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Why America can't find Osama bin Laden

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읽지 않음,
2010. 2. 6. 오후 11:17:0310. 2. 6.
In the mankind history, there are many fantastic stories about
mysterious disappearances. So many notorious terrorists and Nazis
could flee out of sight unexpectedly. Some missing people appeared
suddenly when the world forgot them. The Final Success starts the
terrorist attacks continuously in the last two years. However, the
antiterrorism agency from the world got nothing after huge and hard
investigation. Why?

Marko Amnell

읽지 않음,
2010. 2. 8. 오후 1:34:1310. 2. 8.

"Vito" <> wrote in message

1. Osama never uses satellite telephones or any other electronic
means of communications which would allow him to be tracked down.

2. Osama lives in caves and other hiding places, probably constantly
on the move from one cave to another, in the North-West Frontier
Province of Pakistan (where he fled after the battle of Tora Bora
in December 2001). It is a vast mountainous region that is autonomous
from the government of Pakistan. It's like trying to find a needle in a
haystack. Even high-tech U.S. Special Forces teams on the ground or
unmanned Predator drones with their Hellfire missiles cannot find him.

3. Osama is assisted by a fanatical group of Al Qaeda bodyguards
who do everything they can to keep him safe and hidden.

4. Maybe Osama is also paying bribes to Pakistani officials and
spies. One book I read about the battle of Tora Bora pointed
out that there were fairly reliable reports circulating after the
battle that Osama paid several million dollars to rogue members
of the Northern Alliance to allow Osama and other top Al Qaeda
members to flee unharmed across the border from Afghanistan
to Pakistan.

Just Me

읽지 않음,
2010. 2. 9. 오후 3:22:2510. 2. 9.
On Feb 8, 12:34 pm, "Marko Amnell" <> wrote:
> "Vito" <> wrote in message

According to recent

Just Me

읽지 않음,
2010. 2. 9. 오후 3:25:2610. 2. 9.
On Feb 8, 12:34 pm, "Marko Amnell" <> wrote:
> "Vito" <> wrote in message

If Osama is not dead, he is living in Iran . . .

Marko Amnell

읽지 않음,
2010. 2. 9. 오후 4:05:1110. 2. 9.

"Just Me" <> wrote in message

I read about that in the papers, but the reports only
state that members of Osama bin Laden's family were
found in Iran. There was no indication that Osama
himself currently lives in Iran.

The most recent reports indicate that the U.S. is still
looking for Osama mainly in Pakistan. For example,
here is a story dated March 14, 2009:

"Where's Osama? Try Chitral, once a trekkers' paradise
in Pakistan that has been sealed off to outsiders and is
now regularly buzzed by American spy drones.
The U.S. won't say it officially, but an exhaustive
Daily News investigation finds the world's biggest
manhunt for the monster who murdered nearly 3,000
people on 9/11 has zeroed in on Chitral's stunning
peaks and deep valleys."

Marko Amnell

읽지 않음,
2010. 2. 9. 오후 5:03:1710. 2. 9.

"Marko Amnell" <> wrote in message

I think the New York Daily News story was
published in March 2008 (not 2009, as the website
says). In any case, here is a list of recent reports of
possible whereabouts of Osama bin Laden. Note that
Iran is not mentioned. The two possible countries
mentioned are Afghanistan and Pakistan. There is also
speculation that Osama bin Laden may be dead.


February 17, a report was published by a research team led by Thomas W.
Gillespie and John A. Agnew of UCLA. They described using satellite-aided
geographical analysis to pinpoint three compounds in Parachinar as likely
hideouts of bin Laden.[11]

March, the New York Daily News reported that the hunt for bin Laden had
centered in the Chitral District of Pakistan, including the Kalam Valley.
According to the report, author Rohan Gunaratna states that captured Al
Qaeda leaders have confirmed that Chitral is where bin Laden is hiding.

April 27, according to the Irish Times, Pakistan's president Asif Ali
Zardari announced that the whereabouts of al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden
remained a mystery, and there was a suspicion that he could be dead.

July 12, Pakistan's Interior Minister states Bin Laden is not in Pakistan.
The TimesOnline reports that the terrorist leader is still hiding in
Afghanistan; Kunar Province being not far from Tora Bora.[12]

November 29, News report states Bin laden is living in Pakistan and Gordon
Brown orders Pakistan to do more to break Al-Qaeda and find Osama Bin

December 4, BBC reports of informant having knowledge of Bin Laden in
Ghazni, south east Afghanistan in early 2009.[14] Ginza is a Taliban
stronghold and many areas do not permit coalition forces. The detainee was
involved in kidnappings and fundraising operations for Taliban operations in
Afghanistan and Pakistan. Former CIA analyst Bruce Riedel is quoted as
"The entire Western intelligence community, CIA and FBI, have been looking
for Osama Bin Laden for the last seven years and haven't come upon a source
of information like this."[15]

January 15, The FBI publishes digitally aged pictures of Bin Laden. Spanish
newspaper El Mundo reveals that pictures of a Spanish politician, Gaspar
Llamazares, were used for that purpose. The FBI has admitted to this and
removed the image from its website.[16]

January, former Osama bin Laden bodyguard, Nasser al-Bahri claims in an
interview to the Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation in Yemen that Bin Laden
is alive and well in Afghanistan.[17]

Marko Amnell

읽지 않음,
2010. 2. 9. 오후 5:15:5610. 2. 9.

