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Lady Johanna Constantine

1993/01/29 13:09:311993/01/29
Okay, lots of people have asked me. I'm not the one to ask. I say we put
it to a vote to see if we can find a permanent Doctor Occult and
Phantom Stranger. If anyone even wants one.

You all do know this started out as a joke in a thread that related to
my dating standards, don't you?

Okay, we got a Constantine, and we've got Mr E(lmo). That me, LJC,
and Elmo the Stunt Elk aka Greg Morrow.

The amazing man with no life, the Master of Science himself has
expressed interest in Doctor Occult, but if someone else wants to
be Rose (Hey girls, jump in on this one) I'm sure we wouldn't mind.

don't anyone breath a word of this to Neil.....

Lady Johanna Constantine* Tales and dreams are the shadow-truths that will * endure when mere facts are dust, and ashes, and
Disclaimer - huh? * forgot. -Dream of the Endless (and Neil G.)
LJC of the Net.Trenchcoat.brigade (Hi Elmo ;)

Dave Van Domelen

1993/01/29 14:24:401993/01/29
Well, I have been known to lurk about in a black trenchcoat with a black fedora
Dave "Shadow?" Van Domelen

James Alexander Chokey

1993/01/29 15:47:561993/01/29
In article <> (Lady Johanna Constantine) writes:
>Okay, lots of people have asked me. I'm not the one to ask. I say we put
>it to a vote to see if we can find a permanent Doctor Occult and
>Phantom Stranger. If anyone even wants one.
>You all do know this started out as a joke in a thread that related to
>my dating standards, don't you?
>Okay, we got a Constantine, and we've got Mr E(lmo). That me, LJC,
>and Elmo the Stunt Elk aka Greg Morrow.
>The amazing man with no life, the Master of Science himself has
>expressed interest in Doctor Occult, but if someone else wants to
>be Rose (Hey girls, jump in on this one) I'm sure we wouldn't mind.

Not meaning to be rude, but this thread really should have had an LNH
label in the subject line. Maybe the LNH and the NTB are not one and the
same, but the idea seems very similar (i.e. posters=comic characters), and as
such, it should have something in the subject line so that it can be zapped
by the kill files of the _many_ newreaders who do not feel that this stuff
belongs on r.a.c.misc, but are willing to tolerate it so long as it is easily
killable. Putting on that little label makes life easier for everybody and
keeps tensions and flamewars down. I've added it to the subject line of
this post, and I strongly encourage anyone interested in the Net Trenchcoat
Brigade to add it to all of their posts on that subject.

-- Jim C. <>

Lady Johanna Constantine

1993/01/29 17:47:521993/01/29

> -- Jim C. <>

Jim, I think you've missed somethign here.

The NTB is a *joke*.

We are not going to write anything.
We're probably not even going to talk to eachother all that much.

Some of us may put it in our sigs.
It is good sig material.

It is now, however, anything even vaguely resembling the Legion, insofar as
I, the inadvertant founder, know.

LJC, who isn't quite so amused, and now wants some chocolate. And at least 3


1993/01/30 20:40:291993/01/30
Well, I'm all for being the Phantom Stranger... Unless someone else
wants to be, in which case put me down for Rose... :)

-Darkmage, Bringer of the Light, Supreme Ruler of the Universe,
4EUW, the Clueless Wonder
(Hey, I've got the mysterious origins part already.. *8-)

"They say humanity only gets one chance at the | Darkmage,
carousel's golden ring. But the carousel goes | the Clueless Wonder
round and round, and round and round. And the | IS
golden ring is notgoing anywhere..." |
-Phantom Stranger, _Books of Magic_ #4 |
"They say humanity only gets one chance at the | Darkmage,
carousel's golden ring. But the carousel goes | the Clueless Wonder
round and round, and round and round. And the | IS

August Paul Yang

1993/01/30 14:40:271993/01/30
In article <> (Lady Johanna Constantine) writes:
>Okay, lots of people have asked me. I'm not the one to ask. I say we put
>it to a vote to see if we can find a permanent Doctor Occult and
>Phantom Stranger. If anyone even wants one.
>You all do know this started out as a joke in a thread that related to
>my dating standards, don't you?
>Okay, we got a Constantine, and we've got Mr E(lmo). That me, LJC,
>and Elmo the Stunt Elk aka Greg Morrow.
>The amazing man with no life, the Master of Science himself has
>expressed interest in Doctor Occult, but if someone else wants to
>be Rose (Hey girls, jump in on this one) I'm sure we wouldn't mind.

Well, if we're gonna do this we should do this right... :-)

LJC: Should have people die weird and horrible deaths whenever anyone brings
her a relly good lead.

