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Dec 17, 2009, 8:42:06 PM12/17/09

1. Mahatma Gandhi:

"Hinduism has made marvelous discoveries in things of
religion, of the spirit, of the soul. We have no eye for
these great and fine discoveries. We are dazzled by the
material progress that western science has made. Ancient
India has survived because Hinduism was not developed
along material but spiritual lines.

"India is to me the dearest country in the world, because
I have discovered goodness in it. It has been subject to
foreign rule, it is true. But the status of a slave is
preferable to that of a slave holder."

2. Henry David Thoreau:

"In the morning I bathe my intellect in the stupendous
and cosmogonal philosophy of the Bhagavad Gita in
comparison with which our modern world and its literature
seems puny.

"What extracts from the Vedas I have read fall on me like
the light of a higher and purer luminary, which describes
a loftier course through purer stratum. It rises on me
like the full moon after the stars have come out, wading
through some far stratum in the sky."

3. Arthur Schopenhauer:

"In the whole world there is no study so beneficial and
so elevating as that of the Upanishads. It has been the
solace of my life -- it will be the solace of my death."

4. Ralph Waldo Emerson said this about the Gita:

"I owed a magnificent day to the Bhagavad Gita. It was as
if an empire spoke to us, nothing small or unworthy, but
large, serene, consistent, the voice of an old
intelligence which in another age and climate had
pondered and thus disposed of the same questions which
exercise us."

The famous poem "Brahm" is an example of his Vedanta

5. Wilhelm von Humboldt pronounced the Gita as:

"The most beautiful, perhaps the only true philosophical
song existing in any known tongue ... perhaps the deepest
and loftiest thing the world has to show."

6. Lord Warren Hastings, the Governor General, was very
much impressed with Hindu philosophy:

"The writers of the Indian philosophies will survive,
when the British dominion in India shall long have ceased
to exist, and when the sources which it yielded of wealth
and power are lost to remembrances."

7. Mark Twain:

"So far as I am able to judge, nothing has been left
undone, either by man or nature, to make India the most
extraordinary country that the sun visits on his rounds.
Nothing seems to have been forgotten, nothing overlooked.

"Land of religions, cradle of human race, birthplace of
human speech, grandmother of legend, great grandmother of
tradition. The land that all men desire to see and having
seen once even by a glimpse, would not give that glimpse
for the shows of the rest of the globe combined."

8. Rudyard Kipling to Fundamental Christian Missionaries:

"Now it is not good for the Christian's health to hustle
the Hindu brown for the Christian riles and the Hindu
smiles and weareth the Christian down; and the end of the
fight is a tombstone while with the name of the late
deceased and the epitaph drear, "A fool lies here who
tried to hustle the east".

9. Jules Michelet, a French historian, said:

"At its starting point in India, the birthplace of races
and religions, the womb of the world." This is what he
said of the Raamyana in 1864: "Whoever has done or willed
too much let him drink from this deep cup a long draught
of life and youth .. . Everything is narrow in the West -
- Greece is small and I stifle; Judea is dry and I pant.
Let me look toward lofty Asia, and the profound East for
a little while. There lies my great poem, as vast as the
Indian ocean, blessed, gilded with the sun, the book of
divine harmony wherein is no dissonance. A serene peace
reigns there, and in the midst of conflict an infinite
sweetness, a boundless fraternity, which spreads over all
living things, an ocean (without bottom or bound) of
love, of pity, of clemency."

10. Shri Aurobindo:

"Hinduism.....gave itself no name, because it set itself
no sectarian limits; it claimed no universal adhesion,
asserted no sole infallible dogma, set up no single
narrow path or gate of salvation; it was less a creed or
cult than a continuously enlarging tradition of the
Godward endeavor of the human spirit. An immense many-
sided and many staged provision for a spiritual self-
building and self-finding, it had some right to speak of
itself by the only name it knew, the eternal religion,
sanaatan dharm...."

11. Will Durant would like the West to learn from India,
tolerance and gentleness and love for all living things:

"Perhaps in return for conquest, arrogance and
spoliation, India will teach us the tolerance and
gentleness of the mature mind, the quiet content of the
unacquisitive soul, the calm of the understanding spirit,
and a unifying, a pacifying love for all living things."

