[ 1... 2... 3... 4... 5... 6... ]
sitting up front, near the camera, facing TOM. ]
TOM: Hi, everyone. Welcome back to the Satellite of Love. I'm Tom
Servo, your host. Today we've got wonderful news for all of our
loving and devoted fans. Starting Tuesday you'll be able to find
our new Special Collectible Crow T. Robot Gold Edition.
[ CROW, looking as he always does, enters from the left. ]
CROW: Hi, everyone. The gold edition me comes complete with netting,
fresh-polished nose module, top-of-the-line sarcasm resequencer
and an array of opinions on Peter Potamus. But there's more --
MIKE: [ Raising his hand ] Does that come with director's commentary?
TOM: Uhm --
CROW: Sure! Lots of commentary.
TOM: Won't be able to shut him up!
[ GYPSY enters from the right. ]
GYPSY: And with the Ruby Edition collectible Tom Servo --
MIKE: Hold it; does the Crow come with trailers?
CROW: I -- uh --
GYPSY: A trailer hitch.
MIKE: Is he in 5.1?
TOM: He's ... in ... 8.3. I think.
MIKE: Anamorphic?
CROW: I've heard of that.
TOM: Is it good?
GYPSY: I think so.
CROW: Yes! Any further questions?
[ MADS SIGN flashes. MIKE walks back to the table to get it. ]
MIKE: Hang on, the deleted scenes are calling.
[ MIKE taps the sign. ]
[ CASTLE FORRESTER. PEARL and BOBO are at a desk working on a great
many forms; BOBO is dressed as accountant. OBSERVER watches the
camera, curious. Calculators, notepads, and slide rules complete
the table clutter. ]
OBSERVER: Does Crow come with animated chapter breaks?
BOBO: Deducting form 8-E, line 17 ...
PEARL: Hello, Mike. Peculiar doll-thingies.
CROW: Hey, we're action figures!
GYPSY: Yeah!
TOM: I'm comfortable being a doll.
MIKE: Ah, what're you doing, Pearl?
[ CASTLE FORRESTER. BOBO is muttering to PEARL. A bell rings
from off-camera. ]
PEARL: [ To BOBO ] Oh, what, *again*? We've had him in the dungeon
a *year* now and we're not getting through.
BOBO: For the capital invested in keeping Doctor Mike -- you can't
argue the return-on-evil. Look at the figures.
PEARL: Brain Guy, can't you do this?
OBSERVER: Pearl, Professor Bobo understands forms. I don't.
PEARL: [ To MIKE ] What are we doing? Oh, wouldn't YOU like to know?
MIKE: Well ... yeah.
GYPSY: [ To TOM ] I just never saw you as a doll before.
[ CASTLE FORRESTER. BOBO is fiddling with a slide rule. ]
OBSERVER: Sorry up there, Mike; we've got some reports to fill in.
PEARL: Something *you* will understand perfectly after you get through
this week's experiment -- if you DARE!
[ PEARL begins to cackle; OBSERVER pats her shoulder. ]
OBSERVER: [ Low-key ] It's not all that evil.
PEARL: [ Similarly ] No? I thought we were picking these --
OBSERVER: You have to give them a change-up, something odd and then you
let go with the force-ten brain-imploder. It works better.
PEARL: You're the brain guy, but I want them to suffer more --
[ The bell rings again. ]
PEARL: Oh, somebody get Commodore Schmidlapp his tea already.
[ BOBO hits his palm against the slide rule, launching it to stage right.
There follow several crashing glass noises, and then the hissing and
bubbling of horrid liquids seeping places. BOBO whimpers. ]
PEARL: Brainy?
[ SATELLITE OF LOVE. As before. ]
GYPSY: They're getting stranger.
CROW: I just never saw you as a doll.
TOM: You should try accepting an expanded self-image.
[ MOVIE SIGN flashes. General alarm. ]
MIKE: Oh, great, save it -- guys, we got movie sign!
[ Screaming and such continues. ]
[ 6... 5... 4... 3... 2... 1... ]
[ ALL enter theater. ]
MIKE: Wait, she's torturing other Mikes?
>Path: rpi!uwm.edu!newsfeed.cs.utexas.edu!in.100proofnews.com!in.100
>Reply-To: "Baron Maximillian von Schwartzmeinoppenhause"
CROW: Zany? You're soaking in it!
