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Excalibur FAQ

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Dec 17, 1996, 3:00:00 AM12/17/96

This is the current version, no changes other than it's now TEXT.

The Excalibur FAQ

Version 1.1 (Dec 96)

Table of Contents:

1. What is Excalibur?
2. Who are curently and once were part Excalibur?
3. Who are/were the opponents of Excalibur?
4. When did Excalibur first appear?
5. How old is Kitty Pryde?
6. How did Excalibur come into being?
7. What is the relationship between Nightcrawler and his family?
8. How do you pronounce Rahne Sinclair's first name?
9. Excalibur Appearances
10. What's the deal with the Soulsword?
11. What's the difference between Brian's three suits?
12. Who is Phoenix's father?
13. What's so special about the Braddock Mansion and the Lighthouse?
14. Excalibur Ages
15. Why did Sat-yr-9 show such interest in Kitty?
16. Why did Warren Ellis quit?
17. Where is the Excalibur Lighthouse?
18. How did Captain Britain get his powers?
19. Descriptions of ALL Excalibur Issues
20. What are W.H.O. and Black Air?
21. Credits

What is Excalibur?

As the story goes, Excalibur was the mighty blade that was taken from the
Vivian, Lady of the Lake, by Merlin the Magician. The son of the devil
placed it within a stone and anvil for the future king of England. "Whoso
ever pulleth this sword from this stone and anvil is the rightful king of
all England" was written upon its blade. Some people say there is a secret
origin to this sword and the kingdom it made, but none has ever been
proven. Everyone knows of the legend of Arthur Pendragon and his Camelot.
Bitterly, we also all know of its fall. When Arthur was lost to this world,
so too was his dream. He was sent to Avalon to rest until he was needed

Arthur and his dream did come once again; in the heart and soul of a
displaced woman. She convinced others that were left behind the storm to
band together for King Arthur's and their mentor Charles Xavier's dream.
Thus began Excalibur's reign once again.

The founding members include: Phoenix, Meggan, Nightcrawler, Shadowcat,
Lockheed, and Captain Britain. After they moved into the lighthouse, their
first few missions went rather bumpy. Excalibur met the Warwolves, the
Juggernaut and were blasted into an Inferno of demons. Next, a misdirected
train sent them on a "cross time caper" that made them loose Shadowcat.
Eventually, they were brought home by the legends of Arthur themselves. As
the years went by, their number increase to include: Widget, Kylun, Feron,
Cerise, DayTripper, Pete Wisdom, Wolfsbane, Colossus and Douglock. Not in
that order.

Excalibur now know their creation was cause by Merlin and Roma, but they
still fight for Arthur and Xavier's dream. They also have had many misc
characters, including WHO that have been on and off of the team.

What lies in store for the future of Excalibur? It's been hinted at that is
will disbandon mostly. New members will include Tangerine and Psylocke,
formerly an X-Man.


Who are Excalibur?

The members of the current Excalibur Roster are:

Meggan, Nightcrawler, Captain Britain, Shadowcat, Lockheed, Moira
MacTaggert, Amanda Sefton, Douglock, Wisdom, Wolfsbane, Colossus

The members of the former Excalibur Roster are:

Phoenix, Widget, Alistaire and Alysdane Stuart, Cerise, Kylun, Feron,
Micromax, Rodrick "Rory" Campbell, Roma


Who are the "badguys"?

Ahab Arcade Black Air Crazy Gang Despy're

Dr. Doom Galactus Gatecrasher Hellfire Club Jamie

Juggernaut Lightning Margi Szardos Mastermind Merlin
Mesmero Mojo Mountjoy Ogun Phalanx
Roma Sabretooth Sat-Yr-9 Satrnyne Scratch
Selene Sugar Man Technet The Uncreated Trolls


When was Excalibur first seen?

