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Superosity invades PvP!

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Christopher B. Wright

Oct 22, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/22/99
That's right, if you look at today's PvP, you'll see someone reacting badly
to the food at Jade's Halloween party. :-)

Christopher B. Wright (
Help Desk, the Comic Strip (

Oct 22, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/22/99
Dalmatian wrote...
>Chris Crosby wrote:
>> Christopher B. Wright wrote in message ...

>> "That's right, if you look at today's PvP, you'll see someone
reacting badly
>> to the food at Jade's Halloween party. :-)"
>> It's not really Chris, apparently, but just a guy in a Chris

I think it's Chris...

>> That's why Scott didn't give me credit or link to me. Not even one
of those
>> "apologies to Chris Crosby" things like Berke Breathed used to do
all the
>> time. *sob*
>> Really, he's treating me worse than DC treated Siegel and
Shuster. :)
>Oh don't be so picky. :)
Attention is attention. :) CRFH characters have been spotted in Roomies
and Elf Life without credit of link. To me cameos are enough, and even
more when they come from people i worship/admire. I felt really
honored. I danced around wearing a hat with a fish on top. I headbanged
till my nose bled.
Links are nice (hey, i want to publicy thank Kevin Pease for his
interpretation of CRFH. Man, you sent an horde of readers to my rule!!! ;)). But it's the thought what counts.

>I want one of my characters to show up in a comic strip outside of FF
>but I get nothing. Not even Pete in timeless "black mask" garb.
>Of course I'll definately get nothing now that I brought it up. :)

You get nothing? What about Flink's long lost son in the yellow truck???

>But I'm also petty and make fuss over things others couldn't care less

Like what? Saying the word 'Hell'? :)

>I am a bit confused though. Is this an homage or a bash?

Things are as one takes them....

> ----
> / .. \
> /| D |\ - It's a monster mash. It's a
> \|----|/ graveyard smash.
> ==
> | / \
> \/| |\
> - - - - ------------------------------

I was going to say something really silly about monster cash, but i hit
the send button.

Maritza Campos
College Roomies from Hell!!!

Sent via
Before you buy.

Chris Crosby

Oct 22, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/22/99
Christopher B. Wright wrote in message ...
"That's right, if you look at today's PvP, you'll see someone reacting badly
to the food at Jade's Halloween party. :-)"

It's not really Chris, apparently, but just a guy in a Chris costume.

That's why Scott didn't give me credit or link to me. Not even one of those
"apologies to Chris Crosby" things like Berke Breathed used to do all the
time. *sob*
Really, he's treating me worse than DC treated Siegel and Shuster. :)

Your Pal,
*Chris Crosby*
"I apologized to Bil Keane just for using his mischievous ghost' character!"
Please read my daily comic strip, eh?
(HTML format) or (non-HTML format)

Carson Fire

Oct 22, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/22/99
In article <7uqg6q$e89$>, wrote:

> >Oh don't be so picky. :)
> Attention is attention. :) CRFH characters have been spotted in
> and Elf Life without credit of link. To me cameos are enough, and even
> more when they come from people i worship/admire. I felt really
> honored. I danced around wearing a hat with a fish on top. I
> till my nose bled.
> Links are nice (hey, i want to publicy thank Kevin Pease for his
> interpretation of CRFH. Man, you sent an horde of readers to my
> rule!!! ;)). But it's the thought what counts.

> Maritza Campos

> College Roomies from Hell!!!
> Sent via
> Before you buy.

That was a spur of the moment thing, too...I just needed some extras
for a one panel scene, and, hey, why not? ...and, technically, they were
only dopplegangers, since they had elf ears when they appeared in Elf
Life. ;O)

I'm torn about lines added for cameos. If, whenever Alfred Hitchcock
showed up onscreen, getting on a bus or something, and a big arrow
popped out and said, Look folks, it's Alfred Hitchcock! it would have
really ruined the fun. A cameo should be a pleasant surprise for
somebody to look at something and go, wait a minute! I know what's going
on! I'm so smart!

But since we're online, it is hard to find promotion, so I'm going to do
a better job in the future, and start writing notes and URLs in my
gutters, pointing to relevant places and things. I think now, even with
a small cameo like the CRFH guys in Elf Life, I still should have
included Maritza'a URL somewhere.

At the same time, none of us should get mad when we have characters who
might ACCIDENTALLY resemble other characters. I'm surprised that Maritza
hasn't gotten after me for my Cesspool elves who (even though I've had
them on my drawing board for years) bear a striking resemblance to one
of her Satan worshippers.

