CROW: Gagggh!
SERVO: What the...!?
CROW: That was scary.
> Get someRope, we must take him to the
> Caliph"
JOEL: [as Doubar] You don't need to *scream* at me...
> Doubar finds some rope and they take Rama back to townand put him
> inside a prison untill Firouz can make a room to lock Rama up in the ship.
> Jasminenot wanting to be on the same ship as Rama, says"Sinbad, let me go by
> horse to Baghdad its only2 days by land,
JOEL: Two days by land, three days by sea.
> I will take a note to the Caliph and
> wait there for you" Sinbad smiles at his sisterand says"I guess, how will you
> get a horse"
SERVO: Maybe she'll just make one.
CROW: Yeah, out of clay.
> Markus says"She can borrow mine. If you leave nowyou can get to
> the next Village by sundown" Sinbad smiles and says"I will write up a note.
JOEL: [as Sinbad, reading the note] Jasmine to class, 1:22 pm, signed, Sinbad.
> Takethis and the Caliph will know you are with me" Jasmine takes the item
> that Sinbad gave her andthe note" the whole crew is outside by the stables,
> Markus gets the horse ready and says"becareful" Jasmine smiles and says"I
> will" Jasmine gets on the horse and rides off towards Bagdad.
CROW: And our heroine rides gracefully off, into the setting sun...
> The crew went back to the ship, they Chained Rama in the prison Maeve
> magicked thechains to make it hard for him to get lose.
SERVO: "Magicked" the chains? Did she afterwards "gunned" a traitor?
> Sinbad was at the
> tiller with Doubar who says"Youthink she will make it" Sinbad smiles and
> says"She'll make it"
JOEL: So is she going to make it?
CROW: Oh, I think... she'll... probably, yeah, she'll make it.
> Two days has past since Jasmine left Jakeeb, she arrived at the Caliphs
> palace, she told theguard that she had a message from Sinbad the Sailer
SERVO: Sinbad the Sailor? Is that the best his press agents can some up with?
> and
> the guard took her to the Caliph's throneroom. She walks in and curtsies
JOEL: Ladies and gentlemen, the Middle Ages!
> and
> says"My Lord I am Jasmine, Daughter of Dim Dim thesorcerer, Sister of Sinbad
> the Sailer.
JOEL: [singing] Sinbad the Sailor Man...
CROW: [singing] He lives in a garbage can!
SERVO: This fanfic's bad pacing is hurting my casing...
ALL: It's Sinbad the Sailor Man!
> I bring you a message from him" the Caliph smiles andsays"Read
> it" Jasmine opens the letter up and it reads"
> Dear Caliph,
CROW: You may already be a winner of our Ten Million Dollar Grand Prize!
> We are bringing Rama the Terrible in, We have him locked up.
> He Kidnapped Jasmine and attempted to kill her twice, I would like to see him
> punished forendangering my crewmembers and my Sister.
JOEL: Either that, or be taught how to *kill* someone.
> Sinbad"
> the Caliph sat in shock he says"My dear, I am truly sorry, I will do
> everything in my power topunish this pirate to the fullest,
SERVO: [as Caliph] Even if it means getting out the hot oil and whips...
> You are a guest
> here, What ever you want you may ask and it willbe done."
CROW: Can this story please end?
> Jasmine
> says"Thank you, sir. Sinbad and the others should be here soon" One of
> theservants takes her to a place to sit and serves her a drink and something
> to eat.
JOEL: [as Jasmine] Mmmmm, warm apple juice and stale graham crackers... my
> The next morning Jasmine woke up in her quarters provided by Caliph she
> gets dressed andheads to the throne room where a grand breakfast was being
> served.
SERVO: So I take it they're serving seafood? I mean, in the *throne* room? He he
JOEL: [to SERVO] Another joke like that, and I'll throw you against a wall.
SERVO: Heh, it will be worth it.
> As soon as she got there she heard one of the guards say:that Sinbad
> had arrived she says"Where is he?" The guard shows her she smiles and
> says"Thanks" She walks over to where the crew is and says"I suspect you
> broughtRama with you as well"
CROW: Sinbad puts the Rama in the Shama Rama Ding Dang.
> Sinbad smiles and says"We have" Jasmine smiles
> and says"This place isso nice" Maeve says"I agree"
JOEL: The tension is so thick you could cut it with a knife.
> the two continue to look
> around when the Caliph comes out,twoguards are with him bringing in Rama the
> Terrible, he says"Rama the Terrible, for your act ofpiracy, attempting to
> murder someone under my protection, I sentence you to death"
SERVO: I hate how these trials drag on these days...
> Jasmine sawRama
> hang his head down in shame, she saw a single tear fall from his eyes as he
> was taken away.
CROW: See? He has a sensitive side to him after all.
> Later that day, the crew decided not to witness Rama exicution so
> they went into thepalace gardens with the Caliph, Prince Casib and the
> Princess. Rongar and Doubar decided to gooff on there own, as did Firouz.
JOEL: Isn't Firouz that other type of keyboard?
> Maeve and Sinbad decided to walk in the gardens together. Jasmine walked
> around when Casib walked up and said"So your Dim Dim's Daughter, Im sorry
> Isent him away"
SERVO: Lord Dim Dim, ruler of all of JAKEEB!
> Jasmine smiled at the young prince and says"Its allright, I
> know you were therewhen he disappeared to" Casib says"Im sorry the Vazier
> also closed the school to, I am also sorryfor taking all your things from
> your home"
CROW: I must have missed that scene.
