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Top 10 TNG Episodes

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Ronald Hudson

Jan 14, 1992, 10:17:02 AM1/14/92
We have the top 10 episodes of TOS. Let's try to formulate a
list of the top 10 episodes of TNG.

I guess I'll start with my favorite:

1) Yesterdays' Enterprise

Either post your to the net or e-mail them to me and I'll keep track
of the list and post the list when it becomes somewhat final.

| Ronald Hudson | |
| Space Telescope Science Institute | Baltimore, Maryland |

Jan 14, 1992, 12:32:59 PM1/14/92
In article <>,

Here's mine:

1. Darmok
2. The Defector
3. The Wounded
4. Yesterday's Enterprise
5. Unification I, II
6. Redemption II
7. Best of Both Worlds II
8. Brothers
9. Deja Q
10. Elementary, Dear Data

T. H. Brian Chung

Disclaimer: Neither Cornell University nor her physics dept. know what I'm
really doing and saying. And by the time they find out, it will be too late...

"I kissed you?"
"It must have been your lifelong ambition."


Jason Snell

Jan 14, 1992, 9:33:56 PM1/14/92
here's my top 10:

1. "The Measure of a Man"
2. "Tin Man"
3. "Darmok"
4. "The Best of Both Worlds Part I"
5. "Time Squared"
6. "Q Who"
7. "Loud as a Whisper"
8. "Yesterday's Enterprise"
9. "Peak Performance"
10. "The Mind's Eye"

I'll send along my results files soon.

Jason Snell / / University of California, San Diego
"Logic is the beginning of wisdom... not the end."
--Mr. Spock, Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country

Rhonda Abramson

Jan 14, 1992, 5:02:31 PM1/14/92
Another vote for "Yesterday's Enterprise"

Rhonda Abramson Hewlett-Packard

Jim Graham

Jan 15, 1992, 2:25:29 PM1/15/92
In article <> (Ronald Hudson)

>We have the top 10 episodes of TOS. Let's try to formulate a
>list of the top 10 episodes of TNG.

1) Darmok
2) The Nth Degree
3) Night Terrors

and now we insert a rather large gap between the episodes I thought were
really outstanding, and re-enter the world of the very good episodes. I
must admit, though, that among this set, it's harder to rate them for me.

4) Yesterday's Enterprise
5) Redemption
6) The Emissary
7) The Best of Both Worlds
8) A Matter of Honor (not sure on the name --- may be confusing 2 eps....
anyways, the one where Reiker takes 2nd in command on Klingon ship)
9) Sins of the Father (I think --- anyways, the episode where Worf is
challenging the accusations against his father of being a traitor....)
10) Remember Me (yes, I did quite like this one)

Actually, I can name still more favorite episodes....but 10 is enough, I
suppose. :-)

Hey, while we're at it, how about our LEAST favorite episodes?

1) The Host (the episode where Crusher falls in love with the tapeworm)
2) Qpid
3) The Game
4) The Loss
5) A Matter of Time
6) Shades of Grey

there are a few others, but these top the lists.


Standard disclaimer....Ever since my cat learned to type, there's no telling
whose thoughts these really are.... 73 DE N5IAL (/9)
"If winning isn't important, then Commander, why keep score?"
-- Worf on ST:TNG
INTERNET: ____________________________________________ || AMATEUR RADIO (Packet): || TCP/IP: (
COMPMAIL: j.graham || AX.25: n5ial@wb9yae (Chicago.IL.US.Earth)

John Michael Denune

Jan 15, 1992, 9:43:16 PM1/15/92
In article <> writes:
>Hey, while we're at it, how about our LEAST favorite episodes?
> 1) The Host (the episode where Crusher falls in love with the tapeworm)
> 2) Qpid
> 3) The Game
> 4) The Loss
> 5) A Matter of Time
> 6) Shades of Grey

"The Royale" ranks worst in my book.


James Barrett

Jan 16, 1992, 1:25:56 AM1/16/92
Just saw "In Theory" today. Extremely funny episode. Wonderful
Worfisms, great Riker, and typical Data. Loved it!

James C. Barrett (| Braves - 1991 Outdoor Baseball Champs
Georgia Tech College of Computing | Duke - 1991 College Basketball Champs

Michael Rawdon

Jan 20, 1992, 12:24:09 AM1/20/92
In <> (James Barrett) writes:
>Just saw "In Theory" today. Extremely funny episode. Wonderful
>Worfisms, great Riker, and typical Data. Loved it!

Loathed it. Very little humor, and some of the worst characterization of Data
in the entire series. Ranked toward the bottom of my list of episodes.

Diff'rent strokes...

