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LSH: AOL Chat for 7/21/98: McCraw & Moy

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Alex Tam

Jul 26, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/26/98
Tom McCraw (LSH/L* co-plotter/colorist) and Jeff Moy (L* penciller) were
the guests on America Online's Legion of Super-Heroes Chat for Tuesday,
July 21, 1998. Legion of Super-Heroes Chat takes place every Tuesday in
the DC Comics Online area of AOL at 6:00 PM EST. Legionnaires Chat is held
every Thursday in the same area at 10:00 PM EST. (Keyword: CHAT DC.)
Regular guests include Tom McCraw, Jeff Moy, Jason Armstrong, Ron Boyd and
Mike McAvennie.

Thanks to T. Troy McNemar who originated the Legion Chat Reports; so much
of the format of these writeups was derived from his hard work.

DISCLAIMER: I can't guarantee the reliability of this report. Essentially,
the Legion chats involve about twenty-five fans shouting repeated questions
to the creators. The creators are sometimes unable to answer questions
thoroughly or clarify their responses. As a result, misinterpretations may
occur on my part.

SPOILERS: Information that spoils current or upcoming issues is found
toward the end of this report. There's no spoiler space to separate such
info from the more general comments.

SUBSCRIPTIONS: To subscribe to these chat reports, send an e-mail to
"" with the message "subscribe lsh-chats". To
unsubscribe, send the message "unsubscribe lsh-chats" to the same address.

PLUGS: To subscribe to Lev Kalman's humorous LSH pics, send an e-mail to
"" with the message "subscribe lev-pics". You'll get a
new cartoon e-mailed to you about once every two weeks.

To browse this fan's STARMAN website, visit

Finally, for all your LSH online needs, check out the Legion of
Super-Resources at


Jeff had a great time at this year's Chicago Con. He drew 18 sketches,
including a couple Batgirls.

We won't see Quislet or Tellus any time soon.

While Violet's "Leviathan" name was supposed to be temporary, the name
stuck because the new editor Mike McAvennie wanted to keep the connection
to the first Leviathan.

Shorter storylines and single issues are planned for now, with no longer
arcs. The books won't split up their continuity. Tom describes himself as
the "bridge" between the two books, with which he'll continue to be very

There are some "cool M'Onel pages" in LSH #110-111.

While he will get to draw her soon, Jeff said that Thunder will appear in
the LSH book more than in L*. She won't get a new costume yet; just the
L-buckle belt.

Star Boy and Umbra meet 20th Century Starman, Jack Knight, in STARMAN #50.
The story takes place in the 30th Century.

We'll soon find out what Mysa and Dragonmage have been up to. Tom says
"they haven't been sitting dormant, that's for sure." He called their
upcoming story "intense." Mysa probably won't get the antennaed albino
look she had preboot.

-- Alex Tam; Nachro2 on AOL

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Date: Sat, 25 Jul 1998 21:10:47 -0700
From: Alex Tam <>
Subject: LSH: AOL Chat for 7/23/98: McCraw & Moy
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Tom McCraw (LSH/L* co-plotter/colorist) and Jeff Moy (L* penciller) were
the guests on America Online's Legionnaires Chat for Thursday, July 23,
1998. Legion of Super-Heroes Chat takes place every Tuesday in the DC
Comics Online area of AOL at 6:00 PM EST. Legionnaires Chat is held every
Thursday in the same area at 10:00 PM EST. (Keyword: CHAT DC.) Regular
guests include Tom McCraw, Jeff Moy, Jason Armstrong, Ron Boyd and Mike

Thanks to T. Troy McNemar who originated the Legion Chat Reports; so much
of the format of these writeups was derived from his hard work.

DISCLAIMER: I can't guarantee the reliability of this report. Essentially,
the Legion chats involve about twenty-five fans shouting repeated questions
to the creators. The creators are sometimes unable to answer questions
thoroughly or clarify their responses. As a result, misinterpretations may
occur on my part.

SPOILERS: Information that spoils current or upcoming issues is found
toward the end of this report. There's no spoiler space to separate such
info from the more general comments.

SUBSCRIPTIONS: To subscribe to these chat reports, send an e-mail to
"" with the message "subscribe lsh-chats". To
unsubscribe, send the message "unsubscribe lsh-chats" to the same address.

PLUGS: To subscribe to Lev Kalman's humorous LSH pics, send an e-mail to
"" with the message "subscribe lev-pics". You'll get a
new cartoon e-mailed to you about once every two weeks.

To browse this fan's STARMAN website, visit

Finally, for all your LSH online needs, check out the Legion of
Super-Resources at

A BIG THANKS TO: Scott Bierworth and James Schee for logging this chat.


Jeff thinks of his artistic style as "naturalistic, not realistic."

Tom Peyer would like to do a Brainy mini-series. McCraw thought Jason
Armstrong would be a good artist for a Brainy story, then noted that while
Jason wouldn't return to Legion soon, the ex-penciller does have work for
other editors.

As far as Jeff knows, there aren't any plans for more Legion merchandise.

They aren't planning the '99 annuals yet.

There is a LSH SECRET FILES #2 in the works, but Tom doesn't know what the
lead story will be.

Jeff had a proposal for the return of Nemesis Kid.

Jeff hasn't thought about drawing his trademark tongues lately.

Ayla and Garth's lightning blasts have equal power levels.

Tom thought that Monstress does not have mood swings; rather she's large in
everything she does, and doesn't hold back.

Umbra does not have new powers; she's just mastering the control of her
shadows' shapes.

Jeff said there's more character interaction in L* #65 compared to the Dark
Circle story.

When XS guest stars in the FLASH story "Chained Lightning," the Legion
books will acknowledge this by noting she's on leave.

Some Legionnaires will be wandering through Metropolis soon.

