oh, THANK YOU. All you did was just RUIN the rest of the day for me.
MIKE: There there, honey. [pats Crow on the shoulder.]
TOM: Group hug!

> ----------
> Feel free to spread this to other interested newsgroups. I can only
> imagine
> how sentai fans in Japan will react to this "lil' bit of news".

CROW: Yeah, I can imagine how OUR fans will react to it too.
MIKE: The words "pitchforks" and "torches" immediately come to mind.

>Rumor has it that this puppy has got a $15 million dollar budget. Rumor
>also has it that 3 of the original Rangers got canned for demanding
>scale on this flick. There's nothing to back this claim up, though,
>but would a rumor section be without rumors? :>

CROW: Um, blank?
MIKE: I feel a little bit of bragging is going on.
TOM: I would say there's a whole lot of bragging going on.
MIKE: But what does Jerry Lee Lewis have to do with this?


TOM: Godzilla's tail, everybody.
MIKE: Oh, like that's better than my Quinn Martin jokes.

>---Brand New Shows!!!---
were advertisements for Saban's latest show, "V.R. Troopers". Actually, >it
looked, well, interesting. Judge for yourselves, folks. In the

TOM: It LOOKED??? Looked is in the past tense.. So it must NOT be new then.
CROW: But it sounded GREAT! I can't get enough of "HI-KEEBA!"

>"TV Guide" article that I've been quoting heavily from, it says that
>Fox didn't buy VRT, but the show will be syndicated. DIC is also jumping

MIKE: I'm not even going to touch that one.
TOM & CROW: We're glad you didn't.

>on the bandwagon with its own series, "Superhuman Samurai Syber Squad",
>or something like that. The toys have already hit the market, and

TOM: Yes folks, that's what caused the Crash of 29'!!

>they've apparently SSSS'd the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. I believe

MIKE: Is this the net's form of censorship? SSSS?
TOM: They turned into a 70's horror flick!

>the show will be syndicated.
> A few notes on the new show (SSSS, not VRT) -- It will star
>Matthew Lawrence, brother of Joey (Whoa!) Lawrence. It also features
>the guy who played a nerd in "Parker Lewis Can't Lose" playing, you
>guessed it -- a nerd. The show will be about a group of teens in
>a rock band who do battle with an evil computer genius bent on
>destryoing the world with his computer viruses.

MIKE: Oh great, they're ripping off Dr. Mario.
CROW: Ever notice how you never see a country band turn into super-heroes?
TOM: Oh great, Crow is ripping off Seinfeld.

To help them on
>this quest will be their ability to transform (I wouldn't DARE
>blaspheme the term "morph" by applying it here) into Syber
>Samurai. Then again, I could be wrong. :)

MIKE: They touch hands and say, "Syber Samurai powers, ACTIVATE!"
TOM: Does anyone see a redundant plot, here?
CROW: (Monty Python voice) We are the keepers of the sacred words, Nih, pen,
morph, and no more.


MIKE: And did Clive Anderson have anything to do with it?

>Unfortunately, not much is known about the actors involved with MMPR
>or their characters for that matter. Through some serious digging
>and searching, I was able to come up with a few tidbits of info about
>each actor/character. The majority of the character info comes from
>the previously mentioned "Official Fan Club Video" and also an
>information sheet that comes with Power Ranger stickers/decals (I have
>no idea how to go about officially documenting that as a source). The
>actor information comes from various articles in:

MIKE: I thought you said it basically came from the fan club video??
TOM: Forget the New York Times, I know most people's favorite sources of
information in this day and age is a sheet that comes with stickers.
Who needs the Internet when you've got decals?

>--Teen Beat All-Stars_. ("Four by Four". _Teen Beat All-Stars_. New York:
> The Sterling/McFadden Partnership, October, 1994. Pg. 24.)

CROW: Didn't they do "Ain't No Stopping Us Now"?

>--16 ("Meet Mighty Morphin's Austin St. John".16_. New York: The
> Sterling/McFadden Partnership, July, 1994. Pg. 70.)
>--SuperTeen ("Meet the Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers!" _SuperTeen_.
> New York: The Sterling/McFadden Partnership, August, 1994. Pg. 52.)

TOM: Meet George Jetson.

>--TV Guide (Holland, Ty. "Power Pack" [Part of a larger article by

CROW: Oh no! Another large Article!

> James Kaplan, "Go, Go Power Rangers"]. _TV Guide_. Pennsylvania:
>>>> Continued to next message
> ~ SLMR 2.1a ~

[Commercials: Kids in the Hall, The Vacant Lot, 10 Politically Incorrect
commercials.(Oh no! They've returned!)]

Continued in Part VI

Claye Hodge

-------------MST3K Tagline---------------
-----C.CODY:What about the ray guns?-----
------CROW: You mean Ron and Nancy?------

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