12. Joseph Campbell:

"It is ironic that our great western civilization, which
has opened to the minds of all mankind the infinite
wonders of a universe of untold billions of galaxies
should be saddled with the tightest little cosmological
image known to mankind? The Hindus with their grandiose
Kalpas and their ideas of the divine power which is
beyond all human category (male or female). Not so alien
to the imagery of modern science that it could not have
been put to acceptable use.

"There is an important difference between the Hindu and
the Western ideas. In the Biblical tradition, God creates
man, but man cannot say that he is divine in the same
sense that the Creator is, where as in Hinduism, all
things are incarnations of that power. We are the sparks
from a single fire. And we are all fire. Hinduism
believes in the omnipresence of the Supreme God in every
individual. There is no 'fall'. Man is not cut off from
the divine. He requires only to bring the spontaneous
activity of his mind stuff to a state of stillness and he
will experience that divine principle with him."

13. Sir Monier-Williams:

The Hindus, according to him, were Spinozists more than
2,000 years before the advent of Spinoza, and Darwinians
many centuries before Darwin and Evolutionists many
centuries before the doctrine of Evolution was accepted
by scientists of the present age.

14. Carl Sagan, (the late scientist), asserts that the
dance of Nataraj signifies the cycle of evolution and
destruction of the cosmic universe (Big Bang Theory). "It
is the clearest image of the activity of God which any
art or religion can boast of."

15. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, a professor of Eastern
Religions at Oxford and later President of India:

"Hinduism is not just a faith. It is the union of reason
and intuition that cannot be defined but is only to be
experienced. Evil and error are not ultimate. There is no
Hell, for that means there is a place where God is not,
and there are sins which exceed his love."

End of excerpts.

Jai Maharaj, Jyotishi
Om Shanti

Seon Ferguson

Dec 17, 2009, 8:48:15 PM12/17/09
Don't forget the Case system.


Dec 17, 2009, 8:52:16 PM12/17/09
On Dec 17, 8:48 pm, "Seon Ferguson" <> wrote:
> Don't forget the Case system.  

There is nothing called case system in Hinduism. Never heard of it

Seon Ferguson

Dec 17, 2009, 9:02:01 PM12/17/09

"uNmaiviLambi" <> wrote in message

> On Dec 17, 8:48 pm, "Seon Ferguson" <> wrote:
>> Don't forget the Case system.
> There is nothing called case system in Hinduism. Never heard of it

Case system Castle system whatever.


Dec 17, 2009, 9:39:26 PM12/17/09
Don't you mean cast system?

From the outside looking in, I'm bemused how the notion of animals
appears to have much in common with the ancient religion of the
Egyptians. It is as though the wave of mysticism rippled through to one
civilisation as another decayed.


Dec 17, 2009, 9:41:12 PM12/17/09
Don't you mean caste system?

From the outside looking in, I'm bemused how the notion of animals
appears to have much in common with the ancient religion of the
Egyptians. It is as though the wave of mysticism rippled through to one
civilisation as another decayed.

On 18/12/09 12:48 PM, Seon Ferguson wrote:


Dec 17, 2009, 9:50:13 PM12/17/09
On Dec 17, 9:41 pm, dolf <> wrote:
> Don't you mean caste system?
>  From the outside looking in, I'm bemused how the notion of animals
> appears to have much in common with the ancient religion of the
> Egyptians.  It is as though the wave of mysticism rippled through to one
> civilisation as another decayed.

There is no cast, caste, castle or case system in Hinduism either


Dec 17, 2009, 10:17:41 PM12/17/09
Evidently Hinduism is impotent to stop the caste system and untouchables
are finding faith elsewhere...


Dec 17, 2009, 10:21:20 PM12/17/09
Evidently Hinduism is impotent to stop the caste system and untouchables
are finding faith elsewhere...

Although generally identified with Hinduism, the caste system was also
observed among followers of other religions in the Indian subcontinent,
including some groups of Muslims and Christians.[1] The Indian
Constitution has outlawed caste-based discrimination, in keeping with
the socialist, secular, democratic principles that founded the
nation.[2] Caste barriers have mostly broken down in large cities,[3]
though they persist in rural areas of the country, where 72% of India's
population resides. Nevertheless, the caste system, in various forms,
continues to survive in modern India strengthened by a combination of
social perceptions and divisive politics.[4][5]

On 18/12/09 1:50 PM, uNmaiviLambi wrote:

Seon Ferguson

Dec 17, 2009, 11:05:55 PM12/17/09

"uNmaiviLambi" <> wrote in message

> On Dec 17, 9:41 pm, dolf <> wrote:
>> Don't you mean caste system?

