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LSH: AOL Chat for 4/4/96 with Moy & McCraw

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T. Troy McNemar, Esq.

Apr 7, 1996, 4:00:00 AM4/7/96
Tom McCraw (co-plotter/colorist) and Jeff Moy (L* penciller) were
the guests on America Online's Legionnaires Chat for Thursday
April, 4, 1996. Legion of Super-Heroes Chat is held every Tuesday
in the DC Comics Online area of AOL at 6:00 p.m. EST.
Legionnaires Chat is held every Thursday in the same area at
10:00 p.m. EST. (Keyword: DC CHAT.) Regular guests include Tom
Peyer, Tom McCraw, Roger Stern, Mark Waid, Jeff Moy, Ron Boyd, KC
Carlson and Mike McAvennie.

DISCLAIMER - Information presented herein is not guaranteed to be
reliable. Misinterpretations of the creators' comments do
occasionally occur.

SPOILERS - Information that tends to spoil current or upcoming
issues is located toward the end of this report. No spoiler
space separates such spoiler information.

SUBSCRIPTIONS - If you'd like to subscribe (or unsubscribe) to
these chat reports, please send me an e-mail at

GRAPHICS - If you want to subscribe to Lev Kalman's weekly
humorous LSH pic, drop him an e-mail at "".
He'll send it to your virtual mailbox every week in MIME-encoded

SPECIAL THANKS - To Andrew Woodard for forwarding the copy of the
chat log from which this report was prepared.


Jeff reports that the Legion T-Shirt should be out this week.
Because of the screening process, it's now white rather than

Jeff states that he and Lee Moder don't interact a lot, but they
do have some of the same influences.

There isn't a formal Legion summit scheduled for this year.

Jeff is currently working on Legionnaires #40.

Jeff doesn't think he has what it takes to write comics.

Jeff likes drawing Spark.

KC shot down Jeff's idea to produce a Legion comic strip for the
books' letter column.

One comic that Jeff would like to work on that he hasn't yet is

There are no plans for any members of the Legion of Substitute
Heroes yet.

Jeff hadn't yet his the writeup on Moy tongues that appeared in
the DC books that shipped the first week of April.

POWER OF SHAZAM penciller Peter Krause attended, and Jeff
persuaded him to start inserting tongues into his illustrations.
Legion fan Sidne Ward suggested an all-tongue theme for the 1997
DC Annuals, and Jeff thought the idea was amusing.

Krause seemed interested in the possibility of a Mary Marvel/LSH

Peyer is interested in doing a Klordny celebration issue at some

Tom thinks Computo would be cool, but wants to keep it away from

The readers don't get to vote on the Legion leader quite yet.

Karate Kid will be showing up again soon. Tom promised that
Karate Kid won't be killed anytime soon.

One of the characters gets a new costume in L* #37. Jeff thinks
some readers will be unhappy about the new costume.

Jeff also predicts that some readers won't like the cover for L*
#37. KC will reveal the cover on AOL this Tuesday, April 9th.

Almost all of the team--more than a dozen--remain with the team
after L* #37. Gates doesn't want to stay.

Saturn Girl returns to Titan in L* #37.

Live Wire may have to give up his powers to regrow his arm. The
new arm will be explored in L* #38.





Tom promises that the arm coming out of Ultra Boy's chest on the
cover of LSH #82 is not Apparition.

The creative team is still deciding whether the costume change
for Triad will be permanent or not. The costume first appears in
L* #39.

T. Troy McNemar, Esq.
"Grease is expressly not the way that I'm feeling."

Avedon Carol

Apr 8, 1996, 3:00:00 AM4/8/96
> Live Wire may have to give up his powers to regrow his arm. The
> new arm will be explored in L* #38.

This makes sense. It's a pretty safe bet that regrowing limbs will be a
fairly trivial medical procedure by the 30th century (tho' apparently an
expensive one), but I can see that Garth's powers might interfere with
this. If using them killed off the new limb he'd be in trouble. Kind of
opens up the way for him becoming Light Lad/Gossamer tho', doesn't it?

> Spoilers
> Spoilers
> Spoilers
> Tom promises that the arm coming out of Ultra Boy's chest on the
> cover of LSH #82 is not Apparition.

Good. Death should mean death.

> The creative team is still deciding whether the costume change
> for Triad will be permanent or not. The costume first appears in
> L* #39.

I hope it doesn't become permanent. The current one is simple and
stylish, the new one plain ugly. Not as ugly as Ayla's costume in late
v.3, I admit, but pretty bad.

Rob Hansen <>
(Though using Avedon Carol's account, I am not her, nor does she
read this newsgroup. Please watch those automatic attributors.)

L. Post

Apr 9, 1996, 3:00:00 AM4/9/96
In article <>, "T. Troy McNemar, Esq." <> says:

>Jeff states that he and Lee Moder don't interact a lot, but they
>do have some of the same influences.

You would never know by looking at them.

>Jeff likes drawing Spark.

doesn't everyone?

>One comic that Jeff would like to work on that he hasn't yet is

As long as he stays here.

>Krause seemed interested in the possibility of a Mary Marvel/LSH

You know, I'm going to have to start getting the Power of Shazam, I
keep hearing good things about it.

>Karate Kid will be showing up again soon. Tom promised that
>Karate Kid won't be killed anytime soon.

Legion Combat Trainer!!! C'mon, Please!?!? He could be part of the
civilian staff with Rond and Tenzil and Erin and the rest, then he
can accompany them on some ill-fated mission, only to save the day and be
rewarded with membership!

Seriously, he is yet another on my list of characters who have been
vastly improved in the new series. Ironically, he hasn't even appeared
too much. A real tip of the hat to good writing.

>One of the characters gets a new costume in L* #37. Jeff thinks
>some readers will be unhappy about the new costume.

I get this sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach. A few weeks back
on the AOL message board, Moy responded to a message of mine where I
attempted to plea with the creators not to change Valor's costume-
his response was an apology. ACK!

I have faith that Moy will do Valor justice, though. I mean, this is
one of my two favorite comics characters of all time...

>Jeff also predicts that some readers won't like the cover for L*
>#37. KC will reveal the cover on AOL this Tuesday, April 9th.

I always like Moy's covers. Especially the Live Wire cover, the one
with Zoe & the Eye, and the Vi cover a few issues back.

>Almost all of the team--more than a dozen--remain with the team
>after L* #37. Gates doesn't want to stay.

But he has too, he's too fun!

>Saturn Girl returns to Titan in L* #37.

Another member of the improved character list

>Live Wire may have to give up his powers to regrow his arm. The
>new arm will be explored in L* #38.

Hey, yet another member of that list.

Never have had a chance to say that I appreciate the chat reports, Troy.
Great thing to have. Thanks!


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