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What do you forget to pack?

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1999/06/16 3:00:001999/06/16
Shaving cream,
Enough film, last time I went through all my film in the first two days and
it's kinda pricey at WDW


Guitarrnc <> wrote in message
> Hi RADPers :)
> I am happily in the planning stage of what to pack for our trip. We leave
> Monday!!! I am trying to rememer the things I always forget. What are some
> the things you forget to pack? The things you remember when you are an
> away from home?
> Thanks!
> (4 days, 19 hours, 57 minutes, 34 seconds to the Contemporary!)
> Erica
> TDC Brave Little Tailor and Accumulator of Sew Many Mickeys


1999/06/16 3:00:001999/06/16
I always forget to pack a bug bite stick (the anti-itchy ones). When my vacation
includes the beach, I always forget the meat tenderizer (got swarmed by jellyfish
as a kid & the tenderizer saved me quite a bit of agony!).



1999/06/17 3:00:001999/06/17


1999/06/17 3:00:001999/06/17
~~What are some of

the things you forget to pack? The things you remember when you are an hour
away from home?~~

The kids....always about an hour or so away, I have to turn ALLLL the way
around and go back and get them...ticks me off everytime.

Seriously, this is kinda corny, but Ive been doing this since I was 16. I write
everything down, but not just a list, I write down as I get ready...Understand?

Face wash

So, I mentally act like I'm getting ready, and jot it all down, all through out
the day <gum, ciggarettes> and I've never forgotten anything. I just check off
stuff as I pack.

I know it's lame, but it works! :)

*remove ~princess~ to e-mail me*


1999/06/17 3:00:001999/06/17
>Subject: What do you forget to pack?
>From: (Guitarrnc)

>Hi RADPers :)
> I am happily in the planning stage of what to pack for our trip. We leave on

>Monday!!! I am trying to rememer the things I always forget. What are some of

>the things you forget to pack? The

Well, this is one thing I've certainly only forgotten *once*: I had all of my
tops packed: tshirts, sweatshirts, etc...but neglected to pack anything to
wear on the bottom half!!! (true story) I borrowed shorts from my sister.

SheGoof :)


1999/06/17 3:00:001999/06/17
LOL - I would do something like that. =)
Me? I forget my shoes. I leave them out by the side of the suitcase while
packing, and forget to put them in at the last minute. Or (I *cannot* do
this this time) I leave my favorites by my desk, or in the bathroom, the
dog's bed ... <g>
Keep this thread going, though! I love the list as you go idea! We leave
in - I can't count - a week from this coming Monday. I always become a
basket case - have to clean the house top to bottom, shop, schedule...


BTW, how DO you guys get those "xtime left" #s so easily?

Goofy3102 <> wrote in message


1999/06/17 3:00:001999/06/17
In article <>,
lips...@aol.comprincess (LIPSTIX 0) writes:

>So, I mentally act like I'm getting ready, and jot it all down, all through
>the day <gum, ciggarettes> and I've never forgotten anything. I just check
>stuff as I pack.
>I know it's lame, but it works! :)

It's not lame at all. I did the same thing, except I entered it onto the
computer. I can then copy the list for each trip, modifying it for # of days &
time of year (weather). There's not much chance of forgetting anything this

I also plan my outfits - to minimize how much to pack, and to ensure I've
packed stuff that goes with other stuff. For short (1 wk) trips this isn't
such a big deal, but when you start hitting 2 weeks, and have other people
going with you, minimizing the amount of stuff packed really helps.

Sue - aka WDW1972
DVC '97 OKW, Vero Beach, & Hilton Head


1999/06/17 3:00:001999/06/17
In article <>, (Guitarrnc) wrote:
> Hi RADPers :)
> I am happily in the planning stage of what to pack for our trip. We
leave on
> Monday!!! I am trying to rememer the things I always forget. What are
some of
> the things you forget to pack? The things you remember when you are an
> away from home?
> Thanks!
> (4 days, 19 hours, 57 minutes, 34 seconds to the Contemporary!)
> Erica
> TDC Brave Little Tailor and Accumulator of Sew Many Mickeys

Bathing suits, sleepwear (we sleep in the nude at home so it is hard to
remember to bring this stuff when staying at a hotel and housekeeping
may have to knock on your door), and sunscreen.

