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LSH: AOL Chat for 6/29/99: McCraw, Moy, Abnett, Lanning & McAvennie

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Alex Tam

Jun 30, 1999, 3:00:00 AM6/30/99
Tom McCraw (LSH/L* co-plotter/colorist), Jeff Moy (L* penciller), Dan
Abnett (upcoming LSH/L* co-writer), Andy Lanning (upcoming LSH/L*
co-writer/inker), and Mike McAvennie (LSH/L* editor) were the guests on
America Online's Legion of Super-Heroes Chat for Tuesday, June 29, 1999.
Legion of Super-Heroes Chat takes place every Tuesday in the DC Comics
Online area of AOL at 6:00 PM EST. Legionnaires Chat is held every
Thursday in the same area at 10:00 PM EST. (Keyword: CHAT DC.) Regular
guests include Tom McCraw, Jeff Moy, Ron Boyd and Mike McAvennie.

DISCLAIMER: I can't guarantee the reliability of this report. Essentially,
the Legion chats involve about fifteen fans shouting repeated questions to
the creators. The creators are sometimes unable to answer questions
thoroughly or clarify their responses. As a result, misinterpretations may
occur on my part.

SPOILERS: Information that spoils current or upcoming issues is found
toward the end of this report. There's no spoiler space to separate such
info from the more general comments.

SUBSCRIPTIONS: To subscribe to these chat reports, send an e-mail to
"" with the message "subscribe lsh-chats". To
unsubscribe, send the message "unsubscribe lsh-chats" to the same address.

PLUGS: To browse this fan's STARMAN website, visit

For all your LSH online needs, check out the Legion of Super-Resources at

A BIG THANKS: To James Schee for logging this chat.


Starting around February, the Legion books will suspend publication after
the "Legion of the Damned" story wraps up in LSH #122-123 and L* #79-80.
They'll be replaced by LEGION: LOST, a 12-issue maxi-series which shakes up
the team. Its concept is "to explore what the Legion is all about,"
according to Mike. He also said, "we decided to go with a maxiseries to
get maximum attention for the Legion. Continuing in only one of the two
monthlies might not have done that." Plans call for the LSH title will
start up again in 2001, but it hasn't been decided whether the numbering
will continue from the current series, or restart from #1. Mike didn't
know yet how long the delay would be between LEGION: LOST and the new
ongoing, but he did assure us that the Legion will live on.

"Legion of the Damned" and the maxi-series will be written by Dan Abnett
and Andy Lanning, pencilled by Olivier Coipel, and inked (at least for
"Damned" as far as I know) by Andy. Dan and Andy will try to attend the
chats as often as possible, though they live in England, so the Tuesday
chats will be pretty late for them, from 11pm-12am.

Mike emphasized that the new direction is *not* a reboot; the Legion's
continuity won't be restarted like it was after ZERO HOUR in 1994. The new
creators will build on what's happened since then.

The year 2000 will also see TITANS/LSH and another Legion project. Mike
didn't say much about this secret project other than "it's a virtual go."

Jeff considered the Emerald Violet storyline to be the highlight of his
Legion tenure. For Tom, it was a little before that, with the Fatal Five arc.

Tom had long wanted to create a story with the Legion of Super-Villains,
and would've definitely included Mekt Ranzz and Micro.

Jeff asked Mike if Adam Hughes would be "working on the 'issue.' "

Cosmic Boy, Live Wire, and Saturn Girl will all have roles in the shakeup,
but Mike said that these roles "may change by LEGION: LOST."

Andy said that the Legion roster would stay the same "overall"- it's the
sharper focus on certain members which marks the new direction. The
writers will concentrate on ten to twelve characters at first, "but that'll
change as the series continues," noted Dan.

-- Alex Tam; Nachro2 on AOL

T. Troy McNemar

Jun 30, 1999, 3:00:00 AM6/30/99
Previously on rec.arts.comics.dc.lsh, Alex Tam <>

>Starting around February, the Legion books will suspend publication after
>the "Legion of the Damned" story wraps up in LSH #122-123 and L* #79-80.
>They'll be replaced by LEGION: LOST, a 12-issue maxi-series which shakes up
>the team.

I propose L:VOY as the often derogatory nickname for the mini.

>Its concept is "to explore what the Legion is all about,"
>according to Mike.

I, for one, am apprehensive about the answer if McAvennie is involved in
formulating it. I'm not even sure I want him formulating the question.

>He also said, "we decided to go with a maxiseries to
>get maximum attention for the Legion.

Maximum gimmickry. Let's hope that maximum attention doesn't equate to
maximum mockery.

>Continuing in only one of the two monthlies might not have done that."

I assume this means that DC wouldn't give him a house ad for the regular
monthly books.

>Plans call for the LSH title will
>start up again in 2001, but it hasn't been decided whether the numbering
>will continue from the current series, or restart from #1.

If anyone thinks they'll retain the current series numbering, you should
place a bet. A small bet would equal a big payout.

>Mike didn't
>know yet how long the delay would be between LEGION: LOST and the new
>ongoing, but he did assure us that the Legion will live on.


>Jeff considered the Emerald Violet storyline to be the highlight of his
>Legion tenure.

His artistic highlight? Or the series highlight while he was on one of the
books? If it's the latter, someone needs to talk to Jeff. The Dark
Phoenix rip-off was the first of the lower quality postboot stories.