Mr. E(lmo): Puts a wooden stake and silver bullets in his .sig (Vampires may
be reading, ya know)

Phantom Stranger: Should comment on anything and everything even if it
doesn't pertain to magick.

Dr. Occult: Should post a few times, then dissappear for a millenia or two.

Oh, and just to make this post even MORE on topic...

I've got a trenchcoat, too! :-)

August Paul Yang wonders who will be Tim Hunter

Samuel DrAllosaurs Crider

1993/01/30 21:36:291993/01/30
Can I be the Multiple Man, from the "Mighty Mystics"? (DP#53). I've
always been a big Daffy Duck fan...


Dave Van Domelen

1993/01/31 0:03:561993/01/31
In article <> (Augus

t Paul Yang) writes:
>Phantom Stranger: Should comment on anything and everything even if it
> doesn't pertain to magick.

Well, Scav pointed out that I could be the Dvandom Stranger, and Yang's
description of PS seems to fit me rather well. Also, the Phantom Stranger
shows up all over the place and kibitzes whenever possible, much like myself,
and is not confined to the Vertigo books.
And hey, I can use the Dvandom Stranger as a new ID for Dial "D" for
dvandom when I bring him back in Bellerophon Gambit!
Dvandom Stranger, owns the requisite trenchcoat and fedora, now just needs
the silly amulets

Spencer Lee Pasero

1993/01/31 3:36:411993/01/31
I'd still like to be Mister P if it's open. I've got a slight aversion
to putting my eyes out though. Does anyone mind if I just keep them

(Having nightmares of crossovers between Net.Trenchcoat.Brigade and the
LNH, and) Feeling your pain,


Lady Johanna Constantine

1993/01/31 12:22:511993/01/31
I'm trying to get together all the NTB wanna bees
names to post so that you all can fight with eachotehr for
the coveted titles of Stranger and Doctor.

I'm doing this becasue people keep emailing me as if I'm
in charge or something.

I'm never in charge. Learn this now.


Brian L. Rust

1993/01/31 15:41:591993/01/31
Well, I've got a yo-yo beside me as I type this, (a Ben
& Jerry's softwood model, modified for 'sleeping', I'm happy to
say) and my hair's in a sort of shapeless mop...additionally, I
often have the feeling all four of you are talking WAY over my
head. Does that get the nomination for Tim?

Elmo the Stunt Elk

1993/01/31 17:10:091993/01/31
In article <>, (Lady Johanna Constantine) writes:
> I'm trying to get together all the NTB wanna bees
> names to post so that you all can fight with eachotehr for
> the coveted titles of Stranger and Doctor.

My name is Mister Elmo.
I have a trenchcoat and an encyclopedia.
And I'm not afraid to use them....
"Heredity is the science whereby one learns that if your parents and
grandparents don't have kids, you probably won't either."
--A. B. Krisciunas

elmo (,

Lady Johanna Constantine

1993/01/31 18:41:311993/01/31

Sure does. I am compiling a list of wanna bees, and will post
it in a few days, once I have the time.

Though how *I* ended up in charge, I'll anever know.
I'm dreadful at being in charge of this sort of thing.

Just thought I'd remind you all of all that.

PS Don't tell Neil

Dave Van Domelen

1993/01/31 21:18:461993/01/31
Well, I will be definitely using the Dvandom Stranger identity in LNH, but if a
better person for the job of Phantom Stranger comes along I will bow out of the
NTB in favor of that person.
Dvandom Stranger, look for my Origin in Part 4 of the Bellerophon Gambit

Lance Squiddie Smith

1993/02/01 2:57:231993/02/01
In article <> (Lady Johanna Constantine) writes:

>I'm never in charge. Learn this now.

Right. Let's see if I can still do my Alexander Haig impression.

OK, so far the only confirmed members are:

Lady Johanna Constantine
Mister Elmo

Since I started all of this (which would make Neil Gaiman? Better
buy some more black T-shirts) let me try to divvy out the valuable positions:

Enrique Conty is Dr Science (remember Dr Science isn't really a doctor) if
he wishes the position. Rose is up to the Doctor, but DarkMage asked first

Everyone seems to want to be the Phantom Stranger. David Goldfarb fits
the bill the most closely (since he is the keeper of the mystical annotations
and remains removed from this business) but I doubt if he's interested.
(Come to think of it David did play Suicide Squid in the JLA letter col...)

Si Rowe asked first and claims to be new here (and thus a stranger.)

Otherwise Dave Van Domelen gets it on the basis of precedence due to
the Dvandom Stranger.