>From: "Baron Maximillian von Schwartzmeinoppenhause"
TOM: That's for everyone who missed the zany before.
>Newsgroups: 24hoursupport.helpdesk,alt.alien.research,alt.alien.visitors,
MIKE: The gang.
>References: <20030814025106...@mb-m07.aol.com>
>Subject: Re: GALACTIC FEDERATION Update: August 5, 2003
CROW: Attention Mister and Missus Galaxy and all the ships at sea!
>Lines: 159
>X-Priority: 3
TOM: Better tell Wolverine and Professor Xaiver.
>X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
>X-Newsreader: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2800.1158
>X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.2800.1165
MIKE: [ Clapping his hands ] Ole'!
>Message-ID: <hqX5b.733$Qa.5...@news.uswest.net>
>Date: Fri, 5 Sep 2003 02:02:48 -0600
TOM: We get the August update in September?
CROW: They're pretty laid back in this part of the federation.
>X-Trace: news.uswest.net 1062748941 (Fri, 05 Sep 2003
>03:02:21 CDT)
>NNTP-Posting-Date: Fri, 05 Sep 2003 03:02:21 CDT
MIKE: There, see? Told you it was Central Daylight Time.
>Xref: rpi alt.alien.visitors:516492 alt.revisionism:1566553
>sci.astro:445867 soc.history.what-if:738420
TOM: Inside The GPS Signal.
"Robt McElwain" <rmcel...@visto.com> wrote in message
CROW: It's the 21st century and we're *still* getting Robert McElwaine.
Could we get some new cranks in here?
> Update from the REAL Galactic Federation
MIKE: The other Galactic Federation is just full of phonies.
> and The Spiritual Hierarchy
> August 5, 2003
TOM: They're masters of space, time, and dimension, but their Usenet
servers are kept up by turtles.
> Communicated thru Sheldan Nidle of The Planetary Activation Organization
MIKE: So stop teasing him.
CROW: Shel-*dan*?
> http://www.paoweb.com/updates.htm
> Greetings, dear Hearts!
TOM: Howdy, lovey-kins.
> We return with more interesting topics to
> share with you.
MIKE: And we'll give you six of them for four easy monthly payments
of $24.99 each.
> One of the things that we find most interesting is how
> your concepts of cosmology have distorted the origins of this physical
> universe.
CROW: Why, thank you. I think one of my most endearing features
is how my concepts of cosmology distort the origins of the
physical universe.
> Its genesis lies not in a 'big bang', but rather in a simple
> series of multiple creations.
TOM: This `Big Bang Burrito' theory we expect will be slow to catch on.
> These creations produce many different
> dimensions and an abundance of realities. The crucial element is
MIKE: Erbium.
> divine
> consciousness. All of us dwell in a living, conscious universe.
TOM: Except for the audience of ``The Swan.''
> That
> universe is composed of inter-dimensional Light and Time, which
> combine, in infinite ways, to form space.
CROW: Is this gonna be on the final?
> It, in turn, creates
> realities and shapes physicality's countless dimensions. The physical
> universe is a magical place.
MIKE: So that's why everyone's after me Lucky Charms.
> The only limitations that exist in any
> reality are those that its inhabitants and its heavenly guardians,
> together, permit.
CROW: I already saw ``Free To Be You And Me.'' Can I go?
> Your laws of physics are a true misnomer.
TOM: They're more nagging suggestions of physics instead.
> Your growth
> in awareness or new collective perceptions can instantly alter these
> so-called 'laws'.
MIKE: One morning I took too much Sudafed and the Rydburg constant?
Pfft. Out like a light.
> Now, this important process has begun.
TOM: No, no, no, don't go rushing into anything right now.
> It promises to
> create an entirely new reality for you and indeed for the rest of
> physicality.
CROW: You know, I can't get ``2000 Flushes'' to work right.
Should I be part of creating a new reality for everybody?
> Creation is a continuously unfolding phenomenon. The divine plan
> has dealt out to us all a multiplicity of sudden twists and turns.
TOM: You are in a maze of twisty divine plans, all alike.
> Now,
> as a direct result, countless sentient species live in the physical
> universe.
