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Dan'l DanehyOakes

chưa đọc,
13:37:10 29 thg 4, 199229/4/92
In article <> (The Ahkond of Swat) writes:

>That's "Winsor McCay", no "d", no "K". I've seen two posts naming McCay
>on this thread, and both got the spelling wrong; so I saw my duty clear.
>-Ovyy Furezna, aka Spelling Boy of the LSH


I don't know about _that_, but I would like to propose that those who have
been active on this newsgroup some time may well be a Legion of their own. . .

the Legion of Net.Heroes.

We even have our own set of villains, who appear and vanish from time to time.
Probably the best candidate for net.arch.villain would be Omega.Mosely, who
vanishes and reappears with the same stochastic irregularity as a good Batman
villain. We've also had such perils as the Black Dude with the Hat, the
Fundamentalist Circle, and the Fagbashing Empire. . .

I don't want to propose noms du net.hero for others, but you've given your
own: Spelling Boy. Fair enough. The power is obvious also.

In his absence (sniff!), I'll propose that Jerry Boyajian be retconned as
Jayem Bee, a/k/a Bibliography Boy, whose power was the ability to answer any
obscure question.

Me? I guess I can join up as California Kid, whose power is to read comix
weeks after everyone else has discussed 'em. . .

You are trapped in that bright moment where you learned your doom.

Dan'l Danehy-Oakes, Net.Roach
My opinions do NOT represent Pacific Bell,
Professional Development, or anyone else.
But I'm willing to share.

Benjamin R Pierce

chưa đọc,
21:10:00 30 thg 4, 199230/4/92
In article <1992Apr29....@pbhyc.PacBell.COM>, djd...@PacBell.COM (Dan'l DanehyOakes) writes...

Gee...I'd like to sign up, but I'm not sure my power is unique enough. Due to
prolonged entrapment in the Fandom Zone (the area populated entirely by Marvel
Zombies and Fanboys), I have the power to recall virtually any Marvel plot, no
matter how hokey (I also have the power to radiate angst, another result of
prolonged Marvel exposure..."You don't understand! I've done horrible things
in my past, terrible things! I read the New Universe comics! I liked Byrne's
work on X-Men! (sob)"...)

My name? Marvel Zombie Lad, of course...

--B'en Pyris
(aka Ben Pierce)

Ted Faber

chưa đọc,
01:00:51 1 thg 5, 19921/5/92

>the Legion of Net.Heroes.
>We even have our own set of villains, who appear and vanish from time to time.
>Probably the best candidate for net.arch.villain would be Omega.Mosely, who
>vanishes and reappears with the same stochastic irregularity as a good Batman

You know that's a damn good analogy. I can just see some
peace-loving harmless undergraduate that normally doesn't bother
anyone, and *bam* he get's hit on the head and OM returns. Kinda
like King Tut from the Batman series of the '60's.

>I don't want to propose noms du net.hero for others, but you've given your
>own: Spelling Boy. Fair enough. The power is obvious also.

Well, I guess this is Figment Lad, signing off. (My power is being
a figment of Gary Lewandowski's imagination).
>Dan'l Danehy-Oakes, Net.Roach

"Time will answer all questions.
Then, perhaps, a film will be shown." -- Tom Petty

Ted Faber Figment at Large
"The ability to quote is a serviceable substitute for wit." -- Maugham

chưa đọc,
04:27:04 1 thg 5, 19921/5/92
I'll try out for the team (and I won't mind the

"The Forgetting One" -- I can never remember the damn artist/writer's name
until the next day. For instance:

Larry Stroman

(I was talking about artists not getting the glamor they deserve)

Ray Rich

chưa đọc,
15:45:34 1 thg 5, 19921/5/92
In article <1992Apr29....@pbhyc.PacBell.COM> djd...@PacBell.COM (Dan'l DanehyOakes) writes:
>In article <> (The Ahkond of Swat) writes:
>>That's "Winsor McCay", no "d", no "K". I've seen two posts naming McCay
>>on this thread, and both got the spelling wrong; so I saw my duty clear.
>>-Ovyy Furezna, aka Spelling Boy of the LSH
>I don't know about _that_, but I would like to propose that those who have
>been active on this newsgroup some time may well be a Legion of their own. . .
>the Legion of Net.Heroes.
>We even have our own set of villains, who appear and vanish from time to time.
>Probably the best candidate for net.arch.villain would be Omega.Mosely, who
>vanishes and reappears with the same stochastic irregularity as a good Batman
>villain. We've also had such perils as the Black Dude with the Hat, the
>Fundamentalist Circle, and the Fagbashing Empire. . .
>I don't want to propose noms du net.hero for others, but you've given your
>own: Spelling Boy. Fair enough. The power is obvious also.
>In his absence (sniff!), I'll propose that Jerry Boyajian be retconned as
>Jayem Bee, a/k/a Bibliography Boy, whose power was the ability to answer any
>obscure question.
>Me? I guess I can join up as California Kid, whose power is to read comix
>weeks after everyone else has discussed 'em. . .
> You are trapped in that bright moment where you learned your doom.
>Dan'l Danehy-Oakes, Net.Roach
>My opinions do NOT represent Pacific Bell,
>Professional Development, or anyone else.
>But I'm willing to share.

I nominate myself as Time-Waster Lad, as I have the uncanny ability
to turn what was supposed to be a mere check of my e-mail into hours of time
wasted reading this and other newsgroups.
:) ,

Maurice Beyke

chưa đọc,
17:31:54 1 thg 5, 19921/5/92
In article <> (Benjamin R Pierce) writes:
>In article <1992Apr29....@pbhyc.PacBell.COM>, djd...@PacBell.COM (Dan'l DanehyOakes) writes...
>>I don't know about _that_, but I would like to propose that those who have
>>been active on this newsgroup some time may well be a Legion of their own. . .
>>the Legion of Net.Heroes.
>>I don't want to propose noms du net.hero for others, but you've given your
>>own: Spelling Boy. Fair enough. The power is obvious also.
>>In his absence (sniff!), I'll propose that Jerry Boyajian be retconned as
>>Jayem Bee, a/k/a Bibliography Boy, whose power was the ability to answer any
>>obscure question.
>>Me? I guess I can join up as California Kid, whose power is to read comix
>>weeks after everyone else has discussed 'em. . .
>Gee...I'd like to sign up, but I'm not sure my power is unique enough. Due to
>prolonged entrapment in the Fandom Zone (the area populated entirely by Marvel
>Zombies and Fanboys), I have the power to recall virtually any Marvel plot, no
>matter how hokey (I also have the power to radiate angst, another result of
>prolonged Marvel exposure..."You don't understand! I've done horrible things
>in my past, terrible things! I read the New Universe comics! I liked Byrne's
>work on X-Men! (sob)"...)
>My name? Marvel Zombie Lad, of course...
Gosharootie, I don't know if I qualify as being active on the net (maybe
in the same time sense as a continent is techtonically active), but I have
to jump in here. I want to be your number one rival, the Human Torch to
your Spider-Man, etc...

Comics-Snob-Boy!!!!!!! (is that enough !'s?)

"How *DARE* you read anything other than _Cerebus_, _Love And Rockets_, or
anything done by Alan Moore? Now I must wallow in pathos for 14 issues
to show you the error of your ways (since, of course, I can't just start
a *fight*, oh heavens no!!).

I've finally found my purpose in life!
| __ / aka Maurice Beyke \ Disclaimer: Any opinions |
| / _) __ * __ / \ expressed are totally |
| /-( / ) /--\ / ( / \ ludicrous, & should |
|/___)(__/ / / __)/ Surrealistic Ontologist \ be simply ignored. |

Ken Small

chưa đọc,
18:13:32 1 thg 5, 19921/5/92
Pompous Lad here; able to alienate even the most literate fellow readers
with harsh critiques, only to turn around and admit I like something
schlocky (complete with a rationalization about said schlock's cultural
or thematic importance). Example-- I find WATCHMEN a flawed work, yet
thoroughly enjoy Shooter's 60's Legion.
Ken Small
Consulting and Support Services, University of Michigan

Jacob Lesgold

chưa đọc,
18:25:14 1 thg 5, 19921/5/92
Well, I'm Super Apathy Lad, with the power to be tel-apathetic (I can not
care about something no matter HOW far away it is :-) and the secret
ID of Jayjay Cool-El (see .sig...)

JJ Cool L Sings With Cthulhu
"Cause it's too late now, the magic's lost
Too late now, the spell is broken
Too late now to count the cost of words that should remain...unspoken"
-- The Alan Parsons Project

Victoria C Fike

chưa đọc,
11:34:49 2 thg 5, 19922/5/92

Lurking Girl!!! Invisible to most net.worlders, only sensed by the sharpest of

<trumpet fanfare as I crawl back under my rock for another year or two>


Victoria C. Fike | "See, that's the deal we made, | Just to join the oyster cult--
(define (ultimate-joy) | The Blue Oyster Cult!!"
(writeln "No more Scheme!!")) | --BOC

chưa đọc,
16:43:56 2 thg 5, 19922/5/92
Just want to jump on and announce my presence as Procrastination Boy. The
only reason I started reading this net was because I have a major project
due in my Intro to Political Research class. I come down to the computer lab
to work on it, end up reading 100 post on R.A.C.. responding to a few and
then leaving without ever touching this project.
(Wow, a name and a Secret Origin (tm)!)
-Jason, a.k.a. Procrastination Boy, American University

Steve Simmons

chưa đọc,
10:30:13 3 thg 5, 19923/5/92
As Parking Karma Kid I can always find a parking space, usually right next
to the door. My plane flights always start and end on time. No superteam
should leave home without me.
``He has has been an evil man and ours and the world's enemy, but in
Valhalla all earthly enmities are put aside, for all who go there, so
it is said, are soon united in common hatred of the catering staff.'
-- Tom Holt, "Who's Afraid Of Beowulf?"


chưa đọc,
12:28:59 3 thg 5, 19923/5/92

As Cheesecake-Eater Lad, I received my powers one night when I was working
in my lab on a solvent that develops limited super-powers such as super-plotz,
super-runs, and my patented super-saturated-fat particle beam. Unfortunately,
my wife was at the same time baking a lovely cheesecake for the Winchesters.
Our recipes got mixed up, and as I tried a slice A Hero Was Born (TM).

