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Batman on Video!!!???!!!

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Gregory Joseph Blake

Sep 10, 1989, 9:28:24 PM9/10/89
Well folks I was reading the paper this morning and saw a small article which
announced that BATMAN is being pushed for a Nov. 15 release on video with a
price of $24.--. Has anyone else heard anything about this or is the
Pitttsburgh Post-Gazette full of it.

(Seems like a mighty fast release of it though.)

-Greg Blake

| US-Snail: 5326 Fifth Ave - Apt. 3 |"Elvis came down in a Rocket Ship,|
| Pittsburgh, PA | Healed a couple of lepers, |
| E-Mail: | and disappeared." |
| Phone: (412) 687-1067 | -Was(Not Was) |
"She wasn't that great, but it was getting kinda late." -Was(Not Was) |

John S. Watson

Sep 11, 1989, 4:34:53 PM9/11/89
In article <> (Gregory Joseph Blake) writes:
>Well folks I was reading the paper this morning and saw a small article which
>announced that BATMAN is being pushed for a Nov. 15 release on video with a
>price of $24.--. Has anyone else heard anything about this or is the
>Pitttsburgh Post-Gazette full of it.

Yes, I saw posters in the local video rental place this weekend anouncing
it. (I thought it might have said $29, and I didn't catch the exact date
in Nov).

Usually, only bombs come out on video so fast.

John S. Watson, Civil Servant from Hell ARPA:
NASA Ames Research Center UUCP: ...!ames!watson
Any opinions expressed herein are, like, solely the responsibility of the, like,
author and do not, like, represent the opinions of NASA or the U.S. Government.

Jeff Sullivan

Sep 11, 1989, 4:39:46 PM9/11/89
In article <> (Gregory Joseph Blake) writes:

Well folks I was reading the paper this morning and saw a small article which
announced that BATMAN is being pushed for a Nov. 15 release on video with a
price of $24.--. Has anyone else heard anything about this or is the
Pitttsburgh Post-Gazette full of it.

(Seems like a mighty fast release of it though.)

I read this in the LA Times Calendar section also; I assume it's true.
It surprised me a bit, too, but I think it maybe makes sense.

BTW the sale price is $24.95

Jeffrey A. Sullivan | Senior Systems Programmer | Information Sciences Institute DELPHI: JSULLIVAN | University of Southern California

Charles Forsythe

Sep 11, 1989, 7:02:30 PM9/11/89
>>Well folks I was reading the paper this morning and saw a small article which
>>announced that BATMAN is being pushed for a Nov. 15 release on video with a
>>price of $24.--. Has anyone else heard anything about this or is the
>>Pitttsburgh Post-Gazette full of it.
>Yes, I saw posters in the local video rental place this weekend anouncing
>it. (I thought it might have said $29, and I didn't catch the exact date
>in Nov).

I've seen newly released copies of the *old* (hilariously bad)
Batman: The Movie -- are you sure you're checking these stories out
carefully? I think somebody's trying to make a fast buck off people
who will buy Bat-anything. I might get a copy of this, though, as I like
to collect bad and strange films (this is both!).

>Usually, only bombs come out on video so fast.

Well, if this movie your seeing it Batman:The movie (as opposed to "Batman"),
the it's taken, what... 20 years?

#### This has nothing to do with Convex Computer Corportation -- obviously ####

Calvin Hirko

Sep 11, 1989, 6:05:14 PM9/11/89
short & sweet.

batman will be released on video on November 15 for $24.95 a copy.

Kevin Jarnot

Sep 11, 1989, 8:14:40 PM9/11/89
In article <>, (Gregory Joseph Blake) writes:
> Well folks I was reading the paper this morning and saw a small article which
> announced that BATMAN is being pushed for a Nov. 15 release on video with a
> price of $24.

Yep! Just saw an ad here in Buffalo, but the price was only $19.95...I
can actually afford another of my favorite movies from the past two
years (that, and Who Framed Roger Rabbit)...

> (Seems like a mighty fast release of it though.)

I thought the same thing! They must expect BIG BIG video sales to
release it this quickly...jeeze, the movie is still running in the

Can't wait to get a copy!!!

"Damn, these chancres hurt!" | Buffalo...the Miami of the North.
-Friedrich Nietzsche | Miami...the Buffalo of the South??

Billy Green

Sep 12, 1989, 1:31:09 AM9/12/89
In article <> (Gregory

Joseph Blake) writes:
>Well folks I was reading the paper this morning and saw a small article which
>announced that BATMAN is being pushed for a Nov. 15 release on video with a
>price of $24.--. Has anyone else heard anything about this or is the
>Pitttsburgh Post-Gazette full of it.

