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DC Sales, March 2006

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Marc-Oliver Frisch

May 3, 2006, 7:29:54 AM5/3/06
The big theme in DC Comics' March 2006 output was "One Year Later," a publishing
event spinning out of the successful INFINITE CRISIS series which saw most of
the company's mainstream titles jump twelve months ahead on their timeline,
coupled with numerous creative and conceptual changes. In addition, DC
revisited the concept of annuals with BATMAN ANNUAL and TEEN TITANS ANNUAL,
released an INFINITE CRISIS SECRET FILES special and launched the new ongoing
titles BLUE BEETLE and AMERICAN VIRGIN and the limited series BATMAN: SECRETS

A note on this month's long-term comparisons: CBG recently made sales estimates
going back as far as April 1997 available at their website. You can find those
numbers here: . Since these
estimates are based on the same source data provided by Diamond Distributors as's, and because's only go back to 2001, I've decided to switch
from's estimates to CBG's for the years prior to 2003. Given that the
estimates are in the same ballpark, it doesn't really matter which ones we're
using, in terms of comparability, because the 2003 break in Diamond's reports
affects both sets, anyway.

However, please bear in mind that those estimates -- those from prior to March
2003 -- were for INITIAL ORDERS only (rather than ACTUAL SALES, which is what
the estimates since March 2003 refer to), so those comparisons should be taken
with a bigger grain of salt than usual. The estimates from prior to March 2003
are therefore marked with an asterisk (*) in the statistics below.

18 of DC's March 2006 releases in the Top 300 remained relatively stable,
deviating from the sales of their previous issues by less than 2.0%. 23 titles
showed increases of more than 2.0% over their previous issues, 15 of them more
than 10.0%, 9 of them of more than 20.0%, 2 of them more than 50.0% and 1 of
them more than 100.0%. The issue to show the biggest gains in February was
AQUAMAN: SWORD OF ATLANTIS #40, which saw a sales increase of 105.2% over the
previous issue. The sales of 22 titles dropped by more than 2.0% since their
previous issues, meanwhile, 4 of which by more than 10.0%, and 2 of which by
more than 20.0%. The largest issue-to-issue drop came from THUNDERBOLT JAXON,
which lost 24.0% with its second issue.

Of DC Comics' 73 recorded new releases in March 2006 (Feb 2006: 72; Mar 2004:
72; Mar 2005: 78) which made the Top 300, 48 were DC Universe titles. (Feb
2006: 44; Mar 2004: 43; Mar 2005: 46.) The average new DC Universe release in
March 2006 had a cover price of $ 3.02 (Feb 2006: $ 2.84; Mar 2004: $ 3.03; Mar
2005: $ 2.67) and sold an estimated 44,854 copies. (Feb 2006: 40,823; Mar 2004:
39,727; Mar 2005: 34,864.)

Via its Vertigo imprint, DC Comics released 10 new titles in March 2006. (Feb
2006: 12; Mar 2004: 11; Mar 2005: 12.) The average new Vertigo release in March
2006 had a cover price of $ 2.92 (Feb 2006: $ 2.91; Mar 2004: $ 2.81; Mar 2005:
$ 2.81) and sold an estimated 15,812 copies. (Feb 2006: 15,026; Mar 2004:
16,445; Mar 2005: 13,094.)

Through its WildStorm label, the publisher released 10 new titles in March 2006.
(Feb 2006: 9; Mar 2004: 6; Mar 2005: 12.) The average new WildStorm release in
March 2006 had a cover price of $ 3.39 (Feb 2006: $ 3.10; Mar 2004: $ 2.95; Mar
2005: $ 3.48) and sold an estimated 14,210 copies. (Feb 2006: 13,610; Mar 2004:
16,833; Mar 2005: 12,798.)

The average new DC Comics release recorded in the Top 300 in March 2006 had a
cover price of $ 3.00 (Feb 2006: $ 2.89; Mar 2004: $ 2.92; Mar 2005: $ 2.79) and
sold an estimated 34,116 copies. (Feb 2006: 29,741; Mar 2004: 29,569; Mar 2005:

See below for a more detailed account of the changes.

Thanks to Milton Griepp and for the permission to use their figures.

An overview of's estimates can be found here:

An overview of CBG's estimates can be found here:



The numbers below are estimates for actual comic book sales in the North
American direct market, as calculated by according to the chart and
index information provided by Diamond Distributors.'s estimates are traditionally known to be somewhat lower than the
"actual" actual numbers, but they are consistent from month to month, so the
trends they show should be accurate.

If additional copies of an issue appeared on the chart after the issue's initial
month of release, you can see the total number of copies sold in parenthesis
behind those issues (e.g. "[36,599]").

Should more than one issue have shipped in a month which is relevant for one of
the long-term comparisons, the average will be used.

The titles released under the Johnny DC imprint and Mad Magazine mostly sell
through channels other than the direct market, so direct market sales don't tell
us much about their performance.

Prior to March 2003, Diamond provided information on initial orders rather than
actual sales, which means that those numbers are suitable for comparisons with
the current estimates only to a limited extent. They are marked with an
asterisk (*) in the statistics below.


10/2005: Infinite Crisis #1 (of 7) -- 249,265 -- [268,458]
11/2005: Infinite Crisis #2 (of 7) -- 207,564 (-16.7%) -- [224,068]
12/2005: Infinite Crisis #3 (of 7) -- 188,853 (- 9.0%) -- [216,727]
01/2006: Infinite Crisis #4 (of 7) -- 182,633 (- 3.3%) -- [207,297]
02/2006: --
03/2006: Infinite Crisis #5 (of 7) -- 201,855 (+10.5%)

For the fifth time in a row, INFINITE CRISIS breaks the 200K barrier. Which
means it's the most successful direct market title in at least nine years ("at
least" because numbers before 1997 are hard to come by).

More significantly, first-month sales actually went up in March compared to
issue #4, and all previous issues made the Top 300 chart again, selling between
3,651 (#1) and 8,139 (#4) copies, underscoring that the story is still
generating demand.

INFINITE CRISIS is a home run for DC, obviously.

11/2005: All-Star Superman #1 -- 170,802 -- [176,658]
12/2005: --
01/2006: All-Star Superman #2 -- 124,328 (-27.2%) -- [127,743]
02/2006: --
03/2006: All-Star Superman #3 -- 110,585 (-11.1%)

These numbers certainly aren't horrible, but it doesn't look like there's a lot
of enthusiasm here, compared to the company's other recent major launches. Next
to, say, GREEN LANTERN, this simply doesn't look very impressive.

So, what's the problem? Well, for starters, almost a year after its launch,
there still doesn't seem to be any sort of brand identity for the All-Star line.
Nor, for that matter, a very good idea of what it's meant to do. Okay, it's the
All-Star line. It's about superstar characters done by superstar creators. We
get it. But that's kind of self-evident, isn't it? If you put Frank Miller,
Jim Lee, Grant Morrison or Frank Quitely on a book starring a major character
and let people know about it a few months in advance, chances are that the
significance will not be lost on the market. You don't need to create a new
line of titles with the express purpose of clarifying that, yes, Frank Miller
and Grant Morrison are indeed superstar creators. It's redundant, and it's no
substitute for the strong, clear-cut mission statement that a new line of books
needs in order to establish itself.

The perception that the books never actually come out probably doesn't help,
either. The release of ALL-STAR BATMAN #4 has been pushed back to May; the
previous issue was out in December.

03/1998: Supergirl #21 -- 37,300*
03/1999: Supergirl #32 -- 29,200*
03/2000: Supergirl #44 -- 24,200*
03/2001: Supergirl #56 -- 21,600*
03/2002: Supergirl #68 -- 21,000*
03/2003: Supergirl #80 -- 28,536
08/2005: Supergirl #1 -- 123,370 -- [165,579]
09/2005: Supergirl #2 -- 101,681 (-17.6%) -- [114,058]
10/2005: --
11/2005: Supergirl #3 -- 99,990 (- 1.7%) -- [101,910]
12/2005: --
01/2006: --
02/2006: Supergirl #4 -- 104,734 (+ 4.8%)
02/2006: Supergirl #5 -- 103,108 (- 1.0%)
03/2006: --
6 months: n.a.

There was no new issue of SUPERGIRL in March, but I'm sticking it up here
because last month's mystery of the 20K drop between February's issues #4 and #5
has now been solved: On the March chart, the latter issue, which initially sold
85,252 copies, appeared again, selling another 17,856.

Now, considering that SUPERGIRL #5 initially shipped in the last week of
February, it's fairly safe to assume that the bulk of those 17,856 copies aren't
re-orders, but, as suspected last month, simply copies which for some reason or
other didn't reach stores in time to qualify for the February chart.
Accordingly, I've added them to the issue's initial sales, and the resulting
figure looks about right.

In other words: There is no 20K drop-off. Move on, nothing to see here.

03/2004: Superman/Batman #7 -- 108,791
03/2004: Superman/Batman #8 -- 146,908
03/2005: --
04/2005: Superman/Batman #18 -- 115,305 (- 1.2%)
04/2005: Superman/Batman #19 -- 114,258 (- 0.9%) -- [150,464]
05/2005: --
06/2005: Superman/Batman #20 -- 114,099 (- 0.1%)
07/2005: Superman/Batman #21 -- 108,341 (- 5.1%)
08/2005: --
09/2005: Superman/Batman #22 -- 103,245 (- 4.7%)
10/2005: --
11/2005: --
12/2005: Superman/Batman #23 -- 102,248 (- 1.0%) -- [103,726]
01/2006: --
11/2006: --
12/2006: Superman/Batman #24 -- 101,315 (- 0.9%)
6 months: - 1.9%
1 year : n.a.
2 years : -20.8%

The book is clinging to its established sales level. Perfectly good numbers.

03/1998: Green Lantern #98 -- 43,200*
03/1999: Green Lantern #112 -- 48,000*
03/2000: Green Lantern #124 -- 39,900*
03/2001: Green Lantern #136 -- 35,100*
03/2002: Green Lantern #148 -- 35,900*
03/2003: Green Lantern #160 -- 37,083
03/2003: Green Lantern #161 -- 36,596
03/2004: Green Lantern #175 -- 29,780
03/2005: --
04/2005: Green Lantern: Rebirth #5 (of 6) -- 115,006 (+ 6.4%) -- [116,652]
05/2005: Green Lantern: Rebirth #6 (of 6) -- 114,354 (- 0.6%)
05/2005: Green Lantern #1 -- 168,353 (+ 47.2%) -- [180,483]
06/2005: Green Lantern #2 -- 117,816 (- 30.0%) -- [120,636]
07/2005: --
08/2005: Green Lantern #3 -- 108,511 (- 7.9%)
08/2005: Green Lantern #4 -- 96,932 (- 10.7%) -- [ 99,525]
09/2005: --
10/2005: --
11/2005: Green Lantern #5 -- 92,348 (- 4.7%)
12/2005: Green Lantern #6 -- 88,437 (- 4.2%)
01/2006: Green Lantern #7 -- 84,723 (- 4.2%)
02/2006: Green Lantern #8 -- 89,252 (+ 5.4%)
02/2006: Green Lantern #9 -- 86,554 (- 3.0%) -- [ 89,974]
03/2006: Green Lantern #10 -- 79,745 (- 7.9%)
6 months: n.a.
1 year : n.a.
2 years : +167.8%

Sales are back in decline, in spite of "One Year Later," but issue #9 came with
two different covers, so that's not entirely surprising. Historically, as the
long-term numbers show, these are still great numbers for GREEN LANTERN, of

03/2006: Infinite Crisis Secret Files 2006 -- 78,740

With a cover price of $ 5.99, these are very, very, very nice sales, certainly.

03/1998: Batman #554 -- 53,100*
03/1999: Batman #565 -- 49,500*
03/2000: Batman #577 -- 49,700*
03/2001: Batman #589 -- 43,000*
03/2002: Batman #601 -- 51,600*
03/2003: Batman #613 -- 135,242
03/2004: Batman #625 -- 83,371
03/2005: Batman #638 -- 59,797 (+ 3.0%) -- [ 82,651]
04/2005: Batman #639 -- 62,344 (+ 4.3%)
05/2005: Batman #640 -- 66,640 (+ 6.9%) -- [ 71,120]
06/2005: Batman #641 -- 67,208 (+ 0.9%) -- [ 70,748]
07/2005: Batman #642 -- 65,435 (- 2.6%)
08/2005: Batman #643 -- 66,396 (+ 1.5%)
08/2005: Batman #644 -- 65,128 (- 1.9%)
09/2005: Batman #645 -- 65,984 (+ 1.3%) -- [ 67,712]
10/2005: Batman #646 -- 69,975 (+ 6.1%)
11/2005: Batman #647 -- 69,718 (- 0.4%)
12/2005: Batman #648 -- 63,151 (- 9.4%) -- [ 64,760]
01/2005: Batman #649 -- 62,379 (- 1.2%) -- [ 64,645]
02/2005: Batman #650 -- 66,447 (+ 6.5%)
03/2005: Batman #651 -- 69,805 (+ 5.1%)
6 months: + 5.8%
1 year : +16.7%
2 years : -16.3%

"One Year Later" plus the crossover of the month (and next, and the one after)
equals a five-percent increase on top of the numbers already elevated from last
month's "anniversary" issue. Looking at the long-term numbers (well, other than
the increased numbers of "Hush" and the subsequent gradual decline), this is
another title which is doing very well.