Yes thankyou!

>> From the outside looking in, I'm bemused how the notion of animals
>> appears to have much in common with the ancient religion of the
>> Egyptians. It is as though the wave of mysticism rippled through to one
>> civilisation as another decayed.
> There is no cast, caste, castle or case system in Hinduism either

So the India leaders are not real Hindus then?


Dec 17, 2009, 11:24:14 PM12/17/09
In article <>,
"Seon Ferguson" <> posted:

Only a few may be true Hindus though many claim to be so. Even
allowing for imperfections, which we all have when it comes to
following up intentions by actions, I suggest that in Bharat true
Hindus are but a tiny minority.

Greatest Mining Pioneer of Australia of all Times

Dec 18, 2009, 12:52:31 AM12/18/09
On Dec 18, 2:42 am, and/or (Dr.
Jai Maharaj) wrote:

What are those references worth, Mr Kanga can find 1 000s in support
of the Islam jew-sect , Seon 1000s in support of Christian neo-jew
sect, & Sunnyzecunt 1000s in support of the Jew sect proper indeed

Come on Fool, you are quoting those infamous books of Terror such as
Bible/ Pentateuch & those circumcised criminals who compiled
such ...

Poor idiot, the Vedas demonstrate, like the other sectarian follies
that they know NOTHING AT ALL about the History of the World ... even
the one of their own Himalaya Mountains near by ...

COURSE YOU KNOW NOTHING AT ALL .... and following which you never
experimented !

...still more as my friend Dr Banerjee pointed out, you have not even
Hindu ... just one of those feverish new convert who wants to overdo
it, and be more Catholic than the Pope ...

Sir Jean-Paul Turcaud
Australia Mining Pioneer

Seon Ferguson

Dec 18, 2009, 1:00:29 AM12/18/09

" and/or (Dr. Jai Maharaj)" wrote in
message news:20091217S5HEBvJc3oZ9XlUL961263u@KA575...

Kind of like American leaders who claim to be Christian and then bomb
innocent civilians I guess.

Greatest Mining Pioneer of Australia of all Times

Dec 18, 2009, 1:05:23 AM12/18/09


Dec 18, 2009, 2:33:35 AM12/18/09
In article <>,
"Seon Ferguson" <> posted:

> Dr. Jai Maharaj posted:

> > In article <>,
> > "Seon Ferguson" <> posted:
> >
> >> "uNmaiviLambi" <> wrote in message
> >>
> >>
> >> > On Dec 17, 9:41 pm, dolf <> wrote:
> >> >> Don't you mean caste system?
> >> >>
> >
> >> Yes thankyou!
> >
> >> >> From the outside looking in, I'm bemused how the notion of animals
> >> >> appears to have much in common with the ancient religion of the
> >> >> Egyptians. It is as though the wave of mysticism rippled through to
> >> >> one
> >> >> civilisation as another decayed.
> >
> >> > There is no cast, caste, castle or case system in Hinduism either
> >
> >> So the India leaders are not real Hindus then?

> > Only a few may be true Hindus though many claim to be so. Even
> > allowing for imperfections, which we all have when it comes to
> > following up intentions by actions, I suggest that in Bharat true

> > Hindus are but a tiny minority. - Jai Maharaj

> Kind of like American leaders who claim to be Christian and then bomb
> innocent civilians I guess.

That's what happens in war, including the war on Muslim terrorism.

Seon Ferguson

Dec 18, 2009, 6:01:58 AM12/18/09

" and/or (Dr. Jai Maharaj)" wrote in

message news:20091217X0qm6g9UT9D70L3Z19YL3JM@Z1l7s...

I guess it's only terrorism when it is against America, right?


