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FCP HotDisk 2 1986 master list of recommended sf (revised)

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2007年8月16日 06:51:352007/8/16
Where a title includes a comma, the title is enclosed by quotes, so
that explains that. To aid marginal notetaking on printouts, a ----
line divides authors. The question to answer when making the list in
1986 was "would you trade it if that meant that you would never see it
again?" Of 4335 titles, 904 authors the list below had the answer
"no". As in the previous list, the book must have been read before
Sept. 1986 to make the list. Books which were only speed read scanned
are not included. Formula books such as the "Perry Rhodan", "Dumarest
of Terra", and "Tarnsman of Gor" series are also not included.
I generally did not include short story collections or fantasy. The
list was intended as a reference to worthwhile but not necessarily
outstanding ** science fiction novels **.
2007 revisions - ADD are books which I read and liked by the author
since 1986. Disliked are the books (found at librarything) which I
recognize by name and which I had in 1986 but omitted from the list. I
did not dig out my master index from 1986, so there are many more
"disliked" than mentioned in this list. With my lousy memory, both
lists are incomplete, but who cares about obscure books anyway ?
The numbers given are from hits at, with the two
numbers after an author's name giving number of users and number of
books total. The number after a title is the number of copies found.
Librarything claims that users list 17 million books, so there may be
some statistical significance to the values given.

1986 list selected from 26 authors, 264 titles :

Douglas Adams :10690/28408 - The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy
-7131, The Restaurant At the End of the Universe -3791, "Life, the
Universe, and Everything" -3203
ADD Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency - 3092
Robert Adams :219/963 - Castaways in Time -35
Terry A. Adams :15/19 - Sentience - 11
Brian W. Aldiss :409/1082 - Greybeard -115, Starship (Non-stop) -206,
Helliconia Spring -300, Helliconia Summer -216, Helliconia Winter -204
Disliked / Cryptozoic! - 74, Hothouse(The Long Afternoon of Earth) -
182, Neanderthal Planet -25, Report On Probability A - 41, The Saliva
Tree -36, Starswarm -61
Roger MacBride Allen :428/1066 - The Torch of Honor -29
ADD Farside Cannon -28, The Ring of Charon -62, Rogue Powers -21, The
Shattered Sphere -42
Chester Anderson : 27/33 (with Michael Kurland) - Ten Years to
Doomsday -6
Poul Anderson :1278/5850 - Vault of the Ages -36, Three Hearts and
Three Lions -247, The Peregrine (Star Ways) -48, Question and Answer
-20, The Enemy Stars -67, The Long Way Home -50, The Man Who Counts
-40, Virgin Planet -49, The High Crusade -187, Orbit Unlimited -56,
Twilight World -37, The Makeshift Rocket -12, The Trouble Twisters
-91, Shield -52, The Night Face -34, Time and Stars -67, Trader to the
Stars -109, The Corridors of Time -92, The Star Fox -81, Flandry of
Terra -93, Agent of the Terran Empire -76, Ensign Flandry -132, World
Without Stars -31, Satan's World -92, The Horn of Time -45, Beyond
the Beyond -56, A Circus of Hells -51, Tau Zero -224, Tales of the
Flying Mountains -27, Operation Chaos -117, The Byworlder -47, The
Dancer From Atlantis -95, The Day of Their Return -79, There Will Be
Time -88, The People of the Wind -68, The Queen of Air and Darkness
and Other Stories -44, The Worlds of Poul Anderson -26, Fire Time -91,
A Knight of Ghosts and Shadows -77, Homeward and Beyond -27, The Rebel
Worlds -62, The Winter of the World -58, The Best of Poul Anderson
-32, Mirkheim -100, The Earth Book of Stormgate -86, The Avatar -129,
A Stone in Heaven -64, The Merman's Children -70, The Dark Between the
Stars -21, The Psycho-technic League -50, Winners -12, The Guardians
of Time -102, Explorations -22, Cold Victory -42, Starship -37, Maurai
& Kith -19, The Gods Laughed -33, Orion Shall Rise -96, New America
-33, The Long Night -58, Conflict -27, Time Patrolman -67, Annals of
the Time Patrol -29, Past Times -35, Seven Conquests -48, The Game of
Empire -68, Dialogue with Darkness -19
Poul Anderson (with Gordon R. Dickson ) - Earthman's Burden -63, Star
Prince Charlie -36, Hoka -61
Piers Anthony :2260/20442(omits fantasy) - Macroscope -219, Prostho
Plus -108, Triple Detente -64, Battle Circle (Sos the Rope, Var the
Stick, Neq the Sword) -142
Piers Anthony (with Robert Coulson) - But What of Earth ? -86
Christopher Anvil :83/125 - Pandora's Planet -21, Warlord's World -8,
"The Steel, the Mist, and the Blazing Sun" -18
Isaac Asimov :5896/30011 - Pebble In the Sky -516, "I, Robot" -2233,
Foundation -3025, Foundation and Empire -2119, Second Foundation
-2003, The Caves of Steel -1258, The End of Eternity -488, The Naked
Sun -1050
Robert Asprin :1079/6160 - Tambu -30 (Lots of good fantasy too)
Robert Lynn Asprin (with George Takei) "Mirror Friend, Mirror Foe" -28
Richard Avery (see Edmund Cooper)
I will try to get this done in the next month, a letter or so per day,
but no promises.

Laughing Crazy Coot/
Lonnie Courtney Clay


2007年8月20日 00:46:342007/8/20
Librarything has obvious problems. I do not know if the user counts
are incorrect, but the total books for the author count is clearly
wrong. When I failed to find an author on Wikipedia, the following
site was helpful :
1986 list selected from 96 authors, 457 titles :
Bill Baldwin :35/92 - The Helmsman -30
Brian N. Ball :20/28 - The Probabability Man -9, The Regiments of
Night -14, Planet Probability -10
Michael Banks (with Dean R. Lambe) :1/1 ??? - The Odysseus Solution -1
Pierre Barbet :43/60 - Baphomet's Meteor -12, Games Psyborgs Play -11,
The Enchanted Planet -6, The Napoleans of Eridanus -12, The Joan-of-
Arc Replay -6, Cosmic Crusaders -5, The Emperor of Eridanus -6
Rene Barjavel :90/162 - The Ice People -104
Neal Barrett :27/81 - Aldair in Albion -9, "Aldair, Master of Ships"
-8, "Aldair, Across the Misty Sea" -1, "Aldair, the Legion of Beasts"
William Barton :97/171 - Hunting on Kunderer -0 ????