The appearance of Excalibur members have been:

1) Alistaire Stuart (Excalibur #6)
2) Amanda Sefton (Uncanny X-Men #98)
3) Captain Britain (Marvel Team-Up #65 or Captain Britain Weekly #1)
4) Cerise (Excalibur #46)
5) Colossus (Giant Sized X-Men #1)
6) Douglock (X-Force Annual #1 or Excalibur #77)
7) Feron (Excalibur #48)
8) Kylun (Excalibur #2)
9) Lockheed (Excalibur #166)
10) Meggan (New Mutants Annual #2)
11) Micromax (Excalibur #44)
12) Moira MacTaggert (Uncanny X-Men #96)
13) Nightcrawler (Giant Sized X-Men #1)
14) Peter Wisdom (Excalibur #86)
15) Phoenix (Uncanny X-Men #141)
16) Rory Campbell (Excalibur #72)
17) Roma (Uncanny X-Men #225)
18) Shadowcat (Excalibur #129)
19) Widget (Excalibur #1)
20) Wolfsbane (Marvel Graphic Novel #4)

The villain are as follows (where possible the 1st is included):

Sat-Yr-9 (Excalibur #3?)
Warwolves (Excalibur #1)
Arcade (Marvel Team-Up #65)
Lightning Squad (alternate universe Excalibur) (Excalibur #9)
Dr. Doom (Fantastic Four #5)
Necrom (Excalibur #47?)
Ahab (Fantastic Four Annual #23?)
D'spayre (Marvel Team-Up #?)
Gravemoss (Excalibur #83)
Shrill (Excalibur #83)
Black Air (Excalibur #86)
Uncreated (Excalibur #90)
Inner Circle of the London Hellfire Club (Excalibur #96)
Margali Szardos (Uncanny X-Men Annual #4)

How old is Kitty Pryde?

It's hard to believe, but in the pre-X-Force days, this is one of the FAQs
that would keep X-fans arguing over drinks at all hours of the night.

This is mainly because Kitty, who joined the X-Men when she was 13, back in
the (real time) 1970s, was still apparently a teenager in the 1990s.
Furthermore, she was _real_ popular with the young crowd just getting into
the Claremont/Byrne run of the X-Men, since she was roughly their age and
was a witty, smart woman that you could either agree with, or like to date,
as the tastes may be.

Well, Claremont used to keep track of her birthdays rather closely, but,
like a lot of things, those eventually fell by the wayside. So the question
remained: how old is she?

Very recently, events in Excalibur have more or less solved this old
chestnut. She's shown having her sixteenth birthday, and then later makes a
reference to being old enough to drink, which most people read to say she's
now eighteen.

Warren Ellis, current writer for Excalibur, has been quoted as saying he
thinks she is eighteen. For now, the question is closed.

"From Jane Griffin's FAQ"


How it all began!

The birth of Excalibur

Written by: Chris Claremont, in Excalibur: the Sword is Drawn

Phoenix: The dream, Captain, Charles Xavier's Dream, of a world where all
Earth's children, mutants and otherwise, live together in peace and
harmony! Where people are judged for who they are, not what they look like
or how they're born. That's why he created the X-Men, to exemplify that
dream. Are you saying, simply because the X-Men are dead, we're supposed to
give it up?

Shadowcat: The dream we had, Nightcrawler, remember, back before this crazy
caper began... in it, Rachel said to me: "when the reality no longer
exists, exploiters cam take the legend and make it whatever they want...
good or bad."

Nightcrawler: Are you suggesting we take the X-Men's place?

Phoenix: Nobody can do that. But King Arthur had a dream, too. Of a world
where might served right, instead of subjugating it. His Knights of the
Round Table were agents of that dream and his sword, Excalibur, the symbol
of it. He died, the table was destroyed, his knights mostly slain, yet the
dream survived. They became Legend and the sword, the means of keeping the
legend alive and vital through the ages. The X-Men thought enough of
Professor Xavier's dream to offer up their lives. Is it so much to ask that
we fight to preserve it? The sword, Excalibur, represented hope. It was
light in the darkness of fear and ignorance and hate. Do we want... have we
the right... to snuff it out? I've run my whole life. I can't remember a
time when I wasn't afraid. I let people tell me what to do... it's easier
that way, y'know, saves you from having to take responsibility for
anything. Well, I'm tired of running. I want to take a stand. Because if I
don't, then maybe I better let the Warwolves carry me back to the
make-believe slave-world where I belong. A world of illusion and artifice,
where whatever sells best gets the glory, whether it's truth or lies.