Given that Grant Morrison and Andy Kubert are slated to take over the title once
the current intermezzo is done, BATMAN sales are unlikely to cool off anytime

03/1998: Teen Titans #20 -- 29,000*
03/2004: Teen Titans #9 -- 69,056
03/2005: Teen Titans #22 -- 67,780 ( +1.4%)
04/2005: Teen Titans #23 -- 66,802 ( -1.4%) -- [68,675]
05/2005: Teen Titans #24 -- 69,046 ( +3.4%)
06/2005: Teen Titans #25 -- 70,542 ( +2.2%) -- [72,721]
07/2005: Teen Titans #26 -- 68,353 ( -3.1%)
08/2005: Teen Titans #27 -- 74,782 ( +9.4%) -- [75,996]
09/2005: --
10/2005: Teen Titans #28 -- 66,581 (-11.0%)
11/2005: Teen Titans #29 -- 69,558 (+ 4.5%)
12/2005: Teen Titans #30 -- 67,155 (- 3.5%)
01/2006: Teen Titans #31 -- 65,223 (- 2.9%)
02/2006: Teen Titans #32 -- 69,131 (+ 6.0%)
03/2006: Teen Titans #33 -- 67,208 (- 2.8%)
6 months: n.a.
1 year : -0.8%
2 years : -2.7%

It's not "One Year Later" yet for TEEN TITANS, since the book is still occupied
with "Infinite Crisis." Hence, business as usual, which, in this case, means
that the book is holding up very well.

03/2006: Batman Annual #25 -- 65,966

This was billed as being a major chapter of the popular "Red Hood" storyline in
BATMAN, and it's by the same writer. Not surprisingly, sales are in the same
area as the mother title did before the recent boosts.

03/1998: Superman #135 -- 55,200*
03/1999: Superman #144 -- 40,100*
03/2000: Superman #156 -- 41,200*
03/2001: Superman #168 -- 47,700*
03/2002: Superman #180 -- 42,000*
03/2003: Superman #191 -- 34,000
03/2004: Superman #203 -- 83,096
03/2005: Superman #214 -- 100,943 (- 0.3%)
04/2005: Superman #215 -- 112,593 (+ 11.5%) -- [116,198]
05/2005: Superman #216 -- 70,205 (- 37.7%)
05/2005: Superman #217 -- 65,321 (- 7.0%)
06/2005: Superman #218 -- 61,515 (- 5.8%)
07/2005: Superman #219 -- 71,036 (+ 15.5%) -- [ 84,145]
08/2005: Superman #220 -- 61,264 (- 13.8%)
09/2005: Superman #221 -- 69,065 (+ 12.7%)
10/2005: Superman #222 -- 67,638 (- 2.1%)
11/2005: Superman #223 -- 69,739 (+ 3.1%)
12/2005: Superman #224 -- 63,719 (- 8.6%) -- [ 65,300]
01/2006: Superman #225 -- 61,768 (- 3.1%)
02/2006: Superman #226 -- 63,982 (+ 3.6%)
03/2006: Superman #650 -- 65,603 (+ 2.5%)
6 months: - 5.0%
1 year : -35.0%
2 years : -21.1%

No, the numbering is not a misprint. As of March, DC decided to merge SUPERMAN
with ADVENTURES OF SUPERMAN, keeping the former series' title along with the
latter's numbering. Of course, determining which of the two titles got the axe
is a matter of faith, but since the resulting numbers for SUPERMAN #650 are
closer to those of SUPERMAN than to those of ADVENTURES OF SUPERMAN, this is how
I'm going to treat them.

On the other hand, the March issue isn't just an "anniversary" number and part
of "One Year Later," but also the first chapter of an eight-part crossover with
ACTION COMICS, co-written by DC's current go-to superstar Geoff Johns and
upcoming solo writer Kurt Busiek, mind you. Considering all this, a measly 2.5%
increase actually looks like a bit of a disappointment.

If you compare the sales of SUPERMAN #650 to those of ADVENTURES OF SUPERMAN
#649 (see below), on the other hand, you get a solid 28.9% increase, which is
more like it. In which case DC may have shot themselves in the foot: If the
merger gets numbers just above those of the previous incarnation of SUPERMAN
with an "event" issue like #650, it could quickly begin to drop once the dust
has settled, leaving DC with a title which sells better than ADVENTURES OF
SUPERMAN, but worse than SUPERMAN. But the two remaining Superman titles get
new creative teams in July anyway, so we shall see.

03/1998: Detective Comics #721 -- 49,200*
03/1999: Detective Comics #732 -- 46,100*
03/2000: Detective Comics #744 -- 48,000*
03/2001: Detective Comics #756 -- 47,200*
03/2002: Detective Comics #768 -- 44,400*
03/2003: Detective Comics #780 -- 39,085
03/2004: Detective Comics #792 -- 34,899
03/2005: Detective Comics #804 -- 39,388 (- 1.6%)
04/2005: Detective Comics #805 -- 39,077 (- 0.8%)
05/2005: Detective Comics #806 -- 38,838 (- 0.6%)
06/2005: Detective Comics #807 -- 38,497 (- 0.9%)
07/2005: Detective Comics #808 -- 37,952 (- 1.4%)
08/2005: Detective Comics #809 -- 49,087 (+29.3%)
08/2005: Detective Comics #810 -- 48,270 (- 1.7%)
09/2005: Detective Comics #811 -- 38,772 (-19.7%)
10/2005: Detective Comics #812 -- 39,270 (+ 1.3%)
11/2005: Detective Comics #813 -- 38,338 (- 2.4%)
12/2005: Detective Comics #814 -- 37,145 (- 3.1%)
01/2006: Detective Comics #815 -- 35,569 (- 4.2%)
02/2006: Detective Comics #816 -- 35,410 (- 0.5%)
03/2006: Detective Comics #817 -- 62,245 (+75.8%)
6 months: +60.5%
1 year : +58.0%
2 years : +78.4%

In line with this month's theme, "One Year Later" and the eight-part crossover
with BATMAN get DETECTIVE COMICS a spectacular boost.

03/2006: Teen Titans Annual #1 -- 61,952

This book doesn't seem to be entirely as successful in matching the sales of its
mother title as the BATMAN ANNUAL, but it's obviously still doing great numbers.

09/2005: Green Lantern Corps: Recharge #1 (of 5) -- 80,718 -- [84,497]
10/2005: Green Lantern Corps: Recharge #2 (of 5) -- 68,925 (-14.6%) -- [71,414]
11/2005: --
12/2005: Green Lantern Corps: Recharge #3 (of 5) -- 64,490 (- 6.4%) -- [65,669]
01/2006: Green Lantern Corps: Recharge #4 (of 5) -- 59,952 (- 7.0%) -- [61,540]
02/2005: --
03/2005: Green Lantern Corps: Recharge #5 (of 5) -- 60,123 (+ 0.3%)
6 months: -25.5%

Good numbers. This bodes well for the upcoming ongoing series.

03/1998: Action Comics #744 -- 53,200*
03/1999: Action Comics #754 -- 39,600*
03/2000: Action Comics #765 -- 40,300*
03/2001: Action Comics #777 -- 35,500*
03/2002: Action Comics #789 -- 36,900*
03/2003: Action Comics #801 -- 32,445
03/2004: Action Comics #813 -- 66,038
03/2005: Action Comics #825 -- 40,877 (+ 9.2%)
04/2005: Action Comics #826 -- 54,769 (+34.0%) -- [58,294]
05/2005: Action Comics #827 -- 44,009 (-19.7%)
06/2005: Action Comics #828 -- 43,000 (- 2.3%)
07/2005: Action Comics #829 -- 62,994 (+46.5%) -- [76,896]
08/2005: Action Comics #830 -- 48,469 (-23,1%)
09/2005: Action Comics #831 -- 55,288 (+14.1%)
10/2005: Action Comics #832 -- 47,968 (-13.2%)
11/2005: Action Comics #833 -- 44,613 (- 7.0%)
12/2005: Action Comics #834 -- 42,425 (- 4.9%)
01/2006: Action Comics #835 -- 41,114 (- 3.1%)
02/2006: Action Comics #836 -- 51,722 (+25.8%) -- [55,331]
03/2006: Action Comics #837 -- 55,816 (+ 7.9%)
6 months: + 1.0%
1 year : +36.6%
2 years : -15.5%

"One Year Later" and the crossover with SUPERMAN do their magic.

(36) JSA
03/2000: JSA #10 -- 42,800*
03/2001: JSA #22 -- 38,400*
03/2002: JSA #34 -- 43,200*
03/2003: JSA #46 -- 43,494
03/2004: JSA #59 -- 42,553
03/2005: JSA #71 -- 42,874 (+ 0.0%)
04/2005: JSA #72 -- 43,472 (+ 1.4%)
05/2005: JSA #73 -- 51,326 (+18.1%)
06/2005: JSA #74 -- 51,609 (+ 0.6%)
07/2005: JSA #75 -- 55,410 (+ 7.4%)
08/2005: JSA #76 -- 51,928 (- 6.3%)
09/2005: JSA #77 -- 53,216 (+ 2.5%)
10/2005: JSA #78 -- 54,070 (+ 1.6%)
11/2005: JSA #79 -- 52,783 (- 2.4%)
12/2005: JSA #80 -- 50,862 (- 3.6%)
01/2006: JSA #81 -- 50,078 (- 1.5%)
02/2006: JSA #82 -- 54,234 (+ 8.3%)
03/2006: JSA #83 -- 51,991 (- 4.1%)
6 months: - 2.3%
1 year : +21.3%
2 years : +22.2%

It's "One Year Later," but minus the artwork of George Pérez, who illustrated
issue #82. As a result, sales take a step down. These are still great numbers,
however, so it's safe to assume that the book's upcoming cancelation in July is
not due to low sales, but because they have yet another relaunch waiting in the
wings. How long can it be now before the trick gets old (again)?

03/1998: Adventures of Superman #557 -- 53,100*
03/1999: Adventures of Superman #567 -- 39,200*
03/2000: Adventures of Superman #578 -- 37,500*
03/2001: Adventures of Superman #590 -- 34,300*
03/2002: Adventures of Superman #602 -- 36,100*
03/2003: Adventures of Superman #614 -- 30,551
03/2004: Adventures of Superman #626 -- 66,438
03/2005: Adventures of Superman #638 -- 34,479 (+ 3.7%)
04/2005: Adventures of Superman #639 -- 49,295 (+43.0%) -- [53,427]
05/2005: Adventures of Superman #640 -- 37,045 (-24.9%)
06/2005: Adventures of Superman #641 -- 38,020 (+ 2.6%)
07/2005: Adventures of Superman #642 -- 58,774 (+54.6%) -- [75,814]
08/2005: Adventures of Superman #643 -- 46,537 (-20.8%) -- [56,727]
09/2005: Adventures of Superman #644 -- 49,237 (+ 5.8%) -- [52,813]
10/2005: Adventures of Superman #645 -- 51,033 (+ 3.7%)
11/2005: Adventures of Superman #646 -- 43,183 (-15.4%)
12/2005: Adventures of Superman #647 -- 42,235 (- 2.2%)
01/2006: Adventures of Superman #648 -- 45,287 (+ 7.2%)
02/2006: --
03/2006: Adventures of Superman #649 -- 50,895 (+12.4%)
6 months: + 3.4%
1 year : +47.6%
2 years : -23.4%

Canceled. Well, kind of, at least -- see comments on SUPERMAN. Issue #649,
which should have been out in February but was running late, gets a solid boost
from last month's crossover with SUPERMAN and ACTION COMICS.

03/2006: Blue Beetle #1 -- 50,678

This marks the first of a whole slew of new titles launched by DC in the wake of
"Infinite Crisis." And it gets off the ground with very good numbers, given the
book's C-list concept.

