'Maybe they thought about it and came back for me, for
my navigational skills...' it thought.
Another crash, followed by muffled swearing and a
creaky door opening.
'Perhaps Jade has returned unharmed, but drunk.' Gumby
The whispers of very light feet went by the closet
Gumby sighed. 'It's not Jade, perhaps... no, that would
get me into more trouble.'
The closet suddenly opened. Light poured in and
blinded Gumby.
"You know, I'm not sure I even want to know." Lefty
Two-Ties quipped.
Gumby's eyebrows, which were just about all that wasn't
covered in tape, expressed happiness at seeing its old
Hootie, another Legoan from the Giant Espresso Maker,
helped Lefty haul Gumby out of the closet and into the
kitchen, where Lefty chose a big knife from the
magnetic strip o'knives.
Gumby's eyebrows creased nervously. "Relax, I do this
all the time." Lefty said as he aimed the point of the
steak knife down into the folds of tape. Gumby's
eyebrows didn't want to know.
After several hours, the great ball of duct tape was
finally Gumby-free.
"So, what brought you two here?" Gumby asked, finally
unsticking its lips.
"Well..." Hootie began. "we brought your things."
Lefty continued. "You've been fired. See, in order to
do some serious competing with Callahan's, we needed to
branch out."
Gumby's eyebrows didn't know how to react. Neither did
the rest of it.
"We decided not to extend your contract, after our
imports of the Hot Lesbian Baked Goods were doing so
well." Hootie explained, looking at his hands.
"I see." Gumby said, dragging the box over to itself
and sorting through its meager belongings. Something
caught its eye. Actually it stuck to Gumby's hand,
then caught Gumby's eye.
Hootie and Lefty looked guiltily at each other,
expecting Gumby to start bawling any minute. Instead,
Gumby's face brightened and it leapt, or tried to leap
with a sticky ripping sound to its feet.
"Hey, are you guys busy?" Gumby asked, brandishing what
looked to Hootie like something he didn't want to be
involved in. "Now, Gumby, I'm not into that sort
of..." he began.
"No, I've got a plan! But first, we need luck!" As
the Legoans looked at each other in confusion, Gumby
unloaded the massive Porkinite issue freezer and handed
them the contents.
Several hours later, after Gumby finished degumming
itself, Hootie and Lefty returned to the apartment out
of breath. "It's done." They puffed.
"Goodie! Now, I'm leaving a note, just to be nice, but
I'm not telling anyone of our cunning plan, lest they
blow our cover!" Gumby whipped out a pen and started
to write.
"Cunning... lest? What the..." Hootie was nudged
silent by Lefty.
"Thank... you... for... curing... me..." Gumby read
aloud as it scribbled a message. "of my silly... ob..."
after pausing to sound out the word to itself, Gumby
finished scrawling its message. "obsession with love.
I have donated the ice cream I found in the freezer to
the makeshift Sith War Goddess altar my fellow...
people... built outside of Chateau des Ordinateurs, in
hopes that She will bless us on our quest to discover
our Archon and C'Pi."
With an evil giggle Gumby filled Muuurgh's catnip jar
with pepper and taped the note onto it. Hefting a
backpack onto its shoulder, it followed Lefty and
Hootie out of the apartment.
"We gotta stop at Drug Palace, guys." Gumby announced
a few blocks away. Hootie wore the same blank and
confused look he'd worn for the past five hours and
followed Lefty as he shrugged and walked into the drug
store with Gumby.
The cashier eyed Gumby curiously as she rang up the
black lipstick, three gallon supersize bottle of hair
gel, box of tissues and 40 tubes of chartreuse Zinc
"Hey, can you put our tissues in another bag?" a voice
came from beneath the level of the counter.
"...Sure." the cashier said, looking downright spooked.
"Thanks, doll." Lefty said as Gumby handed him the bag
with the tissues.
The cashier barely noticed that Gumby had given her
Lego coins.