Dec 18, 2009, 6:10:03 AM12/18/09
On Dec 18, 3:01 am, "Seon Ferguson" <> wrote:
> " and/ Jai Maharaj)" wrote in
> messagenews:20091217X0qm6g9UT9D70L3Z19YL3JM@Z1l7s...
> > In article <>,

> > "Seon Ferguson" <> posted:
> >> Dr. Jai Maharaj posted:
> >> > In article <>,
> >> > "Seon Ferguson" <> posted:
> >> >> "uNmaiviLambi" <> wrote in message

> >> >>
> >> >> > On Dec 17, 9:41 pm, dolf <> wrote:
> >> >> >> Don't you mean caste system?
> >> >> Yes thankyou!
> >> >> >>  From the outside looking in, I'm bemused how the notion of animals
> >> >> >> appears to have much in common with the ancient religion of the
> >> >> >> Egyptians.  It is as though the wave of mysticism rippled through
> >> >> >> to
> >> >> >> one
> >> >> >> civilisation as another decayed.
> >> >> > There is no cast, caste, castle or case system in Hinduism either
> >> >> So the India leaders are not real Hindus then?
> >> > Only a few may be true Hindus though many claim to be so. Even
> >> > allowing for imperfections, which we all have when it comes to
> >> > following up intentions by actions, I suggest that in Bharat true
> >> > Hindus are but a tiny minority.   - Jai Maharaj
> >> Kind of like American leaders who claim to be Christian and then bomb
> >> innocent civilians I guess.
> > That's what happens in war, including the war on Muslim terrorism.
> I guess it's only terrorism when it is against America, right?

Here's to you Mrs. Robinson!

Seon Ferguson

Dec 18, 2009, 6:14:41 AM12/18/09

"cornholio" <> wrote in message

I don't know what that means but it's terrorism when Iran, Pakistan, Iraq
and Afghanistan are attacked by al Qaida terrorists. Oh yeah and India as
well. It is also terrorism when Hindus are massacred.

Arindam Banerjee

Dec 18, 2009, 7:48:15 AM12/18/09

"Greatest Mining Pioneer of Australia of all Times"
<> wrote in message

On Dec 18, 2:42 am, and/or (Dr.
Jai Maharaj) wrote:

What are those references worth, Mr Kanga can find 1 000s in support
of the Islam jew-sect , Seon 1000s in support of Christian neo-jew
sect, & Sunnyzecunt 1000s in support of the Jew sect proper indeed

AB: Great point, Jean-Paul! True those references mean nothing. Sanatana
Dharma (or the consciousness beyond the scope of time) that is very loosely
referred to as Hinduism by outsiders, is an experience that gives meaning to
life, with a certain kind of worldview, characterised by spirituality,
serenity and inner peace, and leading to creative and kindly endeavours
without compromising the needs for self-defence and variety of thought and
life styles.

Come on Fool, you are quoting those infamous books of Terror such as
Bible/ Pentateuch & those circumcised criminals who compiled
such ...

Poor idiot, the Vedas demonstrate, like the other sectarian follies
that they know NOTHING AT ALL about the History of the World ... even
the one of their own Himalaya Mountains near by ...

COURSE YOU KNOW NOTHING AT ALL .... and following which you never
experimented !

AB: Soma is the drink of the Gods! Mere mortals such as I can sip it
symbolically through meditation, reflection, worldly experience, perfect
balance and control over senses, hard work, etc. Only then are the
mysteries (Vedas) revealed! I am stuck with the very first lines of the Rig
Veda - somehow I think I need not progress further. We can talk about this
in unending detail, Jean-Paul. But your insight is perfectly right. These
so-called Hindus are pretentious ignoramuses, best ignored. It is the duty
of every individual to seek the truth, and find that out for himself or
herself, without needing the crutches of other peoples' opinions. However,
how can conpersons thrive, unless they assume the robes of superiority?

...still more as my friend Dr Banerjee pointed out,

AB: I deeply appreciate your good opinion, but may I humbly point out that I
do not have a PhD. I do not wish to sport a fake doctorate, like this Jai
creature. My highest degree is a Masters in Technology. I never had the
time to pursue a PhD, as for the last thirty years I was working full-time.

you have not even
Hindu ... just one of those feverish new convert who wants to overdo
it, and be more Catholic than the Pope ...

AB: He pretends to be a Hindu, only to set Muslims and Christians against
Hindus. This has gone on for a while, and I doubt if anyone other than the
most stupid or motivated are fooled any more. I am sorry to say that I too
was once fooled by him.
Arindam Banerjee.


Dec 18, 2009, 12:45:37 PM12/18/09
people eagerly pay their hard earned dollars to learn sanatan dharma; many
even making arduous journey to india for peace away from the world of
daroowalas and bidiwalas. non-santatan (ie temporvaary) religions like
kirastanism, communism and mummudism need soldiers and missionaries, must
give away their "good news" books thrust on unwilling people, raise money
thr' deceptions and lies for their "charities" and resort to recurring
violence and then fight for publicity in corrupt media.