Then again, BLUE BEETLE is only the first of many new titles, and while
"Infinite Crisis" and "One Year Later" look like a rock-solid launchpad so far,
I'm not convinced that the large number of spin-offs is a terribly good idea.
At best, DC will have to brace themselves for diminished returns in the coming

03/1998: Legion of Super-Heroes #104 -- 24,100*
03/1999: Legion of Super-Heroes #115 -- 19,400*
03/2000: Legion Lost #1 -- 21,800*
03/2002: Legion #6 -- 26,400*
03/2003: Legion #18 -- 23,180
03/2004: Legion #31 -- 24,870
03/2005: Legion of Super-Heroes #4 -- 41,756 (+ 4.5%) -- [43,408]
04/2005: Legion of Super-Heroes #5 -- 41,664 (- 0.2%)
05/2005: Legion of Super-Heroes #6 -- 40,970 (- 1.7%)
06/2005: Legion of Super-Heroes #7 -- 39,155 (- 4.4%)
07/2005: Legion of Super-Heroes #8 -- 37,272 (- 4.8%)
08/2005: Legion of Super-Heroes #9 -- 35,834 (- 3.9%)
09/2005: Legion of Super-Heroes #10 -- 34,833 (- 2.8%)
10/2005: Legion of Super-Heroes #11 -- 34,113 (- 2.1%)
11/2005: Legion of Super-Heroes #12 -- 33,541 (- 1.7%)
12/2005: --
01/2006: Legion of Super-Heroes #13 -- 32,730 (- 2.4%)
02/2006: Legion of Super-Heroes #14 -- 32,513 (- 0.7%)
02/2006: Legion of Super-Heroes #15 -- 31,649 (- 2.7%)
03/2006: Supergirl & the Legion #16 -- 47,426 (+ 49.9%)
6 months: +36.2%
1 year : +13.6%
2 years : +90.7%

"One Year Later," plus -- more significantly, I suspect -- the addition of
Supergirl as a title character increase the book's first-month sales to a level
unseen since issue #1. Mission accomplished.

Suffice it to say, Supergirl seems to be a fairly popular property at present.

03/2004: Outsiders #10 -- 43,511
03/2005: Outsiders #22 -- 38,886 (- 2.9%) -- [41,716]
04/2005: --
05/2005: Outsiders #23 -- 40,617 (+ 4.5%)
05/2005: Outsiders #24 -- 51,313 (+26.3%) -- [54,734]
06/2005: Outsiders #25 -- 52,187 (+ 1.7%) -- [55,884]
07/2005: Outsiders #26 -- 43,226 (-17.2%)
08/2005: Outsiders #27 -- 44,021 (+ 1.8%)
09/2005: Outsiders #28 -- 44,222 (+ 0.5%)
10/2005: Outsiders #29 -- 47,611 (+ 7.7%)
11/2005: Outsiders #30 -- 44,682 (- 6.2%)
12/2005: Outsiders #31 -- 46,555 (+ 4.2%)
01/2006: Outsiders #32 -- 44,027 (- 5.4%)
02/2006: Outsiders #33 -- 43,270 (- 1.7%)
03/2006: Outsiders #34 -- 47,286 (+ 9.3%)
6 months: + 6.9%
1 year : +21.6%
2 years : + 8.7%

"One Year Later." Considering that there don't seem to be any major creative or
conceptual changes involved here, that's a very nice sales increase to have,

09/2005: Superman/Shazam: First Thunder #1 (of 4) -- 66,419
10/2005: Superman/Shazam: First Thunder #2 (of 4) -- 54,601 (-17.8%)
11/2005: --
12/2005: --
01/2006: Superman/Shazam: First Thunder #3 (of 4) -- 48,899 (-10.4%)
02/2006: --
03/2007: Superman/Shazam: First Thunder #4 (of 4) -- 42,972 (-12.1%)
6 months: -35.3%

The book's drops haven't exactly been gentle, but SUPERMAN/SHAZAM started out
with very good numbers, so that's not too tragic. The series concludes at a
level that's still very decent.

03/1998: Nightwing #20 -- 47,700*
03/1999: Nightwing #31 -- 42,900*
03/2000: Nightwing #43 -- 41,000*
03/2001: Nightwing #55 -- 37,600*
03/2002: Nightwing #67 -- 36,100*
03/2003: Nightwing #79 -- 29,713
03/2004: Nightwing #91 -- 29,330
03/2005: Nightwing #105 -- 38,958 (+ 7.0%)
03/2005: Nightwing #106 -- 38,772 (- 0.5%)
04/2005: Nightwing #107 -- 38,061 (- 1.8%)
05/2005: Nightwing #108 -- 37,019 (- 2.7%)
06/2005: Nightwing #109 -- 36,601 (- 1.1%)
07/2005: Nightwing #110 -- 38,175 (+ 4.3%)
08/2005: Nightwing #111 -- 36,146 (- 5.3%)
09/2005: Nightwing #112 -- 36,238 (+ 0.3%)
10/2005: Nightwing #113 -- 39,837 (+ 9.9%)
11/2005: Nightwing #114 -- 36,421 (- 8.6%)
12/2005: Nightwing #115 -- 35,674 (- 2.1%)
01/2006: Nightwing #116 -- 35,113 (- 1.6%) -- [37,851]
02/2006: Nightwing #117 -- 35,489 (+ 1.1%)
03/2006: Nightwing #118 -- 42,525 (+19.8%)
6 months: +17.4%
1 year : + 9.2%
2 years : +45.0%

"One Year Later" brought a new creative team for NIGHTWING, resulting in a
respectable sales bump.

07/2005: JSA: Classified #1 -- 58,296 -- [86,498]
08/2005: JSA: Classified #2 -- 46,039 (-21.0%) -- [67,358]
09/2005: JSA: Classified #3 -- 54,932 (+19.3%) -- [63,922]
10/2005: JSA: Classified #4 -- 55,903 (+ 1.8%) -- [63,579]
11/2005: JSA: Classified #5 -- 47,380 (-15.3%)
12/2005: JSA: Classified #6 -- 45,317 (- 4.4%)
01/2006: JSA: Classified #7 -- 42,857 (- 5.4%)
02/2006: JSA: Classified #8 -- 39,656 (- 7.5%)
02/2006: JSA: Classified #9 -- 39,104 (- 1.4%)
03/2006: JSA: Classified #10 -- 41,332 (+ 5.7%)
6 months: -24.8%

"One Year Later," plus the beginning of a new arc, this time by Stuart Moore and
Paul Gulacy.

03/2006: Batman: Secrets #1 (of 5) -- 38,316

The Sam Kieth version of Batman vs. The Joker gets a five-issue limited series.
These are solid sales for this type of book, particularly in a month as crowded
with "event" titles as March.

03/2001: Green Arrow #2 -- 70,900*
03/2002: Green Arrow #13 -- 78,100*
03/2003: Green Arrow #22 -- 51,744
03/2004: Green Arrow #36 -- 34,707
03/2005: Green Arrow #48 -- 31,668 (+ 0.4%)
04/2005: Green Arrow #49 -- 31,403 (- 0.8%)
05/2005: Green Arrow #50 -- 34,886 (+11.1%)
06/2005: Green Arrow #51 -- 31,346 (-10.2%)
07/2005: Green Arrow #52 -- 35,656 (+13.8%)
08/2005: Green Arrow #53 -- 32,474 (- 8.9%)
09/2005: Green Arrow #54 -- 34,331 (+ 5.7%)
10/2005: Green Arrow #55 -- 32,804 (- 4.5%)
11/2005: Green Arrow #56 -- 32,670 (- 0.4%)
12/2005: Green Arrow #57 -- 31,778 (- 2.7%)
01/2006: Green Arrow #58 -- 30,990 (- 2.5%)
02/2006: Green Arrow #59 -- 31,250 (+ 0.8%)
03/2006: Green Arrow #60 -- 37,946 (+21.4%)
6 months: +10.5%
1 year : +19.8%
2 years : + 9.3%

The book got a new penciler and a status quo change with "One Year Later."
Retailers seem convinced that they're going to sell a lot of additional copies
as a consequence.

03/1998: Aquaman #44 -- 27,900*
03/1999: Aquaman #55 -- 22,900*
03/2000: Aquaman #67 -- 18,000*
03/2004: Aquaman #4 -- 36,908
03/2004: Aquaman #16 -- 22,810
03/2005: Aquaman #28 -- 19,177 (- 1.5%)
04/2005: Aquaman #29 -- 19,046 (- 0.7%)
05/2005: Aquaman #30 -- 18,606 (- 2.3%)
06/2005: Aquaman #31 -- 18,402 (- 1.1%)
07/2005: Aquaman #32 -- 17,916 (- 2.6%)
08/2005: Aquaman #33 -- 17,621 (- 1.7%)
09/2005: Aquaman #34 -- 17,605 (- 0.1%)
10/2005: Aquaman #35 -- 22,644 (+ 28.6%)
11/2005: Aquaman #36 -- 18,022 (- 20.4%)
12/2005: Aquaman #37 -- 19,640 (+ 9.0%)
01/2006: Aquaman #38 -- 18,321 (- 6.7%)
02/2006: Aquaman #39 -- 18,326 (+ 0.0%)
03/2006: Aquaman: Sword of Atlantis #40 -- 37,611 (+105.2%)
6 months: +113.6%
1 year : + 96.1%
2 years : + 64.9%

The new "One Year Later" creative team of Kurt Busiek and Jackson Guice provide
the title with a title and status quo change, more than doubling AQUAMAN sales.

Although two different cover editions of the issue were released, this is still
a rather impressive debut.

03/1999: Birds of Prey #5 -- 26,300*
03/2000: Birds of Prey #17 -- 23,300*
03/2001: Birds of Prey #29 -- 25,800*
03/2002: Birds of Prey #41 -- 35,700*
03/2003: Birds of Prey #53 -- 24,614
03/2004: Birds of Prey #65 -- 30,505
03/2005: Birds of Prey #80 -- 29,964 (+ 1.5%)
04/2005: Birds of Prey #81 -- 29,832 (- 0.4%)
05/2005: Birds of Prey #82 -- 29,855 (+ 0.1%)
06/2005: Birds of Prey #83 -- 38,067 (+27.5%)
07/2005: Birds of Prey #84 -- 29,982 (-21.2%)
08/2005: Birds of Prey #85 -- 32,076 (+ 7.0%)
09/2005: Birds of Prey #86 -- 31,270 (- 2.5%)
10/2005: Birds of Prey #87 -- 32,084 (+ 2.6%)
11/2005: Birds of Prey #88 -- 32,823 (+ 2.3%)
12/2005: Birds of Prey #89 -- 30,653 (- 6.6%)
01/2006: Birds of Prey #90 -- 30,460 (- 0.6%)
02/2006: Birds of Prey #91 -- 29,835 (- 2.1%)
03/2006: Birds of Prey #92 -- 36,808 (+23.4%)
6 months: +17.7%
1 year : +22.8%
2 years : +20.7%

(61) ROBIN
03/1998: Robin #53 -- 41,500*
03/1999: Robin #64 -- 33,300*
03/2000: Robin #76 -- 32,100*
03/2001: Robin #88 -- 28,100*
03/2002: Robin #100 -- 33,500*
03/2003: Robin #112 -- 23,113
03/2004: Robin #124 -- 29,096
03/2005: Robin #136 -- 31,645 (- 2.1%)
04/2005: Robin #137 -- 30,798 (- 2.7%)
05/2005: Robin #138 -- 29,935 (- 2.8%)
06/2005: Robin #139 -- 29,645 (- 1.0%)
07/2005: Robin #140 -- 28,909 (- 2.5%)
08/2005: Robin #141 -- 28,564 (- 1.2%)
09/2005: Robin #142 -- 28,822 (+ 0.9%)
10/2005: Robin #143 -- 34,141 (+18.5%)
11/2005: Robin #144 -- 32,314 (- 5.4%)
12/2005: Robin #145 -- 28,532 (-11.7%)
01/2006: Robin #146 -- 29,499 (+ 3.4%) -- [31,851]
02/2006: Robin #147 -- 32,120 (+ 8.9%)
03/2006: Robin #148 -- 36,717 (+14.3%)
6 months: +27.4%
1 year : +16.0%
2 years : +26.2%

For ROBIN, "One Year Later" had a new creative team in store, while BIRDS OF
PREY saw the arrival of a new penciler, and there also seem to be some minor
status quo adjustments for both titles. Note down two more books benefiting
greatly from "One Year Later."