Nightcrawler: Myself, I stand for truth. And I stand by you.

Meggan: Rachel's life sounds much likfe mine, Brian. I won't have anyone
else endure such horror. I like this dream. It's worth fighting for.

Nightcrawler: How about you? (To Shadowcat)

Shadowcat: What the heck! Count me in...

Captain Britain: ...With all my heart!

And so, with laughter and transcendent joy, the dream is reconsecrated and
Excalibur that most ancient and noble blade once more redrawn.

Nightcrawler's Family

Birth Mother: Mystique, Raven DarkHolme
Birth Father: German baron
Adoptive Mother: Margali Szardos
Adoptive Father: Unknown
Adoptive Brother (by adopted mother): Seftan Szardos
Adoptive Sister (by adoptive mother): Amanda Sefton, Jimaine Szardos
Adopted Sister (by birth mother): Rogue
Half-Brother: Graydon Creed
Step-Father: Sabretooth, Victor Creed


How do you pronounce Rahne Sinclair's first name?

A: Like "Rain," as in the liquid from the sky. This is given in a number of
canonical sources.

"From Jane Griffin's FAQ"


Excalibur appearances

Excalibur: The Sword is Drawn
Excalibur: Mojo Mayhem
Excalibur: Air Apparent
Excalibur: Wierd War III
Captain Britain Trade Paperback (Cap and Meg only)
Excalibur Issues 1-102
Excalibur: The Possession
Excalibur Annual 1, 2
Excalibur: XX Crossing
X-Calibur & Generation Next 1-4 (Sorta)
Marvel Comics Presents #31 - #38
Marvel Comics Presents #75 (Kitty & Meggan)
Spider-Man #25
Thor #427, 428
X-Men Spotlight on... StarJammers #2
Various X-Men and X-Title Crossovers Issues
Dark Angel #6
Quasar #11
She Hulk #26

What's the deal with the Soulsword?

Depends on which version you want to hear about... the original Soulsword,
the retconned Soulsword, or that thing that's now being passed around
Excalibur that they *call* the Soulsword...

Theory: there are actually two Soulswords: the one that Magik formed, and
the one currently existing in Excalibur. The trick would then be
determining when the swords were swapped, and what happened to the original

Illyana defeated Belasco using her Soulsword... the ultimate manifestation
of her magical powers (try to hold the "psychic knife" jokes, please :> ).
While Illyana had been exiled by Belasco, she continuously attempted to
prove her freedom and independence from Belasco's perversion in the same
way that Ororo had... by using her magic to create an acorn: a new,
uncorrupted life. She continuously failed. The acorns she created decayed
and exploded on creation, affected by Illyana's innate corruption. She
eventually learned that she was going about her rebellion the wrong way...
what she desired was not redemption, but revenge, and so she used her last
remaining energy to create not life, but a weapon... the Soulsword.

Originally, the Soulsword had been depicted as an extension of Illyana's
power and spirit. She could use it to destroy magical beings and dispel
enchantments (though it did no harm to non-magical creatures or objects).
Kitty Pryde, who was somehow bonded to Illyana, was supposedly the only
other being who could hold the sword (Kitty was also the only non-magical
being who could be cut by the sword). One exception was the Beyonder, whose
infinite power put him above all physical and magical confines. Later,
during Inferno, Illyana's pet demon S'ym was able to claim the sword in his
bid to wrest control of Limbo from her. When Illyana regressed to
childhood, the sword buried itself at the foot of the Excalibur
lighthouse... awaiting its secondary mistress, Kitty Pryde.

This would be a good place to put the exchange, since - AFAIK - the sword
never behaved the same since.