< and/or (Dr. Jai Maharaj)> wrote in
message news:20091217R15A1O4p1sX1xW196q8lqg2@X2RGs...


Dec 18, 2009, 2:01:00 PM12/18/09
harmony wrote:
> people eagerly pay their hard earned dollars to learn sanatan dharma

Same could be said of scientology. Doesn't really mean fuck all does it.
No different than any other religion, just yet another story, that
produces just as many spiteful hate-filled arseholes as any other
religion, you and jai are living proof of this. Luckily like the other
religions the majority of followers are just good people wanting to get
on with their lives, but then there's cunts like you to pollute the
mix..... Sad really.


Dec 18, 2009, 5:43:21 PM12/18/09
Yes, the Christians and the commies and Muslims have to have
enforcers and terrorists to shove their destructive religions down
people's throats.

Jai Maharaj, Jyotishi
Om Shanti

In article <4b2bbfc3$0$5340$>,
"harmony" <> posted:

> people eagerly pay their hard earned dollars to learn sanatan dharma; many
> even making arduous journey to india for peace away from the world of
> daroowalas and bidiwalas. non-santatan (ie temporvaary) religions like
> kirastanism, communism and mummudism need soldiers and missionaries, must
> give away their "good news" books thrust on unwilling people, raise money
> thr' deceptions and lies for their "charities" and resort to recurring
> violence and then fight for publicity in corrupt media.

> Dr. Jai Maharaj posted:


Dec 18, 2009, 5:48:34 PM12/18/09
On Dec 17, 10:17 pm, dolf <> wrote:
> Evidently Hinduism is impotent to stop the caste system and untouchables
> are finding faith elsewhere...

People have the freedom to eat filth too

M. Ranjit Mathews

Dec 18, 2009, 8:57:10 PM12/18/09


Dec 18, 2009, 9:08:45 PM12/18/09

From the outside looking in, I'm bemused how the notion of animals
appears to have much in common with the ancient religion of the
Egyptians. It is as though the wave of mysticism rippled through to one
civilisation as another decayed.

Greatest Mining Pioneer of Australia of all Times

Dec 19, 2009, 2:40:56 AM12/19/09
A kind forward on some answer provided on Jews & neo-jews fraudulent
JIC sects

On Dec 16, 7:55 am, Day Brown <> wrote:
*> Grateful of agreement when found. But let me add that spiritual
*> enlightenment from altered states of consciousness backs up what
*> Vedas say. Which is that you exist on a "projected matrix", which
is but
*> one of a myriad universes. Since cyberspace is monodimensional, and
*> there are more than just the three commonly perceived, this one
*> dimension, the string of bits, can appear in many others. We've no
*> of knowing which Matrices received these postings. I've no way of
*> knowing whether the Matrix I see is the same as that presented to

Thanks for your views to which I thought before replying.
What is footing your reflexion is your background of certitudes, into
which some matrix idea, inspired by the film I suppose, imposed
itself as a reasonable approach to "understand" the world beyond
lurking in the shadows.

Well, your world is a world of materialism into which spiritual
awareness, seen at its best at enlightenment, is the accepted model.
The religious sects of all hairs, including Hinduism with their
celebrated Vedas, give each one different answers with the utmost
authority necessary to impose their materialistic views on the
bleating sheeple. Please notice indeed that the main programs of the
sects is to contact omnipotent forces on both the personal & social
level and act as mediators to talk & intercede in favour of all types
of Human interests. ... yes, the world is covered by Bleating places
where the Skinner 's pigeons experiments are successfully conducted on
human stock. With the JIC (judeo-islamo-christian) sects we have the
Synaqs, the Mosqs, the Churqs, and with the others the Temples where
direct contact with Kali, Boudha, Krishna, Ganesh etc okay ?