(62) & (63) JLA: CLASSIFIED
03/2005: JLA: Classified #5 -- 51,390 (- 4.1%)
04/2005: JLA: Classified #6 -- 48,086 (- 6.4%)
05/2005: JLA: Classified #7 -- 45,788 (- 4.8%)
06/2005: JLA: Classified #8 -- 43,504 (- 5.0%)
06/2005: JLA: Classified #9 -- 42,798 (- 1.6%)
07/2005: JLA: Classified #10 -- 45,039 (+ 5.2%) -- [47,814]
08/2005: JLA: Classified #11 -- 43,582 (- 3.2%) -- [46,056]
09/2005: JLA: Classified #12 -- 43,714 (+ 0.3%)
10/2005: JLA: Classified #13 -- 43,832 (+ 0.3%)
11/2005: JLA: Classified #14 -- 43,469 (- 0.8%)
12/2005: JLA: Classified #15 -- 41,951 (- 3.5%)
01/2006: JLA: Classified #16 -- 39,336 (- 6.2%)
02/2006: JLA: Classified #17 -- 38,014 (- 3.4%)
03/2006: JLA: Classified #18 -- 35,873 (- 5.6%)
03/2006: JLA: Classified #19 -- 35,300 (- 1.6%)
6 months: -18.6%
1 year : -30.8%

Unlike its sister title JSA: CLASSIFIED, the book continued an ongoing storyline
in March and didn't tie in with "One Year Later." Consequently, sales continue
to drop.

03/2002: Hawkman #1 -- 52,300*
03/2003: Hawkman #13 -- 31,173
03/2004: Hawkman #26 -- 28,363
03/2005: Hawkman #38 -- 19,727 (- 1.0%)
04/2005: Hawkman #39 -- 19,620 (- 0.5%)
05/2005: Hawkman #40 -- 19,912 (+ 1.5%)
06/2005: Hawkman #41 -- 21,238 (+ 6.7%)
07/2005: Hawkman #42 -- 21,365 (+ 0.6%)
08/2005: Hawkman #43 -- 22,010 (+ 3.0%)
09/2005: Hawkman #44 -- 22,560 (+ 2.5%)
10/2005: Hawkman #45 -- 23,379 (+ 3.6%)
11/2005: Hawkman #46 -- 25,329 (+ 8.3%)
12/2005: Hawkman #47 -- 24,736 (- 2.3%)
01/2006: Hawkman #48 -- 24,259 (- 1.9%)
02/2006: Hawkman #49 -- 25,031 (+ 3.2%)
03/2006: Hawkgirl #50 -- 34,728 (+38.7%)
6 months: +53.9%
1 year : +76.0%
2 years : +22.4%

The book receives an impressive sales increase of almost 10,000 copies, courtesy
of "One Year Later," Walter Simonson, Howard Chaykin and a sex change.

03/2006: Red Sonja/Claw: Devil's Hands #1 (of 4) -- 33,241

This inter-company crossover ranks just below Dynamite Entertainment's regular
RED SONJA title, which had two issues out in March and made the chart at No. 66
and No. 67. Not a bad debut.

11/2005: Seven Soldiers: Bulleteer #1 (of 4) -- 33,660
12/2005: Seven Soldiers: Bulleteer #2 (of 4) -- 30,142 (-10.5%)
01/2006: --
02/2006: Seven Soldiers: Bulleteer #3 (of 4) -- 29,336 (- 2.7%)
03/2006: Seven Soldiers: Bulleteer #4 (of 4) -- 29,227 (- 0.4%)

11/2005: Seven Soldiers: Frankenstein #1 (of 4) -- 32,774
12/2005: --
01/2006: Seven Soldiers: Frankenstein #2 (of 4) -- 29,574 (-9.8%)
02/2006: --
03/2006: Seven Soldiers: Frankenstein #3 (of 4) -- 29,137 (-1.5%)

09/2005: Seven Soldiers: Mister Miracle #1 (of 4) -- 37,690
10/ 2005: --
11/ 2005: --
12/2005: Seven Soldiers: Mister Miracle #2 (of 4) -- 31,506 (-16.4%)
01/2006: Seven Soldiers: Mister Miracle #3 (of 4) -- 30,085 (- 4.5%)
02/2006: --
03/2006: Seven Soldiers: Mister Miracle #4 (of 4) -- 28,969 (- 3.7%)
6 months: -23.1%

As SEVEN SOLDIERS nears its conclusion, BULLETEER finishes with solid numbers
and FRANKENSTEIN continues to perform very decently. The numbers for MISTER
MIRACLE, though not terrible by any stretch, look rather less enthusiastic,
which may be due to original artist Pascual Ferry unexpectedly jumping ship
after issue #1.

03/1998: Catwoman #57 -- 41,700*
03/1999: Catwoman #68 -- 31,200*
03/2000: Catwoman #80 -- 29,700*
03/2001: Catwoman #92 -- 25,000*
03/2002: Catwoman #5 -- 35,000*
03/2003: Catwoman #17 -- 23,532
03/2004: Catwoman #29 -- 23,811
03/2005: Catwoman #41 -- 22,029 (- 4.7%)
04/2005: Catwoman #42 -- 21,029 (- 4.5%)
05/2005: Catwoman #43 -- 20,818 (- 1.0%)
06/2005: Catwoman #44 -- 21,574 (+ 3.6%)
07/2005: Catwoman #45 -- 20,848 (- 3.4%)
08/2005: Catwoman #46 -- 20,702 (- 0.7%) -- [21,718]
09/2005: Catwoman #47 -- 20,699 (- 0.0%)
10/2005: Catwoman #48 -- 21,104 (+ 2.0%)
11/2005: Catwoman #49 -- 21,257 (+ 0.7%)
12/2005: Catwoman #50 -- 24,136 (+13.5%) -- [26,170]
01/2006: Catwoman #51 -- 22,681 (- 6.0%)
02/2006: Catwoman #52 -- 21,954 (- 3.2%)
03/2006: Catwoman #53 -- 28,473 (+29.7%)
6 months: +37.6%
1 year : +29.3%
2 years : +19.6%

Another title without any changes you'd normally expect to increase sales
significantly, but again, "One Year Later" results in a very comfortable
increase nonetheless.

11/2005: Batman and the Monster Men #1 (of 6) -- 36,177
12/2005: Batman and the Monster Men #2 (of 6) -- 29,138 (-19.5%)
01/2006: Batman and the Monster Men #3 (of 6) -- 27,135 (- 6.9%)
02/2006: Batman and the Monster Men #4 (of 6) -- 26,320 (- 3.0%)
03/2006: Batman and the Monster Men #5 (of 6) -- 25,960 (- 1.4%)

After the harsh second-issue drop, the book appears to have settled into a
standard decline.

(93) Y: THE LAST MAN (Vertigo)
03/2003: Y: The Last Man #9 -- 24,384
03/2004: Y: The Last Man #20 -- 26,454
03/2005: --
04/2005: Y: The Last Man #32 -- 26,914 (+4.2%)
05/2005: Y: The Last Man #33 -- 26,883 (-0.1%)
06/2005: Y: The Last Man #34 -- 26,756 (-0.5%)
07/2005: Y: The Last Man #35 -- 26,449 (-1.2%)
08/2005: Y: The Last Man #36 -- 26,558 (+0.4%)
09/2005: Y: The Last Man #37 -- 26,638 (+0.3%)
10/2005: Y: The Last Man #38 -- 26,535 (-0.4%)
11/2005: Y: The Last Man #39 -- 26,395 (-0.5%)
12/2005: Y: The Last Man #40 -- 26,006 (-1.5%)
01/2006: Y: The Last Man #41 -- 25,931 (-0.3%)
02/2006: Y: The Last Man #42 -- 25,775 (-0.6%)
03/2006: Y: The Last Man #43 -- 25,877 (+0.4%)
6 months: -2.9%
1 year : n.a.
2 years : -2.2%

Virtually no changes, as usual.

03/2005: Firestorm #11 -- 19,440 (- 3.5%)
04/2005: Firestorm #12 -- 18,984 (- 2.4%)
05/2005: Firestorm #13 -- 18,899 (- 0.5%)
06/2005: Firestorm #14 -- 18,375 (- 2.8%)
07/2005: Firestorm #15 -- 17,687 (- 3.7%)
08/2005: Firestorm #16 -- 17,688 (+ 0.0%)
09/2005: Firestorm #17 -- 22,553 (+27.5%)
10/2005: Firestorm #18 -- 23,246 (+ 3.1%)
11/2005: Firestorm #19 -- 22,979 (- 1.2%)
12/2005: Firestorm #20 -- 23,473 (+ 2.2%)
01/2006: Firestorm #21 -- 22,500 (- 4.2%)
02/2006: Firestorm #22 -- 21,104 (- 6.2%)
03/2006: Firestorm: The Nuclear Man #23 -- 25,109 (+19.0%)
6 months: +11.3%
1 year : +29.2%

It's "One Year Later," and all he got was this crappy title change. It's good
enough for 4,000 extra copies, though, so I doubt anybody's going to complain.
From now on, it appears the book will have to stand on its own two feet,
however, so we're going to find out soon whether the half year worth of
"Infinite Crisis" tie-ins will have any mid-term effects on sales.

03/1998: Legends of the Dark Knight #106 -- 38,100*
03/1999: Legends of the Dark Knight #117 -- 38,200*
03/2000: Legends of the Dark Knight #129 -- 40,400*
03/2001: Legends of the Dark Knight #141 -- 33,800*
03/2002: Legends of the Dark Knight #153 -- 31,800*
03/2003: Legends of the Dark Knight #165 -- 26,196
03/2004: Legends of the Dark Knight #177 -- 24,494
03/2005: Legends of the Dark Knight #189 -- 26,257 (- 0.5%)
04/2005: Legends of the Dark Knight #190 -- 25,935 (- 1.2%)
05/2005: Legends of the Dark Knight #191 -- 25,936 (+ 0.0%)
06/2005: Legends of the Dark Knight #192 -- 26,211 (+ 1.1%)
07/2005: Legends of the Dark Knight #193 -- 25,755 (- 1.7%)
08/2005: Legends of the Dark Knight #194 -- 25,290 (- 1.8%)
09/2005: Legends of the Dark Knight #195 -- 25,206 (- 0.3%)
10/2005: Legends of the Dark Knight #196 -- 24,932 (- 1.1%)
11/2005: Legends of the Dark Knight #197 -- 24,478 (- 1.8%)
12/2005: Legends of the Dark Knight #198 -- 24,010 (- 1.9%)
01/2006: Legends of the Dark Knight #199 -- 23,461 (- 2.3%)
02/2006: Legends of the Dark Knight #200 -- 28,984 (+23.5%)
03/2006: Legends of the Dark Knight #201 -- 24,516 (-15.4%)
03/2006: Legends of the Dark Knight #202 -- 23,810 (- 2.9%)
6 months: -4.1%
1 year : -8.0%
2 years : -1.4%

No "One Year Later" here. The bi-weekly schedule in March doesn't prevent sales
from crashing back to pre-"anniversary" levels.

(102) FABLES (Vertigo)
03/2003: Fables #11 -- 24,857
03/2004: Fables #23 -- 25,211
03/2005: Fables #35 -- 24,469 (+0.6%)
04/2005: Fables #36 -- 24,975 (+2.1%)
05/2005: Fables #37 -- 24,477 (-2.0%)
06/2005: Fables #38 -- 24,813 (+1.4%)
07/2005: Fables #39 -- 24,617 (-0.8%)
08/2005: Fables #40 -- 24,952 (+1.4%)
09/2005: Fables #41 -- 25,001 (+0.2%)
10/2005: Fables #42 -- 24,953 (-0.2%)
11/2005: Fables #43 -- 24,659 (-1.2%)
12/2005: Fables #44 -- 24,515 (-0.6%)
01/2006: Fables #45 -- 24,297 (-0.9%)
02/2006: Fables #46 -- 24,134 (-0.7%)
03/2006: Fables #47 -- 24,278 (+0.6%)
6 months: -2.9%
1 year : -0.8%
2 years : -3.7%

Business as usual.

01/2006: Sgt. Rock: The Prophecy #1 (of 6) -- 32,793 -- [35,557]
02/2006: Sgt. Rock: The Prophecy #2 (of 6) -- 24,333 (-25.8%)
03/2006: Sgt. Rock: The Prophecy #3 (of 6) -- 23,510 (- 3.4%)

Good numbers. The second-issue drop, we recall, was due to the three different
cover editions which inflated the sales of issue #1. For a third issue, this is
not a large drop, and the book is still performing at a very solid level.