MIKE: The Asian short-clawed otter alone occupies four galaxies.
> Their many different languages, cultures and rituals create
> an immensely wide range of traditions and perceptions that center upon
> the origins of their realities.
TOM: Yet they cannot tell a cabbage from a lettuce.
> They have inspired us to closely study
> the residences of this nearly infinite universe. In our galaxy, it gave
> rise to the creation of
CROW: Kickapoo Joy Juice.
> numerous spiritual sciences, dedicated to
> developing a full understanding of this knowledge, and to discovering
> its precise part in the whole.
TOM: In order to make more efficient ABC Afterschool Specials.
> Eventually, this study laid the first
> foundations for a spiritual anthropology and, later, a spiritual
> sociology.
MIKE: And later still, spiritual philately.
TOM: Spiritual geology was a big hit.
CROW: People say spiritual ichtyology is an easy major, but there's
a lot to it you don't see.
> These sciences gave us a wealth of information about our
> common origins,
CROW: For example, origins turn out to be common.
> which are far greater than the processes that brought
> about human evolution on the third planet of the Vega solar system more
> than six million years ago.
TOM: As of next Thursday.
> Actually, our beginnings filled a physical
> and spiritual niche foreseen by the divine plan.
MIKE: I mean, it's like they had God or something setting things out.
> Prior to that event,
> we were all spiritual Beings hanging tenaciously to the vast Life-
> streams of Heaven.
TOM: Oh, here it comes.
CROW: Yup. This is the hard sell. How much, McElwaine?
> As humanity advanced through this galaxy,
TOM: We started shooting everything we didn't understand.
> we encountered physical
> Beings quite unlike us in form, culture and language.
CROW: We would have given them the chance to surrender,
but we didn't want to look weak.
> If we did not
> succeed in bridging these huge differences, war often resulted.
MIKE: And, really, we went out with the best of intentions.
> At
> first, those who aggressively followed the dark principles of their
> creator-Being, Anchara,
CROW: Leader of the Imperium Sweaters.
> distressed us greatly. Suddenly, we were
> involved in an enormous galactic war that had woven itself across the
> breadth of our galaxy for many tens of millions of years.
TOM: A most savage alien race, they were. When we shot them
they fought back.
> This struggle
> created a need for many alliances to form with thousands of other like-
> minded star-nations.
MIKE: We had to shoot first. We had them surrounded.
> It also introduced us to the continuing strange
> and violent process that is destined to transform this galaxy from the
> darkness that has engulfed it.
TOM: They're using the F-U-N-D cheat, aren't they?
> At times, these wars seemed endless.
CROW: It was like watching the History Channel.
> The
> devastation's intensity was inconceivable. We were always astonished at
> the extent to which the star-nations of Anchara would go in order to
> 'win' these wars.
MIKE: Star-nations of Anchara? There's galactic warfare about whether
to accept Captain Archer and Team Bland on `Enterprise'?
> Their fierce stockpile of weapons and unspeakably
> brutal military forces sparked a reign of terror across this galaxy.
CROW: Yet still they can't explain John Ashcroft.
> Eventually, our growing alliances led to the Galactic Federation
> of Light.
TOM: And that'll have to be enough for you.
> The Galactic Federation was one of a number of organizations
> - neutral, dark or one with the Light - operating in this galaxy.
MIKE: And all striving to become the Master of Orion.
> At
> any rate, the wars produced a vast number of 'wandering' star-nations
> that moved about according to the circumstances caused by the wars.
CROW: If the Galactic Federation of Light had gone straight
to the police, this would never have happened.
> From them, we learned a great deal about the hate and the needless
> actions and divisions caused by limited consciousness
MIKE: You know, like when you overdo the Robitussin.
> and its constant
> train of fear and wrongly-derived assumptions. We found this quite an
> eye-opener.
TOM: It was zesty, and it had a great minty taste!
> We also learned the extent of the Ancharites' deception.
CROW: The Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy, Dionne Warwick -- none of them
ever really existed!
TOM: What?
> Although we were shocked, initially, at how dark this galaxy had
> become, we realized, deep in our Hearts, that this insanity would
> definitely end.
MIKE: Oh, yeah. Superadvanced cosmic being and I bet they just
whip out the Ritalin.
