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[Sith War IX] Garbled message.

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Peter Hanely

Feb 4, 2002, 11:28:23 AM2/4/02
Ground tracking radar first spotted it, a light vehical approaching at
high speed.
The rider was quickly identified, a pokemon, specifically a roddish.
Orders were
clear. Droidikas at the front gate opened fire. The first few shots
harmlessly on the foreward armor. Then a lucky shot rebounded off pavement
to the targets front tire. Loosing control, the rider was thrown,
leaving the bike
to careen into the castle wall.

Above in his ship, looking over a tape of the incident a moment later,
the Jedi
Hacker was resolute. He had his answer from Hawkins. As expected, it was
'come and get me.'

Dashing over to a munitions safe, he dialed in a combination and
selected a small
package. Back at his workstation, he selected the sonic inducer, still
targeted at
the snow fortress. He spoke into a desktop mike. "Just had a visit
from one of
Hawkins agents. In response, I have a special selection. Not funk.
Not pseudo
funk. But the worst Earth has to offer in anti funk. I give you the
voice that
destroyed the beatles, Yoko Ono." He inserted the CD and hit play.

Activation com to his castle below, "Have the reckage mounted on a
pedistal as
a reminder to those who oppose me." Then, remembering a dripping pile
of boxes
in the background, "Have someone clean up the mess of junk in front."

R5-P1 also saw the incident, and expecting the worst from Hawkins, had
made his
own preparations.

In the Shaven Wookies snow fortress, a wookie was tuning an electric
guitar when
the amp exploded. In another room, the TV went POP and started smoking.
Around the fort, various electric devices snapped, crackled, and
fizzled as a
Mother of a voltage surge came in along the power mains.

Sometime later, a large block of metal was picked up incoming towards the
castle. Round after round of interceptors hit, doing little more that
nudge it
a small distance. Drastic action was called for.

The sonic inducer disengaged, for the moment, from its target for a new job.
Being based on tractor beam technology, it locked on the block of metal and
PULLED! There was little hope of stopping it now, but it could be diverted.
A few degrees was all that was needed to give it a new target, the snow

That finished, the sonic inducer resumed its play list where it left off.

- Hot Roddishes attempt to deliver a message was mistaken for an attack.
- IN response, TJH is hitting the snow fort with Yoko Ono.
- R5-P1 has hit the snow fort with a voltage surge.
- The block targeted for Chateau des Ordinateurs has been diverted
to the neighborhood of the snow fort.

The Jedi Hacker
"A Jedi uses the code for queries and filters, never for cracks."

Rainbow Heron

Feb 4, 2002, 8:47:59 PM2/4/02
On Mon, 04 Feb 2002 11:28:23 +0000, Peter Hanely
<> wrote:


>specifically a roddish.

Oddish. His name is a smush:

"Hot Rod" + "Oddish" = "Hot ROddish"

That's why both the "R" and the "O" are capitalized.

-Rainbow Heron
(sig hopes Hot ROddish doesn't start crying over the loss of the bike)

I see you're gonna do this the *hard* way Hacker...
Rainbow Heron's Sith War Characters Page
Jell-o jigglers are like Gak
...except they don't make that fart noise.

Daniel O. Miller

Feb 4, 2002, 8:51:09 PM2/4/02
Hack-Boy wrote:
> - The block targeted for Chateau des Ordinateurs has been diverted
> to the neighborhood of the snow fort.

What is this, "hot potato" ? :D

(NOTE, for the purposes of continuity, that the big shaking that happens
to the Porkinites at the end of my last post is this little object hitting
*something*. Also note that it will most likely vaporize everything in
its vicinity. Do be careful, everyone!)

Daniel O. "Good shootin', Tex!" Miller

"Does this look familiar? Do you know what it is? Neither do I! I made
it last night in my sleep. Apparently I used gindrogac - highly unstable!
I put a button on it, yes? I wish to press it, but I'm not sure what will
happen if I do..." - Gune

Peter Hanely

Feb 4, 2002, 12:54:42 PM2/4/02
Rainbow Heron wrote:

>On Mon, 04 Feb 2002 11:28:23 +0000, Peter Hanely
><> wrote:
>>specifically a roddish.
>Oddish. His name is a smush:
>"Hot Rod" + "Oddish" = "Hot ROddish"
>That's why both the "R" and the "O" are capitalized.
>-Rainbow Heron
>(sig hopes Hot ROddish doesn't start crying over the loss of the bike)
>I see you're gonna do this the *hard* way Hacker...

Like you did when our characters first met?

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