Carson Fire :O)

Elf Life @

Christopher B. Wright

Oct 22, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/22/99

Chris Crosby wrote:
> It's not really Chris, apparently, but just a guy in a Chris costume.
> That's why Scott didn't give me credit or link to me. Not even one of those
> "apologies to Chris Crosby" things like Berke Breathed used to do all the
> time. *sob*

Wow, Berke Breathed used to apologize to you all the time? Cool. :)

> Really, he's treating me worse than DC treated Siegel and Shuster. :)


Chris Wright (
Help Desk (


Oct 22, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/22/99
Chris Crosby wrote:
> Christopher B. Wright wrote in message ...
> "That's right, if you look at today's PvP, you'll see someone reacting badly
> to the food at Jade's Halloween party. :-)"
> It's not really Chris, apparently, but just a guy in a Chris costume.
> That's why Scott didn't give me credit or link to me. Not even one of those
> "apologies to Chris Crosby" things like Berke Breathed used to do all the
> time. *sob*
> Really, he's treating me worse than DC treated Siegel and Shuster. :)

Oh don't be so picky. :)

I want one of my characters to show up in a comic strip outside of FF
but I get nothing. Not even Pete in timeless "black mask" garb.
Of course I'll definately get nothing now that I brought it up. :)

But I'm also petty and make fuss over things others couldn't care less

I am a bit confused though. Is this an homage or a bash?


Chris Crosby

Oct 22, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/22/99

Dalmatian wrote in message <>...

"Oh don't be so picky. :) I want one of my characters to show up in a
comic strip outside of FF but I get nothing. Not even Pete in timeless
"black mask" garb. Of course I'll definately get nothing now that I brought
it up. :)"

My characters have already been in a few comics (even a syndicated
comic, SPOONER), so I'm spoiled.

"I am a bit confused though. Is this an homage or a bash?"

I think it's a little bit of both. It's a bashage. (The "b" in bashage
is silent.)
Seriously, the problem I have with it is that most of his readers won't
know it's my character, or why he's vomiting, or what it refers to. Most of
his readers don't read Superosity, don't read this newsgroup, and don't read
the PvP message boards. When Chris has appeared in other comics (NEWSHOUNDS
and MR. CHUCK), it was made clear that he was a character from another
webcomic and credit was given. A link would be fine and dandy, but I'd be
happy with just a little credit.

Your Pal,
*Chris Crosby*

Chris Crosby

Oct 22, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/22/99
to wrote in message <7uqg6q$e89$>...

"I think it's Chris..."

Not according to Scott Kurtz on his message board. It's a guy in a
Chris costume.

Your Pal,


Oct 22, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/22/99
to wrote:

> >I want one of my characters to show up in a comic strip outside of FF
> >but I get nothing. Not even Pete in timeless "black mask" garb.
> >Of course I'll definately get nothing now that I brought it up. :)

> You get nothing? What about Flink's long lost son in the yellow truck???

Oh alright. I concede. :)
At least he didn't get car sick during the ride....

> >But I'm also petty and make fuss over things others couldn't care less
> >about.

> Like what? Saying the word 'Hell'? :)

Heck. Heck.
Dang darn it, I'm so weak.

> >I am a bit confused though. Is this an homage or a bash?

> Things are as one takes them....

Unless the character is being decapitated and defiled in some not so
nice way, I'd say it wasn't a bash. :)

/ .. \
/| D |\ - Now don't you get any ideas on how to
\|----|/ bash FF.


Oct 22, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/22/99
Chris Crosby wrote:
> My characters have already been in a few comics (even a syndicated
> comic, SPOONER), so I'm spoiled.

Spooner no counts since you're, I'm assuming, in somewhat regular
contact with him. :)
It hasta' be a surprise from somewhere unexpected.

I'm making up rules as I go along.

> "I am a bit confused though. Is this an homage or a bash?"

> I think it's a little bit of both. It's a bashage. (The "b" in bashage
> is silent.)
> Seriously, the problem I have with it is that most of his readers won't
> know it's my character, or why he's vomiting, or what it refers to.

I guess it was pretty much made as an inside reference and nothing more.
Is there some rule saying that there has to some acknowledgements
though? Lots of strips have fun little cameos without that them.
They usually don't have the cameos acting as the center of attention in
the background either though. \:)

Probably best not analyse this since might not lead to good.