My powers are primarily bodily function related, but they are potent.

"And such it is as this, while the Dark Flan lies pummeled at my feet, have
the Gods cursed me, Condolia Boonspackle,
life known only to me as...Cheesecake-Eater Lad!"
-- C-ELad #3, 1962

P.S.: Power limitation: I need a slice every fifteen minutes or my body goes
to pot.

Vernon H Harmon

chưa đọc,
14:00:14 3 thg 5, 19923/5/92

Me? I'm generally known as Bad-Timing Boy, but some people know me as
Unlucky Lad. I have the uncanny ability to say exactly the wrong thing
at the wrong time. As Unlucky Lad, my power manifests in a number of
ways, usually by getting me into the wrong place at the wrong time (I
need to have my powers tested again soon, since I somehow managed to
avoid all of the riots this weekend and I've never been to LA---but then
again I *was* caught in an almost-flash flood yesterday) but sometimes
it just makes something happen that causes me to be late--just late
enough to cause problems. Fortunately, my power rarely effects others,
but sometimes it can--such as when someone is getting a ride with me, or
when the thing I say is something someone else told me.
As a side note, I'd like to apologize to any of you who might have had
the unfortunate experience of seeing my evil twin on one of those
occasions when he slips into my account unnoticed and runs rampant on
the net. He generally goes by the name Foot-In-Mouth Boy or Mis-Quote
Man. He has the ability to take anything I know and somehow mangle it so
that the facts are wrong. (I think he's currently considering changing
his name to Shoot-Off-At-The-Mouth Man)


Vernon H Harmon

chưa đọc,
14:18:07 3 thg 5, 19923/5/92
Regarding the net.villains:

I can't believe nobody has mentioned the cult that has been silently
(ok, maybe not-so-silently) pervading our midst for quite some time
now--the Dunce Circle. All the members believe that their way is the
only way and nobody else could ever possibly be right. All the members
of the Circle wear full-face masks in an attempt to conceal their
identities, however, it also keeps them from being able to see the truth
that's right in front of their eyes (because they don't have eye-holes).
Remarkably, the Circle is constantly winning new net.recruits, but very
few of the Circle's members ever agree on anything, due to their staunch
belief that no one else's opinions matter.



chưa đọc,
14:38:50 3 thg 5, 19923/5/92
Late-Night Lad signing in here, with the ability to stay awake for
ridiculously long stretches because I goof off when I should be doing
work during the daytime.

Bill Moakler | LPO 10280 PO Box 5064
rutgers!!moakler (UUCP) | New Brunswick, NJ 08903 (arpa) | [!RUTGERS ANIME!]

David Goldfarb

chưa đọc,
19:36:07 3 thg 5, 19923/5/92
In article <1992Apr29....@pbhyc.PacBell.COM> djd...@PacBell.COM (Dan'l DanehyOakes) writes:
)the Legion of Net.Heroes.
)We even have our own set of villains, who appear and vanish from time to time.
)Probably the best candidate for net.arch.villain would be Omega.Mosely, who
)vanishes and reappears with the same stochastic irregularity as a good Batman
)villain. We've also had such perils as the Black Dude with the Hat, the
)Fundamentalist Circle, and the Fagbashing Empire. . .

To give credit where credit is due, the Black Dude later reformed
(mostly) and joined the good guys.

As for me, I of course am Squid Boy. While I have no powers of
my own (though I'd make a good sidekick to Spelling Boy on natural talent),
I can lend my body to Suicide Squid when he needs a disguise. (It's sort
of the Congorilla thing in reverse.)

)Dan'l Danehy-Oakes, Net.Roach

David Goldfarb | | "Now both sides have protected passed Rooks."
gold...@UCBOCF.BITNET | -- GM Michael Rohde

Elisabeth Riba

chưa đọc,
20:23:50 3 thg 5, 19923/5/92
I will now reveal my own secret power as CATALYST LASS
I have the power to make others share my interests. [TRUE--I've
often introduced people to things I like and have gotten them more
addicted than I ever was.]
Besides, doesn't every universe need a felinoid female?

Miao, babe...

--------------->Elisabeth Anne Riba *<--------------
It is said that the gods play games with the lives of men. But what games, and
why, and the identities of the actual pawns, and what the game is, and what the
rules are--who knows? Best not to speculate. Thunder rolled... It rolled a six.


chưa đọc,
00:42:03 4 thg 5, 19924/5/92
Any chance of someome collecting all these and posting the full
membership lists? Which ones of us will make the squad and not be be

Late-Night Lad

Brian Perler

chưa đọc,
01:44:36 4 thg 5, 19924/5/92
Hmmm... If it's not taken, I'd like to be Obscure Trivia Lad, due to my
ability to remember the stupidest bits of trivia, but nothing of any
real importance to anyone on the planet. Or anything I need to know for
any of my classes. *Sigh*

Either that, or Question-Raythrax Lad. If that is his real name. (heh-heh)

Craig Thomas Judd

chưa đọc,
03:21:05 4 thg 5, 19924/5/92
Here's the Manga Man - unfortunately, I've been translated into English and
colorized. My powers have not diminished, however, and are mostly in the
realms of Special Effects and Timing. Whenever I perform a jump-kick, listen
closely for the "t'ching!". A single, well-placed blast of my laser rifle
will take out even the largest of enemy starships! And if my amazing combat
abilities don't get them, I can always run them through with the Speed Lines,
my Special Ability...

From the manga equivalent of an otaku...

Yours heroically;

\/\ "I can see the light! I'm saved!" Kaneda, AKIRA Book 2 /\/
====\/\ "You REFUSE to drink my wine...?" Kahm, Outlanders Vol. 2 /\/====
=====\/\ *** WANT ANY MANGA ARTWORK DONE? Just email me! *** /\/=====
\/\ a.k.a. Kuro to Shiroi /\/

chưa đọc,
05:04:17 4 thg 5, 19924/5/92

Shouldn't you have put this off till we went on to another discussion? ;^)
"I've got the money, and from time to time I have the time"
Joe Jackson, *Soul Kiss*

chưa đọc,
10:51:02 4 thg 5, 19924/5/92
All right. I guess I should add my nom-de-plume to the list. I go by
the name of Sidewinder. I start off by blasting my way into a topic,
but I eventually wind up on the sidelines.(No staying power with most of
the topics...)


Steve Husty

chưa đọc,
11:24:16 4 thg 5, 19924/5/92
(Text Deleted) --> the gist of his post,

> > -Jason, a.k.a. Procrastination Boy

Great idea, lets get around affiliations with other groups,
lets call it "Network Establishment of Worldwide Superheros" (NEWS).
Mine is "Incredible Unsleeping Man"


Doug Moran

chưa đọc,
13:24:18 4 thg 5, 19924/5/92
In article <>, husty@cathedral (Steve Husty) writes:
> Great idea, lets get around affiliations with other groups,
> lets call it "Network Establishment of Worldwide Superheros" (NEWS).
> Mine is "Incredible Unsleeping Man"

Hm, perhaps you and "Late-Night Lad" should start hanging out together.
Doug Moran | "Smithers, hand me that ice-cream scoop." | "Ice cream scoop? But sir!"
{...}!!dougm | "Damn it Smithers, this isn't rocket science;
HaL Computer Systems | it's brain surgery!"

The Ahkond of Swat

chưa đọc,
14:15:52 4 thg 5, 19924/5/92

The horror! I'll be remembered only for making a little joke (calling
myself Spelling Boy) which got out of hand! Just me and that guy who
typed "Suicide Squid"...

Bill Sherman S^1 `--> S^(2n+1) -->> CP^n

Sobering sights I've seen in the city of angels.
-10,000 Maniacs

Citizen Conty

chưa đọc,
14:18:46 4 thg 5, 19924/5/92
In article <>, (Brian Perler) writes:
> Hmmm... If it's not taken, I'd like to be Obscure Trivia Lad, due to my
> ability to remember the stupidest bits of trivia, but nothing of any
> real importance to anyone on the planet.

No can do. Bibliograph Boy (Jayem Bee) had a similar power, but he dropped
out of the Legion. The Tygger (Gallo Way) is the current member with
trivia-related powers. Legion rules specify no duplicate powers, so you're
out of luck.

Wasn't this discussion topic floating around the last time I used
this .sig? Anyway, this was:
E n r i q u e C o n t y
The Incredible Man-With-No-Life
Disclaimer: You're not dealing with AT&T

Steve Husty

chưa đọc,
15:19:09 4 thg 5, 19924/5/92
In article <>, (Doug Moran) writes:
> In article <>, husty@cathedral (Steve Husty) writes:

> Hm, perhaps you and "Late-Night Lad" should start hanging out together.
> --

Great idea Irony Man, except I already have an excellent boy blunder.

"Insomnia Boy"

His eys are a firey, blood shot red. His whining is enough to cause
the worst criminal to quit out of sheer disgust!!

Maurice Beyke

chưa đọc,
17:19:32 4 thg 5, 19924/5/92
In article <> moa...@romulus.rutger (bam!) writes:
>Any chance of someome collecting all these and posting the full
>membership lists? Which ones of us will make the squad and not be be
>Late-Night Lad

Comics-Snob-Boy here, and on the job. I have collected all I received so
far, though my feed may have lost some over the weekend; none of my marked
files were still there today. I didn't receive any between The Forgetting
One ( joining and when JCD (
gave the augmented roguess gallery. I realize that doesn't mean a lot, since
messages arrive differently all over, but if you guys got a boat load between
them, then I probably missed them.

But, anyway, the roll call I have is:
Spelling Boy
Bibliography Boy
California Kid
Marvel Zombie Lad
Figment Lad
Time-Waster Lad
The Forgetting One
Lurking Girl
Procrastination Boy
Inacoustic Kid
Parking Karma Kid
Late-Night Lad
Cheesecake-Eater Lad
Bad-Timing Boy
Squid Boy
Catalyst Lass
Obscure Trivia Lad
Manga Man
Incredible Unsleeping Man
Irony Man

Heroes all (well, some (okay, maybe one or two...)).