The rest of you can either be Trenchcoat Irregulars or else dig out some
obscure magical character from the deep dark past of DC comics and run
with it. Aim for obscure to avoid collisions.

Let's just leave the position of Tim Hunter open. He's not really a part
of the brigade.

Now I have two requests:

1. Please put NTB in the subject line. (I was going to say TCB, but that
sounds too much like the yogurt shop.) It's the polite thing to do.

2. Let me know if any black NTB T-shirts come out of this business.

That is all. You are dismissed.

(part 37--------------------
Lance "Cr2O3.2H2O" Smith | "Sorry, I'm full up on heralds right now. I can
( | keep your resume, but you're not what I usually
This .sig also available | look for. However, I could do with a snack at the
with embossed Mr Peanut | moment." _The Fantastic Peanut: Exit Galactus_

Neurotic Bob

1993/02/01 4:15:071993/02/01
A Net.Trenchcoat.Brigade, hmm? Sounds utterly copacetic. Depending on
how close you would be sticking to NG's _Books_ trenchcoat brigade, I
would be wonderfully happy to be a member as Shade, the Changing Dude
(R.A.C.Shade) or does this group only apply to those with gloomy back
alley trenchcoat colors, and not technicolor jobbies?

And if you need a reference, well my life seemed to be doing somewhat of a
parallel to the "Off the Road" storyline at the time it was published.
(It's quite a scary thing to realize that you've been dead for awhile. I
seem to have this problem with denial. ;)) Can't say I've ever been a
woman (yet) so I couldn't exactly fulfill a Shade the Changing Dudette
role, but hey, give it time.


David Goldfarb

1993/02/01 4:27:371993/02/01
In article <> (Lance "Squiddie" Smith) writes:
)Everyone seems to want to be the Phantom Stranger. David Goldfarb fits
)the bill the most closely (since he is the keeper of the mystical annotations
)and remains removed from this business) but I doubt if he's interested.

Well, to be honest, no; not really. :-) Besides, I never wear
trenchcoats -- down parkas are more my style.

)(Come to think of it David did play Suicide Squid in the JLA letter col...)

Actually, Suicide Squid played *me*, if you recall.

)Otherwise Dave Van Domelen gets it on the basis of precedence due to
)the Dvandom Stranger.

I like this one. A good pun is a trump card.

) Lance "Cr2O3.2H2O" Smith

David Goldfarb | "I am an atheist, myself. A simple faith, but | a great comfort to me in these last days."
gold...@UCBOCF.BITNET | -- Lois McMaster Bujold |

Oisin Murphy-Lawless

1993/02/01 5:23:241993/02/01
I don't have a trenchcoat, but I usually wear a rumpled blue overcoat. DOes that
count, I wonder.....

| Oisin Murphy-Lawless /--/--/ | "Since when did the devil use 4-Star |
| Trinity College / /--/ | Petrol for his Pyrotechnics!"-Morse |
| Dublin /--/--/--- '92 | "the Lord of Hell will do what he |
| | damn well likes!"-Lucifer, Sandman |

Andrew Farrell

1993/02/01 5:28:071993/02/01

>Oh, and just to make this post even MORE on topic...

>I've got a trenchcoat, too! :-)

>August Paul Yang wonders who will be Tim Hunter

Young caucasian male, dark unruly hair... Guess it'll have to be me.
I'm extremely dubious about the whole thing, if that helps qualify me.

Andrew Farrell.

David Pautler

1993/02/01 11:26:421993/02/01
LJC, Earth Prime, says:
> Okay, lots of people have asked me. I'm not the one to ask. I say we put
> it to a vote to see if we can find a permanent Doctor Occult and
> Phantom Stranger. If anyone even wants one.

One does not request to be the Stranger.

I can't do it because I don't wear a uniform. Of any kind.


Russell Fischer

1993/02/01 13:20:141993/02/01
To: (Oisin Murphy-Lawless) writes:

"never trust a man in a blue (over)coat."

-tom waits

russ fischer


1993/02/01 14:39:481993/02/01
If anyone *is* interested in doing a t-shirt, I'll draw it... (but
someone else has to take care of the rest... *8-)

-Darkmage, Rose of the net.trenchcoat.brigade


1993/02/01 16:07:071993/02/01
In article <> (Lance "Squiddie" Smith) writes:
>Since I started all of this (which would make Neil Gaiman? Better
>buy some more black T-shirts) let me try to divvy out the valuable positions:

Hmmm...since you started this in response to a comment Elmo made on one of
my posts (therefore picking up on a thread I unintentionally started), does
that make me the equivalent of Alan Moore?

