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LSH: AOL Chat for 2/3/98: McCraw, Moy, & Boyd

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Alex Tam

Feb 3, 1998, 3:00:00 AM2/3/98

* * * * Tonight's edition of the LSH AOL Chat Report is subtitled "Brainiac
5: Sexy Legs and a Hairy Monkey". * * * * (Hey, it was a politely worded
*request*!! >;) )

Tom McCraw (LSH/L* co-plotter/colorist), Jeff Moy (L* penciller), and Ron
Boyd (LSH inker) were the guests on America Online's Legion of Super-Heroes
Chat for Tuesday, February 3rd, 1998. Former LSH editor KC Carlson briefly
participated as well. Legion of Super-Heroes Chat takes place every
Tuesday in the DC Comics Online area of AOL at 6:00 PM EST. Legionnaires
Chat is held every Thursday in the same area at 10:00 PM EST. (Keyword:
CHAT DC.) Regular guests include Tom McCraw, Tom Peyer, Jeff Moy, Jason
Armstrong, Ron Boyd and Mike McAvennie.

Thanks to T. Troy McNemar who originated the Legion Chat Reports; so much
of the format of these writeups was derived from his hard work.

DISCLAIMER: I can't guarantee the reliability of this report. Essentially,
the Legion chats involve about thirty-five fans shouting repeated questions
to the creators. The creators are sometimes unable to answer questions
thoroughly or clarify their responses. As a result, misinterpretations may
occur on my part.

SPOILERS: Information that spoils current or upcoming issues is found
toward the end of this report. There's no spoiler space to separate such
info from the more general comments.

SUBSCRIPTIONS: To subscribe to these chat reports, send an e-mail to
"" with the message "subscribe lsh-chats". To
unsubscribe, send the message "unsubscribe lsh-chats" to the same address.

PLUGS: To subscribe to Lev Kalman's humorous LSH pics, send an e-mail to
"" with the message "subscribe lev-pics". You'll get a
new cartoon e-mailed to you about once every two weeks.

To browse this fan's STARMAN website, visit

Finally, for all your LSH online needs, check out the Legion of
Super-Resources at

SPECIAL THANKS: To Scott Bierworth for his assistance in logging tonight's


Ron's newborn daughter is named Shayna Gillian.

Tom didn't know if he had colored more Legion books than Carl Gafford did.

Jeff was working on pg. 15 of L* #62.

Jeff doesn't know if we'll ever see the Legion Constitution.

Jeff doesn't believe that Ultra Man from L* Annual #3 is related to Ultra Boy.

Tom thought that Triad-Neutral would be the most likely Luornu to have a
crush on Rokk.

Tom guaranteed that no New Gods would join the Legion soon.

If Flederweb exists postboot, then he's on Khundia.

Tom said that maybe robot fights (like Bouncing Boy was watching when he
first drank the formula) take place postboot. Robots are used for training.

Jeff thinks Winathians are more likely to be identical twins than
fraternal; Tom thinks there are more fraternal sets.

Umbra is the only Talokian with shadow powers.

There are tentative plans for Dirk Morgna and Dyrk Magz. It's just a
coincidence that these two similar-named characters have lost their powers.

Monstress tends to be more serious when she has matters at home. Tom
opined that Monstress' personality takes some time to adjust to; only the
Athramites can't get used to her. Jason and Ron will continue to draw
Monstress as huge as she was on the last page of LSH #102's Xanthu story.

Inferno's status is unknown now; she might be joining another superteam.
Jeff didn't know whether she would join Young Justice or Teen Titans, IF
she were to join anyone.

Tom emphasized that Tinya and Winema have to find Luonel, before they get
to unleash their anger at him. He'll definitely be in for a rude awakening.

Tom doubts that the third of Tinya's bodies will become the Time Trapper.
It'll be a while before we see Tinya-3.

Brainy won't have time to perform research on Green Lantern's ring in the
upcoming GREEN LANTERN guest appearance.

Two Legionnaires are leaving; Jeff said that from a writer's point of view,
the loss makes it easier to focus on other characters.

Jeff enjoyed the scripting for LSH #105. Tom said it'd be a "coloring

The Dark Circle story will feature reintroductions of preboot characters.

Although it looked like Kid Quantum II joined the Legion at the end of LSH
#102, Tom wouldn't say whether she was actually in. Because the draft
ended in LSH #80, Legionnaires now have to vote on prospective teammates.
They might not like her attitude, despite her skillful use of an unusual

Dawnstar, Tyroc, and Wildfire will appear soon, presumably in the timeslip
story. Another possible candidate for a guest appearance there is the
Pocket Universe Superboy. Look for Tyroc's brief background appearance.
Tom said that Dawnstar and Tyroc won't have a chance at speaking roles.