George Bartram :8/11 - The Sunset Gun -0 ????
T. J. Bass :48/70 - The Godwhale -53, Half Past Human -33
Barrington J. Bayley :101/208 - Empire of Two Worlds -13, Collision
Course -17, The Fall of Chronopolis -39, The Grand Wheel -21, Star
Winds -19, The Garments of Caean -24, The Zen Gun -24, The Forest of
Peldain -4
Greg Bear :1984/6023 - Hegira -72, Beyond Heaven's River -78, Strength
of Stones -115, The Wind From a Burning Woman -60, The Infinity
Concerto -132
ADD - Eon -846, Eternity -430, Moving Mars -459
John Bellairs :478/1576 - The Face in the Frost -134
Gregory Benford 962/2673 - Jupiter Project -57, In the Ocean of Night
-247, The Stars in Shroud -64, Timescape -437
ADD - Great Sky River -203, Tides of Light -175
Marcia J. Bennett :37/79- Where the Ni-lach -28
Thomas Berger :282/553 - Arthur Rex -81
James R. Berry :not given - The Galactic Invaders -5
Stephen Ames Berry :12/15 - The Biofab War -7
Alfred Bester :1197/2354 - The Computer Connection -164, The
Demolished Man -917, The Stars My Destination -1143, The Decievers
Lloyd Biggle 76/134 - The Angry Espers -1, All the Colors of Darkness
-41, The Fury Out of Time -16, Watchers of the Dark -29, The Silent
Sky -3, "The Still, Small Voice of Trumpets" -23, The World Menders
-29, The Light That Never Was -25, The Metallic Muse -34, Monument
-50, Silence Is Deadly -21
David Bischoff :277/396 (with Christopher Lampton) - The Seeker -7
James Blish :793/2649 - The Quincunx of Time -32, A Case of Conscience
-320, Cities in Flight -340, Vor -38, The Star Dwellers -33
J. F. Bone - Legacy - Laser #18
Jesse Franklin Bone : ? - The Meddlers -4 - Laser 37
Jesse F. Bone : ? - Confederation Matador -2
Ben Bova :984/2970 - The Duelling Machine -47, The Exiles Trilogy
-102, Kinsman -54, Millenium -90, Test of Fire -35
John Boyd :82/150 - The Last Starship From Earth -57, The Rakehells of
Heaven -25, Sex and the High Command -8, The Organ Bank Farm -8,
Andromeda Gun -9, Barnard's Planet -10
Steven R. Boyett :77/86 - The Architect of Sleep -56
Leigh Brackett :192/389 - The Starmen of Llyrdis -32, The Long
Tomorrow -80, The Best of Leigh Brackett -50
Marion Zimmer Bradley :3738/13656 - The Door Through Space -48, Seven
>From the Stars -45, The Colors of Space -57, Falcons of Narabedla -37,
Star of Danger -228, The Brass Dragon -49, The Winds of Darkover -179,
The World Wreckers -240, Darkover Landfall -379, Hunters of the Red
Moon -99, The Spell Sword -253, The Heritage of Hastur -282, The
Shattered Chain -298, The Forbidden Tower -307, Stormqueen! -315, The
Bloody Sun -289, The Survivors -74, Endless Universe -57, The Planet
Savers -38, The Sword of Aldones -70, The Keeper's Price -152, Two to
Conquer -258, Survey Ship -59, The House Between the Worlds -132,
Children of Hastur -48, Hawkmistress -321, Thendara House -288, Oath
of the Renunciates -36, City of Sorcery -270
Reginald Bretnor :47/64 - Gilpin's Space -10, Schimmelhorn's Gold -12
David Brin :1779/6429 - Sundiver -880, Startide Rising -975, The
Practice Effect -370, The Postman -774
ADD Glory Season -421
Frederick Brown :228/656 - Rogue In Space -44
John Brunner 837/2403 - (several negative stories omitted) The
Atlantic Abomination -21, No Future In It -9, The Long Result -44,
Born Under Mars -33, Into the Slave Nebula -20, Stand On Zanzibar
-545, Bedlam Planet -38, Catch A Falling Star -33, Times Without
Number -51, The Avengers of Carrig -19, Timescoop -29, The Traveler in
Black -65, The Wrong End of Time -55, Entry To Elsewhen -32, The
Stardroppers -26, From This Day Forward -30, The Dramaturges of Yan
-56, Age of Miracles -33, The Stone That Never Came Down -46, Web of
Everywhere -48, Give Warning To the World -7, Polymath -53, Total
Eclipse -75, The Shockwave Rider -337, The Book of John Brunner -14,
Interstellar Empire -51, The Infinitive of Go -43, Players at the Game
of People -54, To Conquer Chaos -22, The Repairmen of Cyclops -10,
Manshape -16, The Crucible of Time -134
Algis Budrys 164/288 - Some Will Not Die -39, The Falling Torch -58,
Rogue Moon -120, The Amsirs and the Iron Thorn -15
Lois McMaster Bujold :1518/9421 - Shards of Honor -431, The Warrior's
Apprentice -636
ADD - Falling Free -547, Barrayar -470, The Vor Game -594, Cetaganda
-654, Ethan of Athos -510, Borders of Infinity -621, Brothers In Arms
-625, Mirror Dance -672, Memory -819, Komarr -795, A Civil Campaign
-834, Diplomatic Immunity -702, The Spirit Ring -384
F. M. Busby :145/504 - All These Earths -24, Young Rissa -46, Rissa
and Tregare -40, The Long View -40, The Demu Trilogy -55, Zelda M'tana
-33, The Alien Debt -41, Rebel's Quest -35
Edward A. Byers :not given - The Long Forgetting -5, The Babylon Gate


2007年8月27日 07:34:482007/8/27
I see no point to finishing this task. Here is the remaining list
assembled from posts on previous threads.