> Until that divine moment, we had to do whatever we
> could to stalemate the continuous wars.
TOM: But the Galactic League of Nations proved to be a disappointment.
> Thus, we created technologies
> and strategies that would bring about the required results.
CROW: That seemed too hard, so we started playing Europa Universalis II
for a couple millennia to kill time.
> Ultimately, just over two million years ago, these wars produced
> conditions that allowed us to colonize your solar system.
MIKE: And we've still got half our stuff in cardboard boxes.
> A new set of
> broad-based attacks by the Ancharites, nearly one million years ago,
> destroyed these first human colonies.
TOM: A million years these Federation of Light creeps float about
the planet and none of them remembers to not leave sitting ducks
all around.
> Later, a counter-attack by
> Galactic Federation forces culminated in the second Earth colony of
> Lemuria
CROW: So Joey the Lemur was a space alien?
TOM: Actually, yeah.
> and the destruction of the Ancharites' main planetary world.
MIKE: The genocide was necessary, as otherwise some of the Ancharites
might have lived.
> Its explosive end produced the asteroid belt that now revolves between
> Mars and Jupiter.
CROW: Explosive ending! No one will be admitted during the
last five minutes of the Ancharites' home world.
> Moreover, many of the smaller moons of Mars, Jupiter
> and the solar system's other outer planets are the result of the
> carnage from these explosions.
TOM: A couple of them were just tchochkes we picked up at garage sales.
> Indeed, your solar system is a curious
> monument to the violence that was part of these wars.
CROW: Please observe silence while visiting the Solar System.
> It even extends
> to the outer layers of cosmic dust and larger particles that form the
> edge of your solar system.
MIKE: This is all related to Blue Kryptonite, isn't it?
> Because these clouds were unduly charged,
> the outcome was a constant barrage of comets and asteroids.
TOM: But they do all look really festive come Christmas time.
> Even your Sun was not spared the degrees of violence of which the
> Ancharites were capable.
MIKE: And with our powers and a million years to try it was
too much work to fix it up again.
> They attempted to permanently disrupt your
> Sun's interaction with her planetary daughters,
TOM: By being vicious gossips.
> resulting in the highly
> elliptical orbits that still characterize the way your solar system's
> planets circle your Sun.
MIKE: The tragic result of putting unbalanced loads in the washer.
> Initially, these orbits were almost circular.
> For that reason, a circle has a 360-degree arc.
CROW: Bake your circle at that 360 degree arc for fifteen to
twenty minutes or until a toothpick inserted in the center
comes out clean.
> In your world, this
> commemorates the original solar year of 360 days, each lasting 24
> hours.
TOM: Is that mean solar or sidereal time?
> The first colonists of ancient Lemuria decided not to alter this
> situation,
CROW: This reminds me of a story that happened once in ... Zobooland.
> and kept this anomaly as a sign to future generations of
> what had actually occurred in this once splendid and beautiful solar
> system.
MIKE: Nice of them to leave us such a hint.
> These wars also caused the conditions needed to plunge you into
> the morass that we know as limited consciousness.
CROW: So, the Federation of Light wants to bring Light to the universe
and does it by leaving a broken-down solar system and dropping
colonists on it who'll be too stupid to do any Light-bringing?
TOM: It's the Galactic Federation of Durrr.
> Clearly, the dispersion of humanity into your solar system - even
> your fall into limited consciousness - are by-products of these galaxy-
> wide wars.
TOM: As soon as you leave the solar system, though, you'll figure out
how to travel interstellar distances.
> Furthermore, the Galactic Federation's acceptance of a
> nearly 'hands-off' policy was the result of circumstances brought about
> by these same wars.
MIKE: That hands-off policy that did so well to avoid the war
in the first place.
> This policy allowed the Anunnaki to become your
> overlords, and their earthly minions to secretly control you for the
> past 13 millennia.
TOM: Oh, *good* one, Galactic Federation of Light.
> However, this situation was dramatically changed by
> your rise in consciousness and by the Anunnaki's recent turn to the
> Light.
CROW: And, what the heck, nothing good on TV this week anyway.
> These events have made possible the Galactic Federation's direct
> intervention in your affairs.
MIKE: The protection money we demand will be reasonable
and collected infrequently.
