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[Sith WarIX]: The internment

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Galactic Boobies

Jan 29, 2002, 9:30:09 PM1/29/02
N'Sync cube:

Jade looked over at C'Pi who was shackled to the wall, as was the Archon.
For days they had been fed only a few pop tarts and only when an N'Sync
member remembered to feed them. Most of the time they were forgotten about,
except when the band tried to practice, for that's when the screaming began.

Neither captive would soon forget the horrors they faced in the N'Sync cube.
The band sang right over their desperate cries for silence. They dropped
masses of water weight in a day and soon loose skin hung from their faces,
no longer filled with flab.

Then there were the conversations. Hearing Joey's philosophies on life made
Jade almost wish for more singing. C'Pi was mumbling now in the paltry
moments he could steal sleep. Often he would wake up screaming "smoke
machine" or "Tell it to My Heart", clearly tormented by his own pop star
demons. He no longer showed an interest in Lance signing his shirt.

They had also discovered N'Sync's plan for RASSM planet and that made them
feel even more helpless. Soon these overgrown sockpuppets would be pop and
locking on a stage for millions right here in RASSM city. The song they sing
will be join them or die, and they will be embarrassingly inarticulate when
they sing it.

Now only faith in Porkins could save them, and hopefully in the form of a
pizza delivery guy.


Jade and C'Pi are still stuck in hell

N'Sync is planning to take over the planet at their free concert.


Jan 30, 2002, 4:53:10 AM1/30/02

"Galactic Boobies" <> wrote in message

Whew. I feel better now.


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