--Kathy Kula
TDC Snow White, Keeper of Sockpuppets

Sent via
Share what you know. Learn what you don't.


1999/06/17 3:00:001999/06/17
a hair brush
a hair comb
my own laundry detergent (very expensive down there)
TDC Royal Walker and Pooper Scooper Carrier to Pluto


1999/06/17 3:00:001999/06/17
WDW1972 wrote:
> I did the same thing, except I entered it onto the
> computer. I can then copy the list for each trip, modifying it for # of days &
> time of year (weather). There's not much chance of forgetting anything this way...

Yes, a printed personalized list makes preparations so much easier and
worry-free. I learned this from backpacking, where there is no chance to
replace things you forget. I've been perfecting mine for years. I've
even taught my wife to use one. I update it once a year according to
changing conditions (i.e., add viagra to list). I can now prepare for
any length trip on a moments notice and know that I won't forget a
thing. And instead of worrying about what I forgot I can think about
more important things.


BS-Bill Shellorne
O. .O


1999/06/17 3:00:001999/06/17

Same here! We used to always forget *something*...but it
was a different something every time. I finally made up a
master list of clothing, bathroom stuff, misc stuff, stuff
for air travel, stuff for car trips, etc. with a separate
page for each category, and a blank space for a checkmark
next to each item. We simply print out anew copy before a
trip, cross out the things that don't apply to that trip,
skip the sections that don't apply (such as air travel if
we're taking a road trip), and then use the checklist to
check things off as they go into a suitcase or bag. The
items that can't be packed until the last moment, we circle
in red and double-check before we leave the house.

Simple and efficient (and we know everyone here has access
to a computer!) :-)

We tuck the list into a zipper pocket of our suitcase, and
when on our trip, if we find we've forgotten something that
wasn't listed, we add it. When we return home, the master
list gets updated.


Pam Koskovich
TDC Ray, the Guy He Buys Beer From

"I intend to live forever. So far, so good"
- Stephen Wright


1999/06/17 3:00:001999/06/17
One time when I was chaperoning a group of students on a trip to WDW I was
limited in how much I could I skimped on shoes...and boy was I sorry.
We had traveled all night on a bus and stopped for a picnic on the beach
before checking in to our hotel...we got caught in one of those Florida
downpours....had to go a LONG way to the bus and ended up wading through ankle
deep water. Needless to say it took a while for our tennis shoes to completely
dry out....and wearing wet shoes is not only uncomfortable but not good for
"foot health".

A suggestion...pack extra shoes and socks...if you're in the parks all day your
feet can get really hot and sweaty...changing socks (and brushing your teeth)
can make you feel like a new person. Alternating shoes every other day...or
wearing a different pair morning and evening....will mean less chance of
blisters (pressure points will be different). Make sure your shoes are "broken
in" before you go.

The past few years I've taken my laptop and downloaded radp messages before I
left and read trip reports etc. to the kids during the car ride on the way
there...last year we felt like we knew Vic and his family. I could also e mail
family back home saving on phone could get their IM fix late at
night so they kept in touch with their friends...and I was going to do a trip
report but I'm not that organized and kept falling asleep before I got
finished...then when I got home I had so much work to catch up on I never got
back to it....maybe this year!