> It has also given us an opportunity to
> assist those forces of Light that are laboring to transform your world.
TOM: Unfortunately, the only agents they have on the scene are
Judge Reinhold and Gurmit Singh, so it's taking a while.
> This has resulted in the agreements that are about to be revealed.
CROW: I'm betting they call for people to wear less black, though.
> Heaven and your collective self are co-creating your reality.
MIKE: You put it that way, I feel so *naked*.
> You
> are interconnected Beings who are sharing the same destiny. That
> destiny is to be returned to fully conscious Beings of Light.
CROW: Just two weekends a month, and two millennia a geologic age.
> The
> concluding phase, before this divine transition can be fully revealed
> to you, has taken much too long for our liking.
TOM: Frankly, you're on the verge of failing this class!
> Finally, the last
> vestiges of the dark have begun to see that their continuing battle is
> truly in vain.
CROW: The movies of Jerry Bruckheimer will get more desperate.
> This acknowledgement has allowed a new energy of
> positive intention to envelop your beautiful, blue orb.
MIKE: Clean it every other weekend with a damp cloth, and keep it
out of direct sunlight.
CROW: This is what the Mirror Universe had instead of ``Highlander 2.''
> This energy has
> provided additional courage to those who are enforcing the agreements,
TOM: This is all going to end up at the World Trade Organization somehow.
> which guarantee that a new reality can be manifested, now, upon your
> world.
CROW: Watch your doorknobs for signs of opening blue eyes.
> We thank all who have helped and, especially, convey our deepest
> gratitude to all Light workers. Your victory is approaching!
TOM: No, really. Going to be here soon. Can't see it taking more
than another 375,000 years at the *latest*.
> Today, we have discussed segments of our shared history that
> explain your origins and the basis of your present condition of
> consciousness.
MIKE: Next week, remember, we're doing the Polish-Lithuanian monarchy,
so read up chapter eight and be ready with questions, people.
> We ask you to use this awareness to examine how far you
> actually have come!
CROW: I'm suddenly more aware of my tongue.
TOM: You don't have a tongue.
CROW: Then I'm suddenly confused and distressed.
> Your liberation and new world service are truly
> within reach!
TOM: As soon as you pay up your library fines!
> We now take our leave.
MIKE: [ As Groucho ] I've had a wonderful evening, but this wasn't it.
> Blessings, dear Ones! Know, in
> your Heart of Hearts,
CROW: In your Diamond of Diamonds,
MIKE: In your Spade of Spades,
TOM: In your Club of Clubs..
> that the eternal Supply and perpetual Prosperity
> of Heaven is yours!
MIKE: This reads like the advertising materials for MOS Burgers.
> So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Kasijaram!
CROW: They're either Malay or the Klindesteron beademungen.
> (Sirian
> for Be One! Blessed in Love and in Joy!)
TOM: And there's some fine print where you sign up to buy two CDs
each month for a year.
> Planetary Activation Organization
MIKE: Somebody check the Earth's batteries. Venus was dead
three months before we noticed.
> http://www.paoweb.com
> This copy was reposted by Robert E. McElwaine
TOM: The `E' stands for `Extra.'
CROW: Robert E. McExtralwaine?
> PAO Member
> Eckankar Initiate
MIKE: And a good friend.
> B.S., Physics and Astronomy, UW-EC
CROW: Hah ... Mike?
MIKE: Not my fault, guys.
> http://members.aol.com/rem547 PLUS
> http://members.aol.com/rem460
TOM: That adds up to rem 1007.
> See also http://www.paoweb.com/sn122600.htm ,
CROW: A URL actually created by a snore.
> http://www.disclosureproject.org .
> P.S.: PASS IT ON !
MIKE: You'll never guess which of your close friends is waiting
for this very message!
> ok
TOM: OK? Is that all you have to say for yourself?
[ 1... 2... 3... 4... 5... 6... ]
many papers scattered on the desk. A pencil is wedged into
CROW's hand. ]
GYPSY: You need line 17 from form 8-E.
CROW: I know, I'm just -- look, how many amiable characters from the
movies and shorts we watch have visited us on the Hex Field View
Screen this year?
TOM: 28, including four visits from Marrissa Picard.
GYPSY: You have to tell them how you made Jay Gordon cry.
TOM: Tell them 35.
