K-Mac, did you know about this?
is Empire's End canon?
>...there was a reference made to Byss as though it still existed at
>that time. It was destroyed in Empire's End.
>K-Mac, did you know about this?
Well, no. You may have found one for the Errata list.
What is EMPIRE'S END? Is it one of the Dark Empire II titles? (The title
EMPIRE'S END doesn't appear in my master Lucasfilm timeline, and neither
the Dan Wallace Planet Guide nor the Slavicsek GUIDE TO THE STAR WARS
UNIVERSE mentions the destruction of Byss. In fact, the unpublished
addendum to the Slavicsek GUIDE doesn't mention it, either.)
>What is EMPIRE'S END? Is it one of the Dark Empire II titles?
It was more or less Dark Empire III, a two-issue comic book limited
series that came out a few months ago to wrap up all the Dark Empire
stuff. Mostly forgettable, IMHO...
'Summer's going fast, nights growing colder
Children growing up, old friends growing older
The innocence slips away...'--Rush, Time Stand Still
##### vap...@prism.gatech.edu ######## Jerry B. Ray, Jr. ################
>> Empire's End is the third and final installment of the Dark Empire
>> trilogy. It's relatively new (November 1995) so it wouldn't be in the
>> second edition of Slavicsek's Guide, but I don't see why it wouldn't
>> be in the unpublished addendum.
That explains it. I haven't seen DARK EMPIRE III -- and I finished work on
BEFORE THE STORM in September, 1995. I had no idea Tom and Cam were about
to blow up Byss.
Updates to the unpublished addendum necessarily lag behind the publication
of various new works, which means that the documents I was working with in
August are probably no more current than the previous spring.
Oh, well. So it goes.
>> However, Dan Wallace's Planet Guide was updated last month and it does
>> indeed mention the destruction of the Byss.
I'll have to look for that update online.
(Fwiw, I really disapprove of all the planet-destroying weapons people have
been introducing into the arsenal. Planet-destroyers not only render moot
all of the interesting tactical questions about planetary siege and
defense, they also retroactively diminish the Death Star to just another
big gun.)
Best wishes,
>>...there was a reference made to Byss as though it still existed at
>>that time. It was destroyed in Empire's End.
>>K-Mac, did you know about this?
>is Empire's End canon?
Did the name of Luke's mother come from you or Lucas?
More like it should be shot OUT of a cannon.....
An for a Jedi..... a tooth
for a Jedtooth....
Hi, Mike,
Empire's End is the final chapter in the Dark Empire trilogy, following Dark Empire and Dark Empire
II. It came out last year. I'm surprised you never read it, but believe me, you're not missing
ANYTHING.... it's one of the worst-written SW stories I've ever seen. What a disappointing ending
to a great storyline. (But, then, considering DE II was also disappointing, I'm hardly surprised.)
By the way, Black Fleet #1 was fantastic, and ranks you up there with Tim Zahn, Kathy Tyers, Brian
Daley, and Archie Goodwin as being among the best of the SW authors, in my humble opinion. Thanks
for such a good read!
--Rich Handley
Thank you, Mike -- I don't think I could have said it better myself! And the fact that a SW author
is the one to say this is very gratifying, since this means you will not likely rely upon this same
old cliche, like many of the other authors.
I have not seen a copy of the book yet but I couldn't help noticing this
discussion. I would like to propose some possible solutions.
1) There is more than one planet/system named Byss. In fact there is a
planet Byss in the RPG Galaxy Guide 4:Alien Races. It is the desert homeworld
of the Abyssin (sp?), the species which includes the cyclops-like character
seen in the Mos Eisley cantina. Perhaps Before the Storm actually refers
to this original planet Byss.
2) Although the major habitable planet in the system was destroyed in Empire's
End, there would have been other planets in the same system. Perhaps another
one of these was habitable. It seems plausible that the whole Byss system
was awash with Imperial forces, not just the capital planet. Perhaps the
planet mentioned in Before the Storm is one of these others?
K-Mac, is either of these ideas sufficient to save your accidental rip in the
continuity? I hope that it would be acceptable (in copyright terms etc) for
you to pick up a similar idea and incorporate it into your next novel in order
to clarify the situation.
>I have not seen a copy of the book yet but I couldn't help noticing this
>discussion. I would like to propose some possible solutions.
>1) There is more than one planet/system named Byss. In fact there is a
>planet Byss in the RPG Galaxy Guide 4:Alien Races. It is the desert homeworld
>of the Abyssin (sp?), the species which includes the cyclops-like character
>seen in the Mos Eisley cantina. Perhaps Before the Storm actually refers
>to this original planet Byss.
>2) Although the major habitable planet in the system was destroyed in Empire's
>End, there would have been other planets in the same system. Perhaps another
>one of these was habitable. It seems plausible that the whole Byss system
>was awash with Imperial forces, not just the capital planet. Perhaps the
>planet mentioned in Before the Storm is one of these others?
>K-Mac, is either of these ideas sufficient to save your accidental rip in the
>continuity? I hope that it would be acceptable (in copyright terms etc) for
>you to pick up a similar idea and incorporate it into your next novel in order
>to clarify the situation.
