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LSH: AOL Chat for 7/09/98: McCraw & Moy

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Alex Tam

Jul 10, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/10/98
Tom McCraw (LSH/L* co-plotter/colorist) and Jeff Moy (L* penciller) were
the guests on America Online's Legionnaires Chat for Thursday, July 9,
1998. Legion of Super-Heroes Chat takes place every Tuesday in the DC
Comics Online area of AOL at 6:00 PM EST. Legionnaires Chat is held every
Thursday in the same area at 10:00 PM EST. (Keyword: CHAT DC.) Regular
guests include Tom McCraw, Jeff Moy, Jason Armstrong, Ron Boyd and Mike

Thanks to T. Troy McNemar who originated the Legion Chat Reports; so much
of the format of these writeups was derived from his hard work.

DISCLAIMER: I can't guarantee the reliability of this report. Essentially,
the Legion chats involve about twenty-five fans shouting repeated questions
to the creators. The creators are sometimes unable to answer questions
thoroughly or clarify their responses. As a result, misinterpretations may
occur on my part.

SPOILERS: Information that spoils current or upcoming issues is found
toward the end of this report. There's no spoiler space to separate such
info from the more general comments.

SUBSCRIPTIONS: To subscribe to these chat reports, send an e-mail to
"" with the message "subscribe lsh-chats". To
unsubscribe, send the message "unsubscribe lsh-chats" to the same address.

PLUGS: To subscribe to Lev Kalman's humorous LSH pics, send an e-mail to
"" with the message "subscribe lev-pics". You'll get a
new cartoon e-mailed to you about once every two weeks.

To browse this fan's STARMAN website, visit

Finally, for all your LSH online needs, check out the Legion of
Super-Resources at


Jeff is only working on L* currently, but future projects might include an
unconfirmed GEN13 story and something creator-owned. He doesn't know when
his own comic would come out.

Phil Moy's pencilling starts on pg. 13 of L* #64.

The CRISIS ON INFINITE EARTHS reprint should be released around mid to late
November this year, to include lots of Tom's recoloring and corrections
(such as turning incorrect blue skies into the pink/red of the story).
There will be a recolored poster of the famous CRISIS #7 cover, featuring
Superman holding the dead body of Supergirl. Tom colors by computer, as
well as traditional color guides by hand.

Jeff didn't know if there were any plans for Timber Wolf.

Tom noted that the most watched sport in the 30th Century isn't World Cup
soccer, but magnoball.

It's no coincidence that Espionage Squad members were prominently featured
on most of the Dark Circle arc covers. Their role was important, so they
got to be showcased.

The discs on Brainy's head are connectors for computer equipment, and force
field projectors.

Laurel's new powers are electromagnetic.

Lyle and reporter Condo Arlik are talking to each other in L* #65. Jeff
thinks Condo is slightly older than the Legionnaires, at about 21-23.

Thom will meet the 20th Century Starman, Jack Knight, in the Curtian star
system. Tom coined the name in honor of legendary Legion artist Curt Swan;
that's it for creator tributes for now.

Tom said "we'll learn a LOT more about Lori in L* #69," a shocking origin
story. Jeff will need a lot of references to draw that issue. Tom doesn't
know if Lori and Glorith were really the same character, and thought that
making Lori the Time Trapper would be too easy.

-- Alex Tam; Nachro2 on AOL

Danny Miller

Jul 10, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/10/98
In article <>, Alex Tam
<> wrote:

> Tom McCraw (LSH/L* co-plotter/colorist) and Jeff Moy (L* penciller) were
> the guests on America Online's Legionnaires Chat for Thursday, July 9,
> 1998.


> SPOILERS: Information that spoils current or upcoming issues is found
> toward the end of this report. There's no spoiler space to separate such
> info from the more general comments.

> :=========================:
> Jeff is only working on L* currently, but future projects might include
> an unconfirmed GEN13 story and something creator-owned. He doesn't know
> when his own comic would come out.