/ .. \
/| D |\ - I'm more concerned with the
\|----|/ Halloween story starting a week
== before Halloween.


Oct 22, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/22/99
All I'm going to say is that Super Chris' cameo is nothing I feel I need to
"apologize" for.

Scott Kurtz
Author/Illustrator PvP


Oct 22, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/22/99
Dalmatian wrote:

(all of it snipped)

For every grammatical error you find in my previous post, you get a
cameo. :)

/ .. \
/| D |\ - and if cameos aren't your thing,
\|----|/ cookies.

Oct 23, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/23/99
In article <7uqko0$hej$>,

Carson Fire <> wrote:
> In article <7uqg6q$e89$>,
> wrote:
> > >Oh don't be so picky. :)
> > Attention is attention. :) CRFH characters have been spotted in
> Roomies
> > and Elf Life without credit of link. To me cameos are enough, and
> > more when they come from people i worship/admire. I felt really
> > honored. I danced around wearing a hat with a fish on top. I
> headbanged
> > till my nose bled.
> > Links are nice (hey, i want to publicy thank Kevin Pease for his
> > interpretation of CRFH. Man, you sent an horde of readers to my
> > rule!!! ;)). But it's the thought what counts.
> >
> > Maritza Campos
> > College Roomies from Hell!!!
> >
> >
> >
> > Sent via
> > Before you buy.
> >
> That was a spur of the moment thing, too...I just needed some extras
> for a one panel scene, and, hey, why not? ...and, technically, they
> only dopplegangers, since they had elf ears when they appeared in Elf
> Life. ;O)

A lot of things are done in the spur of a moment... recently Jeffrey
J.Rowland ( showed one of his characters with a
CRFH shirt. And my last two strips show Dave with a WIGU shirt. It's
all in fun, and it's even more funny when it's unexpected! ;)

> I'm torn about lines added for cameos. If, whenever Alfred Hitchcock
> showed up onscreen, getting on a bus or something, and a big arrow
> popped out and said, Look folks, it's Alfred Hitchcock! it would have
> really ruined the fun. A cameo should be a pleasant surprise for
> somebody to look at something and go, wait a minute! I know what's
> on! I'm so smart!

Yes, and most cameos make sense only to regular readers, anyway. :)

> But since we're online, it is hard to find promotion, so I'm going to
> a better job in the future, and start writing notes and URLs in my
> gutters, pointing to relevant places and things. I think now, even
> a small cameo like the CRFH guys in Elf Life, I still should have
> included Maritza'a URL somewhere.

I think your regular readers (non CRFH readers) noticed something weird
about that panel (maybe it looked too much 20th century? :)). Problem
with this things is that they happen too fast. It was something like a
real crossover, because next day i connected it to my strip somehow.To
our common readers, i'm sure the thing was a hoot, but it was really
spontaneous. Nothing planned :)

> At the same time, none of us should get mad when we have characters
> might ACCIDENTALLY resemble other characters. I'm surprised that
> hasn't gotten after me for my Cesspool elves who (even though I've had
> them on my drawing board for years) bear a striking resemblance to one
> of her Satan worshippers.

Whoa! Well, a little :)

> --
> Carson Fire :O)
> Elf Life @

Maritza Campos

College Roomies from Hell!!!

Terrence Marks

Oct 23, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/23/99
On Fri, 22 Oct 1999 23:58:10 GMT, "kurtz" <> wrote:

>All I'm going to say is that Super Chris' cameo is nothing I feel I need to
>"apologize" for.

I at least offerred to give Chuck Jones three boxes of donuts. I
think you at least owe Super Chris an eclair.

Terrence Marks
Unlike Minerva (a comic strip)


Oct 23, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/23/99
Hells bells Scott. Who do you think you are?

Last week you're in here bashing Superosity and
LWIBH and this week you're ripping them both off.
in such a way that adds nothing to your strip accept
attention of people in RACS. How many viewers do
you have that read Superosity and LWIBH anyway?

Scott, you are a hypocrite.

Lyle B. Højbjerg-Clarke
Read my daily cartoons:

kurtz <> skrev i en
: All I'm going to say is that Super Chris' cameo is nothing I feel I
need to
: "apologize" for.
: Scott Kurtz
: Author/Illustrator PvP

Carson Fire

Oct 23, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/23/99
In article <#mmOG5MH$GA.239@cpmsnbbsa03>,

And you know, it's getting so close to Halloween, you just might see a
LOT of that kind of thing happening soon.