No flames please. =)


Mickey McCarter, amateur actor & reporter | __
"Law? This is the only law. The law | / |
of averages." - Harvey Dent, Batman: TAS |Weep not for Camelot... /__|_
Existential Disclaimer: Believe what you like, nothing matters |

Lady Johanna Constantine

1993/02/01 18:44:431993/02/01
To: (Mickey) writes:

>In article <> (Lance "Squiddie" Smith) writes:
>>Since I started all of this (which would make Neil Gaiman? Better
>>buy some more black T-shirts) let me try to divvy out the valuable positions:

>Hmmm...since you started this in response to a comment Elmo made on one of
>my posts (therefore picking up on a thread I unintentionally started), does
>that make me the equivalent of Alan Moore?

>No flames please. =)

And that would make me..... Karen Berger?
(Anguished scream)

I've got to rethink this one.

LJC, being silly

Tsa la Glenn

1993/02/02 2:32:141993/02/02
Well, >ahem<, since no one volunteered to be the granddaddy, our
favorite angst-ridden vegetable, I volunteer to be Net.Thing (and
disavow any knowledge of Swap Thing). Well, he did wear a wear a
trenchcoat in 'Night of the Bat' and the beginning of 'Saga' :^) I
should register that, Dada Dude and GreenRingWraith got put in public
domain when I wasn't looking :(

I still don't want my shoes pissed on.

Pax ex machina,
"His body reacted with the filth ... the rot ... the decay ...
to produce a misshapen mockery of life,
no longer a man, but a .... Net Thing!", if you must know

David R. Henry

1993/02/02 2:54:291993/02/02
> Dvandom Stranger, owns the requisite trenchcoat and fedora, now just needs
>the silly amulets

Bah! Trenchcoats? You want trenchcoats? I gots CLOSETS o' trenchcoats!

Here! Have one! Take a black, they're plentiful. You want a checkered one?
Hey, I got one a' those, too! Why, lookee here [gag]... it's my green
felt trenchcoat I had made for my St. Paddy's Day costume. (Hey, it
went with my green velvet top hat). Gonna have to hide this one...
And then there's the velour trenchcoat -- just because I could, if you
really wanted to know; the Fourth Doctor Tribute Trenchcoat; the
Crazy Jane trenchcoat with matching odd buttons and playing cards; the
assortment of normal London Fog trenchcoats; the StereoCoat, created by
my own Evil Genius, with a walkman playing/recording system sewn into the
very lining so I can record concerts I'm not s'posed ta; and, finally,
the Trenchcoat of Trenchcoats, the one I made from old Hefty bags just to
really annoy my actors in my last play. Nice and sticky under those hot

As for hats... well, while I haven't seen Didi's collection, I'm willing
to stake my collection of odd hats (including many tasteful, and not so
tasteful, fedoras) against anyone else on the planet. I mean, I have
aviator's goggles, a pith helmet or two, fedoras with running lights,
the Giant Paper Clip Cap (don't ask), and too many damn baseball caps.

What does this all mean? What could it be? Why, it's obvious:

I'm applying to be

David R. Henry, Clothier to the Trenchcoat Brigade

Be mysterious and smoke-covered NOW -- don't lose a minute! Apply for
your spare trenchcoat TODAY!

(As a public service announcement, all the above items do actually exist;
in fact, certain ones of them are available -- at killer prices -- to
people who wish to take them out of a cold, impersonable closet, and give
them a warm, needing, loving life on their backs and/or heads. Also for
sale: a bottle of used moose spit (really cheap), and a few pet rocks
that I couldn't sell earlier).

"Buy high! Sell low!" --the One-Eared God

David R. Henry - Rogue Fan Club - "I have a pullchain in my head." -- RIII
My mind is a jackal.--Richard Darwin // What was the question? --Kate Bush
"All you of Earth are IDIOTS!"-P9fOS // Thanks... for the memories.--Rogue * ud13...@ndsuvm1.bitnet *


1993/02/02 5:03:331993/02/02
In article <> (Lady Johanna Constantine) writes:
>I'm trying to get together all the NTB wanna bees
>names to post so that you all can fight with eachotehr for
>the coveted titles of Stranger and Doctor.

Well, I'd love to be
Dr, well I will be when I finish this bloody PhD, Occult.
There has to be a Brit in it somewhere.
If I don't get it, how about we set up Net Vertigo, or something like that.
In that case, I will settle for Steve the Changing Man.

>I'm doing this becasue people keep emailing me as if I'm
>in charge or something.
>I'm never in charge. Learn this now.