> Jasmine says"It wasnt your fault, you were influencedby evil, You can
> keep my childhood toys for your children" Casib smiles a big smile
> andsays"Thanks! My children will treasure them as much as you did"
SERVO: --By introducing them to all their pet goldfish they sent to goldfish
> The two
> continue to talk for awhile longer.
CROW: Why is it that the stuff they're saying now makes more sense than
everything *else* in the entire story, so far?
JOEL: What's so odd about that?
CROW: Well, other than the fact that I can't *hear* them...
> That afternoon abourd the Nomad, Firouz was down below working on his
> latestinvention. Doubar was manning the tiller, Rongar was at the railing
> watching the waves. Jasminewas also at the railing watching the waves. Maeve
> and Sinbad were at the railing by the tiller,
JOEL: They were watching the waves.
SERVO: [continuing] Xena was at the railing, watching the waves.
CROW: Markustook would have been at the railing watching the waves, but he fell
down a well and got drowned.
> Maeve says with a smile"I think
> she has found peace" Sinbad smiled at Maeve and says"I do to"Maeve moved
> closer to Sinbad Wraping her arms around his waste tangling her fingers,
SERVO: Oh, my GOD... NO!
CROW: Joel, umm, should we be... watching this?
JOEL: [oblivious to the (mis)spelling] Crow, when two people love each other--
SERVO: But *that's* just going too far. Maeve, you have crossed the line.
CROW: I'm going to go and throw up all over Gypsy.
> sheplanted soon claimed his lips, the two shared a passionate kiss for a few
> minutes then looked ateach other with a smile.
CROW: Is it over? Can I look?
SERVO: She's no longer hugging his waste, if that's what you mean.
> Jasmine looked on at the
> Captain and the Sorceress then sighed, she hada feeling that the lives of the
> Crew of the Nomad were in for a big change very soon.
SERVO: Oh, boy, she's only beginning to go into the full horror of what's in
store for them.
> THE END!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
JOEL: Finally!
SERVO: Let's rock.
[they get up and leave]
[JOEL and the bots are behind the desk]
JOEL: [to camera] Sirs, that was a really horrible fic. I think, this time, you
have outdone even your own selves.
SERVO: [to JOEL] Yeah, it was terrible until that one... the... sentence...
JOEL: Which one?
[SERVO just gasps for air]
JOEL: Was it... "sheplanted soon claimed his lips, the two shared a passionate
kiss for a few..."?
SERVO: [gagging] No...
JOEL: Crow, can *you* help?
CROW: Umm... no.
JOEL: Crow... why not?
CROW: [strangely robotical] Because, Joel, to do so would be to undermine the
very essence of my being.
JOEL: Umm. Okay, Crow. [to camera] Anyway, sirs, what do you think?
[DR. E and DR. F are in the normal spots]
DR. E: [reading a printout] AROUND HIS WASTE!?!??!!? Oh, man! Clay, we really
mighta gone too far on this one.
DR. F: [deliberately not getting it] So she's a little short. What gives?
DR. E: [to camera, confiding in Joel] Some things, evil scientists were just not
meant to know.
[fade to credits]
Written / Concepted by The Weretorgo.
(aka Weretorgo Classic; aka Chirpy, the Mutant Hellbeast; aka The First Delta
Knight. Always goes by the initials B.G.)
Concepted is a verbed noun, perhaps invented by Weretorgo.
You have just read episode 203 of the Weretorgo set. For a complete list, try
checking out
Now that you have finished this MSTing, please have the common courtesy to tell
me how you liked it: my current (2/13/99) email address is
-This is the second KTMA MSTing I have written, and as of 2/13/99, I am still
the only writer to have utilized this fascinating period of MSTiedom.
-Since it's a KTMA MSTing, there are a few ethics which I set down for myself
(and hopefully others) to follow:
1- No rereading. Proofreaders are okay, but with this one, I have actually
posted it *before* I get a report from my proofer. All comments should be
improvised, and silence is an okay thing.
2- Pausing within the riffs. When I thought of a riff beginning, but couldn't
find a word, I acted honest. That's why there's a lot of stuttering,
particularly with Crow, because I feel this is very much in character for the
early, naive Crow.
3- Wordings. Nothing has to cut to the point, and I tried VERY hard to not
delete riffs right after I made them. Which means some of these are very silly
and basic, which is something that, in my normal MSTings, I try to avoid.
Proofer: Nick Clark
Proofer MIA: Joe Blevins
[proofing returns!]
Special, big ol' tip o' the hat to the following people, who made this MSTing
-Joe Blevins
-Nick C.
I would like to acknowledge the existence of the following lifeforms:
-That chick who sits at the back table in the one class that is like, enigmatic
and stuff.
-The other chick who sits near that one chick who is like, a vegan.
-The <******> who sits at that other place who makes those <*******> tapeworms
out of clay.
-Those dudes who wear big trenchcoats.
-The person who does that stuff and like says hello sometimes.
The things that made this MSTing possible:
-The author of the original... "story," I guess.
-The collected works of the following bands/people:
--The Residents
--Trent Reznor
--Laurie Anderson
-Joe Blevins, whose remarks on "Questions" motivated me to continue my KTMA
-The collected group of <********> who compel me to maintain my 'cutting' sense
of wit.
> Maeve says with a smile"I think
> she has found peace" Sinbad smiled at Maeve and says"I do to"Maeve moved
> closer to Sinbad Wraping her arms around his waste tangling her fingers
And now, I shall vanish again.
Happy Valentines Day, all!
<murky lurking>
Weretorgo Classic - All the Weretorgo, half the .sig
John Cassavetes is my Lord and master.
MSTie #92826
-Reality is something you play with. Like Silly Putty.