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Re: Rule #2 in the Comp

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Oct 3, 2010, 2:38:36 PM10/3/10
Rule #2 in the Comp states:

Judges may discuss the games during the judging period, but should be
careful when doing so in a public forum. Make appropriate allowances
to hide spoilers, and don't put spoilers in titles of posts or blog
entries. If you post on the Usenet newsgroup,
please preface your subject line with "comp10 Discussion:".

IMHO no discussion of the games should occur in r*if until after the
judging period is over. This
could tend to sway those who haven't played any or some of the games .

Feedback, flames, whatever is welcomed.

Victor Gijsbers

Oct 3, 2010, 3:18:04 PM10/3/10
On 10/03/2010 04:38 PM, Al wrote:

> IMHO no discussion of the games should occur in r*if until after the
> judging period is over. This
> could tend to sway those who haven't played any or some of the games .

Could sway them in what way? I don't understand what you're getting at.

Surely, if I create a topic "The Blind House - SPOILERS", people who
haven't played that game are not going to read it? And if they do read
it -- well, that's their decision, and its their responsibility to deal
with it.

Anyway, I and many others are already discussing these games on the
blogs and the forum (and indeed, this is what makes the IF Comp so much
fun), so a couple more discussions on the newsgroups can hardly matter.


Nikos Chantziaras

Oct 3, 2010, 3:35:56 PM10/3/10

This cannot be enforced in any practical way. Which is the reason it's
allowed, I guess.


Oct 3, 2010, 3:53:33 PM10/3/10
On Oct 3, 9:35 am, Nikos Chantziaras <> wrote:

> This cannot be enforced in any practical way.  Which is the reason it's
> allowed, I guess.

Since there's no way of monitoring or moderating r*if. I guess your
100% correcct

J R Houck

Oct 3, 2010, 4:08:26 PM10/3/10
On 10/3/2010 8:38 AM, Al wrote:
> Rule #2 in the Comp states:
> IMHO no discussion of the games should occur in r*if until after the
> judging period is over. This
> could tend to sway those who haven't played any or some of the games .

It's pointless. There's nothing to stop anyone from playing a comp game,
whether a judge or just a player like me and posting his or her opinion,
spoilers, etc in the newsgroup during the competition. Why anyone would
want to do so is beyond me, but it's not engraved in stone that one
can't ...

Between this and Violet's ranting about a "voting war" in another
thread, it seems to me that this whole business of judging the IF comp
is getting far, far too serious.


Stephen Granade

Oct 3, 2010, 10:05:57 PM10/3/10

Oh, it's always been SRS BSNS. :)


Stephen Granade

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