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LSH: AOL Chat for 4/24/97 with Moy & McCraw

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T. Troy McNemar, Esq.

Apr 25, 1997, 3:00:00 AM4/25/97

Jeff Moy (L* penciller) and Tom McCraw (LSH/L* co-
plotter/colorist) were the guests on America Online's
Legionnaires Chat for Thursday, April 24, 1997.

Legion of Super-Heroes Chat is held every Tuesday in the DC
Comics Online area of AOL at 6:00 p.m. EST. Legionnaires Chat is
held every Thursday in the same area at 10:00 p.m. EST.
(Keyword: DC CHAT.) Regular guests include Tom Peyer, Tom
McCraw, Roger Stern, Mark Waid, Jeff Moy, Ron Boyd, KC Carlson
and Mike McAvennie.

DISCLAIMER - Information presented herein is not guaranteed to be
reliable. Stripped to their essentials, the Legion chats involve
approximately 25 fans shouting repeated questions at the
creators. The creators don't have time to thoroughly answer
questions and sometimes are unable to respond to clarification

SPOILERS - Information that tends to spoil current or upcoming
issues is located toward the end of this report. Due to a high
level of spoiler space in this report, spoiler space separates
such spoiler information.

SUBSCRIPTIONS - If you'd like to subscribe to these chat reports,
send an e-mail to "" with the message
"subscribe lsh-chats". To unsubscribe, send the message
"unsubscribe lsh-chats" to the same address.

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Jeff indicated that it was rare that he discarded a page that he
pencilled because he was himself dissatisfied with it. He
indicated that he relies on Cory.

Blok will not be appearing soon.

There are no plans yet for Dev-Em.

Jeff thought that we may eventually see Kono.

Inferno is not an official Legionnaire.

When asked about story settings that he'd like to draw, Jeff
replied that he'd like to do a story set in space. He thought
the Legion needed a good spacial anomaly.















Jeff didn't know where Konk was during L* #49.

The male Hero of Lallor that appeared in L* #49 was the post-ZH
version of Beast Boy.

Jeff thought the serpent and raccoon races shown on Orando in L*
#49 were symbiotic.

Jeff designed the costumes for Particon, Radion and Blast Off.
Particon has the power to create energy bolts and swords. Blast
Off has propulsion powers similar to Cannonball of the X-Men.

Jeff thought that Monstress' powers were limited to strength and

The Subs will be seen in an upcoming crowd scene.

Stuart Immonen designed a new costume for Inferno that will debut
in LSH #94. The new costume will appear before the INFERNO mini-
series that Immonen is writing and pencilling.

Tom joked that the Orandan snakes only eat the raccoons when
they're hungry. He promised that L* #53 will explain more about
what kind of meat Sensor eats.

Jeff indicated that there aren't villains in L* #52 or L* #53,
and that those issues are reflection issues.

Triad will appear by herselves on an upcoming cover.

Magno will be receiving some development in L* #53, which is a
spotlight on the character.

Jeff described the Golden Age Legion of Super-Heroes as Golden
Age characters who are Legionnaires. (But not Law's
Legionnaires.) The GA LSH appears in L* #54. Jeff did the
designs for the characters. There will be 8 or 9 of them in the
story. L* #54 was an inventory story that they decided to
proceed with.

LSH #98 through #100 will be a 3 part story arc.

The 20th century Legionnaires will be back in the 30th century by
LSH #101. After the return, the cross continuity will exist, but
the stories will be separate in the books. Tom indicated that
there will be times when the books will connect.

T. Troy McNemar, Esq.
"Ll'i eb kcab."
--Zatanna Schwarzenegger
Favorite comic of the week: QUANTUM & WOODY #3
Introduce yourself to the Legion of Super-Heroes at

Craig Hyde

Apr 25, 1997, 3:00:00 AM4/25/97

T. Troy McNemar, Esq. wrote:



> Jeff described the Golden Age Legion of Super-Heroes as Golden
> Age characters who are Legionnaires. (But not Law's
> Legionnaires.) The GA LSH appears in L* #54. Jeff did the
> designs for the characters. There will be 8 or 9 of them in the
> story. L* #54 was an inventory story that they decided to
> proceed with.

This makes even less sense now than it did before.
PErhaps they mean Silver Age? Or are we suddenly
going to see Hourman, the Spectre, and Dr. Midnight
joining the LEgion?

> LSH #98 through #100 will be a 3 part story arc.
> The 20th century Legionnaires will be back in the 30th century by
> LSH #101. After the return, the cross continuity will exist, but
> the stories will be separate in the books. Tom indicated that
> there will be times when the books will connect.

BINGO!! Just as most people suspected, they return in #100.
That means they'll have been in the 20C a total of 15 issues...
twice as long as I can normally stand an annoying story arc,
but still it will mercifully come to an end.


---craig hyde

"An object at rest cannot be stopped!" -the Evil Midnight Bomber
what Bombs at Midnight.

T. Troy McNemar, Esq.

Apr 26, 1997, 3:00:00 AM4/26/97

SUDDENLY, Craig Hyde <>, wrote:
> T. Troy McNemar, Esq. wrote:
> >
> spaaaaaaaaaaace
> >
> > Jeff described the Golden Age Legion of Super-Heroes as Golden
> > Age characters who are Legionnaires. (But not Law's
> > Legionnaires.) The GA LSH appears in L* #54. Jeff did the
> > designs for the characters. There will be 8 or 9 of them in the
> > story. L* #54 was an inventory story that they decided to
> > proceed with.
> This makes even less sense now than it did before.
> PErhaps they mean Silver Age?