Scowling Jim Cowling

chưa đọc,
18:31:54 4 thg 5, 19924/5/92
In article <> (James Henderson) writes:
>Marvel has always been the biggest company!!! So a few SINGLE titles from a
>few undergrounds/independents (who publish very few titles) have "made it",
>but that's as far as they go man! Action1 doubled from $30,000 to 60,000 in
>the past 5 years!!!

I defy you to find a book from 1977 other than Cerebus which is worth $225.00.
I also defy you to find a 1984 book (other than TMNT) which is worth $300.00.
>"What about Cerebus?"? Well, if you look in the latest Overstreet, it says
>$225.00- (the minus sign is BAD NEWS). And I personally don't like B&W that
>much...if a comic (and its company) have "made it" then they should be able
>to afford COLOR...I like using my rods & cones.

Some books SHOULDN'T use colour. Some art is best in black-and-white:
Newspaper strips, TMNT, Tick, Cerebus. I'm rarely happy with their conversions
to colour. Also consider that the above titles' publishers have the cash
to easily move to colour, but haven't. Why? Artistic choice.

>By the way, is Cerebus a Canadian comic book? How about Malibu publishing?
>(just wondering...) Do you Canadian guys get Marvel titles up there???

Cerebus is a Canadian book. Malibu is a US company. Canada gets the same
books as the States, and at the same time (Wednesday and Thursday the same week
as you-all). Actually, most of them are printed in Canada, and as such,
Canadian distributors are often able to ship them faster than US distributors.

(I also hereby nominate James Henderson as the net.villain One.Track.Mind.Lad
and myself as the net.antihero Impatient.Kid)

Scowling Jim Cowling
Creative Writing Department, University of Victoria
Opinions Disassociated
BASKING IN THE ATOMIC AFTERGLOW - my new chapbook - $2.50 - e-mail for details

have clue, will travel...

chưa đọc,
19:42:04 4 thg 5, 19924/5/92
announcing the birth of a new hero...

Multi-Tasking Lad.

Powers: an uncanny ability to post to USENet, read e-Mail,
play netrek and read old Flaming Carrot issues (1-15) AT THE

(also, the power to vanish completely from the face of the earth
every five months or so. usually around semester's end.
That's funny, my schedule says tomorrow is the... *poof!*)

----------jeff the wonder llama,
------"I am a penis. Worship me."--lead singer of rock band Bicycle Face,
vainly attempting to gain attention of the crowd at the Cat's Cradle
in Chapel Hill, while opening for Mojo Nixon & The Toad Liquors

Stephen Hutchison

chưa đọc,
19:51:51 4 thg 5, 19924/5/92
Having reviewed my contribution to this group, starting back when it
was net.comics (and I started the Very First anti-Marvel flamewar),
I must take my place as The Invisible Incendiary. Invisible because
I post seldom, incendiary because I seem to have this uncontrollable
ability to set off flamewars wherever I post.

Hutch (II)

Jeffrey Klein

chưa đọc,
20:46:43 4 thg 5, 19924/5/92
In article <> (Maurice Beyke) writes:
> But, anyway, the roll call I have is:

[list of heroic individuals to great to repeat]

Well, I'm going to throw my hat into the ring...

Yes, I, Wrsserl Xyrva, of the planet of Don'gottalottamoney, use my
natural powers to become...

BROWSING BOY! With the ability to read Sandman, Hepcats, and Savage Henry
while standing in front of the comic rack (causing mere mortal store
owners to wonder "Am I working in some sort of demented library where
people read books but never buy anything? *") and walk out with
GREEN LANTERN and a free DC flyer!

(*) This actually happened to my brother, Joseph Klein, but it's a
great quote.

Jeff Klein | "I *love* Jell-o! I love the way Jell-o wiggles in
| my hands! I *LOVE* the taste of *JELL-O*!!!!!" | -W. Axl Rose

And for this my folks shell out 15K/year

chưa đọc,
21:58:25 4 thg 5, 19924/5/92

> In article <1992Apr29....@pbhyc.PacBell.COM>, djd...@PacBell.COM
(Dan'l DanehyOakes) writes...
> >In article <>
(The Ahkond of Swat) writes:
> >
> >Well.
> >
> >I don't know about _that_, but I would like to propose that those who have
> >been active on this newsgroup some time may well be a Legion of their own. .

> >
> >the Legion of Net.Heroes.

> >
> >We even have our own set of villains, who appear and vanish from time to
> >Probably the best candidate for net.arch.villain would be Omega.Mosely, who
> >vanishes and reappears with the same stochastic irregularity as a good
> >villain. We've also had such perils as the Black Dude with the Hat, the
> >Fundamentalist Circle, and the Fagbashing Empire. . .
> >
> >I don't want to propose noms du net.hero for others, but you've given your
> >own: Spelling Boy. Fair enough. The power is obvious also.
> >
> >In his absence (sniff!), I'll propose that Jerry Boyajian be retconned as
> >Jayem Bee, a/k/a Bibliography Boy, whose power was the ability to answer any
> >obscure question.
> >
> >Me? I guess I can join up as California Kid, whose power is to read comix
> >weeks after everyone else has discussed 'em. . .
> >
> >
> > You are trapped in that bright moment where you learned your doom.
> >
> >Dan'l Danehy-Oakes, Net.Roach
> >My opinions do NOT represent Pacific Bell,
> >Professional Development, or anyone else.
> >But I'm willing to share.
> Gee...I'd like to sign up, but I'm not sure my power is unique enough. Due
> prolonged entrapment in the Fandom Zone (the area populated entirely by
> Zombies and Fanboys), I have the power to recall virtually any Marvel plot,
> matter how hokey (I also have the power to radiate angst, another result of
> prolonged Marvel exposure..."You don't understand! I've done horrible things
> in my past, terrible things! I read the New Universe comics! I liked
> work on X-Men! (sob)"...)
> My name? Marvel Zombie Lad, of course...
> --B'en Pyris
> (aka Ben Pierce), here's my application for membership. Fortunately I already
come with a really neat "other" name (check the .sig, stupid). As for my
power: I like to think of it as the ability to come up with a perfectly good,
rational, and, on occasion, entertaining explanation for the stupid plotlines
and plot devices Marvel (and other...) writers employ nearly constantly. (This
is regardless of whether or not that's how THEY explain it. I like to think of
it as "Theoretical Superiority".)

(I STILL like my "The Dark Phoenix Returns" explanation for the
X-Traitor, anyway...make a hell of a great storyline...)

|Doctor Stomper (aka T. M. Neeck) | |
|NeXT: | Isaac Asimov |
|VAX: | 1920--1992 |
|DISCLAIMER: I'm Too Sexy For Opinions... | |
|WARNING: This message will decay into its component quarks 12.2 |
| seconds after you finish reading it. So hurry up. |
|Macalester College doesn't neccesarily hold these opinions. Which |
| is OK, since I sure as hell don't hold theirs. And in some|
| cases, I don't even hold these. So nyah. |

Rebecca Drayer

chưa đọc,
23:14:52 4 thg 5, 19924/5/92
And now...just returned from Science Hill... it's Organic Lass!!!
This remarkable hero has the ability to memorize hundreds of chemical
reactions... and then forget them all five minutes after the exam!!!
Simply amazing!

Rebecca A. Drayer, EMT |
P.O. Box 6349 Yale Station | Computing Assistant
New Haven, CT 06520 | Silliman College, Yale University

Pre-med and proud of it!

P.S. (For the blissfully uninformed, science hill is the place (half a mile
away from the rest of the campus buildings) where they banish all the
science geeks. :) )

john wesley donald

chưa đọc,
23:50:34 4 thg 5, 19924/5/92
Assuming that Magneto is really dead, who is the most powerful mutant alive?
Personally, I don't know. Some of the mutants who might seem to be the 'most
powerful' include Gidion, Jean Gray, Havok, Storm, Mr.Sinister, Polaris,...
I'd probably make it a toss up between Sinister and Gid.
John D.

Foolish Elmos

chưa đọc,
01:13:28 5 thg 5, 19925/5/92
Label me Frothing-at-the-Mouth Lad (for my stance wrt T&M Bierbaum on
LSH) or Annotation Child (for my major net contribution, the Annotated
Sandman, which, BTW, I have INVARIABLY used the correct keyword for in the
subject lines).
"The use of unnecessary force in the apprehension of the Blues Brothers has
been approved."

elmo (,


chưa đọc,
01:38:19 5 thg 5, 19925/5/92
In article <> writes:
>Assuming that Magneto is really dead, who is the most powerful mutant alive?

>I'd probably make it a toss up between Sinister and Gid.

I don't think Gideon is that powerful, just really versitile. He beat the
New Warriors 'cause he could combine powers and use them at the fullest
potential(ala Speedball). I figure Rachel/Phoenix would toast him.

I agree that MR. S probably is one of the most powerful (we haven't seen it but
He probably is) along with Apocalypse, Rachel, Havok and Boom Boom.


just kidding about Boom Boom. :-)

If some unemployed punk in New Jersey, can | <-I.NET
get a cassette to make love to Elle McPherson |
for $19.95, this virtual reality stuff is going|No matter where you go,
to make crack look like Sanka. - Dennis Miller| there you are."-Buckaroo Banzai

Andrew Farrell

chưa đọc,
04:25:16 5 thg 5, 19925/5/92

>Assuming that Magneto is really dead, who is the most powerful mutant alive?

Assuming my sandwiches can really talk...

>Personally, I don't know. Some of the mutants who might seem to be the 'most
>powerful' include Gidion, Jean Gray, Havok, Storm, Mr.Sinister, Polaris,...
>I'd probably make it a toss up between Sinister and Gid.
>John D.

I'd vote for Magneto's arch-enemy, Prof X.


