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TRANS: Yagami-kun's Family Affairs vol.1 ch.1

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Iain Sinclair

Sep 8, 1993, 6:27:12 AM9/8/93
Yagami-kun's Family Affairs
Yagami-kun no katei no jijou 八神くんの家庭の事情
Volume 1, Chapter 1

Original story & art Copyright (C) 1987 Kusunoki Kei/Shougakukan
This English translation (C) 1993
Translation by Cynthia Ma (
Proofreading by Iain Sinclair (


Yagami Yuuji (son) 八神裕司
Yagami Youji (father) 八神陽司
Yagami Nomi (mother) 八神野美
1,2,3 (Yuuji's friends)

Chapter 1: "Mother's love, deeper than the ocean"

---------------- p.6

Yuuji: (It was in 3rd grade when I first noticed that there was something
strange about me.)

Blackboard: Mothers' visiting day

Students: Hey, look. It's Yuuji's mother.
Something strange...

Nomi: Yuu-chan! Yuu-chan, it's mom! Why don't you answer me? Yuu-chan!

Yuuji: (Seven years have passed since then. And my heart still aches.)

---------------- p.7

Yuuji: (A painful memory...)

Nomi: Yuu-chan!
Voice: Heeh, a cute girl.

Nomi: Yuu-chan!

Yuuji: WAAAAAAA--* !!
Nomi: You forgot your bento.

Yuuji: Why did you have to come here? I could have just bought some bread.
Nomi: But I've already made it.

1: Hey, Yuujiii!

---------------- p.8

1: What a babe!
What is this, a "loving-wife" bento? You...!

Boys: Hey, girl, what's your name?
And what's your connection to Yuuji?

Yuuji: For chrissake, jerkoffs!!

1: You shouldn't keep her to yourself, Yuuji.

Nomi: I'm Yuu-cha.. Yuuji's...

Yuuji: No! Don't!!

Yuuji: Don't say it! Don't say anything! No, no, don't say it!

Nomi: ...mother.

---------------- p.9

1: Boy, was I surprised.

---------------- p.10

1: There's no way she could be that young!
2: She sure looks young.
1: When I found out she was a mother, I felt like I time-slipped!
2: Me too..
3: Yeah, and me too!
Can she really be that young?

1: So young! Young, and cute. <and a nice figure, too>

Students: This is my mother.
Students: Mine is like this.
Students: Mine's like this.

Students: How nice.
Sign: Flower Boys' High

Yuuji: Ni..?

---------------- p.11

Students: Yuu-chan's mom is pretty weird...
Students: Looks the same age as my sister.
Students: Strange.

Students: Makes me feel sick.
Students: Strange as hell.
Yuuji: Shut up, idiots!

1: How nice... I really envy you.
Students: If only...
Students: we had a mother that cute.

Students: Scumbag, you're so lucky.
Yuuji: Ah.. well.. no.. erm..
Students: You sly bastard!
Students: It's a real worry.

Students: So, when did you stop having a bath with her?


---------------- p.12

Students: You mean, you're not tempted?
Yuuji: What the hell!
Students: Still acting the innocent.

Students: Look, we're spunky teenage boys...
Students: And she's a female, after all.

Yuuji: (---!!)

Students: Aaah, you blushed! This guy is "Lolicon"!
Yuuji: You stupid asshole!! Who are you calling "lolicon"!
1: Normally it's called "Mazakon", people.

["lolicon" = "Lolita complex", paedophile.
"mazacon" = "Mother complex" (ie. Oedipus complex), a son in love with
his mother. Both words are used pretty freely these days. -IS]

1: If they're not blood relations, we can make porno pictures!
2: "Mom, where have my baby photos gone?"
1: "Please don't talk about it, Yuuji".. like that.

Yuuji: For chrissake CUT IT OUT!!

---------------- p.13

Yuuji: Don't interfere in other people's families as you please!!
Seeing my baby photos is something that I...

Yuuji: (Haven't done..!!)