11/2005: Jonah Hex #1 -- 33,771
12/2005: Jonah Hex #2 -- 26,227 (-22.3%)
01/2006: Jonah Hex #3 -- 24,671 (- 5.9%)
02/2006: Jonah Hex #4 -- 23,569 (- 4.5%)
03/2006: Jonah Hex #5 -- 23,496 (- 0.3%)

Another very solid performer.

(109) BATMAN: YEAR 100
02/2006: Batman: Year 100 #1 (of 4) -- 24,446
03/2006: Batman: Year 100 #2 (of 4) -- 23,029 (-5.8%)

Not bad, as far as second-issue drops go.

02/2006: Warlord #1 -- 27,443
03/2006: Warlord #2 -- 21,570 (-21.4%)

An average second-issue drop for an ongoing title.

(118) EX MACHINA (WildStorm)
03/2005: Ex Machina #9 -- 22,352 (+ 0.8%)
04/2005: Ex Machina #10 -- 22,101 (- 1.1%)
05/2005: Ex Machina #11 -- 21,885 (- 1.0%)
06/2005: Ex Machina #12 -- 22,004 (+ 0.5%)
07/2005: Ex Machina #13 -- 21,666 (- 1.5%)
08/2005: Ex Machina #14 -- 21,134 (- 2.5%)
09/2005: --
10/2005: Ex Machina #15 -- 21,748 (+ 2.9%)
11/2005: Ex Machina #16 -- 21,250 (- 2.3%)
12/2005: --
01/2006: Ex Machina #17 -- 21,196 (- 0.3%)
02/2006: --
03/2006: Ex Machina #18 -- 21,081 (- 0.5%)
6 months: n.a.
1 year : -5.7%

Standard attrition.

10/2005: Captain Atom: Armageddon #1 (of 9) -- 40,662
11/2005: Captain Atom: Armageddon #2 (of 9) -- 26,402 (-35.1%)
12/2005: Captain Atom: Armageddon #3 (of 9) -- 23,480 (-11.1%)
01/2006: Captain Atom: Armageddon #4 (of 9) -- 21,327 (- 9.2%)
02/2006: Captain Atom: Armageddon #5 (of 9) -- 20,532 (- 3.7%)
03/2006: Captain Atom: Armageddon #6 (of 9) -- 20,195 (- 1.6%)

The book's sales appear to have found its level, and, despite the harsh drops
early on, it's still a respectable level for a WildStorm Universe title.

08/2005: Batman: Journey Into Knight #1 (of 12) -- 39,565
09/2005: Batman: Journey Into Knight #2 (of 12) -- 30,900 (-21.9%)
10/2005: Batman: Journey Into Knight #3 (of 12) -- 28,214 (- 8.7%)
11/2005: Batman: Journey Into Knight #4 (of 12) -- 26,876 (- 4.7%)
12/2005: Batman: Journey Into Knight #5 (of 12) -- 23,227 (-13.6%)
01/2006: Batman: Journey Into Knight #6 (of 12) -- 21,670 (- 6.7%)
02/2006: Batman: Journey Into Knight #7 (of 12) -- 20,698 (- 4.5%)
03/2006: Batman: Journey Into Knight #8 (of 12) -- 19,978 (- 3.5%)
6 months: -35.4%

These aren't impressive sales, but at least they've now settled into a standard
decline for this sort of thing.

(126) AMERICAN VIRGIN (Vertigo)
03/2006: American Virgin #1 -- 19,455

Looking at other recent Vertigo launches, this is a comparatively good start,
actually. It outsells the debut issues of DMZ, TESTAMENT and THE EXTERMINATORS
handsomely, and while LOVELESS #1 sold about 3,000 copies more, that's hardly
surprising, given Brian Azzarello's name power.

(138) LOVELESS (Vertigo)
10/2005: Loveless #1 -- 22,483
11/2005: Loveless #2 -- 17,667 (-21.4%)
12/2005: Loveless #3 -- 16,280 (- 7.9%) -- [17,584]
01/2006: --
02/2006: Loveless #4 -- 16,765 (+ 3.0%)
03/2006: Loveless #5 -- 16,704 (- 0.4%)

If the book has found its level, as the marginal drop suggests, there shouldn't
be any worries in the foreseeable future.

03/2005: Manhunter #8 -- 14,232 (+ 1.0%)
04/2005: Manhunter #9 -- 13,603 (- 4.4%)
05/2005: Manhunter #10 -- 13,741 (+ 1.0%)
06/2005: Manhunter #11 -- 14,040 (+ 2.2%)
07/2005: Manhunter #12 -- 13,591 (- 3.2%)
08/2005: Manhunter #13 -- 22,110 (+62.7%)
09/2005: Manhunter #14 -- 17,162 (-22.4%)
10/2005: Manhunter #15 -- 14,345 (-16.4%)
11/2005: Manhunter #16 -- 14,257 (- 0.6%)
12/2005: Manhunter #17 -- 13,615 (- 4.5%)
01/2006: Manhunter #18 -- 13,212 (- 3.0%)
02/2006: Manhunter #19 -- 12,970 (- 1.8%)
03/2006: Manhunter #20 -- 16,090 (+24.1%)
6 months: - 6.3%
1 year : +13.1%

"One Year Later." While sales see a decent increase, MANHUNTER is still the
lowest-selling ongoing DC Universe title now, given that BLOOD OF THE DEMON is
on its way out.

(146) DMZ (Vertigo)
11/2005: DMZ #1 -- 18,705
12/2005: DMZ #2 -- 14,840 (-20.7%)
01/2006: DMZ #3 -- 14,503 (- 2.3%)
02/2006: DMZ #4 -- 14,778 (+ 1.9%)
03/2006: DMZ #5 -- 14,952 (+ 1.2%)

These increases are marginal, naturally, but given that you usually get
something like a 3.5% drop at this stage, they're encouraging enough.

(147) WILDCATS: NEMESIS (WildStorm)
03/1998: WildC.A.T.s #47 -- 30,000*
03/1999: Wildcats Volume 2 #2 -- 60,500*
03/2000: Wildcats Volume 2 #9 -- 32,800*
03/2001: Wildcats Volume 2 #21 -- 19,300*
03/2003: Wildcats Version 3.0 #8 -- 17,581
03/2004: Wildcats Version 3.0 #19 -- 13,539
09/2005: Wildcats: Nemesis #1 (of 9) -- 19,663
10/2005: Wildcats: Nemesis #2 (of 9) -- 16,829 (-14.4%)
11/2005: Wildcats: Nemesis #3 (of 9) -- 16,154 (- 4.0%)
12/2005: Wildcats: Nemesis #4 (of 9) -- 15,428 (- 4.5%)
01/2006: Wildcats: Nemesis #5 (of 9) -- 14,983 (- 2.9%)
02/2006: Wildcats: Nemesis #6 (of 9) -- 14,572 (- 2.7%)
03/2006: Wildcats: Nemesis #7 (of 9) -- 14,533 (- 0.3%)
6 months: -26.1%
2 years : + 7.3%

It's found its level, apparently. A quick glance at the long-term numbers
should clarify why DC are yearning for a different approach with the WildStorm
Universe right now.

(149) HELLBLAZER (Vertigo)
03/1999: Hellblazer #137 -- 19,500*
03/2000: Hellblazer #148 -- 17,400*
03/2001: Hellblazer #160 -- 19,000*
03/2002: Hellblazer #172 -- 19,500*
03/2003: Hellblazer #182 -- 17,257
03/2004: Hellblazer #194 -- 14,957
03/2005: Hellblazer #206 -- 15,464 (+ 2.0%)
04/2005: Hellblazer #207 -- 15,368 (- 0.6%)
05/2005: Hellblazer #208 -- 15,420 (+ 0.3%)
06/2005: Hellblazer #209 -- 15,149 (- 1.8%)
07/2005: Hellblazer #210 -- 14,801 (- 2.3%)
08/2005: Hellblazer #211 -- 14,727 (- 0.5%)
09/2005: Hellblazer #212 -- 14,714 (- 0.1%)
10/2005: Hellblazer #213 -- 14,688 (- 0.2%)
11/2005: Hellblazer #214 -- 14,766 (+ 0.5%)
12/2005: Hellblazer #215 -- 14,405 (- 2.5%)
01/2006: Hellblazer #216 -- 14,590 (+ 1.3%)
02/2006: Hellblazer #217 -- 14,306 (- 2.0%)
03/2006: Hellblazer #218 -- 14,129 (- 1.2%)
6 months: -4.0%
1 year : -8.6%
2 years : -5.5%

Standard attrition.

03/2005: Blood of the Demon #1 -- 22,801
04/2005: Blood of the Demon #2 -- 18,404 (-19.3%)
05/2005: Blood of the Demon #3 -- 18,133 (- 1.5%)
06/2005: Blood of the Demon #4 -- 16,311 (-10.1%)
07/2005: Blood of the Demon #5 -- 16,581 (+ 1.7%)
08/2005: Blood of the Demon #6 -- 17,416 (+ 5.0%)
09/2005: Blood of the Demon #7 -- 19,248 (+10.5%)
10/2005: Blood of the Demon #8 -- 14,457 (-24.9%)
11/2005: Blood of the Demon #9 -- 13,971 (- 3.4%)
12/2005: Blood of the Demon #10 -- 12,813 (- 8.3%)
01/2006: Blood of the Demon #11 -- 11,883 (- 7.3%)
02/2006: Blood of the Demon #12 -- 11,362 (- 4.4%)
03/2006: Blood of the Demon #13 -- 14,087 (+24.0%)
6 months: -26.8%
1 year : -38.2%

"One Year Later" results in a slight sales increase, but doesn't prevent the
book from being canceled with issue #17.

(152) 100 BULLETS (Vertigo)
03/2000: 100 Bullets #10 -- 12,100*
03/2001: 100 Bullets #22 -- 16,000*
03/2002: 100 Bullets #34 -- 18,300*
03/2003: 100 Bullets #42 -- 17,487
03/2004: 100 Bullets #49 -- 16,616
03/2005: 100 Bullets #59 -- 14,931 (+ 0.0%)
04/2005: 100 Bullets #60 -- 14,882 (- 0.3%)
05/2005: 100 Bullets #61 -- 14,927 (+ 0.3%)
06/2005: --
07/2005: 100 Bullets #62 -- 14,867 (- 0.4%)
08/2005: 100 Bullets #63 -- 14,793 (- 0.5%)
09/2005: 100 Bullets #64 -- 14,708 (- 0.6%)
10/2005: 100 Bullets #65 -- 14,744 (+ 0.3%)
11/2005: 100 Bullets #66 -- 14,425 (- 2.2%)
12/2005: 100 Bullets #67 -- 14,165 (- 1.8%)
01/2006: 100 Bullets #68 -- 13,879 (- 2.0%)
02/2006: 100 Bullets #69 -- 13,708 (- 1.2%)
03/2006: 100 Bullets #70 -- 13,591 (- 0.9%)
6 months: - 7.6%
1 year : - 9.0%
2 years : -18.2%

Standard attrition.

(155) TESTAMENT (Vertigo)
12/2005: Testament #1 -- 16,893 -- [18,166]
01/2006: Testament #2 -- 13,518 (-20.0%)
02/2006: Testament #3 -- 12,831 (- 5.1%)
03/2006: Testament #4 -- 13,074 (+ 1.9%)

Another marginal climber.

(160) TOM STRONG (WildStorm)
03/2000: Tom Strong #8 -- 34,100*
03/2001: Tom Strong #13 -- 28,500*
03/2005: --
04/2005: Tom Strong #32 -- 12,581 (- 3.0%)
05/2005: --
06/2005: Tom Strong #33 -- 11,956 (- 5.0%)
07/2005: --
08/2005: Tom Strong #34 -- 11,254 (- 8.9%)
09/2005: --
10/2005: --
11/2005: Tom Strong #35 -- 11,078 (- 1.6%)
12/2005: --
01/2006: --
02/2006: --
03/2006: Tom Strong #36 -- 12,195 (+10.1%)
6 months: n.a.
1 year : n.a.
2 years : n.a.

Alan Moore's return for the conclusion sells a 1,000 extra copies, but TOM
STRONG is way past its sales prime, obviously, so you can't blame them for
calling it a day.

(164) THE AMERICAN WAY (WildStorm)
02/2006: The American Way #1 (of 8) -- 15,216
03/2006: The American Way #2 (of 8) -- 11,937 (-21.6%)

A very steep drop for a limited series. Not unexpected these days, however.
(Correction: In last month's column, THE AMERICAN WAY was inaccurately described
as a Vertigo title.)

