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QL Zine Reviews File #2

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Mary Anne Espenshade

Jul 1, 1994, 8:51:46 PM7/1/94
Here is the second QL zine Reviews file, the zines published in 1992.
Once again, these are all just my opinions, your mileage may differ.
For example, I prefer short stories to novel length zines (the only QL
zine from '92 that I still haven't gotten around to reading is
"Shattered", a novel), I like cross-universe stories (a lot of people
don't want to read those).

If anyone else would like their reviews added to list, send me mail.
Mary Anne Espenshade

!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WARNING - Here There Be Spoilers !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Reviews.2 - Zines from 1992
I put a rating with each title, on a five star scale.
The FanQ Awards are voted on each year by members of MediaWest*Con.


**** Adventures in Slime + Time #2, 5/92

Three Ghostbusters stories and two QL this time, but no cross universe.
The QL stories are short, but very good.

"All in a Day's Work" - Rebecca Reeves
A wonderful, first person story about how Tina came to work on PQL.
She's not a bimbo at all, though she has problems being percieved as
one. She came from NASA on a special "assignment" and ended up with a
new love and a new job.
"Somewhere Down the Road" - Kathy Hintze
Sam leaps into a a lawyer in 1999. He's there to solve the murder of a
lawyer active in the environmental movement. The victim's name rings a
bell - Dirk Simon. Al gets to help in person.


**** As Time Goes Bye #1
Edited by Vicki Martin and H. Ann Walton
poor art but wonderful stories

"The Courier" - Catherine O'Hearn
Sam meets a Revelutionary War ghost.
"Living Doll" - Jackie Wagner
Every fan's dream - Sam and Al dolls to play with.
"T'Was the Leap Before Christmas" - Brenda Anders
nother WOTW cross-universe story with Sam as Harrison Blackwood, at
least he's a fellow astrophysicist.
"Future Paths" - Rebecca Reeves
A leaper gets to influence a Congressional hearing on the project, from
the inside.
"Another Face Reflecting off the Wall" - Gillian Holt
A veterns reunion in 1993. (1993 FanQ nominee - Favorite QL story)


** Choices - The Devil His Due

An interactive story, the kind where you answer a question at a decision
point and go to the indicated page, by Linda Knights.
Good idea, fair execution, marred by circular choice paths. Some of the
numbering must be wrong, but there is no way to figure out all the
corrections needed to get rid of the dead ends and infinite loops.


** Continuum
5 stories by Taerie Bryant, nice cover illo but no interior pictures,
152 pp.
The stories are:
"Wet Suit" - Sam leaps into a dolphin, didn't work for me.
"Break a Leg" - Sam's a Russian ballet dancer, male this time, with an
abusive teacher. He meets a "tourist", a "mind-rider" or, as Al puts
it, "the ultimate voyeur", possible alien, possibly a far-future leaper,
sharing the body of another dancer. Sam needs her help, but she has
non-interference rules to follow.
"Cheese Grater" - I really don't like the premise behind this one
*at all*. The committee decides Sam is remembering too much and when Al
and Gooshie won't cooperate they somehow tamper with the accelerator to
shock Sam into further memory loss (I'm not sure how that could even
work, once Sam initially leaped, the accelerator is rarely involved).
They don't like the idea that he is in the past, independantly altering
events and want control. This makes absolutely no sense. It sets up a
story where Sam has leaped into someone accused of murder, but he can't
remember enough to cover what he doesn't know. The second part of the
story would have been better without the committee stuff.
"Leap Along Cassidy" - Back in the saddle, Sam's a cowboy. He's to
guide an astronomer into a wilderness area in search of a meteorite.
She's trying to beat the competition - the government that has kept
another fragment from the same shower under wraps.
"A Second Chance" - Yet another Sam leaps into Al story, this time at
the Project just before Sam makes his initial leap. He gets to argue
with himself. Written before the Leap Back, this story also gives Sam
a wife, Helen, though now he has to meet her as Al and remember her
without reacting.
The last two stories somewhat redeem the zine, because I liked the first
3 increasingly less.