It is true. Warner Brothers is releasing "Batman" at a suggested retail price
of $24.98. Street date is 15 November.

>(Seems like a mighty fast release of it though.)

Yep. And "Ghostbusters II" will be out from RCA before Christmas (also priced
low--$29.95 or so, I think). I think Warner Bros. wanted to get the jump on
RCA, because their announcement about "Batman" was very sudden (with press
releases sent out the same day that posters arrived in video stores last week),
while RCA announced "Ghostbusters II" over a month ago.

Billy Green
Chapel Hill, NC

"If I have to sing 'Kum-ba-ya' one more time . . ."

Mark A. Holtz

Sep 12, 1989, 1:02:12 AM9/12/89
In article <>, (John S. Watson) writes:
> In article <> (Gregory Joseph Blake) writes:
> >Well folks I was reading the paper this morning and saw a small article which
> >announced that BATMAN is being pushed for a Nov. 15 release on video with a
> >price of $24.--. Has anyone else heard anything about this or is the
> >Pitttsburgh Post-Gazette full of it.
> Yes, I saw posters in the local video rental place this weekend anouncing
> it. (I thought it might have said $29, and I didn't catch the exact date
> in Nov).
> Usually, only bombs come out on video so fast.

Ditto here. In a article in Video Review magazine, the reason why
bombs come out on video so fast is to use the publicity of said
film to make ends meet while it is still fresh in people's mind.

Yet, I was surprised that Batman would be released on video also,
however, I can fairly well guess at the reasons:

1> To cash in on all of the Bat-hype. (Remember, Batman only made
aprx. $238 million in the theater, but around $500 million for

2> To give the video pirates a shattered dream on the high molia
for pirated copies.

Anyway, I am looking forward to purchasing this film when it comes
*-> Mark A. Holtz <=> AppleLink PE: Mark Holtz <-*
*-> 7943 Sungarden Drive <=> GEnie: M.HOLTZ <-*
*-> Citrus Heights, CA 95610-3133 <=> Home Phone: (916) 722-8522 <-*
*-> UUCP: ames!pacbell!sactoh0!mholtz <=> [For FAST reply, use UUCP] <-*

James D. Oliver III

Sep 12, 1989, 4:39:49 AM9/12/89
In article <17...@convex.UUCP> (Charles Forsythe) writes:

>I've seen newly released copies of the *old* (hilariously bad)
>Batman: The Movie -- are you sure you're checking these stories out
>carefully? I think somebody's trying to make a fast buck off people
>who will buy Bat-anything. I might get a copy of this, though, as I like
>to collect bad and strange films (this is both!).

As a fan of both "Batman"'s, but probably the old one more so (I think the
old one had a better plot), I must protest. This was one of the best times
I ever had at the movies as a kid, and it held up, albeit in a different
way, as an adult. An all-star cast and the magnificent Penguin Sub? Bat
shark-repellent. The Batcycle available behind the nearest bush, no matter
where you are. Ah, the memories.

One of the hardes things to do is good camp (that is, when you're trying
to), and Batman is a classic. You can only dream about dialogue like this:
(paraphrasing liberally since I haven't seen it in a while)

"Well, Robin, we'll just have to run."

"Holy Olympics, Batman, to make it we'll have to break the world record in
the mile!"

"Precisely, Boy Wonder."

Jim Oliver

Rob ten Kroode

Sep 12, 1989, 7:25:05 AM9/12/89
In article <> (Gregory Joseph Blake) writes:
>Well folks I was reading the paper this morning and saw a small article which
>announced that BATMAN is being pushed for a Nov. 15 release on video with a
>price of $24.--. Has anyone else heard anything about this or is the
>Pitttsburgh Post-Gazette full of it.
>(Seems like a mighty fast release of it though.)

You think that's fast?? I heard this weekend that the first copies of Batman
have been found here in *Holland*. Of course, these are illegal copies,
the movie hasn't hit our cinema's yet :-(

Rob ten Kroode ( |"Oh it's the *Meek*...blessed are the Meek!
----------------------------------| That's nice, I'm glad they're getting some-
"There were tears in the eyes, | thing, 'cause they have a hell of a time."
of all the boys you sent away" | Monty Python - Life of Brian

Justin Masters

Sep 12, 1989, 12:51:11 PM9/12/89
In article <> (Gregory Joseph Blake) writes:
+Well folks I was reading the paper this morning and saw a small article which
+announced that BATMAN is being pushed for a Nov. 15 release on video with a
+price of $24.--. Has anyone else heard anything about this or is the
+Pitttsburgh Post-Gazette full of it.
+(Seems like a mighty fast release of it though.)
+-Greg Blake
I heard about a release date in Nov as well, but I ask you...WHY?