Laughing Crazy Coot/
Lonnie Courtney Clay
1986 list selected from 73 authors, 423 titles :
Grant Callin :20/27 - SaturnAlia -18
Orson Scott Card :6742/27691 - A Planet Called Treason -104, Hot
Sleep : The Worthing Chronicle -56, Songmaster -461, The Worthing
Chronicle -72, Ender's Game -6823
Jayge Carr :19/22 - Leviathan's Deep -23
Jeffrey Carver :149/267 - Seas of Ernathe -9
Jack Chalker :512/6011 - Dancers In The Afterglow -40, And the Devil
Will Drag You Under -82
A. Bertram Chandler :110/471 - The Coils of Time -9, The Rim of Space
-32, The Ship From Outside -2, Catch the Star Winds -8, Spartan Planet
-15, To Prime the Pump -3, The Road to the Rim / The Hard Way Up -28,
The Inheritors / Gateway To Never -35, The Dark Dimensions / The Rim
Gods -14, Into the Alternate Universe / Contraband From Otherspace
-20, The Commodore At Sea / Spartan Planet -13, The Big Black Mark
-26, Star Courier -17, The Way Back -21, To Keep the Ship -15, The Far
Traveler -22, The Broken Cycle -23, Matilda's Stepchildren -10, Star
Loot -16, The Anarch Lords -16, Kelly Country -17, The Last Amazon
-11, The Wild Ones -14
D. D. Chapman (with Delores Lehman Tarzan) - Red Tide -3
C. J. Cherryh :1388/9849 - Brothers Of Earth -122, Hunter Of Worlds
-154, The Faded Sun : Kesrith -154, The Faded Sun : Shon'jir -166, The
Faded Sun : Kutath -164, Gate Of Ivrel -144, Well Of Shiun -127, Fires
Of Azeroth -123, Hestia -69, Serpent's Reach -201, Downbelow Station
-506, The Pride Of Chanur -310, Merchanter's Luck -232, Port Eternity
-106, Forty Thousand In Gehenna -232, The Dreamstone -95, The Tree Of
Swords and Jewels -107, Voyager In Night -87, Chanur's Venture -270,
Cuckoo's Egg -216, The Kif Strike Back -231, Angel With the Sword -164
ADD - Heavy Time -171, Hellburner -170, Cyteen -337, Rimrunners -222,
Tripoint -208, Finity's End -200, Chanur's Homecoming -269, Chanur's
Legacy -212, Exile's Gate -216, Foreigner -397, Invader -286,
Inheritor -285, Defender -217, Explorer -214, Destroyer -190,
Pretender -141, Deliverer -79, Rider at the Gate -158, Cloud's Rider
-152, Fortress In the Eye of Time -270, Fortress of Eagles -175,
Rusalka -184, Chernevog -133, Yvgenie -80, The Paladin -220, The
Goblin Mirror -77, Faery In Shadow -68
Robert Chilson :15/18 - The Star Crowned Kings -10
John Christopher 529/1323 - No Blade Of Grass -82, The Long Winter
-35, The Lotus Caves -40, The Guardians -46, The White Mountains -383,
The Pool Of Fire -276, The City Of Gold and Lead -304, The Prince In
Waiting -86, Beyond the Burning Lands -64, The Sword of the Spirits
Arthur C. Clark :3631/12210 - Childhood's End -1625, A Fall Of
Moondust -231, Glide Path -83, The Fountains Of Paradise -511
Jo Clayton :177/924 - Diadem From the Stars -63, Lamarchos -52, Irsud
-47, Maeve -45, Star Hunters -35, The Nowhere Hunt -37, Ghosthunt -34,
The Snares of Ibex -30, A Bait Of Dreams -31, Drinker Of Souls -58,
Quester's Endgame -30
ADD - Shadowplay -31, Shadowspeer -32, Shadowkill -23, Shadow Of the
Warmaster -31, Skeen's Leap -50, Skeen's Return -33, Skeen's Search
-36, Blue Magic -47, A Gathering Of Stones -40, A Bait Of Dreams -31
Hal Clement :325/762 - Needle -81, Iceworld -65, Mission of Gravity
-276, Cycle of Fire -56, Close to Critical -59, Space Lash (Small
Changes) -13, Starlight -62, Ocean on Top -27, Through the Eye of a
Needle -48, The Nitrogen Fix -55
Jeff Clinton :? - Kane's Odyssey -8
B. W. Clough :25/54 - The Crystal Crown -21
William E. Cochran :? - Class Six Climb -2
Theodore R. Cogswell :66/69 - The Wall Around the World -17
Allan Cole :116/360 (with Chris Bunch :191/628) - Sten -77, The Wolf
Worlds -61, The Court of a Thousand Suns -61
ADD - Fleet of the Damned -51, Revenge of the Damned -55, The Return
of the Emperor -54, Vortex -61, Empire's End -53
Michael G. Coney :57/107- Friends Come In Boxes -15, The Hero Of
Downways -12, Monitor Found In Orbit -9, "The Jaws That Bite, The
Claws That Catch" -6, Cat Karina -22
Glen Cook :514/3112 - Darkwar Trilogy : Doomstalker -32, Warlock -26,
Ceremony -28
ADD - The Dragon Never Sleeps -51
Paul Cook :45/51 - Duende Meadow -10
Edmund Cooper :102/232 - Transit -34, A Far Sunset -23
as Richard Avery - - The Deathworms of Kratos -29, The Rings of
Tantalus -25, The War Games of Zelos -26, The Venom of Argus -19
Lee Correy :79/108 - Shuttle Down -20
Juanita Coulson - Space trap
Robert Coulson - To renew the ages
Robert Coulson (with Gene DeWeese) - Gates of the universe
Richard Cowper - The twilight of briareus, The road to corlay,
Profundis, Out there where the big ships go
1986 list selected from 72 authors, 279 titles : Daniel DaCruz - The
ayes of Texas, Texas on the rocks ---- Brian Daley - Requiem for a
ruler of worlds, Jinx on a terran inheritance ---- John Dalmas -