Carson Fire :O)

Scott E. Kuehner

Oct 23, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/23/99
Dalmatian <> wrote in message

> I am a bit confused though. Is this an homage or a bash?

Were it not for Mr. Kurtz's complaints about that particular ep. of
Superosity last week, I'd think it was an homage... But in light of his
comments I think this one must be filed squarely under bash.


> --
> ----
> / .. \

> /| D |\ - It's a monster mash. It's a
> \|----|/ graveyard smash.

Chris Crosby

Oct 23, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/23/99
We're through the looking glass here, people. White is black, and white.

Your Pal,
*Chris Crosby*
"I'm quickly going insane."

Scott E. Kuehner

Oct 23, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/23/99
Chris Crosby <> wrote in message

> We're through the looking glass here, people. White is black, and
> white.

So... The two of you orchestrated this whole thing? Is that what you're
saying? Huh?!? HUH!!!???



Oct 23, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/23/99

Terrence Marks <> wrote in message

> On Fri, 22 Oct 1999 23:58:10 GMT, "kurtz" <> wrote:
> >All I'm going to say is that Super Chris' cameo is nothing I feel I need
> >"apologize" for.
> I at least offerred to give Chuck Jones three boxes of donuts. I
> think you at least owe Super Chris an eclair.

But make sure it's a "new" eclair...we all know what happens when his food
isn't new...

> Terrence Marks
> Unlike Minerva (a comic strip)

Stan Kost
Would like to see Chuck Jones in a four-panel vomit sequence...


Oct 23, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/23/99


Oct 23, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/23/99

Terrence Marks <> wrote in message
> On Fri, 22 Oct 1999 23:58:10 GMT, "kurtz" <> wrote:
> >All I'm going to say is that Super Chris' cameo is nothing I feel I need
> >"apologize" for.
> I at least offerred to give Chuck Jones three boxes of donuts. I
> think you at least owe Super Chris an eclair.

But make sure it's a "new" eclair...we all know what happens when he doesn't
eat new food...

> Terrence Marks
> Unlike Minerva (a comic strip)

Stan Kost
Would like to see Chuck Jones in a 4-panel vomit sequence...


Oct 23, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/23/99
Sorry about triple posting...momentary server problems....
stan.kost <> wrote in message

David L. Lerner

Oct 23, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/23/99
In article <gJmQ3.737$>,

"stan.kost" <> wrote:
> Sorry about triple posting...momentary server problems....
> -Stan
<Snip Snip Snip>

"What I tell you three times is true."
_Hunting of the Snark_ by Lewis Carroll

David L. Lerner (Dell)
"Somehow I figgered all your dreams involve cute animals."
Sarah (to Joyce) ROOMIES by David Willis

Terrence Marks

Oct 23, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/23/99
On Sat, 23 Oct 1999 11:58:03 -0400, "Scott E. Kuehner"
<> wrote:

>Dalmatian <> wrote in message
>> I am a bit confused though. Is this an homage or a bash?
>Were it not for Mr. Kurtz's complaints about that particular ep. of
>Superosity last week, I'd think it was an homage... But in light of his
>comments I think this one must be filed squarely under bash.

Yeah, but in light of his comments about putting down other strips,
it's got to be a homage.

Chris Crosby

Oct 23, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/23/99

Carson Fire wrote in message <7ut24p$2v6$>...

"And you know, it's getting so close to Halloween, you just might see a LOT
of that kind of thing happening soon."

I think I'll have Chris go trick-or-treating as the 4th wall. :)

Your Pal,
*Chris Crosby*


Oct 24, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/24/99
It was an homage.
I do not, nor have I ever, hated Superosity.

Being a cartoonist, I read comics differently than other people. I end up
absorbing them or analyzing them. Does that make sense. I can't get past the
craft sometimes. I'm too busy saying "I wish I had thought of that." or "I
like the way he draws hands."

Superosity is the only strip (including newspaper strips) that I can get
lost in. It's the only strip right now that makes me actually laugh out
loud. It simply is my favorite strip online.

And that's funny because despite it all, Chris and I always end up in these
shouting matches. And the whole time, I keep loving Superosity.

That's the honest truth.

Scott R. Kurtz
Author/Illustrator PvP

Terrence Marks <> wrote in message


Oct 24, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/24/99
Jimmeny Crickets Lyle, I think you need to go reread some of my posts.