***** Green Eggs and Ham #2 (1993 FanQ nominee - Best QL Zine), 3/92

GE+H 2 starts off with LOC's for #1, including mine (!) and even one all
the way from Australia. In addition to the stories, there are Nola
Frame-Gray cartoons and Jane Mailander poetry.
The stories are:
"A Friend Indeed" - Barbara Victor
Paradox, paradox. Sam's leap has long term effects this time.
"Streams of Flow" - Terri Librande
Sam straightens out a '60's hippy who would have died from a drug
overdose, again with long term results.
"Moody Blues" - Jackie Wagner
After this I hope it is Sam's body leaping - I wouldn't wish this
problem on him. :-)
"Partners in Crime" - Sheila Paulson
QL crossed with 'My Partner, the Ghost', another universe where one
character is solid and the other isn't. The ghost can see Al, who isn't
too thrilled with the idea, and they must all work together to solve a
"Photographs" - Jane Mailander
At the end of Sam's leap to Vietnam, Al shows him another important
picture, from his office.
"Special Delivery" - Ann Raymont
Sam's a mailman, running from two familiar Dobermans. The TV network
exec that owns them always asks his mailman what he's watching on TV, to
decide what to renew. Sam never heard of the sitcom he asks about, so
it's to be canceled. Al's disappointed - he admired the sleazy lawyer
lead character.
"One Small Leap" - Rebecca Reeves
Sam finds out just how hard it is to run a variety show. Without the
help of the leapee's nephew, Robin, he never would have managed it,
especially since he had to keep avoiding the pig. Poor Sam. :-)
"Journey's End" - Shari Ramseur
A final leap I hope we don't see.
"Here I Come to Save the Leap!" - Anne and Elaine Batterby
Sam's Barry Allen this time, and can't deal with another red suit. At
least he doesn't have to fly this time. I think Anne and Elaine are
working there way through every recent obscure fandom, leaping Sam into
odd situations.
"Appointed Rounds" - Terri Lebrande
Sam leaps into a doctor delivering a baby ... in Oak Ridge, IN ... in
1953. But he's really there for another patient that isn't doing as well.
"The Female Factor" - Meg Garrett
I loved it, but it may be too much of an in joke for non-Pros-fans to
get. Sam leaps into a British actor filming a pilot for an action show.
Ziggy says he's there to make a woman, or women, happy, so when the
producer feels the other lead actor isn't working out, Sam's to suggest
a replacement. Ziggy then says Sam has made thousands of women happy -
but Al can't figure out why. (To get this one, you have to know that
Anthony Andrews was originally cast as Bodie and they switched in mid
filming to Lewis Collins.)
"At a Price" - Janna Stockinger
An Al story, not necessarily set during the project, though Al already
knows Sam. The Admiral hitches a ride on a Navy cargo plan and has a
rough trip.
"Silent Night" - Ann Raymont
Sam's a Korean war vet, working at a Catholic children's home. It's
Christmas eve, 1953, but he's not just there to play Santa. He takes
an immediate dislike to the other new worker, Butch, but can't figure
out why.
"Those Who Wait" - Jeanne O'Donnell
Yet Another War of the Worlds story, Sam is Norton Drake this time, and
he is paralyzed. At least it isn't another "undo the second season" leap.
"Physician, Heal Thyself" - Kelly Hill
A serious and sad story. Sam's there to help a doctor in his last
weeks dying of AIDS.

All the stories are well written, with good characterization and plots,
but no spectacular standouts like in issue one. "Silent Night" is
probably my favorite, "One Small Leap" was cute too. "Special Delivery"
and "The Female Factor" may depend too much on in jokes for the new fan,
though I liked both a lot.