01/2006: The Exterminators #1 -- 16,187
02/2006: The Exterminators #2 -- 12,459 (-23.0%)
03/2006: The Exterminators #3 -- 11,678 (- 6.3%)

In terms of percentages, the book performs not unlike LOVELESS, DMZ and
TESTAMENT, but that shouldn't distract from the fact that THE EXTERMINATORS is
now DC's lowest-selling ongoing title which hasn't been canceled yet (...apart
from the Johnny DC books, whose direct market numbers are not as significant as
for the rest of the line).

(168) TEEN TITANS GO (Johnny DC)
03/2004: Teen Titans Go #5 -- 15,274
03/2005: Teen Titans Go #17 -- 14,046 (+ 0.5%)
04/2005: Teen Titans Go #18 -- 14,152 (+ 0.8%)
05/2005: Teen Titans Go #19 -- 14,348 (+ 1.4%)
06/2005: Teen Titans Go #20 -- 14,114 (- 1.6%)
07/2005: Teen Titans Go #21 -- 13,440 (- 4.8%)
08/2005: Teen Titans Go #22 -- 13,166 (- 2.0%)
09/2005: Teen Titans Go #23 -- 12,933 (- 1.8%)
10/2005: Teen Titans Go #24 -- 12,994 (+ 0.5%)
11/2005: Teen Titans Go #25 -- 12,598 (- 3.1%)
12/2005: Teen Titans Go #26 -- 11,790 (- 6.4%)
01/2006: Teen Titans Go #27 -- 11,609 (- 1.5%)
02/2006: Teen Titans Go #28 -- 11,568 (- 0.4%)
03/2006: Teen Titans Go #29 -- 11,260 (- 2.7%)
6 months: -12.9%
1 year : -19.8%
2 years : -26.3%

A Johnny DC title. See disclaimers.

(172) MAJESTIC (WildStorm)
03/2000: Mr. Majestic #9 -- 9,800*
03/2005: Majestic #3 -- 18,136 (- 7.3%)
04/2005: Majestic #4 -- 17,001 (- 6.3%)
05/2005: Majestic #5 -- 15,914 (- 6.4%)
06/2005: Majestic #6 -- 14,927 (- 6.2%)
07/2005: Majestic #7 -- 13,689 (- 8.3%)
08/2005: Majestic #8 -- 12,808 (- 6.4%)
09/2005: Majestic #9 -- 12,438 (- 2.9%)
10/2005: Majestic #10 -- 11,987 (- 3.6%)
11/2005: Majestic #11 -- 11,754 (- 1.9%)
12/2005: Majestic #12 -- 11,500 (- 2.2%)
01/2006: Majestic #13 -- 10,904 (- 5.2%)
02/2006: Majestic #14 -- 10,944 (+ 0.4%)
03/2006: Majestic #15 -- 10,855 (- 0.8%)
6 months: -12.7%
1 year : -40.2%

Canceled with issue #17.

03/2002: Justice League Adventures #5 -- 20,200*
03/2003: Justice League Adventures #17 -- 14,566
03/2004: Justice League Adventures #29 -- 12,164
03/2005: Justice League Unlimited #7 -- 12,175 (- 0.3%)
04/2005: Justice League Unlimited #8 -- 12,145 (- 0.3%)
05/2005: Justice League Unlimited #9 -- 11,869 (- 2.3%)
06/2005: Justice League Unlimited #10 -- 11,634 (- 2.0%)
07/2005: Justice League Unlimited #11 -- 11,340 (- 2.5%)
08/2005: Justice League Unlimited #12 -- 11,181 (- 1.4%)
09/2005: Justice League Unlimited #13 -- 10,914 (- 2.4%)
10/2005: Justice League Unlimited #14 -- 10,706 (- 1.9%)
11/2005: Justice League Unlimited #15 -- 10,625 (- 0.8%)
12/2005: Justice League Unlimited #16 -- 10,774 (+ 1.4%)
01/2006: Justice League Unlimited #17 -- 10,199 (- 5.3%)
02/2006: Justice League Unlimited #18 -- 10,206 (+ 0.1%)
03/2006: Justice League Unlimited #19 -- 10,534 (+ 3.2%)
6 months: - 3.5%
1 year : -13.5%
2 years : -13.4%

(177) LUCIFER (Vertigo)
03/2001: Lucifer #12 -- 15,600*
03/2002: Lucifer #24 -- 14,800*
03/2003: Lucifer #36 -- 14,052
03/2004: Lucifer #48 -- 12,923
03/2005: Lucifer #60 -- 11,941 (- 0.4%)
04/2005: Lucifer #61 -- 11,771 (- 1.4%)
05/2005: Lucifer #62 -- 13,248 (+12.6%)
06/2005: Lucifer #63 -- 11,694 (-11.7%)
07/2005: Lucifer #64 -- 11,418 (- 2.4%)
08/2005: Lucifer #65 -- 11,347 (- 0.6%)
09/2005: Lucifer #66 -- 11,725 (+ 3.3%)
10/2005: Lucifer #67 -- 11,168 (- 4.8%)
11/2005: Lucifer #68 -- 11,036 (- 1.2%)
12/2005: Lucifer #69 -- 10,881 (- 1.4%)
01/2006: Lucifer #70 -- 10,779 (- 0.9%)
02/2006: Lucifer #71 -- 10,578 (- 1.9%)
03/2006: Lucifer #72 -- 10,436 (- 1.3%)
6 months: -11.0%
1 year : -12.6%
2 years : -19.3%

Ending with issue #75.

(181) TEAM ZERO (WildStorm)
12/2005: Team Zero #1 (of 6) -- 15,933
01/2006: Team Zero #2 (of 6) -- 11,995 (-24.7%)
02/2006: Team Zero #3 (of 6) -- 10,698 (-10.8%)
03/2006: Team Zero #4 (of 6) -- 10,233 (- 4.4%)

01/2006: Elfquest: Discovery #1 (of 4) -- 10,817
02/2006: --
03/2006: Elfquest: Discovery #2 (of 4) -- 9,382 (-13.3%)

02/2006: Thunderbolt Jaxon #1 (of 5) -- 11,475
03/2006: Thunderbolt Jaxon #2 (of 5) -- 8,726 (-24.0%)

Positively horrible numbers, the lot of them. Although ELFQUEST at least seems
likely to enjoy a healthy life in bookstores sometime down the road, to be fair.

03/2004: Hard Time #2 -- 12,406
12/2005: Hard Time: Season Two #1 -- 11,658 (+49.6%)
01/2006: Hard Time: Season Two #2 -- 9,625 (-17.4%)
02/2006: Hard Time: Season Two #3 -- 8,997 (- 6.5%)
03/2006: Hard Time: Season Two #4 -- 8,635 (- 4.0%)
2 years: -30.4%

Canceled with issue #7.

11/2005: Tomorrow Stories Special #1 -- 10,256
12/2005: --
01/2006: --
02/2006: --
03/2006: Tomorrow Stories Special #2 -- 8,530 (-16.8%)

Probably the final issue. Given the sales of TOM STRONG, these numbers are
actually better than I'd have expected, mind you, but that still doesn't meant
they're any good.

(202) BATMAN STRIKES! (Johnny DC)
03/1999: Batman: Gotham A. #12 -- 18,700*
03/2000: Batman: Gotham A. #24 -- 15,400*
03/2001: Batman: Gotham A. #36 -- 13,500*
03/2002: Batman: Gotham A. #48 -- 12,900*
03/2003: Batman: Gotham A. #60 -- 10,076
03/2004: Batman Adventures #12 -- 12,189
03/2005: Batman Strikes! #7 -- 10,775 (- 3.0%)
04/2005: Batman Strikes! #8 -- 10,368 (- 3.8%)
05/2005: Batman Strikes! #9 -- 10,376 (+ 0.1%)
06/2005: Batman Strikes! #10 -- 10,048 (- 3.2%)
07/2005: Batman Strikes! #11 -- 9,796 (- 2.5%)
08/2005: Batman Strikes! #12 -- 9,528 (- 2.7%)
09/2005: Batman Strikes! #13 -- 9,284 (- 2.6%)
10/2005: Batman Strikes! #14 -- 8,950 (- 3.6%)
11/2005: Batman Strikes! #15 -- 8,840 (- 1.2%)
12/2005: Batman Strikes! #16 -- 8,462 (- 4.3%)
01/2006: Batman Strikes! #17 -- 8,172 (- 3.4%)
02/2006: Batman Strikes! #18 -- 8,626 (+ 5.6%)
03/2006: Batman Strikes! #19 -- 8,244 (- 4.4%)
6 months: -11.2%
1 year : -23.5%
2 years : -32.4%

(205) SWAMP THING (Vertigo)
03/2000: Swamp Thing #1 -- 25,100*
03/2001: Swamp Thing #13 -- 12,500*
03/2004: Swamp Thing #1 -- 33,382
03/2005: Swamp Thing #13 -- 12,707 (- 5.5%)
04/2005: Swamp Thing #14 -- 12,057 (- 5.1%)
05/2005: Swamp Thing #15 -- 11,542 (- 4.3%)
06/2005: Swamp Thing #16 -- 10,962 (- 5.0%)
07/2005: Swamp Thing #17 -- 10,345 (- 5.6%)
08/2005: Swamp Thing #18 -- 10,112 (- 2.3%)
09/2005: Swamp Thing #19 -- 9,726 (- 3.8%)
10/2005: Swamp Thing #20 -- 10,209 (+ 5.0%)
11/2005: Swamp Thing #21 -- 9,203 (- 9.9%)
12/2005: Swamp Thing #22 -- 8,892 (- 3.7%)
01/2006: Swamp Thing #23 -- 8,527 (- 4.1%)
02/2006: Swamp Thing #24 -- 8,379 (- 1.7%)
03/2006: Swamp Thing #25 -- 8,076 (- 3.6%)
6 months: -17.0%
1 year : -36.5%
2 years : -75.8%

Canceled with issue #29.

(239) MATADOR (WildStorm)
05/2005: Matador #1 (of 6) -- 10,529
06/2005: Matador #2 (of 6) -- 8,293 (-21.2%)
07/2005: Matador #3 (of 6) -- 6,681 (-19.4%)
08/2005: Matador #4 (of 6) -- 5,683 (-14.9%)
09/2005: Matador #5 (of 6) -- 5,364 (- 5.6%)
10/2005: --
11/2005: --
12/2005: --
01/2006: --
02/2006: --
03/2005: Matador #6 (of 6) -- 5,103 (- 4.9%)
6 months: -4.9%

The less said about these numbers, the better, obviously.

(251) SCOOBY DOO (Johnny DC)
03/1998: Scooby Doo #10 -- 5,800*
03/1999: Scooby Doo #22 -- 5,300*
03/2000: Scooby Doo #34 -- 5,100*
03/2001: Scooby Doo #46 -- 5,000*
03/2002: Scooby Doo #58 -- 5,900*
03/2003: Scooby Doo #70 -- 5,964
03/2004: Scooby Doo #82 -- 5,377
03/2005: Scooby Doo #94 -- 4,772 (+ 0.5%)
04/2005: Scooby Doo #95 -- 4,800 (+ 0.6%)
05/2005: Scooby Doo #96 -- 4,718 (- 1.7%)
06/2005: Scooby Doo #97 -- 4,819 (+ 2.1%)
07/2005: Scooby Doo #98 -- 4,666 (- 3.2%)
08/2005: Scooby Doo #99 -- 4,654 (- 0.3%)
09/2005: Scooby Doo #100 -- 5,239 (+12.6%)
10/2005: Scooby Doo #101 -- 4,604 (-12.1%)
11/2005: Scooby Doo #102 -- 4,587 (- 0.4%)
12/2005: Scooby Doo #103 -- 4,490 (- 2.1%)
01/2006: Scooby Doo #104 -- 4,454 (- 0.8%)
02/2006: Scooby Doo #105 -- 4,326 (- 2.9%)
03/2006: Scooby Doo #106 -- 4,419 (+ 2.2%)
6 months: -15.7%
1 year : - 7.4%
2 years : -17.8%

(296) LOONEY TUNES (Johnny DC)
03/1998: Looney Tunes #40 -- 4,500*
03/1999: Looney Tunes #52 -- 3,500*
03/2000: Looney Tunes #64 -- 3,200*
03/2001: Looney Tunes #76 -- 3,100*
03/2002: Looney Tunes #88 -- 3,400*
03/2003: Looney Tunes #100 -- 5,829
03/2004: Looney Tunes #112 -- 3,218
03/2005: Looney Tunes #124 -- 2,846 (+ 0.3%)
04/2005: Looney Tunes #125 -- 2,974 (+ 4.5%)
05/2005: Looney Tunes #126 -- 2,852 (- 4.1%)
06/2005: Looney Tunes #127 -- 2,991 (+ 4.9%)
07/2005: Looney Tunes #128 -- 2,722 (- 9.0%)
08/2005: Looney Tunes #129 -- 2,736 (- 0.5%)
09/2005: Looney Tunes #130 -- 2,659 (- 2.8%)
10/2005: Looney Tunes #131 -- 2,673 (+ 0.5%)
11/2005: Looney Tunes #132 -- 2,747 (+ 2.8%)
12/2005: Looney Tunes #133 -- 2,633 (- 4.2%)
01/2006: Looney Tunes #134 -- 2,601 (- 1.2%)
02/2006: Looney Tunes #135 -- 2,631 (+ 1.2%)
03/2006: Looney Tunes #136 -- 2,792 (+ 6.1%)
6 months: + 5.0%
1 year : - 1.9%
2 years : -13.2%

(203) 8,139 -- Infinite Crisis #4 (2nd)
(222) 5,926 -- Infinite Crisis #3
(255) 4,091 -- Infinite Crisis #2
(260) 3,923 -- Justice #4
(268) 3,651 -- Infinite Crisis #1
(270) 3,609 -- Action Comics #836
(277) 3,420 -- Green Lantern #9
(287) 3,043 -- Justice #3
(295) 2,813 -- Justice #2 (2nd)

Due to an increased volume of titles released in March, the threshold for the
Top 300 was unusually high (2,632 copies, according to, vs. 1,562 in
February and 929 in January), so it's likely that we'd have seen a lot more
re-orders in a less crowded month.

