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[OT] Charlotte's Big Ordeal - One Year Later . . .

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Antonio E. Gonzalez

Oct 19, 2008, 5:52:13 PM10/19/08
It's been almost a year, I never mentioned it, so I guess better
late than never . . .

About a year ago Charlotte got sick, *very* sick. She had not only
become lethargic, but alarmingly thin. I was hoping one of the colds
she gets around this time of year, but it quickly became clear it was
something much worse. The lack of eating was another tell, but her
labored breathing was what prompted me to call in an emergency to her
vet clinic; her violent response - much more violent than usual, as
the scars on my arm proved - to being put in her carrier almot made me
break traffic laws getting there.

The diagnosis: pyothorax. We never found out the exact cause, but
bacteria from the pus heavily pointed to a bite wound. The infection
had been developing for months, but Charlotte's cat ability to hide
distress made it hard to tell until she was literally moments from
death - those almost the exact words from the doctor at the
emegency/surgery clinic I had to take her to.

After two weeks of treatment, including prologed use of chest
tubes, she was finally good enough to take home. She still had to
take heavy doses of several antibiotics for a few more weeks, leaving
dreaded pilling to me, but she slowly got better.

Here's a pictorial:

First month after return:





Two months later:



Four months after that:




Finally, doing one of those thing healthy cats do best! (possibly





Anyway, she's back to her old self now, though her time outside is
now far more limited; and I almost always check her for wounds when
she returns . . .


Oct 20, 2008, 8:18:24 PM10/20/08
Antonio E. Gonzalez <> wrote in

> It's been almost a year, I never mentioned it, so I guess better
> late than never . . .

Poor little girl! I'm so glad you caught it in time and she's doing better.


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