Michael Lee Jacobs

chưa đọc,
09:23:21 5 thg 5, 19925/5/92
đến (Andrew Farrell) writes:

>>Assuming that Magneto is really dead, who is the most powerful mutant alive?

>Assuming my sandwiches can really talk...

>>Personally, I don't know. Some of the mutants who might seem to be the 'most
>>powerful' include Gidion, Jean Gray, Havok, Storm, Mr.Sinister, Polaris,...
>>I'd probably make it a toss up between Sinister and Gid.
>>John D.

>I'd vote for Magneto's arch-enemy, Prof X.

Good Lord Why... Although Prof X is always touted as the worlds
most powerful telepath, he very rarely actually does much except act
as a behind the scenes leader with a psychology degree, or to be a
target of extreme angst. Yuo dont have to be powerful to do what he does

My Vote goes for the above mentioned plus--get the flames out--
Dazzler. Just think about it, were she written properly the more sound
a battle makes the more power she has to wreck things which leads us right
back to more sound. Add a Banshee in the near vicinity and she should
go up with exponential growth. (and maybe focus it with Bishop..hmmm)

All total Rachel wins for the Deus ex Machina factor.

"If the best things in life are free, then my current price is
$37k with a 10% downpayment."

Brian Perler

chưa đọc,
10:46:01 5 thg 5, 19925/5/92
In article <> (Citizen Conty) writes:
>In article <>, (Brian Perler) writes:
>> Hmmm... If it's not taken, I'd like to be Obscure Trivia Lad, due to my
>> ability to remember the stupidest bits of trivia, but nothing of any
>> real importance to anyone on the planet.
>No can do. Bibliograph Boy (Jayem Bee) had a similar power, but he dropped
>out of the Legion. The Tygger (Gallo Way) is the current member with
>trivia-related powers. Legion rules specify no duplicate powers, so you're
>out of luck.

No, no, no. My power doesn't deal with IMPORTANT trivia. I can recall
useless trivia at any point, until someone else has need of it. Then
it usually hides in some dark corner of my brain where I can't find it
until an hour later. Much different. Besides, if the LSH has
duplicate power rules, how do you explain Lighning Lad/Lightning Lass,
Superboy/Supergirl/Mon-El/Ultra Boy/etc., and some others that my power
is currently preventing me from recalling at the moment.

And for this my folks shell out 15K/year

chưa đọc,
12:25:17 5 thg 5, 19925/5/92


AAARRRGGGHHH! What is this?!? Must've lost me...I seem a little hard
to remember these days, on Usenet anyhow...I wonder about the integrity of
Mac's Newsfeed.

Hmm...a second Identity, as well as my established one? YES! I shall
become--FORGOTTEN MAN! (Or maybe I already have, I forget...)

Maurice Beyke

chưa đọc,
12:26:15 5 thg 5, 19925/5/92
Oh no you don't, you disease ridden piece of lying, verminous fanboy filth;
you may fool the rest of this adolescent, power-tripping, spandex worshipping
newsgroup, but you can't confuse the likes of Comics-Snob-Boy. You're just
like the rest of the cretinous slobs who wouldn't know a real piece of comics
art if you were bitten by a radioactive Gary Groth. You're all a lot of
leprous, mutated smegma just wallowing in the four-color filth of your
superhero ghetto. I want to eviscerate the lot of you.

Gosh, maybe he really does cause flamewars whenever he posts!

michael kelly

chưa đọc,
12:48:04 5 thg 5, 19925/5/92
đến (Maurice Beyke) writes:

How can you have forgotten me, Myk-El! Sure, I may have been banished to
the Graduate School Zone for 1000 years; True, this experience has driven me
insane from time to time; Yes, my one true weakness is metallic foil covers;
but does that mean that I have been retconned out of the continuity?!?!

+ Mike Kelly, Notre Dame Department of Physics +
+ +
+ If you crumple your money into little +
+ balls, it will never stick together. +


chưa đọc,
13:49:25 5 thg 5, 19925/5/92

>In article <> writes:
>>Assuming that Magneto is really dead, who is the most powerful mutant alive?

>I agree that MR. S probably is one of the most powerful (we haven't seen it but

>He probably is) along with Apocalypse, Rachel, Havok and Boom Boom.

>just kidding about Boom Boom. :-)

Whew! Ya had me goin' for a sec there! 0-}

How about Prof. X? Isn't he supposed to be the most powerful mortal telepath
or something? Or perhaps Rogue? With her invulnerability and all of that
other stuff, she's got quite a lot of power. Of course, she isn't exactly
the most dangerous mutant, but that's something different. Mr. Sinister
would probably eat her alive in a fight.

Also, isn't Cyclops more powerful than Havoc? I have no idea, but this is
something my friend told me way back (about 10 years ago), when he introduced
me to the X-Men. Something to do with his being the older brother or something
like that...

Excuse my ignorance, I really don't read X-Men much.

* * * * * * * * * * ** ** *** **** ****** *********
Jesse Chang (KJS) e-mail: *
"-.-- -.-- --.." "Technology - high, on the leading edge of life." -Rush *
* * * * * * * * * ** ** *** **** ****** ********

Dani Zweig

chưa đọc,
14:43:04 5 thg 5, 19925/5/92
đến (Maurice Beyke) writes:
|> But, anyway, the roll call I have is:

Let's see if we can work backwards from the name to the power:

|> Spelling Boy -- A male equivalent of the White Witch
|> Bibliography Boy -- A reality-altering power
|> California Kid -- This is hard. Could one deduce Saturn Girl's
powers from her name?
|> Marvel Zombie Lad -- Can raise the dead
|> Figment Lad -- A male equivalent of Mirage
|> Comics-Snob-Boy -- Like Cosmic Boy, he collects artifacts from
the 20th century. Obviously leadership material.
|> Time-Waster Lad -- Minor time-travel abilities: forward only.
|> The Forgetting One -- Able to induce amnesia
|> Lurking Girl -- Camouflage powers
|> Procrastination Boy -- Able to cloud men's minds and cause them
to forget whatever they were about to do.
|> Inacoustic Kid -- What Shadow Girl does to light he does to sound.
|> Parking Karma Kid -- Can always find a parking spot. Useful in
emergencies, but otherwise Substitute Hero fodder.
|> Late-Night Lad -- A male equivalent of Night Girl (Lass?)
|> Cheesecake-Eater Lad -- A considerably toned-down version of
Matter-Eater Lad's powers. Can eat anything, as long
as it's cheesecake. Limited utility. Subs' Auxilliary.
|> Bad-Timing Boy -- Able to scramble an opponent's reflexes.
|> Squid Boy -- Like the Weirdo Legionnaire, but with more arms
and fewer heads. Useful against berserk robots.
|> Catalyst Lass -- Like Chemical King, without the ability to *slow*
reactions. Substitutes again.
|> Obscure Trivia Lad -- Able to obscure small but important facts
from people's attention.
|> Manga Man -- Able to rip phonebooks in half, and has the personality
to match. Sort of like the Thing.
|> Sidewinder -- Shoots poison darts from his fingernails.
|> Incredible Unsleeping Man -- An experiment linked the hemispheres
of his brain in such a manner as to multiply his
intelligence ten-fold. Unfortunately, it also
destroyed his ability to sleep, so he hallucinates
a lot.
|> Irony Man -- Like Iron Man -- but only sort of.

Dani Zweig

The surface of the strange, forbidden planet was roughly textured and green,
much like cottage cheese gets way after the date on the lid says it is all
right to buy it.--Scott Jones

gary michael feldman

chưa đọc,
15:01:29 5 thg 5, 19925/5/92
Polaris: I've stated before that her powers SHOULD
be along the lines of Maggs, but the way she's being written,
all she can do is act like a refrigerator magnet!

Boom Boom - was this a joke?

Mr. Sinister - just what ARE his powers?????

Jean grey: I've said several tiems that I think she is the
most powerful. She can replicate most of Magneto's
powers using TK and she has telepathy to boot!!!

Jason Graff

chưa đọc,
16:16:28 5 thg 5, 19925/5/92

Just out of curiosity, what about whats-his-face, Colussus' brother??
Wasn't the description accompanying the scene where he closed the hole
between universes something to the effect that he was channeling power
enough to destroy several of them??

Of course, there's always FRANKLIN RICHARDS!!!

Vernon H Harmon

chưa đọc,
16:51:23 5 thg 5, 19925/5/92
Some of the mutants who might seem to be the 'most
powerful' include Gidion, Jean Gray, Havok, Storm, Mr.Sinister, Polaris,...
I'd probably make it a toss up between Sinister and Gid.

Sorry. I'd have to disagree here. The most powerful mutant around now is
Apocalypse. Only problem being that he's so powerful, that no one can
really write him competently, and so he's not around anywhere. IMHO,
Apocalypse is to Merry Marvel's Mighty Mutants what the Time Trapper was
to DC's LSH--way beyond anybody's ability to defeat, but somehow they


The Ahkond of Swat

chưa đọc,
17:25:36 5 thg 5, 19925/5/92
In article <> (Dani Zweig) writes:

> (Maurice Beyke) writes:
>Let's see if we can work backwards from the name to the power:

>|> Spelling Boy -- A male equivalent of the White Witch

Okay, okay, who leaked the photo? }8^)

Bill Sherman S^1 `--> S^(2n+1) -->> CP^n

"Thank you very much, and I hope we passed the audition."
- John Lennon, after the Beatles' "Get Back" rooftop concert

Rick Jones

chưa đọc,
18:28:56 5 thg 5, 19925/5/92
In article <> writes:
>Polaris: I've stated before that her powers SHOULD
>be along the lines of Maggs, but the way she's being written,
>all she can do is act like a refrigerator magnet!

Why? Just because she has magnetic powers doesn't mean that she
has as much magnetic potential as Magneto does. Does every Marvel
strongman have to be as strong as the Hulk? Of course not. Besides,
Lorna doesn't have as much experience with her powers as Magneto does.
After ~40-50 years of playing with her powers, she'll be able to use
her magnetism with the same level of skill Mags does, even if she doesn't
have the ability to use the same ammount of power. Zaladane was able
to confront Magneto with Lorna's powers because Zaladane was using the
magnetic south pole's power, and warping Earth's magnetic field dangerously
for her own benefit. Mags never would do that (even when he was a
villain, since it would screw up the ecosystem for mutants as well
as humans).