**** Leaping to Conclusions, 2/92
(I got copy #2!)

Spectacular front cover by Karen River, not a lot of interior art, but
what there is is excellent, lovely back cover by Bobbi Jo Simons.
This one-shot zine grew out of a writers group, they were originally
going to do Trek, but then decided on a QL zine instead.
Seven stories with cute filler throughout ("Leaping Personals", "A
Naughty, Wicked Quantum Leap Episode Guide"), some filks and poetry.
There are good, solid stories here, but nothing that really stands out
as unforgettable.
"The First Day of the Rest of Your Lives" - Rebecca Reeves does yet
another version of the initial leap from Al's point of view, I think
this is the third one I've come across, but it is very well done and
really gives the feeling of the project personnel working to get Sam
"Life is but a Dream" - Michael Ruff (also an editor of his own QL zine)
Sam wakes up in familiar surroundings, has he really leaped home? Sort
of, but was he ever really gone and how can he prove it.
"A Race Against Time" - Anne Muscarella.
Sam leaps into a high school track meet ... on the girl's team. Alice
has been abused at home and Sam has to stop it to protect her and her
brothers. An episode-like issue and action story.
"Breaking the Rules" - Lorraine Bartlett.
Another topic I expect to see a lot of versions of - Al keeps his
promise to visit Theresa Bruckner. She's a science whiz in high school
now and the project needs her help. Cute idea, well written story.
"For Want of a Nail" - Doranna Durgin.
Sam's back on a farm, with a mare about to give birth. Can he help the
horse and the family at the same time - and which is his real mission?
An example of the ripple effect of time travel.
"The Road Not Traveled" - Sara Arnold. An alternate universe story now,
as the author points out in the preface note. Sam leaps into a version
of Donna Alessi's future where she did marry the first guy and became a
university professor instead of working on StarBright. Lot's of emotion
for Sam, he's leaped into her husband but can't let himself take
advantage of that situation.
"I Do (But Do I Have To?)" - Shannon O'Connor.
I have problems with this one. Sam leaps into a groom at the rehearsal
for a hastily arranged wedding. It's 1970 and he's about to ship out
for Vietnam. Al insists Sam is there to make sure the marriage is
consummated before Daniel goes to war and doesn't come back. Sam
assumes he's there to somehow leave a message for Daniel that will
prevent his death. The author wanted to write Sam into a romantic
situation, but he just wouldn't do this.


*** Look Before You Leap #2, 1992

LOC's on #1, Nola Frame-Gray cartoons and some cute stories, including
yet another where Al visits Theresa Bruckner.

"Rooms and Pictures" - Scott Tilson
Sam is a model - but at least he's male! oh why couldn't they have
filmed *this* swimwear shoot! Plus Al's converstations with John in the
waiting room. Between them can they help a young artist stick with her
"A Promise Kept" - Shari Ramseur
Another Theresa Bruckner story, her mom really did take her to a "baby
shrink", so she eventually decided that she had invented her visiting
angels to replace her absent father. A visit from Al shows her
"Windmills" - Heidi Sanchez
Sam gets Martan Tanner cast as Don Quixote
"Orange Blossom Special" - Sheila Schneider
Another music career story
"A Lesson Learned" - Paul Coppini
Sam's a teacher again, but this time his biggest concern is a terminally
ill student.
"Dreams of Substance" - Shannon O'Connor
Was Al dreaming or did he really get a message from Sam about the next
"Genie With the Light Brown Hair" - Anne Muscarella
Sam's an actor, headed back to his west coast job after a weekend at
"Killer" - Michael Ruff
Sam leaps into a thief, but his partner has moved on to murder.
"A Man witha Porpoise" - Donna Hull
or "Swims with Dolphins" :-) Sam leaps into salt water, literally.
"Straight and Narrow" - Michael Ruff (1993 FanQ nominee - Favorite QL story)
Sam gets beaten up outside a bar and learns about an incident in Al's
The Kingford Dynasty - Rebecca Reeves (1993 FanQ nominee - Favorite QL story)
Yet Another "Sam falls in love and wants to stay" story.


**** A Matter of Time #3, 10/92

Includes a nice Al cover, a QL crossword puzzle, the regular character
bio updates, some poetry and a nice selection of stories.

"Nobody Gets Out of Here Alive" - Roxanne Longstreet
Al must face painful memories when Sam once again leaps into his past
in Vietnam
"Brooklyn Roads" - Mindy Peterman
Family life in NYC, with Sam caught in the middle, more romance for Sam.
"Inquiring Time Travelers Want to Know" - Julie Barrett
Sam's a tabloid reporter, interviewing a "time traveller" planning to
meet a UFO.
"If Only in My Dreams" - Sheila Paulson
Another Christmas leap
"Quantum Daddy" - Anne and Elaine Batterby
Sam is a husband left with two kids when their mother leaves to be an
actress, can he reunite them?
"Virus" - Ann Raymont
Al's journal entries, as they fight a virus in Ziggy that is keeping
them from Sam. Some good suspense here.


