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#2-A: Dr. Who ALliance of North America

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Shaun Lyon

Aug 26, 1998, 7:00:00 AM8/26/98
This is a copy of Supplement A to issue 2 of the DOCTOR WHO ALLIANCE OF
NORTH AMERICA weekly emailing; current circulation, 1171 members. The
Alliance exists as a communication link between Doctor Who fandom,
clubs, conventions and organizations in the U.S. and Canada as well as
with the rest of the world. (Contributors' email addresses have been
removed from the "public" version.)

To join the Alliance (which emails every Friday), visit the website at or email


Issue #2a Supplement - August 21, 1998


Submissions to the Alliance Newsletter are welcome: Profiles of clubs,
conventions, pen pal requests, "for sale" items (no prices please!),
news items, or anything of interest to Doctor Who fandom! This emailing
is sent to all online members of the Dr Who Alliance of North America.
Permission to use the information presented herein in club newsletters,
etc. is granted provided that full credit is given to sources.

FUTURE PUBLICATION: Supplement #2b - 8/28. NO ISSUE ON 9/4 due to
holiday. Issue #3 - 9/11.



Breaking News * Calls to Action * Web Updates * Fanzines * Letters of
Comment and Responses to Last Issue * This Week in Dr. Who - August 21



* BBC America has confirmed that, after months of constantly cycling
back and forth between Robot and The Ark In Space, BBC America, the
BBC's new US cable channel, has announced that further episodes will
begin airing on Saturdays in October. Currently scheduled are The
Sontaran Experiment on October 3rd, Genesis Of The Daleks on October
10th and Revenge Of The Cybermen on October 31st. All stories will begin
at 11.30pm Eastern.

* A new book for the schedule: Gary Russell is penning "Divided
Loyalties" for July 1999, which will feature the fifth Doctor, Tegan,
Adric and Nyssa, and is set between "The Visitation" and "Earthshock" .
(Yes, we know... "Black Orchid" takes place in there too!) Also, some
details about the May 1999 Eighth Doctor book "Dominion" from the
author: it is "set in present-day Sweden and the Dominion (nothing to do
with Star Trek). The story is about alien abductions, secret military
experiments with alien technology, and the inhabitants of the Dominion's
fight for survival."

* Further to last week's announcement of the new Virgin Bernice
Summerfield novel "The Mary-Sue Extrusion" by Dave Stone, we have more
information. Apparently, the book was originally proposed as a title to
Virgin by Kate Orman; when they got back to her, she was unable to pen
the book. Apparently, Virgin released the title to booksellers complete
with an ISBN number, but with Orman unable to write it, they shopped it
around and Dave Stone was willing to accept the title to write the
book. The book will be told in first-person as well as with the usual
extracts from Benny's diary.

* Also on the Benny Summerfield front: Later this year, Big Finish (the
company behind the production of forthcoming audio adventure releases of
Benny books "Oh No It Isn't" and "Beyond the Sun", featuring audio guest
shots by Nick Courtney, Sophie Aldred and Anneke Wills) hopes to send
Kate Orman's Walking To Babylon into production. The adaptation was to
have been penned by Jac Rayner, but the project was licensed without the
knowledge or consent of Orman, who also objected to major modifications
to the novel's storyline, including the insertion of Jason Kane and the
removal of the People. Orman has now obtained the right to approve the

* North American importers are now receiving the August BBC releases
including "Vanderdeken's Children" by Christopher Bulis (8th Doc),
"Dreams of Empire" by Justin Richards (2nd Doc) and "Another Girl,
Another Planet" by Martin Day & Len Beech (Benny). Major bookstores
will probably see these on shelves by mid to late September.

* A fun note from Siobhan Morgan: August 19 (this week) marked "500 days
until the year 2000, or for Doctor Who fans, less than 500 days until
regeneration #7. I realize that not everyone will read this on the
19th, but at least that gives you a bit of perspective."