Touch the stars : emergence, Homecoming, The scroll of man, Fanglith,
The reality matrix ---- Arsen Darnay - A hostage for hinterland, The
siege of faltera, The splendid freedom, The purgatory zone ----
Avram Davidson - The phoenix and the mirror ---- Kara Dalkey - The
curse of sagamore ---- L. Sprague DeCamp (many fantasy omitted) -
Lest darkness fall, Rogue queen, The glory that was, The reluctant
king, The best of L. Sprague DeCamp, The fallible fiend ---- Lester
DelRey - Day of the giants ---- Lester DelRey (with Eric Van Lhin) -
Police your planet ---- Michael DeLarrabeiti - The borribles, The
borribles go for broke ---- Gene DeWeese - Jeremy case ---- Ansen
Dibell - Pursuit of the screamer,* Circle, crescent, star*,
Summerfair ---- Gordon R. Dickson - On the run, Naked to the stars,
Spacial delivery, No room for man, Mission to universe, The alien
way, Space winners, The space swimmers, None but man, Wolfling,
Spacepaw, The book of Gordon Dickson, Hour of the horde,
Sleepwalker's world, The pritcher mass, The star road, The R-master,
*Ancient, my enemy*, Necromancer, Tactics of mistake, Dorsai!, Combat
SF, The lifeship, The dragon and the george, Time storm, Home from
the shore, SF best, Pro, Masters of everon, The spirit of dorsai, In
iron years, Time to teleport, Delusion world, Alien art, Arcturus
landing, Love not human, The outposter, Gremlins go home, The man
from Earth ---- David Drake - Hammer's slammers, Time safari,
Skyripper, The forlorn hope, Cross the stars, Birds of prey, At any
price, Killer, Ranks of bronze, Bridgehead ---- Wayland Drew - The
memoirs of alcheringia ---- David Dvorkin - The green God ----
G. C. Edmondson - The ship that sailed the time stream, Blue face,
The aluminum man, The man who corrupted Earth, To sail the century
sea ---- Gordon Eklund - Serving in time, Falling toward forever,
Danse of the apocalypse ---- Suzette Haydin Elgin - Communipath
worlds (Communipaths, Furthest, At the seventh level), *Star-
anchored, star angered*, The ozark trilogy, Native tongue, Yonder
comes the other end of time ---- Lloyd Arthur Eshbach - The land
beyond the map ---- 1986 list selected from 80 authors, 314
titles : Mick Farren - Protectorate ---- Arnold Federbush - Ice!
---- Raymond E. Feist - Magician : apprentice ---- Cynthia Felice -
Godsfire ---- William R. Forstchen - Ice prophet ---- Robert L.
Forward - Dragon's Egg, Flight of the dragonfly, Starquake ---- Alan
Dean Foster - The tar-aiym krang, Bloodhype, Icerigger, Midworld,
With friends like these..., The end of the matter, Orphan star,
Mission to moulokin, Cachalot, The man who used the universe, For
love of mother-not, Voyage to the city of the dead, ...Who needs
enemies ?, Slipt, The last starfighter, The I inside, Starman ----
M. A. Foster - The morphodite ---- Leo Frankowski - The cross-time
engineer (just getting started as an author) ---- Robert Wilfred
Franson - The shadow of the ship ---- Michael Jan Friedman - The
hammer and the horn ---- Esther M. Friesner - Mustapha and his wise
dog ---- Gregory Frost - Lyrec ---- Augustine Funnell -
Brandyjack, Rebels of merka ----
Daniel F. Galouye - Lords of the psychon ---- Raymond Z. Gallun -
The eden cycle ---- Randall Garrett (with Robert Silverberg as
Robert Randall) - The shrouded planet, The dawning light ----
Richard M. Garvin (with Edmond G. Addeo) The fortec conspiracy ----
Mary Gentle - Golden witchbreed ---- David Gerrold - The flying
sorcerers, When harlie was one, With a finger in my I, Space skimmer,
The man who folded himself, Moonstar odyssey, A matter for men, A
matter for men, A day for damnation, (tbd - A rage for revenge)
---- Alexis A. Gilliland - The revolution from rosinante, Long shot
for rosinante, The pirates of rosinante, The end of the empire ----
Donald E. Glut - Spawn ---- Stephen Goldin - Herds, Caravan,
Scavenger hunt, The horde, Finish line, Assault on the Gods,
Mindflight, The eternity brigade ---- Stuart Gordon - Fire in the
abyss ---- Phyllis Gottlieb - O master caliban!, A judgement of
dragons ---- Ron Goulart - A talent for the invisible, Hellquad,
*Brainz, Inc.*,*Suicide, Inc.*, Galaxy Jane ---- Charles L. Grant -
Ascension, Legion ---- Richard Grant - Saraband of lost time ----
Geary Gravel - The alchemists ---- Joseph L. Green - The loafers of
refuge, The mind behind the eye, Conscience interplanetary, Star
probe ---- Roland Green - Peace company ---- Roland Green (with
John F. Carr) Great king's war ---- William Greenleaf - The tartarus
incident, The pandora stone ---- Russell M. Griffin - The makeshift
God ---- James Gunn - This fortress world, Crisis! ---- Lindsay
Gutteridge - Cold war in a country garden, Killer pine ---- 1986
list selected from 55 authors, 297 titles : Steve Hahn - Mindwipe!