* Steve Ward-Smith A.K.A *
* "She takes the night train with her bible of dreams, a pretty *
* pink suitcase, a cassette of fresh screams." *

Samuel DrAllosaurs Crider

1993/02/04 1:16:521993/02/04
"Wanna be"???

I may be new to the net but I remember buying issue#1 of the first series
Swamp Thing off the newsstand! I also remember when Cain and Able had
ttheir own books... That is if seniority counts for anything in this

Dr. Allosaurus

Lance Squiddie Smith

1993/02/04 18:40:361993/02/04
In article <> (Darkmage) writes:

>In <> (Samuel DrAllosaurs Crider) writes:
>>I also remember when Cain and Able had
>>ttheir own books... That is if seniority counts for anything in this
>Cain and Abel had their own books?? Cool! (Wait a sec, are we talking
>about the same d00dz here? the guys from Sandman?)
>Who wrote it? How old *is* it? Neeeeeeeed

Sorta, kinda. Cain and Abel each were the host of two separate books. Cain
was in The House of Mystery (first appearance #175, July-August 1968) and
Able was in charge of The House of Secrets (first appearance #81, August-
September 1969.)

When Cain and Abel moved into the books, both became primarily anthology
titles. Different people wrote and drew the stuff.

Cain and Abel also put in a very good appearance in Swamp Thing #33 that
defines their roles and the differences between their houses. They've
been popping up in all sorts of DC titles for years. In Super Tales
Holiday Special, think I have the title right, they are seen on the
cover riding a camel.

While we're on the subject, Lucien also had his own title called Tales
of Ghost Castle. It ran for three - count 'em - three issues in 1975.
I found a very munged up copy of #2 today. The letters to Ghost Writers
(the letter col) are all from the hosts of the assorted DC horror titles.
Cain's letter is quite acrid.

(Contains more material from the Sandman FAQ. You probably knew that.)

(repeats, repeats, repeats)---
Lance "Cr2O3.2H2O" Smith | "You doubt my determination? What do you want
( | me to do? Hold my hand over a candle? Eat a
I could rule the world, if | rat? I know, hand me that little peanut guy."
I could only get the parts | G. Gordon Liddy's _Will 2: The Planters Years_

Catherine L. LeCuyer

1993/02/04 15:54:571993/02/04
In article <> (David A. Tumarkin) writes:
> (Lady Johanna Constantine) writes:
>> don't anyone breath a word of this to Neil.....
>Assuming, of course, that one of his two ravens hasn't told him yet.
Neil Gaiman is Odin? I mean I knew some people thought he was
God.....But Odin?

David A. Tumarkin

1993/02/04 13:24:101993/02/04
To: (Lady Johanna Constantine) writes:

> Okay, lots of people have asked me. I'm not the one to ask. I say we put
> it to a vote to see if we can find a permanent Doctor Occult and
> Phantom Stranger. If anyone even wants one.

Well, I don't really know a thing about fandom so I can always be the
Fandom Stranger =-).

> don't anyone breath a word of this to Neil.....

Assuming, of course, that one of his two ravens hasn't told him yet.

- Sasha

"Though the fruits of crime bear bitter seaweed, the sea cucumbers of
crime makes a killer salad."
- Dr. Calamari in the DC/Marvel
Crossover with Suicide Squid
and Archangler in THE DEVIL,


1993/02/04 15:36:131993/02/04
In <> (Samuel DrAllosaurs Crider) writes:

>I also remember when Cain and Able had
>ttheir own books... That is if seniority counts for anything in this

Cain and Abel had their own books?? Cool! (Wait a sec, are we talking

about the same d00dz here? the guys from Sandman?)
Who wrote it? How old *is* it? Neeeeeeeed


>Dr. Allosaurus
"But it's DEFINITE summat to tell yer GRANDCHILDREN,//Darkmage, BotL
eh, Master Redlaw? "Coincidentally, the werry same//
day I was popped into a cookpot, I discovered //Darkrose of the n.t.b.
Empusa's Inifinitely Extensible Chain, on a owl."-Master Levert, BoM#3

Jesse L. Fitzgerald

1993/02/05 12:02:251993/02/05
YO! Dave!

Oh please man! Sell me the Moose Spit! I've been looking for a
bottle to complete my collection of "Various Containers of Spit from
Animals with Things tha resemble Horns/Antlers growing from their
heads." Moose is the last thing I need. Yet, there is one question I
have. Is this Mickey Moose Spit? What's That?! You've never heard of
Mickey Moose?!!! That's alright. I didn't believe either until I saw
him last year around Thanksgiving Break. I never mentioned it before
because I didn't think anyone would believe me. I mean, hey, just
because I should be committed doesn't mean I wanna be. Think about it.
If you saw a full grown Bull Moose wearing red shorts (about the rear
legs) and Mickey Mouse ears (on his head between his antlers) you'd
probably wonder what the hell you had been smoking yourself. I thought
I was seeing a hallucination brought on by the enormous ammount of
food I crammed into my stomach two days before (I'm well known for my
late reactions. Remember the LNH flame wars. I'm still for the LNH.
Somebody out there who bothers to read this send them to me. PLEASE!!!).