**** Oh Boy #3 (1993 FanQ winner - Best QL Zine)

includes 3 FanQ-nominated stories, LOCs for #2, art by the winning artist
<=minds-i-view=>, cartoons by Nola Frame-Gray and Jane Mailander, poetry
and 5 "Waiting Room" stories. I love what they've done with this story
warning for those who don't like reading them - there are death stories
in this zine.

"The Right Man" - Becky Cope
Here comes the bride ... Sam!
"A Little Help" - Sandy Hall
Another variation on "Raped". Not a pleasant story.
"The Waiting Room - Jesse Tyler" - Rebecca Reeves
The great-grandkids love to hear Papa Jesse tell this story.
"Through the Imaging Chamber" - Miriam Ferziger
Many stories have covered changes in the project's present after a leap
ends, but this was the first one out about Al coming out of the IC
after "Star Crossed" and "meeting" Donna.
"This One's For Al" - Elaine and Anne Batterby
Stringray cross-universe, Sam returns a favor.
"The Waiting Room - Darlene Monte" - Jennifer Adams Kelley
Al tries to explain how Sam will "take care of everything", but Darlene
is skeptical.
"Only You Can See" - M. J. Frank
Sam's intervention in a college career has an important impact on PQL.
Good Sam and Al dialog.
"Watchman, What of the Night?" - Gary Himes (1993 FanQ nominee - Favorite QL story)
Al has another run-in with their adversary from below.
"The Waiting Room - Jimmy" - Janna Stockinger
Al has some problems dealing with the leapee this time, it brings back
unpleasant memories.
"Waiting" - Patricia Dunn
Al's thoughts about Beth. Wonderful illo for all you Al fans out there!
"Decision" - Biana Smith
Beth's side paired with the previous story.
"Last Leap" - Jane Mailander (1993 FanQ nominee - Favorite QL story)
A sad ending, but Sam wants the project to go on beyond his last leap.
"By Leaps and Bounders" - Barbara Mater
Somehow, Sam is Sherlock Holmes himself. Odd.
"The Waiting Room - Joey Denardo" - Ann Raymont
He thinks he's in the Twilight Zone, talking to Al and Dr. Beeks.
"Over the River" - Jennifer Smallwood
Years after the project successfully concludes, Sam has to deal with
another parting.
"Barriers" - Sheila Paulson
Sam's a college coed in the '70s - can he keep his roommate from
breaking up with her boyfriend - Tom! Nice ending.
"Dreams" - Sharon Wisdom
or nightmares? Sam vows not to be too late again.
"The Waiting Room - Kenny Sharp" - Jane Mailander
Well, he *did* just get into a time machine! Fun story!
"Leaping to Conclusions" - Diana Smith and Pat Dunn
(1993 FanQ nominee - Favorite QL story)
Certainly one of my very favorite fan stories!
Al meets a young lady in a park... then he meets her mom and her
brothers. Will Sam's leap undo everything?
"Road Stop" - Rebecca Reeves
another all-time favorite.
Sam's alone at a road-side gas station in the middle of nowhere
and Al can't tell him when either. He's there to help a passing
"Disney" - Sharon Wisdom
Sam spends a day at Disney World and prevents a kidnapping.

**** Play It Again #2 (1993 FanQ nominee - Best QL Zine)

HUGE!!!!!!!!! - one of the biggest zines on this list, but I can't give
you a page count - stories are numbered individually, making it a real
nuisance to look anything up in it. Kate did a lovely color cover of
Sam in five leaps, exceptional art throughout. These are all longer
short stories, in the 20-30 page range. Definitely worth the price.