Bambi Battle

1999/06/17 3:00:001999/06/17
Guitarrnc wrote:

> Hi RADPers :)
> I am happily in the planning stage of what to pack for our trip. We leave on
> Monday!!! I am trying to rememer the things I always forget. What are some of
> the things you forget to pack? The things you remember when you are an hour
> away from home?
> Thanks!
> (4 days, 19 hours, 57 minutes, 34 seconds to the Contemporary!)
> Erica
> TDC Brave Little Tailor and Accumulator of Sew Many Mickeys

Suntan lotion, bandaids, juice boxes, clothes washing detergent (I was SO glad I
brought this along), dirty clothes bag, food that does not spoil (raisins, nuts,
peanut butter and crackers, wheat thins, etc.), extra socks, nicer clothes for
nighttime entertainment (Medieval Times-like shows), aspirin, Pepto Bismal (in
case food is differently spiced than home), water bottles to take wherever you
go, umbrella, lots of film. I brought a bowl and a box of cereal. I bought a
small milk from the 7-11 store (convenience store) every morning and an apple for
a cheap breakfast. I saved $10 a day doing this! The food is HORRENDOUSLY
expensive and not even good, in my opinion. Kleenex. Gum. Can't buy gum anywhere
in Disney. They don't want it on their cement. Not-melting candy.

Extra socks because you can freshen up your tired feet pretty well with a change
of shoes and socks midday. True. Movie directors do this. Your feet feel great! I
brought lots of ZipLock bags to hold smaller items together so they did not get
lost in by luggage.

If you are coming by plane, remember the altitude will cause your bottled liquids
to expand in the bottle. Twist the lid just enough to allow air to escape but not
the liquid. Put it into a ZipLock that is not quite all the way closed, just a
little quarter inch opening. This allows the air to get out. If you don't do
this, you could have the contents squirting out when you try to use product, due
to change of air pressure.

Trail mix, apples. I mention food because I was paying $35 to eat every day in
1991 when I went for a week. I was not even a pig. I like a big salad with a
small meat item. I paid like $4 for each salad, the size of a Big Mac container,
and a small hamburger or chicken burger ($5-$7), large drink (hot there) and
fruit ($5 itself). This was in 1991, imagine the cost now. It was not even good.
I am speaking of Park food here. I finally asked the location of a grocery store
and took a road trip to it. I got fruit and non-spoiling items from then on. Way
better! I want my spending money to be spent on t shirts and stuff, not food,
don't you think so?

Aspirin was for my jet-lag and general aches and pains from too much fun. Oh,
bring a backpack to the park. It will break into a rainstorm one second then be
95 degree sin ten minutes. I kept getting rained on. You want to put your
purchases and your water in there so your hands are free. You can only get Coke
brand drink products in the park, so bring your own juices and iced tea (that
champagne of the South).


1999/06/17 3:00:001999/06/17
I second the film. I took an eight day trip and I <<mistakenly>> thought 24
rolls was enough. We wanted to take pictures of everything!!!!!

Stanley Horwitz

1999/06/17 3:00:001999/06/17
Guitarrnc ( wrote:
> Hi RADPers :)
> I am happily in the planning stage of what to pack for our trip. We leave on
> Monday!!! I am trying to rememer the things I always forget. What are some of
> the things you forget to pack? The things you remember when you are an hour
> away from home?

This thread reminds me of a trip I once took for a week to NYC to attend a
seminar for work. I am a light packer so I just threw a few things in a duffle
bag and headed out to a hotel in NYC, by car. Its a 90 mile distance. Anyway,
after walking around NYC that Sunday night, when I went to unpack my duffle
bag, I realized that I had completely forgotten to pack any shirts and my
prescription medicine. The next day after my seminar let out, I went shopping
and bought a bunch of shirts to wear for the rest of the week and talked a
pharmacist into selling my enough of my prescription medicine to get by on.
From now on, I definitely take more care in packing my bags before I go away.


1999/06/17 3:00:001999/06/17
To: tell embarrassing story or not? Hmmm... what the hell!

Did same thing during a work course! Was about 80 miles north of London and
lasted 5 days. Actually arrived thinking "that was everything
packed in such a short!" Only when I got out of the shower
between the meeting and dinner did I realise that the thing I *had*
forgotten was .... underwear! Took a quick "Commando Style" trip to our
local Marks & Spencers to replace forgotten items!

