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REPORT: LSH AOL Chat for 10/12/99: McCraw & McAvennie

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Alex Tam

Oct 18, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/18/99
Tom McCraw (LSH/L* colorist) and Mike McAvennie (LSH/L* editor) were the
guests on America Online's Legion of Super-Heroes Chat for Tuesday,
October 11, 1999. Legion of Super-Heroes Chat takes place every Tuesday
in the DC Comics Online area of AOL at 5:30 PM ET. (Keyword: CHAT
DC.) Recent regular guests have included Tom McCraw, Jeff Moy, Dan
Abnett, Andy Lanning and Mike McAvennie.

DISCLAIMER: I can't guarantee the reliability of this report.
Essentially, the Legion chats involve fans shouting repeated questions
to the creators. The creators are sometimes unable to answer questions
thoroughly or clarify their responses. As a result, misinterpretations
may occur on my part.

SPOILERS: Information that spoils current or upcoming issues is found
toward the end of this report. There's no spoiler space to separate
such info from the more general comments.

SUBSCRIPTIONS: To subscribe to these chat reports, send an e-mail to
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unsubscribe, send the message "unsubscribe lsh-chats" to the same

PLUGS: To browse this fan's STARMAN website, visit

For all your LSH online needs, check out the Legion of Super-Resources

A BIG THANKS: To Jim Caldwell for logging this chat and helping to
inject some life into These Damn Reports.


I'd like to start off this report, the first I've done in a little over
two months, with an explanation for my absence. The most important
reason is that there has been relatively little to report. I'd rather
not write a report if all there is to say is something like, "XS will be
in LEGION: LOST." Also, I personally can't attend the chats that often,
and sometimes, they don't even take place. But as long as there is a
good amount of information supplied, I'll continue reporting (although
with occasional delays, if I'm particularly busy that week). Thanks for
your patience!

Starting this week on Tuesday, October 19, the official time for LSH
Chat will move a half-hour earlier to 5:30 PM ET. This will make it
easier for Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning to attend, because they live in
England and have to stay up later to make it to chat. For now, the
chats will remain on AOL. There is no scheduled date yet for the chats
to move to the web.

Former LSH penciller Scott Kolins will draw some fill-in issues of STARS
& S.T.R.I.P.E.

Tom noted that it's been a while since the Legionnaire has guested in
IMPULSE. He said that one reason is because Impulse tends to drive them

Mike believes that "the marketing folks are excited about the new guys
on board." The Legion's new direction has been promoted by COMIC SHOP
NEWS and house ads in DC Comics. However, he doesn't get to choose
which titles receive the ads; right now the ads are in DC's books aimed
for younger readers.

That's it for now. A short report, sure, but at least it's something!

-- Alex Tam; Nachro2 on AOL

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