Then came the Promethium Excre... er... the Promethium Exchange. Doctor
Doom, versed in some forms of magic, took the sword from Kitty. Apparently,
the current writers felt that *any* magically-endowed being was able to
grab the sword whenever they pleased. In this story, Limbo was revealed to
be a dimension composed of Promethium, an almost inexhaustible energy
source (which was what Doom was after). The characters were bewildered, the
readers were aghast, and Limbo was left barren and under the watch of the
demon Darkoth (who now possessed the sword).

Then came the Soulsword Trave... er... the Soulsword Trilogy. Darkoth was
apparently not very watchful of the sword, because it unknowingly returned
to Kitty when the child-Illyana died. The sword then corrupted Kitty ("as
it had corrupted Illyana," even though the sword itself had nothing to do
with Illyana's corruption). The story revealed that the Soulsword was
composed of a material called "soul metal" (how Illyana came across a stash
of this "soul metal" in the Limbo tundra is unknown :> ).

Perhaps "soul metal" is another term for Promethium? If so, then Magik's
original Soulsword really was forged from her very soul, while the current
one was forged of Promethium/"soul metal"/whatever from Limbo. As for this
sword having corrupted Illyana, the person who said that (a new character
introduced in the Soulsword Trilogy) could easily have gotten that
impression, considering the history of this new soulsword (apparently, it
had other owners before Illyana and Kitty; in fact, if my theory is right,
Illyana may never have had anything to do with the new Soulsword...)

In summary, I propose that there are two soulswords which are very
different from each other: The first was forged by Illyana out of her own
soul and disappeared with Magik during the Inferno, while the second was
forged out of Promethium (or "soul metal") from Limbo by an as-yet-unknown
person/persons, and made its debut immediately after the Inferno, falling
into Kitty's hands. The original sword only affected magical creatures and
enchantments, while the second one grants tremendous magical power, but has
a corrupting effect on the wielder's soul.

What happened to the original Soulsword? Magik still has it, of course.

Where did the substitute come from? When was it forged, and by whom? Who
was the previous owner who was corrupted by this second Soulsword? Why did
it find its way to Kitty? And why did it arrive when it did? The answers to
these questions have much to do with Limbo and Magik, and should tie in
closely to the Return of Magik.

- - From Magik FAQ

What's the difference between Brian's suits

* Red One Created by Merlin: For flight, to test him
* British Flag Created by Merlin: To absorb the Matrix
* British Color Created by Merlin: For _another_ Captain Britain
* Red and Silver Created by Britainic: To hold in time energy
* Current Created by Brian: Force field and flight inside suit


Who is Phoenix's father?

Why don't people think it's Cyclops? In one of the Annuals it was started
that Scott Summers could not sense Rachel...
Who is her father then?
Theory 1) Wolverine, in an affair with Jean.
Theory 2) Cyclops, he couldn't sense her because she wasn't born yet and
Franklin Richards had been.
Theory 2) Sinister, Rachel's a clone.


What's so special about the Braddock Mansion and the Lighthouse?

Mansion: Created by James Braddock, from Otherworld. In the basement there
is a computer that is totally organic.

Lighthouse: The lighthouse has copies of it all over the multiverse. It is
the sourse of the Otherworld Matrix.


Excalibur Ages

- - - Name - - - - Age -
Shadowcat, Katherine "Kitty" Pryde 18
Nightcrawler, Kurt Wagner 25
Colossus, Piotr "Peter" Rasputin 21
Lockheed 4
Captain Britain, Brian Braddock 21
Meggan 20
Wolfsbane, Rahne Sinclair 17
Amanda Sefton, Jimaine Szardos 20
Douglock 3
Moira MacTaggert 32
Wisdom, Peter Wisdom 26
Rodrick "Rory" Campbell 30
Phoenix, Rachel Summers Deceased, 29
Alistaire and Alysdane Stuart 24
Roma Ancient
Cerise Undecipherable
Kylun, Colin McKay 10 Earth time, 26
Micromax, Scott Wright 23
Widget, Katherine "Kate" Rasputin 53
Feron 16

ALL AGES ARE KATYA'S GUESS. If you have the definate age, let me know.


