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AOL LSH Chat Report with Peyer, McCraw, Moy, Boyd & McAvennie

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T. Troy McNemar, Esq.

Nov 24, 1995, 3:00:00 AM11/24/95
Tom Peyer, Tom McCraw, Jeff Moy, Ron Boyd, and Mike McAvennie were the
guests on America Online's Legion of Super-Heroes Chat on Tuesday, November
21, 1995. The LSH Chat is held every Tuesday at 6:00 p.m. EST in the DC
Online Chat Area. Previous guests have included Tom Peyer, Tom McCraw,
Roger Stern, Mark Waid, Jeff Moy, Ron Boyd, KC Carlson, and Mike McAvennie.

DISCLAIMER - Material presented herein is my best interpretation of what the
creators meant. It isn't always possible to ask clarifying questions. No

SPOILERS - Spoiler information is located towards the end of the chat
report. There is no intervening spoiler space.

SPECIAL THANKS - To Andrew Woodard and Edward Douglas who provided copies of
their chat logs that enabled me to generate this chat report.


Tom Peyer will be working on a mini-series early next year, but the
character(s) haven't been set yet. (ED - From the context, I assume this is
a LSH mini, but Tom didn't specify.)

McCraw says that Roger Stern is working out great on the creative team,
except that he won't change his name to "Tom".

Peyer would like to see a Superboy/LSH crossover every year or two. He
thinks Superboy is great.

Peyer hasn't yet pitched the new series that he's committed to doing with
Derec Aucoin. It will involve a new character.

Peyer is currently writing the X-Nation 2099 series for Marvel and is doing
an upcoming story arc for Doom 2099.

Legion characters will be appearing in the upcoming DC card set, but the
Legion cards are produced from previously published art. Jeff was
disappointed that they didn't use new art for the cards. McCraw points out
that some of the cards will already be outdated.

Jeff has illustrated an upcoming LSH T-Shirt. He predicts it will be on
sale in March.

Ron still hasn't seen the Superboy/LSH T-Shirt that he did with Tom
Grummett. He won't receive a complimentary copy.

"Legionnaires" is Jeff's home, but he does enjoy doing work on the side.
He's illustrated 8 pages of Superboy #25.

McAvennie jokingly promised to exploit the Legion whenever possible,
including Legion cereal.

Having read about it in the chat report, Tom McCraw conscientiously tried to
answer Johanna Draper's question about Infectious Lass from the previous
week but couldn't remember who'd asked the question. Unfortunately, Johanna
didn't arrive until after Tom had given up. (Join us next week for the
ongoing saga of Johanna's Infectious Lass question.)

The creators planned the 1995 LSH Annuals to tie into the series the way
that they did. The annuals sold well, which is why there's a Legionnaires
annual this year.

Ron opines that his inks over Jeff's pencils in L* #0 and L* #19 weren't to
Ron's usual high standards because he was rushed.

Ron notes that Lee Moder is pretty tight with his pencils, but not so tight
that Ron can't make himself seen.

McAvennie dodged questions about the lettercol of L* #32 wherein he said
that the Legion books weren't getting "triangle" numbers.

By admission, Peyer never tires of saying that Marvel fears the Legion when
asked why the Legion isn't appearing in the upcoming DC vs. Marvel crossover.

There will be an Imra spotlight in the books soon.

Jeff promises two tongues in L* #35. There's one tongue in L* #36 so far.
He hasn't found a good place yet for Validus' tongue in L* #36. Jeff claims
that he draws the tongues to annoy KC.

Peyer wouldn't say when Jo and Val join.

XS returns in L* #36.

Jeff promises that Shrinking Violet's new costume will be in character for her.

Zoe's story is significantly advanced in L* #33.

Peyer notes that dead women don't say "D'OH!" and dodged further questions
about whether they'd bring Apparition back.

Peyer responded to a quesion asking when Cosmic Boy would step down as
leader with, "Who says he'll step down?"

McCraw notes that they do have the reader election for leader planned.

Peyer acknowledges that its frustrating when Cosmic Boy caves into President
Chu. He promises that we won't have as many Cos questions by issue #80 or
so. He indicates that they have a LOT of Cos answers. McCraw promises that
LSH #80 will knock our socks off. The issue is the wrap up of the Fatal
Five story, which will be 6 issues long. McCraw thinks the Fatal Five
storyline is an appropriate length to be reprinted in a trade paperback.

T. Troy McNemar, Esq.
"I've been told that I should try to make the occasion a little
more enjoyable."
--Death, "Men At Arms"

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