For all the latest Doctor Who news, visit: - The Dr. Who News Page - Nitro Nine - Outpost Gallifrey - Quences'
Release Calendar



>From Alex LaHurreau
"As you well know, our local PBS station, WFWA TV-39 shows Doctor Who on
Saturdays at Midnight. Over the years, Doctor Who has declined in
popularity in our area. WFWA seems to have taken notice of this, and
has not only moved Who into a less-than-favorable timeslot, it also
seems to pre-empt the program during pledge-drives. Just tonight
(Saturday 15) Doctor Who was pre-empted in favor of another showing of
the Keeping Up Appearances, Waiting For God, and Time Goes By. While
these programs are entertaining, they are being re-aired a mere few
hours after their previous airing tonight. I know that many of you
already support WFWA, it seems that the matter needs to be brought to
their attention. Remember the days of Doctor Who specials during pledge
drives? (The Five Doctors, Thirty Years in the TARDIS, K-9 & Company)
We should not only be given the respect NOT to be pre-empted, but should
see the occasional special every now and again. Thank you for your
support. "

>From Aaron Prager
"New Mexico Fans need your help! Albuquerque fans used to enjoy a good
relationship with the local PBS station KNME 5. They aired Doctor Who
weekly, as well as the occasional special Doctor Who night. But a few
years ago that all changed. For no apparent reason, KNME cancelled
Doctor Who. The fan community wants our program back! Help us to write
to KNME encouraging them to bring our favorite program back! Thank you!"



>From James Bow
"I'm pleased to report that the Trenchcoat and Bullseye Books web pages
have been moved. They now reside in the same site as the rest of my web
pages. If you have direct links to the Trenchcoat or Bullseye Books web
pages, please update your links to:
Bullseye Books:

>From Lighthope
"THE WARLORDS OF APSHAI Part three is now available in Real Audio at the
DWAD [Dr. Who Audio Dramas] website. Part four online August 31st."
The DWADs are original audio productions of new Doctor Who scripts.
At DWAD at

>From David Howe
"Just got the new video cover for PLANET OF FIRE and it's up on my
covers pages now. I know this is a little late - sorry people, I can't
put up what I haven't got." (This is the cover for the video release in
the UK; the North Am. release will be much the same)

>From Tom Winpenny
"The 'Tom Baker - The Fourth Doctor' website has been updated, with many
new features!" Features include Tom Baker's appearance on 'THIS
MORNING' from September - in which he
criticized the Doctor Who telemovie live on television; photos from
Panopticon '97, interview clips and more.
At Tom Baker Website at

>From Bob Murrell
"My name is Bob Murrell; I'm 20 years old and living in Central
Illinois. I would like to plug my Doctor Who website, which is called
the Yankee-Doodle-Who Website ... My site is an archive of things Who,
including pictures, sounds, movies, games, and other stuff. I also have
a number of extremely rare sound clips, including the Dalek Christmas
Song, The UNIT recruitment film, "A Fix with the Sontarans" (the short
episode aired on Jim'll Fix It on British TV), and a whole bunch of
clips from the radio drama Slipback."



>From Bob Furnell
"TASC has published a Doctor Who Special which is currently on sale at a
reduced rate. Inside: From Puppet Who to Muppet Who, Doctor Who: A
Phenomenom, The Graham Williams Years, Oh No! Not The Myrka, Answers
>From Space, A Doctor Who Minute, A Brief Book Review, The Golden Age of
Doctor Who, Of Things To Come-The Prospects of a Season 27 & 28, Inside
the Tardis, From Script To Screen-The Making of The TV Movie, The Life
of Adric & Entering The Vortex."

>From MaryAnn Johanson
"Doctor Who Alliance is brilliant! Thanks for all your hard work in
keeping fandom informed. I'd appreciate it if you'd mention in an
upcoming newsletter the DW fanzines I have available:" For ordering
information on the following 'zines, contact MaryAnn Johanson, P.O. Box
221, New York, NY 10470

* THE CRICKETER 2: Dr. Who zine; fiction M.S. Moroney, Joelle
Augustine, Jeff Morris, Liz Shaw, Margaret Ruble, Michael S. Lucart,
Elaine Christiani, John Jay, Autumn Lee, Jennifer Adams, me, plus a
comic strip by Andrea Robbins. Lots of gorgeous art and a cover by Ann
Larimer. Over 150 pages, condensed yet easy-to-read laser type. A
must-have! (Sorry, #1 is out of print.)