[I like the UFO here! -CM]

3: Hey, cheer up!

---------------- p.14

3: Maybe you aren't related..
1: Enjoy, enjoy!

3: You can both take a bath naturally.
1: "Kyaa, Don't peek Yuuji-san!"

3: Hey, you should write a report, yeah, a report!
1: And mark it!

Yuuji: (Soon, I started to like her...)

Yuuji: (When I was little, I couldn't stand my weird mother who never aged..)

Yuuji: (And now, I'm in 10th grade...)
( )

Yuuji: (The age of puberty!)

---------------- p.15

Yuuji: ( )
(I had baths with her until 6th grade.)

Nomi: Yuu-chan.
Yuu-chan, do you want some coffee?

Nomi: Or would you like it after dinner?

Nomi: Yuu-chan?

---------------- p.16

Nomi: Are you feeling OK? <Do you have a temperature?>

Nomi: Are you really OK? It looks like something odd.

Yuuji: Definitely.. not a single wrinkle. Probably the same with her body.

Nomi: Yuu-chan?
Yuuji: Waaah, what am I thinking...

Nomi: Yuu-cha..
Yuuji: Ah... nothing. Let's watch TV.

TV: Ah..

---------------- p.17

TV: I can't! Your father's coming back!
TV: I love you, mother!

Yuuji: Ah.. I'm ...
<self-loathing self-loathing self-loathing self-loathing>
...a fool...

Youji: I'm home, Nomi-chan!
Nomi: Youji-kun!

Youji: I love the way you always look so young.
Nomi: I love your face, which matches your age!

Nomi: Oh, Yuu-chan is acting strange. He skipped dinner, too.
Youji: What?

---------------- p.18

Youji: What's up, Yuuji! What is it.
Yuuji: Nothing in particular.

Nomi: Really?
Yuuji: Waaaah!!

Nomi: See.

Youji: What? So is this the matter? Hahahahaha...

Youji: Nomi-chan, please make some red rice.

Yuuji: Y.. you lousy father! What are you talking about!!
<I'm a highschool student!>
Youji: It's nothing to be ashamed of. It's proof that you're an adult.

[Red rice is used for celebrations in Japan. When a girl gets her
first period, red rice (sekihan, 赤飯) is cooked (actually, not
red rice, but rice cooked with red beans) to celebrate her becoming an adult.
Yuuji's father is just joking, because Yuuji acted as if a girl just got
her first period and was too embarassed to speak up... -CM]

---------------- p.19

Yuuji: But, lusting after one's own parents isn't too impressive!
If there's any complaints, you can talk to mom!

Nomi: Eh?

Yuuji: You walk around with this forever-young appearance in front
of a son in the middle of puberty!!
Come on, grow old! Try and get a single wrinkle like normal

Youji: Stupid boy! Shouldn't you be proud of having a youthful mother?
Yuuji: It's not "youthful", just not old!

Yuuji: (And of course, if she's really young, she can't be a blood

Nomi: Yuu-chan...
Yuuji: (D-don't look at me with those eyes...)

---------------- p.20

Yuuji: I...
(Oh no, I'm losing it...)

Yuuji: I know! You're not my mother!!
(young.. and cute..)

Yuuji: (more like a lover...)

Youji: Youji! What are you saying...

Yuuji: Ah...

---------------- p.21

Nomi: Yuu-cha..

Nomi: Youji-kuuun. <fuwaaah!>

Youji: There, there... that bad son of ours.

Yuuji: (I made her cry...)

Yuuji: (I made her cry...)

Yuuji: <waah..>

---------------- p.22



Yuuji: Mom.

Nomi: Yuu-chan?
Yuuji: I'm sorry, mom.

Yuuji: Today, I was a bit spun-out...

Yuuji: My friends said that if I never saw any baby photos, I might not
be your real son.

Yuuji: But even if there were pictures with you and me when I was a baby,
I just haven't seen them.

---------------- p.23

Yuuji: Yuu-chan.