Lyle <ly...@mooloo.SPAMERIFICcom> wrote in message

> Hells bells Scott. Who do you think you are?
> Last week you're in here bashing Superosity and
> LWIBH and this week you're ripping them both off.
> in such a way that adds nothing to your strip accept
> attention of people in RACS. How many viewers do
> you have that read Superosity and LWIBH anyway?
> Scott, you are a hypocrite.
> Cheers
> --
> Lyle B. Højbjerg-Clarke
> Read my daily cartoons:
> kurtz <> skrev i en
> nyhedsmeddelelse:mS6Q3.3304$

> : All I'm going to say is that Super Chris' cameo is nothing I feel I
> need to
> : "apologize" for.
> :
> :
> : Scott Kurtz
> : Author/Illustrator PvP
> :
> :
> :
> :
> :


Oct 24, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/24/99
Scott, thanks for that 'It was a Homage' post,
until I read that (even after rereading last weeks
thread) what I said stood.

Now it doesn't, perhaps instead of that 'I haven't
done anything I should apolgise for post' you could
have written an 'it was a homage post'.

Lyle B. Højbjerg-Clarke
Read my daily cartoons:

: Jimmeny Crickets Lyle, I think you need to go reread some of my posts.

: > :
: > :
: >
: >


Oct 24, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/24/99
You have a strange definition of hypocrisy , Lyle.

I clearly remember the point I was trying to make in that previous thread
and I still stand by it. Just because webcartoonists can use foul, colored
or gross humor that syndicated cartoonists can't doesn't mean we should.

The main gag of my strip on the day of Superchris' apperance was about the
Halloween party and the costumes everyone was wearing. The Superchris cameo
and the cameo of the vomit gag was an homage seperate from the main gag.

If I started changing the humor in my strip to nasty, gross, or lewd humor
on a regular basis, I think you would have a more solid leg to stand on when
you call me a hypocrite.

Scott R. Kurtz
Author/Illustrator PvP

The fact that I make fart noises with my armpit, and think it's
hilarious....THAT makes me a hypocrite.

Lyle <ly...@mooloo.SPAMERIFICcom> wrote in message



Oct 24, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/24/99
I think a couple of web cartoonists need to go to the time-out newsgroup..

Mike Peterson
Glens Falls NY

Christopher B. Wright

Oct 24, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/24/99


Christopher B. Wright (
Help Desk, the Comic Strip (


Oct 24, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/24/99
>>I think a couple of web cartoonists need to go to the time-out newsgroup..


Or is that too harsh?

Draws Roomies! and shudders. Yes.

Hodge Podge

Oct 24, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/24/99
> The fact that I make fart noises with my armpit, and think it's
> hilarious....THAT makes me a hypocrite.

Yes, but a *funny* hypocrite.

H "makes fart noises with his butt" P

remove "maxx" from email address to send personal e-mail
"Your nerd jokes mean nothing to me. I gotto go keep it real."


Oct 25, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/25/99
I was also responding to your 'taking a shot at other
cartoonists' rant.

AND, as I said before, what I said, stood, UNTIL you
threw in your 'homage' piece Scott.

Respond to this if you want the last word.

: You have a strange definition of hypocrisy , Lyle.

: I clearly remember the point I was trying to make in that previous
: and I still stand by it. Just because webcartoonists can use foul,
: or gross humor that syndicated cartoonists can't doesn't mean we
: The main gag of my strip on the day of Superchris' apperance was about
: Halloween party and the costumes everyone was wearing. The Superchris
: and the cameo of the vomit gag was an homage seperate from the main
: If I started changing the humor in my strip to nasty, gross, or lewd
: on a regular basis, I think you would have a more solid leg to stand
on when
: you call me a hypocrite.
: ------------------
: Scott R. Kurtz
: Author/Illustrator PvP

: The fact that I make fart noises with my armpit, and think it's

: hilarious....THAT makes me a hypocrite.

: Lyle <ly...@mooloo.SPAMERIFICcom> wrote in message

: > : >
: > : >
: > :
: > :
: >
: >

Darren 'Gav' Bleuel

Oct 25, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/25/99
Walkerton wrote:
> rec.arts.comics.strips.we-make-you-read.Cathy
> Or is that too harsh?

So the whole issue starts and ends with vomiting? I like it when
things come full circle.


Darren "Gav" Bleuel
"Vomit-free for 970 days."

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