* DESERT PLACES: An engrossing four-story DOCTOR WHO novella by
Elizabeth Shaw. How does a Terran teenage boy deal with the fact that
his father is an alien? And how will Turlough handle his first meeting
with his son? 50 pages.

* PORTALS 6 & 7: A mix of funny and serious, fiction and poetry, fine
art and cartoons. Kevin Duncan covers on both issues. (Sorry, all
previous issues are out of print.) - #7, DOCTOR WHO and BLAKE'S 7
fiction and poetry by Falco, Lucart, Nowak, Wesley, Fox, Mastoris, me.
Art by Nowak, Duncan, Davenport, Lucart. 110 pages, plus the 8-page
by Furey, Nowak, Falco, Lucart, Nash, Fox, me. Art by Duncan, Lucart,
Furey, Nowak, Witten, Reuss, me. 97 pages.



>From J.D. Falknor
"As a child growing up in Chicago, I remember watching Dr.Who. It was
between the years of 1975 and 1976. Could anybody their be able to
verify that Dr. Who was on at that time??? Everybody in the U.S. that I
have talked to say that it is imposible. They keep insisting that it
didn't come into the U.S. until late 1978 except for areas where they
may have received a feed from Canada. Please Help???? I know I am not

>From Shannon Patrick Sullivan
"That's a popular misconception, and indeed Doctor Who's American
popularity really took off with the sale by the BBC of 98 Tom Baker
episodes (from "Robot" to "The Invasion of Time") to a number of PBS
stations in 1978. However, Doctor Who was first aired in the US around
June 1972, when the BBC, via Time-Life, sold 72 Jon Pertwee episodes
(from "Doctor Who and the Silurians" to "The Time Monster") to a
smattering of independent stations around the country. If you have any
other questions, feel free to ask."

>From Edmund Kimmell
"Needless to say I do not have the full details. But I will provide what
I know: The Pertwee era of the program (I believe the first three
seasons), were syndicated on a limited basis in the U.S. during the
early seventies. As far I as know, Time-Life, which distributed Tom
Baker's tenor beginning in the late seventies (or was it 1981?), did not
distribute the early Pertwee stories. I believe distribution stopped in
1974, of course stations may have still been airing the program. So, if
I'm correct, you may have seen some of the early batch of Pertwee
episodes (according to "The Complete Encyclopedia of Television
Programs: 1946-79", by Vincent Terrace, 45 episodes were syndicated.)
Of course, if any of this is incorrect, or if someone else has full
information on this subject, I would like to know. I hope I been of some

>From Mike Ivy
"A book called Fantastic Television by Gary Gerani, with a 1977
copyright date, has a brief write-up ending with "...Time-Life has up
for offer thirteen color Who adventures made in 1970 and starring Jon
Pertwee for TV syndication in the U.S." It is most likely this is the
batch of episodes that were video recorded in the 1970's providing the
only existing color material for some Pertwee stories. I think it is
very possible you saw Doctor Who as a child in the mid-1970s. Do you
remember if it was Jon Pertwee in the episodes? Another possibility is
you saw the two Dalek movies which went into syndication hell during the
1970s and early '80s. I saw Daleks--Invasion Earth 2150 A.D. around
1980 on WGN. Hope this helps."

>From Mike Furl
"In issue 2, J.D. Falknor remembers watching Doctor Who in Chicago in
the mid-70s and asks if his memory is playing tricks. Even earlier than
that, I saw one 23 minute episode on the PBS station in San Antonio,
Texas and then forgot about it until the program began running regularly
at my home station in 1983. All I remembered about the earlier episode
was the appearance of the Doctor (it was Jon Pertwee) and the ending
which had his companion being chased by bad guys along a narrow pier
with turbulent water washing up around her. I later identified it as
Episode 3 of Ambassadors Of Death. Therefore, I must have seen it
between March 1970, when it premiered on the BBC, and June 1973, when I
moved from San Antonio. I flipped through "Doctor Who-The Key To Time"
by Peter Haining for a clue to earliest showings in America and also
looked at a few web sites and FAQs, but didn't find anything. I would
love to hear from anyone who knows the history of the mysterious early
1970s appearances."