---- Isidore Haiblum - Interworld, The wilk are amoung us ---- Joe
Haldeman - The forever war, Mindbridge, All my sins remembered, Study
war no more, Infinite dreams, Worlds, There is no darkness, Worlds
apart ---- Edmond Hamilton - Starwofl, World of the starwolves
---- Lee Harding - Future sanctuary ---- Charles L. Harness -
Wolfhead, The catalyst, Firebird, The venetian court, Redworld ----
M. John Harrison - The pastel city ---- Harry Harrison - Planet of
the damned, * Bill, the galactic hero*, Make room! make room!, The
deathworld trilogy, Captive universe, The daleth effect, One step
from earth, The stainless steel rat, The stainless steel rat's
revenge, The stainless steel rat saves the world,* A transatlantic
tunnel, hurrah!*, Star smashers of the galaxy rangers, Astounding :
John W. Campbell memorial anthology, The lifeship, The stainless
steel rat wants you, Homeworld, Wheelworld, Starworld, The stainless
steel rat for president, The jupiter plague, Planet of no return,
West of Eden, A stainless steel rat is born, ---- Simon Hawke - The
ivanhoe gambit, The timekeeper conspiracy, The pimpernal plot, The
zenda vendetta, The nautalis sanction ---- Ward Hawkins - Red flame
burning, Sword of fire ---- Robert A. Heinlein - Rocket ship
Galileo, Space cadet, Beyond this horizon, Red planet, The day after
tomorrow, *Waldo and magic, inc.*, Farmer in the sky, Between
planets, The rolling stones,* Tomorrow, the stars*, Revolt in 2100,
The man who sold the moon, Starman Jones, Assignment in eternity, The
star beast, Tunnel in the sky, Time for the stars, Citizen of the
galaxy, The puppet masters, Double star, The door into summer,* Have
space suit, will travel*, Starship troopers, The unpleasant
profession of Jonathan Hoag, Stranger in a strange land, Glory road,
Orphans of the sky, Podkayne of Mars, Farnham's freehold, The moon is
a harsh mistress, The past through tomorrow, I will fear no evil,
Time enough for love gap 73-80 due to brain damage caused by blocked
blood vessels *Expanded universe, the new worlds of Robert A.
Heinlein*, The number of the beast, Friday, Job : a comedy of
justice, The cat who walks through walls ---- Zenna Henderson -
Pilgrimage, The anything box, The people : no different flesh,
Holding wonder ---- Nathalie & Charles Henneberg - The green Gods
---- J.L. Hensley - The black roads ---- Frank Herbert - Under
pressure, Dune, The eyes of Heisenberg, The green brain, The
santaroga barrier, The heaven makers, Dune messiah, Whipping star,
The worlds of Frank Herbert, Hellstrom's hive, The book of Frank
Herbert, Children of dune, The dosadi experiment ---- Lee Hoffman -
Always the black knight ---- P.C. Hodgell - God stalk ---- James
P. Hogan - The genesis machine, The two faces of tomorrow, Thrice
upon a time, Inherit the stars, The gentle giants of ganymede,
Giant's star, Voyage from yesteryear, Code of the lifemaker, The
proteus operation ---- Robert P. Holdstock - Eye amoung the blind
---- Joan Hunter Holly - Keeper ---- Bruce T. Holmes - Anvil of the
heart ---- Robert Hoskins - Master of the stars, To control the
stars, To escape the stars ---- Fred Hoyle - The black cloud,
October the first is too late ---- Fred Hoyle (with John Elliot) - A
for Andromeda, Andomeda breakthrough ---- Fred & Geoffrey Hoyle -
Fifth planet ---- L. Ron Hubbard - Slaves of sleep, Ole doc
methuselah ---- Edward P. Hughes - The long mynd ---- Monica
Hughes - Devil on my back ---- Zach Hughes - The book of rack the
healer, The legend of miaree, Seed of the Gods, Tide, The stork
factor, The St. Francis effect, For Texas and zed, Tiger in the
stars, Killbird, Pressure man, Thunderworld, Gold star, Closed
system ---- Tim Huntley - One on me ---- 1986 list selected from
51 authors, 213 titles : Dean Ing - Soft targets, Anasazi, Systemic
shock, High tension, Pulling through, Single combat, Wild country
John Jakes - Black in time, Mention my name in Atlantis, Time gate
---- J. O. Jeppson - The second experiment ---- K. W. Jeter -
Seeklight, The dreamfields ---- D. F. Jones - Colossus, The fall of
colossus, Denver is missing, Colossus and the crab ---- J. A. Jones
- Blue lab ---- Raymond F. Jones - Renegades of time, The king of
eolim, The river and the dream ---- Raymond F. Jones (with Lester
DelRel ) - Weeping may tarry ---- Colin Kapp - Patterns of chaos,
The wizard of anharite ---- James P. Kelly - Planet of whispers
---- Carol Kendall - The firelings ---- Gordon Kendall - White
wing ---- Alexander Key - The forgotten door ---- Daniel Keyes -
Flowers for algernon ---- Crawford Killian - The empire of time
---- Lee Killough - A voice out of ramah, *The monitor, the miners,
and the shree*, Liberty's world ---- Gerard Klein - The day before
tomorrow, Starmaster's gambit, The overlords of war, The mote in
time's eye ---- Damon Knight - Hell's pavement, A for anything, The
world and thorinn ---- Dean R. Koontz - A darkness in my soul, A
werewolf amoung us, Nightmare journey ---- C.M. Kornbluth - The
syndic, Not this August, A mile beyond the moon, The marching morons
---- C.M. Kornbluth (with Judith Merrill as Cyril Judd) - Gunner
cade ---- Michael P. Kube-McDowell - Emprise, Enigma ---- Michael
Kurland - Transmission error, The whenabouts of Burr, Pluribus,
Tomorrow knight ----
Please feel free to add recommended books by author (last) name of
this (first) letter to this thread to bring it up to date. If you
happen to know the copyright date then that would also be useful
