>From: mcelw...@aol.com (McElwaine9)
CROW: Oh God. Buckle up, guys.
>Subject: The HOLLOW Earth !
>Date: 15 Sep 1998 00:00:00 GMT
>Message-ID: <199809150639...@ladder03.news.aol.com>
>Organization: AOL http://www.aol.com
>Newsgroups: sci.geo.geology
>X-Admin: ne...@aol.com
TOM: Is this really considered "news?"
> The HOLLOW Earth !
> On January 6, 1967, the satellite ESSA-3, in very high
> polar orbit around the Earth, took a remarkable photograph,
MIKE: --Of some guy on a park bench in Toronto picking his nose.
> from straight above the North Polar area, showing a huge
> HOLE, about 1400 MILES in diameter, centered where the North
> Pole should be!
TOM: This was then discovered to be caused by barbecue sauce dripped on the
film while it was being developed.
> The ESSA-7 satellite took an even better quality photo
> of this HOLE on November 23, 1968.
CROW: Oh, he's talking about New York.
> Both photos were published in the book "Secret of the
> Ages--UFO's From Inside the Earth", by Brinsley Le Poer
> Trench, 1977.
MIKE: I think I went to school with a Brinsley Le Poer Trench....
> In 1947, Admiral Richard E. Byrd flew an airplane 1700
> miles into the North Polar ENTRANCE HOLE, where he saw
CROW: I wasn't going to say anything....
MIKE: Then don't.
> forests, lakes, and herds of LIVE MAMMOTHS! In 1956, he flew
> 2300 miles into the South Polar ENTRANCE HOLE and saw the
> SAME kinds of things.
TOM: Maybe he got lost and flew into the North Pole again.
> The book "THE HOLLOW EARTH", by Dr. Raymond Bernard,
> Ph.D., quotes several statements made by Admiral Byrd before,
> during, and after these expeditions, including:
> "I'd like to see that land beyond the Pole. That area
> beyond the Pole is the center of the great unknown.",
MIKE: So....beyond the Pole, then.
TOM: Pretty much.
> February 1947.
> "On January 13, members of the United States expedition
> accomplished a flight of 2700 miles from the base at McMurdo
> Sound, which is 400 miles west of the South Pole, and
> penetrated a land extent of 2300 miles beyond the Pole.",
> January 13, 1956 radio transmission.
CROW: Of course, that could just mean they decided to fly out over the water.
> "The present expedition has opened a vast new land.",
> March 13, 1956.
> "...that enchanted continent in the sky, land of
> everlasting mystery.", 1957.
MIKE: Oh, come on. He could have been talking about anything!
> In 1828, Jens and Olaf Jansen, a father and son team of
> Norwegian fishermen, sailed their fishing boat into the North
> Polar ENTRANCE HOLE, and spent two years living with the
CROW: Wait--how'd they get a fishing boat through all the ice?
> friendly giants who live down there. Their experiences are
> described in the book "The Smoky God", (referring to the
TOM: Who, Joe Camel?
> Earth's CENTRAL SUN), by Willis George Emerson, 1908,
MIKE: So the Earth has central heating, then.
> reprinted in 1965 by Health Research, (a rare-book dealer,
> publisher, and republisher), 8349 Lafayette St., P.O. Box 70,
> Mokelumne Hill, CA 95245. Other editions of this book might
> be available elsewhere.
CROW: Or they might not. Just hope you get lucky.
> The Earth is HOLLOW!
TOM: As previously indicated.
> Its hollow shell is about 1500
> miles thick at the equator, and about 500 miles thick near
> the polar ENTRANCE HOLES. The North Polar ENTRANCE HOLE is
> about 1400 miles in diameter and centered close to the
> Earth's axis of rotation, while the South Polar ENTRANCE HOLE
> is slightly smaller, perhaps 1300 miles in diameter, and
MIKE: What is this obsession with the phrase "ENTRANCE HOLE?"
> somewhat off-center. The ENTRANCE HOLES are usually filled
> up with some kind of fog. At the geometric center of the
> Earth is a glowing ball of plasma, about 600 miles in
TOM: Well, duh, what do you think magma is?
> diameter, which serves as the CENTRAL SUN that warms and
> illuminates the Earth's inner surface. The HOLLOW Earth's
> shell also includes numerous HUGE ELECTRO-LUMINATED INHABITED
> CAVERNS like the one described in Jules Verne's 1864 novel
> "Journey to the Center of the Earth". (See also the book
> "The Under-People", by Eric Norman, 1969.) These locations,
CROW: See also the crappy Pat Boone / James Mason movie.
> including the Earth's inner surface, are home to 25 MILLION
MIKE: And I thought Japan was cramped.
> The "Laws" of physics and gravitation NOTWITHSTANDING,
> People CAN and DO walk on the Earth's INNER surface, just as
CROW: So people are just flies?
> easily as on the outer surface. They might weigh less down
> there, but they are NOT weightless as orthodox physicists
> think they would be. For one thing, the HOLLOW Earth's shell
TOM: Because orthodox methods are automatically flawed.
> is NEITHER uniformly thick NOR uniformly dense. In general,
> geophysicists are MIS-INTERPRETING their seismic data.
MIKE: That's right, what we think are earthquakes are just big underground
riots. CROW: And we're supposed to be MIS-INTERPRETING this whole post as
gospel truth, right?
> For more information, answers to your questions, etc.,
> please consult my CITED SOURCES.
TOM: Most of which I made up or misquoted, but that's beside the point.
> Robert E. McElwaine
> B.S., Physics and Astronomy, UW-EC
CROW: One gets the feeling that B.S. was well-deserved, if you know what I
MIKE: What, and get other people mad at us? No thank you.
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