>From Steve DeLong
"I lived in Chicago from 1978 to 1983, and recall that WTTW aired the
series initially in 1979, at first in the afternoon in half hour
version, and later as a several hour weekly presentation of an entire



>From Dan
Last issue's "This Week in Doctor Who" said the following:
> Two individuals have implied in the rec.arts.drwho newsgroup that they are
> working on getting PBS stations to have some sort of 35th anniversary
> special for the series. KTCA is apparently interested in airing something.
> When / If details come in, I'll pass them on.
"This article has generated a bit of email in my box. I'm a local
organizer of fan efforts to bring Doctor Who back to KTCA in
Minneapolis, and as much as I'd love to believe that you obtained this
information from a reliable and legitimate source, I suspect that it may
be a misunderstanding. I am working on a proposal to KTCA to do
something for the anniversary, but as yet, I, at least have not heard
any kind of acceptance, or even a solid expression of interest from KTCA
in this matter. As far as I know at this moment, KTCA's position on the
anniversary is completely in the air. Please let me know the source of
your comments so I can track down exactly what (if anything) is going
on, and pass that info back to people who inquired about it to me."

== WE RESPOND: Benjamin Elliott writes "This Week" independently but
I've forwarded your comments on to him for response next issue.

>From Pete
"Would you have any idea at all about the possibility of PBS here in
Southern California
showing Dr. Who?"

== WE RESPOND: The Alliance's editor is somewhat familiar with Los
Angeles' Doctor Who (living here myself). KCET (Channel 28) canceled
the series in 1994 and as of June 1998 has no interest whatsoever in
bringing it back. The other possible PBS station able to air it in
L.A., KOCE (Channel 50) has stated on a number of occasions that the
cost of broadcasting it is too prohibitive; both stations reach a
capacity of over 11 million people, and therefore the license fees would
be too high.

>From Kimberly Huebbe
"For all of you gamer types out there, Harlequin Miniatures has recently
put out a line of Doctor Who Figures. They're pretty good - they have
all of the Doctors, with the exception of a Tom Baker (but I'm told it's
coming out soon) and a great selection of companions and villians.
They're great for the gamer or collector. Check them out!"

>From Mike M.
"I was wondering if you know a source in MPS/ST PAUL where i could get
new DW audio tapes or CD's? I know they have several original radio
plays and new adventures read by DW actors. Any help would greatly be

== WE RESPOND: 800-TREKKER and Ambrosia (888-47-DRWHO) do mail order on
these items. Any assistance from Minnesota readers for a local shop?

>From Ado2
In response to a comment last week about "Doctor in Distress"
"I have one even better. I was at a Who convention (mid 80's) once an a
group of fans sung the song: "Doctor in a Dress". Does anyone know the
lyrics? I thought they were hilarious at the time."

== Note: last issue we attributed a letter of comment from Karen Funk
Blocher. It actually came from Trevor Hedden, vice president of the
United Whovians of Tucson, Arizona (great club, by the way!)




SPACE: The Imagination Station, for once, does not have any new news
surrounding Doctor Who scheduling. The pruning back of broadcasts begins
next month, so for now you can still enjoy the show in its customary
time slots. Sunday SPACE will show "World's End", episode 1 of a 6
episode William Hartnell story. I'm not giving the story title so that
those who want to can be surprised by the ending. This episode airs at
8AM Sunday with a 3:30AM rerun early the next morning. The weekday
episodes currently run at 7:30AM, 1:30PM, and 3:30AM. The Friday / Early
Saturday broadcast will air at the regular 3:30AM time this week after
several weeks of pre- emptions and delays. Monday through Thursday
viewers can watch "The Krotons", the first story ever written by famed
Who scribe Robert Holmes. The 2nd Doctor, Jamie, and Zoe land on a
planet where the inhabitants live in fear and reverence to the Krotons.
But should they? Then on Friday, Canadians can see episode 1 of "The
Seeds Of Death". Aliens shut down the T-Mat system on the Moon just as
the Doctor decides to pop up. Guess who finds himself in trouble again?

