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LSH: AOL Chat for 10/10 with McCraw & Moy

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T. Troy McNemar, Esq.

Oct 12, 1996, 3:00:00 AM10/12/96

Tom McCraw (LSH/L* co-plotter/penciller) and Jeff Moy (L*
penciller) were the guests on America Online's Legionnaires Chat
for Thursday, October 10, 1996. Legion of Super-Heroes Chat is
held every Tuesday in the DC Comics Online area of AOL at 6:00
p.m. EST. Legionnaires Chat is held every Thursday in the same
area at 10:00 p.m. EST. (Keyword: DC CHAT.) Regular guests
include Tom Peyer, Tom McCraw, Roger Stern, Mark Waid, Jeff Moy,
Ron Boyd, KC Carlson and Mike McAvennie.

DISCLAIMER - Information presented herein is not guaranteed to be
reliable. Due to the nature of the chats, misinterpretations of
the creators' comments do occur. No wagering.

SPOILERS - Almost the entire report is spoiler information about
L* #43, with what your reporter considers minor spoilers about
upcoming stories and L* #45 at the very end--mostly tidbits about
who will and will not appear in future stories. Spoiler space is
provided between non-spoiler information and spoilers about L*
#43. No spoiler space separates the information about L* #43 and
tidbits for future stories.

SUBSCRIPTIONS - If you'd like to subscribe (or unsubscribe) to
these chat reports, please send me an e-mail at

GRAPHICS - If you want to subscribe to Lev Kalman's weekly
humorous LSH pic, send the message "subscribe lev-pics" in the
body of an e-mail to "". You'll receive a
MIME-encoded pic in your virtual mailbox every week.

TIP OF THE REPORTER'S HAT - To Tom McCraw and Jeff Moy for
understanding the difference between disliking parts of the story
and disliking the entire story.

DELAY - The chat report for 10/8 (which included Stuart Immonen
discussing the upcoming INFERNO mini-series) will be released in
the very near future. The informational content of this report
begged immediate release.


Former assistant editor Mike McAvennie still writes the letter

Tom suggested that perhaps Imra put her hair in a ponytail during
FINAL NIGHT #4 and LSH #86 because she wanted to look good.

Tom observed that Ultra Boy was shaving unless he had an Ultra
power to stunt his hair growth.

Tom pointed out that there were a couple of other super-groups in
the 30th century.

[Spoiler space for L* #43. Consult the "SPOILERS" blurb above.]

This spoiler space sponsored by the Nine Planets Ice Cream Shop.
Present this spoiler space for a free topping at participating

NOTE - When responding to comments below the spoiler space,
please do not eliminate the spoiler space.

McCraw indicated, "I'm sure we've ruffled a few people with this

Both Tom and Jeff were generally happy with L* #43. Jeff
indicated that he was relieved to have it done.

Tom describes coloring L* #43 as a "nightmare and a half."

The prominent turbaned man on the cover to L* #43 was not
illustrated by Jeff, but was an art patch placed over a
questionable character that he put in. Jeff wasn't sure who the
character was supposed to be.

Jeff has no idea what the pinky furry thing on the cover to L*
#43 is supposed to be. He described it as a "big tribble
mutant." Jeff speculated that maybe it could wash the building.

Jeff describes the girl in blue and white on the cover as just a
generic character.

Jeff describes the lizard clinging to LSH HQ on the cover as
"Gecko Guy." Jeff quipped that, "he might be hanging around."

The orange flying girl on the cover and interior is Comet Queen.

Legion editor KC Carlson is in the lower right corner of L* #43.

Jeff enjoyed drawing the clown in the 2 page spread. He also
liked the dog character being attracted to Charma. The Saturday
Night Live cheerleaders also appear in the 2 page spread.

Jeff wanted to put Pinky and the Brain in the space suit that was
walking around, but Warner Brothers rejected the idea. He
thought the mice could take over the 30th century.