Some of my friends have seen him before, but, as always, I was
sceptical until I saw him for myself. One of the stories they told me
was one of true horror. My friend was getting married (on a MUSE) and
just as he was getting to say 'I DO,' outta no where comes Mickey
Moose. He molested him, then his bride, then the priest and then ran
away to find some squirrels to molest.

What does any of this hafta do wit comics. Simple, I tried
marketing "Mickey Moose: A Moose is Born" graphic novel to DC. They
thought it was interesting (polite for "This is the worst piece O'Shit
I have ever seen!) but decided not to use it because Mike Eisner down
at Disney might get pretty pissed off and sue them. So, I tried
Disney. Hell, these people put out comics about Scrooge McDuck (a fine
character in his own right, but he's got a TV show). They threw me
out. What did I expect? After all, Mike is an asshole. After that
defeat I tried Berkley Breathed, the cartoonist who does "Outland." He
has been currently threatened with a law suit with his "Mortimer
Mouse" thing (Mortimer is supposedly Mickey's long lost brother who
came back to do battle with Eisner the Asshole for fucking up Disney)
and didn't wanna touch "Mickey Moose" with a ten foot hot dog for fear
of losing his house, his family and his cartoon strip. I was getting
desperate, so I went to the place where they'll make any thing into a
comic book, MARVEL. They loved the idea. They changed the color of the
shorts, changed the shape of the ears, made him a mutant and named him
"Bullwinkle." After three hours of carefully explaining to them that
"Bullwinkle" was already the name of a famous cartoon Moose, they
revamped him again. They kept all their original revamping gave him
big, huge, fuckin' guns and named him "Magnum." 'Close enough!' I
thought and started waiting for the huge royalty check to come in.
After two days of careful planning, a huge crossover was plan to come
out sometime in March called "Of Moose and Mutants" but later I found
out that they had planned on making my main moose the "X-Traitor" so
as to get out of their current predicament. I packed up my things and
called the deal off as soon as I heard. Finally, I went to Image to
see if they would publish my 'Moose Epic.' They all loved it and
everyone did a drawing for me. Rob Liefeld's drawing kinda resembled
Cable, Jim Lee's was nice except for all the ninja' flying around (I
figure it best to leave the ninja fight to Wolverine, Batman,
Psylocke, DareDevil and The Tick) Whilce and Silvestri's drawings
kinda looked like robots and Dale Kweon's drawing made him look too
Demonic. All hope wasn't lost though, Erik Larsen and Todd Mc
Farlane's drawings looked really nice, but they wanted to write the
story as well as draw it. So, with out further complications, I packed
up and left leaving the other artists at Image pissed at me because I
didn't look at their drawings.

You may be wondering why I didn't go to Dark Horse, Valiant or any of
the myriad of Independant Comic companies, the answer is quite simple
really. Dark Horse wouldn't touch it because it was never a movie and
Valiant thought the idea out and out sucked moose cock (pun intended).
All the other independants couldn't print up the numbers of comics I
wanted due to budget restraints. So here I am, with a product I
couldn't sell over winterim, wondering if there is a market out there
somewhere for Mickey Moose. If there is, I'll probably never find it.

Jesse Fitzgerald

"Just don't hold me resposible for anything I've said." - MC DEF

"91.7 FM, WPCR, Plymouth College Radio: Doing things your mother
wouldn't approve of." - The Mongoose

It's great to be back. I missed all you guys. SCAV- Send me the LNH! PLEASE!!!

Michael Vince Caprio Jr

1993/02/05 17:44:321993/02/05
In article <> (Darkmage) writes:
>In <> (Samuel DrAllosaurs Crider) writes:
>>I also remember when Cain and Able had
>>ttheir own books... That is if seniority counts for anything in this
>Cain and Abel had their own books?? Cool! (Wait a sec, are we talking
>about the same d00dz here? the guys from Sandman?)
>Who wrote it? How old *is* it? Neeeeeeeed
> -Darkmage

Darkmage, shame on you :) ! EVERY drooling SandFan knows that Cain and Abel had
their own series - they were the storyteller of the House of Mystery and the
House of Secrets, respectively (think I got that right). You can probably
go to any comic store and buy all of the collected back issues of both series
for about two bucks.