"Marko Amnell" <> wrote in message


>> "Where's Osama? Try Chitral, once a trekkers' paradise
>> in Pakistan that has been sealed off to outsiders and is
>> now regularly buzzed by American spy drones.
>> The U.S. won't say it officially, but an exhaustive
>> Daily News investigation finds the world's biggest
>> manhunt for the monster who murdered nearly 3,000
>> people on 9/11 has zeroed in on Chitral's stunning
>> peaks and deep valleys."
> I think the New York Daily News story was
> published in March 2008 (not 2009, as the website
> says).

It seems that Wikipedia is wrong. The story was
published in March 2009. Which makes sense as
it mentions the Israeli attacks on Gaza...

Just Me

읽지 않음,
2010. 2. 9. 오후 7:58:0010. 2. 9.
On Feb 9, 3:05 pm, "Marko Amnell" <> wrote:
> "Just Me" <> wrote in message

> > If Osama is not dead, he is living in Iran . . .

> >
> I read about that in the papers, but the reports only
> state that members of Osama bin Laden's family were
> found in Iran. There was no indication that Osama
> himself currently lives in Iran.
> The most recent reports indicate that the U.S. is still
> looking for Osama mainly in Pakistan. For example,
> here is a story dated March 14, 2009:
> "Where's Osama? Try Chitral, once a trekkers' paradise
> in Pakistan that has been sealed off to outsiders and is
> now regularly buzzed by American spy drones.
> The U.S. won't say it officially, but an exhaustive
> Daily News investigation finds the world's biggest
> manhunt for the monster who murdered nearly 3,000
> people on 9/11 has zeroed in on Chitral's stunning

> peaks and deep valleys."

All of this of course is speculation seeking for a hard fact, and when
it comes to that, the one thing we do have, from the said TimesOnLine
article, is this . . .

"They [Bin Laden's wife and children] have been prevented from
contacting the outside world while Iran has repeatedly denied that any
of the relatives were living in the country."

So, the one thing we can know for a certainty is Ahmadinejad's lie,
and that this liar has been lying about a bin Laden presence in Iran
ever since 9/11. And now we must inquire into just exactly what that
big black lie means . . .

1. Shia/Sunni internecine animosity HAS NOT prevented Iran from
providing sanctuary to the family of Osama Bin Laden. Even while the
World Trade Center gypsum dust from all that cremated drywall was
still blowing through the gutters of Madison Avenue, the family of Bin
Laden, fresh from their beds at the Al Quaeda training camp were being
afforded safe passage across the eastern Afghanistan border into Iran,
even as Ahmadinejad was standing ready to tell his lie, to loudly deny
that any such thing was going on.

2. Why should Ahmadinejad and the Supreme Leader lie? Would it be, if
only for one thing, to avoid the appearance that just such a
contingency, or let us say "escape strategy" for the Bin Laden family
had been long worked out in advance of 9/11 between Iran and Al Qaeda?
Again from . . .

"Omar Ossama bin Laden, 29, the al-Qaeda leader’s fourth-eldest
son . . . had lived with his father in exile in Sudan and Afghanistan
but left before the 9/11 attacks, [and] now hopes that the family will
be given permission to leave Iran and join his mother, brother and two
sisters in Syria, or himself and his wife in Qatar."

Omar has his "hopes" well invested in the claim is that he had "no
idea" his family was living in Iran. He had no idea! He'd been living
with his father in al Qaeda training camps from Sudan to Afghanistan,
until just before 9/11, he beats it on down the line to Qatar. If any
are willing to take this al Qaeda terror camp reared son of a bin
Laden at his word that he had "no idea" about his family being
sheltered in Iran, I've got a blood spattered bridge in Brooklyn to
sell you.

I would almost be moved to say that we have another "hard fact" in
that bin Laden lie from Omar Ossama right there, that it was only when
his little 9 year old sister made her alleged "escape" to sanctuary in
the Saudi embassy, 8 years after 9/11 that he and the whole world
outside Iran had got the least wind of it.

3. Consider that bin Laden's family have been for Osama his "canaries
in the gold mine." He's a careful man, and while the temptation may
have been strong to seek Iranian sanctuary right along with his
family, doubts would certainly give him pause to consider whether he
could trust Ahmadinejad from using him as a bargaining chip with the
west--or not. Is there honor among liars, among these thieves and
murderers of the truth, these zealous lovers of Allah?

