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Question about Wally Winkerbean

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Aug 8, 2009, 3:43:12 PM8/8/09
Specifically, what is his relationship to Funky? I've always thought he was
Funky's little brother. But I've seen other references that say he's his
younger cousin. I've even seen a couple that say he's Funky's nephew.

The problem here is that none of the official-type pages for FW say one way
or the other. The current cast page at is damned near
useless (The characters' full names are absent half the time and there's
nothing to indicate who the hell the are in relation to the story) and the
Wikipedia page only mentions Wally in passing.

So can some long-time FW readers help a brother out?

My name is Freezer and my anti-drug is porn.

Paul Ciszek

Aug 8, 2009, 4:19:48 PM8/8/09

In article <Xns9C61945EE4AF8f...@>,

Freezer <> wrote:
>Specifically, what is his relationship to Funky? I've always thought he was
>Funky's little brother. But I've seen other references that say he's his
>younger cousin. I've even seen a couple that say he's Funky's nephew.
>The problem here is that none of the official-type pages for FW say one way
>or the other.

Some fans claim that he was bred by Morgoth in mockery of Funky. Others
say that he is Batuik himself, participating in his creation. Just don't
ask if he has wings.

Please reply to: | "An Elf, a Dwarf and a Man walk into Rohan,
pciszek at panix dot com | and the king says "Is this some kind of joke?"
Autoreply is disabled | --Ailsa Ek

Night Owl

Aug 8, 2009, 10:39:18 PM8/8/09
On Aug 8, 4:19 pm, (Paul Ciszek) wrote:
> In article <Xns9C61945EE4AF8freezer88hotmail...@>,

He's actually an escaped character from Rudy Park. He got tired of all
the Ipod jokes and requested a transfer to another comic strip.

Antonio E. Gonzalez

Aug 9, 2009, 11:34:17 AM8/9/09
On Sat, 8 Aug 2009 19:43:12 +0000 (UTC), Freezer
<> wrote:

>Specifically, what is his relationship to Funky? I've always thought he was
>Funky's little brother. But I've seen other references that say he's his
>younger cousin. I've even seen a couple that say he's Funky's nephew.
>The problem here is that none of the official-type pages for FW say one way
>or the other. The current cast page at is damned near
>useless (The characters' full names are absent half the time and there's
>nothing to indicate who the hell the are in relation to the story) and the
>Wikipedia page only mentions Wally in passing.
>So can some long-time FW readers help a brother out?

I actually remember when he was introduced; he was rather clearly
named Funky's nepehew . . .


- ReFlex76

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