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[MiSTied Power Rangers FAQ 7/7

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Claye Hodge

Nov 1, 1994, 8:16:04 PM11/1/94

Part VII
> ~ SLMR 2.1a ~
>From: (Elissa O'Bryan)

>Subject: Power Rangers FAQ 7/7

CROW: [entering the theater, coughing up marbles.] COUGH COUGH COUGH... The
last section??? IT'S ABOUT TIME!!!

>Date: 7 Oct 1994 22:03:30 GMT

MIKE: Told ya! It took from August to October to write this.
CROW: Can someone make me a big birthday cake? I tink I missed one, reading
this post.

>Organization: INS Info Services
>Lines: 91
>Message-ID: <374gji$>
>>>> Continued from previous message
>_David Yost_
>Age: 23
>Birthplace: Council Bluffs, Iowa

TOM: Oh, he's bluffing.

>Life before becoming a Ranger: Spent childhood traveling around the
> country with his family. Was fresh out of college with his
> Speech/Communications and Theatre degree.
>Hobbies: Swimming and Reading Plays
>What he's up to now: Writing a play

MIKE: ...while swimming.
CROW: By this time my lungs were aching for air.
TOM: I thought Jo..., er, the other guy, programmed that out of you.

>Other talents: He's "an excellent gymnast" ("Reality Check", one of the
> Power Rangers PSA's.)
>Favorite Color: Green. Wears "blue occasionally, but...darker blues."

MIKE: Well atleast he wears SOMETHING!
TOM: That could have kept us up all night.

> (_TV Guide_)
>Biggest shortcoming: "I'm a control freak. I want everything to be perfect,
> so I have trouble watching the show because I pick apart my
> performance." (_TV Guide_)

TOM: We ALL have trouble watching the show.
CROW: Yeah, we pick apart EVERYTHING.

>Age: 16
>Birthday: April 1

MIKE: Brings new meaning to "April Fool".

>Sign: Aries
>Height: 5'10"
>Weight: 170 lbs.
>Birthplace: Chicago, Illinois
>Favorite Foods: Guacamole Cheeseburgers, Pizza, Junk Food

MIKE: Guacamole Cheeseburgers??? OH PUKE!
TOM: Literally.

>Favorite Subject: Physics
>Hobbies: Inventing Electronic Devices
>Achievements: Member of the Young Scientists of America, Graduate of
> the Accelerated Baby Genius Program, President of the Science
> Fair Committee
>Love Interest: Marge (grumble, grumble, grumble). However, in the

TOM: Hey WAIT A MINUTE! We didn't see the love interests of the OTHER
characters! Why just this one.. and who is Marge Grumble Grumble??
MIKE: Knowing Billy, she has to have blue hair.
CROW: Marge Simpson, the early years.

> fan club video, he speaks of her in the past tense (Ex:
> "I _had_ a girlfriend named Marge...", so, things may be
> looking up :>).

CROW: Not for him. Hehehe.

>If you have a burning desire to write to the Power Rangers, here are
>a few addies that might be helpful:

CROW: Or just want to send mail bombs..
MIKE: *CROW*! I said enough with the mail bomb jokes!

>Power Rangers Fan Club
>P.O. Box 222
>Hollywood, CA 90078
>(if you're interested in joining the Fan Club, drop me a line and I'll
> send you the information -- and no, they're not paying me to
> do their advertising for them. Unfortunately, the Fan Club

MIKE: I'd rather think of that as FORTUNATELY.

> covers only the United States and Canada. The show will be
> going global starting next year (80 countries is the figure
> I've heard), so this may change in a few months.)
>To write to a specific actor:

CROW: Or send mai...

>(Name of the Actor)
>c/o Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers
>Saban Entertainment
>4000 W. Alameda Ave.
>Burbank, CA 91505
>or, try:
>Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers
>c/o Fox-TV
>10201 W. Pico Blvd.
>Los Angeles, CA 90035
>(both these addresses were in the same magazine (the previously mentioned
> "16" magazine) so I have no idea which is a better address to
> use.)