"Is There a Doctor, Doctor, Doctor, Doctor in the House? - Linda
Fairbanks (1993 FanQ winner - Best QL Story).
Sam's getting started at Starbright, Al's dealing with his divorce from
Sharon and the custody fight for Chester, Donna just broke her first
engagement, and the powers that be want to use Sam to give them an
excuse to fire Al. But Sam and Al learn to work together instead. One
of the best "first meeting" stories out there.
"Ally" - Marcia Brin
Marcia has been one of my favorite fan writers across a number of
fandoms for over 10 years now. This is cross-universe, but I'm not at
all familiar with the other show - "Shades of LA". Sam's a ghost and
gets to meet someone in a similar "righting wrongs" line of work, with
the same Boss and the same Adversary.
"Out of Time" - Ann Raymont
Sam meets another leaper. She was hoping to meet the famous Sam
Beckett and tried to leap to a conference where he was speaking.
"There But for Fortune" - Mary Schmidt
Sam's a singer-song writer in a little coffee house.
"As It Fell Upon a Day" - Terri Librande
Sam's at Kent State, teaching, during the protests.
"Outside Influences" - Mary Robertson
Al's at a senate hearing when he's urgently needed back at the project.
The committee wants proof so a Senator comes along back to see Sam
during a leap - Senator Diane McBride. Lot's of detail on the Project
side of a leap.
"Destiny's Game" - Becky Cope
an ST:TNG cross. The Enterprise has come back in time, to 1995, to stop
Sam messing with the time line.ddddddddddddd.. Guinan senses more than
everyone else again. Sam doesn't need Ziggy when he can access Data's
"Rise Again" - Signe Hovde
Based on the song about the Mary Ellen Carter.
"Steele Leaping" - Anne and Elaine Batterby
Sam doesn't know who he is, but then, neither does anyone else.
"A Ghost of a Chance" - Sheila Paulson
Another of Sheila's QL-Ghostbusters stories. Sam leaps into Slimer this
time and Al isn't any too thrilled about it, especially after being
slimed. Lots of fun.
"Accident" - Diana Smith and Pat Dunn
Al's driving too fast after another fithe with Tina, but Sam is there
to help.
"Message in a Bottle" - Kate Nuernberg
Does Tony need the therapy or does Sam?

Jane Mailander poetry (1993 FanQ winner - Poet of the Year):
"After the Last Dance" - a lovely poem on the ending of MIA.
"A Debt Unpayable" - Al's thoughts on Sam's leaps.

*** Quantum Mechanics #1, 1/92
edited by Peg Kennedy, ~200 pages
Nola Frame-Gray cartoons, poetry, <=minds-i-view=> cover!
Not a good as I'd hoped, mainly because I didn't much like the story
that took up almost half the zine. Also, includes death stories.

"As the Clock Ticks Slowly By" - Rebecca Reeves
Very good. Sam's a secretary again, at an office party. Dodging a
drunken and lecherous party-goer, Sam ducks into the nearest ladies room
and out of the high heels. Overhearing the girl-talk there lets him
know where he is and what he's there to do.
"Answered Prayers" - Linda Knights
What is Sam's state of mind after all this leaping? This leap gives
him a chance to be cared for. Depressing for the reader though.
"Ticket Home" - Sharon Wisdom
A Dark Shadows cross universe, Sam leaps into Professor Stokes. Could
the strangeness of Collinwood offer him a "Ticket Home"? And at what
price? It's the Dark Shadows universe that has problems here. The
descriptions and events mostly go with the '60s version, but some
details and the illos are of the '90s version.
"A Reward" and "June 15, 1945: A Diary Entry" - Janna Stockinger
Two digressions set in the middle of the Leap Back. First Al's and then
Sam's thoughts on the reversed situation they find themselves in.
"Leaping Home" - Sandy Hall and Barbara Stanton
Sam's leaped into himself - on the day he's to testify at a
Congressional funding hearing. Will this time around be different?
"A Stitch in Time" - Nola Frame-Gray
The cartoonist's first text story. A shocking leap raises some
difficult questions for the reader.
"Carousel Horses" - Sheila Paulson
Sam's a high school English teacher, trying to help a boy with a lot of
writing talent. Excellent, practically the only one in the zine that
is an episode-like story.
"Extended Stay" - Jennifer Smallwood
My favorite in the zine. Sam's a doctor again, the newly arrived chief
of staff at a mental institution in October, 1953. The situation brings
up unpleasant memories for both Sam and Al. Sam is determined to stay
and fix more than Al thinks he is there to do. A happy ending in a
largely tragic zine.
"Starry, Starry Night" - Teri Sarick
Yes, Sam is Vincent *again*, for nearly 100 pages. If this had been
the first one of these I'd seen I'd probably have liked it more, as is
it dragged on far too long - till I was only skimming it.
"When I Go Out to Sea" - Terri Librande
A letter from Al to Sam.