1986 list selected from 49 authors, 256 titles - Letter L :
R. A. Lafferty - Nine Hundred Grandmothers
David J. Lake - The Right Hand of Dextra, The Wildings of Westron,
Gods of Xuma
Christopher Lampton - Cross of Empire
Kathryn Lance - Pandora's Genes
Arthur H. Landis - A World Called Camelot, Camelot In Orbit, The
Magick of Camelot
Simon Lang - The Elluvon Gift
David Langford - The Space Eater
Sterling E. Lanier - Menace Under Marswood
Keith Laumer - Worlds of the Imperium, A Trace of Memory, Plague of
The Other Side of Time, Retief's War, The Monitors, The Undefeated,
Galactic Odyssey, The Day Before Forever and Thunderhead,
Greylorn, Retief and the Warlords, The Long Twilight, The House in
The Other Sky, Time Trap, Dinosaur Beach, Time Trap, Dinosaur Beach,
The Star Treasure, Retief of the CDT, Timetracks, The Infinite Cage,
The Glory Game, Retief : Emissary to the Stars, The Best of Kieth
Bolo, The Ultimax Man, Retief at Large, Retief Unbound, Star Colony,
The Breaking Earth (Catastrophe Planet), Beyond the Imperium,
Star Colony, Knight of Delusions, Once There Was a Giant,
End As a Hero, Rogue Bolo
With Rosel George Brown - Earthblood
With Gordon R. Dickson - Planet Run
Ursula K. Leguin - Planet of Exile, City of Illusions, A Wizard of
The Tombs of Atuan, The Farthest Shore, The Wind's Twelve Quarters,
Five Complete Novels
Fritz Leiber - Gather Darkness!, The Wanderer, A Specter Is Haunting
Stephen Leigh - Slow Fall To Dawn
Murray Leinster - The Greks Bring Gifts
Jacqueline Lichtenberg - Dushau
A. M. Lightner - The Space Olympics, The Day of the Drones
Edward Llewellyn - The Douglas Convolution, The Bright Companion,
Prelude to Chaos, Salvage and Destroy, Fugitive In Transit, Word-
Syd Logsdon - Jandrax
Barry B. Longyear - Manifest Destiny, Circus World, City of Baraboo,
Elephant Song, The Tomorrow Testament, It Came From Schenectady
Sam J.Lundwall - Bernhard the Conquerer
Lonnie Courtney Clay

1986 list selected from 87 authors with 284 titles - letter M :
C. C. MacApp - Recall not Earth John D. MacDonald - Time and
tomorrow, Ballroom of the skies Katherine Maclean - Missing man, The
trouble with you Earth people Ian MacMillan - Blakely's ark Charles
Eric Maine - Alph Donald Malcolm - The unknown shore, The iron rain
Laurence Manning - The man who awoke Douglas R. Mason - Matrix,
Horizon alpha, The resurrection of Roger Diment Ardath Mayhar -
Golden dream: a fuzzy odyssey, Khi to freedom, Lords of the triple
moons Anne McCaffrey - The dragonriders of Pern, The ship who sang,
Decision at Doona, Dinosaur planet, The Ireta adventure Michael
McCollum - A greater infinity, Life probe, Procyon's promise, Antares
dawn Mark J. McGarry - Sun dogs, Blank slate J. T. McIntosh - Six
gates from limbo, Flight from rebirth, Ruler of the world Vonda N.
McIntyre - The exile waiting Dean McLoughlin -The helix and the
sword R. M. Meluch - Sovreign, Wind dancers, Wind child Robert Merle
- Malevil Sam Merwin, Jr. - The house of many worlds, The time
shifters Richard Meyers - Doomstar Walter M. Miller, Jr. - A
canticle for Leibowitz Kirk Mitchell - Procurator L. E. Modesitt,
Jr. - The fires of paratime, The ecologic envoy Thomas F. Monteleone
- Seeds of change, The time connection, The secret sea, Guardian
John Morressy - Starbrat, Stardrift, Under a calculating star, A law
for the stars, The extraterritorial, Frostworld and dreamfire, The
mansions of space William Morris - The well at the world's end John
Myers Myers - Silverlock
Enjoy !
Lonnie Courtney Clay
1986 list selected from 24 authors with 168 titles - letter N,O :
R. Faraday Nelson - Blake's progress, Then beggars could ride, The
Sam Nicholson - Captain empirical, The light bearer
Larry Niven - World of ptaavs, A gift from Earth, Neutron star,
Ringworld, All the myriad ways, Protector, The flight of the horse, A
hole in space, Tales of known space : the universe of Larry Niven,
The long arm of Gil Hamilton, A world out of time, The magic goes
away, Convergent series, The ringworld engineers, The patchwork girl,
The magic may return, The integral trees Larry Niven and Steven
Barnes - Dream park Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle - The mote in
God's eye, Lucifer's hammer, Oath of fealty, Footfall
William F. Nolan - Logan's world William F. Nolan and George Clayton
Johnson - Logan's run
Andre Norton (I stopped reading her about 1972) - Huon of the horn,
Star man's son, Star rangers, The stars are ours!, Star guard,
Sargasso of space, The crossroads of time, Plague ship, Sea siege,
Star born, The time traders, Star gate, The beast master, Galactic
derelict, Star Hunter / Voodoo planet, Storm over Warlock, Catseye,
Lord of thunder, Eye of the monster, The defiant agents, Witch world,
Judgement on Janus, Key out of time, Web of the witch world, Night of
masks, The x factor, Three against the witch world, Quest crosstime,
Victory on Janus, Moon of three rings, Warlock of the witch world,
Operation time search, Dark piper, Fur magic, The zero stone,
Sorceress of the witch world, Uncharted stars, Postmarked the stars,
Dread companion, High sorcery, Ice crown, Exiles of the stars,
Android at arms, Spell of the witch world, Garan the eternal, No
night without stars
Robert C. O'Brien - Z for Zachariah
Kevin O'Donnell, Jr. - Mayflies, Bandersnatch, The journeys of McGill
Feighan : Caverns / Reefs / Lava / Cliffs, War of omission, Oracle
Andrew J. Offutt - The galactic rejects, Demon in the mirror
Enjoy !