+113.6%: Aquaman
+ 60.5%: Detective Comics
+ 53.9%: Hawkgirl/Hawkman
+ 37.6%: Catwoman
+ 36.2%: Legion of Super-Heroes
+ 27.4%: Robin
+ 17.7%: Birds of Prey
+ 17.4%: Nightwing
+ 11.3%: Firestorm
+ 10.5%: Green Arrow
+ 6.9%: Outsiders
+ 5.8%: Batman
+ 5.0%: Looney Tunes
+ 3.4%: Adventures of Superman
+ 1.0%: Action Comics
- 1.9%: Superman/Batman
- 2.3%: JSA
- 2.9%: Fables
- 2.9%: Y: The Last Man
- 3.5%: Justice League Unlimited
- 4.0%: Hellblazer
- 4.1%: Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight
- 4.9%: Matador
- 5.0%: Superman
- 6.3%: Manhunter
- 7.6%: 100 Bullets
- 11.0%: Lucifer
- 11.2%: Batman Strikes
- 12.7%: Majestic
- 12.9%: Teen Titans Go
- 15.7%: Scooby-Doo
- 17.0%: Swamp Thing
- 18.6%: JLA: Classified
- 23.1%: Seven Soldiers: Mister Miracle
- 24.8%: JSA: Classified
- 25.5%: Green Lantern Corps: Recharge
- 26.1%: Wildcats: Nemesis
- 26.8%: Blood of the Demon
- 35.3%: Superman/Shazam: First Thunder
- 35.4%: Batman: Journey Into Knight

+ 96.1%: Aquaman
+ 76.0%: Hawkgirl/Hawkman
+ 58.0%: Detective Comics
+ 47.6%: Adventures of Superman
+ 36.6%: Action Comics
+ 29.3%: Catwoman
+ 29.2%: Firestorm
+ 22.8%: Birds of Prey
+ 21.6%: Outsiders
+ 21.3%: JSA
+ 16.7%: Batman
+ 16.0%: Robin
+ 19.8%: Green Arrow
+ 13.6%: Legion of Super-Heroes
+ 13.1%: Manhunter
+ 9.2%: Nightwing
- 0.8%: Fables
- 0.8%: Teen Titans
- 1.9%: Looney Tunes
- 5.7%: Ex Machina
- 7.4%: Scooby-Doo
- 8.0%: Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight
- 8.6%: Hellblazer
- 12.6%: Lucifer
- 13.5%: Justice League Unlimited
- 18.2%: 100 Bullets
- 19.8%: Teen Titans Go
- 23.5%: Batman Strikes
- 30.8%: JLA: Classified
- 35.0%: Superman
- 36.5%: Swamp Thing
- 38.2%: Blood of the Demon
- 40.2%: Majestic

+167.8%: Green Lantern
+ 90.7%: Legion
+ 78.4%: Detective Comics
+ 64.9%: Aquaman
+ 45.0%: Nightwing
+ 26.2%: Robin
+ 22.4%: Hawkgirl/Hawkman
+ 22.2%: JSA
+ 20.7%: Birds of Prey
+ 19.6%: Catwoman
+ 9.3%: Green Arrow
+ 8.7%: Outsiders
+ 7.3%: Wildcats
- 1.4%: Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight
- 2.2%: Y: The Last Man
- 2.7%: Teen Titans
- 3.7%: Fables
- 5.5%: Hellblazer
- 13.2%: Looney Tunes
- 13.4%: Justice League Unlimited
- 15.5%: Action Comics
- 16.3%: Batman
- 17.8%: Scooby-Doo
- 18.2%: 100 Bullets
- 19.3%: Lucifer
- 20.8%: Superman/Batman
- 21.1%: Superman
- 23.4%: Adventures of Superman
- 26.3%: Teen Titans Go
- 30.4%: Hard Time: Season Two
- 32.4%: Batman Strikes
- 75.8%: Swamp Thing


(66) & (67) RED SONJA (Dynamic Forces)
07/2005: Red Sonja #1 -- 80,603
08/2005: --
09/2005: Red Sonja #2 -- 55,149 (-31.6%)
10/2005: --
11/2005: Red Sonja #3 -- 41,866 (-24.1%)
12/2005: --
01/2006: Red Sonja #4 -- 41,856 (- 0.0%)
02/2006: Red Sonja #5 -- 38,798 (- 7.3%)
02/2006: Red Sonja #6 -- 35,031 (- 9.7%)
03/2006: Red Sonja #7 -- 34,560 (- 1.5%)
03/2006: Red Sonja #8 -- 34,700 (+ 0.4%)
6 months: -37.2%

The book got another reprieve in March. They're still releasing tons of variant
cover editions for each issue, so it's hard to tell whether the free-fall RED
SONJA has been in since issue #1 has really come to an end.

(73) CONAN (Dark Horse)
03/2004: Conan #2 -- 52,157
03/2005: Conan #14 -- 38,180 (-1.2%)
04/2005: Conan #15 -- 38,086 (-0.3%)
05/2005: Conan #16 -- 37,632 (-1.2%)
06/2005: Conan #17 -- 37,032 (-1.6%)
07/2005: Conan #18 -- 36,323 (-1.9%)
08/2005: Conan #19 -- 35,455 (-2.4%)
09/2005: Conan #20 -- 34,899 (-1.6%)
10/2005: Conan #21 -- 34,232 (-1.9%)
11/2005: Conan #22 -- 33,653 (-1.7%)
12/2005: Conan #23 -- 32,592 (-3.2%)
01/2006: Conan #24 -- 31,907 (-2.1%)
02/2006: Conan #25 -- 31,675 (-0.7%)
03/2006: Conan #26 -- 31,573 (-0.3%)
6 months: - 9.5%
1 year : -17.3%
2 years : -39.5%

This one seems to be genuinely stabilizing, on the other hand.

01/2006: Transformers: Infiltration #1 -- 45,468
02/2006: Transformers: Infiltration #2 -- 35,828 (-21.2%)
03/2006: Transformers: Infiltration #3 -- 30,344 (-15.3%)

Worrying for a third-issue drop. And again: Each issue comes in various
different editions.

(83) CYBERFORCE (Image)
03/2006: Cyberforce #1 -- 27,489

Not a bad number, given that no superstar creators are involved. Then again,
the book was released in three different cover editions, drawn by Marc Silvstri,
Jim Lee and David Finch, respectively, so don't expect sales to stick to this

(84) HELLBOY: MAKOMA (Dark Horse)
02/2006: Hellboy: Makoma #1 (of 2) -- 29,197
03/2006: Hellboy: Makoma #2 (of 2) -- 27,196 (-6.9%)

Perfectly good numbers.

(86) SPAWN (Image/TMP)
03/1998: Spawn #72 -- 131,800*
03/1999: Spawn #84 -- 97,100*
03/2000: Spawn #96 -- 69,000*
03/2001: Spawn #108 -- 59,200*
03/2002: Spawn #120 -- 46,400*
03/2003: Spawn #123 -- 41,993
03/2004: Spawn #133 -- 35,774
03/2005: Spawn #144 -- 28,170 (- 0.8%)
04/2005: Spawn #145 -- 28,161 (- 0.0%)
05/2005: --
06/2005: Spawn #146 -- 28,093 (- 0.2%)
06/2005: Spawn #147 -- 27,495 (- 2.1%)
07/2005: --
08/2005: Spawn #148 -- 27,548 (+ 0.2%)
09/2005: Spawn #149 -- 26,790 (- 2.8%)
10/2005: Spawn #150 -- 40,152 (+49.9%) -- [42,529]
11/2005: --
12/2005: Spawn #151 -- 28,860 (-28.1%)
01/2006: Spawn #152 -- 27,247 (- 5.6%)
02/2006: Spawn #153 -- 26,884 (- 1.3%)
03/2006: Spawn #154 -- 26,966 (+ 0.3%)
6 months: - 0.7%
1 year : - 4.3%
2 years : -24.6%

Stabilizing again, it appears. The long-term comparisons aren't pretty,

03/2006: G.I. Joe vs. Transformers Vol. 3 #1 (of 5) -- 26,561

02/2006: Transformers: Beast Wars #1 (of 4) -- 34,047
03/2006: Transformers: Beast Wars #2 (of 4) -- 25,737 (-24.4%)

(96) CONAN: BOOK OF THOTH (Dark Horse)
03/2006: Conan: Book of Thoth #1 (of 4) -- 25,200

(100) RED SONJA VS. THULSA DOOM (Dynamite)
01/2006: Red Sonja vs. Thulsa Doom #1 (of 4) -- 26,366
02/2006: --
03/2006: Red Sonja vs. Thulsa Doom #2 (of 4) -- 24,369 (-7.6%)

Fairly decent spin-off numbers.

Regular cover count (excluding higher-priced editions, of which there are plenty
THOTH: 1. RED SONJA: 2. So, all told, CONAN wins.

RED SONJA VS. THULSA DOOM #1 shipped another 8,033 copies in February, by the
way. Given that it originally came out in the last week of January, I take it
that's another case of copies arriving too late for the initial Top 300 chart,
so I've added those copies to the 18,333 sold in January. The number seems to

(127) & (131) WALKING DEAD (Image)
03/2004: Walking Dead #5 -- 8,829
03/2005: Walking Dead #16 -- 15,703 (+ 1.6%)
04/2005: Walking Dead #17 -- 15,617 (- 0.6%)
04/2005: Walking Dead #18 -- 15,542 (- 0.5%)
05/2005: --
06/2005: Walking Dead #19 -- 17,225 (+10.8%)
07/2005: Walking Dead #20 -- 16,915 (- 1.8%)
08/2005: Walking Dead #21 -- 17,668 (+ 4.5%)
09/2005: --
10/2005: Walking Dead #22 -- 17,634 (- 0.2%)
11/2005: Walking Dead #23 -- 18,482 (+ 4.8%)
11/2005: Walking Dead #24 -- 18,545 (+ 0.3%)
12/2005: --
01/2006: Walking Dead #25 -- 19,337 (+ 4.3%)
02/2006: --
03/2006: Walking Dead #26 -- 19,385 (+ 0.3%)
03/2006: Walking Dead #27 -- 18,868 (- 2.7%)
6 months: n.a.
1 year : + 21.8%
2 years : +116.6%

Great sales, although the climb seems to have ended for now.