*** Quantum Mechanics #2 (1993 FanQ nominee - Best QL Zine), 11/92

edited by Peg Kennedy, ~200 pages, lots of short stories,
Nola Frame-Gray cartoons, poetry, <=minds-i-view=> cover to die for!
nice art throughout, but many of the stories miss for me.
Again, includes death stories. Donna Haters - she gets trashed more
often that not here, something I don't agree with.

"A Promise Held" - Janna Stockinger (1993 FanQ nominee - Favorite QL Story)
"Answers" - Rebecca Reeves
Tom Beckett is determined to find out what has become of Sam, no matter
how far up the chain of command he has to search. Very odd story.
"Where Everyone Knows Your Name" - Teri Sarick, funny cross-universe(s).
"Deja Vu" - Jennifer Smallwood, Sam leaps into the project (a popular
zine topic).


**** Quantum Quandries

straight x-rated, out of print, includes missing scenes from Vietnam,
Catch a Falling Star, and The Leap Back, plus a cross with Eisenhour
and Lutz. all anonymous


** Sands of Time

Novella by Rosita Rodriguez
Sam's working in archaeology again.

* Star Leap, 5/92

Novel by Sharon Wells
The second volume of Sharon Wells' "Sam Beckett - Man About Time"
series. Failed for me on it's central premise - Sam leaps into a
famous producer to make sure a significant film gets made with all the
proper people involved to further their careers. He knows who to cast
and contract because he and Al remember the picture. Sharon breaks what
is probably the only rule of Quantum Leaping left that the show *hasn't*
broken. The whole situation is set around Sam fulfilling known history
instead of making a change. The side plot of Sam being distracted by
memories of a previous leap was more interesting.


*** Time Knight

Edited by Roxanne Shearer Koogler
An even mix of cross and original universes.

"The Price of Glory" and "To Kill a Vampire" - Pat Dunn and Diana Smith
QL crossed with Pat and Diane's vampire characters, Nicholas and Varina,
add vampires to those who can sense Sam as he really is.
"Final Entries" - Pat Dunn
Sam's journal, just before he leaped.
"Stitches in Time" - Casey Jordan
How Al and Ziggy deduced that God was controlling the leaps, visualizing
the threads of the web of time.
"Leaping on the Air in Cincinnati" - Fraser Sherman
Sam's at WKRP again.
"The Courtship of Jamie's Mother" - Pat Dunn and Diana Smith
and Sam is Jamie, a 12 year old girl. Can he convince her mother that
the man she's been seeing is abusive?
"Circles" - Shannon O'Connor
Sam's back in college, a disabled Vietnam Vet. Predating Nowhere to
Run, Sam can use the arm the leapee is missing, but it takes a great
deal of effort and concentration.
"Plumb Loco" - Mary Robertson
Sam has no luck at plumbing, but fixes another problem.
"Al About Eve" - Fraser Sherman
and no, that isn't a typo :-)
Sam switches places with Al, again.
"White Knight to Queen" - Kay Simon
Sam to the rescue.
"Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered" - Lee Kirkland
More of Lee's series on Sam in the Beauty and the Beast universe.
Sam's farther back in Cathy's past, causing her breakup with Steven
Bass. This is a sequel to Lee's digest size QL/BatB zines, but you
don't really need them to follow it.
"Windows of the Soul" - Heidi Sanchez
Sam rescues, and falls for, another abused woman.
I've read quite enough of these now, thank you.
"A Three Hour Tour" - Reggie Beck


*** With Every Quantum Leap and Bound

partial zine, editor had computer failure, sent out a few of the
stories that survived to those who had written for information. Not
generally available. The two writers were going to group all their
stories as a season, connecting the leaps. So far as I know they never
re-did/completed the project.

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