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LSH: AOL Chat Report for 1/28/97 with Moy & Carlson

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T. Troy McNemar, Esq.

Feb 4, 1997, 3:00:00 AM2/4/97

Jeff Moy (L* penciller) and KC Carlson (LSH/L* editor) were the
guests on America Online's Legion of Super-Heroes Chat for
Tuesday, January 28, 1997. Legion of Super-Heroes Chat is held
every Tuesday in the DC Comics Online area of AOL at 6:00 p.m.
EST. Legionnaires Chat is held every Thursday in the same area
at 10:00 p.m. EST. (Keyword: DC CHAT.) Regular guests include
Tom Peyer, Tom McCraw, Roger Stern, Mark Waid, Jeff Moy, Ron
Boyd, KC Carlson and Mike McAvennie.

DISCLAIMER - Information presented herein is not guaranteed to be
reliable. Stripped to their essentials, the Legion chats involve
approximately 25 fans shouting repeated questions at the
creators. The creators don't have time to thoroughly answer
questions and sometimes are unable to respond to clarification

SPOILERS - Information that tends to spoil current or upcoming
issues is located toward the end of this report. No spoiler
space separates such spoiler information.

SUBSCRIPTIONS - If you'd like to subscribe to these chat reports,
send an e-mail to "" with the message
"subscribe lsh-chats". To unsubscribe, send the message
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humorous LSH pic, send the message "subscribe lev-pics" in the
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SPECIAL THANKS - To Elayne Wechsler-Chaput for providing the chat
log from which this report was generated, and to Kynn and Liz
Bartlett for providing mailing list resources when my ISP decided
that the Chat Reports were merely Spam.


KC believes Triad is the Legionnaire who's most likely to be a
chocoholic. Jeff thinks the honor goes to Kinetix.

There are still no Legion annuals on the schedule for 1997, but
KC hopes to "counter-program" with a few Legion specials.

There is no new news on the possible appearance of the Legion in
the Superman Animated Series.

KC had just received Colleen Doran's plot for an Element Lad

KC knows that there is a demand for Legion trade paperbacks, but
he has not yet convinced the DC higher-ups. He suggested that
fans appeal to DC Marketing and Diamond.

KC indicated that they are tentatively working on a "Legion
Month" type stunt, but that it was too early to provide details.

XS will appear in IMPULSE #25. Brainiac 5 will appear in the

KC opined that the upcoming Amalgam title SPIDER-BOY TEAM-UP,
which features a Legion amalgam, is "great."

Adam Hughes is providing the cover for L* #50.

L* #50 will include a full color poster of all the Legionnaires
by Alan Davis and Mark Farmer. It should be about 4 times the
size of a regular page (approx 13 x 20). It will include all the
regular Legionnaires plus perhaps "a surprise or two for a

The announcement in WIZARD #66 that the 20th century Legionnaires
will return in L* #50 is incorrect. KC promised that too much
other stuff is going on in L* #50.

KC indicated that the creators may have stumbled onto the
ultimate resolution of the Apparition/Phase situation. He
believed the story would take be told within the year.

T. Troy McNemar, Esq.
"Are we there yet?"

Rob Hansen

Feb 5, 1997, 3:00:00 AM2/5/97

I hope this comes to pass, particularly if they can get Alan Davis to
do one of them. (I may have gone cold-turkey on the X-franchise a
while ago now, but I didn't let that stop me from picking up the X-MAN
special he did recently - well worth it, too.)

>There is no new news on the possible appearance of the Legion in
>the Superman Animated Series.
>KC had just received Colleen Doran's plot for an Element Lad

Hmm. I was under the impression the Colleen already had a script in
hand but hadn't yet found time to do the artwork. Obviously not.

>KC knows that there is a demand for Legion trade paperbacks, but
>he has not yet convinced the DC higher-ups. He suggested that
>fans appeal to DC Marketing and Diamond.

Y'know, on the basis of trying to attract new readers, maybe the first
of these ought to be a collection of the Superboy/Valor two-parter and
the subsequent three-part LSH/Superboy x-over. Other than this, the
first ten issues of the postboot are probably a good bet, albeit
possibly a little more commercially risky.

>XS will appear in IMPULSE #25. Brainiac 5 will appear in the
>SUPERGIRL annual.


>Adam Hughes is providing the cover for L* #50.


>L* #50 will include a full color poster of all the Legionnaires
>by Alan Davis and Mark Farmer.

Double yay!

> It should be about 4 times the
>size of a regular page (approx 13 x 20). It will include all the
>regular Legionnaires plus perhaps "a surprise or two for a

Triple yay!

>KC indicated that the creators may have stumbled onto the
>ultimate resolution of the Apparition/Phase situation. He
>believed the story would take be told within the year.

Well, I gave my three guesses in order of preference a few months
back. I'm still holding out for her to be time-displaced Winema Wazzo.
Although, given the recent revelation of the Trapper's involvement in
LSH-related time-jaunts, he/she may well turn out to have a hand in

Rob Hansen
My Home Page:
Feminists Against Censorship:

Carl Fink

Feb 5, 1997, 3:00:00 AM2/5/97

SPOILERS for a claim by the about a future LSH storyline:

>KC indicated that the creators may have stumbled onto the
>ultimate resolution of the Apparition/Phase situation. He
>believed the story would take be told within the year.

This confirms my decision to drop LSH. Clearly the 20C storyline
won't be ending nearly soon enough. I'll know by reading this group
when they return to the Thirtieth Century. Until then I'll get by
Carl Fink
". . . my purpose is not to examine all the possibilities. My purpose is to
create strife and controversy for no reason." Dave Barry

Feb 6, 1997, 3:00:00 AM2/6/97

In article <>, "T. Troy
McNemar, Esq." <> writes:

>KC knows that there is a demand for Legion trade paperbacks, but
>he has not yet convinced the DC higher-ups. He suggested that
>fans appeal to DC Marketing and Diamond.

Oof-da! With Marketing's handling of the Tragedy-gate blurb, I'm not sure
I have confidence in them to handle LSH properly.

Essential Legion TPBs (both pre- and post-boot) ala Marvel would be da
bomb, though, 'cause I never could afford to get the Archives.

-- Rob E. Boy

"This is me; it will change, and perhaps improve, but this is who I am
at this moment." -- Cicely Berry

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