That matrix approach of yours in not different & although absent of
course from the Vedas, it conveys the idea that the perceptible world
is only a visible fraction of the one underlying it, where the
mechanisms of equilibrium obviously hold true. Vedas are specific of a
system based on Soma & Soma intake whose key / recipe is now lost !
Jews or neo-jews systems like Christianity (Zealot jews) & Islamism
(Samaritan jews) is based on drug intake, fraudulent intellectual
thieving form the Ancient Science & Genetic manipulation through
either circumcision or blood-oozing carrion feeding for the Goys
( Xians & Slamists) At its best, all sects never reached but the first
level of initiation known & apply by the Greeks in the 3 levels of
Eleusis mysteries ...( whose arcanes are lost, destroyed most
viciously by the Jews' sect of Christians)

Well again, may I refer you to one Eleusis mysteries initiate who was
Plato. In his allegory of the Cavern, he conveys the idea of other
levels of perception, but what he does not say is, that such
understanding cannot be reached except going through initiation, such
as the Eleusis mysteries of which he benefited indeed. The discourses
& philosophical interpretations of Plato 's cavern visions abound but
Never such conclusions, as the one imparted to you here is ever
considered ... as well of course than the path to follow to attain
such height of vision. This is indeed the constant concern of so
called Western Civilizations to prevent direct experiments, since
leading people to realize that all religious sects are empty shell,
and Hence leading the Governments of the world through those mind
controlled tools which are the Bleating sects indeed, to lose their
grip on the control of consciences & people. This is what conducted to
the Inquisition with its millions of tortured victims ( whose leaders
were typical materialist Jews by the way : Torquemada in Spain & St
Dominique Gutzman in France, the permanent inquisition conducted by
the Islam Samaritian Jews ( plaguing the clueless Arabs with their
Islam madness) , and of course the Judean Jews with their Torah
borrowed fraud stolen to Sumer, Chaldea & compiled by Rabbid Esdras
on the return of Babylon ( freed by Atarxerces long hand )

The UPL or Universal Pressure Law, corner stone of the True Geology,
answers nicely your query. You are on present gradient of energy &
pressure then just like a water sprinkler whose water jet represents
your body & humane support for your real self or eternal spirit. If
the conditions of temperature & pressure vary, say pulling yourself
towards Mars, such water jet disappear in thin air & so would it
pulling you towards Venus. Indeed according to the UPL model, there
is not a single point in the Universe where the physical constant are
equals to the rest. We on Earth have the necessary understanding
relative to our present body & its environment, but such will not
remain as that planet drifts at accelerated pace through its life
range... Nothing then prevents some other entities operating in
different realms of perception & even shadowing us, which our limited
senses will of course not detect ( although the animals will)

Finally I have to stress that all religious sects, JIC sects included
of course, are the real enemies of Nature & respect of Nature
harmony... they have as a result of the change of their money in all
types of diseases befalling their followers ... and as a great
Australian Mining Man said once : All dizeazezzz are Dezerved

Sir Jean-Paul Turcaud
Exploraiton Geologist
Australia Mining Pioneer
Founder of the True Geology


Dec 20, 2009, 4:18:34 PM12/20/09

I would like to share this good news today: after a meeting at an
auspicious time this morning, a decision was made to build another
Hindu temple in this state of the U.S.

Jai Maharaj, Jyotishi
Om Shanti

In article <4b2bbfc3$0$5340$>,
"harmony" <> posted:

> people eagerly pay their hard earned dollars to learn sanatan dharma; many
> even making arduous journey to india for peace away from the world of
> daroowalas and bidiwalas. non-santatan (ie temporvaary) religions like
> kirastanism, communism and mummudism need soldiers and missionaries, must
> give away their "good news" books thrust on unwilling people, raise money
> thr' deceptions and lies for their "charities" and resort to recurring
> violence and then fight for publicity in corrupt media.

> Dr. Jai Maharaj posted:

Greatest Mining Pioneer of Australia of all Times

Dec 20, 2009, 5:13:45 PM12/20/09
... and CEO of Newmont Mining Corporation
Official report of the Newcrest / Newmont Mining Criminals
(Tyrwhitt never did it again as can be noted ...even for the 2 times
found famed Rooney show...still uncovered since my exit)

Yep, this is the official story supported by the Mining Criminals of
Newcrest / Newmont / BHP & Boral ...unfortunately as well for such
Filth, the rotten-to-the-core backers of the West Australia Whorehouse
aka Parliament have been in 40 years unable to give official Medalzz
or Honourzzz ( for what it's worth from such australiaN Shit indeed )
That includes in recent years Court junior, Lawrence, Gallop,
Carpented & last Barnett.
... and we have the amazing scenario of NO DISCOVERERERRRR for Telfer
Mine ( named after a balless cunt like the ones in thoze
administrationz of that infamous Toadland & Land of Convict Scum of
all ilk ndeed !