<drool> Seeing as I really, *really* like Jeff's work on _Legionnaires_,
having him join the likes of Gary Frank and Kevin Maguire on _Gen^13_ would
kick ass, too. And no, I'm not a fanboy; I just play one on the newsgroup.

> Tom noted that the most watched sport in the 30th Century isn't World Cup
> soccer, but magnoball.

I would expect _World_ Cup (emphasis on the singular) not to be as popular,
seeing as there are so *many* worlds in the UP....

> The discs on Brainy's head are connectors for computer equipment, and
> force field projectors.

So this version _is_ compatible with all systems.... The thirtieth century
_is_ better than ours. :)

> Thom will meet the 20th Century Starman, Jack Knight, in the Curtian star
> system. Tom coined the name in honor of legendary Legion artist Curt
> Swan; that's it for creator tributes for now.

Unless the LSV comes from Liefeldion, anyway. <ducks>

> Tom said "we'll learn a LOT more about Lori in L* #69," a shocking origin
> story. Jeff will need a lot of references to draw that issue. Tom
> doesn't know if Lori and Glorith were really the same character, and
> thought that making Lori the Time Trapper would be too easy.

It's good to know that a creator agrees.

Beans are neither fruit nor musical. -- Bart Simpson
Danny Miller -- ...perhaps, but beans're damn good...

Jul 10, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/10/98

> Tom noted that the most watched sport in the 30th Century isn't World Cup
> soccer, but magnoball.

But Scotland still haven't got past the first round.

> Laurel's new powers are electromagnetic.

Does anyone else think this makes her a bit too powerful?

> Tom said "we'll learn a LOT more about Lori in L* #69," a shocking origin
> story. Jeff will need a lot of references to draw that issue. Tom doesn't
> know if Lori and Glorith were really the same character, and thought that
> making Lori the Time Trapper would be too easy.

Some resolution please!


-----== Posted via Deja News, The Leader in Internet Discussion ==----- Create Your Own Free Member Forum

Jonathan L. Miller

Jul 10, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/10/98
In article <>,
(T. Troy McNemar, Esq.) wrote:

> Previously, Alex Tam <> wrote:
> >Jeff didn't know if there were any plans for Timber Wolf.

> Timber Wolf has plans. Timber Wolf is going to come over to Jeff's place
> and eat all the lunch meat while Jeff is at Wizard World.
"*sigh* What a flight...I'm glad to front door is open. My
god, I'm being ro--"

"Oh, hi. You must be Jeff. I'm Brin, pleased ta meetcha."


"Uhh, yeah. Look, I got a call from this McAvennie guy. He says ya need me
to model for you. Right?"

"Uh, yes, sure."

"Sorry I got here a bit schedule was kind of open, so..."

"No problem!"

"Great. Um..."


"Got any more liverwurst?"

The mind boggles.

jonathan, hoping Brin would bring "Pebble-head" with him.

Randy Lander

Jul 11, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/11/98
On 10 Jul 1998 06:10:01 -0700, Alex Tam <>

>It's no coincidence that Espionage Squad members were prominently featured
>on most of the Dark Circle arc covers. Their role was important, so they
>got to be showcased.

Uh...can anyone explain what they did that was so important? I
remember a couple moments, but overall, I can't think of anything they
did that was so impressive.

>Laurel's new powers are electromagnetic.

Ugh. Anyone want to ask *why* Laurel needed new powers?

>Tom said "we'll learn a LOT more about Lori in L* #69," a shocking origin
>story. Jeff will need a lot of references to draw that issue. Tom doesn't
>know if Lori and Glorith were really the same character, and thought that
>making Lori the Time Trapper would be too easy.

Y'know what would have been really difficult? Writing a 32-page comic
centering on the death of an annoying little 20th century girl. Now,
that would be a writing challenge worthy of Tom's talents. C'mon, Tom,
give it a shot. I'll buy two copies.

The above are the opinions of Randy Lander. Had they been
the biblical truth, your bushes would be on fire.
--------------------------------------------------------- <*>

T. Troy McNemar, Esq.

Jul 11, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/11/98
Previously, Alex Tam <> wrote:

>Thanks to T. Troy McNemar who originated the Legion Chat Reports; so much
>of the format of these writeups was derived from his hard work.