After they got outside, Lefty and Hootie started
stuffing their feet holes. "Ah, that's better." Lefty
sighed, as Gumby walked along dousing its head in hair
Suddenly, Gumby paused, sniffing the air. "Do you
smell that? We need to follow that smell."
Lefty and Hootie looked at each other, shrugged, and
It is a little known fact that cubes such as the one
N'Sync inhabit have doorbells. And so it was that
Gumby, painted up like a Lego baked goods delivery
person gained entrance to the cube.
"Yo, just smack those pies down here, yo." Justin did
an elaborate gesture at a countertop.
"Man, you tall for like, a Duplo." Joey said, poking at
Suddenly the baker's yellow and black grinning face
"Let my people go!" Gumby bellowed, whipping the
henshin pen out of its pocket.
"Wack, man! That's one of those things!" Justin
yelled, ducking behind an amp.
Lance and David arrived just in time to witness Gumby's
transformation into Sailor Gumboon.
"For great justice my hot communication will make your
healthy clothes dry your body! My eyepower smorks
everywhore! You watch out!" Gumby did some elaborate
faux karate moves that made Lance secretly jealous.
"Releasing the Archon and soothing C'Pi for Zokki
support system! That is my wishness! The Meat Hat
Wearers will take your happy self! My name is GumGum,
I am pretty elephant! You love me well!"
Gumby was so busy spouting its attack that it never
heard Troy sneaking up behind it with a box of
headphone/mic sets.
When Gumby's body was flung into the cell, Jade and
C'Pi, nearly drowned in saliva, wondered if perhaps
Gumby would wake up and bring the pizza a little
closer, even if it was baconless.
Lefty Two-Ties and Hootie, the Legoans, have sprung
Gumby from the closet. (Hey, that sounds... odd.)
Gumby decided to go off and rescue Jade and C'Pi. It
didn't work and now Gumby is in the cell with them.
Yep, that's what all that boils down to.
> Gumby was so busy spouting its attack that it never
> heard Troy sneaking up behind it with a box of
> headphone/mic sets.
> When Gumby's body was flung into the cell, Jade and
> C'Pi, nearly drowned in saliva, wondered if perhaps
> Gumby would wake up and bring the pizza a little
> closer, even if it was baconless.
> Summary:
> Lefty Two-Ties and Hootie, the Legoans, have sprung
> Gumby from the closet. (Hey, that sounds... odd.)
> Gumby decided to go off and rescue Jade and C'Pi. It
> didn't work and now Gumby is in the cell with them.
> DG
> Yep, that's what all that boils down to.
*applause, decorking, marching band*
*wipes tears* Eh, that was great.
>"Let my people go!" Gumby bellowed, whipping the
>henshin pen out of its pocket.
Oh goodie!!!!! I get to see DG's Sailor power!! <cheers>
>"Wack, man! That's one of those things!"
*snark!* :-)
>Lance and David arrived just in time to witness Gumby's
>transformation into Sailor Gumboon.
>"For great justice my hot communication will make your
>healthy clothes dry your body! My eyepower smorks
>everywhore! You watch out!" Gumby did some elaborate
>faux karate moves that made Lance secretly jealous.
>"Releasing the Archon and soothing C'Pi for Zokki
>support system! That is my wishness! The Meat Hat
>Wearers will take your happy self! My name is GumGum,
>I am pretty elephant! You love me well!"
ROTFLMH&AO!!!!!!!!! Love the Engrish there Gumb!!!!
-Rainbow Heron
(sig likes the Engrish too!)
Alright I guess I have to do mine now...
Rainbow Heron's Sith War Characters Page
Penny for your two cents?
>I have donated the ice cream I found in the freezer to
>the makeshift Sith War Goddess altar my fellow...
>people... built outside of Chateau des Ordinateurs,
Now *that* should really make hackboy happy >:)
Sith War Goddess
"do not meddle in the affairs of goddesses, as being
struck by lightning often offends" - Rimrunner