Japan's theatrical release is in December. Aren't they (Warner) opening
themselves up for pirating by doing that? I think that someone generated a
rumor. Especially since, I don't think the company can create millions of
video tapes by that time.

"This is the United States calling.
Are we reaching you?" - Pink Floyd Justin Masters -

The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.

Sep 12, 1989, 6:41:30 PM9/12/89
In article <> (John S. Watson) writes:
:Usually, only bombs come out on video so fast.

That used to be the case, but now it's quite common for a film to hit video
shortly after release. An early video release no longer carries the stigma
of a turkey. "Batman" will certainly be an extreme example of this.

I hope there's a CAV, letterboxed laserdisc of it...


When the Second Amendment goes, the rest will soon follow.

Mark A. Holtz

Sep 12, 1989, 7:24:53 PM9/12/89
In article <>, (Justin Masters ) writes:
{Another posting about the relase of Batman in November}

> I heard about a release date in Nov as well, but I ask you...WHY?
> Japan's theatrical release is in December. Aren't they (Warner) opening
> themselves up for pirating by doing that? I think that someone generated a
> rumor. Especially since, I don't think the company can create millions of
> video tapes by that time.

'Fraid not. I saw a poster that Batman was being released on
November 15 with the official bat-logo and the quote from KGO-TV
saying that it was the best film of the decade.

I've already posted another followup regarding my reasons from
re-release, no need for a repeat.

The Mad Armenian

Sep 13, 1989, 4:19:37 AM9/13/89
In article <>, (Justin Masters ) writes...

} Japan's theatrical release is in December. Aren't they (Warner) opening
} themselves up for pirating by doing that?

Possibly. The same thing happened when SUPERGIRL was released in Japan
months before it opened in the US, and imported copies on laserdisc
were being sold here.

} I think that someone generated a rumor.

Then you'd better tell all of the video shops across the country. Every
one that I know of has signs up advertising a November release for the
Burton/Keaton/Nicholson film and taking advance orders for copies.

"I always did have my doubts about the Anjou '22."

--- jayembee (Jerry Boyajian, DEC, "The Mill", Maynard, MA)

UUCP: ...!decwrl!!boyajian

ARPA: boyajian%ruby...@DECWRL.DEC.COM

Jeff Meyer

Sep 13, 1989, 4:34:06 PM9/13/89
Why would Warner's release BATMAN on video in November? Follow these simple
corporate mental steps:

1) If BATMAN is released on video next summer, Warners makes $$$.

2) If BATMAN is releases on video next November, Warners probably makes
~$$$. However, they loose $ in long-playing theaters and in the

3) If BATMAN is released on video next November, merchandising experts feel
that it will increase the already gigantic amount of Batman merchandise
to something really disgusting.

4) 3) translates to $$$$$$$.

Insert executive back-slapping and hearty applause here.

"It's so simple, so very simple, that *only* a
child can do it!"

Moriarty, aka Jeff Meyer
INTERNET: mori...@tc.fluke.COM
Manual UUCP: {uw-beaver, sun, hplsla, thebes, microsoft}!fluke!moriarty
CREDO: You gotta be Cruel to be Kind...
<*> DISCLAIMER: Do what you want with me, but leave my employers alone! <*>

Bill Smith

Sep 13, 1989, 9:05:23 PM9/13/89

You heard it right!

Batman !!

The home video release of Batman will be on November 15, 1989 at
a sugg. retail price of $24.95.

Notice that I said _suggested_ retail price. Each video retailer will be
looking to attract customers, so prices will vary. (Remember, it's a jungle
out there.)

Warner Bros. says that it expects to sell about 13 million copies
of the movie (E.T. sold about 12). That's alot of bananas.

In other video news, Ghostbusters II is slated for release on November 22,
but at a retail of $89.95. "When Harry Met Sally" will be in stores in
December, as well as "Ernest Saves Christmas", "Lockup" (Sly Stallone),
and "Eddie & the Cruisers II" will arrive (already!) about Jan 11.
Look for a _big_ X-mas in video as more chartbusters are announced in time
for the holiday season.