Why did Sat-Yr-9 show such interest in Kitty?

Thoery: It has been shown in several series that Shadowcat is pure of heart
and has a true fighting spirit. She's a demon ninja as well as a mutant.
She can fight and be virtually instructable. Ogun, a demon, turned her into
that demon ninja because then she was corruptable. He saw inside Kitty what
Sat-Yr-9 sees. She also has been proven to have the potential to become the
Matrix of the Otherworld. She may be young, by I think that Kitty Pryde
still has quite a future in store for her.


Why did Warren Ellis Quit??

Subj: Ellis quits EXCALIBUR
Section: X-Men
To: X-MEN Section,
Tuesday, May 28, 1996 9:07:23 AM
From: WARREN ELLIS, 100617,3635

Well, with all the nice things people have been saying about the book
lately -- hell, even the Peon's started buying it! -- I almost hate to post
this, but...

I quit EXCALIBUR earlier today.

I've been on the book nearly two years now. I started with #83, and my last
issue will be #103. Factor in the four issues of X-CALIBRE that ran with
different numbering, and that's two years straight. And I'm exhausted.

The degree of ever-present, ever-reproducing and massive continuity, and
the vast and complex organisational structure that comes with being part of
the X-Men group, makes EXCALIBUR the most time-intensive job I've yet done
in comics. It seems to eat up most of every month. And, at this point, two
years on, I'm tired as hell, I'm worried as hell about missing time with my
daughter (I know too many people who didn't see their child grow up because
they were always too busy working) and Niki (who's always incredibly
supportive, even when I don't deserve it), I can feel the beginnings of
staleness in the work, and I'm not getting the time to develop and write
other ideas, both within and without comics, that I *need* to write.

I'm going to miss both the characters and working with my long-suffering
editor Suzanne Gaffney, who's been just great no matter what mad and cranky
sh*t I've hit her up with during my run on the book. I'm probably going to
miss the money, too. (That was a joke. Shut up.) But I need to make the
break. I need a rest, and there's other projects more personal to me that I
want to have the time to work on. Once #103's put to bed -- sometime in
July, I should think -- that's exactly what I'll be doing. Hopefully, we
won't be starving by Christmas.

As of August, therefore, my ongoing superhero projects will be STORMWATCH
and DV8, both for Wildstorm/Image. STORMWATCH is long-term, at this point
(unless I get fired), and I have eight issues of DV8 roughed out. If I
think of more, I'll do more (unless I get fired).

I want to thank everyone who's stuck with and said kind things about my
time on the book. I appreciate your support more than you know.

To those who never liked my time on the book, and those who said so; I know
where you all live, and I'm getting to you, one by one.

This has gone on too long, and I'm getting images of Tom Hanks at the
Oscars flashing through my mind. Y'know, when Mark Waid quits a book, he
just lets people find out. And saves an awful lot of time. Bright man.

-- Warren Ellis

soon to be begging for alms at


Where was the Excalibur lighthouse?

Answer: There were two map positions given, both off the west coast, one
just south of Wales and one just north.


How did Captain Britain get his powers?

Capt. Britain got his powers one night while he was on the run from people
that were trying to kill him. He was a lab assistant(?) and found out a
secret plot within the ranks. The motorcycle he was riding gave out on him
and he went down the side on a steep hill. Brian woke up by/in a pond and
crawled away from the bike before it blew. He found himself in a Stonehenge
type place where Merlyn and Roma made him an offer. Choose one of two items
to gain powers. One item was a sword and the other was an amulet (it was a
test, kinda). Brian choose the amulet (it suppose to represent nobility or
something) as opposed to the sword (which was vengance). Merlyn wasn't
sure, but Roma knew that Brian was destined and thus he became Capt.
Britain. Marvel Team-Up #65

Merlyn later told Brian that his dad was the original CB, but I don't know
much on that or even if Merlyn should be trusted.