L* Inker Cory Carani drew himself in one of the background shots.
Some of the other background people in L* #43 are radio

According to Tom, the Macaw is actually Cory Carani. Jeff
indicated that he liked the name "Parrothead" better. The logo
on the shirt is a Jimmy Buffett reference.

Concerning McCauley's recruiting of Legion rejects, Tom observed
that McCauley is always an opportunist.

Tom observed that budget restrictions prevented the Legion from
distributing flight belts to the rejected applicants.

Tom observed that Dirk Morgna is still around.

Lori Morning was in her "Future Girl" outfit from L* #35. She
wanted to join the team.

Tom tried to work in all of the members of the Legion of
Substitute Heroes where he could.

When a fan complained that there were too many characters in L*
#43, Tom quipped that maybe they should kill some of them off.

Tom pointed out that Cannus and the Legion Academy appeared in a
story in SHOWCASE '95 #6.

Dreamer is a supporting cast member. Jeff likes the rainbow
colors in Dreamer's outfit. Jeff promises that she will change
her outfit from time to time.

Tom responded to complaints about Dreamer's new personality with
a request that fans give her time.

Adding a wink, Tom suggested that Cannus and Splitter made the
tryout finals because they were creative in the use of their
powers during the tryouts.

Radion is the Post-Zero version of Radiation Roy. Tom requested
that the character be good-looking rather than having the pre-
Zero appearance. Tom speculated that perhaps Radion was hiding

Tom agreed that Saturn Girl and Lydda Jath might fight to see
which of them can have Cosmic Boy's love. Tom thought Lydda
might be joining another team.

Tom pointed out that readers didn't really know the new
Legionnaires yet, but next issue will help overcome that

Jeff was initially concerned that Magno looked too much like Live
Wire. Jeff indicated that we would be able to tell the
difference soon.

Magno's gauntlets include Goldfarbian disks that detach and can
be manipulated magnetically.

Magno has blond hair and grey eyes. Tom has been trying hard not
to make too many Legionnaires have blue eyes. Element Lad's eyes
are hazel, as are XS'.

Roger Stern came up with the Umbra name.

Tom does not think that Umbra's darkfield was tangible. He
wondered how someone could touch something like a shadow. She is
able to control the darkfield so that it remains surrounding a

Jeff indicated that the S's on her uniform stood for "Shadow
Lass." He thought the S's would be blue rather than yellow.
Until the issue came out, Jeff thought that the character was
going to be named Shadow Lass. He didn't know if her uniform or
name would be changing in the future. He intends to continue to
call the character "Shady."

Umbra has not met M'Onel yet.

Umbra is a descendant of the Mallors that appeared in
L.E.G.I.O.N. 'xx.

Jeff is enjoying drawing Umbra and Kinetix now that Spark is in
the 20th century.

It was Roger's idea to make Sensor a snake for Post-Zero, but Tom
did not think the idea was a bad one. Tom and Jeff stated that
Sensor was female.

Sensor can fool all the senses. Her illusions are not merely

Roger provided Jeff with a lot of reference materials so Jeff
could hone his ability to illustrate her in snake form.

Sensor was given cybernetic arms so she could function in UP

Tom indicated that Sensor could and would adopt appearances other
than the snake-form when necessary. He thought she would be a
natural member for the espionage squad, observing that she can
make people not see her or adopt other illusionary forms.

Jeff enjoyed doing Sensor's tryout page.

Tom joked that Sensor's snake-form would give the action figure
makers a challenge.

Tom indicated that a Gates/Sensor romance was a possibility, but
he doesn't see Gates as a dating type of person.

Element Lad is off-duty. We'll find out what important things
he's been doing soon.

Tom suggested that Brek Banin may eventually recap the reason why
he was rejected. Brek won't be in any upcoming issues. (ED -
That is, there are no plans for Polar Boy.)

Dragonmage will appear again soon.

Work Force will be showing up again soon.

There are some upcoming storylines concerning M'Onel.