TOM: For mail bombs.
CROW: Hahahahaha! Good one, Tom!
TOM: Thanks, but seriously, I hope Alpha-5 never appears in Tiger Bot.
CROW: Yeah, he makes Twiki look like Data.

>And that's it (for now, at least)! Questions? Comments? Corrections?

MIKE: Complaints?
TOM: Nitpicks.
CROW: Mail bombs.

>Send them to:
>I'd also love to hear from any other Power Rangers fans. C'mon, I know

CROW: What about Power Ranger enemies???
TOM: Or even Power Ranger enemas.
MIKE: That's more ways than one.

>you're out there -- admit it.

TOM: And someday, we can take over the world.
MIKE: I think I'd prefer Pinky & the Brain...or even the MADS, for that

If it makes you feel any better, you're not
>alone. Smile! :)

CROW: I will only smile if this post is over.

|And Happiness a path towards Sorrow | Wyndstorm Huntress, NARF! | >|I
tell you, to live life to the full | Go, Go, Blue Ranger |
>|Brings emptiness to those | Desperately Seeking Rutger Hauer |
>|Who Dare to Dream. -- TAG, 1994 | Lust Slave to Roberto Baggio |

TOM: Living life to the full.. is by bringing emptiness to those Who Dare
to Dream?????? Yep, she IS working for Dr. Forrester alright.

>|-------------------------------------| In the mood for Gianluca Pagliuca |
>|This is my life, it is made of Sweet | My Queendom for Paolo Maldini |
>|and Tears. -- Roberto Baggio | Helloooooooooooo Antonio Banderas |

ALL: Helloooooooooooooo NURSE!
MIKE: His life; also made of blown penalty kicks.
CROW: Roberto Baggio, the Mitch Williams of Italy.

> ~ TLX v4.00 ~ 'Tis
>the season to be punny......

CROW: Fa la la la laaaaa.. La laaaaaaaa laaaaaaaa YECHHK!!!!!
MIKE: Well, I guess that's it.
CROW: Mike, Tom?? You see me smiling, don't you???
TOM: Hehehe.. [Mike and the bots leave the theater.]



MIKE: You know guys? That post wasn't really that bad.
CROW: Yeah, it beats these re-occuring Barney FAQ's. BLECH!
TOM: Yeah, who knows.. Instead of Power Rangers we could have gotten
a FAQ on that show Tatooed Teenage Alien Fighters from Beverly Hills.
ALL: Ooooooohhh!
MIKE: What do you think sirs???
[Mike taps the Mads light.]

[DEEP 13]

DR. F: Teenage Fighters from Beverly Hills???? Hmmmmmmmm.. Frank?
Do you have Terri's phone number????
[Frank comes running on-screen. Smoke is coming from his pants.
He doesn't respond because he's in pain. Frank runs back off-
screen.] Frank???? Oh, nevermind, we have Elissa's..
[Dr.F get's out a cordless phone and starts dialing.] Five... Three..
One.. Six. Ah, Elissa?? Clay here! Say, have you heard of Tatooed
Teenage Fighters from...[Dr.F pushes the button.]


Mystery Science Theater 3000 and related characters and situations are
trademarks of and (c) 1994 by Best Brains, Inc. Mighty Morphin Power
Rangers and related characters and situations are trademarks of and
(c) 1994 by Saban Entertainment, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Use of copyrighted or trademarked material is for entertainment purposes
only. No infringement on original copyrights or trademarks held by Best
Brains, Inc. or Saban Entertainment, Inc. is intended or should be

host segments directed by: Claye Hodge
sPeCiAl EfFeCtS: T.o.R.g.O. CoMpUtErS iNc..
games supplied by: Joey the Lemur
special thanks: Usenet poster's everywhere.
Proofreader and co-MiSTer: Rick Hodge

edited in Shadowrama!

keep circulating the posts


Well, whaddya think?

Claye Hodge

-------------MST3K Tagline---------------
-----C.CODY:What about the ray guns?-----
------CROW: You mean Ron and Nancy?------

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