CROW: I'm not cheating on these forms!
TOM: Oh, like they'll check?
GYPSY: It kind of goes against the spirit --
[ MIKE enters. They all hush up for a few seconds. ]
MIKE: So. Who wants to --
[ Simultaneously: ]
GYPSY: Crow.
CROW: Tom.
TOM: Crow.
MIKE: Well?
CROW: We realized we haven't filled in our reports for the
Galactic Federation of Light this year yet.
TOM: You wouldn't believe how many forms it is, either,
but it's worth doing.
GYPSY: It's an important part of bringing light to the universe.
MIKE: [ Playing along ] Plus you might get to be Head Beagle.
GYPSY: So we're listing all this year's light-bringing.
CROW: You got anything you want reported?
MIKE: I, uh, cleaned the burnt pizza stuff out of the toaster oven.
CROW: That's good! What else do we have?
TOM: We played keep-away with Observer's brain for like ten minutes.
MIKE: That didn't really uplift anyone's soul.
CROW: Well ... what about that fun we had playing backgammon? That had
to bring something good into the world.
GYPSY: We just moved the checkers around randomly for five minutes,
got bored, then you threw them like ninja stars until
you broke the McVote McDLT glasses.
CROW: Oh yeah.
TOM: Well ... we had to have done something, right?
GYPSY: We didn't stop anyone from bringing light.
TOM: Yeah!
CROW: OK, I'm writing that in -- Mike, you have any stamps? We
need to mail this to the Galactic Federation of Light Central
Processing Bureau in Menominee, Michigan.
MIKE: Oh, fresh out. Let's check in on Pittney-Bowes, shall we?
TOM: Four, five -- hey, does Sonic the Hedgehog still exist?
[ CASTLE FORRESTER. The stage is filled by shipping cartons of all
sizes, marked ``LIGHT BULBS'' and stacked precariously high.
BOBO, PEARL, and OBSERVER are squeezed in front, reading
papers on a business envelope. ]
OBSERVER: Dahdahdaaah ... appreciate your filing early ... blah de
blah ... having reviewed your Federation of Light returns this
year ... yeah, uh-huh ... computed against withholding reported
in form 671-X ...
PEARL: So how much of a light-bringing refund did we *get*?
BOBO: [ Pointing at a line ] Fifty-five thousand, three hundred
forty three!
[ A pause, as PEARL simmers. ]
PEARL: That's our Zip code, you -- [ She pinches his nose. ]
[ BOBO barks, Curly style; his left arm windmills around and hits
OBSERVER's brain, which he drops, apparently onto PEARL's
foot as she grabs her foot and hops. She trips into BOBO, who
bounces against one pile of boxes, sending it crashing. He
rebounds to knock PEARL and OBSERVER into their own huge stacks,
which sends off volleys of crashing and imploding light bulb
sounds through the credits ... ]
\ | /
\ | /
/ | \
/ | \
Mystery Science Theater 3000 and the characters and situations
therein are the property of Best Brains, Inc. The essay ``GALACTIC
FEDERATION Update: August 5, 2003'' comes to us from Robert McElwaine
and Sheldan Nidle. This MiSTing as a whole is the creation of Joseph
Nebus, who intends no particular ill-will towards Robert McElwaine,
Sheldan Nidle, or any nigh-omnipotent beings guiding humanity towards
a glorious new destiny in the stars, but does enjoy following Kansan's
reports of how they signal their intents through the life and career
of Heidi Klum. Come back, Dr. Mike Neylon!
> Greetings, dear Hearts! We return with more interesting topics to
> share with you.
Ahhhh... that was a pleasant glimpse into days past. Thank you very
much, O Nebus-san. ~.~
Andrew "NO .SIG MAN" "Juan" Perron, Blue Kryptonite!
>On 4 Dec 2004 01:48:21 -0500, neb...@rpi.edu (Joseph Nebus) wrote:
>Ahhhh... that was a pleasant glimpse into days past. Thank you very
>much, O Nebus-san. ~.~
Thank you ... oh it's a never-before-published thing; I just
didn't realize I'd had it sitting around so long while working so very
slowly on ``Not Indefatigable'', which deserves more attention and may
get it in the next few weeks, when I'm done with the book ...
Joseph Nebus