Andromeda will be making a return appearance soon. It's
scheduled only as an appearance rather than a return for now.
She's currently flying around the galaxy doing some

The creators might have plans for a major Mordru storyline soon.

Tom stated that fans should look for a lot of characters in L*

McCraw describes the coming year as a year of villains for the

Lori is celebrating her birthday in L* #44. When asked what
purpose she serves in the Legion books, Tom quipped that she acts
as a pain to Rond Vidar.

Mantis Morlo is the villain in L* #45. He'll have another
servant other than Chemoids in that story.

T. Troy McNemar, Esq.
"Gods play games with the fates of men. But first they have to
get all the pieces on the board, and look all over the place for
the dice."
--Terry Pratchett, "Soul Music"


Oct 13, 1996, 3:00:00 AM10/13/96

T. Troy McNemar, Esq. ( wrote:
: Former assistant editor Mike McAvennie still writes the letter
: columns.

Better him than Roo. MUCH better him than Roo. Some of us haven't
forgiven him for those insulting JLA lettercols.

: [Spoiler space for L* #43. Consult the "SPOILERS" blurb above.]

: This spoiler space sponsored by the Nine Planets Ice Cream Shop.
: Present this spoiler space for a free topping at participating
: locations.

: NOTE - When responding to comments below the spoiler space,
: please do not eliminate the spoiler space.

: McCraw indicated, "I'm sure we've ruffled a few people with this
: issue."

No, really? (Can't make up my mind whether to put a smiley there...)

: Tom observed that Dirk Morgna is still around.

Meaning "...and we'll see him again" or " we've got an out?"

: When a fan complained that there were too many characters in L*

: #43, Tom quipped that maybe they should kill some of them off.

Geez, I must be more of a Rabid Traditionalist than I thought. My hackles
seriously rose here.

: Tom responded to complaints about Dreamer's new personality with

: a request that fans give her time.

This I didn't have a problem with; I've known people who put on a "ditzy"
facade when uncomfortable to disguise their deeper personalities.

: Magno's gauntlets include Goldfarbian disks that detach and can
: be manipulated magnetically.

Where's this "Goldfarbian" word from? I feel like I missed a meeting.

: Roger Stern came up with the Umbra name.


: It was Roger's idea to make Sensor a snake for Post-Zero, but Tom

: did not think the idea was a bad one. Tom and Jeff stated that
: Sensor was female.

Now, I love Roger Stern's work. I hold his STARMAN and SUPERMAN work up
against just about everything except Walt Simonson's THOR work. But I
want to shake him a bit. I _like_ the character, but I wish it weren't

I'm kinda suprised that Jeff and Tom didn't respond to the snake situation
any more than they did. Was there a lack of Rabid Traditionalists at the


William Sudderth
Proudly married Shannon W. Sudderth April 20, 1996

T. Troy McNemar, Esq.

Oct 13, 1996, 3:00:00 AM10/13/96

Previously on rec.arts.comics.dc.lsh, (WILLIAM

H. SUDDERTH) wrote:
> T. Troy McNemar, Esq. ( wrote:

> : [Spoiler space for L* #43.]

> : This spoiler space sponsored by the Nine Planets Ice Cream Shop.

> : Present this spoiler space for a free topping at participating
> : locations.

> : NOTE - When responding to comments below the spoiler space,
> : please do not eliminate the spoiler space.

> : McCraw indicated, "I'm sure we've ruffled a few people with this
> : issue."

> No, really? (Can't make up my mind whether to put a smiley there...)

He did. Both he and Jeff had a great attitude for the chat. They knew
that they'd stepped on some toes and did their best to answer questions
and explain their actions without insulting the fans that disagreed with

> : When a fan complained that there were too many characters in L*

> : #43, Tom quipped that maybe they should kill some of them off.

> Geez, I must be more of a Rabid Traditionalist than I thought. My hackles
> seriously rose here.

Blame me, then. Tom was joking.