Michael Rawdon
University of Wisconsin Computer Sciences Department, Madison, WI

RandomSort: It sorts numbers in constant order time, but does not guarantee

Michael L. Hasenfratz

Jan 21, 1992, 12:32:32 PM1/21/92
In article <> (Ronald Hudson) writes:
>We have the top 10 episodes of TOS. Let's try to formulate a
>list of the top 10 episodes of TNG.
>I guess I'll start with my favorite:
>1) Yesterdays' Enterprise
Sorry! I vote for Measure of a man

2) (The episode with LAL) "The offspring"?


Tammy Fantinel

Jan 21, 1992, 12:28:00 PM1/21/92
Here are some of my favorites, in no particular order:
Yesterday's Enterprise
Remember Me
Best of Both Worlds I

Best of Both Worlds II

Hope it helps!

* Origin: [=] The MindWorks BBS [=] (501) 442-5464 [=] (1:391/1090)

Felix Ling

Jan 21, 1992, 6:12:48 PM1/21/92
In article <69601...@mworks.FidoNet.Org> Tammy.F...@mworks.uucp (Tammy Fantinel) writes:
>Here are some of my favorites, in no particular order:
>Yesterday's Enterprise
>Remember Me
>Best of Both Worlds I
>Best of Both Worlds II

I'd have to disagree with BoBW II, but that's just me. My faves are:

Yesterday's Enterprise
First Contact
The Defector
Best of Both Worlds, Part I
Measure of a Man
Who Watches the Watchers
A Matter of Honor
Unification I
Use Your Illus... I mean.. Unification II
The Offspring

Oops! That's more than 10! Well, I usually group Unification I & II
together anyway. They're roughly in the order of preference, by the way.

Felix Ling
RUSH Fly By Night Caress of Steel 2112 *All the World's a Stage* A Farewell
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Signals Grace Under Pressure Power Windows Hold Your Fire *A Show of Hands*
Presto Roll the Bones | Archives RUSH Through Time ***Chronicles***

E. Mark Ping

Jan 21, 1992, 8:34:40 PM1/21/92

I don't know my top ten (never was that good at remembering titles), but
one I saw recently that is definately one of my favorites is "The Survivors."

E. Mark Ping

"Stand aside, I take large steps." --Michael Dorn
"Jim, you don't ask the Almighty for I.D." --McCoy
"Captain, please. Not in front of the Klingons." --Spock
"Pituita es." --Unknown Latin Scholar
"Say, that's a nice bike." --Cyberdyne Systems T1000

dh student 158271

Jan 22, 1992, 2:58:54 PM1/22/92

Top 10 Star Trek: The Next Generation Episodes (As of January 21, 1992)

Unless you're a rabid Trekkie (I'm not), it's really rather impossible
to figure out which episodes are the best as TNG has been running
for four and a half seasons now, which means over a hundred shows
to choose from. I highly recommend Mark Altman's ST:TNG guides in
Cinefantastique, Issues 21:2 (Sept. 1990) and 22:2 (October 1991).
The first covers seasons 1-3 and the second the fourth season.

1. Yesterday's Enterprise (3).

No doubt about it, this is the best of the lot. Time travel, the
return of Tasha Yar, and Starfleet at war with the Klingons. It just
doesn't get any better than this.

2. Q Who (2).

Arguably the second season's best show, next to a "Measure of a Man".
Not only is this the best Q-Picard show, it introduces the Borg, paving
the way for the fireworks that would erupt at the end of the third

3. The Best of Both Worlds, Part I, Part II (3,4)

As Altman put it, this episode "put the rival film series to
shame". No kidding. TNG became a show to be watched after this.
The rivalry between Riker and Borg expert Shelby (Liz Dennehy,
I wonder if she's related to Brian?) is as enjoyable as the
space warfare. A bit like Trek II:TWOK with the "escape into
the nebula" ploy, but a great two-parter, nonetheless.

4. The Measure of a Man (2)

Probably one of the best Data shows. Riker is put in the unfortunate
position of arguing against Data's existence, while Picard is Data's
defense, the only person that can save Data from the scrapheap. A rather
chatty "bottle" show, this episode could be contrasted to the fourth
season episode, "The Drumhead".

5. The Wounded (4)

Another great show. This episode introduces the suitably dubious
and nasty Cardassians, with Bob Gunton as Captain Maxwell, commander
of the renegade ship Phoenix, which is wantonly destroying "enemy"
supply ships. Colm Meaney is also fantastic in this episode,
and the coda leaves the door open for future hostilities between
the alien race and the Federation.