Some Canadians can also receive KSPS 7 Spokane, Washington or KBDI 12
Denver, Colorado, PBS stations that have been longtime Who broadcasters.
As you read above, KBDI is not airing Who this week, but Canadian KSPS
viewers will find its listings with the other US stations.


MPT in Maryland is offering its fans a chance to decide what format they
will air the series in. During last weekend's broadcast, they mentioned
that they decided to go to episode format after getting surprisingly
large support for the change. However, they are now getting many
requests to revert to the movie versions that air a full story in one
night. So they are offering 3 choices to viewers. 1 - they continue the
new format of airing one episode a week. 2 - they return to movie format
as soon as they get through the limited number of episode format
installments previously ordered. 3 - they continue airing in episode
format, but air multiple episodes a night ("a Doctor Who Hour or
something" someone mentioned on-air). Viewers who wish to make their
opinion known should give them feedback from their website . I personally would want option 3, especially if
fans could convince them to air a full story each week like KTEH. But
they claim it's up to the viewers. They also mentioned that numerous
stations across the country (PBS and commercial) notice the extremely
high level of support that Doctor Who has on MPT.

Also, MPT ran what seemed to be a slightly altered version of the song
"Doctorin' The Tardis" during a pledge drive. There were added sound
clips throughout the piece, and a number of random Pertwee / Baker
scenes were shown overtop with people answering the phones intercut. I
don't know if this was a MPT exclusive variation or a nationally offered

TV Guide readers, the information is wrong. MPT Maryland will air the
complete movie format versions of both "The Monster Of Peladon" and
"Planet Of The Spiders", the final 3rd Doctor stories, beginning
Saturday night at 11:30PMish. There will be pledge drives, but MPT plans
to finish their broadcast at 4:30AM. That's 5 hours for 4 ½ hours of
programming, leaving only a half hour for pledge drives. We'll see. You
may want to use a complete tape. MPT will return to the Hartnell
episodes next week (see note regarding MPT at beginning of column).

P.S. - MPT, could you please check the power of WMPT 22 from Annapolis.
It fluctuated between crystal clear and unreceivable throughout the
broadcast in Manassas, where MPT can normally come in.

The following PBS stations are pre-empting Doctor Who for various pledge
programs this week. Doctor Who should return to them next week: NHPTV
New Hampshire

WQED / WQEX 13/16 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
WUFT 5 Gainesville, Florida
WFWA 39 Fort Wayne, Indiana
LPTV Baton Rouge, Louisiana
KBDI 12 Denver, Colorado (also reaches some viewers in Canada)

WUSF 16 in Tampa Bay, Florida offers viewers episode 1 of "Four To
Doomsday" Saturday night at 11:30PM, presumably without pledge drives.
The 5th Doctor, Adric, Nyssa, and Tegan land on a spaceship approaching
Earth. They are greeted with welcome arms, but something's not quite
right. I mean, who ever heard of designing security cameras like

WCET 48 out of Cincinnati, Ohio returns to its run of Sylvester McCoy
stories after last week's special. Saturday night at about 11PM, they
will show the movie format 70 minute version of Dragonfire, probably
with pledge drives. Sabalom Glitz is back, and this time he's been a
real slimeball. But he's the least of the Doctor's problems as they
search for a mysterious treasure on Iceworld and try to avoid the
clutches of the erm, dangerous owner of the planet. Along the way, a
girl named Ace takes an interest in the Doctor's quest, and noses her
way in. Is this the beginning of a beautiful friendship, or yet another
guest star doomed to die? And what will happen to Mel? This story was
the beginning of a then unannounced plot arc that covered virtually the
rest of the series. I bet you won't be able to guess what it is.

WTBU 69 in Indianapolis, Indiana is a non-PBS Public TV station that
airs many overseas shows, including Doctor Who. This Sunday at 6PM,
relive "The Creature From The Pit" in movie format. Special marks in
this story to the Astrologer and the wolf weeds for their scene
stealing. This story also marks the first appearance of K9's new voice,
provided by David Brierly (John Leeson wanted to move on, but he would
be back). 90 minutes of heavily under-rated Who adventure.