> : Magno's gauntlets include Goldfarbian disks that detach and can
> : be manipulated magnetically.

> Where's this "Goldfarbian" word from? I feel like I missed a meeting.

Rac* resident David Goldfarb suggested that Cosmic Boy's chest disks
might detach and be manipulated magnetically. Waid bought it, and
Goldbarb's asteriod was named in David's honor in LSH #78.

> I'm kinda suprised that Jeff and Tom didn't respond to the snake situation
> any more than they did. Was there a lack of Rabid Traditionalists at the
> chat?

Well, we had a lot of beating up on them to do in just an hour. :)

T. Troy McNemar, Esq.

"The more I watch television, the more I wonder why I'm not already
Supreme Ruler of Earth."
--Dogbert, "It's Obvious You Won't Survive By Your Wits Alone"

David Crowe

Oct 13, 1996, 3:00:00 AM10/13/96

Douglas Limmer <> wrote:
: (Gary Peterson) wrote:
: >"T. Troy McNemar, Esq." <> wrote:
: >>[Spoiler space for L* #43. Consult the "SPOILERS" blurb above.]

: >>This spoiler space sponsored by the Nine Planets Ice Cream Shop.
: >>Present this spoiler space for a free topping at participating
: >>locations.

: >>NOTE - When responding to comments below the spoiler space,
: >>please do not eliminate the spoiler space.

: >>Tom indicated that Sensor could and would adopt appearances other

: >>than the snake-form when necessary. He thought she would be a

: >>natural member for the espionage squad ...

: >I disagree, she can hide her form, but not her bulk.

: If she can affect the sense of touch, and can coil up tightly, would
: her bulk get in the way?

Well, she wouldn't be able to move if she coiled like that. Plus things
like automatic doors would stay open for her a lot longer than a humanoid
form would indicate. Watch the bit with the elevator in Ghost in the
Shell to see why this is an impairment to espionage.

David "No Nickname" Crowe No generalization is true
-not even this one.

Douglas Limmer

Oct 14, 1996, 3:00:00 AM10/14/96
to (Gary Peterson) wrote:
>"T. Troy McNemar, Esq." <> wrote:
>>[Spoiler space for L* #43. Consult the "SPOILERS" blurb above.]

>>This spoiler space sponsored by the Nine Planets Ice Cream Shop.
>>Present this spoiler space for a free topping at participating

>>NOTE - When responding to comments below the spoiler space,
>>please do not eliminate the spoiler space.

>>It was Roger's idea to make Sensor a snake for Post-Zero, but Tom
>>did not think the idea was a bad one. Tom and Jeff stated that
>>Sensor was female.

>2) Is she warm or cold blooded? If she's cold-blooded, her
>effectiveness on missions will be reduced by external temperature
>factors -- unless she wears a transuit at all times.

>3) Will she become sluggishness after eating? (Again, imparing her
>fighting ability ...)

I'd guess that she's endothermic, but her blood isn't exactly "warm".
Like I said, though, that's pure speculation.

>>Sensor was given cybernetic arms so she could function in UP

>Without arms, its tough to build tools ... Tool building is a key to
>advancing intelligence.

Nitpick: Tool building is a key to advancing knowledge, not
intelligence. And if they can determine a way to write, then tool
building is a key to advancing scientific knowledge, not knowledge in
general. If they have a magic-based society, and a way to store
information over the long term, then arms may not be necessary.

Come to think of it, "magic memory globes" could solve the no-writing
implements rather nicely. And a bit of magic TK in enough people's
repertoire would do away with all of the no-arm problems, as far as
science advancement is concerned ...

>>Tom indicated that Sensor could and would adopt appearances other
>>than the snake-form when necessary. He thought she would be a

>>natural member for the espionage squad ...

>I disagree, she can hide her form, but not her bulk.

If she can affect the sense of touch, and can coil up tightly, would
her bulk get in the way?

