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MSTing work mail

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Nov 21, 1995, 3:00:00 AM11/21/95
It's year-end review time for my contracting company. Those of you who
have jobs with large, unfeeling corporations (like the federal government)
will know that "pure joy" and "elation" do not describe this process.
Anyway, I got this e-mail in regards to the upcoming performance reviews,
and thought that it begged for MSTing.

> Hi,

MIKE: Not yet but I'm working on it.

> I'm sending this along since your reviews are due before you'd hear
> about this...

CROW: Yet another example of why middle management is the last refuge for
the incompetent.

> [COMPANY NAME DELETED] is interested in people who'd be interested in
> management positions.

SERVO: Yeah, in the same way that fleas are interested in dogs.

> This can help your career with [COMPANY NAME DELETED].

MIKE: It's not just a thankless job, it's a career.
CROW: It's not just a job, it's a frickin' waste of time.

> If you're interested, indicate so on your Performace
> Objectives section of your performace review.

SERVO: This will make it easier for existing managers to hunt you down
and kill you.

> This way, the next time
> some position comes up with mgmt responsibilites or when your area
> needs some mgmt responsibilites

MIKE: We'll be sure to send in Bob Packwood and Ted Kennedy.

> then your name might come up.

CROW: This from the same company that sent a former naval officer to talk
about sexual harrassment.
SERVO: Well, he would know ...

T-Bone, (on the web at
"I'd never adopt a kid. Hell, look how *I* turned out."
- J.N. Jackson

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