>Boom Boom - was this a joke?

YES. Unless she's a HIGH LORD!!! (snicker)

>Mr. Sinister - just what ARE his powers?????

Attitude. It's all attitude. That and superhuman strength,
invulnerability, flight, super-intelligence (and skilled at cloning

>Jean grey: I've said several tiems that I think she is the
> most powerful. She can replicate most of Magneto's
> powers using TK and she has telepathy to boot!!!

Not really, Magneto's been shown to be able to lift huge
things magnetically (submarines, ferinstace) without much strain at
all. Jean Grey, even when her TK was boosted after getting out
of the cocoon, had a hard time holding up the antenna from the
Empire State Building. Mag's just has mo' power. And,
Mags' will is soooo damn strong that he was able to defend
himself from a Psi assault by Professor X, the strongest psi
on the planet.
Rick Jones Systems Support Center Baylor College of Medicine
Voice: 713-798-7352 standard disclaimers apply
You're only young once,but you can always be immature.-Dave Barry


chưa đọc,
18:29:06 5 thg 5, 19925/5/92
OK, I want to join. I got my name picked out, too. How's this

REBEL YELL--with the ability to find _any_ unflattering or uncharacteristic
portrayial of the South and rant about it as if anyone gives a damn.

---------SCAVENGER (with all regards to Mr. Idol)

Anthony D. Chen

chưa đọc,
20:18:07 5 thg 5, 19925/5/92
In article <> (Rick Jones) writes:
>have the ability to use the same ammount of power. Zaladane was able
>to confront Magneto with Lorna's powers because Zaladane was using the
>magnetic south pole's power, and warping Earth's magnetic field dangerously

>for her own benefit. Mags never would do that (even when he was a

Hurm, that much power, eh? Try holding a compass in your hand, and then
grab your refrigerator magnet and hold it near the compass. Hoo'd Win?(tm)
The earth's magnetic strength is about as strong as Aunt May's left pinky
8-) I know, many comic writers have no sense of science at all, but jeez,
they might as well not mention any planet called earth at all.

If you want a strong magnetic field, check out your local tiny cyclotron
in some basement. We had a little demo during frosh physics. They had
us take out all our wallets (credit cards, etc.) and other ferromagnetic junk
before going inside. This thing was only maybe 3-4ft in diameter, but you
toss a metal object even remotely towards it and WHANG! Took both arms to
pull this metal part out. In this case, we're probably dealing with the power
of Magneto's little pinky 8-)

-Tony Chen

The Wease

chưa đọc,
22:30:46 5 thg 5, 19925/5/92
>>Personally, I don't know. Some of the mutants who might seem to be the 'most
>>powerful' include Gidion, Jean Gray, Havok, Storm, Mr.Sinister, Polaris,...
>>I'd probably make it a toss up between Sinister and Gid.
>>John D.
> I'd vote for Magneto's arch-enemy, Prof X.
> Andrew.
You're forgetting about Franklin Richards...I'd have to say
that when he has full control of ALL of his powers, he'll be right
up there with Mag's...


+ +
+ Now, here's what's known as a radio cut, +
+ when you can't say sh*t and you can't say f*ck... +
+ +
+ "Freedom of Speech" +
+ -Above the Law +
+ +

The Wease

chưa đọc,
22:36:41 5 thg 5, 19925/5/92
In article <>, (gary michael feldman) writes:
> Polaris: I've stated before that her powers SHOULD
> be along the lines of Maggs, but the way she's being written,
> all she can do is act like a refrigerator magnet!

Yeah, but, she doesn't have Mag's skill with her
powers...I don't know...just sounded good...

> Boom Boom - was this a joke?


> Mr. Sinister - just what ARE his powers?????

> Well, according to Marvel Universe Update (for all of
you abbreviaters out there, it's MUU...) he has a force screen
powerful enough to stop Havok's plasma bullsh*t, can blast
things pretty hard, is pretty strong, and has telepathy as
powerful, or moreso, as Prof. says something about him
being able to block powers too...also, it is said that he is
a master of the astral plane...

> Jean grey: I've said several tiems that I think she is the
> most powerful. She can replicate most of Magneto's
> powers using TK and she has telepathy to boot!!!

All I can say is UGH!

danielle greenidge

chưa đọc,
23:42:03 5 thg 5, 19925/5/92

I could be called "The Invisible, Blithering Babe", because I post &
I post (blither, blither), but no one (or at least hardly anyone) answers
me back (i.e. I'm invisible) *poutpout*

A man asked God, "How long is a million years to you?" God said, "A second."
Then he asked God, "How much is a million dollars to you?" God said, "A penny."
Slyly the man asked, "Could I have a penny?" and God replied, "In a second...."
|||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||

Winfield Eng

chưa đọc,
00:22:25 6 thg 5, 19926/5/92
I would have to say that Franklin Richards would get my vote for being the
most powerful mutant. Although the writers keep changing his powers,
all the stories, with the exception of the Days of Future Past, of Franklin
as an adult that I've read, show him as having almost unlimited power.

I would probably say that the Jean Grey Phoenix, (I'm not sure if the Rachel
Summers Phoenix is as powerful, I haven't kept up with her) would be my second
choice, but she's non-existent these days.

If it were a choice between Magneto and the present Jean Grey, I'd have to go
Jeannie because Mags' limitation of moving object is that they must have
a magnetic quality while Ms. Grey can move any object. Put them both in a
room with only wooden objects and see who comes out the winner. :-)

* The Grand Inquisitor * "A man with one watch knows what time it is, *
* * but a man with two is never sure." *

James Davis Nicoll

chưa đọc,
00:24:03 6 thg 5, 19926/5/92
In article <1992May5.2...@ucsu.Colorado.EDU> kog...@ucsu.Colorado.EDU (SCAVENGER) writes:
>OK, I want to join. I got my name picked out, too. How's this
>REBEL YELL--with the ability to find _any_ unflattering or uncharacteristic
>portrayial of the South and rant about it as if anyone gives a damn.

I thought the south was resigned to its position in the union?

There's a community down in Brazil which was settled by expatriot
CSA folk, since Brazil retained slavery longer than the US. Damnedest
accents: a mixture of southern (Currently USAian) with Brazilian.


Spelling Boy

chưa đọc,
01:14:06 6 thg 5, 19926/5/92
In article <> (James Davis Nicoll) writes:
>In article <1992May5.2...@ucsu.Colorado.EDU> kog...@ucsu.Colorado.EDU (SCAVENGER) writes:
>>OK, I want to join. I got my name picked out, too. How's this
>>REBEL YELL--with the ability to find _any_ unflattering or uncharacteristic
>>portrayial of the South and rant about it as if anyone gives a damn.


> I thought the south was resigned to its position in the union?

Not by a long shot. This is still a sore topic for many people. I don't
think that anyone with my name (William Sherman) would be an immediate
hit in Georgia. My namesake is still thought of as a war hero by many
people there (or so I've heard).

> There's a community down in Brazil which was settled by expatriot
>CSA folk, since Brazil retained slavery longer than the US. Damnedest
>accents: a mixture of southern (Currently USAian) with Brazilian.
> Tangento

You mean "expatriate", not "expatriot". "Expatriot" sounds like they
used to be patriots but lapsed, which is probably not the way they saw it.

(if Tangento can go off on a tangent, I can correct his spelling, right?)

go LNH!

Bill Sherman S^1 `--> S^(2n+1) -->> CP^n

"Sock it to ME?" - Richard Nixon, on "Laugh-In"

The Ahkond of Swat

chưa đọc,
01:18:21 6 thg 5, 19926/5/92
In article <>
I wrote:

>Not by a long shot. This is still a sore topic for many people. I don't
>think that anyone with my name (William Sherman) would be an immediate
>hit in Georgia. My namesake is still thought of as a war hero by many
>people there (or so I've heard).

Whoops. I meant "war criminal".

gary michael feldman

chưa đọc,
01:47:26 6 thg 5, 19926/5/92
Zaladane was able
>to confront Magneto with Lorna's powers because Zaladane was using the
>magnetic south pole's power, and warping Earth's magnetic field dangerously
>for her own benefit.

Good explanation of Zaladane's seemingly stornger powers. Still,
I think Lorna should be able to do alot more than she currenlty can
in X-Factor, even if she is not as strong asMagneto. If I recall,
she was "latent" mutant, and her powers were only stimulated by
some machine by mesmero or someone. But I"ms ick of her saying
how "you shouldn't wear so much metal" or "yeah the metal in her
helmet is making this easy". It's getting to be like Psylocke and
her "focused totality of her psychic powers".

I guess i just like Lorna and want her powers boosted! :)
I also loved her costume in "WHat if all new Xmen never existed",
the one that's all green, and has a metal headgear. Was this her
real costume ever?

>>Mr. Sinister - just what ARE his powers?????
> Attitude. It's all attitude. That and superhuman strength,
>invulnerability, flight, super-intelligence (and skilled at cloning

It seems he has a lot more energy-related powers, and possible
teleportation as well. Were his powers ever established
definitively? I never read Inferno.

[Jean's TK vx. Mags' mag strength discussion ommitted]

True, Jean did have trouble holding on to the antenna of the
empire state building. But i think Magneto's strength is
really overdone.......there is no way he should be able to
do all the stuff he does without strain. At least in his
last appearance he was showing sings of stress.

Not to mention, just how does he create life-support bubbles
out of magnetism????? This is kind of dumb. I love magneto, dont
get me wrong. But i think the writers go overboard.

"Most powerful" "The devil himslef"

come on, he is not that powerful (or shouldn't be), and he
is defineilty not evil, no matter what the recent plots say.
I found it really stupid the way people reacted to him at the
end. Pesonally, i'd be an Acolyte any day! :)

>Mags' will is soooo damn strong that he was able to defend
>himself from a Psi assault by Professor X, the strongest psi
>on the planet.