Excalibur: Issue by Issue

Graphic Novels and Inserts:

Excalibur: The Sword is Drawn - Technet & Warwolves, formation of Excalibur
Excalibur: Mojo Mayhem - Kitty and the X-Babies against Mojo
Excalibur: Air Apparent - Excalibur take down the Air Walker
Excalibur: Wierd War III - Living as Lightning Force
Excalibur: The Possession - Meggan is possessed
Excalibur: XX Crossing - the Orginal X-Men vs. Excalibur
Excalibur Annual 1 - Khaos
Excalibur Annual 2 - Selene, Jamie Braddock and Kitty's realization

Excalibur Issues:

1 - Warwolves, Widget appears
2 - Warwolves, Young Kylun appears
3 - Juggernaut, moving into the lighthouse
4 - 5 Arcade and the Crazy Gang
6 - Inferno, WHO appears, Goblin Princess incarnate
7 - Inferno, Kitty becomes Magik (loses it later in issue)
8 - Excalibur in Manhattan, Kurt steals Blackbird
9 - 10 Lightning Force appears, Lockheed injured
11 - Returning to Lighthouse, Cross-Time Caper Begins
12 - 13 World 1: Billy the Kid and Princess Kitty
14 - World 1, World 2: The Impossible World, but the Impossible Man
15 - Technet Issue, with Excalibur zapping through time
16 - World 7: The Realm of a Storyteller, Kurt as Warlocd and Kitty and Ray
as Warriors
17 - World 7: Search for a Hero?
18 - World 8: Jamie's World, Dirty Angels (A Lovely Pair)
19 - World 8: In Jamie's mind, Kitty escapes through Widget, Rachel uses
Meggan as forms of the X-Men to dight Jamie, Kitty (on the other side)
saves them
20 - Out of sequence: Demon Druid
21 - 22 Crusader X, Jean Grey dies again (This is where Excalibur lost it
for a while)
23 - Alan Davis comes back for the Death of Kitty Pryde... kinda - World 10
24 - Kitty's 15th B-Day, while Excalibur enters the Hub of Otherworld and
return home
25 - Galactus, What Rachel really is?
26 - Out of sequence: Mastermind! Kate Rasputin, the Black Queen and Father
27 - Jamie Braddock
28 - Meggan and Brian go to town
29 - Power Pack
30 - Meggan as a Vampire
31 - Wagner Isle
32 - The Girl School From Heck, part 1
33 - part 2, Mesmero takes over Excalibur
34 - part 3, Kitty rejoins team
35 - Phoenix vs D'Spayre
36 - Silver Sable, Sandman, Paladin and Rocket Racer
37 - 39 Dr. Doom and the Avengers (Soulsword) (Vivian says: Mortals! With
defenders of the thrown like these... who needs enemies.
40 - Some background on Lockheed
41 - X-Wolves
42 - AD is Back! and Technet's on the loose, Kylun's back.
43 - Cap and Kurt have it out
44 - Bri's on trial, while Meg and Rachel try to figure out their past,
Jerk... ehm, I mean Micromax appears
45 - N-Men and Necrom appears
46 - Kylun lands on Earth 616, Alshra and Cerise
47 - N-Men leave, Merlin revealed to Roma
48 - That little... Feron appears, Anti-Phoenix, KateWidget Appears
49 - Lighthouse is lost throughout the Matrix
50 - Phoenix vs Necrom, Rachel dies, the lighthouse is destroyed
51 - Earth 99476 Excalibur
52 - Professor X vs the X-Men? Nah, but the cover is totally cool... in the
body of Rachel, Phoenix departs
53 - Looking back... Cap and Spiderman
54 - Their back.... the Crazy Gang invades a town of olderly folk, Widget
55 - Guest starring Psylocke, as a Housewarming party goes sour with Jamie
Braddock and *gasp* Sat-Yr-9
56 - Kitty's escaped and Sat-Yr-9 will do anything to get her back...
57 - 58 Excalibur and the X-Men, in a quest after Alchemy...
59 - Excalibur II: Black Panther, Captain America, Iron Man and Kitty???
Excalibur in Wakanda
60 - BRADDOCK OF THE JUNGLE and the Knigth Errant?!? ooookay ;}
61 - He's baaack! Alan Davis returns for the Return of Phoenix... against
Galactus to boot
62 - Nigel Orpington-Smythe appears, starting to kidnap members of
Excalibur, one by one... Kitty and Cerise, with Kurt captured
63 - Kylun captured, Kurt reveals a new power