Lonnie Courtney Clay

1986 list selected from 35 authors with 186 titles - letter P :
David R. Palmer - Emergence, Threshold
Edgar Pangborn - West of the sun, Davy
Alexei Panshin - Rite of passage, Starwell, The thurb revolution,
Masque world
Steve Perry - The man who never missed, Matadora, The Machiavelli
John T. Phillifent - Genius unlimited, King of argent
Wendi and Richard Pini - Elfquest
H. Beam Piper - Uller uprising, Four day planet / Lone star planet,
Space viking, The cosmic computer, The fuzzy papers, Lord Kalvan of
otherwhen, Empire, Federation, The worlds of H. Beam Piper, Paratime,
Fuzzies and other people posthumous with Michael Kurland - First
Doris Piserchia - Star rider, Earthchild, Spaceling, The spinner, The
fluger, Earth in twilight, The deadly sky
Frederick Pohl - Alternating currents, slave ship, The case against
tomorrow, Tomorrow times seven, Drunkard's walk, The age of the
pussyfoot, Day million, In the problem pit, Man plus, Gateway, The
way the future was (non-fiction), The cool war, Jem, Beyond the blue
event horizon, Starburst, Planets three, Heechee rendezvous, Black
star rising with C. M. Kornbluth - The space merchants, Venus Inc.,
Search the sky, Gladiator at law, Wolfbane, The wonder effect, The
best of C. M. Kornbluth, Critical mass, Before the universe, The
coming of the quantum cats with Lester Del Rey - Preferred risk
with Jack Williamson - The starchild trilogy, Rogue star, The saga of
Jerry Pournelle (see with Larry Niven) - A spaceship for the king
(King David's spaceship), High justice, The mercenary, Exiles to
glory, Birth of fire, West of honor, A step farther out, Janissaries,
Janissaries : clan and crown
Timothy Powers - The skies discrowned, Epitaph in rust
E. Hoffman Price - The devil wives of Li Fong, Operation misfit, The
jade enchantress, Operation longlife, Operation exile
Enjoy !
Lonnie Courtney Clay

1986 list selected from 42 authors with 168 titles - letters Q,R :
John Rackham - Beanstalk
Kevin Randle & Robert Cornett - Seeds of war
Mike Resnick - Santiago
Mack Reynolds - The Earth war, Earth unaware, After some tomorrow,
The cosmic eye, The five way secret agent / Mercenary from tomorrow,
Computer world, Depression or bust / Dawnman planet, Ability
quotient, Amazon planet, Satellite city, Tomorrow might be different,
The best of Mack Reynolds, Day after tomorrow, Galactic medal of
honor, Rolltown, Section G : united planets, Perchance to dream,
Police patrol : 2000 A.D., Space visitor, The best ye breed, The
fracas factor, Trample an empire down, Brain world, Space search
M.R. posthumous with Dean Ing - Home sweet home 2010 A.D., Chaos in
Lagrangia, Eternity, The other time, Trojan orbit, Deathwish world,
Joe Mauser - mercenary from tomorrow
Walt & Leigh Richmond - The probability corner
Stephen Robinett - Stargate, The man responsible
Kim Stanley Robinson - The wild shore
Spider Robinson - Telempath
Joel Rosenberg - Ties of blood and silver, Emile and the dutchman
Tony Rothman - The world is round
John Maddox Roberts - Space Angel, Cestus Dei, The cingulum, Cloak of
Keith Roberts - Anita
Christopher Rowley - The war for eternity, Starhammer
Eric Frank Russell - Sentinels from space, Three to conquer, Wasp,
The great explosion, Next of kin, The best of Eric Frank Russell
Thomas J. Ryan - The adolescence of P-1
Enjoy !
Lonnie Courtney Clay

1986 list selected from 96 authors with 404 titles - letter S :
Fred Saberhagen - Berserker, Brother assassin, Berserker's planet,
The Dracula tape, Specimens, The veils of Azlaroc, The Holmes-
Dracula file, An old friend of the family, The mask of the sun, The
ultimate enemy, Thorn, Octagon, Earth descended, The water of
thought, Dominion, The complete book of swords, The golden people
Carl Sagan - The dragons of Eden
Jake Saunders & Howard Waldrop - The Texas-Israeli war : 1999
Dennis Schmidt - Way-farer
Stanley Schmidt - Newton and the quasi-apple, The sins of the
fathers, Lifeboat Earth
James H. Schmitz - Agent of Vega, Legacy, The universe against her,
The witches of Karres, The demon breed, The eternal frontiers, The
lion game, The Telzy toy and other stories
J. Neil Schulman - Alongside night
Melissa Scott - The game beyond, Five twelfths of Heaven, A choice of
Bob Shaw - Who goes there?, The Ceres solution
Michael Shea - A quest for Simbilis, Nifft the lean, *In Yana, the
touch of undying*
Charles Sheffield - Sight of Proteus, The web between the worlds,
Erasmus magister, My brother's keeper, The McAndrew chronicles,
Between the strokes of night, The nimrod hunt
Carl Sherrell - The space prodigal
Lewis Shiner - Frontera
Mike Shupp - With fate conspire, Morning of creation
A.E. Silas - The panorama egg
Robert Silverberg - Stepsons of Terra, Collision course, The seed of
Earth, The silent invaders, Time of the great freeze, Those who watch
Clifford D. Simak - Way station, The werewolf principle, The goblin
reservation, Enchanted pilgrimage, A heritage of stars
Kathleen Sky - Birthright, Ice prison
John Slonczewski - Still forms on foxfield
Cordwainer Smith - The planet buyer, Norstilia, The best of
Cordwainer Smith
Edward E. 'Doc' Smith - Triplanetary, First lensman, Galactic patrol,
Gray lensman, Second stage lensman, Children of the lens, Masters of
the vortex Doc Smith with Stephen Goldin - Imperial stars,
Strangler's moon, The clockwork traitor, Getaway world, Appointment
at bloodstar, The purity plot, Planet of treachery, Eclipsing
George H. Smith - The island snatchers
George O. Smith - The fourth 'R'
L. Neil Smith - The probability broach, The Venus belt, Their
majesties bucketeers, The Nagasaki vector, Tom Paine maru, The
Gallatin divergence
Melinda M. Snodgrass - Circuit
Cecil Snyder III - The hawks of Arcturus
Zilpha Keatley Snyder - Below the root, And all between, Until the
Jerry Sohl - *I, Aleppo*
Steven G. Spruill - Keepers of the gate
Brian Stapleford - The Halcyon drift, Rhapsody in black, Promised
land, The paradise game, The Fenris device, Swan song, The Florians,
Optiman, The castaways of Tanager, Journey to the center, The gates
of Eden
Christopher Stasheff - A wizard in bedlam, To the magic born, The
warlock enlarged
John Steakley - Armor
John Steinbeck - The acts of king Arthur and his noble knights
Andrew M. Stephenson - Nightwatch, The wall of years
George R. Stewart - Earth abides
John E. Stith - Scapescope
Brad Strickland - To stand beneath the sun
Theodore Sturgeon - More than human
Jefferson P. Swycaffer - Not in our stars, Become the hunted
Enjoy !