I'm afraid neither explanation is valid. The passage in which Byss is
mentioned refers to it as "...the former Emperor's homeworld, deep in
the Core..." Clearly it can't be the other Byss or just some other
planet in the same system.
There are plenty of other possible explanations though...
>I've never heard of Empires end, who wrote it?
It's the third installment of Dark Horse Comics' DARK EMPIRE trilogy
by Tom Veitch and Cam Kennedy.
> Zutroy <umsi...@cc.umanitoba.ca> wrote:
> >>...there was a reference made to Byss as though it still existed at
> >>that time. It was destroyed in Empire's End.
> >>K-Mac, did you know about this?
> >is Empire's End canon?
> Yes...unfortunately...
"The truths that we cling to depend greatly on our own point of
-A very useful thing when it comes to canonisation :)
I doubt lucas had anything to do with it. That name that was given to Luke's
mom, was not her 'real' name, as Anakin would have called her by. It was a
secret sect of people, and they gave her that name. I think it'll turn out to
be a hoax or something, a trap for Luke maybe.
On 24 Mar 1996, jmannell wrote:
> In article <4ipjsm$3...@canopus.cc.umanitoba.ca>, umsi...@cc.umanitoba.ca
> says...
> >
> >>...there was a reference made to Byss as though it still existed at
> >>that time. It was destroyed in Empire's End.
> >>
> >>K-Mac, did you know about this?
> >
> >
> >is Empire's End canon?
> >
> >
> >
> >Zutroy
> >
> I've never heard of Empires end, who wrote it?
> James
Empire's End is the sequel & conclusion to Dark Empire. It was written by
Tom Veitch (who also wrote DE), and published by Dark Horse. Therefor, it
is canon.
Marco v B
I beg to differ! It was so exceedingly bad that one cannot *help* but have
it stick in one's memory, like a stale piece of gum! :)
I'm your average ordinary everyday kid Help me Obi-Wan. You're my only |
Happy to do nothing hope BZZT Help me Obi-Wan. You're |
In fact that's what I did my only hope BZZT Help me.... |
- Def Leppard - Princess Leia (hologram) |
Collin Yeoh |
cy...@homecom.pl.my |
>It was more or less Dark Empire III, a two-issue comic book limited
>series that came out a few months ago to wrap up all the Dark Empire
>stuff. Mostly forgettable, IMHO...
Ah-ha. Then it came out after BEFORE THE STORM was already graven in
stone. I don't know what the production timetable is for comics--it's
possible that those issues weren't even finished yet when I turned in
the manuscript for BTS. In any case, there was no opportunity for _me_
to see them.
>I have not seen a copy of the book yet but I couldn't help noticing this
>discussion. I would like to propose some possible solutions.
>1) There is more than one planet/system named Byss. In fact there is a
>planet Byss in the RPG Galaxy Guide 4:Alien Races.
I'm afraid the reference is too specific for this.
>2) Although the major habitable planet in the system was destroyed in Empire's
>End, there would have been other planets in the same system. Perhaps another
>one of these was habitable. It seems plausible that the whole Byss system
>was awash with Imperial forces, not just the capital planet. Perhaps the
>planet mentioned in Before the Storm is one of these others?
Same problem here.
I think I need to check in with Lucasfilm on this one.
>K-Mac, is either of these ideas sufficient to save your accidental rip in the
>continuity? I hope that it would be acceptable (in copyright terms etc) for
>you to pick up a similar idea and incorporate it into your next novel in order
>to clarify the situation.
Too late to do anything in the _next_ novel, since SHIELD OF LIES is
already in production.
<wanders off muttering to himself>
>I have not seen a copy of the book yet
Well, I hope you've rectified this alarming oversight by now. <g>
>I have not seen a copy of the book yet
Well, I hope you've rectified this alarming oversight by now. <g>
>Well, I hope you've rectified this alarming oversight by now. <g>
Curtis lives in Australia. Has it been released there yet?
>Too late to do anything in the _next_ novel, since SHIELD OF LIES is
>already in production.
><wanders off muttering to himself>
Does this mean Byss comes back from the dead in SHIELD OF LIES?
Perhaps. But SOMEBODY should have noticed it. Somehow.
(Aren't you writers supposed to contact each other to confirm all the
various details? (Like blowing up a planet is a detail...))
Marco v B
ah ha! A title! Sounds cool =)
>Curtis lives in Australia. Has it been released there yet?
My understanding is that Australia is now an open market, and the American
edition can be imported as soon as it goes on sale here. How long that
takes, I'm not sure. I've been told that the British edition is lagging
about a month behind the American edition, which would mean the British
edition should be available there very soon, if it isn't already.
>Does this mean Byss comes back from the dead in SHIELD OF LIES?
You know, it's very difficult to get good intelligence out of the
Core. It could be that the rumors of Byss's demise were greatly
(Actually, Byss doesn't figure in SHIELD OF LIES--which is just as
well. apparently. <g>)