Nomi: Um.. about there being no baby photos, it couldn't really be helped...
Yuuji: Ha.. eh.. well..

Nomi: Because, Yuu-chan.. when you were little, your skin was bad, and
you were always sick.

Yuuji: So, there's no baby photos with you and me together?
Nomi: We didn't take any.

Nomi: See, you had chickenpox, and measles, and the mumps, and got
stung by bees... umm, and.. got stung by mosquitoes, and got
bruises all the time...

(This confusion... about the lack of photos.. will soon be resolved.)

---------------- p.24

Yuuji: (It is decided...!!)

Yuuji: She's not my real mother. Happy! Let's make porno pictures!
Good! I love you mom!
Fu, fu, fu. I'm looking forward to it.
Eheh, eheh. I'm a man! Sukebe is romantic!

Yuuji: Waah, what am I thinking!

Nomi: That's, that's why, Yuu-chan!

Yuuji: (I just became this household's...)
(dangerous child.)

Yuuji: Th, This family...
Note: <he saw it all>

---------------- p.25

Yuuji: I want to go out!

1: It's good that you didn't act seriously like in TV dramas.

Yuuji: Does that mean it's OK to act in pornos?
1: Ah, what a lovely idea.

1: I must be in the lead...
Yuuji: At least..

Yuuji: At least there should be...

: something like a mother...

---------------- p.26

Yuuji: M, males are sad creatures...

2: Yuuji has left home?
Students: Really, there's no blood relation?

Students: Is this for real?
Students: It's serious alright.

---------------- p.27

Students: Let's go to console her!
Yuuji: You assholes!

Yuuji: ah..
Students: eh.

Yuuji: Mom...

---------------- p.28

Nomi: Yuu-chan, about the photos... I think it really matters to you, so...

Yuuji: It doesn't matter if it matters.. it's been decided.

Nomi: I've been thinking... you must think it's really odd when
you find out that there's no baby photos.

Yuuji: What kind of person is my real mother?

(Nomi points to herself :-)

---------------- p.29

Yuuji: You don't have photos for proof, you can say whatever you like!

Nomi: If the photos are so important, there are photos!
But because you were always sick, there are hardly any.

Yuuji: What a hopeless lie!
Nomi: It's true.
Yuuji: Then, why don't you grow old?
Nomi: It's my metabolism!

Yuuji: Anyway, I'm not gonna believe you without proof!
(And without proof, I won't be coming home!)

Nomi: Stupiiid!!

---------------- p.30

(Nomi scatters photos of herself and her revolting baby Yuu-chan)

---------------- p.31

Students: Oh no, what's this!
It's Object X!
A spirit photo..!

Yuuji: What, what is..!
Nomi: It's you!

Nomi: When you were little, you always got into fights and got hurt,
and your face was always like this!!
I thought you'd be upset if you saw them, so I hid them away!
Well? Aren't they awful? Look at them!
Isn't that the kind of face you'd tear up without a second thought?

---------------- p.32

Nomi: But a picture like that is still a picture of my child, and it's
very important to me!
Now, bringing you up as a healthy boy, who do you think will be
the happiest?
If I'm not your mother, I wouldn't take these kind of photos!

Yuuji: This, this is me...

---------------- p.33

Students: It's impossible to stare like that if she's not his mother.
Maybe he'd become cute if he was thrown to the ground...
I can't go to the toilet in the middle of the night.
A devil-sent child, absolutely.
It's obviously a mother's..
Students: It's obviously a mother's love!

Yuuji: Mom...
(I'm an asshole...)

Yuuji: I'm sorry...

Yuuji: I...
(Who is the "lolicon"... I'm.. I'm...)

---------------- p.34

Yuuji: Mom!!
(I'm "MAZACON"!!)

Yuuji: (After only I was impressed,)

Yuuji: (it was a swirl of humiliation.)

Students: Waaah, it made me ill!
Devil-sent child!

Yuuji: Shut up, jerks!!

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