Mike C. (ZenGuy, who is happy to see old characters getting a new lease, and
possibly a new series)

Unlike subject-object metaphysics the Metaphysics of Quality does not insist on
a single exclusive truth. If subjects and objects are held to be the ultimate
reality then we're permitted only one construction of things - that which
corresponds to the "objective" world - and all other constructions are unreal.

Samuel DrAllosaurs Crider

1993/02/06 0:57:081993/02/06
Yow, "Squddie" replied to this before I ever saw the orginal post!
The shadow corners of my childhood are haunted by these DC anthology books.
If only my parents had forseen what letting me see them would mean...

One of the reasons for my post was to stir up folks to see if any of the
other r.a.c.ers were also 30-somethingers...

Samuel "Dr. Allosaurus" Crider
Computer Graphics Lab Coordinator
Columbia College Chicago


1993/02/06 19:34:161993/02/06
In <> (Samuel DrAllosaurs Crider) writes:

>Yow, "Squddie" replied to this before I ever saw the orginal post!
>The shadow corners of my childhood are haunted by these DC anthology books.
>If only my parents had forseen what letting me see them would mean...

>One of the reasons for my post was to stir up folks to see if any of the
>other r.a.c.ers were also 30-somethingers...

Nope, sorry... :) I'm not even 20-something, and I've only been collecting
comix for 2 years... The only comic I own which is older than me is a
copy of the old sandman (not the one from Sandman Mystery Theater, the
super-hero one that was in the Brute and Glob issue...) that my
boyfriend gave me when he found out I was a drooling sandgirl (tm)...

-Darkmage, the Clueless Wonder

>Samuel "Dr. Allosaurus" Crider
>Computer Graphics Lab Coordinator
>Columbia College Chicago

1993/02/08 18:34:491993/02/08

I'm a raven! I'm a raven! (or is that "I'm raving...I'm raving..."?)


Lance Squiddie Smith

1993/02/08 21:14:071993/02/08

Actually, you're a magpie. You were retconned in 1989.

To be honest, I'm somewhat surprised that people didn't know that Odin
was writing under the nom de processor of Neil Gaiman. It was big news
when the story broke a year ago and a half ago. It did break about the
time X-Force #1 was released so maybe it got lost in the confusion.

Anyway, the gist of the matter is that DC contacted the Aesir about
doing some comics in the late 80s. What with the rise of Christianity
and no sign of Ragnarok, the Aesir didn't have much to do other than
sit around and watch the heroes of Valhalla chop each other into little
bits and then get stinking drunk. So about 1988, I think, they signed
an agreement with DC to write and illustrate a series of comics.

The problem was and is that Marvel controls the entire line of names and
images from norse mythology. DC fiddled around with recasting the Aesir as
other pantheons, but found that with the exception of the Lepcha deities,
who had sold out to First comics, most gods weren't willing to give up
their names and likenesses.

So DC had to lose the built-in free advertising of having "Comics written
by the Gods" (as a prototype slogan proclaimed) and decided to just call
them British, as the average American can't tell a British accent from a
Swedish/Norwegian accent. Most of the British Invasion is in fact assorted
members of the Aesir. The one exception is Alan Moore, who DC picked up
from a South American pantheon that was in need of money to pay off a bank
loan. I'll let you try to figure out the matching between creators and
gods. (Or if you really want, the full list is in a back issue of the CBG.)

To answer the first question, yes Odin = Neil Gaiman. The amber glasses
are, for example, used to hide the fact that one of his eyes is still
missing from that lopsided bargain he made in the dawn days. As I said
above, his ravens were replaced with cartoon magpies mainly because DC did
have the US rights to them and were thinking of giving them their own book.
Oh and the bit with his namesake in Season of Mists was an inside joke.

Anyway, I think this is mainly correct. It should help clear things up.
Like how one person seems to know so much about so many different mythologies.
Heck, he's been in the business a long time.

(part 43)------------------
Lance "Cr2O3.2H2O" Smith | "Riddle me this, my little peanut pal: How did the
( | peanut get hurt? It was a salted peanut! Get it?
Pretty | Assaulted!?! No? Perhaps a demonstration is in
Vacant | order..." _Mr Peanut: The Animated Series_

Lady Johanna Constantine

1993/02/08 23:22:251993/02/08
To: writes:


Speaking of ravens...
dreams got one, Odin's got two, the Morrighan *is* one,
anyone else seen any ravens in comics and/or mythology?

Oh, and didn't someone say Apollo (the roman one) had a raven?

