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LSH AOL Chat with McCraw, Moy, and Boyd - 11/14/95

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T. Troy McNemar, Esq.

Nov 19, 1995, 3:00:00 AM11/19/95
Tom McCraw, Jeff Moy, and Ron Boyd were the guests on America Online's
Legion of Super-Heroes Chat Hour on Tuesday, November 14, 1995. Mark Waid
and John Byrne briefly attended. LSH Chat is held on AOL every Tuesday in
the DC Online Chat area at 6:00 EST. Previous guests have included Tom
Peyer, Tom McCraw, Roger Stern, Jeff Moy, Ron Boyd, Mark Waid, KC Carlson,
and Mike McAvennie.

DISCLAIMER - Information presented herein is merely my best interpretation
of what was said during the chat hour. Accuracy is not guaranteed.

SPOILERS - Spoiler information is presented at the end of the report, to the
extent possible. There is no intervening spoiler space.

SPECIAL THANKS - To Andrew Woodard who was ready, willing and able to keep a
chat log for me to prepare this report from.


1996 "L" numbering between LSH and L* starts with LSH #76. Ignore the
comments by Mike McAvennie in the lettercol of L* #32 indicating that this
wouldn't be happening.

Mark Waid begins writing the Avengers with issue 400. He won't talk about
his involvement with the Justice League. He does not intend to drop any of
his regular titles.

John Byrne hasn't changed his opinion--he still hates the Legion.

Jeff is done with the Legion T-shirt illustration. It has about 10 heroes
on it, but Jeff wouldn't say which ones.

Mark asked how much we would be willing to pay for high quality flight
rings. (Consensus seemed to be about $100.)

Jeff prefers to pencil from full scripts rather than just plots. Full
scripts helps with expressions and character placements. L* #36 is being
prepared from a plot because they're in a time crunch.

No plans for the Substitute Heroes yet. (Johanna Draper showed up and asked
about a Legionnaire that no one else had ever asked about--Infectuous
Lass--but despite her being awarded a cookie by fellow fans, the creators
didn't answer the question.)

Tom likes the Element Lad name for Jan Arrah.

It snows in the 30th century when the weather satelites permit it. No
skiing for the Legionnaires, they prefer solar sailing.

Jeff insists that any LSH animated series must have better animation than
the X-Men series. Jeff would like to do character designs for the series.

The LSH isn't going to appear in the Superman Animated Series. Tom wants to
add a "yet" to that pronouncement.

Tom doesn't think Apparition is alive.

Jeff says we should look for at least two tongues in L* #35.

Jan (Element Lad/Alchemist) Arrah, Ultra Boy, and Dirk (Sun Boy/Inferno)
Morgna have all appeared. President Chu nixed the former two from joining.
Dirk is still in the hospital.

Atmos is still on Xanthu.

Winema Wazzo is still around.

According to Tom, Rond Vidar likes long-legged women. There were no hidden
GL references intended by having Rond wear green.

According to Tom, the ban on time travel was probably instituted when
Impulse escaped to the past.

Ayla's secret admirer will be revealed next year. They will drop hints
before the admirer is revealed.

Shrinking Violet is getting a new costume that Jeff designed. She'll be
getting it because her old costume is destroyed. The new costume is a bit
more sexy, and has gloves. It's colors are similar to the current costume
It also sometimes has sleeves, and none at other times; the sleeves or lack
thereof apparently being a story point.

Tom notes that there are no high heels. Those shoes on female heroes are
just stupid.

Chuck Taine will barely notice Triad when he joins the Legion supporing
cast. Triad is swooning over Valor right now.

The Legion has about 12 members right now, including Gates and Star Boy who
join in LSH #76. Brainy isn't one of the members right now because of his
imprisonment. XS is gone for the time being. (ED - Gates was the
non-humanoid teleporter that Leviathan and Chameleon attempted to recruit in
LSH #66.)

Star Boy returns with some of his original powers. Tom promises that we'll
understand when we read on.

Zoe will appear in LSH #76. Mark refused to commment yet on whether the
plan had been to make Zoe the Emerald Empress since she was introduced. Tom
noted that Zoe likes red herrings. He also noted that we should wait to see
Jeff's rendition of Zoe in L* #34.

We'll find out what happened to Jan in L* #34. Tom postulates that the
shadow that's supposedly following Jan on Trom in L* #29 may be the shadow
of a dead person.

The Fatal Five is appearing in LSH #78. They'll also be in L* #36. (ED -
And in LSH #79 which comes out before L* #36?) Validus will be a member,
and Jeff promises to try to draw Validus' tongue in the L* issue. The F5
will be based mostly on Chris Sprouse's designs from L* #2-6.

We'll be seeing McCauley and some Work Force members in the Fatal Five
storyline. The last time we saw Mano, he was still in McCauley's custody.

Tom promises that we'll learn what's up with the Emerald Eye and Cosmic Boy
in the next year of books. He adds that the Legion deserves to be
indpendent--if only the President weren't in their way all the time.

Ron claimed that the physical resemblance between Laurel and Lori Morning
(Satan Girl) is a coincidence, then confessed that he wouldn't know if it
wasn't a coincidence. Jeff promises that we'll learn more about Lori in L* #35.

T. Troy McNemar, Esq.
"You can present the material, but you can't make me care."
--Calvin, "Homicidal Psycho Jungle Cat"

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