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Black Bolt & thought balloons

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Danny Quizon

no leída,
1 oct 1998, 3:00:001/10/98
I know why Black Bolt doesn't speak. But what prevents him from having
thought balloons? His thoughts & feelings are always done by narraration.

Danny Quizon


no leída,
1 oct 1998, 3:00:001/10/98

>I know why Black Bolt doesn't speak. But what prevents him from having
>thought balloons? His thoughts & feelings are always done by narraration.
>Danny Quizon

This goes all the way back to FF. I imagine it was just a stylistic decision
to convey the concept that he is unable to communicate verbally. Since the
other characters need Medusa to translate his feelings, we need her too.

Craig Jackson

no leída,
1 oct 1998, 3:00:001/10/98
What I'd like to know is - why doesn't he learn sign language?

Pierce Askegren

no leída,
2 oct 1998, 3:00:002/10/98
In <danquiz-0110...@>

(Danny Quizon) writes:
>I know why Black Bolt doesn't speak. But what prevents him from
>thought balloons? His thoughts & feelings are always done by
>Danny Quizon

He sports a single thought balloon way back in the first installment of
the Inhumans series in AMAZING ADVENTURES, written and drawn by Kirby
-- but that balloon always looked to me like an editorial addition. (I
stress that's just a guess, tho.)

Also, there's MARVEL TWO-IN-ONE annual where he does the logical and
writes a message to the Thing -- who can't read it, since its in
another alphabet, even though the Inhumans apparently (can) speak
English. (I just tell 'em like I read 'em, folks.)


Rick Florey

no leída,
2 oct 1998, 3:00:002/10/98
I think there's two reasons.
1.) Having him speak through thought balloons might muck things up.
Eventually some copy guy or minor-league editor would screw up and put a
word balloon in where a thought balloon should appear. This'd result in
millions of letters to Marvel saying "Black Bolt SPOKE!! Half of Attilan
should be in ruins! You guys suck because of your careless treatment of
characters. Clearly nobody at Marvel is bright enough to remember Black
Bolt's greatest power." or words to that effect.
2.) Not even having him communicate through a thought balloon more clearly
illustrates to the reader just how much of a handicap his power is. He's
only able to communicate via a subtle sign language that only Medusa knows
Hope that helps,

Danny Quizon wrote in message ...

Philippe Palau

no leída,
2 oct 1998, 3:00:002/10/98

Danny Quizon <> a écrit dans l'article

> I know why Black Bolt doesn't speak. But what prevents him from having
> thought balloons? His thoughts & feelings are always done by
> Danny Quizon

Consider it one of this unique occasion where the editorial line is
consitent :
Black Bolt can't communicate.

(PS : I know enought "challenged people" to know that this is stupid. Sign
Language. Vocal Synthetiser. Writing. Morse..... )
Ho well.. The InHumans are another culture enterely.

Maybe they have some taboo against "artificial help", considering the
variety of they biological talents.
So maybe even the idea of "Writing in a foreigner language", or "Using
other media than voice to speak" is as anathema to them as xeno-graft of a
pig's heart is to a jewish or muslim....

no leída,
3 oct 1998, 3:00:003/10/98
In article <danquiz-0110...@>, (Danny Quizon) wrote:
> I know why Black Bolt doesn't speak. But what prevents him from having
> thought balloons? His thoughts & feelings are always done by narraration.

dramatic flair?

Peter Likidis
"It's alright.... we're on a mission from God" - Jake Blues

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Paul O'Brien

no leída,
3 oct 1998, 3:00:003/10/98
In article <danquiz-0110...@>, Danny Quizon
<> writes

>I know why Black Bolt doesn't speak. But what prevents him from having
>thought balloons? His thoughts & feelings are always done by narraration.

The power of Black Bolt as a character derives largely from his
inability to communicate with the other characters, or with the
audience, except through Medusa's interpretation (and the narrator
is an extension of that filtered communication idea). The main
impact of this inability to communicate is that the audience is
generally left wondering "What the hell is this guy thinking?" If
you actually answer that, the mute thing becomes little more than a

Paul O'Brien,

Buy Belle and Sebastian records.

Paul O'Brien

no leída,
3 oct 1998, 3:00:003/10/98
In article <>, Craig Jackson
<> writes

>What I'd like to know is - why doesn't he learn sign language?

He has. Medusa speaks it too, and presumably a few other Inhumans
do as well. He doesn't speak American Sign Language for the
entirely good reason that he isn't American, doesn't live there,
and rarely has to communicate with anybody who would speak it.


no leída,
5 oct 1998, 3:00:005/10/98


Dean V

no leída,
5 oct 1998, 3:00:005/10/98
On Sat, 3 Oct 1998 21:02:59 +0100, Paul O'Brien
<> wrote:
>The power of Black Bolt as a character derives largely from his
>inability to communicate with the other characters, or with the
>audience, except through Medusa's interpretation (and the narrator
>is an extension of that filtered communication idea). The main
>impact of this inability to communicate is that the audience is
>generally left wondering "What the hell is this guy thinking?" If
>you actually answer that, the mute thing becomes little more than a

Presumably, this is also why DC's Jericho (RIP) didn't
have thought balloons either.

Virgilio "Dean" B. Velasco Jr., Ph.D.
Check out my page of abortion-related links at

no leída,
7 oct 1998, 3:00:007/10/98

> Presumably, this is also why DC's Jericho (RIP) didn't
> have thought balloons either.

Well WCW's Chris Jericho isn't similarly afflicted :-)


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