Lonnie Courtney Clay
1986 list selected from 45 authors with 249 titles - letters T,U,V :
Keith Taylor - Bard
Douglas Terman - Free Flight
Walter Tevis - The Man Who Fell To Earth, The Steps of the Sun
Patrick Tilley - Cloud Warrior
Arthur Tofte - Crash Landing on Iduna, Walls Within Walls
J.R.R. Tolkein - The Hobbit, The Fellowship of the Ring, The Two
Towers, The Return of the King, The Silmarillion
Robert E. Toomey = A World of Trouble
Louis Trimble - The City Machine, The Wandering Variables, The
Bodelian Way
E.C. Tubb - "Dumarest of Terra" series
Wilson Tucker - The Long Loud Silence, The Lincoln Hunters, The Year
of the Quiet Sun, Resurrection Days
Jack Vance - The Dying Earth, The Five Gold Bands, To Live Forever,
Big Planet, The Languages of Pao, The Dragonmasters, Future Tense,
Star King, The Killing Machine, Dust of the Far Suns, Space Opera,
The Last Castle, The Eyes of the Overworld, The Many Worlds of
Magnus Ridolf, Nopalgarth, The Blue World, The Palace of Love, City
of the Chasch, Emphyrio, Servants of the Wankh, The Dirdir, The
Pnume, The Faceless Man, (= The Anome), The Brave Free Men, The
Asutra, The Worlds of Jack Vance, Trullion : Alastor 2262, The Gray
Prince, Marune : Alastor 933, Showboat World, The Best of Jack Vance,
Maske : Thaery, Wyst : Alastor 1716, The Face, Galactic Effectuator,
The Book of Dreams, Lost Moons, Gold and Iron, The Narrow Land,
Lyonesse, Cugel's Saga, Rhialto the Marvelous, The Green Pearl
A.E. Van Vogt - The House That Stood Still, The Weapon Shops of
Isher, Mission to the Stars, The Weapon Makers, The War Against the
Rull, The Wizard of Linn, Rogue Ship, The Silkie, The Book of Van
Vogt, Lost : Fifty Suns, The Darkness of Diamondia, The Man With a
Thousand Faces, Earth Factor X, Supermind, Pendulum
John Varley - The Ophiuchi Hotline, Titan, Wizard, Millenium
Joan D. Vinge - Fireship, The Outcasts of Heaven Belt, Eyes of Amber,
The Snowqueen, World's End, Psion
Vernor Vinge - Grimm's World, The Witling, The Peace War
Enjoy !

Laughing Crazy Coot/ Lonnie Courtney Clay

1986 list selected from 71 authors with 255 titles - letters
W,X,Y,Z :
Howard Waldrop - Them Bones
Ian Wallace - Croyd, Dr. Orpheus, A Voyage To Dari, Z-Sting, Heller's
Walter Wangerin, Jr. - The Book of the Dun Cow *** For sophisticated
adults ***
George Warren - Dominant Species
Lawrence Watt-Evans - The Cyborg and the Sorcerers, The Chromosomal
Code, Shining Steel
Ellis Weiner - Howard the Duck
James White - Deadly Litter, The Escape Orbit, The Watch Below, All
Judgement Fled, Major Operation, Tomorrow Is Too Far, Lifeboat, The
Dream Millenium, Ambulance Ship
T.H. White - The Sword In the Stone, Mistress Masham's Repose
Ted White - Phoenix Prime, The Sorceress of Qar, The Spawn of the
Death Machine, Star Wolf!
Wynn Whiteford - Breathing Space Only, Sapphire Road
Cherry Wilder - The Luck of Brin's Five, The Nearest Fire, Second
John Willett - Aubade For Gamelon
Gordon Williams - The Micronauts, The Microcolony, Revolt of the
Paul O. Williams - The Breaking of Northwall
Walter Jon Williams - Ambassador of Progress, Knight Moves
Jack Williamson - Manseed, Lifeburst
F. Paul Wilson - An Enemy of the State
Aaron Wolfe - Invasion
M.K. Wren - Sword of the Lamb
Thomas Wren - The Doomsday Effect
Philip Wylie & Edwin Balmer - When Worlds Collide, After Worlds
John Wyndham - The Day of the Triffids, Out of the Deeps, Re-Birth,
Trouble With Lichen
W. R. Yates - Diasporah
Nicholas Yermankov - Journey From Flesh, Last Communion, Epiphany,
Fall Into Darkness, Clique, Jehad
Robert F. Young - The Last Yggdrasill, Eridahn
Timothy Zahn - The Blackcollar, A Coming of Age, Cobra,Spinneret,
Cobra Strike
Roger Zelazny - This Immortal, The Dream Master, Four For Tomorrow,
Isle of the Dead, To Die In Italbar, Today We Choose Faces / Bridge
of Ashes, Doorways In the Sand, My Name Is Legion, The Last Defender
of Camelot, Eye of Cat
George Zebrowski - The Star Web
Enjoy ! Laughing Crazy Coot/ Lonnie Courtney Clay

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