(130) FELL (Image)
09/2005: Fell #1 -- 22,580 -- [25,359]
10/2005: Fell #2 -- 17,158 (-24.0%) -- [19,741]
11/2005: Fell #3 -- 16,216 (- 5.5%) -- [18,218]
12/2005: --
01/2005: --
02/2005: --
03/2005: Fell #4 -- 18,917 (+16.7%)
6 months: -16.2%

Another great performer. While it's quite possible that these numbers mean that
that FELL's experimantal format (16 pages of story and art, plus eight pages of
commentary, sketches and the like for $ 1.99) is catching on, though, let's also
bear in mind that it's a pretty good book in its own right and one of the best
things Ellis has written in recent memory, according to the general consensus.
Image apparently have a number of other titles lined up which are set to make
use of the same format, so we're going to find out whether FELL is a fluke soon

(186) & (193) FALLEN ANGEL (IDW)
03/2004: Fallen Angel #9 -- 11,163
03/2005: Fallen Angel #19 -- 10,937 (+ 7.2%)
04/2005: --
05/2005: Fallen Angel #20 -- 10,283 (- 6.0%)
06/2005: --
07/2005: --
08/2005: --
09/2005: --
10/2005: --
11/2005: --
12/2005: Fallen Angel #1 -- 12,176 (+18.4%)
01/2006: Fallen Angel #2 -- 9,588 (-21.3%)
02/2006: --
03/2006: Fallen Angel #3 -- 9,570 (- 0.2%)
03/2006: Fallen Angel #4 -- 9,110 (- 4.8%)
6 months: n.a.
1 year : -14.6%
2 years : -16.3%

Sales appear to be finding their level quickly.

Marc-Oliver Frisch
POPP'D! >>

If we didn't exist, Grant Morrison would have to invent us.

[This is a Usenet message, posted to the rec.arts.comics.* groups.]

Jason Michael

May 3, 2006, 1:44:00 PM5/3/06
Thanks for all the work you do in compiling these numbers.

Marc-Oliver Frisch wrote:
> 11/2005: All-Star Superman #1 -- 170,802 -- [176,658]
> 12/2005: --
> 01/2006: All-Star Superman #2 -- 124,328 (-27.2%) -- [127,743]
> 02/2006: --
> 03/2006: All-Star Superman #3 -- 110,585 (-11.1%)
> These numbers certainly aren't horrible, but it doesn't look like there's a lot
> of enthusiasm here, compared to the company's other recent major launches. Next
> to, say, GREEN LANTERN, this simply doesn't look very impressive.
> So, what's the problem? Well, for starters, almost a year after its launch,
> there still doesn't seem to be any sort of brand identity for the All-Star line.
> Nor, for that matter, a very good idea of what it's meant to do. Okay, it's the
> All-Star line. It's about superstar characters done by superstar creators. We
> get it. But that's kind of self-evident, isn't it? If you put Frank Miller,
> Jim Lee, Grant Morrison or Frank Quitely on a book starring a major character
> and let people know about it a few months in advance, chances are that the
> significance will not be lost on the market. You don't need to create a new
> line of titles with the express purpose of clarifying that, yes, Frank Miller
> and Grant Morrison are indeed superstar creators. It's redundant, and it's no
> substitute for the strong, clear-cut mission statement that a new line of books
> needs in order to establish itself.

It's too bad that being one of the best books on the market isn't good
enough any more.

I hope their arrival spikes sales appreciably.

You know, when this issue was solicited I had no problem following the
new numbering scheme, but your expanation above totally bamboozled me!
I haven't a clue what happened now. :)

> 03/2006: Blue Beetle #1 -- 50,678
> This marks the first of a whole slew of new titles launched by DC in the wake of
> "Infinite Crisis." And it gets off the ground with very good numbers, given the
> book's C-list concept.

I like the book, but these sales aren't going to last. I project the
title will be down to around 20,000 by the sixth issue.

It'll be interesting to see where this book winds up in a few months. I
liked it far more than I thought I would when I ordered it (I didn't
care for the soliciation copy but decided to try it anyway on the
strength of Kurt Busiek's writing).

> 03/2002: Hawkman #1 -- 52,300*
> 03/2003: Hawkman #13 -- 31,173
> 03/2004: Hawkman #26 -- 28,363
> -------------------------------
> 03/2005: Hawkman #38 -- 19,727 (- 1.0%)
> 04/2005: Hawkman #39 -- 19,620 (- 0.5%)
> 05/2005: Hawkman #40 -- 19,912 (+ 1.5%)
> 06/2005: Hawkman #41 -- 21,238 (+ 6.7%)
> 07/2005: Hawkman #42 -- 21,365 (+ 0.6%)
> 08/2005: Hawkman #43 -- 22,010 (+ 3.0%)
> 09/2005: Hawkman #44 -- 22,560 (+ 2.5%)
> 10/2005: Hawkman #45 -- 23,379 (+ 3.6%)
> 11/2005: Hawkman #46 -- 25,329 (+ 8.3%)
> 12/2005: Hawkman #47 -- 24,736 (- 2.3%)
> 01/2006: Hawkman #48 -- 24,259 (- 1.9%)
> 02/2006: Hawkman #49 -- 25,031 (+ 3.2%)
> 03/2006: Hawkgirl #50 -- 34,728 (+38.7%)
> ----------------
> 6 months: +53.9%
> 1 year : +76.0%
> 2 years : +22.4%
> The book receives an impressive sales increase of almost 10,000 copies, courtesy
> of "One Year Later," Walter Simonson, Howard Chaykin and a sex change.

I thought sales would do better with this creative team joining, but
then I'm old and out of touch.

> 03/2006: Red Sonja/Claw: Devil's Hands #1 (of 4) -- 33,241
> This inter-company crossover ranks just below Dynamite Entertainment's regular
> RED SONJA title, which had two issues out in March and made the chart at No. 66
> and No. 67. Not a bad debut.

I thought because it was tied in with a DC/Wildstorm character (though
admitedly not a well-known one) that it would sell slightly higher than
Red Sonja's regular title. But again, I'm old and out of touch.

Why do you say that about Mr. Miracle? It's fourth issue has sales that
are only 260 units lower than the fourth issue of the Bulleteer, and
every issue of MM has sold more than the corresponding issue of
Frankenstein (though Frankenstein's fourth issue figures haven't been
released yet). The numbers are so close on all the books that I don't
think you can make any meaningful analysis anyway.

> (109) BATMAN: YEAR 100
> 02/2006: Batman: Year 100 #1 (of 4) -- 24,446
> 03/2006: Batman: Year 100 #2 (of 4) -- 23,029 (-5.8%)
> Not bad, as far as second-issue drops go.

Didn't DC do a second printing on both of these issues? The demand must
be there. The second printing shipped April 19, so those numbers aren't
reflected here.


jason michael @ canada .com

Marc-Oliver Frisch

May 3, 2006, 3:57:11 PM5/3/06
Jason Michael wrote:

: Why do you say that about Mr. Miracle?

Because it started out with significantly higher numbers than FRANKENSTEIN and
BULLETEER, before dropping below the sales of those books.

Jason Michael

May 3, 2006, 4:40:25 PM5/3/06

"Marc-Oliver Frisch" <> wrote in message

> Jason Michael wrote:
> : Why do you say that about Mr. Miracle?
> Because it started out with significantly higher numbers than FRANKENSTEIN
> and
> BULLETEER, before dropping below the sales of those books.

No, in fact it's outsold both series except for the final issue which, as I
said, was beaten by the final issue of Bulleteer by a mere 258 copies.
According to the numbers you provide in your post, here's the sales order
for each issue:

> 09/2005: Seven Soldiers: Mister Miracle #1 (of 4) -- 37,690

> 11/2005: Seven Soldiers: Bulleteer #1 (of 4) -- 33,660

> 11/2005: Seven Soldiers: Frankenstein #1 (of 4) -- 32,774

> 12/2005: Seven Soldiers: Mister Miracle #2 (of 4) -- 31,506 (-16.4%)

> 12/2005: Seven Soldiers: Bulleteer #2 (of 4) -- 30,142 (-10.5%)

> 01/2006: Seven Soldiers: Frankenstein #2 (of 4) -- 29,574 (-9.8%)

> 01/2006: Seven Soldiers: Mister Miracle #3 (of 4) -- 30,085 (- 4.5%)

> 02/2006: Seven Soldiers: Bulleteer #3 (of 4) -- 29,336 (- 2.7%)

> 03/2006: Seven Soldiers: Frankenstein #3 (of 4) -- 29,137 (-1.5%)

> 03/2006: Seven Soldiers: Bulleteer #4 (of 4) -- 29,227 (- 0.4%)

> 03/2006: Seven Soldiers: Mister Miracle #4 (of 4) -- 28,969 (- 3.7%)

I grant it has had a larger drop since it's first issue. So if you meant
MM's sales are less enthusiastic than might have been guessed by the numbers
for the first issue, I'd agree, but judged against the other books in the
Seven Soldiers cycle it's par for the course. Since you commented on the
large drop between the first two issues when you did the January 2006
numbers, I assumed you felt the Mr. Miracle series as a whole was not
well-received, but here's the numbers and comments you had for the Guardian
mini in your September 2005 round-up:

>03/2005: Seven Soldiers: Guardian #1 (of 4) -- 39,580 --
>04/2005: --
>05/2005: Seven Soldiers: Guardian #2 (of 4) -- 35,586 (-10.1%)
>06/2005: --
>07/2005: Seven Soldiers: Guardian #3 (of 4) -- 32,920 (- 7.5%)
>08/2005: --
>09/2005: Seven Soldiers: Guardian #4 (of 4) -- 29,930 (- 9.1%)
>6 months: -24.4%
>The book finishes with a relatively hefty loss. A sign that SEVEN SOLDIERS
>be dropping off people's radar, perhaps.

The trend is very similar to that of Mr. Miracle yet the artist was the same
throughout. That's why I'm not sure I agree with your interpretation of the


jason michael @ canada .com

YKW '06

May 3, 2006, 7:44:56 PM5/3/06
On 03 May 2006, the voices tell me "Jason Michael" <>

> Why do you say that about Mr. Miracle? It's fourth issue has sales that
> are only 260 units lower than the fourth issue of the Bulleteer, and
> every issue of MM has sold more than the corresponding issue of
> Frankenstein (though Frankenstein's fourth issue figures haven't been
> released yet). The numbers are so close on all the books that I don't
> think you can make any meaningful analysis anyway.

MM started its decline from a sales position more than ten percentage
points higher than either BULLETEER or FRANKENSTEIN; it also had the
benefit of utilizing an existing DCU character (albeit a relatively minor
one and not the one many were likely expecting to see in the title).

Seeing it drop below (though, true, not -significantly- below) both
BULLETEER and FRANKENSTEIN, then, has to be considered disappointing.

Personally, I'm shocked by BULLETEER's numbers. Each of the first three
issues was a sellout at my LCS (and all three of its chain brethren) within
the first three days (number one was gone by early Wednesday afternoon!)
and re-orders were apparently impossible to fill. Maybe it was just a local
thing, like with AQUAMAN #41 or GS MS. MARVEL flying off shelves faster
than poor fanboys could crowd up to the racks locally, but doing pretty
much as-expected nationally...

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Jason Michael

May 3, 2006, 10:17:41 PM5/3/06

"YKW '06" <> wrote in message

> On 03 May 2006, the voices tell me "Jason Michael"
> <>
> wrote:
>> Why do you say that about Mr. Miracle? It's fourth issue has sales that
>> are only 260 units lower than the fourth issue of the Bulleteer, and
>> every issue of MM has sold more than the corresponding issue of
>> Frankenstein (though Frankenstein's fourth issue figures haven't been
>> released yet). The numbers are so close on all the books that I don't
>> think you can make any meaningful analysis anyway.
> MM started its decline from a sales position more than ten percentage
> points higher than either BULLETEER or FRANKENSTEIN; it also had the
> benefit of utilizing an existing DCU character (albeit a relatively minor
> one and not the one many were likely expecting to see in the title).
> Seeing it drop below (though, true, not -significantly- below) both
> BULLETEER and FRANKENSTEIN, then, has to be considered disappointing.

*sigh* Okay, one more time- It isn't below Frankenstein.
Here are the numbers for the issues that can be compared so far:

> 09/2005: Seven Soldiers: Mister Miracle #1 (of 4) -- 37,690

> 11/2005: Seven Soldiers: Frankenstein #1 (of 4) -- 32,774

> 12/2005: Seven Soldiers: Mister Miracle #2 (of 4) -- 31,506

> 01/2006: Seven Soldiers: Frankenstein #2 (of 4) -- 29,574

> 01/2006: Seven Soldiers: Mister Miracle #3 (of 4) -- 30,085

> 03/2006: Seven Soldiers: Frankenstein #3 (of 4) -- 29,137


jason michael @ canada .com

> Personally, I'm shocked by BULLETEER's numbers. Each of the first three

Marc-Oliver Frisch

May 4, 2006, 3:45:38 AM5/4/06
Jason Michael wrote:

: *sigh* Okay, one more time- It isn't below Frankenstein.

What you're saying is that MISTER MIRACLE sold more copies in January than
FRANKENSTEIN did in March, I get that.

The fact that MISTER MIRACLE's overall drop-off since issue #1 appears out of
whack compared to the other two titles seemed rather more significant to me,

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