Not planning on this happening on a trip to the World!

TDC English Ariel, Promoter of the Dinglehopper


1999/06/17 3:00:001999/06/17
To: Goofy3102
Last December I forgot half the clothes I was going to take. Gave me an excuse to
purchase more Disney shirts. :-)

TDC-Patron of Disneyland Postcards, Lover of Donald Duck, and inhabitant in the
Disney House

Goofy3102 wrote:

> >Subject: What do you forget to pack?
> >From: (Guitarrnc)

> >Hi RADPers :)
> >
> > I am happily in the planning stage of what to pack for our trip. We leave on
> >Monday!!! I am trying to rememer the things I always forget. What are some of
> >the things you forget to pack? The


1999/06/17 3:00:001999/06/17
Mickey Birt wrote:

> In fact, I'm not
> going this year until November and I have already made a list of what to
> pack from what's on hand, what I need to buy, and where to buy it.

Well, I do the very same thing! Except.... I make those lists approximately 24
hours before I get in the car to go :-) Maybe *that's* why I always forget the
bug bite stick!


Mickey Birt

1999/06/18 3:00:001999/06/18
Well, I happen to be an anal-retentive list-maker so, I seldom forget
anything. I DO, however, make my husband crazy by buying things for our
trips and prepacking them literally months in advance. In fact, I'm not

going this year until November and I have already made a list of what to
pack from what's on hand, what I need to buy, and where to buy it. I am
going to Walmart this Saturday, in fact, for Squeeze Breezes and film
because they are on sale! Oh, well- spontaneity is not "my bag, baby" <VBG>
(saw the new AP today- quite a giggle but not as good as the first,IMO)

TDC High Priestess, Villainess Temple, Ursula, Medusa, and Mad Madam Mim
Proud to be a GRITS
Evil Secular Humanist (thanks Carl)
91 day trips since Nov.'71, 3/96CBR, 5/97 ASM, 11/99 PO can't wait!!
what goes around comes around-then it bites you on the butt!!
Bambi Battle wrote in message <>...

>Guitarrnc wrote:
>> Hi RADPers :)
>> I am happily in the planning stage of what to pack for our trip. We
leave on
>> Monday!!! I am trying to rememer the things I always forget. What are
some of

>> the things you forget to pack? The things you remember when you are an
>> away from home?


1999/06/18 3:00:001999/06/18
> What are some of the things you forget to pack?

This isn't something I usually forget, but I just thought I'd pass this on. If
you don't have a waterproof camera, be sure to buy a (or a couple of) one-use
waterproof cameras. At the water parks they're about $16, but I just recently
picked up a few Kodaks at the local Target for $8. Some of our best WDW
pictures are of family in the water (whether pool or water parks or wet rides).
The Kodak model is small and has a strap that fits securely around your wrist,
so you can swim and go on the slides with it. It takes good pictures, too (800


1999/06/18 3:00:001999/06/18
24 rolls of film!!!!

What cost more your vacation or the processing costs of all that film.


1999/06/18 3:00:001999/06/18
Took a quick "Commando Style" trip to our
> local Marks & Spencers to replace forgotten items!

It's the ONLY place to buy underwear - hey Rachel! Where would we be
without St Michael?


Lori E Wagner

1999/06/18 3:00:001999/06/18

LIPSTIX 0 wrote in message <>...
>~~What are some of

>the things you forget to pack? The things you remember when you are an hour
>away from home?~~
<snipped the chuckle worthy comment about forgetting the kids>

>Face wash

You brought up a good point here. All of the "last minute" personal
hygiene items can get lost in the shuffle. I see that you must not forget
your antiperspirant/deodorant, since it's not on the list above. <G>

Of course, I'm sure the people that stand nearby thank you for remembering
that item.........hee hee. <G> All joking aside, I tend to throw the last
minute items I use right into my carry on. Toothbrush and
toothpaste........use them and then pack them up. I do a "quick sweep" of
the area to see if I missed packing anything.