By the way, if you're asking yourself "Why put Batman on video already??"
just think about the massive amount of "Batmania" that is sweeping the
nation and about the quarter of a billion dollars that the movie made in the
theaters. Wouldn't you put it in video BEFORE x-mas and BEFORE the hype died
down. I know I would.


---> The Vidman _______________
/ /|
/ O O / /
/______________/ /

"I wouldn't touch that if I were you."
"Well, you're not meeeeeezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz"

Jarl Sandberg

Sep 13, 1989, 9:48:02 AM9/13/89
In article <> (Justin Masters ) writes:
>Japan's theatrical release is in December.

And I though we're last. The theatrical release date is 20:th Oct.


Mark Kaminsky/x4495

Sep 14, 1989, 12:22:07 PM9/14/89
From article <>, by (Justin Masters ):

> In article <> (Gregory Joseph Blake) writes:
> +Well folks I was reading the paper this morning and saw a small article which
> +announced that BATMAN is being pushed for a Nov. 15 release on video with a
> +price of $24.--. Has anyone else heard anything about this or is the
> +Pitttsburgh Post-Gazette full of it.

> Japan's theatrical release is in December. Aren't they (Warner) opening

> themselves up for pirating by doing that? I think that someone generated a
> rumor. Especially since, I don't think the company can create millions of
> video tapes by that time.

Since no one has mentioned this yet. This is NOT a rumor - I heard it
from the horse's mouth. There were reps from Warner at the World Science
Fiction Convention here in Boston on labor-day weekend. They showed some
"making of Batman" stuff as well as a midnight showing of "Batman" itself.
They said "Batman" will be out on video in time for Christmas.

As for overseas, the video tapes are not compatable.

Mark B. Kaminsky, Computervision Division, PRIME Computer, Inc. , Bedford, MA
UUCP: {decvax|linus|sun}!cvbnet!mkaminsk | Internet:
Me? I'm an anarcho-objectivist Libertarian. (Pause)... Why are you wincing?


Sep 14, 1989, 9:49:22 AM9/14/89
>Then you'd better tell all of the video shops across the country. Every
>one that I know of has signs up advertising a November release for the
>Burton/Keaton/Nicholson film and taking advance orders for copies.
>--- jayembee (Jerry Boyajian, DEC, "The Mill", Maynard, MA)

West Coast Video (at least in South Eastern Pa.) will have the video
for sale starting November 18th.(exact day may be wrong, advance orders
accepted). They are also selling previously viewed copies (to be picked
up in January) for $9.95 (advance prepaid orders required).

Ron Rejmaniak

Sep 14, 1989, 1:41:12 PM9/14/89
In article <11...@fluke.COM> mori...@tc.fluke.COM (Jeff Meyer) writes:
>Why would Warner's release BATMAN on video in November? Follow these simple
>corporate mental steps:

[4 easy steps to make $$$$$$$$ deleated]

I think that part of their decision is to try to reduce the number of
illegal copies out there. The script for BATMAN was heavily photocopied and
sold to fans by fans (at an amazingly number for ~$15-20 a copy).

There were full page ads placed for rewards for the first so many
bootleg videos. By making the price low (comparable to a bootleg price) and
releasing it after the summer but in time for Christmas, they can keep most of
the money for themselves.

-Ron Rejmaniak

Blair P. Houghton

Sep 15, 1989, 1:34:50 AM9/15/89
In article <11...@fluke.COM> mori...@tc.fluke.COM (Jeff Meyer) writes:
>Why would Warner's release BATMAN on video in November? Follow these simple
>corporate mental steps:
>1) If BATMAN is released on video next summer, Warners makes $$$.
>2) If BATMAN is releases on video next November, Warners probably makes
> ~$$$. However, they loose $ in long-playing theaters and in the
> hinterlands.
>3) If BATMAN is released on video next November, merchandising experts feel
> that it will increase the already gigantic amount of Batman merchandise
> to something really disgusting.
>4) 3) translates to $$$$$$$.

Escoooos, pleezx, senhor, but:

Easily the most marketable of the Batphernalia is going to be that
little 4x1x7.5" box with the Bats and Boobs and chin-augmentation devices
all moving around in it.

I mean, like, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells...make those little batnatics
smile on the morn of the Yule, y'all.

Though, I don't doubt that the t-shirt sales-ingression regression
indicates (as you can see on the screen of the BatComputer) that
soon the acceleration in offers of matrimony to the now-blitheringly
rich Jack Nicholson (let's hear it for the death of the studio
system, kids! Ready?! "SIX BUCKS FOR THIS CRAP! EAT MY POPCORN!!")
will begin to wane, and we'll need to find another cash cow...