Douglas Limmer --
To answer your question |
Ernie has the Buddha-nature | Matt Cibula,
Bert does not. | national haiku champion, 1995

Randy Lander

Oct 14, 1996, 3:00:00 AM10/14/96
to (T. Troy McNemar, Esq.) wrote:

>Previously on rec.arts.comics.dc.lsh, (WILLIAM

>H. SUDDERTH) wrote:
>> T. Troy McNemar, Esq. ( wrote:

>> : [Spoiler space for L* #43.]

>> : This spoiler space sponsored by the Nine Planets Ice Cream Shop.

>> : Present this spoiler space for a free topping at participating
>> : locations.

>> : NOTE - When responding to comments below the spoiler space,
>> : please do not eliminate the spoiler space.

>> : McCraw indicated, "I'm sure we've ruffled a few people with this
>> : issue."

>> No, really? (Can't make up my mind whether to put a smiley there...)

>He did. Both he and Jeff had a great attitude for the chat. They knew
>that they'd stepped on some toes and did their best to answer questions
>and explain their actions without insulting the fans that disagreed with

Just out of curiosity, how did this compare to the carnage that
resulted at the "20th century revelation" chat? It seems to have
garnered much the same traffic on newsgroups and LSH-L.<*>
My Home Page:
This Post contains the opinions of one Randy Lander.
Had it been the biblical truth, your bushes would be
on fire.

T. Troy McNemar, Esq.

Oct 14, 1996, 3:00:00 AM10/14/96

Previously on rec.arts.comics.dc.lsh, (Randy Lander)

> Just out of curiosity, how did this compare to the carnage that
> resulted at the "20th century revelation" chat? It seems to have
> garnered much the same traffic on newsgroups and LSH-L.

From my perspective, 180 degrees different. Tom and Jeff understood the
fans' concerns and answered challenges graciously. In the "20th century"
chat, some of the creators seemed surprised by the fans' negative
reactions and didn't act appropriately to quiet concerns.

T. Troy McNemar, Esq.

"It's just that it has been suggested that I should be more of a
people person."
--Death, "Men At Arms"

Michael Lewis

Oct 14, 1996, 3:00:00 AM10/14/96

T. Troy McNemar, Esq. wrote:

> This spoiler space sponsored by the Nine Planets Ice Cream Shop.
> Present this spoiler space for a free topping at participating
> locations.

> NOTE - When responding to comments below the spoiler space,
> please do not eliminate the spoiler space.

> Tom indicated that Sensor could and would adopt appearances other
> than the snake-form when necessary. He thought she would be a
> natural member for the espionage squad, observing that she can
> make people not see her or adopt other illusionary forms.

Making Lyle's powers not only redundant, but actually inferior, IMO.

> Tom joked that Sensor's snake-form would give the action figure
> makers a challenge.

Don't tease me with prospects of Legion action figures unless you intend
to follow through! <g>
Michael Lewis

Yeechang Lee

Oct 15, 1996, 3:00:00 AM10/15/96

The Revenge Of Don Brinker's Evil Twin <> wrote:
>Of course, I'm still waiting to see the Plevitz/G'ff'n war :-)

I have it on good evidence G'ff'n was blown to bits, to the general
applause of the rest of the United Planets.

Yeechang "Well, I applauded" Lee

Elayne Wechsler-Chaput

Oct 15, 1996, 3:00:00 AM10/15/96

T. Troy McNemar, Esq. ( wrote:
: Previously on rec.arts.comics.dc.lsh, (Randy Lander)
: wrote:

: > Just out of curiosity, how did this compare to the carnage that
: > resulted at the "20th century revelation" chat? It seems to have
: > garnered much the same traffic on newsgroups and LSH-L.

: From my perspective, 180 degrees different. Tom and Jeff understood the
: fans' concerns and answered challenges graciously. In the "20th century"
: chat, some of the creators seemed surprised by the fans' negative
: reactions and didn't act appropriately to quiet concerns.

