Ummm, and this *might* be considered NSFW (gotta love strategically
positioned word balloons!) . . .
- ReFlex 76
- "Let's beat the terrorists with our most powerful weapon . . . hot
girl-on-girl action!"
- "The difference between young and old is the difference between
looking forward to your next birthday, and dreading it!"
- Jesus Christ - The original hippie!
Katana > Chain Saw > Baseball Bat > Hammer
> <http://www.menagea3.net/>
> <http://www.menagea3.net/comics/mat20080517.png>
> Ummm, and this *might* be considered NSFW (gotta love strategically
> positioned word balloons!) . . .
This gives a whole new meaning to the concept
of beginning *in medias res!*
--Mike Blake
> New comic; I guess if you're gonna start, start at the bottom!:
> <http://www.menagea3.net/>
Hope this one doesn't go off the narrative rails like teh Cool Cat
Studio revival has done...
My name is:
____ _
/ ___| | |
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| __|| '__/ _ \/ _ \/_ // _ \| '__|| |
| | | | __/ __/ / /| __/| | |_|
|_| |_| \___|\___||___|\___||_| (_)
And my anti-drug is porn.