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(RAME) Girlwithaonetrackmind on Shortbus

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CD Man

24. nov. 2006, 10:38:2324.11.2006
Girlwithaonetrackmind has to be my favoutite blog of the moment; a
sex-positive girl with feminist leanings, she's perhaps something of a
latter day Jody Maxwell (;-)) and if she's promoting this film, it must be
worth a look:


I often wonder how I might be able to get to experience the things I love
most – sex, film and politics - simultaneously. Last night I managed to, and
the combination was some of the best 102 minutes I have ever had (bar my ex
using a vibrator inside me whilst fucking me up the arse).

I went to a preview of a new movie, Shortbus. If there is one film that
ideologically is the moving-image-version of my blog, this was it:
challenging stereotypes about sex, sexuality and relationships, with warmth,
hilarity and melancholic introspection. It’s just brilliant: I was
completely stunned by its originality (and it made me want to jump on a
plane straightaway and emigrate to New York: my kind of people, clearly).

Now, I’m no movie reviewer and have no interest in plugging something for
the hell of it, but this film is so good, I want to see it again
immediately. And not because of the graphic, real, (and penetrative) sex
(passed uncut by the censors – hurrah!) but the multi-dimensional story is
superb; the juxtaposition of humour and sadness of the various characters
and their loves, desires, and wants, is entrancing. Plus, it’s well written,
the direction is sharp as hell, and the acting is phenomenal. Add on a
wonderful score, beautiful production design, and fantastic animation, and
you have one amazing movie – it is the most refreshing, boundary pushing,
transgressive thing I have seen in years: I love it. (And the scene
involving the American National Anthem being sung whilst giving anilingus
almost made me wet my pants laughing).

If you don’t believe me about how good this film is, watch the trailer:

It’s out in the US 6th October and in the UK 1st December. I highly
recommend seeing it.

oringinal blog

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26. nov. 2006, 20:59:1026.11.2006
I've heard it reviewed glowingly by people in my bi discussion group
too. I asked coyly if it had a happy ending, and was assured, "Lots of

Eric Hamell


26. nov. 2006, 21:04:4326.11.2006
CD Man wrote:
Girlwithaonetrackmind has to be my favourite blog of the moment; a

sex-positive girl with feminist leanings, she's perhaps something of a
latter day Jody Maxwell (;-))

I'm not sure how you can be sex-positive without having feminist
leanings. Some people just understand the term "feminist" too narrowly.

Eric Hamell

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