Another stupid plot device.......Prof X is repeatedly called
the most powerful telepath. Mags should not be able to resists
his psi-blasts. THis is just the writer's inane desire to
make Maggs out to be Satan!


Magneto and Polaris fan! (PAD< Please let us find out Lorna
*really* is his kid!!!!)

Timothy Malcolm Broudy

chưa đọc,
04:24:53 6 thg 5, 19926/5/92
In article <> (gary michael feldman) writes:
> Jean grey: I've said several tiems that I think she is the
> most powerful. She can replicate most of Magneto's
> powers using TK and she has telepathy to boot!!!
Sighs. Jean Grey? If you want to take characters along those lines, go for
Rachel. She's got the same powers, PLUS the phoenix. That power attracted
Galactus's attention.
Moira McTaggart's son was pretty powerful, as well. (forgot the name)

Andrew Farrell

chưa đọc,
04:30:47 6 thg 5, 19926/5/92
kog...@ucsu.Colorado.EDU (SCAVENGER) writes:

>OK, I want to join. I got my name picked out, too. How's this

>REBEL YELL--with the ability to find _any_ unflattering or uncharacteristic
>portrayial of the South and rant about it as if anyone gives a damn.

So, can I take this as an application for membership of the Brotherhood of Evil Rogue-Haters? :-)

>---------SCAVENGER (with all regards to Mr. Idol)

Andrew. (On a dodgy editor)


chưa đọc,
07:21:00 6 thg 5, 19926/5/92
In article <>, (Timothy Malcolm Broudy) writes...
^ Proteus (I think)

Karthik P Sheka

chưa đọc,
09:20:10 6 thg 5, 19926/5/92
In article <> (Winfield Eng) writes:
>I would have to say that Franklin Richards would get my vote for being the
>most powerful mutant. Although the writers keep changing his powers,
>all the stories, with the exception of the Days of Future Past, of Franklin
>as an adult that I've read, show him as having almost unlimited power.
>I would probably say that the Jean Grey Phoenix, (I'm not sure if the Rachel
>Summers Phoenix is as powerful, I haven't kept up with her) would be my second
>choice, but she's non-existent these days.
>If it were a choice between Magneto and the present Jean Grey, I'd have to go
>Jeannie because Mags' limitation of moving object is that they must have
>a magnetic quality while Ms. Grey can move any object. Put them both in a
>room with only wooden objects and see who comes out the winner. :-)

Somehow I doubt it. In high quantities, magnetic fields can be seriously
damaging to human tissues. Also, Magneto once was able to reverse the flow
of blood in a body by controling the trace iron in the hemoglobin. If he
and Jean Grey were out to kill each other, and there were no metallic
objects in the room (Let's assume Magneto is not wearing anything made out
of iron, for once...) Jean would probably try to attack only with her
telekinesis, since Magneto was able to resist even Professor X's telepathy,
at least for some time. She would probably try to knock him out or squeeze
him to death. Either way, Magneto has time to react, and would stop the
electrical impulses inside Jean's brain, instantly stopping her.

//Karthik Sheka, aka Kid Yesterdaze.

Michael G. McKellar

chưa đọc,
10:04:24 6 thg 5, 19926/5/92
My name is Sloberine. I have the uncanny ability of spilling food on my
shirt or pants. This happens particularily when I am dressed up for an

Mike McKellar
========== long legal disclaimer follows, press n to skip ===========

Neither the United States Government or the Idaho National Engineering
Laboratory or any of their employees, makes any warranty, whatsoever,
implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility regarding any
information, disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe
privately owned rights. No specific reference constitutes or implies
endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the United States
Government or the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory. The views and
opinions expressed herein do not necessarily reflect those of the
United States Government or the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory,
and shall not be used for advertising or product endorsement purposes.

Benjamin R Pierce

chưa đọc,
11:58:00 6 thg 5, 19926/5/92
In article <>, writes...

>I guess i just like Lorna and want her powers boosted! :)
>I also loved her costume in "WHat if all new Xmen never existed",
>the one that's all green, and has a metal headgear. Was this her
>real costume ever?

This was her original costume. Yeeesh, I suddenly feel old...


Benjamin R Pierce

chưa đọc,
12:00:00 6 thg 5, 19926/5/92
In article <>, (Winfield Eng) writes...

>If it were a choice between Magneto and the present Jean Grey, I'd have to go
>Jeannie because Mags' limitation of moving object is that they must have
>a magnetic quality while Ms. Grey can move any object. Put them both in a
>room with only wooden objects and see who comes out the winner. :-)

They'd put Maggie over with some excuse like "trace amounts of iron in the
wood's chamical makeup..." :)


August Paul Yang

chưa đọc,
12:25:09 6 thg 5, 19926/5/92

Cute. But as I recall from a Captain America Issue where Magneto is chasing
the Red Skull, the Red Skull presses a button on (or under) his desk and
a plastic bubble appears around Magneto. Magneto, caught a little off
guard, then says something to the effect of "Fool! You cannot trap the master
of one of the four elemental forces of nature so easily!" and proceeds to
rip the bubble to shreads. Since the Red Skull probably knows Maggs power,
the Bubble probably had no trace metals in it, meaning Maggs is not dependant
on metal to make his power work.

Victor Strange: "You should have cut my head off, doused it in holy water,
and filled my mouth with garlic!"
Steven Strange: "Considering the kind of breath vampires have I could have
skipped the garlic."
-Doctor Strange
A production. All worhsips, prasies, and money
gifts should be sent to the above address. Flames should be sent elsewhere.

Doug Moran

chưa đọc,
13:02:22 6 thg 5, 19926/5/92
In article <>, dani@netcom (Dani Zweig) writes:
>|> Irony Man -- Like Iron Man -- but only sort of.

Indeed. I couldn't have said it better myself.
Doug "Irony Man" Moran | "Smithers, hand me that ice-cream scoop." | "Ice cream scoop? But sir!"
{...}!!dougm | "Damn it Smithers, this isn't rocket science;
HaL Computer Systems | it's brain surgery!"

Doug Moran

chưa đọc,
13:04:36 6 thg 5, 19926/5/92

Say, whatever happened to Exact Change Lass and the Stop-light Kid?
Doug Moran | "Smithers, hand me that ice-cream scoop."

Rick Jones

chưa đọc,
13:06:18 6 thg 5, 19926/5/92
In article <1992May6.0...@Princeton.EDU> adc...@lit.Princeton.EDU (Anthony D. Chen) writes:
>Hurm, that much power, eh? Try holding a compass in your hand, and then
>grab your refrigerator magnet and hold it near the compass. Hoo'd Win?(tm)
>The earth's magnetic strength is about as strong as Aunt May's left pinky
>8-) I know, many comic writers have no sense of science at all, but jeez,
>they might as well not mention any planet called earth at all.

Hey, I don't make the news, I just report it. ;-) That's what
Mags said, and I figured he'd know.
Hey, the bit about the magnetic pole seemed okay to me, someone
who knows a bit about physics. At least it's not an obvious gaffe,
like Legion has on alternate Wednesdays.

Steve Husty

chưa đọc,
13:30:34 6 thg 5, 19926/5/92

(Lotsa Pro-Magneto stuff removed)

> My thoughts exactly Rick,


Byron C. Go

chưa đọc,
14:23:09 6 thg 5, 19926/5/92
Well, let's see... I was the original Bad Timing Man, but it seems like I
was retconned out of existence before I got the chance to post. (The FAT on
my computer's hard disk was trashed, and I've spent the past two days
recovering data. Bad timing indeed!)

Just call me the Lurker in the Shadows for now... until Neil Gaiman decides
to revive my character, that is.

(I was also Birthday Boy on Monday the 4th, but that's another story... :) )

byron (:

Mikey likes it

chưa đọc,
14:41:02 6 thg 5, 19926/5/92

In article <1992May6.0...@Princeton.EDU> adc...@lit.Princeton.EDU (Anthony D. Chen) writes:
>Hurm, that much power, eh? Try holding a compass in your hand, and then
>grab your refrigerator magnet and hold it near the compass. Hoo'd Win?(tm)
>The earth's magnetic strength is about as strong as Aunt May's left pinky
>8-) I know, many comic writers have no sense of science at all, but jeez,
>they might as well not mention any planet called earth at all.

Would the same thing happen with a compass and a magnet at the south pole?
Or even the north pole for that matter. We are thousands of miles from either
pole, yet they still are strong enough to attract a compass needle. How much
stronger would that force be at the source?
I dont really know about this, so I am just proposing some possibilities.

Mikel B.

Zeeshan Hasan

chưa đọc,
18:03:23 6 thg 5, 19926/5/92

> If it were a choice between Magneto and the present Jean Grey, I'd have to go
> Jeannie because Mags' limitation of moving object is that they must have
> a magnetic quality while Ms. Grey can move any object. Put them both in a
> room with only wooden objects and see who comes out the winner. :-)

Which brings us to yet another nomination for Most
Underutilized Powers. Magnetism can do a lot more than stick notes to
a fridge.
Too bad none of the writers have ever looked up
electromagnetic induction in a physics text -- with Magneto's ability
to set up massive magnetic fields, one would also be able to fry
_anything_ with induced electric currents...

Zeeshan Hasan OCMR box 1529, Oberlin College Oberlin, Ohio 44074
skh...@oberlin.bitnet (216) 775-5423

"I love mankind... it's people I can't stand!"
- Linus Van Pelt

Gary Weiner

chưa đọc,
18:36:23 6 thg 5, 19926/5/92

I am The Often Overlooked Lurker Lad. I read over 20 newsgroups
yet I manage to post less than once a week! Observe my awsome power as
none of you ever hear from me again!!