6. Darmok (5)

Probably the best of the fifth season lies in this episode.
Essentially "Enemy Mine" with the Epic of Gilgamesh, Picard is
trapped with an alien captain on a planet that has a rather
nasty (Predator-like) predator. The gravity of the situation
forces Picard to communicate with the Talarian captain, with
Paul Winfield (Captain Terrell from STII: TWOK, and also the
judge in Presumed Innocent) in the Louis Gossett Jr. role.
Although the "metaphor communication" idea comes off as a bit
clumsy at first, this episode is powerfully written, employing
symbol and ritual, staples of culture theory, powerfully and

7. Family (4)

Lots of people didn't like this one. Atypical of the series,
"Family" was shot on location in California. The ship is in spacedock
after the Borg incident in "The Best of Both Worlds", and Picard
visits his older brother Robert (Jeremy Kemp) in France. On
board, Worf's foster parents, Sergei, and Helena, who come off
as Jewish orthodox, visit the ship. The episode focuses mainly
on the serious quarrel between Picard and his brother, which
culminates in a fight that sees Picard confessing his harsh
memories of the Borg imprisonment. This is contrasted nicely
with the more comical parents of Worf, as Sergei constantly
explains, "I have all the specs and diagrams at home". I enjoyed
it as a follow-up to the Borg two-parter. Picard was definitely
unwell, despite any illusions to the contrary.

8. A Matter of Honour (2)

A great Riker episode, where the Commander serves on board a
Klingon ship as part of an exchange program. Riker discovers
Klingon food ("Gah is best when served live"), Klingon humour
("I could never imagine Klingons laughing"), and how to trick
Klingon captains into relinquishing their command by transporter.

9. The Enemy (3)

Geordi is trapped down on a planet where Romulans have reportedly
been involved in dubious activities. Magnetic storms make it difficult
to beam down to the planet, and for the Enterprise to rescue
Geordi, as he has fallen into a pit and gotten separated from the
away team. As the storms worsen, Geordi's sight becomes affected.
A Romulan centurion is also trapped on the planet, and the two
are forced to reluctantly help each other while Picard is forced
to negotiate and play politics with Romulan Commander Tomalak.

10. Encounter at Farpoint (two-part opener)

Not a terribly redeeming episode, but noted for its place in
TNG lore. Other historic notables include: "The Child" (second season
opener) where Riker has a beard, Geordi is made engineer, and Dr.
Crusher replaced with Dr. Kate Pulaski, first season's "Skin of
Evil", where Tasha Yar gets offed by a mud slick, and fourth season's
"Final Mission", where Wesley leaves for the Academy. Yay!

1. Yesterday's Enterprise (3rd season)
2. Q Who (2)
3. The Best of Both Worlds, Part I, Part II (3,4)
4. The Measure of a Man (2)
5. The Wounded (4)

6. Darmok (5)
7. Family (4)
8. A Matter of Honour (2)
9. The Enemy (3)
10. Encounter At Farpoint (1)

Mark Shepherd (

(my apologies..I didn't mean to send mail before..gonna be a long day.)

Atsushi Kanamori

Jan 22, 1992, 3:38:46 PM1/22/92
In article <> ( dh student 158271) writes:
>Top 10 Star Trek: The Next Generation Episodes (As of January 21, 1992)
>Unless you're a rabid Trekkie (I'm not), it's really rather impossible
>to figure out which episodes are the best as TNG has been running
>for four and a half seasons now, which means over a hundred shows
>to choose from. I highly recommend Mark Altman's ST:TNG guides in
>Cinefantastique, Issues 21:2 (Sept. 1990) and 22:2 (October 1991).
>The first covers seasons 1-3 and the second the fourth season.
>1. Yesterday's Enterprise (3).
>No doubt about it, this is the best of the lot. Time travel, the
>return of Tasha Yar, and Starfleet at war with the Klingons. It just
>doesn't get any better than this.

Best action show, definitely. Great use of time-travel. The best so far
in the "wake up the viewers and make 'em say 'whawhuzZAT'" department.
The show that renewed TNG's viewing contract with me :-)

>2. Q Who (2).
>Arguably the second season's best show, next to a "Measure of a Man".
>Not only is this the best Q-Picard show, it introduces the Borg, paving
>the way for the fireworks that would erupt at the end of the third

Oh I don't know. The direction was superb -- the story was thin. And the best
thing to come from the Borg is still imho VENDETTA.

>3. The Best of Both Worlds, Part I, Part II (3,4)
>As Altman put it, this episode "put the rival film series to
>shame". No kidding.

Sorry, but I'd put any ST film except TMP above even BOBW1 and great
many TOS and TNG episodes above BOBW2. The Borg are so lacking in personality,
they can't carry a story for me and the way the season cliffhanger was
resolved eliminates any interest I had in that pair.

>4. The Measure of a Man (2)

Premise is a little soft and I consider this episode rather overrated.
I don't know that it'd make my top 10 but maybe my top 20.

>5. The Wounded (4)

Snore. Not very original premise executed in the most elementary and obvious
fashion. The kind that makes me wonder why TNG is touted for its writing.

>6. Darmok (5)
Another one in the "soft premise" department -- also expected me to believe
that a highly-trained Starfleet crew couldn't figure out a puzzle that took
me 10 seconds to resolve.