>For Tom, it was a little before that, with the Fatal Five arc.

That was good, but they should be reprimanded for the end.

>Cosmic Boy, Live Wire, and Saturn Girl will all have roles in the shakeup,
>but Mike said that these roles "may change by LEGION: LOST."

Danger, Will Robinson! Danger!

>Andy said that the Legion roster would stay the same "overall"- it's the
>sharper focus on certain members which marks the new direction. The
>writers will concentrate on ten to twelve characters at first, "but that'll
>change as the series continues," noted Dan.

In other words, certain characters are going to fade into the background
and never get any real attention. Similar to the current approach, really.

T. Troy McNemar
"Ho, evaheb!"
-Zatanna Powers
Favorite Comic of the Week: AUTHORITY #4
The Legion of Super-Gamblers return to Las Vegas on July 22-25 for details!

Dale Hicks

Jun 30, 1999, 3:00:00 AM6/30/99
A bitter T. Troy McNemar <> wrote in article <>...

> Previously on rec.arts.comics.dc.lsh, Alex Tam <>
> wrote:
> >Jeff considered the Emerald Violet storyline to be the highlight of his
> >Legion tenure. For Tom, it was a little before that, with the Fatal Five arc.

> That was good, but they should be reprimanded for the end.

What? The end was one of the best moments in Legion history.
What exactly are you talking about?

Cranial Crusader

T. Troy McNemar

Jul 1, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/1/99
Previously on rec.arts.comics.dc.lsh, "Dale Hicks"

The final battle with the Fatal Five was anti-climatic, raised concerns
about whether the post boot Fatal Five could sufficiently challenge the
Legion, and raised concerns about whether the classic Fatal Five line-up
will ever exist in the post boot.

Chris Mosby

Jul 1, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/1/99


> Starting around February, the Legion books will suspend publication after
> the "Legion of the Damned" story wraps up in LSH #122-123 and L* #79-80.
> They'll be replaced by LEGION: LOST, a 12-issue maxi-series which shakes up

> the team. Its concept is "to explore what the Legion is all about,"
> according to Mike. He also said, "we decided to go with a maxiseries to
> get maximum attention for the Legion. Continuing in only one of the two
> monthlies might not have done that." Plans call for the LSH title will

> start up again in 2001, but it hasn't been decided whether the numbering

> will continue from the current series, or restart from #1. Mike didn't

> know yet how long the delay would be between LEGION: LOST and the new
> ongoing, but he did assure us that the Legion will live on.

I am sure all of you that are as long time fans like I am share your frustration
with this turn of events. I didn't voice my opinion when they fired all of the
old staff, as I felt that things were getting kind of stale (NOT with Jeff Moy's
art mind you). But this whole thing that they are talking about now is
ridiculous!! I won't be able to to it until this weekend, but I want to set up
some kind of online petition for people to voice their views on this and somewhay
make the guys at DC see what a mistake they are making. When I get this
completed, I will post the URL so anyone that wants to can sign it.

Long Live the Legion!!

Chris Mosby

Jul 1, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/1/99
PS. Pardon my horrible spelling :)

Johanna Draper Carlson

Jul 1, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/1/99
Chris Mosby <> wrote:

>I want to set up some kind of online petition

Call me cynical, but I think they'd love this. The interviews have already
mentioned "online interest" as a good sign -- they're happy people are just
talking about the Legion.


Dale Hicks

Jul 1, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/1/99
T. Troy McNemar <> wrote in article <>...
> [responding to "why didn't you like the f5 arc?"]

> The final battle with the Fatal Five was anti-climatic, raised concerns
> about whether the post boot Fatal Five could sufficiently challenge the
> Legion, and raised concerns about whether the classic Fatal Five line-up
> will ever exist in the post boot.

Oh, OK. The last battle didn't bother me since I was busy worrying about
the real threat. I don't really mind the F5 not conforming to preboot,
so that would explain why it doesn't concern me that they aren't _the_
villains of the galaxy.

Cranial Crusader


Jul 2, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/2/99
Chris Mosby wrote:
> =========================:

> > Plans call for the LSH title will
> > start up again in 2001, but it hasn't been decided whether the numbering
> > will continue from the current series, or restart from #1. Mike didn't
> > know yet how long the delay would be between LEGION: LOST and the new
> > ongoing, but he did assure us that the Legion will live on.
> >
> I am sure all of you that are as long time fans like I am share your frustration
> with this turn of events. I didn't voice my opinion when they fired all of the
> old staff, as I felt that things were getting kind of stale (NOT with Jeff Moy's
> art mind you). But this whole thing that they are talking about now is
> ridiculous!! I won't be able to to it until this weekend, but I want to set up
> some kind of online petition for people to voice their views on this and somewhay
> make the guys at DC see what a mistake they are making. When I get this
> completed, I will post the URL so anyone that wants to can sign it.
> Long Live the Legion!!
> Chris

I have been feeling that they have needed to focus on one title for a
while now. I can understand why McAvennie & his bosses feel that the
cancellation, mini-series, and re-launch will possibly yield positive
feedback. I think a simple cancellation of one of the titles will only
result in negative attention to the titles. Kinda makes sense to me.
pheersum is eric schultheis. visit

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