64 - Rachel is back with Phoenix and now knows who she is, Brian and Meggan
captured, Widget appears once more
65 - It's an all out battle against the minions of Nigel, Brian gets a new
66 - Days of Future Yet to Come... Phoenix transports Excalibur into her
future, Widget is revealed to be Kate Pryde, the first appearence of
Tangerine, seen later
67 - DoFYtC part Two, Rachel and Excalibur make the future safe, but are
Kate and Ray? Oh yeah, Excalibur and the Knights of Pendragon can't use
their powers aginst sentinels, so they use really big guns.
68 - 70 Brian and Widget are lost, Meggan's catatonic, Kitty's a wreck over
Illyana's illness and Micromax is being Micromax. Exaclibur vs the
Starjammers, in order to prove the guilt or innocence of Cerise.
71 - Fatal Attractions: Kitty betrays Colossu, while brother and sister
duke it out, Muir Isle becomes the home of Excalibur
72 - 73 Rory Campbell arrives and so does Siena Blaze. Siena fails to take
Muir Isle. Meggan reappears at end.
74 - Where is Captain Britain? In an attempt to find him, Meggan begs
Rachel to help her, then attacks her. Only Rory knows what's really
75 - Rachel and Brian switch places, first appearence of the DayTripper.
rory is revealed to be Ahab, Britain arrives
76 - 77 Meggan and Britaic go on the rampage, while Amanda and Nightcrawler
are in England to find Margali, their mother, but the town has been taken
over by D'Spayre, Douglock appears
78 - 80 The Douglock Chronicles: Zero and "Douglock" run for their lives
from Stryfe's droids. They run into Excalibur, and the one person who
remembers "Doug", Kitty Pryde, who shortcircuits him in a fit of annoyance.
Moira and Professor Xavier look back on their life together when they were
young. Moira MacTaggert has the Legacy Virus... Meggan is more elemental
than she thought...
81 - Kinda like the UXM issue Romance, Moira and Xavier visit Paris for a
mini-Comedy, while Douglock tried to find out who he is. Kitty takes out
her frustration with Douglock on a bully. Meg and Brian are back together
and stronger than ever.
82 - The Phalanx Covenant: The Phalanx tried to take Douglock and fails
83 - 85 The Soulsword Trilogy: this one might take forever to explain, so
here goes. Kitty's kinda out of it, but eventually it's found to be the
soulsword that's causing her troubles. She slugs Moira and gets knocked out
by Brian. Nightcrawler is possessed by a Necromanser named Gravemoss who
tries to take the sword. Meggan reacts to the soulsword as if it were a
demon... well, it kinda is. I think this is the first place they mention
Moira's awful coffee. Shrill then appears also to take the sword. Kitty
escapes them both, going up against Kurt/Gravemoss and drives the sword
through him. After this, Kitty gives the sword to Amanda Sefton who kills
Gravemoss. Amanda gives the sword to her mother, who uses it to become an
Archmage. Plus, Warren Ellis begins the writing.
86 - 87 Mission Genosha: Black Air, the people who took over WHO, send
Peter Wisdom to "watch over" the team as a liason. Brian has a
'flashfoward' at the beginning of the series, while rebuilding a
hovercraft. They goto Genosha and almost crash. Meggan stops them from
falling. Once in Genosha, the person in charge or records blows up (thanks
to the Sugarman). More explosions curtisy of SugarMan come later.
88 - 90 Dream Nails: Finally, I'm almost done (can't you tell I wanna try
today). Wisdom gets a cal from a friend in trouble and goes to help him
with... whether he likes it or not Pryde. Cully's gone, and Pryde and
Wisdom are attacked at the end of 88. Rory and Spoor have it out totally.
DayTripper knows something she's not telling the rest of Excalibur about