>7. Family (4)
>Lots of people didn't like this one. Atypical of the series,

I liked this one reasonably well. My major complaints are the wooden
characters and stilted dialogue. But that one Patrick Stewart scene made
it all worthwhile.

>8. A Matter of Honour (2)
>A great Riker episode, where the Commander serves on board a
>Klingon ship as part of an exchange program. Riker discovers
>Klingon food ("Gah is best when served live"), Klingon humour
>("I could never imagine Klingons laughing"), and how to trick
>Klingon captains into relinquishing their command by transporter.


>9. The Enemy (3)
>Geordi is trapped down on a planet where Romulans have reportedly
>been involved in dubious activities.

This one's solid. Not quite a classic but pretty well done.

>10. Encounter at Farpoint (two-part opener)
>Not a terribly redeeming episode, but noted for its place in
>TNG lore.

Spectacularly average: doesn't belong in my top 10.

. . . . .
: : : :. : : :.. .: : . ::.: . ..: : .. .:
::::::::::.: :::::::.:::::::::::.:::::: ::::::::..
------------ -------------------------- --------------------------
TNG Lifelines: From "Yesterday's Enterprise" To "New Ground" --
[time-displaced quote from "Hero Worship". Those without
time-plane sensory perception will not be able to see this.]

Michael Rawdon

Jan 24, 1992, 1:47:12 PM1/24/92
(All lists in this post are ranked from "best" to "worst".)

As long as we're doing this thing, here are my top ten TNG epsiodes...

A+ Darmok
A The Mind's Eye
A Remember Me
A The Survivors
A The Most Toys
A- Contagion
A- The Naked Now
A- Family
A- Time Squared
A- Yesterday's Enterprise

And now, for balance, the bottom ten:

F The Outrageous Okona
F Samaritan Snare
F Shades Of Gray
F The Child
F Hide And Q
F Skin Of Evil
F New Ground
F Manhunt
F The Bonding
F Qpid

I haven't seen "Menage A Troi", though.

Or, we can churn out the same lists with TOS, TFS and TNG all included:

Ten best:

Star Trek II: A+
The Wrath Of Khan
The Doomsday Machine A+
Where No Man Has Gone Before A+
The Ultimate Computer A+
The Trouble With Tribbles A+
The Cage A+
A+ Darmok
Balance Of Terror A
Obsession A
The Tholian Web A

Ten worst:

F Samaritan Snare
F Shades Of Gray
F The Child
F Hide And Q
F Skin Of Evil
F New Ground
F Manhunt
And The Children Shall Lead F
F The Bonding
F Qpid

Comment are welcome.

Michael Rawdon
University of Wisconsin Computer Sciences Department, Madison, WI

"I need two hands to wave, not just one."

Atsushi Kanamori

Jan 24, 1992, 2:57:36 PM1/24/92
In article <> writes:
>(All lists in this post are ranked from "best" to "worst".)
>As long as we're doing this thing, here are my top ten TNG epsiodes...
>A+ Darmok
>A The Mind's Eye
>A Remember Me

Wasn't this once an A+? What changed your mind?

Michael Rawdon

Jan 27, 1992, 2:19:15 PM1/27/92
In <1992Jan24....@CSD-NewsHost.Stanford.EDU> kana...@Xenon.Stanford.EDU (Atsushi Kanamori) writes:
>In article <> writes:
>>A Remember Me
> ^^^^^^^^^^^

>Wasn't this once an A+? What changed your mind?

Three re-runs. It didn't wear quite as well. :-)

(I still think I've seen it more than just about any other TNG episode.
Except maybe "Contagion" and "Time Squared".)

Michael Rawdon
University of Wisconsin Computer Sciences Department, Madison, WI

"What to do I find it hard to know; the road I walk is not the one I chose."
- Yes, "Lift Me Up"

ron c carman

Jan 27, 1992, 4:23:33 PM1/27/92
While we are talking about lists of the top 10 episodes....
WDKY-56 in Lexington recently braodcast 6 TNG episodes in a row (on
Super-Bowl Sunday). This was after much advertising asking ''Trekkies''
to send in their votes for the top 10 episodes of TNG. The station made
no announcement about placement of any episode in the broadcast (i.e.
10th 9th etc...). The following is a list of episodes shown, in the order
they were shown...

1. The Best of Both Worlds, Part I (3rd Season)
2. The Best of Both Worlds, Part II (4th Season)
3. The Child (2nd Season)
4. The Offspring (3rd Season)
I was not able to stay and watch Number 6...
So here's my question...Were these in order (and actually voted on??)
If they were voted on, then they were very poor choices...
Does anyone who saw the broadcast know what the sixth was?

| chronos || 'What you want is irrelevant. |
| || What you have chosen is at hand.' |

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