Gary J. Weiner | Brookhaven National Laboratories | "I'm not a bigot,
PO BOX 715 | National Synchrotron Light Source | I hate everybody!"
Upton,NY 11973 | |

Rebecca Drayer

chưa đọc,
18:47:59 6 thg 5, 19926/5/92
In article <> (Michael Lee Jacobs) writes:

> My Vote goes for the above mentioned plus--get the flames out--
>Dazzler. Just think about it, were she written properly the more sound
>a battle makes the more power she has to wreck things which leads us right
>back to more sound. Add a Banshee in the near vicinity and she should
>go up with exponential growth. (and maybe focus it with Bishop..hmmm)
I'm not sure I would say she's the most powerful mutant, but she is indeed
powerful. In Dazzler #9 (the one in which she's being examined by
Project: Pegasus), it's said that, at the right frequency, she can actually
store sound energy and release it at a later time. (This is what happened
when Klaw tried to kill her. She absorbed all his energy and then blew
off the top of the Project headquarters.)

Rebecca A. Drayer, EMT |
P.O. Box 6349 Yale Station | Computing Assistant
New Haven, CT 06520 | Silliman College, Yale University

"Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life, son."
-Animal House

Grant A. Ladue

chưa đọc,
19:18:38 6 thg 5, 19926/5/92
In article <> (Victoria C Fike) writes:
>Lurking Girl!!! Invisible to most net.worlders, only sensed by the sharpest of
><trumpet fanfare as I crawl back under my rock for another year or two>
>Victoria C. Fike | "See, that's the deal we made,
> | Just to join the oyster cult--
>(define (ultimate-joy) | The Blue Oyster Cult!!"
> (writeln "No more Scheme!!")) | --BOC

I guess this would make me lurking lad. seeing as how I have read every
article posted to this group for the last three years and have only posted
maybe twice in the same period.

'course this might be defined more as insubstantial instead of invisible


"Slipshod Jobs and Mistakes are my specialities, mishandling a volleyball team
is only my hobby"

mitchell e french

chưa đọc,
19:46:12 6 thg 5, 19926/5/92
In article <> (August Paul Yang) writes:
> Cute. But as I recall from a Captain America Issue where Magneto is
> the Red Skull, the Red Skull presses a button on (or under) his desk and
> a plastic bubble appears around Magneto. Magneto, caught a little off
> guard, then says something to the effect of "Fool! You cannot trap the
> of one of the four elemental forces of nature so easily!" and proceeds
> rip the bubble to shreads. Since the Red Skull probably knows Maggs
> the Bubble probably had no trace metals in it, meaning Maggs is not
> on metal to make his power work.

I recall reading somewhere that Mag's powers are NOT just control
of magnetism. That's just what he's best at. He can control *ALL*
electromagnetic forces -- and does, to affect anything nonmetallic -- and
has enough telepathic skill to withstand Prof X's telepathy for some time.
He's also just skilled as hell with his abilities....

Mitch French


chưa đọc,
19:47:15 6 thg 5, 19926/5/92
In article <>, (john wesley donald) writes:
> Assuming that Magneto is really dead, who is the most powerful mutant alive?
> Personally, I don't know. Some of the mutants who might seem to be the 'most
> powerful' include Gidion, Jean Gray, Havok, Storm, Mr.Sinister, Polaris,...
> I'd probably make it a toss up between Sinister and Gid.
> John D.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. . .

It's been said before, but people persist in ignoring it: Actually, the
character who is the most powerful (yes, character: not mutant, Character)
would have to be Forge. This is largely due to poor writing/silly ideas.
To say that a person's power is the "ability to invent Anything" is just
plain stupid; but since Marvel seems to be stubborn about sticking by that,
we're stuck w/it. So by default, Forge is the most powerful. All he has
to do is invent himself an Infinity Gauntlet or two. Y'know?

Kevvy Kev

! Prediction: In 19?? the Anti-Monitor will reappear. However, !
! Superman will trick him into saying "Rotinom-Itna" and every- !
! thing will go back to where it was before the CRISIS. !
! -Bruce T. Smith !


chưa đọc,
21:11:28 6 thg 5, 19926/5/92
What I would have liked to see, just once (assuming that adamantium is magnetic
as I hope it is) (does that give you an idea where I am headed?),

Ok, just once I would like to see magneto band, twist, crush and rend wolvie's
little metal skeleton or maybe just put spurs into major nerve centers so he
basically tortures the runt for a while - why, the possibilities are limitless!

By the way, the most powerful mutant is DEFINATELY Jubilee. She is young and
her powers haven't reached their potential yet. Soon she'll be able to level
cities with those little firecrackers of hers, just you wait and see!!! She'll
probably have all kinds of powers we don't even know about now (like the ones
they add to gambit when they want to add a plot twist) and she'll be even more
powerful!!! I can see it now - Jubee, leader of the X-Dudes.

Ok, so maybe this is wishful thinking.

Another little thing to add here - isn't it great that lobo is from DC? If he
were marvel he would be a mutant and maybe even have a conscience.

oh, well - enough for now



Brian Perler

chưa đọc,
22:15:29 6 thg 5, 19926/5/92
In article <> writes:
>I guess i just like Lorna and want her powers boosted! :)
>I also loved her costume in "WHat if all new Xmen never existed",
>the one that's all green, and has a metal headgear. Was this her
>real costume ever?

Yep. It was the costume she wore when she first appeared. Obscure
Trivia Lad knows these things.

>[Jean's TK vx. Mags' mag strength discussion ommitted]
>True, Jean did have trouble holding on to the antenna of the
>empire state building. But i think Magneto's strength is
>really overdone.......there is no way he should be able to
>do all the stuff he does without strain. At least in his
>last appearance he was showing sings of stress.
>Not to mention, just how does he create life-support bubbles
>out of magnetism????? This is kind of dumb. I love magneto, dont
>get me wrong. But i think the writers go overboard.

Overboard? Naaahhh... Just because he can magnetically manipulate
metals that have no magnetic properties? Like when he and Prof. X
fought Baron Strucker, and he magnetically carries a large quantity
of gold away? Nah, the writers have everything set at realistic

>"Most powerful" "The devil himslef"
>come on, he is not that powerful (or shouldn't be), and he
>is defineilty not evil, no matter what the recent plots say.
>I found it really stupid the way people reacted to him at the
>end. Pesonally, i'd be an Acolyte any day! :)

You're right, he's definitely not as powerful as most writers make
him out to be. And he's definitely NOT evil. He and Prof. X have
basically the same goal, it's just that Magneto is more extreme in
his methods. He's not completely good (I suppose "moral" would be
a better word here), but he is not evil.

>Magneto and Polaris fan! (PAD< Please let us find out Lorna
>*really* is his kid!!!!)

PAD - Please don't! When she first appeared, she believed she was
his kid, and they proved it wrong! There's no reason for that to
be changed now!

BTW, is there anyone out there who truly believes Magneto's really
dead this time?

Aittokallio Petteri

chưa đọc,
06:24:01 7 thg 5, 19927/5/92

In article <> (Brian Perler) writes:

>BTW, is there anyone out there who truly believes Magneto's really
>dead this time?

Does it matter what we believe or even what those Marvel-people think now?
Jean Grey was brought back. Recently we have seen that even Mr. Sinister
is alive and well, despite the fact that we saw him blasted to pieces. Believe
me, if Magneto is needed he will appear.

chưa đọc,
06:54:38 7 thg 5, 19927/5/92
In article <>, Montague_Kevin (Kevvy Kev) writes:
> ... So by default, Forge is the most powerful. All he has

> to do is invent himself an Infinity Gauntlet or two. Y'know?

Yeah, I can see it...
Forge: "Hey guys, look what I built. Anybody got five-gazillion
C-size batteries for this thing?"

Actually, I think he can't invent the capabilities of the Infinity Gems,
since the 'mortal mind' can't conceive of much of their potential.

I'm amazed this hasn't regressed into something that belongs on alt.hoo',
so I'll do it. I'd always like to think of who'd be able to beat ANYONE if they
got to hit first. Something like... "Alright, we won't tell you who you're
going to fight, but you'll get a surprise attack" My vote here is Dr. Strange.

"I've got the money, and from time to time I have the time" Joe Jackson, *Soul

Mike Basinger

chưa đọc,
11:41:35 7 thg 5, 19927/5/92

Mylar Man: Able to place objects (especially Sandman #1 and Doom Patrol
#21 [You know, the good stuff]) in environmently safe, water-proof
mylar covers.

Mike Basinger aka Mylar Man
D. Michael Basinger: Not speaking for I.U., UCS, or anybody but myself. (VAX/VMS) dbas...@iubacs.BITNET (Bitnet) (NeXT Mail)

Doug Dawson

chưa đọc,
12:29:36 7 thg 5, 19927/5/92
In article <> (Brian Perler) writes:
>Overboard? Naaahhh... Just because he can magnetically manipulate
>metals that have no magnetic properties? Like when he and Prof. X
>fought Baron Strucker, and he magnetically carries a large quantity
>of gold away? Nah, the writers have everything set at realistic

Errrr....would you care to name something that has no magnetic
properties? EVERYTHING has magnetic's just that
most people think of ferromagnetism, which is basically confined to
iron, nickel, and cobalt. Pretty much everything else is
diamagnetic or paramagnetic...Mags is just powerful enough that
these (admittedly weaker) responses to magnetism are enough to
allow him to manipulate non ferro-type things.

David P. Murphy

chưa đọc,
12:43:41 7 thg 5, 19927/5/92
neither hero nor villian, i am _Wordage_Wizard_ and the powers of space
and time are mine to command! all must yield to me, for without my
extremely powerful support, no character would have enough time during battle
to spout the lengthy soliloquies so often found in almost every title.

my only enemies are the artists, who continually cry foul at my bias of
channeling more panel-space to dialogue balloons than to the art.

ye shall know me by my sentences, for, verily, they are great in length
and hugely filled with immense quantities of adjectives.

-- 602 Cameron St. Alexandria, VA 22314 (703) 683-9090

When every one is dead the Great Game is finished. Not before.
--- Hurree Babu, "Kim"

Patrick Haggood

chưa đọc,
15:32:00 7 thg 5, 19927/5/92
'Crash Masterson'


'Crash Cargo'!




'Smash Man'!

nah. Uhm...


Able to crash his cycle and ... and ... well, that's what I do.

"Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto a net," | DoD #1966
Matthew 13:47 | 81 Honda CB400T Hawk


chưa đọc,
15:54:51 7 thg 5, 19927/5/92
đến (gary michael feldman) queries:

>Not to mention, just how does he create life-support bubbles
>out of magnetism????? This is kind of dumb. I love magneto, dont
>get me wrong. But i think the writers go overboard.

What you all overlook when you query what you can and can't do with
magnetic powers is that ALL matter can be polarised. A life support
bubble is a bubble of highly polarised oxygen. If you have sufficient
mastery of magnetic monopoles you can do anything a TK can do and

Gambit ( ex-physicist )

"If you were happy every day of your life you wouldn't be a
human being, you'd be a gameshow host."
- Winona Ryder
Copyright 1992 Mad Chris Productions. All Rights Reversed.


chưa đọc,
17:22:30 7 thg 5, 19927/5/92
In article <> (Andrew Farrell) writes:
>>REBEL YELL--with the ability to find _any_ unflattering or uncharacteristic
>>portrayial of the South and rant about it as if anyone gives a damn.
>So, can I take this as an application for membership of the Brotherhood of Evil Rogue-Haters? :-)
>Andrew. (On a dodgy editor)

Of course you can't!!! I'm the one who wants the RFC to go to war against ya'll
Rogue is a a good southern character. It's just that (letsee) Scott " I can
f**k up a book almost as bad as Harris and DeFalco" Lobdell has no concept of
the South other than what he's read in POGO!!! (no slams against Pogo meant)


If some unemployed punk in New Jersey, can | <-I.NET
get a cassette to make love to Elle McPherson |
for $19.95, this virtual reality stuff is going|No matter where you go,
to make crack look like Sanka. - Dennis Miller| there you are."-Buckaroo Banzai


chưa đọc,
18:10:36 7 thg 5, 19927/5/92
In article <>, writes:
> In article <>, Montague_Kevin (Kevvy Kev) writes:
> > ... So by default, Forge is the most powerful. All he has
> > to do is invent himself an Infinity Gauntlet or two. Y'know?
> Yeah, I can see it...
> Forge: "Hey guys, look what I built. Anybody got five-gazillion
> C-size batteries for this thing?"
> Actually, I think he can't invent the capabilities of the Infinity Gems,
> since the 'mortal mind' can't conceive of much of their potential.

I know you're only teasing, but since I'm in a contentious mood what with
the recent verdict and all, I'm gonna drag this out. . .

<><><><><><><>?Is he just kidding? mode on<><><><><><><>

My point, chowderhead, is that Forge, if he can invent Anything, can invent
something to make him more powerful than Anybody. Get it? The allusion to
the Gauntlet was just to poke fun at another silly conception/storyline/idea.
How'd they beat Thanos, anyway? Fly by really fast and try to swipe the glove
off his hand? Ooops, that didn't work. . .what'll we do now? Fehhh. . .

<><><><><><><>?Is he just kidding? mode off<><><><><><><>

Anyway. Bottom line: Forge, as he has been presented to the readers thus far,
is the most powerful guy out there. I suspect this is just because those in
charge are too lazy to go into more detail on his powers; as soon as they do
we'll probably see some explanation like, "incredibly inventive, limited only
by the scope of his (human) imagination, etc, etc." Of course, this could've
been covered on one of the trading cards or handbooks; I don't get those.

The lengths some will go to, avoiding smileys. . .

David M. Pahnos

chưa đọc,
19:30:47 7 thg 5, 19927/5/92
posted on the 4th of may:

Here's the Manga Man - unfortunately, I've been translated into English and
colorized. My powers have not diminished, however, and are mostly in the
realms of Special Effects and Timing. Whenever I perform a jump-kick, listen
closely for the "t'ching!". A single, well-placed blast of my laser rifle
will take out even the largest of enemy starships! And if my amazing combat
abilities don't get them, I can always run them through with the Speed Lines,
my Special Ability...

From the manga equivalent of an otaku...

Yours heroically;

\/\ "I can see the light! I'm saved!" Kaneda, AKIRA Book 2 /\/
====\/\ "You REFUSE to drink my wine...?" Kahm, Outlanders Vol. 2 /\/====
=====\/\ *** WANT ANY MANGA ARTWORK DONE? Just email me! *** /\/=====
\/\ a.k.a. Kuro to Shiroi /\/

Guys: I think we have our first net.heroes traitor here, or a debatable

remember the rec.arts.manga vs. rec.arts.comics.manga wars?

guest-who lad
michael j pastor iii
guest on david's account

Michael W Butler

chưa đọc,
21:20:47 7 thg 5, 19927/5/92
In article <>,
(gary michael feldman) writes:
> Polaris: I've stated before that her powers SHOULD
> be along the lines of Maggs, but the way she's being written,
> all she can do is act like a refrigerator magnet!
> Boom Boom - was this a joke?
> Mr. Sinister - just what ARE his powers?????
> Jean grey: I've said several tiems that I think she is the
> most powerful. She can replicate most of Magneto's
> powers using TK and she has telepathy to boot!!!

Then wouldn't you say that Phoenix, via Excalibur, is even more powerful?

BTW no one has mention Leech, with the power to cancel any other mutants
power. I agree that he is young, but that ability is very useful.


BTW this is my first post


chưa đọc,
22:09:29 7 thg 5, 19927/5/92

What about Long-Shot or Forge or even Maverick?

Long-shot should dominate as the most powerful mutant just because his
power is so encompassing - LUCK? Shouldn't he be able to defeat
anyone just based on that premise. If he fights Prof. X - Luck will have
it that Prof. X is hit by lighting... Longshot wins.

Forge - being able to invent just about anything puts absolutely no constraints
on this guy. He can invent any weapon, inhibiter, gadget, etc. to defeat his
opponent. Given he'll need time, nevertheless, that should make him clearly
one of the mutants to be reckn'd with!

Maverick, according to the IMPEL cards, maverick is able to forsee the
immediate future, and the choose the most adventageous route towards his
own fate... With a power like that you should be able to weasel your
way out of just about any disaster...

What do the rest of you think...

Zeus - no one stronger, or mightier... NOT!

Craig Thomas Judd

chưa đọc,
01:40:18 8 thg 5, 19928/5/92

Well, 'guest' what? If you read Brotherhood of Evil.Net.Villains - the Story,
you will find that I have been cast as a very anti-Americana villain, on the
side of Dr. Killfile and Y-plex Burp; and I love it! Besides, the LNH doesn't
seem to be doing anything much at the moment, so all the Villains are busy
plotting... Perhaps the LNH will bust us real bad in Chapter II - who can

Anyway, if you can find it, read my compilation of the posts on the BoENV,
which I have reformatted and put into a reasonably comprehensive storyline.
I recently posted Chap. I, with the first post for Chap. II following.

Have fun - Americana Baka!

Manga Man

Anthony D. Chen

chưa đọc,
01:47:43 8 thg 5, 19928/5/92
In article <> (Zeus) writes:
>What about Long-Shot or Forge or even Maverick?
>Long-shot should dominate as the most powerful mutant just because his
>power is so encompassing - LUCK? Shouldn't he be able to defeat
>anyone just based on that premise. If he fights Prof. X - Luck will have
>it that Prof. X is hit by lighting... Longshot wins.

One important condition for Longshot. Only when his "motives are pure"
does luck bend chance to his advantage. Assuming he is fighting Mr. Bad
Guy, this should not be too much of a problem. But even this might not
be enough. Longshot probably needs to save someone or his world or

Anyway, y'all who hate Longshot or don't know much about him should read
the mini-series (Anne Nocenti, Art Adams) which details his origins. Much
better than most of his regular appearances.

-Tony Chen

Cleavy McKnight

chưa đọc,
03:02:53 8 thg 5, 19928/5/92
In article <> gree...@CS.ColoState.EDU (danielle greenidge) writes:
>I could be called "The Invisible, Blithering Babe", because I post &
>I post (blither, blither), but no one (or at least hardly anyone) answers
>me back (i.e. I'm invisible) *poutpout*
> --Danielle.
>A man asked God, "How long is a million years to you?" God said, "A second."
>Then he asked God, "How much is a million dollars to you?" God said, "A penny."
>Slyly the man asked, "Could I have a penny?" and God replied, "In a second...."
>|||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||

Just thought I'd better answer you, lest you fade into oblivion (or, at
least, into another dimension) like Invisible Kid I!

At least you've been inducted!
Nice quote, by the way.

Laura Hayes Burchard

chưa đọc,
10:28:40 8 thg 5, 19928/5/92

X-Men Dangler Lass adds her name to the roll call. Sadly, she was depowered
by not receiving her monthly dose of X-Men, as the available supply became
fatally contaminated by Marvelite... but once a Legionnaire, always a
Legionnaire in spirit!



Address alias changed -- good addresses are now and

Andrew Krieg, Man or Android?

chưa đọc,
12:40:45 8 thg 5, 19928/5/92

Please accept my application for membership into the Legion of Net.Heroes.

Name: Dizney Lad Alter Ego: Unka Skruge Planet: Walt`r

My powers of longevity and creativity are obtained from the element Barksium.
Recently, I have discovered the newly formed Rosatope (derived from Barksium)
will also increase my powers.
= Andrew Krieg | =
=| Treguna Mekoides Trecorum Satis Dee =
= or | =
=| - Astoroth =

Andrew AJ Foxx

chưa đọc,
14:54:44 8 thg 5, 19928/5/92
In article <>, (James Davis Nicoll) writes:
|> In article <1992May5.2...@ucsu.Colorado.EDU>
kog...@ucsu.Colorado.EDU (SCAVENGER) writes: OK, I want to join.
|> > I got my name picked out, too. How's this

|> >
|> >REBEL YELL--with the ability to find _any_ unflattering or
|> >uncharacteristic portrayial of the South and rant about it as if
|> >anyone gives a damn.
|> I thought the south was resigned to its position in the union?
|> [...]
|> Tangento

To paraphrase more than once Southerner, "The worst mistake those
Northerners ever made in The War was assuming that it's over!"

] Andrew "AJ" Foxx

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