Ahab/Rory. P&W run into Jardine, who helps them with the details of Dream
Nails. Some new discovers are revealed about the Legacy Virus. P&W mumble
at themselves about their feelings for each other, but together enter Dream
Nails and destroy it, taking with them alot of info on the Hellfire Club,
the Uncreated and Black Air. Rory loses his leg. Kitty and Pete make theor
feeling for each other known. Rahne joins Excalibur. Also, Brian is
anounced as retired.
91 - 92 "Baby I Love You" If only Pete would say it. Excalibur goes to a
pub, get drunk, and go home. Colossus shows up: "I Want You" and beats Pete
to a pulp, but Wisdom gets in a very good shot. A link between Wisdom and
Pryde is revealed.
93 - Wolfsbane vs. Reverend Craig
94 - Days of Future Tense - A flashforward of Brian Braddock
95 - Excalibur vs X-Man, love the art
96 - 100 The beginning of the end, I guess. The English Hellfire Club is
introduced and Brian becomes part of it. Lockheed comes out of hiding to
make life miserable for Wisdom, while Kurt gets a chopjob haircut.
Alistaire warns Excalibur about Black Air. Douglock looks inside himself,
getting a more "human" personality. DLock is taken by Black Air...
Excalibur goes after them, in full force. The BA Acquisition station gets
taken down in the X-Force fashion. Excalibur heads to London, while the
Hellfire Club there has Douggies head mounted on a podie\um to release the
demon under the city. The X-Men arrive at Muir Isle to view the Xavier
Protocols. Captain Britain is back... for an issue at least... in the end,
Black Air and the Hellfire club, as well as the demon falls. Not to mention
Amanda's help, no... I forgot that.
101 - Aftermath, what is Exclaibur gonna do when all the American mutant
teams are being taken out? They stay put. This issue has both a sarcastic
look (Kitty) and a serious look (Moira).
102 - Pryde and Wisdom batter and a big 'ol fight. Meggan and Brian plan to
wed. Piotr, Rahne and Amanda go look for the Red Queen. I hope they keep
this artist, I like him. P&W are a riot ;}
103 - Shadowcat vs. Shadowcat, Nightcrawler vs. Nightcrawler, Colossus vs.
Colossus?!? With a special appearance by Phantom Girl (sorta). What's going
on here? It's a test by Belasco, who now has the soulsword. Pete tells
Kitty he loves her.
104 - Is Douglock Doug Ramsey? In Westchester, Shadowcat discovers that
Doug IS really still dead, while the Mutants Liberation Front attacks Muir

-- END --

What are W.H.O. and Black Air?

Wierd Happenings Organization (W.H.O.) is a take off of the British seiries
Dr. Who. They even have there own Brigader Stuart, although Alistaire is
her brother. In the comic, WHO is like the X-Files, they look into the
Paranormal and strange happening of the world.

Black Air is a corrupted version of WHO.



I would like to thank the following people for their help with the
information contained in this file. I apologise for any omissions and
mistakes in advance!

Andy Banks ( GenerationX
Amanda Sefton@CotA (
Mike Lavin ( Hellions-FAQ Author.
Jane Griffin ( Artie & Leech Fan Club Page
Michael Howard (
David Henry
X-Writers Staff
Lady Amethyst (
Rachel K. Warren (
Kate the Short (
Jeff Strand (

All characters & publications mentioned in this document are trademarks of
Marvel Comics, and all copyrights are held by them as applicable. This
information is not endorsed in any way or form by Marvel Comics Publishing.
Neither I, nor those who have assisted me, will be held responsible for any
problems caused by information contained within this document. I may be
contacted with any additional information, suggestions, or corrections at: (Lisa Gunderson).


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