"Jingle Bells, Batman Smells,
Keaton Has No Chin;
Batmobile Seals the Deal,
Joker's Cashing In..."

The Mad Armenian

Sep 15, 1989, 1:31:23 AM9/15/89
In article <67...@pixar.UUCP>, go...@pixar.uucp (The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.) writes...

} I hope there's a CAV, letterboxed laserdisc of it...

The word I've heard so far (subject to revision, of course, the closer
to actual release date we get) is that the disc probably won't be out
until February. This is possibly estimated by the fact that ROGER RABBIT
won't be out on disc until January though it's due on tape in October.

Anyways, I have my doubts that BATMAN will be in CAV format, but given
that Warner's has been outting not a few of their recent releases in
letterbox format on disc (for example, DANGEROUS LIAISONS), I would be
*very* surprised if BATMAN wasn't.

It would be nice if Warner's offered both CAV and CLV formats, as MCA
did with E.T. and Disney is doing with ROGER RABBIT, but their track
record so far makes it seem unlikely.

"I always did have my doubts about the Anjou '22."

--- jayembee (Jerry Boyajian, DEC, "The Mill", Maynard, MA)

UUCP: ...!decwrl!!boyajian

ARPA: boyajian%ruby...@DECWRL.DEC.COM

L K C Leighton

Sep 15, 1989, 10:59:22 AM9/15/89

to quote film 89's presenter:

batman would have been better if they'd thrown away the script and filmed
the hype.,,

The Mad Armenian

Sep 16, 1989, 5:17:20 AM9/16/89
In article <5...@cvbnet.Prime.COM>, mkam...@cvbnet.UUCP (Mark Kaminsky/x4495) writes...

}From article <>, by (Justin Masters ):

}} Japan's theatrical release is in December. Aren't they (Warner) opening

}} themselves up for pirating by doing that?

} As for overseas, the video tapes are not compatable.

Justin specified Japan. The Japanese video signal format is completely
compatible with the North American format.

Mark A. Holtz

Sep 17, 1989, 12:42:26 PM9/17/89
In article <5...@cvbnet.Prime.COM>, mkam...@cvbnet.UUCP (Mark Kaminsky/x4495) writes:
<Messages of Batman being released in Japan in December and Batman
on video in November DELETED!>

> As for overseas, the video tapes are not compatable.

Wrong-o! I know for a FACT that Bahamas, Barbados, Bermuda, Burma,
Canada, Chile, Columbia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador,
El Salvador, Greenland, Guatemala, Haiti, Japan, Kampuchea, Korea,
Mexico, Micronesia, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, Phillippines, Puerto
Rico, Surinam, Taiwan, Trinidad, Tobago, and Venezuela all for a
fact use the NSTC standard.

Justin Masters

Sep 18, 1989, 4:06:01 PM9/18/89
In article <5...@cvbnet.Prime.COM> mkam...@cvbnet.UUCP (Mark Kaminsky/x4495) writes:
+As for overseas, the video tapes are not compatable.

Gee, I just sent my Japanese exchange student a video tape on VHS. Seeing as
how they make them (VCR's), why couldn't they play it?

Her (the students) parents said they enjoyed the tape, etc...

Mark Kaminsky/x4495

Sep 19, 1989, 3:02:43 PM9/19/89



From article <18...@sactoh0.UUCP>, by mho...@sactoh0.UUCP (Mark A. Holtz):

> In article <5...@cvbnet.Prime.COM>, mkam...@cvbnet.UUCP (Mark Kaminsky/x4495) writes:
> <Messages of Batman being released in Japan in December and Batman
> on video in November DELETED!>

>> As for overseas, the video tapes are not compatable.

> Wrong-o! I know for a FACT that Bahamas, Barbados, Bermuda, Burma,
> Canada, Chile, Columbia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador,
> El Salvador, Greenland, Guatemala, Haiti, Japan, Kampuchea, Korea,
> Mexico, Micronesia, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, Phillippines, Puerto
> Rico, Surinam, Taiwan, Trinidad, Tobago, and Venezuela all for a
> fact use the NSTC standard.

Well, er, um, by "overseas" what I really meant was...
the Atlantic Ocean between 40 and 60 degrees latitude.
Yea, sure, that was it.

David Harrington

Sep 19, 1989, 3:09:51 PM9/19/89
In article <> (L K C Leighton) writes:
>to quote film 89's presenter:
>batman would have been better if they'd thrown away the script and filmed
>the hype.

HEAR HEAR! I second that!!!

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