LJC, who likes ravens a great deal, and has a friend named Brenna which
means Raven-haired.

Lady Johanna Constantine* Tales and dreams are the shadow-truths that will * endure when mere facts are dust, and ashes, and
Disclaimer - huh? * forgot. -Dream of the Endless (and Neil G.)

LJC of the Net.Trenchcoat.brigade You don't want her in Charge, trust me

Si Rowe

1993/02/09 19:34:451993/02/09
In article <>, (Lady

Johanna Constantine) wrote:
> writes:
> > (Catherine L. LeCuyer) writes:
> >I'm a raven! I'm a raven! (or is that "I'm raving...I'm raving..."?)
> >Tanaqui
> Speaking of ravens...
> dreams got one, Odin's got two, the Morrighan *is* one,
> anyone else seen any ravens in comics and/or mythology?
> Oh, and didn't someone say Apollo (the roman one) had a raven?
> LJC, who likes ravens a great deal, and has a friend named Brenna which
> means Raven-haired.

I don't know about any more *mythological* ravens, but I recently read a
book which had a number of _Sandman_ resonances (and I assure you this *is*
relevant to your post). The book is _Lilith_ by George MacDonald. MacDonald
was a 19th century Scottish preacher and fantasist (and incidentally a
*major* influence on my beloved C.S. Lewis. Anyway, one of the main
characters is a ghostly librarian, described as:

"a slight, stooping man, in a shabby dress-coat reaching almost to his
heels, the tails of which, disparting a little as he walked, revealed thin
legs in black stockings, and large feet in wide, slipper-like shoes."

and later as:

"[a] slender elderly man, in a rusty black coat, large in the body and long
in the tails. I had only seen his back before; now for the first time I saw
his face. It was so thin that it showed the shape of the bones under it,
suggesting the skulls his last-claimed profession [a sexton] must have made
him familiar with. But in truth I had never before seen a face so alive, or
a look so keen or so friendly as that in his pale blue eyes, which yet had
a haze about the as if they had done much weeping."

Sound like anyone in the Dreaming? But this isn't just Lucien. The
character's name is "Mr. Raven", and, sure enough, he leads the
narrator/hero into a ghostly, dreamlike realm, where he manifests himself
as a raven. (See? I told you this was relevant.) Better yet, the
bird/librarian/sexton is married to a woman who is later revealed to be
Eve! They don't live in a cave, though.

The book's fairly obscure and tough to find. Not that that makes it an
unlikely source for Neil, but it seemed more likely to me that the two
situations are derived from a common source. So is there a
quasi-mythological source for Eve living forever, married to a raven?
Perhaps in the Kabbalistic tales referred to in _Sandman_ #39? I open the
question to the wisdom of the Net.
But everyone knows owls are *far* wiser than ravens. 8^:[ ( 00 )
^^^^ l\/l
llll (::)
Yours, Si Rowe/Yo-Yo (these are supposed to be owls, btw) -> -^^-
"I'm on Aslan's side even if there isn't any Aslan to lead it.
I'm going to live as like a Narnian as I can even if there isn't any
-Puddleglum the Marsh-wiggle, _The Silver Chair_ by C.S. Lewis
email to:/ *or* /row...@yalevm.ycc.yale edu/

Si Rowe is Yo-Yo of the net.trenchcoat brigade. (Whoo?)

Lance Squiddie Smith

1993/02/09 20:06:181993/02/09
In article <> (Lady Johanna Constantine) writes:

> writes:
>>I'm a raven! I'm a raven! (or is that "I'm raving...I'm raving..."?)
>Speaking of ravens...
>dreams got one, Odin's got two, the Morrighan *is* one,
>anyone else seen any ravens in comics and/or mythology?
>Oh, and didn't someone say Apollo (the roman one) had a raven?

Nyx (or Nox) is often portrayed as a large black bird. (This is the Greek/
Roman night goddess and not the she-demon who probably has trouble getting
through doorways.) Not specifically a raven, but I suppose we could retcon
her into one. I'm sure the creators won't object at this point.

(BTW, since I mentioned Nyx, there's a new Stanley and his Monster this week.)

>LJC, who likes ravens a great deal, and has a friend named Brenna which
>means Raven-haired.

Lance, whose name means ten-foot pole

Si Rowe

1993/02/10 1:47:011993/02/10
In article <>, (Lady
Johanna Constantine) wrote:

> (Si Rowe) writes:
> >Si Rowe is Yo-Yo of the net.trenchcoat brigade. (Whoo?)
> Do you turn back into a yo-yo too?

No, but I have been 'round the world, and I do have my ups and downs. 8^:l

Yours, Si Rowe

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