And how is the creators' response to some fans' reactions of L* #43
different? Legion fans seem to have an infinite capacity to surprise. :)

I disagree, BTW, that they "didn't act appropriately." The way some fans
act, the creators are damned if they do and damned if they don't. There's
no way possible to "act appropriately" to please all fans.

- Elayne
E-Mail me, the "Firehead Head," for a copy of the final issue of ()~~
the official Firesign Theatre newsletter, Four-Alarm FIRESIGNal; ##
it's free! "Yes, that's right-- fair to all, and no fare to ##
anybody!... Join the expectant crowd, gathering now!" _##_

Paul Tom Zalac

Oct 15, 1996, 3:00:00 AM10/15/96

On Mon, 14 Oct 1996, Michael Lewis wrote:

> Making Lyle's powers not only redundant, but actually inferior, IMO.

well.. Lyle always has experience. and he's pretty resourceful.

the writers should expand his powers though. delve into how he came up
with the formula. perhaps make him invisible to all types of detection. = Paul Tom Zalac =
Fan: Guy Gardner, Legionnaires, Impulse, Smashing Pumpkins, Simpsons
... Kyle Raynman: I am a hero. yah. Definately. Definately a hero.

T. Troy McNemar, Esq.

Oct 16, 1996, 3:00:00 AM10/16/96

Previously on rec.arts.comics.dc.lsh, (Yeechang Lee)

> I have it on good evidence G'ff'n was blown to bits, to the general
> applause of the rest of the United Planets.

In an AOL chat several months ago, Tom McCraw indicated that Karate Kid
was responsible for blowing up G'ff'n.

T. Troy McNemar, Esq.

"And in conclusion, I hate you all."
--Dilbert, "Still Pumped From Using the Mouse"

Chris W. McCubbin

Oct 16, 1996, 3:00:00 AM10/16/96

T. Troy McNemar, Esq. wrote:
> Previously on rec.arts.comics.dc.lsh, (Yeechang Lee)
> wrote:
> > I have it on good evidence G'ff'n was blown to bits, to the general
> > applause of the rest of the United Planets.
> In an AOL chat several months ago, Tom McCraw indicated that Karate Kid
> was responsible for blowing up G'ff'n.
> Twice!


Oct 16, 1996, 3:00:00 AM10/16/96

In article
<>, Paul Tom
Zalac <> writes:

>On Mon, 14 Oct 1996, Michael Lewis wrote:
>> Making Lyle's powers not only redundant, but actually inferior, IMO.
>well.. Lyle always has experience. and he's pretty resourceful.
>the writers should expand his powers though. delve into how he came up
>with the formula. perhaps make him invisible to all types of detection.

Maybe they could redo that preboot L* story when Tenzil disguised
himself as a woman, but this time Lyle could turn certain portions
of his anatomy invisible, so that. . . Erm, nevermind. :)

Dave Doty

Felix J. Torres

Oct 17, 1996, 3:00:00 AM10/17/96

In article <>, Michael Lewis <> says:

>> Tom indicated that Sensor could and would adopt appearances other
>> than the snake-form when necessary. He thought she would be a
>> natural member for the espionage squad, observing that she can
>> make people not see her or adopt other illusionary forms.

>Making Lyle's powers not only redundant, but actually inferior, IMO.

I disagree.

We know that Lyle *is* invisible, not merely *appears* to be invisible.

It means that hardware, like automatic systems can't detect him.
I doubt Jeckie's illusions can fool a computer. (Especially now that she
is defined as a *mentalist*.)
Lyle, on the other hand, is undetectable at visual frequencies.
He *might* be invisible at other frequencies (radar, infra-red) although
Without a transuit, an infra-red viewer would still see the warm air around
him. In a transuit, he should be invisible to infra-red.

There's room for both.
They even complement each other a bit; Lyle is best for covert work, Jeckie
is still better in open combat with sentients.