There are plans to resolve the deal that Vril Dox made with Neron
concerning the soul of a future Brainiac.

The Espionage Squad will be featured more soon.

When asked when a gay Legionnaire will be outed, Jeff replied, "I suppose
when he's ready." It's unclear whether the 'he' is a hint, or just an
example of grammatical correctness (instead of saying the ambiguous
"they're"). 'He' could even refer to a writer, so take this with an extra
grain of salt. :)

Thom will have a new power soon.

Some pre-Zero Hour villains are returning to continuity for the first time.
One first appeared between SUPERBOY #200 and #210. One villain (it isn't
clear whether this is the one hinted above, or another one) has been
redesigned by Jeff. It's a guy with horns and appears in the "last issue
that [Jeff] pencilled." Jeff had thought it was a new villain, then Tom
replied, "new but still a 'borrowed' idea."

-- Alex Tam; Nachro2 on AOL

Kevin Chang

Jul 28, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/28/98

Alex Tam wrote:

> Tom Peyer would like to do a Brainy mini-series.

This is a fine, fine idea. I hope Supergirl and/or Andromeda would bea big part of something like this.

> Jeff had a proposal for the return of Nemesis Kid.

Cool. Presumably Karate Kid would finally get some spotlight timewith this. I hope NK's powers can be modified so that they're not
quite so hokey, though. Otherwise I've always thought he was a great
character. Maybe this could be the foundation for a new LSV, too.

> Umbra does not have new powers; she's just mastering the control of her
> shadows' shapes.

I hope her powers get more clearly defined, maybe in the new Secret
Files. I like the idea of blocking radiation. I don't like so much the
solid shadow-shapes thing; it's been done too much before. I like
seeing Umbra as fairly formidable without her powers.

> Thom will have a new power soon.

Does he really need one? I mean, he's already "Daxamite-Plus".

> Some pre-Zero Hour villains are returning to continuity for the first time.
> One first appeared between SUPERBOY #200 and #210. One villain (it isn't
> clear whether this is the one hinted above, or another one) has been
> redesigned by Jeff. It's a guy with horns and appears in the "last issue
> that [Jeff] pencilled." Jeff had thought it was a new villain, then Tom
> replied, "new but still a 'borrowed' idea."

Guy with horns? I don't have a guide or anything handy...who is this?


Greg Paula

Jul 30, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/30/98
<< While Violet's "Leviathan" name was supposed to be temporary, the name
stuck because the new editor Mike McAvennie wanted to keep the connection to
the first Leviathan. >>

Wouldn't just having her keep the growing powers be enough? Does ANYONE -
besides Mike McAvennie - like the name "Leviathan" for Violet?

Jonathan L. Miller

Jul 30, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/30/98
In article <XV6w1.97$>, "Greg Paula"

<> wrote:
> Wouldn't just having her keep the growing powers be enough? Does ANYONE -
> besides Mike McAvennie - like the name "Leviathan" for Violet?

I certainly don't. In fact, I thought the name had been done away with
(shortened to "Vi") until a recent issue. Hey Phil, can you pass on that at
least 2 fans hate the "LeViathan" name? (And anyone else who wants to chime
in here...)


Carmen Williams

Jul 30, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/30/98

<shrug> I don't particularly care for LeViathan, but I'm not any fonder
of Shrinking Violet. Ideally, I'd like them to just keep calling her
"Vi" except in roll calls and official announcements...

Carmen W.--Wondering why Vi's given name is *never* used...

Jul 31, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/31/98
In article <>, (Jonathan L. Miller) wrote:
> In article <XV6w1.97$>, "Greg Paula"
> <> wrote:
> >
> > Wouldn't just having her keep the growing powers be enough? Does ANYONE -
> > besides Mike McAvennie - like the name "Leviathan" for Violet?
> I certainly don't. In fact, I thought the name had been done away with
> (shortened to "Vi") until a recent issue. Hey Phil, can you pass on that at
> least 2 fans hate the "LeViathan" name? (And anyone else who wants to chime
> in here...)
Same here. I thought the name was gone, too. I think the best thing to
do is to drop the "Shrinking" and just call her Violet. It makes for a
nice, short code name, that fits her perfect. The code name LeViathan
refers only to her growing powers. She can still shrink. Can you imagine
calling a six-inch girl Leviathan? It's kind of silly. Keep it Violet.

Just Vi is OK, too, but it looks wierd.


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Ben Weiss

Jul 31, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/31/98
Jonathan L. Miller wrote:
> In article <XV6w1.97$>, "Greg Paula"
> <> wrote:
> >
> > Wouldn't just having her keep the growing powers be enough? Does ANYONE -
> > besides Mike McAvennie - like the name "Leviathan" for Violet?
> I certainly don't. In fact, I thought the name had been done away with
> (shortened to "Vi") until a recent issue. Hey Phil, can you pass on that at
> least 2 fans hate the "LeViathan" name? (And anyone else who wants to chime
> in here...)

I'll chime. I hated "Leviathan" on Gim and it's even worse on Vi.

I like the poster/Secret Files version: Just plain Violet. It's her,
and while it doesn't reflect her powers, nobody complains about Cosmic
Boy's and Saturn Girl's names.
Ben (who also thinks Jan should revert to Alchemist)


Aug 2, 1998, 3:00:00 AM8/2/98
In article <6pssfm$r8l$>,

>Just Vi is OK, too, but it looks wierd.

When Who's Who covered Vi, the cover of that issue listed her (and everyone
else) in all-capital letters. Thus I was surprised to see a character named
VI, which I read as the Roman numeral 6. Who's 6? I should have seen this as
a precogniyive prediction of 7 of 9. But I digress...

Simon DelMonte
"Somebody help me. I'm being spontaneous." - Truman Burbank

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