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AOL Chat for 5/26/98: McCraw, Moy & Boyd

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Mr Reaus

May 25, 1998, 3:00:00 AM5/25/98

Dan McEwen wrote:
> Blok changed, yes, but I thought his race changed through
> metamorphosis. So even though Blok was young by the standards of his
> race, he could still have been a lot older than any of the
> Legionnaires (Mon-El included). Remember that Strata from LEGION went
> through a metamorphosis of her own. Originally she looked a lot more
> like Blok. Later her form became crystalline-like.
> All of this means is that I had no problem with Blok's changes. He
> must have been on the verge of that change throughout his time as a
> Legionnaire.

Don't get me wrong, I had no problem with them either, but in the origin
story of the LSA, the flashback showed all the league members as little
kids... (i would guess about 10 or 11 years old) and Blok was just as
small and young looking as the other kids.

My guess is that the writers just decided to ignore that particular

Blok went through many changes in appearance over time. It seemed no
one could decide how they preferred to draw him. My favorite look was
towards the end of Levitz's run in V.3. Issue #55, when he had been
kidnapped by the Inquisitor (on orders from the Emerald Empress) had the
best looking Blok ever!! If he ever gets re-introduced, I hope he looks
something like he did in that issue.




Spoiler Space added for you protection...


And mine!




1) Tom said in the last AOL chat that one of the members of the
1,000,000 issue would be very familier...


Last week during the AOL chat, Tom McCraw found out that I have a Blok
page, and seemed very interested. He even asked me to email him the

It probably means nothing, but... I thought it was interesting all the
same. I would love to see Blok appear in the 1,000,000 issue. Even if
he doesn't make it into the regular title anytime soon, I would at least
have hope that he would eventually.

2) Two or three weeks ago, Jeff and I were talking about Dawnstar in one
of the chats. I meantioned that I thought her native american costume
from the TMK run was the best looking Dawnstar ever, and he seemed
really interested in some issue references. It was after the timeslip
issues, and may have just been for a poster of the Legion women. But,
Jeff told me that there were no plans for Dawny in the near future,
however..., the 1,000,000 issue isn't the "near" future!

I think that would be nearly as good as Blok showing up, I really miss

aka <<-my Legion Page


There is nothing left for you here, Monster....
... except to shrivel up.. surrender your energies...
and were it not for the Legion Code I would stay by you yet longer...
...and take your life!
Blok - LSH#284

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