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Re: Check it out! (quick misting)

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Torgo Johnson

Jan 22, 2005, 2:14:33 AM1/22/05
>From: "Charles Peterson" <>

JOEL: From: "Joel Robinson" <>

>Date: Fri, 21 Jan 2005 21:38:24
>Subject: Check it out!

CROW: Ch-ch-ch-check it out!

>One of the webs newest and hottest opportunities.

TOM: Interactive wrestling.
JOEL: Singing midgets.
CROW: Porn.
JOEL: Crow, he said "newest" opportunities.
CROW: Interactive porn featuring wrestling midgets who just happen to
be singers.
TOM: I can actually envision that as a FOX midseason replacement.
JOEL: This summer on Fox,a very special edition of American Idol.

> Besides making a residual income,

CROW:(spammer) And making us even more of a income.

>you can meet people through chat and forums,

JOEL: Finally, a forum for both amoral and naive people.
TOM: So that means they won't be clogging up half of Usenet, then.

> advertize your business,

TOM:(sarcastic) No, that's what RATMM is apparently for.

> and participate in exciting contests.

CROW: A contest to see who cam spam the most groups.
JOEL: The winner gets their own personal Usenet Death Penalty.

> Go to and find out what everyone is talking >about!

TOM: Fertilizer residue. How fitting.
CROW: This post sure smelled a lot worse then just residue.

>MAF Anti-Spam ID: 20050121132653G4k9TuI4

TOM: (officer) I'm afraid we're going to have to consficate your ID,
Mr. Peterson.


DISCLAIMER: If Charles Peterson is offended by this, he should stop
spamming RATMM, then.

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