Jean-Paul Turcaud who tackled the Great Sandy Desert on his own armed
with his inate Geological Genius, and incredible stamina allowing a 50
miles range on foot/ per day, who brought back some 1 600 kg of
samples from Telfer Site alone ( a huge gossan indicating a pirmary
deposit of capital importance : 1000 kg back with Anglo, 500 kg with
WMC /BHP and 100 kg of my own entrusted to Newmont Mining Corporation
on a Trust basis for APPRAISAL, giving then to the Mining Filth the
1st option at pegging on mutual basis ( as this the rule) ... We know
what happened with the Smoke Screen company owned by Boral used to
shunt the gallant Mining Pioneer, and reverse the claims to the Mining
Manure officially for a piece of piss... all this with the blessing
of the Court & Co Political Criminals in that West Australia
Whorehouse ( by the way they put a statue to Court, since a model of
embezzlement & malpractice. Quite fit !

40 years later that extraordinary stamina is still at work and has
prevented the Mining & Political Criminals to enjoy their
forfeiture ...all the innuendos about being paid of small worthless
copper show or failing to consider the Gold, is the fact not only of
the Mining & Political Criminals distilling their venoms to clueless &
gutless imbeciles : indeed on a claim paper systematically are noted
gold & silver on top of many other possibilities, the low grade copper
show has as yet to be shown since in the fucked up New York agreement
( following 3 anterior ones denounced by the Mining Criminals) and
signed under duress to stick at long last the Mining Manure name
along mine nothing of the kind appears ... in fact there is no reason
why the Mining Criminals gave me anything at all ... while the Hansard
records faithfully the Royal Inquiry required by Tom Evans on the
Telfer Mine 100 Trillions Swindle, and the 5 millions paid underhand
to the Boral Criminals to scuttle their Mining Company Narla ( the
Smoke Screen tool)

It is a fact that the Cover Up by the Mining & Political Criminals
Collective Conspiracy failed over its 40 years implementation
It is a fact that the Tyrwhitt puke as well as the other 6 geological
Filth ( Searls, Borner, Thomson, Koehn for Telfer Mine, Barr of Nifty,
& Atkinson for Kintyre ) failed in being hailed as australiA Turdland
's Heroes.. and are rather keeping a low profile now
It is a fact the Sir Turcaud wants nothing at all from the Antipodean
Filth at large , NO recognition, NO gratitude, NO compensation, NO
justice from such miserable cunts ... 40 years later ... I want
indeed from the australiA Toads ... I want all credit to be reserved
for the Frauds, the Liars, the Thieves & the Criminals ...they need
it to be full up with their bounty till they cark it

IT IS A FACT as well that the DDD ( Divine Drudging Drought) which I
have imposed on the Land of Bastards since close on 12 years now, has
had wondrous results making in its most admirable implementation the
Toadland loose millions of times more than should have be rightly
handed out to Turcaud on the 1% free carried agreement ( as this is
the rule) 100 000 Quids cash + 1% free carried interest as this was
agreed with Newmont, Anglo, WMC & Newmont again .. It makes sense
that the two reasons why Turcaud was pushed out of the picture was
1) To get all the Honourzzz & Prestige granted by the Land of Bastards
to politically correct australiaN Universities brainswashed geologic
cunt, while to Sir Turcaud , a Frenchman ( a Frog by the australian
Toads 's standard) & a Migrant only 4 years in the land, this was
2) To get the big saving from the 1% free carried interest which went
direct into the Tyrwhitt & Searls pockets

Needless to say that all the villainy and insults hurled onto me all
along the years have the same source indeed ... too late though the
DDD is going ahead this time and the Black Saturday in February this
year will seem ridiculous in light of the Megafires I HAVE ORDERED AS

Je commande et la Nature obeit à ma voix

Sir Jean-Paul Turcaud
Australia Mining Pioneer

Discoverer & Legal Owner of Telfer Mine (Australia largest Copper &
Gold Mine)
Nifty (Cu) & Kintyre (U, Th) Mines, all in the Great Sandy Desert
Exploration Geologist & Offshore Consultant

Founder of the True Geology

~ Ignorance is the Cosmic Sin, the One Never Forgiven ~

for background info.
"True Geology" Foundation Document
"Turcaud Bath" as a free gift to Suffering Humanity

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