Paul Tom Zalac

Oct 17, 1996, 3:00:00 AM10/17/96

On 16 Oct 1996, DScottDoty wrote:
> >well.. Lyle always has experience. and he's pretty resourceful.
> >the writers should expand his powers though. delve into how he came up
> >with the formula. perhaps make him invisible to all types of detection.
> Maybe they could redo that preboot L* story when Tenzil disguised

*Kono* "disguised" tenzil as a human :)

> himself as a woman, but this time Lyle could turn certain portions
> of his anatomy invisible, so that. . . Erm, nevermind. :)

why? I don't see what your trying to say.

Eric Schissel

Oct 18, 1996, 3:00:00 AM10/18/96

In article <544252$>,
(DScottDoty) wrote:

> In article
> <>, Paul Tom
> Zalac <> writes:
> >On Mon, 14 Oct 1996, Michael Lewis wrote:
> >

> >> Making Lyle's powers not only redundant, but actually inferior, IMO.
> >

> >well.. Lyle always has experience. and he's pretty resourceful.
> >
> >the writers should expand his powers though. delve into how he came up
> >with the formula. perhaps make him invisible to all types of detection.

response to Mr. Zalac- .all.? That could really unbalance a story.

> Maybe they could redo that preboot L* story when Tenzil disguised

> himself as a woman, but this time Lyle could turn certain portions
> of his anatomy invisible, so that. . . Erm, nevermind. :)

response to Mr. Doty: wouldn't stand up to close inspection...

> Dave Doty

Eric Schissel

Andrew Ryan Chang

Oct 18, 1996, 3:00:00 AM10/18/96

Felix J. Torres <> wrote:
>We know that Lyle *is* invisible, not merely *appears* to be invisible.
>It means that hardware, like automatic systems can't detect him.
>I doubt Jeckie's illusions can fool a computer. (Especially now that she
>is defined as a *mentalist*.)
>Lyle, on the other hand, is undetectable at visual frequencies.
>He *might* be invisible at other frequencies (radar, infra-red) although
>Without a transuit, an infra-red viewer would still see the warm air around
>him. In a transuit, he should be invisible to infra-red.

Lyle can't hide his smell. At least, not any better than any
ordinary person.

stupid quick question: how do you eat when wearing a transuit?
Who's that peeking in my window?
POW! Nobody now.

-Goodie Mob, "Cell Therapy"

Paul Tom Zalac

Oct 19, 1996, 3:00:00 AM10/19/96

On 18 Oct 1996, Eric Schissel wrote:

> > >with the formula. perhaps make him invisible to all types of detection.
> response to Mr. Zalac- .all.? That could really unbalance a story.

well... how? he's invisible to detection's that would require sight, if
you want me to be specific. a blind person might have no problem finding
out where lyle is of course. forms of identification could be
telepathic, or smell, or just bumping into him. but visual detection of
Lyle should be nil. at least in the future.

Michael Lewis

Oct 21, 1996, 3:00:00 AM10/21/96

Felix J. Torres wrote:

> Michael Lewis <> says:
> >
> >> Tom indicated that Sensor could and would adopt appearances other
> >> than the snake-form when necessary. He thought she would be a
> >> natural member for the espionage squad, observing that she can
> >> make people not see her or adopt other illusionary forms.
> >>
> >
> >Making Lyle's powers not only redundant, but actually inferior, IMO.
> >
> I disagree.

> We know that Lyle *is* invisible, not merely *appears* to be
> invisible.
> It means that hardware, like automatic systems can't detect him.
> I doubt Jeckie's illusions can fool a computer. (Especially now that
> she
> is defined as a *mentalist*.)
> Lyle, on the other hand, is undetectable at visual frequencies.
> He *might* be invisible at other frequencies (radar, infra-red)
> although
> Without a transuit, an infra-red viewer would still see the warm air
> around
> him. In a transuit, he should be invisible to infra-red.
> There's room for both.
> They even complement each other a bit; Lyle is best for covert work,
> Jeckie
> is still better in open combat with sentients.