Who? Didn't he die?

>Jeff is only working on L* currently, but future projects might include an
>unconfirmed GEN13 story and something creator-owned. He doesn't know when
>his own comic would come out.

Hey, Jeff! Check out Roxy! Isn't she cool? Wouldn't it be cool if your
favorite female Legionnaire had those powers?

>Phil Moy's pencilling starts on pg. 13 of L* #64.

Phil left a stray mark on page 9, but don't tell Jeff.

>Jeff didn't know if there were any plans for Timber Wolf.

Timber Wolf has plans. Timber Wolf is going to come over to Jeff's place
and eat all the lunch meat while Jeff is at Wizard World.

>Tom noted that the most watched sport in the 30th Century isn't World Cup
>soccer, but magnoball.

Bah! Those robogladiators could kick magnoball playing butt!

>It's no coincidence that Espionage Squad members were prominently featured
>on most of the Dark Circle arc covers. Their role was important, so they
>got to be showcased.

Okay, quick! Somebody sneak into McAvennie's office and paste a picture of
Element Lad on the next cover! Forge a note from one of the writers asking
for a rewrite!

>The discs on Brainy's head are connectors for computer equipment, and force
>field projectors.

And not to mention the coolest fashion trend since vertical stripes!

>Laurel's new powers are electromagnetic.

Garth and Cos want to kill her. Ayla is showing Jeff pictures of Freefall.

>Lyle and reporter Condo Arlik are talking to each other in L* #65. Jeff
>thinks Condo is slightly older than the Legionnaires, at about 21-23.

And this time, instead of having the ability to affect chemical reactions,
Condo is going to have electromagnetic powers.

>Thom will meet the 20th Century Starman, Jack Knight, in the Curtian star
>system. Tom coined the name in honor of legendary Legion artist Curt Swan;
>that's it for creator tributes for now.

Have Thom bring back a Cosmic Rod for Brainy.

>Tom said "we'll learn a LOT more about Lori in L* #69," a shocking origin

Lori is getting electromagnetic powers, too?

>Jeff will need a lot of references to draw that issue. Tom doesn't
>know if Lori and Glorith were really the same character, and thought that
>making Lori the Time Trapper would be too easy.

It wouldn't be that easy. It would be completely lame, however.

T. Troy McNemar, Esq.
"S'ti ton lausunu ot eb devol yb enoyna . . . ."
--Zatanna Jones
Favorite comic of the week: BATMAN: GOTHAM ADVENTURES #4
Runner-up: PREACHER #41

Todd VerBeek

Jul 11, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/11/98
> Alex Tam <> wrote:
>> Tom noted that the most watched sport in the 30th Century isn't World Cup
>> soccer, but magnoball.

My pal said:
>But Scotland still haven't got past the first round.

Och! Dinna say sooch thengs!

>> Tom said "we'll learn a LOT more about Lori in L* #69," a shocking origin

>> story. Jeff will need a lot of references to draw that issue. Tom doesn't

>> know if Lori and Glorith were really the same character, and thought that
>> making Lori the Time Trapper would be too easy.

>Some resolution please!

Is 800x600 enough, or do you need 1024x768?

Cheers, Todd (who writes software for 800x600)
cDATA 2000, a comic-book database program for the next millennium.
Download it from <>

Jul 13, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/13/98
In article <>, (Todd VerBeek) wrote:
> > Alex Tam <> wrote:
> >> Tom said "we'll learn a LOT more about Lori in L* #69," a shocking origin
> >> story. Jeff will need a lot of references to draw that issue. Tom doesn't
> >> know if Lori and Glorith were really the same character, and thought that
> >> making Lori the Time Trapper would be too easy.
> >Some resolution please!
> Is 800x600 enough, or do you need 1024x768?

In Lori's case I'd settle for 2x4 (to the head):-)

Dave - who isn't in a good mood this morning!

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