4. There is no reason to presume that the whereabouts of Osama have
been by any means stationary. That according to his strategy might
seem a great mistake. It may be that he has been in and out of Iran,
Afghanistan and Pakistan, or for all we know, from Syria to Qatar
through all these eight years during which time the sanctuary his
family has been provided in Iran has been unbroken, undiminished,
unassailed. And it's looking good for him, more and more all the time.

5. The so-called "escape" of little 9 year old Imam, the daughter of
Osama to the Saudi embassy, and the fact that Iran does nothing to
violate that sanctuary may be all the more, yet another test of Iran's
capacity to honor the autonomy of al Qaeda movement and prerogatives
within the borders of Iran.

6. If Osama is not in Iran today, there is nothing to stop him from
going there in perfect safety tomorrow.

Marko Amnell

읽지 않음,
2010. 2. 10. 오전 4:38:3610. 2. 10.

"Just Me" <> wrote in message


> 4. There is no reason to presume that the whereabouts of Osama have
> been by any means stationary. That according to his strategy might
> seem a great mistake. It may be that he has been in and out of Iran,
> Afghanistan and Pakistan, or for all we know, from Syria to Qatar
> through all these eight years during which time the sanctuary his
> family has been provided in Iran has been unbroken, undiminished,
> unassailed. And it's looking good for him, more and more all the time.

Well, right. Osama could be hiding just about anywhere in
the Islamic world. Maybe even Cairo. The OP spoke about Nazis
in hiding. Heck, I often sat in the ornate J. Groppi Cafe in
downtown Cairo in late 1988 at a time when the notorious
Nazi war criminal Aribert Heim (aka Dr Death) was living
not far at the rundown Kasr el Madina hotel. Heim was
known to frequent J. Groppi and he could have walked in at
any time and sat at the next table and started to read his
copy of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. Alois Bruner,
responsible for sending 100,000 Jews to Nazi death camps,
has been living for decades in Syria and working as a
government advisor. Bruner has not developed any pangs
of conscience over his crimes:

"In his 1980s interview by the German magazine Bunte, Brunner
declared that his sole regret was not having murdered more
Jews. In a 1987 telephone interview to the Chicago Sun Times,
he stated: "The Jews deserved to die. They were garbage,
I have no regrets. If I had the chance I would do it again...'"

> 5. The so-called "escape" of little 9 year old Imam, the daughter of
> Osama to the Saudi embassy, and the fact that Iran does nothing to
> violate that sanctuary may be all the more, yet another test of Iran's
> capacity to honor the autonomy of al Qaeda movement and prerogatives
> within the borders of Iran.
> 6. If Osama is not in Iran today, there is nothing to stop him from
> going there in perfect safety tomorrow.

It seems possible that Osama would hide in Iran, but as
you note yourself he would run the risk that he might
be turned over to the West as part of some diplomatic
deal. Such a deal might concern Iran's nuclear programme.

I suspect that one reason you wish to point to the
possibility that Osama bin Laden may be hiding in
Iran is to link Iran's nuclear programme to Osama's
schemes for mass murder. We both know that Iran
just announced that it will start to refine its uranium.
They will go up to 20 per cent which is not weapons
grade yet, but they have the gas centrifuges to go all
the way to fissile material. Nuclear weapons technology
is now over 60 years old. It's not high tech anymore.
Even the North Koreans were able to build an atomic
bomb. It's only a matter of time before some Islamic
enemy of Israel and the United States gets one of these:

Marko Amnell

읽지 않음,
2010. 2. 16. 오전 8:22:4910. 2. 16.

Admittedly, it's a bit puzzling why the CIA can get
someone like Mullah Baradar, the Taliban's military
leader and number two to the mysterious one-eyed
Mullah Omar himself, but they have no clue as to where
Osama bin Laden is. But the CIA hopes that Baradar
will "provide the whereabouts of Mullah Omar, the
one-eyed cleric who is the group's spiritual leader."

Would Mullah Omar known where Osama is?

Just Me

읽지 않음,
2010. 2. 18. 오전 3:50:5710. 2. 18.
> one-eyed cleric who is the group's spiritual leader."

> Would Mullah Omar known where Osama is?

He could maybe point to a grave that once was a cave in Tora Bora. So
far as I can recall, there is but one video tape alleged to be an
Osama speech that has been in release since the assault on Tora Bora.
I watched that tape, closely, and do remember having the distinct
impression that it might well have been computer generated. Look how
easy it is for any number of actors to present a perfectly convincing
impersonation with the look and sound of Truman Capote! Why couldn't
they do the same, all the more convincingly with today's highly
sophisticated graphics software, for Osama?

I'll bet even a caveman like James Cameron could do it. Look at
"Avatar" or for that matter "Titanic". It looked like the Titanic,
didn't it? What would be so hard about morphing speech and action to
an image of bin Laden--when you have the time, the will and the Arab
oil money to do it?

For my money, Osama bin Laden is now a mere figment of myth.

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