L* #59 features a beach scene. Jeff and Tom want more. :) Tom hinted
that Triad would be at the beach. Brainy's not there, since he'll still
be in the anomaly by then. Tinya and Jo return to action after L* #59.

-- Alex Tam; Nachro2 on AOL

Feb 5, 1998, 3:00:00 AM2/5/98

In article <>,
Alex Tam <> wrote:

> :=========================:
> Ron's newborn daughter is named Shayna Gillian.


> Tom thought that Triad-Neutral would be the most likely Luornu to have a
> crush on Rokk.

Maybe, but I still think Lyle-Lu...

What? They are *perfect* for each other!!! ;)

> Umbra is the only Talokian with shadow powers.

So no Shadow Kid. No big loss.

> There are tentative plans for Dirk Morgna and Dyrk Magz. It's just a
> coincidence that these two similar-named characters have lost their powers.

Hell, I'm just glad to hear that there are plans for them at all.

> Monstress tends to be more serious when she has matters at home. Tom
> opined that Monstress' personality takes some time to adjust to; only the
> Athramites can't get used to her. Jason and Ron will continue to draw
> Monstress as huge as she was on the last page of LSH #102's Xanthu story.

Ergo, I am an Athramite. Suddenly I can't fault the liitle guys for
their taste.

> Two Legionnaires are leaving; Jeff said that from a writer's point of view,
> the loss makes it easier to focus on other characters.

I have the bad feeling that it is Sensor and Cham because they don't want
to deal with setup subplots.

Well, if they lose the Mistaketress then the writers won't have to worry
about forcing her down our throats while ignoring other Legionnaires.
That would make it easier to focus on other characters.

Face it, if Jan had been given as much time as the Mistake, then his
story would be done by now.

You can try to lump me in with the r.o.t's, but I maintain my stance
about the Legion: I am open to good ideas, but i am not open to bad
ideas. The Mistake is a bad idea. If they want to focus on other
charactes then lose the overexposed dead weight. Lose the Mistake.


"The world is a better place..." Richard Thornton, 2-3-98

-------------------==== Posted via Deja News ====----------------------- Search, Read, Post to Usenet

T. Troy McNemar, Esq.

Feb 8, 1998, 3:00:00 AM2/8/98

Previously, Alex Tam <> wrote:

>* * * * Tonight's edition of the LSH AOL Chat Report is subtitled "Brainiac
>5: Sexy Legs and a Hairy Monkey". * * * * (Hey, it was a politely worded
>*request*!! >;) )

What if I politely request that you ignore all further requests to
subtitle the Chat Report? ;-)

>SPOILERS: Information that spoils current or upcoming issues is found
>toward the end of this report. There's no spoiler space to separate such
>info from the more general comments.

>SPECIAL THANKS: To Scott Bierworth for his assistance in logging tonight's

Everyone raise a glass of Kono juice to Scott!

>Ron's newborn daughter is named Shayna Gillian.

Doesn't that mean "Woman who eats celery" in Khundish?

>Tom didn't know if he had colored more Legion books than Carl Gafford did.

Tom is pushing 175 Legion books colored.

There have now been more issues of postboot Legion than there were ADV
issues after Legion took over as a regular feature? (81 ADV vs. 42 LSH +
41 L*)

There have also been more issues of postboot Legion than S/LSH issues.

>Jeff was working on pg. 15 of L* #62.

It must not have been an Ayla page, or he would have never broken away from
the drawing board to attend the chat.

>Jeff doesn't know if we'll ever see the Legion Constitution.

Is it a public document or "Legionnaires eyes only"?

>Jeff doesn't believe that Ultra Man from L* Annual #3 is related to Ultra Boy.

Then who's going to take Jo to the Father-Son Picnic?

>Tom thought that Triad-Neutral would be the most likely Luornu to have a
>crush on Rokk.

Isn't Neutral too practical to have a crush?

>Tom guaranteed that no New Gods would join the Legion soon.

Darkseid just couldn't figure out how to work the vertical stripe into his

>If Flederweb exists postboot, then he's on Khundia.

And he's hating every minute of it.

>Tom said that maybe robot fights (like Bouncing Boy was watching when he
>first drank the formula) take place postboot. Robots are used for training.

Robo Gladiators: 30th century demolition derbies. SUNDAY! SUNDAY!

>Jeff thinks Winathians are more likely to be identical twins than
>fraternal; Tom thinks there are more fraternal sets.

And since Jeff got to draw the only extended story on Winath, it turns out
that he's right.

>Umbra is the only Talokian with shadow powers.

But she's not the only Talokian with a cape. Capes are in on Talok. So
are large S's on the front of clothing.