IPTV Iowa offers late night audiences a steady diet of sci-fi most
Friday nights. Doctor Who gets 2 episodes beginning at 11:05PM. This
week, they'll be showing episodes 1 and 2 of part 2 of The War Games,
the final Patrick Troughton story. These episodes begin with Jamie and
most of the Resistance having just been presumably killed, and end with
the man behind the scenes showing up to take control of the games. The
Doctor knows the man giving the aliens their technology, and fears that
it may be beyond his power to deal with. Viewers may have noticed that
IPTV seems to changed the end time for Who from 12:05AM to 11:55PM.
Since the episodes are 25 minutes long, it's not a problem, but if
you're taping the show that follows (Blakes' 7 most weeks), it's useful
to know.

KTEH 54 in San Jose, California will present the 2 episodes of "The
Awakening" Sunday night at 11PM. The 5th Doctor, Tegan, and Turlough try
to visit Tegan's grandfather in the village of Little Hobcome. But he's
disappeared, and the town has been sealed up. Also, War Games in the
town seem to be getting out of control. What has happened to Little
Hobcome? The Doctor doesn't like the answer. The show will air in
episode format. I don't know if there will be pledge breads, but set
extra time on the VCR just in case.

KRCB 22 in Sonoma County, California, somewhat north of KTEH, airs 1
episode a week of Doctor Who Saturday night at 11PM. This week, they
offer episode 2 of a 4 part version of "Resurrection Of The Daleks". I
don't know if the start time will be adjusted for pledge drives. The
story originally aired in 2 double length episodes to make room for the
Olympics. Could anyone tell me what the cliffhanger is at the end of
this episode? When I taped the movie version, they bungled the copy so
faded from the middle of one scene into the middle of another scene,
making it look rather incoherent.

KSPS 7 in Spokane, Washington customarily airs movie format Who Saturday
nights at 10:30PM Pacific Time (11:30PM Mountain for the Alberta, Canada
viewers). This week they'll be airing "Revenge Of The Cybermen", the
conclusion to the Nerva Chronicles. This 90 minute story will end at
Midnight (1AM Mountain) according to the TV listings, but this is pledge
season, so you may want to set 30-40 minutes extra on the VCR just in

KBTC /KCKA 28/15 in Tacoma Park, Washington is airing Doctor Who pledge
free, but only with half the broadcasts. The Monday installments are
being shelved for pledge drives. Saturday, viewers get the same 2
episodes at 7PM and 12:30AM. This week, they offer the first 2 episodes
of "Trial Of A Timelord: The Mysterious Planet", a 6th Doctor story. The
Doctor has been taken out of time and placed on trial for meddling by a
Gallifreyan court. The Valeyard replays a recent adventure of the Doctor
to prove his case. In the court footage, the Doctor and Peri
(mysteriously absent from the courtroom) land on a planet in the far
future eerily similar to Earth.

BBC America, the Cable channel that isn't in many peoples' homes yet,
offers viewers the conclusion of "Robot" this weekend. It will air
Saturday night at 11:20PM Eastern (8:20AM Pacific), with a repeat early
Sunday morning at 5:20AM Eastern (2:20AM Pacific). The Robot suffers a
nervous breakdown after (spoiler protected). He then kidnaps Sarah, the
only person to show him kindness. Then, the Brigadier gets a bright
idea, with disasterous consequences. Can the 4th Doctor save the world
from a well-meaning but confused ROBOT? Bessie makes her final *regular*
appearance as the Doctor's car in this episode.


THE DR. WHO ALLIANCE OF NORTH AMERICA is published monthly -- with
weekly supplements -- by the Alliance. All rights reserved. Editor in
Chief: Shaun Lyon. Board of Directors: Paul Scott Aldred, Tom Beck,
David Blaise, Karen Funk Blocher, Michael J. Doran, Mark Dooley, Shaun
Lyon, Charles Martin and Bob McLaughlin, with Shannon Patrick Sullivan,
Paul Aman, Corey Klemow, Siobhan Morgan, and Benjamin F. Elliott.
Copyright 1998, the Alliance. "Doctor Who" is trademark of the BBC.

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