You make a good point about Lyle's invisibility working on electronic
devices as well. I would guess that Jeckie's illusions wouldn't be seen
by someone observing a scene via television, whereas we know that Lyle
was invisible to Rokk (viewing on telescreen) as he snuck around behind

What prompted my initial comment was the recent scene where Lyle made
two other folks invisible, and it really drained him. In theory, Jeckie
should be able to make countless numbers of people invisible. But you've
convinced me that the powers aren't really redundant. I just hope they
play up the differences.

Kynn Bartlett

Oct 22, 1996, 3:00:00 AM10/22/96

Actually this was a joke that I made, I think. If not me alone, it
was one of those group things between several of us who were on at the

McCraw liked it, though.


Oct 22, 1996, 3:00:00 AM10/22/96

In article <>, Michael Lewis
<> writes:

>What prompted my initial comment was the recent scene where Lyle made
>two other folks invisible, and it really drained him. In theory, Jeckie
>should be able to make countless numbers of people invisible. But you've
>convinced me that the powers aren't really redundant. I just hope they
>play up the differences.

The illusions we've seen so far have overridden reality. In order
to create invisibility effects, she would have to create illusions that
would flawlessly merge into the surrounding area, with every
crack in the wall lining up, every shadow and texture meshing perfectly.
It's not clear whether or not she can do this. (Shades of the recent
Color Kid thread. . .)
Dave Doty

Felix J. Torres

Oct 22, 1996, 3:00:00 AM10/22/96

In article <54hn0a$>, (DScottDoty) says:
>The illusions we've seen so far have overridden reality. In order
>to create invisibility effects, she would have to create illusions that
>would flawlessly merge into the surrounding area, with every
>crack in the wall lining up, every shadow and texture meshing perfectly.
>It's not clear whether or not she can do this. (Shades of the recent
>Color Kid thread. . .)

All within her range, at least traditionally.
(She must have an extremely vivid imagination/memory!)
(Hey! Maybe she's limited to things she's seen/places she's
But, as you saw in L*43, only those she targets get the illusion.
Everybody else experiences reality.
There may be a limit to how many people she can handle and at what range.

BTW, Imra should be capable of at least the "invisibility" part of the
package. Similar to the way Aven got through customers...
(Nobody here... Nobody here...)

Of course, with *her* ethics...

T. Troy McNemar, Esq.

Oct 22, 1996, 3:00:00 AM10/22/96

Previously on rec.arts.comics.dc.lsh, (Kynn Bartlett)

Sorry for the misattribution.

T. Troy McNemar, Esq.

"This is the aorta of the last person that asked me that."
--Anne, "Dilbert"

Matthew R. Sheahan

Oct 23, 1996, 3:00:00 AM10/23/96

Andrew Ryan Chang ( wrote:
> stupid quick question: how do you eat when wearing a transuit?

very carefully.


Nick Eden

Oct 23, 1996, 3:00:00 AM10/23/96
to (Felix J. Torres) wrote:

>But, as you saw in L*43, only those she targets get the illusion.
>Everybody else experiences reality.
>There may be a limit to how many people she can handle and at what range.

I saw an entire crowd thinking she was a babe not a snake...

All the Mexican resraurants in New York seem to have the same look.
It's not exactly authentic, but there's probably not much call for a restaurant
that features cheap blankets, painted donkeys, and two dollar blow jobs. - Kyle Baker, Why I hate Saturn Moon Wars The Roleplaying Game

Felix J. Torres

Oct 24, 1996, 3:00:00 AM10/24/96

In article <32732066.6898900@news>, (Nick Eden) says:
> (Felix J. Torres) wrote:
>>But, as you saw in L*43, only those she targets get the illusion.
>>Everybody else experiences reality.
>>There may be a limit to how many people she can handle and at what range.
>I saw an entire crowd thinking she was a babe not a snake...

Yes. Close by.
Can she do a city?
A planet?
How long can she keep it up?
Can she do one person a thousand miles away?

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