>There are tentative plans for Dirk Morgna and Dyrk Magz.

Scrabble tournament?

>It's just a
>coincidence that these two similar-named characters have lost their powers.

Pull the other one, guys. We know a top-level conspiracy when we see one.
Someone alert Dirk Benedict before he loses his TV series! Oh, too late
for that, I guess.

>Monstress tends to be more serious when she has matters at home.

She's also bigger when she's at home.

>opined that Monstress' personality takes some time to adjust to; only the
>Athramites can't get used to her.

Make that the Athramites and well over 50% of Internet Legion fans.

>Jason and Ron will continue to draw
>Monstress as huge as she was on the last page of LSH #102's Xanthu story.

Egad! Now she's redundant with Violet's powers!

>Inferno's status is unknown now; she might be joining another superteam.

The Inferior Five almost took her, but it would have cost too much to
change their letterhead and business cards.

>Jeff didn't know whether she would join Young Justice or Teen Titans, IF
>she were to join anyone.

If she joins Justice League Europe, the Mist might take care of the

>Tom emphasized that Tinya and Winema have to find Luonel, before they get
>to unleash their anger at him. He'll definitely be in for a rude awakening.

You know they've gone over the top with the soap opera angle when "Dad" is
the super-villain of the month. LSV, make way for the Legion of

>Tom doubts that the third of Tinya's bodies will become the Time Trapper.

If Tinya's third body joins Justice League Europe, the Mist might take care
of the problem.

>It'll be a while before we see Tinya-3.

And she'll probably be evil. LOSER just added another to its roster.

>Brainy won't have time to perform research on Green Lantern's ring in the
>upcoming GREEN LANTERN guest appearance.

But will he tinker with his force field belt to mimic the ring's abilities?

>Two Legionnaires are leaving; Jeff said that from a writer's point of view,
>the loss makes it easier to focus on other characters.

From a reader's point of view, *somebody's* favorite is departing.

>Jeff enjoyed the scripting for LSH #105. Tom said it'd be a "coloring

Carl Gifford would never have complained.

>The Dark Circle story will feature reintroductions of preboot characters.

"Mordru, I'd like you to meet Glorith again."

>Although it looked like Kid Quantum II joined the Legion at the end of LSH
>#102, Tom wouldn't say whether she was actually in.

You're killing us here, Tom.

>Because the draft
>ended in LSH #80, Legionnaires now have to vote on prospective teammates.

"Oh no! I've been blackballed by one of the members of Lambda Sigma

>They might not like her attitude, despite her skillful use of an unusual

"Kid Quantum? I'm Umbra. We've decided to reject you based on your bad
attitude. . . . Um, you know those boots would look really good with a cape
and a large 'S' on your chest."

>Dawnstar, Tyroc, and Wildfire will appear soon, presumably in the timeslip

Tyroc will undoubtedly exchange boot tips with Kid Quantum. Dawny and
Sneckie can have a gabfest on moulting versus skin-shedding.

>Another possible candidate for a guest appearance there is the
>Pocket Universe Superboy.

Yeah, right. Pull the other one. Carlin ate him.

>Look for Tyroc's brief background appearance.
>Tom said that Dawnstar and Tyroc won't have a chance at speaking roles.

You know, if there's any character that shouldn't be silent, it's Tyroc.
Uttering sounds is his gig.

>L* #59 features a beach scene.

Quick! Everyone place bets on which female Legionnaire will have the
skimpiest swimwear!

(Too late. The correct answer is Ayla. Duh, Jeff drew it.)

>Tom hinted that Triad would be at the beach.

Jeff must be in heaven.

>Brainy's not there, since he'll still be in the anomaly by then.

Yeah, but he went into the anomaly to try to talk Laurel into skimpy
swimwear. He's not fooling anyone.

>Tinya and Jo return to action after L* #59.

"Hello? Stuart Immonen? This is Mike McAvennie. Listen, what would you
think about kicking Supes out of Action and having the book star Ultra Boy
and Apparition?"

T. Troy McNemar, Esq.
"Eht kcub spots ereh."
--Zatanna S Truman
Favorite comic of the week: X-FORCE #75
Runner-up: STEEL #49

Todd VerBeek, gwm

Feb 9, 1998, 3:00:00 AM2/9/98

>Previously, Alex Tam <> wrote:
>>Because the draft
>>ended in LSH #80, Legionnaires now have to vote on prospective teammates.

My pal T. Troy McNemar, Esq. said:
>"Oh no! I've been blackballed by one of the members of Lambda Sigma

Greek letters which stand for "Legion of Super-Gyros".

But what about the Subs? {smile}

Cheers, Todd
The Bobolino's project was our last, best hope for pizza...

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