TDC Briar Rose, Princess of Picking Berries,
Defender of Trip Report Addicts
Briar...@prodigy.netNOSPAM (remove NOSPAM to reply)

The Sorcerer's Apprentice

1999/06/18 3:00:001999/06/18
Missfit wrote in message ...
:BTW, how DO you guys get those "xtime left" #s so easily?

Try this:


TDC Apprentice to Sorcerer Mickey, Quality Tester for Pooh Hunny Pots,
and When-You-Wish-Upon-A-Star Future Imagineer


1999/06/20 3:00:001999/06/20
>Hi RADPers :)
> I am happily in the planning stage of what to pack for our trip. We leave on
>Monday!!! I am trying to rememer the things I always forget. What are some of

>the things you forget to pack? The things you remember when you are an hour
>away from home?

Many radp moons ago, this same thread was begun, and Deb Wills graciously
included all of the responses on her site. The url is I've yet to travel to WDW without pulling out
Deb's trusty list!

Have a wonderful time!


Need a home for your Disney soaps?


1999/06/20 3:00:001999/06/20
~~Me? I forget my shoes.~~

Speaking of shoes. I had bought a really expensive pair of Birkenstocks to wear
at WDW. Broke them in alllll summer, for our Halloween trip. They were perfect!

I had also bought a really cheesy looking pair of Birk-look-a-likes, from
Wal-Mart, for using when I went to the pool, or my kids were playing in the
sprinkler (Didnt wanna ruin the good ones)

Well, in the hustle and bustle of getting ready to go, I grabbed one cheesy one
and one real one. I couldnt wear my Birki's I bought specifically for the trip!

Handy tip: Look twice at the shoes you pack!!! :)

BTW...I havent forgotten my deodorant *yet* Lori! :)


1999/06/20 3:00:001999/06/20
So you are anal rententive. Why am I not surprised.

Ron Ng wrote in message <>...
>I have never forgotten to pack anything I have needed. I prepare a list of
>things to pack starting about a week before a trip and just check off the
>as I pack things.
>I don't lose the list either because I keep it in my daily calendar.
>Ron Ng Knows!


1999/06/20 3:00:001999/06/20
I always seem to forget my bathing suit. Good excuse to go over to DD and
buy a new one. And I can use them year round down here south of the Mouse.



1999/06/20 3:00:001999/06/20
wtpbear wrote:

hey hey hey.... bragging is not very nice. :-)



1999/06/21 3:00:001999/06/21
Thanks Rob! =)


The Sorcerer's Apprentice <> wrote in message


1999/06/21 3:00:001999/06/21

LOL! That sounds just like something I'd do.
I've been known to show up at places a few times with different shoes on.
Not from not packing, but from putting one of each on to compare, getting
called away and... Soo embarrassing.
How women with young children can step out of the house cool, calm and
collected is a mystery to me.

LIPSTIX 0 <lips...@aol.comprincess> wrote in message


1999/06/21 3:00:001999/06/21
Excellent advice, lists are mandatory, but no guarantee.
Even when I start weeks in advance, it doesn't seem to prevent something
from being left. So many times, I have had something in my hand as I head
for the door, and by some miracle lose it by the time I get into the car.
Might have something to do with the fact that regardless of prior prep, I'm
so stressed checking that my ducks are in a row, I almost never sleep the
night before a trip.
Ron, do you have children and a spouse depending on you to get them
together as well? <g> I just *love* when my husband says "It takes her so
long to get ready - I can be out of the house in 10 minutes."

