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LSH: AOL Chat for 2/20/97 with McCraw & Moy

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T. Troy McNemar, Esq.

Feb 23, 1997, 3:00:00 AM2/23/97

Tom McCraw (LSH/L* co-plotter/colorist) and Jeff Moy (L*
penciller) were the guests on America Online's Legionnaires Chat
for Thursday, February 20, 1997.

Legion of Super-Heroes Chat is held every Tuesday in the DC
Comics Online area of AOL at 6:00 p.m. EST. Legionnaires Chat is
held every Thursday in the same area at 10:00 p.m. EST.
(Keyword: DC CHAT.) Regular guests include Tom Peyer, Tom
McCraw, Roger Stern, Mark Waid, Jeff Moy, Ron Boyd, KC Carlson
and Mike McAvennie.

DISCLAIMER - Information presented herein is not guaranteed to be
reliable. Stripped to their essentials, the Legion chats involve
approximately 25 fans shouting repeated questions at the
creators. The creators don't have time to thoroughly answer
questions and sometimes are unable to respond to clarification

SPOILERS - Information that tends to spoil current or upcoming
issues is located toward the end of this report. Due to a large
amount of spoiler information in this report, spoiler space will
be used to separate spoiler material.

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Tom reported that he's getting his workload under control. He
lamented that he would only be caught up until L* #50 hits his
desk. Tom is currently writing L* #53 and LSH #96 and coloring
L* #49.

Tom liked some of the castings that WIZARD chose for the Legion
in WIZARD #67, but thought that some of the actors were too old.
Jeff did not know a lot of the actors and thought that a better
match could be found for Spark than Claire Danes.

There are no plans for an Amazon to appear in the Legion titles.

Tom described the 9 panel grid of the early v4 days as a chore to
color. When given stat panels, Tom would typically recolor them
to vary the light source or background color.

Tom speculates that when Cosmic Boy and Magno meet that they will
probably respect each other and then go out and play a mean game
of magno-ball.

Tom asked that fans send requests for a Legion Gallery to KC
Carlson so KC would know that Tom is not the only Legion fan who
wants to see one. Tom noted that KC can show the requests to DC

The cover to L* #50 by Adam Hughes appears in the newest DC

Tom would like to do another Espionage Squad story at some point.
He observed that Umbra's and Sensor's pre-Zero counterpart were
never in the Espionage Squad, but he thought they would be
interesting members.

Tom noted that Inferno may be out of LSH for a month while she's
in her own mini-series.

A crossover between the Legion and the JLA is not confirmed yet,
particularly because the editorial chores on JLA are changing
hands. Dan Raspler is taking over the editorial chores on JLA.
Rueben Diaz is reportedly quitting DC.

Jeff enjoyed drawing the 20th century Legionnaires again in L*



LSH #93 is a Ferro spotlight.

Sklarians running from Mordru are featured on the cover to L*

LSH #94 will have several guest artists. The issue is comprised
of many 1 to 2 pages scenes. Walt Simonson and Stuart Immonen
will be doing some pages for the issue. The story does not use
any villains.

Tom and Jeff thought the format of LSH #94 was at least in part
to let Lee Moder get back on schedule. Jeff is contributing page
12 to the issue, and his brother Phil Moy is also contributing a
page. Jeff lamented that Spark was not on the page that he

Jeff hinted that we may see Future Girl again.

LSH #96 features the Metal Men and will include some follow up
from their appearance in LSH #95. The story won't use Chemo or
any other Metal Men villain.

Evisceratronic was not the death requested by Tom. The requested
death takes place in L* #49. (ED - In a previous chat, Tom
revealed that he had requested that one of the characters die in
L* #49. Tom and KC were quick to assure during that chat that
the death would not cause Legion fans much distress.)

Jeff designed the wedding dress that Shrinking Violet is wearing
on the cover to L* #50. He had editorial input from KC Carlson.
The outfit is not a new costume for Vi, but a special costume for
a special event.

Tom observed that after L* #50, L* would have smaller stories
with fewer characters. He said that Jeff and he needed a break
after the events of L* #50. Jeff noted that L* #51 was going
faster than L* #50 despite the fact that L* #51 had a lot of
characters. He attributed the speed to the fact that not all of
the characters were appearing together.

Tom stated that the Legion might be one big happy family by LSH
#100, but wondered if they were ever really happy.

T. Troy McNemar, Esq.
"!yenom eht em wohS"
--Zatanna Maguire
Fave comic of the week: QUANTUM & WOODY #1

Bill Steinen

Feb 23, 1997, 3:00:00 AM2/23/97
to (Tim Soholt) wrote:

>Spoiler for L*#50:






>T. Troy McNemar, Esq. <> wrote:

>>Jeff designed the wedding dress that Shrinking Violet is wearing
>>on the cover to L* #50. He had editorial input from KC Carlson.
>>The outfit is not a new costume for Vi, but a special costume for
>>a special event.

>D'oh! I don't know why I didn't think of it before -- the wedding they've
>been talking about is between Vi and Mordru!

Why do I get the feeling that this won't be one of those "happily ever
after" things?

And where's the second Emerald Eye these days anyway? That would be
an interesting thing to have pop up...

"You may be immortal, but I can still do damage.
How would you like to spend eternity in five pieces?"
--Xena, Warrior Princess

Tim Soholt

Feb 24, 1997, 3:00:00 AM2/24/97

Spoiler for L*#50:

>Jeff designed the wedding dress that Shrinking Violet is wearing
>on the cover to L* #50. He had editorial input from KC Carlson.
>The outfit is not a new costume for Vi, but a special costume for
>a special event.

D'oh! I don't know why I didn't think of it before -- the wedding they've

been talking about is between Vi and Mordru!

Tim Soholt (
"My dear man, `impossible' is not in my dictionary. In fact, everything
between `herring' and `marmalade' seems to be missing." -- Dirk Gently
(from Douglas Adams's _Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency_)

Sean Christian Daugherty

Feb 25, 1997, 3:00:00 AM2/25/97

On Sun, 23 Feb 1997 18:26:30 GMT, (Bill Steinen) wrote:

> (Tim Soholt) wrote:
>>Spoiler for L*#50:

>And where's the second Emerald Eye these days anyway? That would be

>an interesting thing to have pop up...

Well the creators' say they don't currently have anything planned for the second
Eye, and since L* #50's been finished, it doesn't look like it's going to have a
major, or any, part in the upcoming story. For the future, who knows? I'd
personally rather not have to deal with any more complications, or we'll never
get Vi back! <G>

Feb 28, 1997, 3:00:00 AM2/28/97

It sounds like a possibility, but let's hope not. Unless Roger has some more tricks up his sleeve regarding Emerald Vi.

Simon DelMonte
"If I'd known that a common enemy could bring us together,
I would have invented one years ago." - Lex Luthor

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