No, they mean Golden Age.

> > The 20th century Legionnaires will be back in the 30th century by
> > LSH #101.

> BINGO!! Just as most people suspected, they return in #100.

I think it's at least possible that they'll return in LSH #98 or #99 and
celebrate #100 in the 30th century.

I didn't say it was likely, though. :)

Dwight Williams

Apr 26, 1997, 3:00:00 AM4/26/97

Craig Hyde ( writes:
> T. Troy McNemar, Esq. wrote:
> spaaaaaaaaaaace
>> Jeff described the Golden Age Legion of Super-Heroes as Golden
>> Age characters who are Legionnaires. (But not Law's
>> Legionnaires.) The GA LSH appears in L* #54. Jeff did the
>> designs for the characters. There will be 8 or 9 of them in the
>> story. L* #54 was an inventory story that they decided to
>> proceed with.
> This makes even less sense now than it did before.

> PErhaps they mean Silver Age? Or are we suddenly
> going to see Hourman, the Spectre, and Dr. Midnight
> joining the LEgion?

Have no clue here...

>> LSH #98 through #100 will be a 3 part story arc.

>> The 20th century Legionnaires will be back in the 30th century by

>> LSH #101. After the return, the cross continuity will exist, but
>> the stories will be separate in the books. Tom indicated that
>> there will be times when the books will connect.

> BINGO!! Just as most people suspected, they return in #100.

> That means they'll have been in the 20C a total of 15 issues...
> twice as long as I can normally stand an annoying story arc,
> but still it will mercifully come to an end.

Well, the "Team 20" _was_ getting on my nerves as well...but my main
concern is re: the continuity angle post-LSH # 101. If this means we'll no
longer be able to read the two key Legion titles as an effectively bi-weekly
series(LSH to LGS to LSH and so on, in other words), I may have a problem
with such a policy change by the writers. I like the flow that we'd gotten
prior to the start of "Team 20" from that methodology. I'd hate to lose it.
Dwight Williams( -- Orleans, Ontario, Canada


Apr 26, 1997, 3:00:00 AM4/26/97

Perhaps the GA Legionnaires has something to do with the Lost In Time
series (the Curt Swan tribute issue). Although the first story appeared in
Legionnaires there is no reason that a story could not involve the members
in LSH................

Bill Steinen

Apr 26, 1997, 3:00:00 AM4/26/97

Craig Hyde <> wrote:

>T. Troy McNemar, Esq. wrote:


> spaaaaaaaaaaace

>> Jeff described the Golden Age Legion of Super-Heroes as Golden
>> Age characters who are Legionnaires. (But not Law's
>> Legionnaires.) The GA LSH appears in L* #54. Jeff did the
>> designs for the characters. There will be 8 or 9 of them in the
>> story. L* #54 was an inventory story that they decided to
>> proceed with.

>This makes even less sense now than it did before.
>PErhaps they mean Silver Age? Or are we suddenly
>going to see Hourman, the Spectre, and Dr. Midnight
>joining the LEgion?

Well, that would be one way to deal with Mordru...


"You may be immortal, but I can still do damage.
How would you like to spend eternity in five pieces?"
--Xena, Warrior Princess

Basil D Tsiokos

Apr 27, 1997, 3:00:00 AM4/27/97

T. Troy McNemar, Esq. ( wrote:
> >
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> >
> > spaaaaaaaaaaace

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> >
> I think it's at least possible that they'll return in LSH #98 or #99 and
> celebrate #100 in the 30th century.
> I didn't say it was likely, though. :)

well, given that 98-100 is going to be a three parter and probably dealing
with Computo - i'd like to see the entire team against it. but i figure
Team 20 will get trounced by it for 98-99, returning to the 30 C at the
end of 99, and the whole team takes Computo on in the big blow out 100.
that would make sense to me. maybe Lori can be sacrificed and possessed
like Danielle Foccart was in LSH Ann 1 v2, then she can be safely put into
a coma for a couple of years. :)



Apr 28, 1997, 3:00:00 AM4/28/97

On 26 Apr 1997, Dwight Williams wrote:

> Craig Hyde ( writes:
> > T. Troy McNemar, Esq. wrote:

> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > spaaaaaaaaaaace
> >
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> >
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> >

> >> The 20th century Legionnaires will be back in the 30th century by
> >> LSH #101. After the return, the cross continuity will exist, but
> >> the stories will be separate in the books. Tom indicated that
> >> there will be times when the books will connect.

> Well, the "Team 20" _was_ getting on my nerves as well...but my main

> concern is re: the continuity angle post-LSH # 101. If this means we'll no
> longer be able to read the two key Legion titles as an effectively bi-weekly
> series(LSH to LGS to LSH and so on, in other words), I may have a problem
> with such a policy change by the writers. I like the flow that we'd gotten
> prior to the start of "Team 20" from that methodology. I'd hate to lose it.

I too like the flow. I can see why they stopped it (Reader don't want to
test the water if they have to pick up 2 books instead of one) But I don't
like this idea.

Until recently I was getting Superboy and SATR (no comments, please) and
while it was quite obvious where each comic appeared (little comments that
placed SATR issues between Sb issues, and the like.) I find it off

Secondly, part of my problem with the Team 20 thing was that the current
style of writting that they're doing - long term arcs - work much better
in bi-monthlies and the like, rather then two monthlies. Instead of one
slowish story, we'll be getting two Slooow stories...

I also see them stumbling along that line which is never handled well of
keeping the titles seperate while keeping a sense of togetherness... which
never works.

Just my opinion.

- Dug.

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