Ron Ng <> wrote in message


1999/06/21 3:00:001999/06/21
Uh-huh. ForGOT them. Suuuure you did, Judy. :-)

Pam <making note to "forget" tee shirts on next WDW trip>

judimouse wrote:
> Last December I forgot half the clothes I was going to take. Gave me an excuse to
> purchase more Disney shirts. :-)
> judimouse
> TDC-Patron of Disneyland Postcards, Lover of Donald Duck, and inhabitant in the
> Disney House
> Goofy3102 wrote:
> > >Subject: What do you forget to pack?
> > >From: (Guitarrnc)
> >

> > >Hi RADPers :)
> > >
> > > I am happily in the planning stage of what to pack for our trip. We leave on
> > >Monday!!! I am trying to rememer the things I always forget. What are some of
> > >the things you forget to pack? The
> >

> > Well, this is one thing I've certainly only forgotten *once*: I had all of my
> > tops packed: tshirts, sweatshirts, etc...but neglected to pack anything to
> > wear on the bottom half!!! (true story) I borrowed shorts from my sister.
> > :D
> >
> > SheGoof :)



1999/06/22 3:00:001999/06/22
>What are some of
>the things you forget to pack?

I travel for work, so I have a standard packing list on my computer. I just
print it out and start crossing things off as I go. I have a second list that
covers the wardrobe.

Things that have been forgotten in the past are belts, powder for shoes, safety
pins, extra camera batteries, scissors for moleskin, and enough aspirin.

Jane C Hollon

1999/06/23 3:00:001999/06/23
To: Mickey Birt

I have 353 days till my next trip...but I have one little bag I have
already packed the squeeze breeze, cheap ponchos, beach ball and assorted
little samples. When I actually start packing all of this is be in one
place and ready to go ;)

TDC Sneezy, Keeper of Antihistamines, Supplier of Kleenex and
Timobian Pavilion Royal Complaint Keeper

Check out my Homepage!

On Fri, 18 Jun 1999, Mickey Birt wrote:

> Well, I happen to be an anal-retentive list-maker so, I seldom forget
> anything. I DO, however, make my husband crazy by buying things for our
> trips and prepacking them literally months in advance. In fact, I'm not
> going this year until November and I have already made a list of what to
> pack from what's on hand, what I need to buy, and where to buy it. I am
> going to Walmart this Saturday, in fact, for Squeeze Breezes and film
> because they are on sale! Oh, well- spontaneity is not "my bag, baby" <VBG>
> (saw the new AP today- quite a giggle but not as good as the first,IMO)
> Mickeymomşoş
> TDC High Priestess, Villainess Temple, Ursula, Medusa, and Mad Madam Mim
> Branches
> Proud to be a GRITS
> Evil Secular Humanist (thanks Carl)
> 91 day trips since Nov.'71, 3/96CBR, 5/97 ASM, 11/99 PO can't wait!!
> what goes around comes around-then it bites you on the butt!!
> Bambi Battle wrote in message <>...
> >Guitarrnc wrote:
> >

> >> Hi RADPers :)
> >>
> >> I am happily in the planning stage of what to pack for our trip. We
> leave on

> >> Monday!!! I am trying to rememer the things I always forget. What are
> some of

> >> the things you forget to pack? The things you remember when you are an
> hour
> >> away from home?
> >>


1999/06/24 3:00:001999/06/24
>lt...@aol.comnospam (LtheP) wrote:

>>What are some of
>>the things you forget to pack?

>I travel for work, so I have a standard packing list on my computer.

I do that, also, and because I use some specialized hair items (damn curly
hair) and also because I'm lazy, I started a separate "travel bag" for all kind
of hygiene and shampoo stuff. I keep separate full-size shampoo, conditioner,
mousse, powder, deodorant, toothbrush, q-tips, etc. in it and when I get home
from a trip, just stick it in the closet until it's needed again. (I even
bought sunblock to stick in there after getting caught short on a business
outing.) The only thing I really need to pack is cosmetics, shoes, and
clothes, but I'll be damned if I can get that stuff under control . . . . :-)

Mary Beth
~*~ "The amount of flak received on any subject is inversely proportional to
subject's true value." -- Potter's Law. ~*~

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